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The Audit Commision,s is looking to promote the independence and well being of older people,they like to be independent.The carer is the one who can give support for well-being.Carers are a very divers group from all ages from 20 to 65.Some of them live with the person who care,some are going for one hour or more.The carer must to respect few rolls :to be nice, respectable,good,seriously. In the 21st century many families no longer have the option to take on the task of caring for the older generation.The isrish population gets older and life expectancy continues to increase,the pressure on residential care homes will continue to increase.Many private homes have faced closure due to reduced funding,spiralling costs and new regulations.Favours home care packagesover nursing or residential home care.With a flexibility of Live in care you can keep the one you love in his own place .The family can visit on their own schedule and can have more hands on involvement if they choose to.We have to offer them individuality and independence in their later years .Alice is a lady of 66 years old. She lives in Malahide with her housband and her girl.She cames from a family with 9 childrens from Kildare.She was born like a healthy child but at 4 years she got polio posterior syndrome.during on apedemic in both legs from the waist down.That affected 25-50%people who have previously contracted poliomyelitis a viral infection of nervous system afher the initial infectioWhat is post-polio syndrome? PPS is a condition that affects polio survivors yPost-polio syndrome (PPS) is a condition that affects polio survivors years after recovery from an initial acute attack of the poliomyelitis virus. PPS is mainly characterized by new weakening in muscles that were previously affected by the polio infection and in muscles that seemingly were unaffected. Symptoms include slowly progressive muscle weakness, unaccustomed fatigue , and, at times, muscle atrophy. Pain from joint degeneration and increasing skeletal deformities such as scoliosis are common. Some patients experience only minor symptoms. While less common, others may develop visible muscle atrophy, or waist.Usualy people diagnosed with PPS are concerned that they will have polio again and this happen with Alice the polio come again.She started to have significant changes in her mobility .For the begin she start walking in crutches and this make other problems like shouders ostearthrits from walking in crutches.{1}She start working in a factory and afther a while she decided to use the invalid chair to keep her mobility.She got married with a men with a hand disability.25 years ago she born a baby girl jean perfect healthy and beautiful. Because of PPS she got breathing insuffieency who affect her lungs capability.She has sleeping problems so she takes every night a sleping tablet to calm her down.Breathing and respiratory problems and she takes inhailers twice daily.Artrities in the right leg shes not able to straight sometimes because is very painfulll.Three years ago the kidneys started to make her problems.One year ago her kidneys colaps so she was for 1 year in hospital in Beoumount Hospital Dublin when she started her dialysis, What is a dialys? Dialysis is a type of treatment that involves replicating many of the functions of the kidneys. It is often used to treat cases of kidney failure - also known as end stage renal disease - which is where the kidneys have been severely damaged and lost almost all of their functioning capacity. The functions of the kidneysThe kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are located at the back of the abdomen behind the liver and the intestines. Every day, your kidneys filter your blood, removing waste products that are collected as part of your normal bodily functions, along with any excess fluid. The waste products and excess fluid become urine, which is stored in the bladder until you go to the toilet.If the kidneys fail, an excess of waste products can build up in your blood, leading to a range of symptoms including:vomiting,itchy schin,fatigue and swelling of the feet hands ankles.{1} There are two tipes of dialyses:haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Haemodialysis is the type of dialysis that most people are aware of. It involves inserting a needle into a blood vessel, which is attached by a tube to a dialysis machine. Blood is transferred from your body and into the machine, which filters out waste products and excess fluids. The filtered blood is then passed back into your body. Peritoneal is a less well known method of dialysis, although it is a method that is being used more commonly. Peritoneal dialysis involves using the peritoneum as a filter.The peritoneum is a thin membrane that lines the inside of the abdomen, and surrounds and supports the abdominal organs, such as the stomach and the liver. Like the kidneys, the peritoneum contains thousands of tiny blood vessels, making it useful as a filtering device.During peritoneal dialysis, a small flexible tube known as a catheter is attached to an incision in your abdomen, and a special fluid, known as dialysis fluid, is pumped into your peritoneal cavity. The peritoneal cavity is the space surrounding the peritoneum.As blood moves through the peritoneum, waste products and excess fluid are moved out of the blood and into the dialysis fluid. The dialysis fluid is then drained out of the cavity.Alice started to do the peritoneal dialysis 3 years ago when her kidneys started to make her problems.And now shes going 3 times a week to hospital for haemodialysis for few hours.The leg bag need to be changed every week and the catheter every six weeks in hospital.. She didnt have never a carer becuse she said she was able to manage herself and she liked to be independent but when she come back from hospital she had two carers to help her to put in bed and to get her out of bed.The way she gose to bed is the bord and she cross the bord streight to bed.Because shes more confident she has just a carer who is coming 3 times a day for one hour each.In the morning the carer has to give her a wash in bed ,to dress her ,to help the nurs when shes coming three times a week to help her to go to the toilet.In the morning i give here breakfast like poridge and tea and the morning tablets.At 3 Oclock we have to cook something for dinner .The night call is to put her in bed with the board to give her a cup of tea ,something to eat and her tablets. Because haemodialysis was the first type of succesfully dialysis used to treat the renal failure the diet has been an important part of the tratament .The average amount of time spent on haelodialysis is 9 hours per week.It is very important to make some adjustments to the intake of food and fluids in order to avoid excessive acumulation of waste products and fluid between trataments.. Renal dietitians will give advice according to your own blood test results and nutritional needs. She has to eat proteins.She has to avoid excessive salt beeing very important because if she eat to much salt the blood raise cause a fluid rate.She can safely drink an amount equal to the volume of urine that you pass each day, plus 500ml. Whether more than this is safe for you needs to be judged for you individually. If you eat too much salt, you will not be able to keep your fluid intakeBecause all renal patients are at extra risk of developing heart disease its important to live and eat healthily,eating a varied diet and avoid fatty foods.She eat every time low fat product diet. One of the natural needs is the central heating and this is very safetly.We have to do the cooking because she cant hold with her hands heavy thing when the family is not home because are working persons. The interpersonal skills are the skills we use to interact or deal with others. Interpersonal skills are sometimes also referred to as communication skills, people skills and/or soft skills. How we deal with others can greatly influence our professional and personal lives, improving these skills builds confidence and enhances our relationships with others.We all have interpersonal skills. We've been learning them, usually subconsciously, since birth. We learn how people are likely to react to what we say and do. How these actions are likely to make them, and us, feel. People with good interpersonal skills have learnt to identify which are the best ways of interacting with others in different situations. Interpersonal skills are easily developed, a little time and effort spent working and practicing your interpersonal skills will pay huge rewards in your professional and personal lives.Alice is a very comunicativ person very friendly .She spend all her time reading books who are ordered regulary and are coming straight to the door.She can cooperate in every situation.Because she is going every two days to the hospital for here dialyses she said she dont want to go in a day centra spending the day there doing nothing.One of my lady who i mind sayd one day you will grow and understand what i am saying.until then please try and understand that we are people with feelings and minds too and treat us more consideration

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