Download pdf - The Bridge Fourth Edition


Editorial Final meeting

Mind the Gap for ever and ever

Last word from Germany

The end of the Comenius Mind the Gap

Mental maps

Theory of tolerance


Tolerance and intolerance

Gender equality


The life of a geisha

Seven footsteps around the fire

Outstanding women

Margherita Hack

Presidents’ wives

Teenage world and serious issues

The law of the protection of the youth in Germany

Alcohol and drugs as main problems of today’s young people

School life

Achievements of our students

Sports in little towns and in our school


Recycling – chance to protect our planet

Endangered animals


It’s where we live

Travel guide around Poland

“Hello” from Ceuta

Traditions and hobbies


Star Wars



November 1st : the day of the bagpack

Enjoy your meal!

The harira

Vegetable salad

Just for fun





Dear readers!

This is the fourth edition of our newspaper “The Bridge”. It means that two years of co-

operation between four schools from Ceuta, Kronach, Altofonte and Końskie are almost

over. The co-operation was started by four enthusiastic teachers, inspired by the previous

experiences of other Comenius projects and possibilities which European Union gives to

their members.

It would be absolutely impossible without good will of a lot of adults and creativity of young

people who actively took part in the project sharing their ideas, implementing their

ambitions and making their dreams come true. Great possibility to travel and meet people

from different corners of Europe let them widen their horizons, obtain new practical

knowledge about the world and improve their language skills. I am persuaded all of them

will use it in their future life.

Youth was both the subject and the object of the project which was aimed at different goals.

Among them we can mention its main theme– gender equality. Problem that is urgent and

unsolved in the whole world. In various countries it has different faces, though. We have

been trying to show the complicity of this issue as well as positive results which were

achieved in this field.

Working on all four editions of the newspaper, meeting in Spain, Germany, Italy and finally

Poland everyone could clearly see that we are different in many ways. We belong to various

cultures, follow dissimilar traditions and lifestyles but, nevertheless we have got a lot in

common. Young people from our countries see mutual problems of the modern world, such

as addictions, pollution of the environment, cruelty to animals or wars. They are interested

in similar hobbies, films or computer games. Although, school is a very important part of

their life, teenagers also like having fun together. All this was reflected in the articles written

by our students.

To sum up, I would really like to thank everyone involved in the project for their hard work,

creativity, warmth and understanding. And I hope that our contacts and friendship will not

finish with the end of the project. I strongly believe that we will meet again in real or virtual

world, at least on Facebook in our fantastic group “Mind the Gap”. I am sure that “the gap”

between us is not so deep and interpersonal relations which have started within these two

years will continue and it will be the most important result which could be achieved in the


I wish you a lot of energy and enthusiasm as well as courage to realize your dreams!

Galina Semanyuk

Final meeting


It has already been two years since a group of teachers met each other in

Herrshing (Germany). I remember myself feeling excited and nervous at the

same time. It was the first experience in European projects for me. I was

invited by my National Agency and I accepted gratefully. I could never

have imagined that it would be one of the most useful, beautiful and

enriching experiences in my professional career. Just the first day I met a

young dutch lady , with blue and clever eyes and a constant nice smile on

her face and I thought immediately she would be the perfect partner for

this “journey”. Some minutes later, both of us had the great pleasure of

meeting a polish language teacher who seemed to have the same

enthusiasm as us. Her name was Galina, and she looked so sure of herself, I

liked her calm and balanced way of thinking, she was just what I was

looking to work with .Also we started working together with Nina, from

Italy , a teacher with a wide experience in European projects wishing to

share all her knowledge with us.

The result of these days of hard work and terrible cold was MIND THE

GAP , a project sketched on a cardboard and timidly exposed to the rest of

our colleagues

Our project was accepted and well evaluated and the dream became real.

We have been working together for two years editing “THE BRIDGE”. We

have ran in the centre of our village and we have walked through the

forest, we have ever fought against jellyfish ,we have danced, cooked,

played, sung , we have been actors and actresses , we have written love

letters and painted cards, and we have travelled together !

We have felt happy and satisfied investing our time on this project,

investing illusion on our students.

There are hard times for education at the moment and the crisis is a

menace for all of us: more working hours, less money, more students, less

financial resources. It is easy to fell into the dejection . However, having

been involved in such an interesting project with all of you it has

encouraged me and many of my colleagues to carry on, to continue in the

belief that the education of our students today will be the future of our

societies and this is , with no doubt, the best aim an educational project

can have

Professionality, enjoyment and friendship are the words with which I

would define MIND THE GAP .

Thank you very much again for the great work done during these two

years of our journey together ; teachers , students and parents . It brings to

up all of us really nice memories !

This school year is already over, summer is here and let´s enjoy the well-

deserved holidays. For ever and ever MIND THE GAP be in your hearts and

the bridge we have built together be always among us .

TULA. Ies Clara Campoamor . Ceuta.


'Hey' to our friends from Italy, Spain and Poland!

This is the last edition of our newspaper "THE BRIDGE" of our

project 'Comenius'

We think we can all be very proud of having built such a wonderful

and creative newspaper ;)

Your articles gave us an understanding of your different cultures and

your interests, but also of gender equality.

The special highlight of our Comenius-project were the visits to

Spain, Poland and Italy.

We are so happy about having learned so much about your countries

and different lifestyles.

Thank you for organizing such an amazing program for each and

every week, we spent together.

Of course, we were happy to host you in Germany, too. We think we

all agree that we had a lot of fun and a wonderful time together,

that we'll never forget.

And...who knows? Maybe we'll meet again. :)

See you!

Your friends from Germany

The end of the Comenius Mind the Gap

Last trip We have just said goodbye to our foreign guests. They spent (I hope amazing) four days in Poland. We had a very busy program. On Monday German group arrived, on Tuesday- Spanish and Italian teams. And just a few hours after the arrival of all the guests, we went to Maleniec ( a small country 20km from Końskie) and had a great barbecue and a disco. This was a great opportunity to say ,,Hello” and get to know all. Next day, on Wednesday, we had a trip to Cracow. Our international guests had an opportunity to get to know our history, see amazing, old buildings and visit the Salt Mine in Wieliczka, which is famous throughout the world. On Thursday we had a very tiring day. We had to go about 10 kilometers to Sielpia (a local resort area). It was walking race with riddles on a very funny and hot day ;-). And on-site we had dinner with the mayor of Końskie. Our headmistress had a chance to say ,,Thank you” to all the teachers from foreign countries. It was so nice, because she did it in three languages. When we came back to Końskie we went to Tomek Kucharski’s house and had a great time. We got to know, I think, a traditional Spanish game. We also showed our games. Unfortunately, on Thursday we had to say goodbye to the German group. It was a very sad moment. On Friday we went to school with Spanish and Italian teams ( exactly the same as the German group on Tuesday). We showed them our school and attended some lessons. During working sessions then we created mental maps with our associations with Comenius. And we also prepared traditional food. Everything tasted great. On the afternoon we went to Kielce, and our foreign guests bought some souvenirs. Last day, on Saturday they went home. It was a pity for us that our adventure was over.

