Page 1: The Carolina Times (Durham, N.C.) 1972-06-17 [p 3B]… · 17/06/1972  · OVERDRAWN? Each month there seems to be

OVERDRAWN?Each month there seems to be no end tobills. Don't let being overdrawn on your

worry you, stopus our INSTANT



FullserviceChecking- Sav-


Wednesday Highlights WEDNESAY, JUNE 14


7 a.m. TODAY RoyJenkins, member of the En-glish Labor Party and anauthor, discusses his book,"Afternoon on the Po-tomac." WRDU

9:30 a.m. WHATEVERY WOMAN WANTSTO KNOW The lonelyworld of the elderly andreading difficulties of chil-dren are subjects for discus-sion. WTVD

10 a.m. - DINAHSHORE? Sen. Barry Gold-water, R-Ariz., preparesNavaho bread and beans andrides his homemade motor-cycle. WRDU


This new musical comedyseries features Timmy Rog-ers, Ron Carey and LizTorres. WTVD, WFMY


"Women in Politics" fea-tures interviews with aDenver housewife who plansto run for Congress, AnnWexley, national campaignco-chairman for EdmundMuskie, and JeanetteRankin, first woman electedto Congress. WUNC

8:30 p.m. - MYSTERYMOVIE A professionalkiller seeks the life of awealthy corporation head,Marshal McCloud, played byDennis Weaver, has been as-signed to protect. WRDU

9 p.m. MOVIERobert Mitchum and JackLemmon star in "Fire Down

Below" as partners on ?

boat who decide to transportan adventuress, played byRita Hayworth, without apassport to another island. jWRAL

9 p.m. CAROLINASYMPOSIUM - C. VanWoodward, a leading Ameri-can historian specializing inSouthern history, speaks on"Southern Styles." WUNC

10 p.m. - NIGHT GAL-LERY Elsa Lanchesterstars in "Green Fingers," asa victim of a plot to get herhouse and garden away fromher; Werner Klempererstars In "The Funeral," as aman who returns from thedead for a more lavish fu-neral; "The Tune in Dan'sCafe," stars Pernell Robertsand Susan Oliver as a couplewho discuss their maritalproblems in a place thatplays only one record on thejuke box one which seemslinked to q tragic romantictriangle. WRDU

11:30 p.m. DICKCAVETT Actor SteveMcQueen and director SamPeckinpah are the guests.WRAL

11:30 p.m. MOVIE"The Law and Jake Wade"is a 1959 drama which re-volves around two formergang partners, one now a re-spected marshal of a smalltown and the other about tobe executed. The actors areRobert Taylor, Richard Wid-mark and Robert Middleton.WTVD, WFMY "


4:00 Summer Sam. 11:00 Where Heert It 5:00 Big Valley4:30 USDA 12:25 Newsbeat i 00 Newsbeet7:00 CBS News 12:30 Search For CBS Naaa1:00 Capt. Kangaroo 1:00 Pewy Mann 7:00 Takaa a Thief»:00 Haiel 1:10 Wwfe run* ~K Moore-Davis»:36 Ban Myerton 3 oo Sp

10:00 Lucy « » '0 00 Mannlx10:30 My 3 lon- Jig ftgyjmL 11 M Newsoeat"11:00 Family Affair '?» **?"'?«*»',I:3° **«/!?

fl:30 Love of Llva 4ro u,n'*l BOOn *


7 00 Today 12:55 NBC Ntw» 4:30 Spectrum

too New Zoo Rev. 1:00 Your Child 7:00 NBC Newtt:3O Romper Room 1:30 Three on Match 7:30 Death Valley

10:00 Dinah 1:0® Our Lives 8:00 Adam-11IO N concentration 2:30 Doctors 8:30 Movie11 : « Sale of Centurv 3:00 Another World 10:00 Night Gallery11:3® Hollywood Souaree 3:30 Ret. Pey. PI. 11:00 Spectnim11:01 Jeopardy 4:00 Somerset 11:30 Tonlghf

12:30 Who, Whel, Wh. 4:30 Movie


4:00 Summer Sem. 12:25 Midday Newt 4:00 Newt4:30 Good Morning 12:30 Search For T'rwe 4:30 Walter Cronklta

7-3# Newt 1:00 Todav't Woman 7:00 Andy Griffith8:00 Good Mornlno 1:30 As World Tume 7:30 Stand Up? ?25 Devotions 2:00 Splendored Thing 8:00 Moore-Davist*3o Old Rebel 2:30 Guiding Light 9:00 Medical Center9*oo Caot Kane 3:00 Secret Sterm 10:00 Mannlx

10:00 Every Woman 3:30 Edge of Night 11:00 New.

