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THE BENGHAZI WHITEWASH Clinton Allies’ Distasteful Attempt To Rewrite The Benghazi Debacle


Today in a new e-book, long-time partisan political operative and Clinton ally David Brock began the Democrats callous, politically motivated attempts to whitewash the failures leading up to and attempted cover-up following the fatal terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, ahead of a 2016 presidential run.

Instead of taking responsibility for the gross mismanagement and lack of security preparation the Democrats continue to try to spin the facts.

Here are the top things you need to know about Hillary Clinton’s handling of the attack in Benghazi:

#1: Clinton Had To Be Aware Of Requests For Additional Security, Which Were Denied

SPIN: In The Benghazi Hoax, Brock Argues That Claims That Clinton Had Any Role In Security Decisions Is “Driven By A Basic Misunderstanding Of State Department Protocol.” “But one things remained constant for two decades: The desire to win at the so-called ‘politics of personal destruction,’ always precluding the facts. This time, the Republican attacks on Clinton’s supposed role in decreasing security at diplomatic facilities in Libya were driven by a basic misunderstanding of State Department protocol.” (David Brock and Ari-Rabin Havt, The Benghazi Hoax, 10/21/13)

FACT: According To Former State Department Regional Security Officer Eric Nordstrom, Clinton Would “Absolutely” Been Made Aware Of Requests For More Security And That The Specific Request Made “Must Be Signed By The Cabinet Head, Secretary Clinton.” REP. DOUG COLLINS (R-GA): “Mr. Nordstrom I want to follow up on a question from Mr. Lankford earlier about a March 28th cable asking for more security. He asked you about your intended recipients (sic) of that cable. Now, did you expect Secretary Clinton to either have read or to be briefed about that cable?” ERIC NORDSTROM, FORMER REGIONAL SECURITY OFFICER IN LIBYA: “Absolutely. I certainly expected given the fact that she had an involvement in the security process. If I could take a step back. By virtue of having the SST teams there, because they were an Department of Defense asset, the process for that is something called an exec-sec. That exec-sec is a -- literally a request from one cabinet head to another. In this case, State to DOD. That request must be signed by the cabinet head, Secretary Clinton.” (Eric Nordstrom, Hearing, U.S. House of Representatives,

Government Oversight And Reform Committee, 5/8/13)

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#2: Despite Being Told It Was A Terrorist Attack, Clinton Blamed The Attack On An Unrelated YouTube Video

SPIN: In The Benghazi Hoax, Brock Argues That It Made Sense For Officials In Washington To Assume The Attack In Benghazi Was The Result Of A Protest Stemming From The Offensive Video. “News of the Cairo statement began to circulate through the media not long before the first news flashes out of Benghazi, where the shots that information officer Smith had first reported were devolving into a noisy attack as a large, growing fire illuminated the sky. The implication seemed clear at the time: The protests over the YouTube video had deteriorated and spread, the to embassy wall that had been breached in Egypt to an all-out attack in the neighboring Libya.” (David Brock and Ari-Rabin Havt, The Benghazi Hoax, 10/21/13)

FACT: On The Night Of The Attack, Former Deputy Chief Of Mission In Libya Gregory Hicks Told Leaders In Washington That The Consulate Was Under A Terrorist Attack, Saying “I Did Use The Word Attack. That There Were At Least 20 Armed Intruders In The Compound.” ABC’S GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: “Months earlier the State Department had forged an agreement that in the event of an attack on the vulnerable Benghazi Mission, Security personnel would response from a nearby facility called The Annex, run by the CIA. I know that you can't say so, but we know it was a CIA facility, and we know that the CIA facility was getting protection and more security than the diplomatic facility.” FORMER DEPUTY CHIEF OF MISSION IN LIBYA GREGORY HICKS: “The numbers are clear about twice as many in terms of trained security providers.” STEPHANOPOULOS: “What did you tell Washington?” HICKS: “I called Washington right after I talked to the Annex Chief and I told them that the consulate was under attack. That the…” STEPHANOPOULOS: “You used the word attack?” HICKS: “I did use the word attack. That there were at least 20 armed intruders in the compound and that help was on the way from the Annex.” (ABC’s “This Week,” 9/9/13)

Hicks Dismissed An Anti-Islamic Film And Related Protest That The Administration Initially Blamed For The Attack As A “Non-Event” Adding “We Had Heard Nothing About Protests.” STEPHANOPOULOS: “Had you heard anything earlier in the day about any kind of protest or were you worried at all because of these reports of this video?” HICKS: No it was a non-event, the video, in Libya. And we had heard nothing about protests. The building had been set on fire by the attackers and our Diplomatic Security Agents there were heavily outnumbered.” (ABC’s “This Week,” 9/9/13)

Hicks Testified That He Spoke Directly With Clinton That Night. HICKS: “During the night, I am in touch with Washington keeping them posted of what's happening in Tripoli and to the best of my knowledge what I am being told in Benghazi. I think at about 2 p.m. the – 2 a.m., sorry, the Secretary of State Clinton called me along with her senior staff were all on the phone, and she asked me what was going on. And, I briefed her on developments.” (Gregory Hicks, Hearing, U.S.

