
Bright Lights, Big Content! Since the first movie theatre opened in 1905, people have been drawn to the big screen for stories to make them laugh, cry and imagine the world differently.

A good movie can entertain. A great movie will leave you feeling engaged and invested in the characters of the story in anticipation of what’s next. A great content marketing strategy can have a similar effect between buyers and brands.

To bridge that connection between the great Hollywood movies of the past and successful content marketing of today, we’ve partnered with TopRank Online Marketing to create a triple feature covering strategy to measurement.

Featuring some of the top “stars” in the content marketing world, this series is the perfect prequel to the main event: Content Marketing World 2015 in Cleveland, September 8-11, 2015.

So grab your date, buy some popcorn and a drink, then find a good seat. This year’s show just might be the biggest and best ever. You won’t want to miss it! Joe Pulizzi Founder, Content Marketing Institute & Content Marketing World

Joe Pulizzi

Content Marketing Triple Feature

Learn to be a content marketing star! In this series of eBooks, you’ll learn content marketing strategy, integration and measurement from experts like Jay Baer, Ann Handley and Michael Brenner. You’ll also gain first-hand insights from brands like 3M, Kraft Foods and Xerox.

We’ll release a new eBook each week in June along with special feature interviews, infographics and more.

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Enjoy the show!!



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Robert Rose

Robert Rose @Robert_Rose

Chief Strategy Officer Content Marketing Institute

#CMWorld Presentation:

Content Creation Management – Building a New Process For

Our Business & Content Marketing Success

Favorite Movie: Princess Bride

Hey Kid, You Ready For Your Content Marketing Close-Up?

This is content marketing. It ain’t "content friends,” and it ain’t "Let’s-talk-about-us marketing.” It was Hitchcock who said, “drama is life with the dull bits cut out.” And that, my friend, is great content marketing. It’s the life of the business with the dull bits removed. What’s the biggest part of the “big picture” of content marketing? You have to create value beyond the product or service you’re selling. That’s right, kid. Marketing doesn’t change content’s purpose, content changes marketing’s purpose. It’s about creating value that has everything to do with why you’re in the business, but is rarely about your product or service. It’s the kind of thing that, by itself, sells tickets, puts butts in the seats and opens big. Like I said kid – it’s time to listen up. You’re ready for your close up.

Sarah Compagnoni

Sarah Leitz-Compagnoni @SarahCompagnoni

Strategic Marketing Manager TechSmith Corporation

#CMWorld Presentation:

How to Structure Your Marketing Department Around Paid, Earned and Owned Media

Favorite Movie:

Pride and Prejudice

Building a Blockbuster Content Marketing Strategy

A movie doesn’t hit the theaters as soon as an idea pops into the director’s head. They need the right cast, script, set design and promotions to create a box office hit. Likewise, great content marketing starts well before anyone clicks a link. RomCom, Action, or Thriller? With a box office hit, the story is clear and the team knows what their audience will like. The same goes for content marketing. Before you put pen to paper you need to know who you’re trying to reach and why they would care about your story. Pick the Right Cast A great story only gets you partway there. A great supporting staff is the only way a film makes it past the cutting room floor.

Sarah Compagnoni

You need someone: •! To set the vision and direct the campaign •! Who can write and design great content •! Who knows how to reach your audience Content marketing is so much more than a great white paper or customer story. To make an impact you need to understand who you’re trying to reach, what they care about, and have a great team in place to bring home an Oscar!

Sarah Leitz-Compagnoni @SarahCompagnoni

Strategic Marketing Manager TechSmith Corporation

#CMWorld Presentation:

How to Structure Your Marketing Department Around Paid, Earned and Owned Media

Favorite Movie:

Pride and Prejudice

Building a Blockbuster Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is more than just a great customer story.


Chris Moody

Chris Moody @cnmoody

Director of Marketing – Content and Social


#CMWorld Presentation: How Senior Marketers and

CMOs are Structuring Around Content Marketing

Favorite Movie:

The Way, Way Back

Optimize Before You Innovate

Instead of thinking of content in terms of creating all new stuff, look at what you're already doing. We send lots of email. Usually, it gets archived or lost and useful information lives and dies in our inboxes. Find Ways to Optimize Your Current Strategy One of the best examples of optimizing content strategy is that of a customer who sells tires online. Their reps were answering more than 150 questions per week. Someone would ask, "What's the best tire for my Honda Odyssey?" A rep would provide a detailed response with several tires specific to that car. They'd talk about their favorite, why that works best and delight their prospect with detailed information. Unfortunately, that was all dying in their inbox.

