Page 1: The Benefits of Social Media Marketing

The Benefits of

Social MediaMarketing

Janette Speyer, @websuccess #WSTLimoneira

Online Marketing and Branding Strategist at Web Success Team

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Overview:Social Media Program

o Outline a Plan / Devise a Strategy

o Being Searchable

o Your Website

o Your Blog

o Social Media Program

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Outline a Plan and Devise a Strategy

o What Message Do You Want to Deliver?

o Who Is Your Target?

o How Do You Want to Be Perceived?

o What Is Your Unique Selling Proposition?

o What Sets You Apart From Your Competition?

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Be Searchable

o Keywords are the most important components for your online marketing efforts.

o Use your branded keywords in your profiles.  

o Review your keywords once a month.

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Socializing Your Website

o Optimized for searcho Strong call to actiono Easy to navigate

o It has a branded blogo Add your social media profiles o Add options to share

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What Do I Put on My Blog?

o A relevant picture with a comment

o A quote or a tip

o An experience relevant to your industry

o Post an opinion about someone else’s blog

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Your Social Media Profileso Tell your story. Use it to brand yourself.

o Make sure your profiles are all complete.

o Solve a problem for your visitors.  

o Make your website and your blog links available. 

o Make sure you can be contacted. 

o Pepper your keywords in your biographies and your posts.

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Start Talking!o Build trust and cultivate


o Post your updates

o Don’t just tout your services

o Post shout-outs to customers

o Offer free samples 

o Have a strategy for customer service 

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Getting Brand Ambassadors!

o “Like” pages and posts

o Thank your followers

o Encourage sharing

o Give back

o Offer incentivesand perks

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Marketing with Facebook

o Branding and selling

o Create a business page  

o Engagement 

o Drive traffic to your website

o Draw on your existing network

o Sharing information

o Customer service

o Lead generation

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Marketing with LinkedIn

o Get to know prospect first before selling  

o Try to be helpful, offer advice

o Send people to your website 

o Also give and get recommendations 

o Grow your network join groups  

o Start discussions and ask questions

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#Hashtag Marketing with Twitter

o Tweet-Up for interaction

o Follow your competition 

o Promote your services

o Brand Your Company 

o Stay informed 

o Conversational tool

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Local Platforms

o Create profiles for your business on Local platforms.

o Use local keywords in your profiles.

o Use Foursquare and Yelp to claim your businesses.

o Encourage people to leave “tips” and “reviews.”

o Manage your online reputation.

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20 Minute-A-Day Formula(The time it takes to shower)

o Review your keywords

o Visit your pages and add content

o Look for connections on your favorite platforms

o Share relevant links

o Share your twitter updates

o Share the love and remember to thank a connection by re-tweeting or sharing.

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