Page 1: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

Page 2: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

When you consider the fact that we’re a country dotted with coffee shops, juice bars and convenience stores that offer tanker-sized soda options, then it’s no surprise that many of us drink way more calories than we need to. In fact, adding empty liquid calories is one of the worst dietary offenses we make. But the problem isn’t just the added calories; it’s also that many junky drinks can also influence hunger and fullness—thus coaxing you to eat even more.

Beverages for your body in any situation

Page 3: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

• You’re feeling fatigue have a headache, or are just plain old grumpy: A rule of thumb is that women need about 11 8 oz. cups of water a day and men need around 15 cups

• You want to lose weight: Drink two cups before every meal.

• You Exercise for less than 90 minutes: Drink about 15 to 20 ounces two to three hours before exercise, and 8 to 10 ounces 10 to 15 minutes beforehand, and the same amount every 10 to 15 minutes during exercise

When to have – Water

Page 4: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

• You’re going through caffeine withdrawal: It has about 50 mg of caffeine per 8 oz. cup, as compared to coffee, which has between 100 to 190 mg per 8 oz. cup.

• You have stomach issues: tea to support the digestive system because of its detoxifying qualities and ginger for their stomach-smoothing qualities.

When to have - Tea

Page 5: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

• You need constipation relief: Drink some on the morning to help balance out the nutrients in breakfast. Juice is best partnered with lean protein and complex carbohydrates to kick off the metabolism.

• You have a urinary tract infections (UTI): If you often suffer from recurrent UTI episodes, try a daily glass of 100 percent cranberry juice.

• You have a high-fat meal: Drink one glass after a high-fat meal.

When to have - Juice

Page 6: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

• You’re concerned about diabetes: If you’re not sensitive to caffeine, you can enjoy coffee—without added sugar, sugary syrups, or full-fat milk or cream—all day long.

• You’re feeling the blues: women who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had a lower risk of endometrial cancer and more women drank caffeinated coffee, the less likely they were to have depressive symptoms.

When to have - Coffee

Page 7: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

You want to shed fat: It’s good for strong bones, yes, but it may also help you burn more fat, and received adequate dairy intake (3 daily servings of dairy with each providing 300 to 350 mg calcium and 8 to 10 g of protein) decreased their body fat by around 2 pounds.

When to have - Milk

Page 8: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

You want some immune support: Due to its rich vitamin C content, lemons strengthen the immune system and are very cleansing. Lemonade made from fresh lemons, water, and a small amount of sweetener, like stevia, raw honey, or raw agave, is detoxifying, freshening, and cooling,

When to have - Lemonade

Page 9: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

You want an endurance boost: A beer now and then with meal is fine, but it’s best to avoid alcohol consumption 1 to 2 hours before bedtime so your sleep isn’t disrupted.

When to have - Beer

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weight loss tips

Page 10: The best beverages to drink and the best times to have them

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