Time to say goodbye! Unfortunately, everything comes to an end. It is sad, that our two-years adventure ended. It was a lovely time for us. We visited Ceuta, Kronach, Palermo and at the end Końskie. I think we will always remember Comenius “Mind the Gap” project. It was an amazing experience. We learnt that it’s not where you’re from that matters the most; it’s who you’re that really counts and just because someone comes from a different place, doesn’t mean they’re less precious. It was a great opportunity to learn tolerance. I think, this foreign travel was bringing us together. We could get to know wonderful people, other cultures and traditions. We made friends. For us it was a glorious chance to see exotic places, eat food from different countries and there was a wonderful mixture of music, culture and art. We know, we will miss you, we will always miss you…

Just thank you! We would like to say ,,Thank you so much” our Parents, Teachers and Headteachers for the great organization and care. We also thank our foreign mates for the lovely time. Taking part in Comenius was the best experience for us, we will always remember this amazing moment. And I think, that we should thank Facebook, which is helping us to stay in touch ;-)). I hope, that maybe in future we will have a chance to meet again. Thank you once again and goodbye ;-) Dorota Kowalik and Marysia Ogonowska


Mental maps.

While our friends were visiting Końskie and our school, we created mental maps with

collocations about Comenius. People could write something what they associate with this

programme. It was amazing fun. We referred to fantastic time, which we had spent

together during last two years. All funny moments, all partners, all friends, all families, all

places… The most frequently used collocations were: visiting, travelling, flying,

facebook, McDonald, Google translator, ,,take a photo”, fun, mind the gap. Everyone

wanted to collect as many as possible. It was an excellent opportunity to integrate. This

game showed us that we would remember these days as perfect days, maybe one of the

best days of our lives. After the end of work, we could admire our results.

Theory of tolerance


Stereotypes are present and widespread all over the world. Specific

stereotypes are permanently attached to individual nations or behaviors.

Unfortunately most of them show a false image of people and

cultures but sometimes general knowledge about nations that we get

from stereotypes can help us understand other people. But still we should

have some, our own background knowledge about other cultures.

Negative stereotypes are often based on ethnic and racial discrimination

and they usually give us very general and vague idea about other nations’

customs. They can be positive too, national stereotypes can show us the

diversity of cultures and lifestyles around the world. Most of cultures that

are stereotypically perceived in a more positive way often become

popular in distant parts of the world. Thanks to them we know what to

expect from representatives of other cultures but sometimes they make it

hard to communicate and interact.

We should always remember that we are all the same. It doesn't

matter if it is a man or a woman, a black, white or yellow person, old or

young, rich or poor, we are still all the same. Every human being has the

same heart, feelings and emotions. And we should know that it's easy to

hurt someone following stereotypes.

Angelika Sala

Tolerance and intolerance

Tolerance is acceptance of a person, who is different from the others.

Unfortunately there is also intolerance. There are several types of

intolerance. For example:

religious intolerance – this is a discrimination of people, who are of

different confession

racism – lack of acceptance for people, who have different colour

of skin

national intolerance – this is a discrimination of people depending

on their nationality.

Intolerance is not needed because we are all humans. We all feel the same

way. It is not where you are from that matters the most; it is who you are

that really counts. Just because someone comes from a different place, it

does not mean he/she is our enemy. Differences must exist. Thanks to them

the wonderful mixture of music and art, tradition and culture arises. We

should know these differences to understand them. Then we must respect

them. We all want two things – happiness and peace. The divisions

between people must disappear to achieve these happiness and peace. We

should make love, because love is the most important!

Daria Koprowska, Gimnazjum Nr2

Gender equality


I introduce myself, I am Karima, a Burmese woman of the tribe of the Padungs, submitted to

a real imprisonment: it is a brass jail that I am forced to bring from when I was 5 years old. I

have been nicknamed " giraffe woman", because the collar that I bring doesn't do anything

else than to cause a skid of the clavicle, making so my very long neck like that one of the

giraffes. Besides I must bring these brass rings all life long, because if I removed them, my

head would not be able to stand up on the neck and I would suffocate and I would die. I

am forced to live in ghettos, being exposed to a public of tourists who come there to look at

me and to take pictures of me, as if I were a circus phenomenon, or worse, an animal. When

I am in my husband age, my neck, that has reached by now the exceptional length of 25 cm,

will be found confined in a collar of about ten kilograms.

(La Barbera A., D’Agostino D., Gioè I., Tarantino F., Faraci A., Sala Adam class 3D. I.C.S. “E. Armaforte”


The life of a geisha

I was looking at my life passing me in front of my eyes,

without realizing it.... what thought could better

express what I have been … that is a geisha. I had been

sold as an object of little value: I have begun to work

because "hard job" could strengthened my character,

as it suits to one "shikami" (the first step to become a

geisha) then I had to know how to play the shamisen

and the shauhachi (a bamboo flute) how to dance, to

serve the tea and the sakè and finally how to entertain

the clients in the ryoteis. To wear the kimono is also

an art and it belongs to our tradition. The house of the

geishas is the Okya, it is the OYA That handles the

maintenance of a geisha during her permanence and

her apprenticeship. Every geisha, nevertheless must pay her debt and sometimes it is forced

to pay it for the whole life. In the past the geisha was considered all that a man could not

find among the domestic boundaries. During the Kakura period the woman received, in fact,

an approximate education that didn't make her able to be of any interest for men. Today

geishas are disappearing little by little and the geishaschools are closing because the social

condition of the woman has changed and the new generations don't appreciate the hard


(Cannova Sarah, Gaia Colletti, Bianchi Sabrina, Sutera Alessia ,Alotta Maria, Aversa Federica

class 3D I.C.S. “E. Armaforte” Altofonte- Italy)