10:30 My 3 Sons 4:00 Gulde to Love It :15 Environment11*00 Family Affelr 4:30 Ftintttones 11.20 Sports

11:30 Love of Life 5:00 Daniel Boone 11:30 Movie11:00 Where Heert It


4:00 Daybreak 12:30 Spilt Second 4:00 Newt4:55 Commentary 1:00 Alt My Children 4:20 Weather7*oo Good Morning 1:10 Make A Deal 4:25 Commentary

7 30 Lancelot Link 1:00 Newlywed Game 4:30 ABC Newt100 Uncle Paul 130 Dating Game 7:00 Star Trek

\u25a0'3o Bette Elliot 3:00 Gen. Hospital 1:00 Eddie's Father»?'» Mike Douglat 1:30 Tell *>e Truth 1:30 Smith Family

11*00 Password 4:00 Love 9:00 Movie11-30 Bewitched 4:30 Truth 11:00 Late oatenne

12:00 Noon News 5:00 Perry Mason 11:30 Dick Cavett


10*00 Sesame St. 5:00 Mlsterosers 7:30 Now11:00 Mlsterosers 5:30 Electric Co. 1:00 Election 7211:30 Electric Co. 4:00 What's New 8:30 This Week12:00 What's New 4:30 History 579 9:no Carolina Symp..4:00 Sesame Street >:00 Eventr* Ed. 10:00 Soul

THEY RODE ACR °|Sb^)E(^|ysWEST ' ' '



Thursday Highlights THURSDAY, JUNE 15

WTVD, CHANNEL 11, DURHAM4:00 Summer Stm. 11:00 Where the Heart 4:00 D»nW Boon*4:30 USDA 11:21 Newsbeet S:M Big Valley7:00 CBS Nowa 12:30 Search 4.00 Nawsbeat1:00 Kangaroo 1:00 Ptflgy Mann 4:30 CBS New*1:00 Hazal 1:30 World Turna 7:00 Takea a Thiol

\u2666:JO BassMyerson 2:00 Splendored 1:00 My WorldU:00 Lucy i 10 Gulldlng Light 1:00 CBS Movlo10:10 My 3 Son» 3:00 Sacrat Storm 11:00 Newsbeel11:00 Family Affair 1:10 Edge of Night 11:10 CBS Movlo

11:30 Lovo of Llfo


1:00 Today 11:53 Nawa 4:10 Spectrum1:00 Now Zoo Rev. 1:00 Your Child 7:00 NBC Now*

1:10 Romper Room 1:10 Thro* on Match - 7:30 Untamed WorV10:00 Dinah 1:00 Oaya of Lives 1.00 NBC Adventure10:30 Concentration I'M Ooctora t:00 Ironside11:00 Sal* of Century 3:00 Another World 10:00 Dean Martin11:10 Hollyw. Square* 3:30 Rei. Pey. PL 11:10 Spectrum11:00 Jooperdy 4:00 Somerset 11:30 Tonight13:10 Who, What, Where 4:30 Movie

WFMY-TV, CHANNEL *, GREENSBORO4:00 Summer Sem. 11:13 Midday Nana 4:30 CM NBOT4:30 Good MomInn 11:30 Search 7:00 Andy OrtffMl7:30 Nawa 1:M Todays Woman 7:30 HI Spoed Uvino1:00 Good Morning 1:30 EWorld lurna 0:00 My World0:15 Devotions 1:00 Lave 1:10 My TTiree Sane4 30 Old Rebel 1:10 Guiding Light 1:00 Movie1:00 Kangaroo 3:00 Secret Storm 11:00 NlghtbMt Nov*

10:00 Every Woman 3:30 Edge of NlgM 11:15 Environment10:30 My 1 Sona 4:00 Guide to Love 11:20 Sparta11:00 Family Affair 4 3a Fllntatonee 11:10 CBS Maria11:30 Love of Life 1:00 Daniel Boone13:00 Heart la 4:00 Nawa, Spta? Wthr.


