Page 1: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 2: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 3: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 4: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 5: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 6: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 7: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 8: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 9: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 10: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world
Page 11: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world

Blue whales have a blue body, and white spots on its back. they have yellow teeth.The blue whales body wight is 200 tones ][theweight of one elephant].It lives in ocean water. Blue whales eat plakton and krill.

Page 12: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world

The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world.

Page 13: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world

The blue whales predator is a killer whale witch llives in the snow.

Page 14: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world

The blue whale gets hiding from the rocks..

Page 15: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world

A blue whale eats plakton and krill. Plakton is a insect or a plant flouating on top of the water.. And krill is like dust.

Page 16: The blue whale lives in ocean water around the world

First a blue whale head goes up and then the tail goes down and it keeps on going. The blue whale has a fin and .
