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The Call of God to New Testament Characters

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Lesson 7

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Lesson Text—Matthew 9:9-12

Matthew 9:9-129 And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.

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Lesson Text—Matthew 9:9-12

10 And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.11 And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans

and sinners?

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Lesson Text—Matthew 9:9-12

12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.

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Lesson Text—Matthew 9:13

Matthew 9:13But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

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Lesson Text—Matthew 24:21-24

Matthew 24:21-2421 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

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Lesson Text—Matthew 24:21-24

22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

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Lesson Text—Matthew 24:21-24

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

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Lesson Text—Matthew 24:25-27

Matthew 24:25-2725 Behold, I have told you before.26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

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Lesson Text—Matthew 24:25-27

27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

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Focus Verse—Matthew 24:11-13

Matthew 24:11-13And many false prophets shall rise,

and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

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Focus Thought

Loyalty is a character trait of great strength. When attached to the right cause (in this case God’s

kingdom), it is the greatest gift to the success and continuance of that cause and its


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I. Levi the PublicanCulture Connection

Top Priority: Loyalty to God and His Kingdom

Members of the United States Armed Forces take an oath when they enlist. In the oath the individual solemnly swears (affirms) to defend and support the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies and “bear true faith and allegiance” to the Constitution.

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I. Levi the PublicanThis pledge serves to influence all activity a military person may encounter. It presupposes an attitude of compliance for future obligations and predetermines future action whenever making decisions.

These affirmations of loyalty can result in conflicts with conscience. A conscience is scarred in the call to kill another human being or in witnessing carnage from military operations or civil disasters.

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I. Levi the PublicanLoyalty, a military core value, is drilled into the individual with intense training utilizing physical stress and emotional tension. Loyalty then becomes an automatic “Aye, aye, Sir” with the demand for decisions, actions, or feelings.

That automatic choice may conflict with similar loyalties made to family or faith. Marriage vows and religious commitments to church and God may twinge the conscience after such automatic responses.

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I. Levi the PublicanAfterward, the person may stop to reflect and then discover this conflict in loyalties and reveal compromised convictions. Consequences may be guilt, remorse, and sometimes the desire to disavow one or more of their loyalties.

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I. Levi the PublicanSuch conflicts in loyalties occur in

friendships, employment opportunities, and a host of other real-life situations. These mental battles for “loyal” priorities may incite a sense of futility leading to “moral” compromise. Helping people discover and explore these priorities and loyalties is a key component of ministry.

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I. Levi the PublicanContemplating the Topic

The Gospel bearing Matthew’s name is the “front door” to the New Testament. Yet very little is known about its author, one of the twelve men Jesus handpicked to follow Him. We do know a few things about Matthew, however. Prior to his calling he was known as Levi.

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I. Levi the PublicanAs a tax collector he apparently had

set aside his commitment to the law of Moses in order to secure a lucrative position under the auspices of the Roman government. When Jesus called him, however, Levi left the customs table immediately to follow Him and became known as Matthew, the “gift of Jehovah.” Woven throughout his story is a common thread of loyalty, first to the Roman government for the wrong reasons and then to Jesus and His kingdom for

the right reasons.

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I. Levi the PublicanMatthew’s loyalty shifted paradigmatically from self and Caesar to Christ and service.

Matthew’s years of negotiating through the vast labyrinth of governmental regulations and coping with the animosity of Jewish opposition served to give him a unique perspective on God’s heavenly kingdom. He referred to that kingdom forty-six times in his Gospel, shifting the focus from himself and placing it squarely on King Jesus.

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I. Levi the PublicanHe wrote as skillfully as a government scribe, probably referencing his meticulous notes on the life of Jesus and relying on his accurate recall. Just as a tax collector under the flag of Rome based his power on Caesar’s authority, Matthew recognized that the authority of the kingdom of Heaven was vested entirely in Jesus Christ. His loyalty and submission to the King’s authority shines through every line of Matthew’s book.