4:00 Devtraaft 11:30 Split Second 4:00 Nawa4:Si Commentary l:« All Mv CMMOB 4:30 Weather7:00 Charlie 1:30 Make a Deel 4:35 Commentary7:30 Make a Wish 3:00 Henhnaod Same 4:30 ABC Hoars

.1:00 Uncle Pew 1:30 Doting Game 7:00 Star Trek0:30 Bofta Elliott 3:00 General Hoapttel ('JO Smith 4 Jenea1:30 Mike Douglas 3:30 Tall the Truth 1:00 Longotroet

11:00 Password 4:00 Lovo 10:00 Owen Manila*11:30 Bewitched 4:» Truth 11*0 Nowe12:0* Noon New* l:M Parry Masan lItSS Pitt CavgN

7 am. - TODAY - Apanel discusses the OlympicClnmes to be held in August.WRDU

filled drama of internationalespionage filmed in Londonand Portugal. WTVD. WFMY

? p.m. - IRONSIDE -

Pat Hingle guest-stars in"Find « Victim," as proprie-

tor of a half-way house fornewly released prisonerswhose fund-raising methodswarrant police investigation.


BREEZE DOWN EASTPart I of this two-part sum-mer ? concert with comedianMarshall Dodge and folk-singer Gordon Bok wasfilmed near Bar Harbor,Maine. WUNC

10 p.m. - DEAN MARTINDean and his guests, Les-

lie Uggams and Paul Lynde,offer music and some spoofson history. WRDU

10 p.m. - ENVIRONMEN-TAL EDUCATION - Thestory of a volunteer group inChapel Hill who have collect-ed okl newspapers and glassbottles for a recyclingproject. WUNC

11:15 p.m. CRITIC ATLARGE "Francis Bacon'sNightmare People" Little-john attends a giant exhibi-tion at Paris' Grand Palaiaof the work* of Englishpainter. Bacon. WUNC

8 am. - CAPTAINKANGAROO A recordingfrom "Peer Gynt" is playedin celebration of the birth-day of its ciimixiser, KdvarxlGrieg. Also, films of Norway,his nativf country, areshown. WTVD\ 9 .10 a.m.?WHAT EVERYWOMAN WANTS TO KNOW

Jean Hewitt, author of"The New York Times Nat-ural Food Cookbook," a psy-chiatrist and conservationistRoger Carras, are today'sguests. WTVD.

4:30 p.m. - MOVIE -

Henry Fonda stars In the1943 movie, "The MaleAnimal," as a professor whoplana to break tradition byreading a highly politicalletter to his students. WRDU

S p.m. ADVENTURETHEATRE Jean Simmonsatari In "The Lady is myWife," as the prize in agame of pool, offered by herhusband, a wanderinggambler, played by BradDillman. WRDU

9 p.m. - MOVIE-VinceEdwards, Diana Dora andMichael Bates star la"Hammerhead." a suspense-

Friday Highlights7 a.m. TODAY- "Dark

Horse," a political novel, todiscussed with FletcherKnebel and conservationistRoger Car as, presents a dim

on birds. WRDU

9:30 a.m. WHATEVERY WOMAN WANTSTO KNOW EdwardVillella talks about balletDental problems of childrenare also discussed. WTVD

4:90 p.m. MOVIEEdward G. Robinson andBette Davis star in "TheBattling Bellhop," a 1937film about a bellhop whobecomes a champion fighter.WRDU

7:30 p.m. ZOOMAmong today's features are a12-year-old photographer anda film treatment ofchildren's poetry. WUNC

8 p.m. THEUNDERSEA WORLD OFJACQUES COUSTEAU -"ASound of Dolphins," filmedin the Mediterranena andthe West Coast of Africa,examines the wild dolphin inthe open sea and studies thedolphins' uique ability tocommunicate amongthemselves and to navigatethrough a highly specialized"echo-ranging" process.WRAL

8:30 p.m. MOVIESusan Hayward stars in "IThank a Fool," as a doctorconvicted of euthanasia whofinds torself employedseveral years later by theprosecutor who tried her

Saturday, Mtnm 17, 1972 THE CAROLINA lift

case, played by Peter Finch.WRDU

1:30 p.m. FILMODYSSEY - Modca Vittistars in the 1900 Italian film,"L'Adventura," Antooion'scontroversial and cynicallook at shallow romance andsuicide among a small groupof upper-das* Italians.WUNC

9 P.M - MOVIE -

Arthur Kennedy and TeresaWright star in

"Crawlspece," as a middle-aged couple whose yearningfor the son they never hadcollides with a disorientedyouth's search for safety andlove. WTVD, WFMY

