Download pptx - THE ART OF DANCING


Dancing is a great way of expressing myself. I have never been good with words; dancing allows me to express things that cannot just be said, whether it be happiness or sadness, anger and rage, joy and elation. It feels like a way to just let things flow without holding back. Dancing is a great way to meet people and connect with people.

Dancing for me…..

Types of dancing


Born in the early 20th century, modern dance is a dance style that centers on a dancer's own interpretations instead of structured steps, as in traditional ballet dancing. Modern dancers reject the limitations of classical ballet and favor movements derived from the expression of their inner feelings. During the 1900's, European dancers began rebelling against the rigid rules of classical ballet. Turning against the structured techniques, costumes and shoes of ballet, these dancers favored a more relaxed, free style of dancing. Modern dance pioneers often danced in bare feet and revealing costumes. In the United States, several dance pioneers paved the way for American modern dance, including the legendary Martha Graham.

JAZZhas become one of the most popular dance styles in recent years, mainly due to its popularity on television shows, movies, music videos and commercials. People enjoy watching jazz dancers, as the dancing is fun and energetic.Jazz dancing is a form of dance that showcases a dancer's individual style and originality. Every jazz dancer interprets and executes moves and steps in their own way. This type of dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, big leaps and quick turns. To excel in jazz, dancers need a strong background in ballet, as it encourages grace and balance.

Hip Hop

Hip hop is a dance style, usually danced to hip hop music, that

evolved from the hip hop culture. The first dance associated with

hip hop was breakdancing. While breakdancing consists primarily of

moves executed close to the ground, the majority of hip hop moves are done standing up.