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I. Levi the PublicanSearching the Scriptures

Levi the Publican

We have only a sparse knowledge of Matthew’s life prior to his call to follow Jesus. Mark noted that Matthew’s father’s name was Alphaeus (Mark 2:14). Luke devoted one sentence to reveal Matthew was first known as Levi, and he served as a government tax collector (Luke 5:27).

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I. Levi the PublicanThese verses, along with Matthew’s own account in chapter 9 of his book, begin to piece together the story of this outstanding apostle.

In Matthew’s day, the government taxed all commodities being transported along the ancient trade routes, as well as those from local merchants. According to Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (2004), Levi probably maintained an office in or near Capernaum, a city located about

a mile east of the trade route that originated in Damascus.

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I. Levi the PublicanHis duties required business savvy. He kept abreast of the value of wool, flax, linen, pottery, brass, silver, gold, barley, olives, figs, wheat, and the like. He compared the values of domestic and foreign monetary systems. He developed communication skills and learned to deal with all manner of people.

It is quite possible that Levi’s business brought him daily to the fishing docks that sat on the northern

banks of Galilee, and that he had heard Jesus speak.

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I. Levi the PublicanHe may have heard about the miraculous draught of fish Peter and his partners hauled in at Jesus’ word. Perhaps what he had seen and heard motivated him to follow Jesus. Publicans were Jewish citizens who pledged their loyalty to the Roman government in exchange for political appointments. These bureaucrats collected taxes from their Hebrew brethren. In addition to Caesar’s portion, the publican could tack on his own surcharge as a commission.

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I. Levi the PublicanThe Romans cared only that their coffers were kept full, so the overcharging and harassment perpetrated by the collectors caused them no concern. As a result, the Jews hated the publicans not only for embracing the Roman authority, but also for seemingly ripping holes in their pockets. When they arrived at the toll booth or tax office, their profits seemed to vanish. Prior to his encounter with Jesus, this was Levi’s


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A. Matthew the Worldly JewA. Matthew the Worldly Jew

Matthew lived near the village of Capernaum. This small fishing town played a significant role in our Lord’s earthly ministry. Not only did He take up a brief residence there after John the Baptist’s imprisonment (Matthew 4:13), but Peter, James, John, and Andrew lived and worked there.

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I. Levi the PublicanThey operated their fishing business on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, and this probably is the spot where they “cast their nets on the other side” and hauled in such a huge catch the net began to break (Luke 5). This small community of about 1,500 souls loved Jesus (Luke 4:42), and from it He called five of His twelve disciples: the four listed above and Matthew.

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I. Levi the PublicanMatthew’s decision to serve the

Roman government was probably part of a well-calculated plan. Siding with the foreign power secured for him a lucrative position, and being an agent of the world’s most powerful government would certainly stroke a young man’s ego. Along with his loyalty to Caesar came the protection of the occupying army and the security of lifelong employment. An impressive future lay before Matthew, as long as Rome remained in power and at the top of his list of loyalties.

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B. Levi the Tax CollectorB. Levi the Tax CollectorDuring the Old Testament period

when the Jews were exiled in Babylon and unable to worship in the Temple at Jerusalem, they established community synagogues for worship and for training children in the ways of the Law. Publicans were ostracized from the community and denied admittance to the synagogues, for their way of life disqualified them from participating in the Jewish worship.

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I. Levi the PublicanFor example, collecting taxes required their presence in areas the Jews avoided, and the job necessitated contact with people and animals the Law said were unclean.

In addition, some Roman positions required Jews to pledge allegiance to the reigning Caesar, which meant the people making the pledge considered service to Caesar more vital than a commitment to the true God of their fathers.

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I. Levi the PublicanBut the animosity did not emanate only from the people who paid the taxes; the tax collectors reciprocated in kind and dealt out contempt and abuse to those they cheated.

After Matthew’s transformation into a follower of Jesus, he invited the Lord and His disciples to his home as the honored guests at a lavish banquet. Perhaps Matthew’s concern for the salvation of his former colleagues caused him to invite many of them to the feast as well.

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I. Levi the PublicanOutraged Pharisees pulled some of the disciples aside and accused, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” (Matthew 9:11, NKJV). This typified the feelings of the Jews toward their compromising brethren.