9 p.m. ROOM 222 -AWhitman High student and ateacher struggle to kick thesmoking habit as part of aphysical-fitness program.WRAL

10:30 p.m. GOVERNORAND J. J. The Governorprovides unscheduled enter-tainment for guests when aleopard gets loose in themansion, in "Cat on a HotTin Mansion." WTVD,WFMY

11:30 p.m. MOVIEJohn Gavin and MarisaPavan star in "Cutter'sTrail," an adventure filmabout the 1873 terrorist in-timidation of the inhabitatsof Santa Fe. WTVD, WFMY

11:30 p.m. DICKCAVETT - AngelaLansbury and English LaborParty member Roy Jenkinsare guests. WRAL


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7:» Today 11:* NK Mm *:3 i MOUrwa»:*? NM Zh to. 1:M Ywr CMM 700 NSC Mm»:30 Rmmt taam 1:» 3an a MM 7:* TMM:« DM 1:9 Mn Oar Uvaa Mi taM ft Mi10:30 ClHfiil»Ma MiTM MM MNtC Ma«4a11:«0 Ma 3:00 JMM MM W-.a «Mar MM11:» MHM i a Mat. Mr. PL 11 :? Maen12:00 Jaaaartfr 4*o lamaraar 11:» faM*12:30 WNx What. Ml 4:10 Maria

4:00 Swnmar Sam. 11:25 MMMv MM ? MiMm4:30 MM Mariana 1J:» Jaarxtl 4:30 CM Maw7:31 Mwa 1:00 Taday't MM 7:M MM OrWMl:W Oaad MonWna 1» Aa MorM Tarna 7:» Mat Oae*?:» Davotlona J » Traaaary? » OM Rabat J» gMWgwUIM to* MavM»:0O Capt. Kanaaroa £5 ?*"**\u25a0* Ifc» Gavarnar A JJ.1»:M Eaarr Waman _\u25a0**' J* *\u25a0* 11: M M»10:30 My 1 Sam 4;io OMda «a Lava |, :JJ t, wmrnm*11:« F«*r AMir ** 11 di Mart*11:30 Lava af Lrta S.OI Daniel Mana 11:3 iMania13:0 iWharo IM Haarf 1:30 Mavia


*4l Da i tilaa* 11:30 apttt MM 4:* CammantaryI 4:55 Commentary 1:00 My CMidran 4:30 AflC Mm

7:00 Good Mornlnfl 130 Maka a Daal 7:00 Star Trak7:30 BuilwMila 3:00 IHatiaaM 0:00 CmlHll Sp.0:00 Uncla Paul 2:30 DaMa «-.« *aom 2231:30 Batts Etliatt 3:00 San. HaopttaT »:30 OM CaaaM9:30 MBta Douglas 3:30 Tail Mw TruM 10:00 L^va11:00 Password 4:00 Lawa. Amarican 1100 Lata Maw*

11:30 Bawltciwd 4:30 Truth, Camaq. H-30 Dick Cavatt12:00 Noon Naws 5:00 Parry Maaon

4:00 Naws. Waathar


WUNC 4:00 Satama Straat 1 j 7IM Evmlna can.10:00 Sasama St. 5:00 Mistaroaars Zaam11:00 Misteroaarj 5:30 Elacfrk Co. 'MMMMn11:30 Elactrlc Co. 4:00 What's Naw ? 1 *:3 i PJIm Odyaoar12:00 What's Naw 4:30 Consultation . f ;jt: *j

.El Lparpets, inc-i I

11 ICompletelComplete Service Withli r "DRAPERIES 400 DIFFERENT STYLE J



"30"We Give Quality



Saturday Highlights SATURDAY, JUNE 17 * '


<:3O Summtr Scmaa. 11:00 Tha Monkaaa 7:00 MM Mn

7*oo ACROU Panca 12:30 You Ara Thar* l:NAlt In Fam»r7. J0 Now 1 Chlldran'a Film 1:30 Mary T. Mava1:00 Bun Bunny 1:00 Sat. Matinaa t:0O Wc* Van Dyta

1-30 Sctoln Doo 4:00 Haial t:J> Aralatoo CM<£tn*t»rt 4:* Deputy 1000 Mto Amartca»:» Hair Baar J:00 Bill Andaraan 11:00 MM.