Seven footsteps around the fire

The Indian marriage is one of the most coloured and most expensive marriages. It is almost

always organized by the families who choose the partner considering different factors, as for

example the caste of affiliation, the creed, the astral picture of birth and the social and

economic state. The Hindù marriage keeps on preserving the traditional characteristics

which make this celebration a very unordinary one . The goodbye to the spinsterhood is

characterized by a particular practice, that one of the "Mehndi", or the coloration of the

hands and the feet with the henna. The long celebration of the marriage articulates in

various phases: in the first one it is turned on the sacred fire, under the "Mandapa", that is

the gazebo in which the marriage is celebrated. Contrarily to how much it happens in west,

the bridegroom arrives riding a horse (moment of the baarat) and he is welcomed by the

family of her bride. During the "Kanya Danam", the bridegroom promises to assist the girl in

the realization of the three sacred matrimonial purposes: "Dharma, Artha and Kama." The

priest ties the final edge of the Sarì (typical suit of the Indian woman) to the edge of the shirt

of the bridegroom and the two exchange garlands and invoke the benediction on their

union. Then it follows the Agnibarinaya (during which the bridegrooms walk three times

around the fire reciting Vedic hymns) the Asmarohana (in which the bridegroom climbs on a

stone) and the Saptapadi or the 7 footsteps, the principal part of the ceremony at the end of

which the bridegrooms become husband and wife. Finally during the Mangal Sutra Dharana

and the Suhaag, the bridegroom laces his bride the Mangalustra which contains the

symbols of Shiva and Vishnu and he sets the Sindoor ( red dust ) in the centre of her

forehead to symbolize her new condition of wife. In the Aashrivaad, the last phase of the

marriage, the bride receives some gifts from the family of the bridegroom. Even though the

celebration of the Indian marriage underlines the inferiority of the woman, it still keeps on

making really amazing this “thousand faces country”.

( Paciolla M., Faraci Miriam, Virga A., Cardullo A. Class 3D Altofonte-Italy )

Outstanding women

She is a scientist specializing in astrophysics. She was Professor of Astronomy at

the university on Trieste from 1964 to 1992. She directed the Astronomical

Observatory of Trieste from 1964 to 1987, gaining international fame.

She has worked at numerous American and European Observatories and for a

long time she has been member of the working group of ESA and NASA.

In appreciation for her contribution the asteroid 8558 Hack named after her.

By Matteo Lo Presti class 3C- Altofonte- Italy

Presidents’ Wives

Jolanta Kwaśniewska – (born 3 June 1955 in Gdańsk)

is a Polish lawyer and charity activist who was the First

Lady of Poland between 1995 and 2005, as the wife of

the president Aleksander Kwaśniewski.

She met the future president while she was a law

student at the University of Gdańsk, and they married

in 1979. During her studies she was the president of

the executive committee of the Socialist Union of

Polish Students, in which her husband was also active.

Kwaśniewska has been widely involved in charity

work, and in 1997 established the charity foundation

Porozumienie bez barier (“Understanding Without

Barriers”), which aims include providing help and

support to sick and disabled children.

She is also the host of the television show Lekcja stylu

(“Lessons in Style”) on TVN STYLE of Polish television.

Mirosława Danuta Wałęsa, maiden surname Gołoś (born 25 February 1949), is the wife of

the former President of Poland Lech Wałęsa. In 1983 she took the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo,

Norway on behalf of her husband, who feared, as it was time of great political upheaval in

the country, that the Polish government might not allow him to return if he travelled to Oslo

himself. Lech and Danuta have been married since November 8, 1969 and have eight

children. Danuta grew up in a small village. Then she was working in a flower shop near the

Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk when she met Lech Wałęsa, then an electrician. They married in

1969. She was even more resolutely anti-Communist than her husband. During her

husband’s frequent interrogations by the SB (socialist services of safety) in the 1980s, she

was known openly taunt officers who came to pick him up.

Did Danuta Wałęsa and Jolanta Kwaśniewska live in the shadow of their husbands? Danuta Wałęsa throughout the presidency of her husband lived in his shadow. She seldom

appeared at his side at various ceremonies preferring seclusion of his home where she

spent time with their children. Only last year it became loudly about Danuta Wałęsa as she

had written a book about her life and people could see a different face of this not ordinary

woman and get closer to her inner world, desires and ambitions.

Jolanta Kwasniewska often accompanied her husband and actively participated in social and

charitable work. So sometimes it was louder about her than about her husband. And now

when Aleksandr Kwasniewski is not on the news and first pages of newspapers, she is still a

well-known celebrity who leads a busy life in the flashes of reporters.


Prepared by Anna Gwóźdź and Iza Duda

Teenage world and serious issues

The law for the protection of the youth

in Germany

Here are some pieces of information about what we are allowed and not allowed to

do in Germany.

At the age of 14, children are called ‘teenagers’ and they’re allowed to go out till 10

o’clock. If there's an adult responsible for us with us, we can stay out longer.

However, not only we but also our parents might get big problems with the police if

we're caught out and about, for example partying, after 10pm alone. Parents have to

pay high fees if they don't pay attention!

At the age of 16, we’re allowed to drive a motor bike, drink alcoholic beverages which

doesn't contain more than 20% of alcohol and we’re allowed to go out till 12 o’clock.

When you’re 18, in Germany you’re an ‘adult’, you can drive a car, you’re allowed to

smoke and to drink every kind of alcohol. You can go out as long as you want.

However, there are some teenagers that do not obey the rules and there is one

problem that becomes bigger and bigger:

This special issue is binge drinking.

Many teenagers in Germany are drinking too much alcohol without

knowing their bounds. They’re drinking till they find themselves in an

artificial coma. Each year, about more than thousand teenager have to

be taken to hospital because of drinking too much. Experts are

searching for solutions for this popular problem and they hope that

the number of drunken teenagers will go down. However, if you hang out with the

wrong kind of "friends", you might find yourself in the situation to choose. "Be cool" or

"Be sober" ? We recommend being self-confident, saying "no" to alcohol and staying


Lisa Prell & Pauline Leubner, KZG



Most teens don't start using drugs expecting to develop a substance abuse problem, and while most teens probably see their drug use as a casual way to have fun, there are negative effects that are a result of this use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. The biggest consequence to casual drug use can be that it develops into a true addiction. Very few addicts recognize when they have crossed the line from casual use to addiction.

In Europe, a study from 2007 showed that 61 percent of 15-16 year olds had consumed alcohol in the prior month and 43 percent reported binge drinking. Teenaged girls in particular showed an increase in the number consuming alcohol, rising from 35 percent in 1995 to 42 percent in 2007.

Eastern Europe statistics showed dramatic increases in teen drinking. In a study that compared survey results from 1997-1998 with newer data from 2005-2006, teen drunkenness rose 40 percent among Eastern European teens. Here too, girls showed a greater increase than boys.