From the Pharisees’ perspective, if a person associated with publicans and sinners, it meant he sided with them; and to side with them meant the offending person shared in their sins.

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I. Levi the PublicanThe tradition of the elders, passed from one generation to the next, taught that any person desiring to honor God and the law of Moses would avoid publicans and certainly would never share a meal with them.

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C. Loyal to SelfC. Loyal to Self

Before the Lord called this Galilean tax collector to follow Him, Levi probably followed wherever his own selfish wishes led. By virtue of his position as a publican, Levi had turned his back on the traditions that generations of his family had cherished and followed. He had to value that position above any friendly relationships, and if he cared about the scorn of his community, he did not let it show.

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I. Levi the PublicanThe adage “take care of number one” certainly would have applied to Levi. In order to achieve and maintain such a position, Levi had to pledge his loyalty to a worldly system that often was diametrically opposed to the training in godly principles he had received as a child. Like many, he may have reasoned he could compartmentalize his life by keeping his job and commitment to Caesar separate from his devotion to God.

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I. Levi the PublicanIt probably did not occur to him that his immersion in an ungodly system might drown him. Regardless of his internal rationalizations, the outward manifestation of his profession indicated Levi was devoted and loyal to the worldly Roman system.

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A. Matthew Called to Transfer His Loyalty

Matthew the Christian

A. Matthew Called to Transfer His Loyalty

Since Matthew lived in a region Jesus once had called home and a place He continued to frequent, it is possible Matthew knew Jesus quite well (Matthew 4:13).

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I. Levi the PublicanRegardless of whether they had met long before or not until the day Jesus stopped by Matthew’s table of customs, something significant compelled Matthew to respond immediately when Jesus spoke.

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I. Levi the PublicanTo read Luke’s account of the event, one might suppose that Jesus’ call to Matthew was a spur-of-the-moment afterthought as He spied him in passing. Luke wrote, “After these things [Jesus] went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax office” (Luke 5:27, NKJV). However, we know from Jesus’ explanation to Nathanael that He knew exactly where to find those whom He chose to call.

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I. Levi the PublicanFor instance, He once said to Nathanael, “Before Philip called you [to come and see], when you were under the fig tree, I saw you” (John 1:48, NKJV). Surely He knew precisely where to find Matthew, and He went that way on purpose to call Matthew away from his life of tax collection. Soon after his conversion, Matthew hosted a feast, which was attended by Jesus, His disciples, and many of Matthew’s publican friends.

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I. Levi the PublicanThe scribes and Pharisees reprimanded some of the disciples and asked the reason for this offense. Before the disciples could open their mouths to defend their behavior, Jesus interrupted: “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). If the scribes and Pharisees had looked at the publicans through a different lens, they would have seen that their sin-sick souls

needed a Savior’s remedy.

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I. Levi the PublicanThis was the reason Jesus came—to reach out to those who needed Him most.

Our loyalty to God requires that we be loyal to His cause. We must sacrifice our personal comfort and our own opinions so we can accomplish His work. If we interact only with the individuals who share our own comfort zone and speak only to those whose lifestyles we approve, we will overlook the very ones Jesus died to save. He came to seek and to save

those who are lost (Luke 19:10).

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B. Matthew’s New Loyalty B. Matthew’s New Loyalty

None of the New Testament writers recorded anything about Matthew’s life after he accepted the Lord’s call and became one of His disciples. We can, however, reach some conclusions regarding Matthew’s life and character by consulting his Gospel.

Whatever selfishness may have motivated Matthew to serve Caesar, it had disappeared by the time he wrote his Gospel.

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I. Levi the PublicanHe omitted any references to his own life or personal contributions to the cause of Christ, but he wrote of the kingdom of Heaven forty-six times. If he once had been selfish, he proved he had found a better way by admonishing his readers to remain faithful to Jesus regardless of the tribulation coming upon the world. (See Matthew 24.)