10:00 PaMllaa, 8.8. 5:3# Na»h. Musk U:3O Lata Ua>10:30 AretHa-i Funnlaa 1:00 BM UnHm.11:00 SaDrlna 0:30 CBS Haw*

11:30 Joua, Puuycat*


1:00 Or. Deaim* 11:00 Mr. WHard 7:00 NSC Naw*0:30 Daputy Dog 11:30 Ouaatooa 7:3oCatf Swlnpara9:00 Woody Woodpack. 1:00 Waatarn Thaatar I Emarpancy0:30 Pink Panlfiar 1:00 Advantura *OB Mayla

10:00 jatuna 1:30 Cattiy Hill 11:15 Tha W«B10:30 BaMar Raat 3:00 Baaaball11:00 Giant Stop fcOB Fla. Wraatllnd


7:00 Summar Sam. 11:00 Monkaai < » CM Nam7:» Tam A jarry 11:30 Yea Ara Thara 7:00 Maa Ha*0:00 BUM S»5» 1:00 OiMrW* FBm 0:00 All M Faml*0-30 Scootoy Doe 1 Favorite Martian 0:10 Mary T. Moara»:00 Globatrottar* 1:30 Gott tor Swlnaart 0:00 a Vaa Oy«a

0:30 Hair Baar 1:00 Untamad World »:»An*10:00 Pobtlaa. 8.8. 1:30 Caravan 10:00 MIM Amartc»10:30 ArSIT. FunniM 4:00 Hollar Oarty 11:00 MIC11:00 Sabrlna 5:00 Spring Cancart 11:00 Lata Mo»la11:10 JaaM, Pwatycati 4:00 Nawa


IVIfirtnoni 11:00 Jotmwy Quest I'.M Ui. Om Wf7:00 Sunrlsa Thaatar 11*TaajAaa Fralta 4:* £1:30 Road Rtjnnar 1:00 Bandatand KOB L. wom

t:00 Ptantwn J yy~. L?

0:30 Jadcaon S >:* Jj*.10:00 Ba*rt»chad 4*B OJO Maria

10:30 Udavllla 522K.?*"*"11:00 Cunoatty Shaa 4.10 wraaliinp

11 a.m -TAKE A GIANTSTEP "The Senses" isdiscussed by teen-age hostsDarryl Jones, JeffMcFadden and Mary-EllenScotti, with model-actressCybill Shepherd as a specialguest. Also, 18-year-old blindpianist Gerald Mackperforms. WRDU

that her native charm andfolksy sense more thanmatches the sophistication ofthe big-city dwellers. Theactors are Debby Watsonand Denver Pyle. WTVD

12 Noon?Mß. WIZARD?Don Herbert and assistantsAndy, Ron and Maggie, con-duct experiments to deter-mine how an airplane flies.WRDU

12:30 YOU ARETHERE Colleen Dewhurststars in "The Trial of SusanB. Anthony," as the famedwomen's rights advocatewith the segment focusing onthe tense days of 1872 inCanandaigua, N.Y., whenMiss Anthony was arrestedand was tried for the"crime" of voting. WTVD,WFMY

5 p.m. GREENSBOROORATORIO SPRING CON-CERT Donald Trexlerconducts the GreensboroOratorio Society in the per-formance of "St. Paul," withsoloist Margaret Fo 11 z,soprano; Anne Bray, alto;Ray Young, tenor; WilliamHead, baritone; and JamesGibbe, tenor. WFMY


The universal tale of aboy's dream of glory inthis case winning an icehockey game forms thebasis for "The GoalkeeperAlso Lives on Our Street," aCzechsolovakian motionpicture. WTVD, WFMY

2 p.m. SATURDAYMATINEE "Tammy andthe Millionaire" is a storyabout a houseboat-dwellingbackwater girl who proves

8 p.m. ALJL IN THEFAMILY Sammy DavisJr. plays a guest role ashimself when Archie, in arare moment, sets aside hisusual feelings and opens hisheart and home to the starentertainer, WTVD, WFMY

9:30 p.m. ARNIEProdded by a neighbor,Arnie and Lillian begin think-ing about selecting cemeteryplots until Majors, Arnie'sboss, becomes involved intheir personal planning.WTVD, WFMY

10 p.m. - MISS NORTHCAROLINA BEAUTYPAGEANT A score of TarHeel beauties vie for theMiss North Carolina titleand the right to representthe state in the MissAmerica contest. WTVD,WFMY


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