Page 1: The Being-With Party and Other Scenes From the English Province

Shannee Marks

The Being-With Party and Other Scenes of the English Province

The Being-With Party

The Being-With party hung out on the brown strip two doors down. This

proves that ekstasis need not move very far – or that what seems to be outside

self is merely a regrouping of it. The immediate neighbors one door down

posed for a long while in middle field. The curly blond occiput of the doctor’s

wife was visible in conversation with a florid white haired white bearded man

in a straw hat (an important retired albino) – his head was big and clunky, the

way dwarfs’ heads tend to appear – intermittently she let her conversation

flow towards the neighbors one door down. I watched them through a ‘hit

man’’ wide slit in the blind, afraid they might notice.

Somehow I was magnetically attracted to this demonstration of suburban

group power. Flesh was present and accounted for its own accounting. The

party mise en scène was very sparsely decorated. Besides the green marquee,

the party flag – that was where the food and drink were quartered – too few

chairs. The solid talk in the hot shadeless July sun from 1 to 8 approximately

– gave off a constant roar. Where the bras (D plus cup) and panties (size 18 at

least) of the hostess usually flutter from their laundry ‘spider’ in full view –

this is where the party made its stand. You could feel how parties in the

English province give rise to Parties.

The categorical imperative is also a Being-With, the presence of the collective

other inside, especially as a punisher. In that sense Socrates was his own

executioner. Seneca is another example. Nietzsche’s word from Selbst-

Henker. All relations of fealty: Until the ‘emancipation’ via Capital, relations

of fealty were the norm. Was that the same sort of Being-With as when those

relations became sublimated in the commodity form? Every relation within

Capital is one of radical separation – separating the worker-consumer from

the means of production; the relations (of no relation) between humans in the

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The Being-With Party


community are regulated by/through the universal equivalent – money. Like

money they are equally fungible – quantifiable. The spectacle says Debord is

the unified appearance of this separation. Yet relations of fealty persist,

survive in the spectacle of power alias ‘the state’. One owes the state an

allegiance, occasionally expressed in the swearing of oaths, which is not just

translatable in monetary equivalents. Treason is also a crime of or against

fealty. The justice system enforces fealty – non-contractual relations. For

instance when you refuse to serve in the military, pay your taxes or fulfil your

custodial obligations towards a dependent. Or the legally binding marital

vows in front of a magistrate – “I solemnly declare etc, etc.”

The state perpetuates itself as the spectacle of a world exceeding or removed

from the universal equivalent – in that way it presents itself always as a

receptacle/an archive for the archaic (pageantry and ostentation), an

endearing ‘throwback’ to all more ‘pure’ forms of obligation existing before

and ‘outside’ of epochal capitalism.

Village Scenes – and Inmates

One of those couples came down from the hills. I was standing in front of the

bananas in the village supermarket, trying to find a few ripe ones. From the

side, in my blind angle, a geezer started handling the bananas himself. All I

saw was his withered liver spotted claw shifting the packages. Then he spoke

to me in a loud inquisitorial voice, full of the petulance of old queers – “Are

you sorting the bananas?”, a question which made no sense except as an insult

or a comment on my touching – for his taste – too many of the bananas. I

should have said something offensive, but I wasn’t quick enough – rather

startled to hear any sounds coming from that obscure direction. (Creeping up

from behind with a verbal cudgel is a typical British manoeuvre.) When I

turned around I saw the frightened face of his companion, his greasy pomaded

hair, a round crude rutted face of an ex-convict or one who has to play the role

for a senescent employer. After the bananas, it was the turn of the oranges.

The old man pawed them aimlessly, pointing certain ones out to his

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The Being-With Party


companion. Had he thought I was a stocker in mufti? Or in his long life had

he always found the world just waiting to be of service?

A woman in a black dress with a wide red belt around her narrow waist

stepped out of a car in front of the old people’s flats. Soon there were more

black suited people hurrying towards the entrance. Their clothes looked fresh

out of the mothballs, typical for a village funeral. Most were smiling, a fat

woman looked like she was eagerly awaiting a good tea.

A hot June afternoon is a good occasion for a personality or a wife swap – as

when I looked outside and saw what could only be the neighbour lady’s

doppelgänger lying in her commodious lawn chair. But any impersonator of

someone has him/herself to disappear completely. The impersonator is the

superfluous identity, acquiring the identity of someone else who disappears in

the bodily sense, but persists in the guise of the invaded host.

Twyford on the London-Oxford line is very sexological. A big poster on the

train platform asked and answered the faux survey question: “Why do so

many women fake orgasms – because so many men fake foreplay.” The poster

showed a woman with a face like Emmanuelle photographed from above, her

head on an ethereal pillow. The only people on the benches waiting for the

train were women, young women. In that moment I saw them all faking


The State Visit

Where I saw only the procession of the irresistible adorable red Chinese

Emperor on his state visit to his British dominion – his subjects and their

grandees panting for his emperor’s touch and trillions of yuan, the Queen

perhaps wetly fantasizing about how it would feel to be ‘empress of China’ –

Stewart Lee, writing in the Guardian, had an outbreak of Tourette’s syndrome

in the form of dead empire rage. Perhaps the state visit of Xi Jinping brought

back bad memories of how the British had to cough up Hong Kong – much to

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The Being-With Party


their displeasure - and even worse panic fears that it soon might be the time of


Instead of this aimable homme du monde très poli, ruler of the world

hegemon, he pretended to see only a giant red ass – volcanically spouting and

spewing farts and excrements over Westminster, Buckingham Palace and the

English pub. At the state banquet all the greats of this land – headed by the

Queen – lined up to either kiss or lick this ass. (As one knows

psychoanalytically speaking money/gold and faeces are one.) Only the ‘first

born’ (meaning Charles) was for some reason absent from this divertissement

after the fashion of the “Divine Marquis”. I did wonder why all the blood

royals except for the Queen were somewhere hidden from view. Only the

Duchess of Cambridge was seated quite alone next to the Emperor. Had they

offered her - in her blood red gown and tiara – as a serviette for the Emperor’s

bodily waste? She looked a little like a cooked goose herself.

© Shannee Marks, January 2016 All rights reserved

Published in Faust Series Opus 9: 31st October 2015