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Page 1: The Boston Massacre

American History Project

Page 2: The Boston Massacre

Parliament in Great Britain had lost the battle over the Stamp Act. However, they were determined to assert their control over the colonies.

In 1766, they passed a new decree that reaffirmed their right to pass laws regarding the colonies. The next year they passed a number of new taxes, including a tax on glass, lead, paper, and tea.

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Taxation and other issues continued to build tension between Britain and the colonies. This tension showed between the colonists and the British soldiers posted in Boston. On the night of March 5, 1770, the tension burst.

The colonies were again outraged, and many refused to pay them. In order to enforce these new tax laws, British officials requested military troops to aid them.

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On the evening of March 5, 1770, Private Hugh White was on guard in front of the Customs House on King Street in Boston.

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A crowd of people had gathered and began harassing the soldier. His calls for help brought nine soldiers led by Captain Thomas Preston. The crowd continued to harass the soldiers with insults, and were throwing snowballs at them.

In the commotion, someone yelled, "Fire!" and soldiers began shooting. Three townspeople were killed and eight more were wounded, two of which died later. No one knew who gave the order to fire.

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After the shooting, the people of Boston were demanding the soldiers be trialed and executed for the shootings. The governor ordered Captain Preston and eight soldiers be put in prison pending a trial. In order to ensure a fair trial the lawyer John Adams defended the soldiers. John Adams convinced the jury that the soldiers fired in self defense. As a result of the trial, Captain Preston and six soldiers were set free. Two of the soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter. They were branded as convicts and then released. Interestingly, John Adams would later become Vice President of the United States under President George Washington, and then the second President of the United States of America.

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