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The Benefits of Menu Planning – The Basics

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Introduction•There are many benefits to menu planning•It can take time to master, but once you do, you can eat better for less, and enjoy healthier meals too•Menu planning has many advantages that will save you time in the long run•It is better for the environment because a lot less will go to waste

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1-Get Dinner On The Table Faster•Menu plans mean dinner on the table faster•You won’t have to stress about what to make•You won’t have to shop on the way home•You won’t have to worry about running late•You won’t have to worry about what will happen if you’re not there to supervise

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2-Go to The Store Less Often•Planning ahead means you will usually have everything on hand that you need and not need to stop off at the store every night once you figure out what you’re going to have•Imagine what life would be like if you only had to go to the store once or twice a week•Think how much gas and energy you’d save

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3-Eat Better•Menu planning with a view to healthier eating means you can eat better, and often for less money than you might think•Menu planning means you can organized balanced meals every day•Menu planning means you can also cater for special diets, such as for weight loss, planning out exactly what you need to eat to lose the weight you want

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4-Save Money•Menu planning helps you make the most of the food you buy•No leftovers will go to waste•You can shop the sales and menu plan around your store’s sales flyer•Buy cheaper cuts of meat, and put into stews•Cook in bulk and freeze, for ready to eat meals far cheaper than the TV dinners in the store

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5-Save Time•Menu planning takes the guesswork out of what to eat and when•Bulk cooking means you only have to cook once or twice a week•Freezing leftovers means a freezer full of healthy and delicious meals for you and the family so you never have to worry about what to eat•Just heat and eat

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6-Enjoy Quality Family Time•Studies have shown that families who eat together around the table at least 3 times a weeks are a lot closer and more bonded•The kids do better at school and are much less likely to engage in negative behaviors, such as smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and engaging in under-age sex•Cooking and clean up can be a lot more fun when you all do it together as a team

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7-It's fun•Exploring new recipes is always fun-just don’t spend too much time on Pinterest!•Healthy eating doesn’t have to be dull•Try eating a rainbow•Try a new food every day•Try a new recipe at least a couple of times a week•Invest in some good cookbooks•Learn how to make your favorites from scratch

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8-It's interesting•There are many cuisines all over the world you can explore:•Italian•Mediterranean diet•Chinese•Indian•Thai•Mexican•Use fresh, wholesome ingredients

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9-Menu Plan Options•There are 3 main plan options•The traditional 3 meal a day plan•A 6 smaller meals a day plan•3 meals plus structured snacks and desserts is sort of like a 6 smaller meals plan•A 6 smaller meals plan means eating every 3 or so hours when you are awake•It lends itself to a wide range of foods and eating lifestyles but needs a lot of planning

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10-3 Meals a day•Breakfast•Lunch/Brunch•Dinner/Supper•Structured Snacks•Dessert (a small sweet treat)•Aim for a calorie count. 2,000 for women, 2,500 for men, but if you are dieting, shave off 400 calories per day

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11-Breakfast•This is the most important meal of the day•It can be tough if people aren’t hungry first thing in the morning•It is also hard if you all have to head off for school and work•Either get it ready the night before•Make it easy, like cereal•Create heat and eat breakfast burritos and so on that you can take with you

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12-Lunch/Brunch•Lunch will keep you fueled and also help you avoid unhealthy snacking throughout the day•Lunch can be tricky because of brown bagging it•The food has to stay fresh and hold up during travel•It also needs to stay fresh without refrigeration

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13-Dinner/Supper•Some people eat a large lunch and have a light supper•Some families enjoy dinner as their largest meal of the day, with the most calories consumed in one sitting•If you are dieting, start with a clear soup and salad with no creamy dressing•These will fill you up so you won’t overeat no matter how famished you feel when you get home

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14-Dessert•Desserts should be portioned carefully•Use fresh fruit to make the most of their natural sweetness•Avoid stuff from the store shelves-they are full of transfats and other unhealthy items•It’s easy to bake at home•It’s a lot cheaper to make things from scratch than buy in a bakery, and fun too

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15-Structured Snacks•If your kids are out of the house for many hours of the day with school and extra-curricular activities, pack healthy structured snacks to keep them powered throughout the day•Try to make your own sweet potato chips and other vegetable snacks•Think peanut butter crackers, string cheese and other easy to eat and portable snacks

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16-6 Small meals a day•The 6 smaller meals a day eating can consist of anything you wish. You can stick to the typical foods you and your family would normally enjoy for breakfast, lunch and dinner•You could opt for brunch, or what the English refer to as tea

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Conclusion•Menu planning is a must, especially if you have a growing family, a tight budget, and a busy timetable•It can take a bit of time and effort to get started, but once you’ve created 4 weeks of meal plans, you can use them over and over again•Swap in new recipes as needed to keep things interesting and festive and you will soon have an entire year’s worth of menus

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Further Reading•To sign up for your free menu planning ecourse, please visit:•

•Here’s to your best health, and living better for less!