House of Representatives, Government Oversight And Reform Committee, 5/8/13)

Yet Days Later, At A Ceremony Bringing Home The Remains Of The Americans Who Were Killed In The Attack And In Accordance With The Obama Administration’s Misleading Spin, Clinton Blamed The “Awful Internet Video” For The Attack. CLINTON: “This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing to do with. It is hard for the American people to make sense of that because it is senseless, and it is totally unacceptable.” (Secretary Hillary Clinton, Remarks At The Transfer of Remains Ceremony to Honor Those Lost In Attacks In Benghazi, Libya Andrews Air Force Base, MD, 9/14/12)

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#3: Clinton’s State Department Pushed To Edit Intelligence Committee Talking Points To Removed References To Terrorism Or Previous Security Warnings To Avoid Bad Publicity

SPIN: In The Benghazi Hoax, Brock Argues That Misleading Talking Points Were Edited To Remove References To Terrorism “In Order To Preserve The Criminal Investigation.” “Over the next 24 hours, a set of talking points was drafted by the CIA’s Office of Terrorism Analysis, and then altered multiple times through an interagency process involving the State Department, the White House and others. In the end, much of the intelligence agency’s specifics about the suspected perpetrators of the attack were removed in order to preserve the criminal investigation.” (David Brock and Ari-Rabin Havt, The Benghazi Hoax, 10/21/13)

FACT: State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland Objected To Talking Points Referencing CIA Warnings About Al-Qaeda Threats In Benghazi “Because It ‘Could Be Abused By Members [Of Congress] To Beat Up The State Department For Not Paying Attention To Warnings.” “State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland raised specific objections to this paragraph drafted by the CIA in its earlier versions of the talking points: ‘The Agency has produced numerous pieces on the threat of extremists linked to al-Qa’ida in Benghazi and eastern Libya. These noted that, since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi by unidentified assailants, including the June attack against the British Ambassador’s convoy. We cannot rule out the individuals has previously surveilled the U.S. facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.’ In an email to officials at the White House and the intelligence agencies, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland took issue with including that information because it ‘could be abused by members [of Congress] to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings, so why would we want to feed that either? Concerned …’ The paragraph was entirely deleted.” (Jonathan Karl, “Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed Of Terror Reference,”

ABC News, 5/10/13)

Nuland Also Objected To Naming An Al Qaeda-Affiliated Group That The CIA Said Participated In The Attacks. “Like the final version used by Ambassador Rice on the Sunday shows, the CIA’s first drafts said the attack appeared to have been ‘spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo’ but the CIA version went on to say, ‘That being said, we do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al-Qa’ida participated in the attack.’ The draft went on to specifically name the al-Qaeda-affiliated group named Ansar al-Sharia. Once again, Nuland objected to naming the terrorist groups because ‘we don’t want to prejudice the investigation.’” (Jonathan Karl, “Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed Of Terror Reference,” ABC News, 5/10/13)

FACT: Secretary Clinton, Argued Her Department Had A Minimal Role In Editing The Benghazi Talking Points Saying, “It Was An Intelligence Product.” CLINTON: “It was an intelligence product. They are, as I again understand it, working with their committees of jurisdiction to try to unpack that. But I will say that all of the senior administration officials, including Ambassador Rice, who spoke publicly to this terrible incident, had the same information from the intelligence community.” (Secretary Hillary Clinton, Testimony, House Committee On Foreign Affairs, 1/23/13)

Secretary Clinton: “The Intelligence Community Was The Principal Decider About What Went Into Talking Points.” CLINTON: “Well, there – there was evidence, and the evidence was being sifted and analyzed by the intelligence community, which is why the intelligence community was the principal decider about what went into talking points. And there was also the added problem of nobody wanting to say things that would undermine the investigation. So it was much more complex than I think we're giving it credit for, sir.” (Secretary Hillary

Clinton, Testimony, House Committee On Foreign Affairs, 1/23/13)

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#4: State Department Punished An Employee Who Honestly Discussed Its Failures In Benghazi

SPIN: In The Benghazi Hoax, Brock Argues Calls Charges That State Department Personnel Were Silenced For Speaking Out “Bizarre.” “One bizarre aspect of the allegation that personnel had been ‘muzzled’ is the fact that arguably the most important witnesses of all – the five diplomatic security agents who survived the initial attack on the compound – testified to the FBI and the ARB.” (David Brock and Ari-Rabin Havt, The Benghazi Hoax, 10/21/13)

FACT: Former Deputy Chief Of Mission In Libya Gregory Hicks Believes He Was Punished For Speaking Out About The State Department’s Failures. STEPHANOPOULOS: “State Department this was an assignment you requested, you're getting the same pay as before. But do you feel you're being punished for speaking out?” HICKS: “Yes I feel that I have been punished. I don't know why I was punished. I don't know why I was shunted aside. Put in a closet if you will.” (ABC’s

“This Week,” 9/9/13)

Hicks: “I've Been Effectively Demoted From Deputy Chief Of Mission To Desk Officer.” HICKS: “The job that I have right now the between my curtailment and my finding of this job that I have now, I had no meaningful employment. I was in a status called Near Eastern Affairs Over-complement. And the job now is a significant -- it's a demotion. Foreign affairs officer is a designation that is given to our civil service colleagues who are desk officers. So I've been effectively demoted from deputy chief of mission to desk officer.” (Gregory Hicks, Hearing, U.S. House of Representatives, Government Oversight And Reform

Committee, 5/8/13)