

11stst Amendment Amendment A. Freedom of SpeechA. Freedom of Speech B. Freedom of the PressB. Freedom of the Press C. Freedom of ReligionC. Freedom of Religion D. Freedom to Assemble D. Freedom to Assemble

PeacefullyPeacefully E. Freedom to Petition E. Freedom to Petition

Gov’t Gov’t for redress of for redress of GrievancesGrievances

22ndnd Amendment Amendment

A. Right to keep and bear ArmsA. Right to keep and bear Arms

33rdrd Amendment Amendment

A. No Quartering of TroopsA. No Quartering of Troops

44thth Amendment Amendment

A. No unreasonable A. No unreasonable searches/ searches/ seizuresseizures

B. Specific Warrants with B. Specific Warrants with Probable CauseProbable Cause

55thth Amendment Amendment A. Grand Jury must indict A. Grand Jury must indict

accused for trialaccused for trial B. No Double JeopardyB. No Double Jeopardy

C. No Self-Incrimination (plead C. No Self-Incrimination (plead 55thth))

D. Right to Due Process (legal D. Right to Due Process (legal system)system)

66thth Amendment Amendment A. Right to a Speedy and Public A. Right to a Speedy and Public


B. Right to Cross Examine WitnessB. Right to Cross Examine Witness

C. Right to Defense CounselC. Right to Defense Counsel

77thth Amendment Amendment

Right to Sue in Civil Court Right to Sue in Civil Court for damages for damages compensationcompensation

88thth Amendment Amendment

• A. No excessive Bail or Fines

• B. No Cruel or Unusual Punishments

99thth Amendment Amendment

A. Protection of Individual A. Protection of Individual Rights not in Rights not in


Travel, have a child, marryTravel, have a child, marry

1010thth Amendment Amendment

A. States reserve powers A. States reserve powers not granted to federal not granted to federal Gov’t by Con. Gov’t by Con.