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I. Levi the PublicanHe further proved his loyalty by warning of impostors who would come in the name of the Lord and try to insinuate themselves into their midst. The loyalty that kept Matthew close to Jesus is the same loyalty that keeps present-day disciples secure in Christ.

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C. Matthew AcceptedC. Matthew Accepted

Matthew’s response to the call of Christ mirrored that of the other disciples from Capernaum (Luke 5:11). “And he left all, rose up, and followed him” (Luke 5:28). For these men, there was no looking back. It appears that, although they previously may have rejected this publican, the disciples whom God had chosen from Capernaum accepted Matthew without hesitation.

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I. Levi the PublicanMatthew served alongside the men who once held him at arm’s length. Their loyalty to Jesus became the common bond that fused them together and erased the differences that once existed.

Matthew’s acceptance by the disciples proved he found his place inside the family of believers who were charged with establishing God’s church. He later wrote a book describing all he had witnessed, and it eventually became the first book in

the New Testament canon.

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III. Loyalty, the Gift of GodLoyalty, the Gift of God

The qualities God’s Word teaches us to develop are characteristic of His own nature. God desires loyalty from His children because He is loyal. “There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee” (Joshua 1:5). God promised to be loyal to Joshua to the same degree He was loyal to Moses, and He remains loyal to every

person He calls.

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A. The Great Gift to SelfA. The Great Gift to Self

An individual who does the right thing is usually the greatest benefactor of the deed. Loyalty produces its own rewards. It eliminates the inner conflict produced by double-mindedness. Loyalty begets sincerity. Sincerity develops honesty and a peace-making spirit.

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I. Levi the PublicanOnly the passing of time reveals whether or not a person is loyal. Loyalty and faith are not proven during the exciting first few weeks when the call is still fresh. Like gold in the refiner’s fire, loyalty and faith slowly reveal their presence as time and trials apply pressure and heat that force out the dross until only the pure remains.

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I. Levi the PublicanIn essence, loyalty to God’s Word becomes the pathway to deliverance from the tribulation Jesus described in Matthew 24. Only a firm commitment to follow no one but Jesus can prevent a disciple from being deceived by false Christs (Matthew 24:24). And our faith and loyalty to His Word will prepare us for His coming.

Thus the loyal disciple benefits most from his own loyalty.

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B. The Great Gift to OthersB. The Great Gift to Others

The benefits of being loyal extend far beyond personal rewards. Loyalty breeds trust, and trust is the cornerstone of the foundation of all human relationships. Those blessed with loyal friends find themselves free from jealousy and envy. Pettiness and selfishness are seldom evident in relationships between loyal friends.

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I. Levi the PublicanPerhaps no story better illustrates

the loyalty of friendship than that of Jonathan and David. When Jonathan’s father, Saul the king of Israel, became angry at David and resolved to kill him, Jonathan warned David and preserved his life (I Samuel 19), even though he knew it meant he would lose his right to the kingship of Israel. As Saul’s anger intensified, Jonathan risked his own life to warn and protect David’s. Ultimately, Saul and Jonathan died in battle (I Samuel 31).

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I. Levi the PublicanWhen David became king, he

commanded his servants to find out if any of Saul’s relatives had survived the battle and its aftermath. “And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” (II Samuel 9:1). Even though Jonathan had died, the loyalty of their friendship survived.

When the message came that one of Jonathan’s sons still lived, David sent for him in Lo-debar, located in Gadarene territory just southeast of

the Sea of Galilee.

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I. Levi the PublicanFearfully, Mephibosheth entered the king’s presence and bowed low, expecting retribution from the one whom his grandfather had tried to murder. Instead of judgment, Mephibosheth received the promise of blessing, provision, and restoration of all that had belonged to his grandfather Saul. “And David said unto him, Fear not: for I will surely shew thee kindness for Jonathan thy father’s sake, and will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father; and thou shalt eat

bread at my table continually” (II Samuel 9:7).

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I. Levi the PublicanThe benefits of Jonathan’s loyalty to David came to Mephibosheth several years after Jonathan’s death.