We all have to remember that taking drugs and drinking alcohol have big influence on our development. To make matters worse it also leads to numerous diseases.

Drugs aren't good for anyone, but they are particularly bad for a kid or teen whose body is still growing. Drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs. Cocaine, for instance, can cause a heart attack — even in a kid or teen. While using drugs, people are also less able to do well in school, sports, and other activities. It's often harder to think clearly and make good decisions. People can do dumb or dangerous things that could hurt them — or other people — when they use drugs.

What Can I Do to Help?

If you think someone is using drugs, the best thing to do is to tell an adult that you trust. This could be a parent, other relative, teacher, coach, or school counselor. The person might need professional help to stop using drugs. A grownup can help the person find the treatment needed to stop using drugs. Another way kids can help kids is by choosing not to try or use drugs. It's a good way for friends to stick together

Prepared by Jakub Szymański

School life

Achievements of our students

On January 1st, 2011, the boys team, whose coach is Mr Jan Kania took part in

the Town Municipal Council Volleyball Championship and won the 1st place.

On April 8th, 2011 in the Main Lecture Hall of Kielce Technology University a

formal summary of the subject contests for secondary school students was

held. At the meeting diplomas and commemorative medals were given to 195

winners of the competitions, who are considered to be the best secondary

school students. In this venerable group there were three of our students:

Leszek Domaradzki, Aleksander łyczek and Allbert Cieślak. They were the

winners of the Ninth Competition in Information Technology.

On May 7th, 2012 the final of the National Competition called POLLOGIA was

held . Among the finalists from all over Poland selected from 165 participants

there were three representatives of our school: Albert Cieślak, Leszek

Domaradzki I Aleksander Łyczek. For the boys it was not the first success which

was achieved due to uncommon

talents, systematic work and

perseverance in the pursuit of goals.

For the first time in the history of our school our student was qualified to the

second stage of the Secondary School Mathematics Olympiad, which is a

nationwide contest!

For several years Alexander Łyczek, a student of class III e, has been attending

additional classes for mathematically gifted students organized by Mr Pawł

Dziuba who is an outstanding teacher of Mathematics. There they

systematically prepare for the struggle with Olympic tasks and apparently

these efforts were rewarded.

On March 16th, 2012 in Pinczow there was the final of the Thirteenth

National Tournament of Economic Knowledge. Our school was represented by

three students who had achieved the highest scores at the school stage. Over

two hundred participants in the tournament struggled with the test which

included economics terms and mathematical tasks. Jakub Kaczmarczyk from

class IIIa was the best and took the first prize – a laptop, Kacper Gajos (Class III

b) was the thirteenth and Michał Wijata (Class III e) was the fifteenth. In

general, in the secondary school final of the Thirteenth National Tournament

of Economic Knowledge our school team was the second.

On Sunday April 15h, 2012 Tarasińska Paulina a student of class IIIa appeared

in the "Raise Your Voice" on Channel 2 of the Polish Television. This is a

popular television music contest for amateur singers. She took the first place

singing the song of Danuta Błażejczyk "Get on a Broom."

Interview with Paulina Tarasińska

How did you feel when you won one of the most popular Polish TV music contest "Raise

Your Voice"?

I had no idea I could win this episode. It was a big surprise for me. When I heard my name I

was terribly confused and I couldn’t believe that. Once it hit me I felt great joy, I was filled

with an incredible euphoria. Now, when I look at it from the distance of time, I am very

proud of myself. Participation in “Rise Your Voice” even more mobilized me to develop

myself in music direction.

What emotions took over you when you appeared on stage?

Actually I do not remember too much of the day when everything happened because it was

a huge dose of very different emotions. When they started recording I was scared. Finally

the time came to go on stage. During a conversation with Mr. Wojtek Mann, the presenter

of the programme, I knew I had to give everything. I prayed to draw a good song. When I

heard the title, I started to get nervous. It was a song that is not appealed to me and I hadn’t

devoted too much time to it. While singing I was overwhelmed by stress again. I had to

concentrate because I knew that everything depended on me.

Are you planning further development of your talent and career?

Of course. I want to educate in this direction and put the bar higher and higher. This

summer I'm going to take part in vocal workshops with Anna Serafińska who is an

outstanding jazz singer.

Is music your only interest?

I have many interests but actually most of them are related to music. I hope that in the

future I’ll be able to do what I love and I can take up music full time.

Magdalena Doniecka

Sports in little towns and in our school

We want to write about sports in little towns and in our school. Kronach isn’t a big city, so the

children haven’t got many options to do sports there. But of course, there are some options what

they can do, for example table tennis.

Most villages around here have a table tennis team. There are 4 or more kids in a team. Everyone has

a table tennis racket and then they are at the table and the ball is hit by the players. Most people

think it isn’t really exhausting or difficult but it is. We also have the possibility to play table tennis at

school in the breaks and a lot of pupils do this regularly.

Moreover, you can dance in our school as there is a big team. Our physical education teacher is the

leader of the team. It is very successful. A lot of pupils want to join this team and It is like an extra -

curricular subject that you can choose from! The performances are always a big event and lots of

people come and watch us dance! Furthermore, this dance group has won many prizes so far and we

hope there are more to come!


Another sport that is really popular here is horseback riding. In little villages are wonderful

landscapes and there aren’t so many cars. So it is perfect for horseback riding, because there are a

lot of farmers that have horses and you can ride in the forests and the fields.

Almost every school or every village has a football

team. Our school has a football team and it’s very

good. The teams are grouped by age for 11 till 13

and 14 till 16-year-olds. There are only girls’ teams,

too. And our girls’ team is quite successful, too.

In the summer when it doesn’t rain, most pupils

go inline-skating, jogging or mountain biking with

their friends. We hope that we could help you to

get to know our life here better.

iew&catid=51&imgid=4121&PageNo=32769&key=2&hit=1#IceGallery Anna Schmidt, Eva Kreuzer, Patricia Porzelt, Franziska Schlick und Yvonne Ultsch.




Every day we hear about protecting environment. If you think one

human cannot help in this action, I will disagree with you, because even little

work is good. What should we do if we want to help our planet?

First, everyone has to start recycling rubbish.

When we reduce, we collect waste or used

materials and reuse them to make new products.

It`s simple and easy, isn`t it? Just remember put

paper, glass, wood, plastic, aluminum to different

bins. We should buy only these products, that are

friendly and safe for habitat. In that way we will

also limit destroying the rainforest.