Create Efficiencies Through Optimization Now, they BCC an email address specific to each rep. That routes it into their content marketing software for a marketer. They strip out identifying information, add in some images, throw in trackable links and then they have an amazing blog post. The company then shares the content on their blog. The content integrates with their marketing automation solution and can be pulled into any landing page or email they need to send. It is searchable, it ranks well, and it delivers a very relevant answer to anyone asking that question. By the way, those trackable links are specific to the rep. If someone clicks and buys that tire, the rep gets paid. They now make money for what would have been a 1-to-1 email. Needless to say, they have a large amount of user generated content.

Chris Moody

Optimize Before You Innovate

Chris Moody @cnmoody

Director of Marketing – Content and Social


#CMWorld Presentation: How Senior Marketers and

CMOs are Structuring Around Content Marketing

Favorite Movie:

The Way, Way Back

Cleve Gibbon

Cleve Gibbon @cleveg

Chief Marketing Technology Officer

Cognifide Limited

#CMWorld Presentation: The New Formal for Content

Architecture – Grow Slow or Die Fast

Favorite Movie: Kung Fu Hustle

A Fullscreen Approach to Content Marketing

Tactics without strategy is noise before defeat. We have to think big, but start small. Believe success is easier done than said by approaching all content marketing strategies TACTically: •! Test: Build your (small) hypothesis that will explain your

expected outcomes. •! Audience: Define who your target audience is and

understand why and where you need to reach them. •! Content: Be clear on what on you need to say and why

it’s relevant to your audience at that point in their lives. •! Technology: Use technology to best deliver the

message to its audience. Apply copious amounts of TACT to your content, because campaigns come and go but content lives on. Effective content marketing needs content to be managed as a product. Start with what you make then move to what you manage and monetize.

Joanne Cleaver

Joanne Cleaver @jycleaver

Development Director American Society of

Journalists and Authors Educational Foundation

#CMWorld Presentation:

How to Effectively Outsource Content to Freelancers

Favorite Movie:

Bad Santa

Build Your Content Marketing Crew with Freelancers

Sometimes you need the right writer, at the right time, for the right piece, for the right client. When you have strong ongoing relationships with experienced freelancers, you can assemble a dream team for any client. In years past, editors maintained a ‘stable’ of writers. That implied a team of workhorses waiting to be harnessed for heavy work. Now, freelance writers, editors and project managers are involved in projects from concept to execution. Freelancers are a ‘halo’ of talent for thinly staffed agencies and companies. When you engage them at every point, you gain insight and ideas that win clients and expand client projects and relationships.

Joanne Cleaver

Tactics for cultivating a halo of freelance talent: Help your freelancers grow professionally. When you give them assignments that help them stretch their skills, experience and areas of content mastery, you are polishing your firm’s reputation while strengthening loyalty. Tap prescreened freelance talent pools, such as the “Find a Writer” search service offered by the American Society of Journalists and Authors and the subscribers to Freelance Success.

Build Your Content Marketing Crew with Freelancers

Give freelancers assignments that will stretch their skills.


Joanne Cleaver @jycleaver

Development Director American Society of

Journalists and Authors Educational Foundation

#CMWorld Presentation:

How to Effectively Outsource Content to Freelancers

Favorite Movie:

Bad Santa

Carlos Abler

Carlos Abler @Carlos_Abler

Leader: Content Marketing Strategy


#CMWorld Presentation: Getting Employees Involved in

Your Content Marketing Practice

Favorite Movie: Ran

Who is the Hero in Your Content Marketing Movie?

Attain stardom by becoming your customer’s hero and help them achieve their goals. But from what type of peril are they suffering? What kind of hero do THEY need YOU to be? Use the archetypes below to explore which best fits your audience’s needs. Your content may combine one or more of these, but typically one will be dominant. Thought Leader: Transcend buzzwords or meme-jacking with a new model for interpreting their world that generates continuous new value. Provide the next “4Ps” or paradigmatic language driving discourse for years to come. Diagnostician: Help them find the right solution by better understanding their current situation then deliver paths forward to transform it. Think solutions selling. Journalist: Keep them up-to-date by presenting information that helps them develop an informed perspective.

Mentor: Help your customers achieve Jedi-like mastery of a skill. Beyond competence lies excellence. Assistant: Help them get from A to B, install a TV, plan a vacation, be alerted or reminded. Spiritual Advisor: Help them find life’s ultimate purpose and explore the deeper meaning behind things. Storyteller/Entertainer: Feed the human need for novelty, wonderment, humor, love, tragedy, aspiration, the mythic and other worlds. Friend: Listen, love and support. Anticipate needs with personalized attention. This one may be a delivery mode of the other archetypes. Friends are often our greatest heroes.

Who is the Hero in Your Content Marketing Movie?

