Page 1: The Awakening Kate Chopin IntroTask Process Evaluation Conclusion Click here to learn about how to use a WebQuest Home and Navigation Page!

The AwakeningKate Chopin

Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

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Page 2: The Awakening Kate Chopin IntroTask Process Evaluation Conclusion Click here to learn about how to use a WebQuest Home and Navigation Page!

The AwakeningKate Chopin

Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

We’ve been reading the awakening in class. This WebQuest will take you through some different literary devices that will help to heighten your understanding of the book.

Your Goal:How many of the following literary devices can you identify in The Awakening?

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Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Tasks For Your WebQuest:You will be adding more information to your Wiki today!

Go on to the process page and click on each book to learn about each literary device I would like you to take a closer look at.

You will get to choose which literary devices you find the most important and you will be talking about each device and how they apply to The Awakening. You can find a rubric on the evaluation page after you have completed all the steps, please feel free to go back and change your work based on what is in the Rubric!

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The AwakeningKate Chopin



Click on the book with

the device that you

would like to learn about

and it will take you to a

link that will tell you all

about it!


Move to next Process Slide

Before we get to the steps:Explore each literary device!

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Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Step Four

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The Awakening Kate Chopin

Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Total Points For the Project 150

Wiki page is set up in the modeled manner 10

There are 4 of the literary devices described 30

There is an obvious understanding of the device 30

For each literary device there are 3 occurrances in the plot 20

The examples are relevant and adequately explained 20

The questions provided are answered fully 30

The presentation is neat and concise 10

NOTE: The resources given to you were to be used

to better interpret and understand the plot and the devices

in the plot. There should be an adequate understanding of

all devices and how they are used in the story. You

should use the information to enhance your understanding.

You should not memorize it and recite it on your

wiki page.

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The AwakeningKate Chopin

Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

Congratulations! You have learned so much in this WebQuest about many literary devices you will need to better digest the literature that we read in class!

With this WebQuest you have learned about:Developing ThemesMotifsSettingsCharactersSymbolsIrony

And how you can apply these to the literature that we read in class!

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Step One

Create a new page on your wiki.Title this new page:

The Awakening

Page 9: The Awakening Kate Chopin IntroTask Process Evaluation Conclusion Click here to learn about how to use a WebQuest Home and Navigation Page!

Step TwoUsing the page you have created,Write a list and explanation of 4 of the below:

ThemesMotifsSetting CharacterSymbolsIrony

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Step Three

Your work should look something like this:

Click Here

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Step Four

Create a “My thoughts” space on The Awakening page of your wiki.

Tell me about what you thought of the book, Kate Chopin or even literary devices that you found interesting or even found uninteresting.

This is your section to tell me what you thought!

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Click Here To BeginThe Introduction Button will tell you about what we are learning today. It ill give you a prompt that you will complete throughout the WebQuest.

Intro Task Process Evaluation Conclusion

The Task Button will guide you through your WebQuest. It will take you too all the sources that you need to complete the assessment.

The Process Button will tell you exactly what you need to complete in the assessment.

The Evaluation Page will quiz you on the skills that you have aquired on this WebQuest.

The Conclusion Button will sum up everything that you have learned!

This button

will take you