When your old things aren’t needed,

you can give them alone to organization

of social help. Your old clothes will be

delivered to second hand shops. Maybe

someone will use them again and in

this way your “rubbish” will get the second life.

By any manner of means

We must not leave rubbish

in forest! Animals need to

live in clean and free from

litter habitat. Otherwise they

become extinct.

As you see we can do a lot for saving

our planet. Everyone wants to live in clean

and friendly environment, Help us protecting

Earth. It`s not hard, it`s simple!!

Ola Kaminska, Poland

Endangered Animals...

When people talk about endangered animals they say: “Well animals have been

disappearing for many years! It’s normal! The world has always gone ahead anyway. Who


But the situation is not exactly so. One thing is the extinction of the species for

“natural” reasons (as happened to the dinosaurs), another is the gradual loss of

territory (including seas) and the change of climate due to human action. We can’t go on

in this way!!!

Nature is all a balance and men do nothing but destroy it… after all we too are animals

and we wouldn’t like disappearing by the hand of other animals. Perhaps this is what the

animals think when they see us doing these terrible things.. removing an area where an

animal lives is like removing a house to a man. Who could live without home? Men feel

stronger and more powerful than animals and they believe they can do what they want…

but even animals have feelings. Most people consider them a means to earn money Just

dogs or at least cats can live next to men. The others? “Who cares! Go! Rubbish!!”...

Nowadays, 23% of mammals and 12% of birds are in danger.

An example of endangered species is the The European lynx,

or Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). It is one of the largest

predators of the European and Siberian forests. Once this

cat was present in all Europe. From the mid-twentieth

century it became extinct in many countries of Central and

Western Europe. The Lynx, because of its being dangerous,

was persecuted in the past and, in some European regions,

even exterminated. In reality it is a very elusive animal, and

therefore harmless to

humans. The possibility to

observe directly the Lynx are

very low. Recently there have been discrete signs of a

possible return in the north-west. According to the

latest report of the IUCN European lynx is endangered,

the total number of mature individuals do not even reach 2500. At present, some

specimens have been seen on the Italian side of the Alps. In Italy the reintroduction

program seems to have had little success and the Alpine Lynx and Lynx of Sardinia are

missing, though it seems that some specimens have been sighted in the Apennines

mountains. Not to mention Spain and Portugal (where it seems that the number of

specimens does not exceed 20).

Of course there are many other animals in this situation,

such as giant panda, tiger, gorilla, polar bear, elephant,

rhino, seal, whale, bison and chimpanzee.

Fortunately there are environmental associations

concerned with protecting animals, stopping the

degradation of the environment and promoting the respect

for nature.

WWF, World Wildlife Fund whose logo is represented by a panda,

LIPU, Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli, Volontary Association

for the Conservation of Nature whose logo is represented by a


LEGAMBIENTE the largest Italian environmental

association, whose logo is represented by a swan.

By Sophia Cannova and Adriana Gaglio class IC I.C.S. “E.Armaforte” Altofonte-Italy


Have you ever thought in the damage you can cause when throwing out

an empty bottle of glass in a forest? This is only one of the examples I have

decided to name, but as you know there are many more. I have just made a

survey about this topic and in fact the results are not what I expected.

The first thing I would like to comment on is that after making the already

mentioned survey I have heard the same answer at least thirty times; ´I don´t

think the fact of throwing rubbish out could be as dangerous as you say, it´s

only rubbish`. Most of the interviewed people talked about it with such an

extremely naturalness that they nearly made me believe it was not dangerous

for our planet. The rest of the people told me they did not know about the

dangerousness it implies; and the other ones claimed they did it because they

did not mind about the consequences it would bring about. I do not think if it is

fair enough for the people that are always caring about our planet, but even in

that situation, they are still trying to save it. Currently, our planet is in a critical

situation not only because of this type of pollution, but for other types which

are even worse for our planet than this one, such as air pollution. In fact, air

pollution is taking a heavy roll in many cities and countries; but if we avoid the

management of other types of pollution we could save the planet from being

contaminated from all sources, so we have to try to solve the problems with

pollution starting from the less dangerous or well-known forms of pollution and

then, keep on with the most harmful ones. Moreover, people have to think

deeply about the things they do and the repercussions it entails.

All people need to take the pollution issue seriously, we still have a

chance. Pollution is getting worse, so we must act and try to make people

conscious that our planet, where we all, people and animals, live, must be


By: Sulayca Mohamed Khalidi

It’s where we live


This is the third part of the travel guide around Poland. This part is about Końskie –

the town situated in south-east Poland where between 7thand 12th of May all the

groups from the Comenius project “Mind the Gap” had their meeting.

Here you’ll see a few places, that you visited being in Końskie.

Unfinished palace

The historic palace and park complex is one of the main attractions of the town. Its construction was started when the Great Chancellor of the Crown Jan Małachowski – the first owner of our city got town privileges from August III in 1748. Construction of the palace is similar to the Royal Seat of Pillnitz, near Dresden. It is composed of two side wings arranged in a semi-circle. These buildings were designed for service, and the main part of the palace has never been built.

Greek temple

Greek temple was built in a classical style probably in XIX century. It refers to the ancient buildings. The object served as a representational building where different shows and events took place. Then it was a theatre. Now it belongs to a private owner who decided to refresh the building.

Egyptian Orangery

Egyptian Orangery is a building designed by Franciszek Lanci in 1825. It refers to the ancient Egyptian style. Orangery is situated in the western part of the park in Końskie. It is decorated with statues of pharaohs and hieroglyphics. Earlier the building was a greenhouse, where decorative plants were grown. Now the Orangery serves as the House of Culture. In front of the Orangery there is a stage and benches. In this place from spring to autumn different cultural events are held.

St. Nicolaus Church

St. Nicolaus Church is the oldest building in our town. The first mention of the church comes from XIII century. Because of a fire in XV century the temple was damaged. Using elements from the old building people built a new Gothic church in 1492-1520. In 1901 the parishioners decided to do a renovation. The church was finished in 1905. On the southern wall you can see a tympanum from XIII century, inscriptions from XV century and a sundial built in 1621.

The monument of Tadeusz Kościuszko

The monument was erected in 1946. Tadeusz Kościuszko is one of the most popular character of the Polish history. He fought for the independence of Poland in XVIII century. The monument is situated near St. Nicolaus Church in the main square of Końskie.

By Kacper Gajos




“Hello” from Ceuta

Hi! We are Amal and Yazmin. We have been

friends since we were 4 years old. This is our

third holiday together

Hi, I am Amal. I was born on 14th January.

I am 16 years old.