Carlos Abler

Carlos Abler @Carlos_Abler

Leader: Content Marketing Strategy


#CMWorld Presentation: Getting Employees Involved in

Your Content Marketing Practice

Favorite Movie: Ran

Jay Baer

Jay Baer @JayBaer

Author, President Convince and Convert

#CMWorld Presentation:

Content Atomization: Making More Content From Less Through Smart Planning

Favorite Movie: This Is Spinal Tap

7 Steps to Blockbuster Content Marketing

Like trying to cut your own hair without a mirror, implementing content marketing without a strategy is possible, just not advisable. Here's the 7-step process we use at Convince & Convert to create content marketing strategic plans for our clients: 1. Determine Objectives for Content Marketing: Why are you doing this at all? 2. What’s Your One Thing? What will you create in your content marketing program that sets you apart? 3. Measure Your Content Marketing: Your objectives dictate your metrics. 4. Define Your Audiences: Your objectives also dictate your audiences. Understand your audiences like you understand your family.

Jay Baer 5. Focus on Audience Needs: What do your audiences need to know from you? Organize those needs to create a customer journey map of necessary content. 6. Create a Content Execution Plan: Where and how do your audiences consume information? Build a plan that shows what content you’ll create daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly. 7. Create a Content Amplification Plan: The reality is that just creating content isn’t enough. In many cases, you need to market your marketing.

7 Steps to Blockbuster Content Marketing

Understand your audiences like you understand your family.


Jay Baer @JayBaer

Author, President Convince and Convert

#CMWorld Presentation:

Content Atomization: Making More Content From Less Through Smart Planning

Favorite Movie: This Is Spinal Tap

John Jantsch

Keyword Research is the Director of Content Marketing

There was a time when the term ‘keyword research’ was applied only in the context of search engine optimization or pay per click advertising. Incorporate Keyword Research into Content Marketing Today, SEO doesn’t really exist outside of the context of content marketing and keyword research techniques must be applied in a much broader sense to help inform an overall marketing and content strategy. For example, as a business tries to better understand how to attract their ideal customer, it’s essential that they fully understand the questions these ideal clients wrestle with as they go online and search for solutions. These questions, or more accurately, the answers to these questions, must be the basis of their content approach. Sounds logical enough, but how do you go about doing that?

John Jantsch @ducttape

Founder Duct Tape Marketing

#CMWorld Presentation:

Developing a New Sales Playbook in the Social Age

Favorite Movie:

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

John Jantsch John Jantsch

@ducttape Founder

Duct Tape Marketing

#CMWorld Presentation: Developing a New Sales

Playbook in the Social Age

Favorite Movie: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

1. Start by employing a very traditional keyword research approach that kicks off with internal and external brainstorming. (Involve the entire team – marketing, sales and service.) 2. Add a trip to the Google Keyword Planner tool to develop a list of core content themes. (Hint: Pay close attention to ad sets that produce high bids. There’s a good chance these are converting.) 3. Finish up by analyzing content people are actually producing and sharing around your key themes with a tool like BuzzSumo. With this approach you might just be able to create an annual content plan based on the “landmark” themes that will drive long-term growth. Yep, keyword research, it’s not just for SEO anymore.

Keyword Research is the Director of Content Marketing

Loren McDonald

Loren McDonald @LorenMcDonald

VP, Industry Relations Silverpop, an IBM Company

#CMWorld Presentation:

How to Create a World-Class Speaker Program to Build Your

Brand & Generate Leads

Favorite Movie: 12 Angry Men

Repurpose & Serialize to Scale Your Content Marketing

A key strategy for scaling your content marketing program is to use an “asset leverage” model. With this approach, the marketing team focuses on developing “umbrella” content assets that in turn can be leveraged into several other forms of content. Develop Content That Can Be Leveraged An example is to develop a research project and produce a study or survey. Once the research is completed, the findings can be leveraged into multiple content assets including: •! The research report itself •! Press release •! Blog posts •! Bylined articles •! Infographics •! Webinars •! Speaking opportunities

Loren McDonald

Even More Content Assets! •! Newsletter articles •! Videos, audio blogs •! Q&As •! Social media posts •! Pinterest Boards •! SlideShare posts •! Case studies Additionally, think of these initiatives not as one-time projects but recurring programs, such as annual benchmark reports or consumer or client surveys. Budgets and resources will be easier to obtain when management can see how the initiative can become a major annual project that is leveraged across multiple content platforms.

Repurpose & Serialize to Scale Your Content Marketing

Loren McDonald @LorenMcDonald

VP, Industry Relations Silverpop, an IBM Company

#CMWorld Presentation:

How to Create a World-Class Speaker Program to Build Your

Brand & Generate Leads

Favorite Movie: 12 Angry Men

Kristina Halvorson

Kristina Halvorson @halvorson

CEO and Founder Brain Traffic

#CMWorld Presentation:

Opening Keynote – Content VS. The Customer

Favorite Movie:

Toy Story

Customer Satisfaction = Box Office Success

Marketers need to advocate beyond the delivery of content, and focus on building the customer relationship. This involves taking some steps back and finding out what the customer really wants from us. In order to find out that information, we need to be brave and ask our customers questions and be willing to hear what their answers are. First and foremost, we need to find a way to: 1.! Understand our customer’s business goals 2.! Practically execute content strategy 3.! Measure effectively Understand Customer Needs Content marketing is about building and deepening the relationship with customers. Content marketers are aspirational, creative and curious - and are looking for an outlet for brand expression.