Since loyalty is a facet of God’s nature, believers will experience the full power of loyalty as they grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Individuals who were under the sentence of death, who once pledged their loyalty to Christ’s evil opponent, people whose sins were too many to be enumerated, will be clothed in spotless raiment at the Marriage

Supper of the Lamb.

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I. Levi the PublicanTherefore, “let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)” (Hebrews 10:23).

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C. The Great Gift to the Cause of Christ

C. The Great Gift to the Cause of Christ

Seldom does life unfold the way we anticipated. Emergencies and unforeseen events interrupt our plans and dreams. A faithful follower whose priority is to put the will of God above his own ambitions propels the Kingdom forward. Faithfulness despite disappointment reveals a loyalty to God’s Word that runs deeper than superficial commitment, which withers when good times

give way to bad.

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I. Levi the PublicanLoyalty to the cause of Christ

begins with faithfulness to His Word. Regardless of what else we do and how well we do it, unless we are building upon a foundation of truth, our labor is in vain (Matthew 7:26). God’s Word is truth and deserves loyal submission. Jesus prayed for those who would follow Him, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17). Loyalty to a cause seems admirable, but unless it is founded in truth, it is a lost cause.

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I. Levi the PublicanGod has ordained His church to be

His body and to complete His mission upon earth (Ephesians 4). Loyalty to truth includes being faithful to God’s plan for His church. As Paul instructed, God designed the body to bring healing and edification to itself. Each member finding his place and fulfilling his role produces a church capable of ministering to the diversified needs that exist in every strata of society.

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I. Levi the PublicanGod established a system of

leadership within His church that operates under His authority. “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you” (Hebrews 13:17). Therefore, loyalty to truth requires our loyalty to the leaders God has ordained in His church.

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I. Levi the PublicanTrue leaders do not demand submission to their own philosophies and ideals, but they follow the standard expressed by the apostle Paul: “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (I Corinthians 11:1).

Loyalty is not blind submission, but it is realizing, as Matthew the tax collector demonstrated, that serving the kingdom is more important than serving self, and that in order to find our place we must submit to the authority God has placed in our life.

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I. Levi the PublicanOur loyalty to our leaders, then, is not just loyalty to them, but when we submit to them we are submitting to God. (See Romans 13.)

At the end of the age, not only will God’s people reap the rewards of their loyalty and faithfulness and enjoy the wonders of Heaven, but they will enter triumphantly into the holy city.

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Revelation 17:14

“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall

overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and

they that are with him are called, and chosen, and

faithful” (Revelation 17:14).

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I. Levi the PublicanInternalizing the Message

Matthew’s own story and the written legacy he left for all believers bear witness of the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to save, change, empower, and preserve believers.

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I. Levi the PublicanUnlike Moses who chose to “suffer

affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” (Hebrews 11:25), Matthew chose to begin his career as one who was perceived as a traitor to his God, his country, and his people. He aligned himself with the government whose occupying army controlled his homeland. Matthew’s choice prevented him from worshiping God as his family had done for centuries.

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I. Levi the PublicanBut God sees things we cannot see.

He saw in Matthew a man with the strength to make tough decisions and stick with them, a man who had organizational and writing and accounting skills, and who could deal with all manner of people. He saw that Matthew grasped the often elusive concept of submission to authority, and that he would put the good of the kingdom of Heaven above his own.

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I. Levi the PublicanMatthew’s quick response when Jesus beckoned confirmed that what God sees is more significant than what we can discern with our own eyes. Matthew’s book teaches us the value of being loyal to God’s Word. Initially, our loyalty honors God. We submit our lives to His will and find our place in His kingdom. But as time passes, we begin to reap the rewards of our own loyalty. The Lord whom we honor, honors His own Word, which promises salvation, comfort, provision, and healing.

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I. Levi the PublicanThe cycle of loyalty becomes an endless circle along which God’s blessings flow.

The ultimate gift of loyalty is not the unwavering faith that we give to Him, but it is the trust He places in us, embracing the church as His bride. On that eternal heavenly morning, we will once again realize His undying loyalty to us. All of our faith and devotion will be bundled up, multiplied, and given back.

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Matthew 24:13

“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13).