This is where I live…

“La Almadraba” it is in the south of the

city. For some years people used to catch

red tuna and send them to Tokyo. Now

“La Almadraba” is simply a street where

there are houses and shops. My high

school is about 8 or 10 minutes from my

house. I can go there on foot. I live next to

the beach. It is fantastic!

I like Ceuta because it is small and 4

different cultures live together.

I am Yazmin. I was born on 31st July and I

am 15 years old.

This is where I live…

This street is called “San José” and it is in a

neighbourhood called “Hadú ”. There are a

lot of Chinese shops in this street. My

house is 5 minutes from my high school.

From my house you can see “The

Almadraba beach” and “la mujer muerta”

or “the dead woman” but don’t worry, it is

just a mountain!!! I like Ceuta because it’s

surrounded by water.

It is a pleasure for us to show

you our city, Ceuta.

The best high school in Ceuta. It has the

British Council Programme. It was built 7

years ago. This is our high school.


There are 7 beaches in Ceuta. But the most famous

ones are “La ribera” and “El chorrillo”. We often go

there. The other beaches are called “Benitez”,

“Calamocarro”, “Almadraba”, “Sarchal” and


Nuestra Señora de África.

It’s a cathedral. It’s the oldest church in

Ceuta and one of the most important

buildings because before being a cathedral

it was a mosque. It was built in 711.

Las Murallas Reales.

The Royal Walls were built by the

Portuguese to defend Ceuta from Arabic

attacks. It is a building from the 15th

century. They have restored them,

without changing anything. In front of it,

there is “El foso de San Felipe”, also built

by Portuguese.

Casa de los dragones.

The Dragons’ House was designed by José

Maria Manuel Cortina Perez in 1901. The

dragons you can see are just a copy of the

original statues.

La Marina.

It is situated outside the city centre. It is

near the heliport and next to the

Mediterranean Park. People usually go

there to play basketball or to go for a walk

with their children.

Parque Maritimo.

It is a big artificial swimming pool. The

water in the pool is salty water from the


There are some restaurants inside, so you

can spend a great day in sun during the



Its name is Heracles, but they called it


It is said that Hercules divided the African

and European continents, so he divided

Ceuta from Spain. This statue is situated in

the centre of Ceuta. Everyone can see it.

San Amaro.

It’s a big park with a small zoo. There are

monkeys, a lot of different birds and

domestic animals.

It’s very beautiful. Next to San Amaro’s

park there is San Amaro´s beach. In

summer, a lot of people go to this beach.

You can have a great time there.

Templo Hindu (Hindu temple)

Jai Mata di - it is the god of the power, she

was a woman who had 6 hands. It is the

name of one of the Hindu temples in

Ceuta which was built in Ceuta 15 years

ago (1996).

Sinagoga(Ceuta´s sinagogue)

This is where the Jewish go to pray

on Saturdays. It is in the centre of


Sidimbarek(Ceuta´s mosque)

It’s the most important mosque in

Ceuta. And it is a cemetery too.

Every Friday Muslims go to pray


Shopping Centre.

It is the only shopping centre in

Ceuta. There are different clothes

shops like, “Stradivarius”, “Pull and

Bear”, “Bershka”, “Inside”, “Lefties”,

“Blanco”, “Encuentro”, “Super

sport”, “C&A” and more…

There are also restaurants and a

supermarket. It has a playground for


We have enjoyed a lot doing this project:

We love Poland…

We hope you have enjoyed it too…


With the help

of our friend


Thanks for your help.

Traditions and hobbies


Sports are games that are played by everybody, from small children to elderly people.

Sports can be practiced by professional people as a job, or by non-professional people

as a hobby. All around the world sports are practiced by everyone. In the last few decades

the interest for sports has been increasing, especially in one specific sport , football .

All people in the world know something about football. Probably football is the most viewed

and broadcasted sport on television around all the world . Everyday , when you wake up ,

you switch on the television to watch the news , you will hear news about football or watch

a football match highlights . Football players, such as Messi or Ronaldo appear everywhere,

on tv, in the newpapers , in the most important magazines in the world ; commenting on

their playing style and even their personal life with their wives and sons . In the past, the

most important thing was the team that was going to win a championship. Nowadays, they

matter about the goals Messi makes , if he is going to win the prize as the best player in the

world or how many saves Casillas makes . The most fanatic people draw the face of a

football player without caring about their health. Furthermore, if there is a special match or

a derby and they haven’t got a ticket to enter to the stadium and the ticket is expensive ,

they can spend a lot of money without caring about their economical situation. So we can

call the period where we live `The Football Revolution´ . As regards the football there are

many other sports which attract people´s attention and are watched around all the world,

such as basketball, tennis or handball . All these sport need physical and mental

requirements, because you have to use your body and your mind, due to sport strategies.

In every sport , there is a man who controls the match, who is called referee.

Another characteristic of sports is that there is a specific time for playing , for instance in

football , there are 90 minutes for playing the match , however there are exceptions

such as tennis , where the time ends only when a player wins the match. Another

characteristic of a lot of sports , not all of them , is that there are substitutes which can play

in case a player is injured and can´t continue playing . However , in tennis , if you get injured

you have to stop playing and to abandon the match. That could be as a consequence of not

having warmed up in a proper way before starting the match . The most important

characteristic is that each team or player has a coach , which trains the team and is the

centre of all the team . Besides the coach , sports have also their rules , for instance :

not to touch the ball with your hand or with your arm (depending on the sport ) ; but the

most important rule is to win every time you play , to train hard and to do your best in order

to win . So , if you have never played a sport and you liked it , what are you waiting for ?

Start enjoying and competing to be the best one.

Done by MONIM.

SSttaarr WWaarrss

The Space Opera “Star Wars“ began on 25th May, 1977, when George Lucas released “Star Wars: Episode IV – A new hope“. These science-fiction movies are about the fight between the Good (Jedis) and the Evil (Sith), which took place "a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away“ . The "force" is the most striking element of the Star Wars series, and it’s described as a field of energy that holds the universe together, and Jedis and Sith use lightsabers to fight about it. The main characters are Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Episode IV – VI) and Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala and Palpatine (Episode I – III). It is funny that episodes IV to VI were shot and released long before the first three episodes, which are quite new. So George Lucas started the story in the middle and not at the beginning. I like the third episode “Revenge of the Sith“ most because that’s the most emotional episode of all. The main subject is the end of the Sith, and how Anakin Skywalker turns into Darth Vader because he wanted to help his wife Padmé: He dreamed of her death, while she was giving birth. So he changed to the dark side, and became a Sith, because Palpatine (a member of the Dark Side) told him that he can save her then. The children Padmé gave birth to, were Luke Skywalker and Leia, who play an important role in episodes IV to VI.