Kristina Halvorson

There is no replacement for talking to customers. The number one reason that we don’t talk to our customers is because we’re afraid of what they’ll say, or that they’ll tell us they don’t care. Take a Practical Approach to Content Strategy The role of a content strategist is to ensure that business goals and user needs are very clearly articulated. Once there is an understanding of what needs to get done, we help identify scalability, internal capacity and how the strategy will be executed. Ultimately we need to help corporations make decisions about what they’re going to do, and not going to do. Measurement of Content Strategy The shared metric across the board is customer satisfaction. To measure up to our content success, we must also take into consideration customer feedback and sales support.

Customer Satisfaction = Box Office Success

Kristina Halvorson @halvorson

CEO and Founder Brain Traffic

#CMWorld Presentation:

Opening Keynote – Content VS. The Customer

Favorite Movie:

Toy Story

Brian Clark

Brian Clark @brianclark

CEO Copyblogger Media

#CMWorld Presentation: How Small Businesses Can

Dominate with Content Marketing

Favorite Movie:

Lost in Translation

Effective Content Strategy: Mapping the Buyer’s Storyboard

Thanks to the Internet, the buyer begins the journey alone and empowered with information. A smart content marketing strategy allows you to show up early, provide valuable assistance along the path, and become the only logical choice at the time of transaction. The Buyer’s Shoes: Can you truly feel your prospect’s pain or experience their desire? Step one is to put yourself in their shoes and truly see things from their perspective. Walking the Path: Standing in their shoes and seeing the world as they do is critical, but it’s only the beginning. Now you need to walk in those shoes and experience the journey, once again from their perspective. The buyer journey metaphor is perfect, but only if you truly know the terrain. Then you can create the right content, to be delivered at the right touch points at just the right time.

James Moat

James Moat @digecomm

Director, Global Digital Corporate Communications

Avery Dennison

#CMWorld Presentation: Getting Employees Involved in

Your Content Marketing Practice

Favorite Movie: Point Break

The X Factor for Social Content

Want to drive a successful social media content strategy? The solution is right under your nose - employees are the X factor! Harness the Power of Employees It’s a bold statement, but it can apply to any business, whether we’re talking about websites, blogs, and/or social media. The power of employees generating and sharing content is a greatly undervalued asset. Over the past year, across our entire social media portfolio, we’ve grown from 3,000 followers to over 250,000. But we realize it’s not just about our audience size, so we’re always testing and trying different and innovative ways to: •! Drive engagement •! Improve click-thru traffic •! Create sentiment and share voice/conversion

By focusing on quality and not quantity, we feel positioned for success in the long-term. We weren’t the only ones to agree with that methodology; we were humbled with recognitions by Smart Insights and Innovation Enterprise for our social media content strategy. Part of our success can be attributed to a storytelling framework that includes: •! Sharing product innovations •! Striving to be a leader in sustainability for our industries •! Celebrating our culture and heritage •! Advocating community investment by highlighting the

work of our foundation •! Creating awareness of our career opportunities around

the globe

Sprinkle a little bit of passionate employees into the mix and voila - you have a recipe for success!

The X Factor for Social Content

James Moat @digecomm

Director, Global Digital Corporate Communications

Avery Dennison

#CMWorld Presentation: Getting Employees Involved in

Your Content Marketing Practice

Favorite Movie: Point Break

James Moat

David Beebe

David Beebe @davidbeebe

Vice President Global Creative & Content Marketing

Marriott International

#CMWorld Presentation: The Strategy & Execution Behind Marriott’s Content

Marketing Studio

Favorite Movie: The Devil Wears Prada

Content marketing is like a first date. If all you do is talk about yourself, there won’t be a second date. Likewise, as a brand, if all you do is talk about how great you are and provide no value to the consumer, they won’t engage. 3 Tips for Creating Content That Builds Communities 1.  Your content must be relatable for your audience and in

context to what the consumer is looking for. 2.  Your content must add value. It must always inform or

entertain the reader. 3.  Your content must elicit an emotional response. It must

connect with consumers psychologically and make them feel something.

Content marketing, as I define it, is really another form of service. It’s about serving a customer something valuable and ultimately creating a raving brand fan.

First Rule of Content Marketing: Don’t Talk About Yourself










JUNE 15, 2015