Download pptx - The bully action plan

  • 1. What would you do? THE BULLY ACTION PLAN Created for I M Confident Niagara Canada By Brenda Silveira
  • 2. WARMING UP Look at the new girl, Jan. She is such a loser. Her hair looks like string and she wears the dumbest looking clothing. What can we say to
  • 3. Lets call her on her cell phone and tell her how stupid she is. Then when she cries, we can run and push her down. PLANNING THE ATTACK
  • 4. 555-639-0945 Hi Jan, Did you know that you are wearing the stupidest looking outfit today. It makes you look like a real loser. EXECUTING THE ATTACK
  • 5. How would you respond to this call? 1) Cry? 2) Get angry? 3) Hang up the phone? 4) Answer back in some way? How do you think Jan RECEIVING THE ATTACK
  • 6. RESPONDING TO THE ATTACK Jan just came to this school last week and hasnt really talked much to anyone so the other students think she is weird. This makes her a perfect target for bullies like Sandra and Ivonne who think it is fun to hurt
  • 7. IS JAN AN EASY TARGET? Actually, the phone call was a good thing. It brought Jan back into reality and she stopped thinking about her friends for a minute. She looked down at her outfit and then laughed out
  • 8. JANS RESPONSE Hey there. Thanks for noticing my outfit. I guess we dont have the same taste, but I really like what Im wearing.
  • 9. WHO IS THE LOSER NOW? Sandra was shocked. I cant believe that she didnt care what I said. Ivonne replied, Guess she isnt the shy, insecure person that we thought she was. Maybe Ill go introduce myself to her.
  • 10. THE BULLY SOLUTION Dont let anyone make you feel bad NOBODY has the right to hurt you Dont respond by getting upset or crying This is giving them what they want (control) Walk away and say nothing Say thanks (Glad you noticed, thanks) Defend yourself (That isnt nice to say) Tell someone what happened
  • 11. To avoid being hurt by bullies, work hard at building your confidence and developing good esteem. For more information, visit