100 years ago - on Saturday 14th April,1912, the passengers of the

Titanic were shocked. The ship had crashed into an iceberg.

The Titanic was a passenger liner of a British shipping company

which was called White Star Line. It was the biggest ship of this time

and very famous. Still today everybody knows the Titanic because of

this disaster. The ship crashed into an iceberg and because of that

there was a big leak at the side of the ship. So, masses of water

poured inside the ship and it began to sink. Many people died

although the crew actually had 2 hours of time to evacuate the

passengers. Unfortunately, there was quite a chaos and some crew

members as well as passengers underestimated the danger. They

didn't expect the ship to sink as it was considered unsinkable.

Furthermore, there were not enough rescue boats for all the people

on board. Therefore between1490 and 1517 people died in the end.

There were a lot of conspiracy theories about the sinking and some

people for example didn´t think that the Titanic hit an iceberg, but

they thought their families were killed by a German submarine. But

this theory was disproved in 1985 by Jean-Louis Michel and Robert

Ballard. They made a 3D-Model of the wreck and saw that the Titanic

didn´t have any leaks caused by weapons that were used at that


There are many films about the Titanic, but the most famous movie is

the one by James Cameron, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate

Winslet. This one won 11 Oscars, for example, one for the best

movie, best film music, etc…

In this movie the facts about the disaster are connected with a love

story between the first-class passenger Rose DeWitt Bukater and the

third-class passenger Jack Dawson, who won his ticket by gambling.

Rose is engaged to Caledon "Cal“ Hockley because of her mum. She

wants her daughter to marry rich as her family lost most of their

money. However Rose isn't in love with Cal and therefore she plans

to jump off board to commit suicide. Jack is in love with Rose from

the first time he sees Rose, so he tries to persuade her not to jump.

He is successful. After a while Rose falls in love with Jack, too. But

when the Titanic sinks on the ground of the Atlantic Ocean, Jack dies

in the cold water.

This story may be sad, but you should watch the movie nevertheless,

as there is a 3D version in cinemas at the moment to commemorate

the 100th anniversary of the sinking of this great ship.

Alicia Braun, Lars Ammon, KZG

Minecraft is the fastest Java-game in computer history.

It was created by the Swedish creator Markus "Notch" Persson and by his company, Mojang.

It was released on 10th May 2009.

So far 21,572,2312 * people have registered, 4,881,792 * people bought the game and 25 Million**

people play it without buying it (illegal).

Minecraft is a game about placing blocks to build anything you can imagine.

At night, monsters: Creepers (exploding when they come near you), Zombies (hurt you per touch),

Skeletons (shooting arrows at you), Endermen (appear from the end and attack you if you look in

their eyes)... come out, so make sure to build a shelter before that happens.

There are (normally) two different portals : Towards the end (in castles, where the Endermen come

from), and the Nether (there are Ghasts, Zombie, Pigmen, Fireslimes, etc.).

When you have collected enough redstone, you can built redstone circuits, and with them you can

open and close the doors, you can activate booster rails, you can move pistons…; the important thing

is that a Redstone circuit can only be 15 blocks long.

Minecarts: Minecarts are moving on rails. If a minecart goes off the rail, it can only be moved by the

player in the right direction of the rails. There are three different kinds of minecarts: Powered

Minecart, Minecart, and Storage Minecarts.

There are three kinds of rails, too: Booster Rails (activated by Redstone circuits; they accelerate the

minecart on it), Detector Rails (activated if a minecart is on it), Normal Rail (no special properties).

There are more NPCs ,too, like cows, sheep, wolves, dogs (domesticated wolves), chicken, squads, …

However, there is not enough space to say everything about Minecraft. Try it yourself and download

it on

Thats the


table 2x2

Crafting table


Redstone circuit




My towers out

of Glowstone






The end with


My flying


November 1st : the day of the bagpack

In Ceuta, on November 1st (the day of All Saints) is celebrated in a

peculiar way in the rest of Spain, on that day is celebrated in Ceuta

the day of the backpack.

on that day, people will spend the day in the field and mountains, the

father would buy their children nuts such as peanuts, almonds,

pistachios, cashew nuts, raisin, chestnut and other varieties.

families make their preparations the night before the day of the

backpack, the mother makes enough food for the all day, the father

prepares the car and all things necessary to be comfortable in the

field, such as carpets, chairs and tables and children prepare their

backpacks with nuts and toys that are going to take the field. The

next day early morning people get up to the field to spend a splendid


prepare adults to get the chairs and tables to sit, some even have

tents and booths campaign to be protected from the sun, children

playing outside all day, breathing the pure air that is not the city.

After lunch the children and adults eat the nuts of their bagpacks,

pick up the dry leaves are fallen from the trees, sing songs, take

pictures and adults organize activities for children.

when it gets dark the adults begin to collect things to return to their

homes after passing an unforgettable and wonderful day in the field

for this important day, the council prepared a great device for police,

firefighters and ambulances on the hills to ensure the safety of

people, and trash containers to protect the environment.

but the mountains are filled are: Turtle Mount, Mount hacho and the

viewpoint of Isabel Segunda, although a large number of people who

prefer to pass in the mountains and meadows of morocco.

all this, but of course it rains.

By : ilias dris abdennebi

Enjoy your meal!

The “harira”

The harira is a traditional Moroccan soup made

with meat, tomatoes and vegetables. Although it is

consumed all year round, its high nourishing

powers make it a perfect dish for the month of

Ramadan, a month of fasting.

Ingredients, for 4 people:

250 gr. veal ,2 onions, 200 gr. chick-peas, a

teaspoonful of yellow colouring, a spoonful of butter, a teaspoonful of ground

ginger, an ulna of meat broth, 100 gr. lentils, 100 gr. grazes for soup, a bunch of

coriander, a bunch of parsley, 100 gr. concentrate of tomato, a celery stick, 5

tomatoes, salt and pepper.


Put the chick peas and lentils in cold water, separately, the night before. Drain

them and remove the skin from the chick-peas. Chop very finely the coriander,

the parsley, the onions and the celery stick. Peel the tomatoes and finely chop

them. Dice the meat into very small pieces. Then, put the chopped onion with the

butter into a casserole dish. Add the meat, the colouring and the ginger, season

and add the mixed concentrated broth. For this dish, we have used concentrated

lamb broth, which we got from the same Arabic butcher's as the meat for the

couscous. Add the chick-peas and allow it to boil.

Add more water, at least two litres, together with the chopped coriander, parsley

and celery. Cook for 30 minutes. Then add the lentils and cook it for a further

20 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook for a further 10 minutes. Finally, add

the pasta and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add a little salt and pepper. Add the

concentrate of tomato to the stew and cook for a further 10 minutes on a low

heat. Serve the soup in tureen, with pieces of lemon. Traditionally this recipe is

accompanied with harira, the soup of the Ramadan, with dates and dried figs.

Also you can aromatize with a little butter, in the same tureen or on a separate


Yasmina El Aissaoui Sadik

Nisrin Abdelrrahaman Bunuar

Vegetable salad

On the occasion of our last meeting the Polish group prepared a traditional

vegetable salad. It is usually cooked at every celebration in most families in



4 carrots 2 parsley (root) 1 large potato 1 small celery 2 onions 5 hard boiled eggs 4 pickled cucumbers, an apple (not sweet) 1 tin of green (without liquid) salt pepper 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise (or according to taste)

Cook the unpeeled potatoes, parsley, celery and carrots, then peel and chop

them. Peel the apple and onions next cut them into small cubes. Dice the

boiled eggs up. Put all the ingredients into a bowl, add the peas and some

mayonaise, salt and pepper and mix them together.

Enjoy your salad

Just for fun

Laughing with your friends !

At school …

-Sara, what can you tell me about

the death of J.F. Kennedy ?

-That I am extremely sorry !

Laughing with your friends !

The teacher realizes thet one of the

students is sleeping.

-”Hey you”, she says to Steven,

“Wake up your classmate !”

-”No way Miss, you made him fall asleep,

you wake him up !”

Laughing with your friends !

There are bats hanging of a branch

upside down, all except one.

Two bats comment:

-What happened to this one ?

-I don’t know, two minutes ago

he seemed normal and then he fainted.

Have fun with your friends with these cheerful tongue twisters !

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish the wish.

Seventy seven benevolent elephants.

One - one was a race horse. Two - two was one too. One - one won one race. Two - two won one too.

TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Across 1. The last name of a Czech teacher, educator and writer 5. The biggest state in Germany 7. A boat that takes passengers and cars across the sea 9. The oldest settlement of this town dates back to the 11th century 11. This is the building where the government of a US state meets 12. A large open place at a cliff, in a hill or under the ground

Down 2. A building where you can store goods 3. A Scottish instrument 4. The town which is famous for Lucas Cranach and the fortress Rosenberg 6. A town which is about 9km from Palermo 8. the place where you were born and grew up 10. A Spanish town in Africa

Daniel Lenhardt, KZG


1. + -R + +T

2. + -A +I + -CR-W

3. -HOOl + I + -P-IL+E

4. -HE

5. -Oom + -Sp -Ers

+ = ?


+ + es = ?

Crossword 2

1. A place where we go to learn.

2. A thing to brush your hair.

3. They get married: a woman and a … .

4. You pay it for something.

5. You use this every time you want to hold something.

6. This thing is very cold. You can put it into a drink.

7. Me and … .

8. An old person.


A teacher asks her students if they`re Yankees fans. All of the hands go up except for one student. -Okay, Bobby. What team are you a fan of?` -The Red Sox.` -Why`s that?` -Well, my parents are both Red Sox fans, so I`m a Red Sox fan too.` -That`s not a good answer, Bobby. If your parents were both morons, would you be a moron too?` -No, that would make me a Yankees fan!`

On the first day of college, the dean addressed the students, pointing out some of the rules: `The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds for all male students, and the male dormitory to the female students. Anybody caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time. Anybody caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60. Being caught a third time will cost you $180. Are there any questions?` One student raised his hand and asked, `How much for a season pass?` A guy found a sheep and showed him to a policeman. The policeman said, `Take that sheep to the zoo, now.` Next day the policeman sees the man with the sheep again. The policeman stops the guy and says, `What on earth are you doing with that sheep?` The guy says, `What is there to do? Yesterday I took him to the zoo and now I`m taking him to the movies.` On a rural road a state trooper pulled a man over and said: "Sir, do you realize your wife fell out of the car several miles back?" To which the man replied: "Thank God, I thought I had gone deaf!" Two blondes were driving down the road. The blonde driving looks at her friend in the passenger seat and asks her to see if her blinker is working. So the blonde looks out the window and says, `Yes. No. Yes. No.` A beautiful young blond woman boards a plane to LA with a ticket for the coach section. She looks at the seats in coach and then looks ahead to the first class seats. Seeing that the first class seats appear to be much larger and more comfortable, she moves forward to the last empty one. The flight attendant checks her ticket and tells the woman that her seat is in coach. The blond replies, `I`m young, blond and beautiful, and I`m going to sit here all the way to LA.` Flustered, the flight attendant goes to the cockpit and informs the captain of the blond problem. The captain goes back and tells the woman that her assigned seat is in coach. Again, the blond replies, `I`m young, blond and beautiful, and I`m going to sit here all the way to LA.` The captain doesn`t want to cause a commotion, and so returns to the cockpit to discuss the blond with the co-pilot. The co-pilot says that he has a blond girlfriend, and that he can take care of the problem. He then goes back and briefly whispers something into the blonde`s ear. She immediately gets up, says, `Thank you so much,` hugs the co-pilot, and rushes back to her seat in the coach section. The pilot and flight attendant, who were watching with rapt attention, together ask the co-pilot what he had said to the woman. He replies, `I just told her that the first class section isn`t going to LA.`

Prepared by łukasz Wolski and Tomek Kucharski



Across 1. COMENIUS—The last name of a Czech teacher, educator and writer 5. BAVARIA—The biggest state in Germany 7. FERRY—A boat that takes passengers and cars across the sea 9. KOŃSKIE—The oldest settlement of this town dates back to the 11th century 11. STATE HOUSE—This is the building where the government of a US state meets 12. CAVE—A large open place at a cliff, in a hill or under the ground

Down 2. STOREHOUSE—A building where you can store goods 3. BAGPIPES—A Scottish instrument 4. KRONACH—The town which is famous for Lucas Cranach and the fortress Rosenberg 6. ALTOFONTE—A town which is about 9km from Palermo 8. HOMETOWN—the place where you were born and grew up 10. CEUTA—A Spanish town in Africa


1. Entertainment

2. Television

3. Science

4. Art

5. Break

6. Suitcase

7. Sunglasses

Crossword 2 1. SCHOOL


3. MAN



6. ICE

7. YOU