
Overcoming ObjectionsThe Art of Clearing Smoke Screens

Real Estate Agent Targets have a few “Objections” that they use to shield themselves from all of calls

they get from Loan Officers

99% Are Nothing More than a smoke screen

The first you time call can be cold or warm

Cold: Creates a rough uncomfortable feeling. Can be effective if you go into with the right mind set.

Mind set: You are warming them up for subsequent calls.

Warm: Creates a warm feeling, not quite trust, but a feeling of knowing who is calling. Can be most effective for getting the first appointment.

Mind set: Get a Face to Face meeting

Whether the call is warm or cold, it is likely you will hear Smoke Screen

Objections the first few times you try to “Close”

Remember 90% of sales take place after the 3rd No

Most Common Objections

I am already working with another Lender

Most Common ObjectionsOf course you are already working with another Lender. You would not have the awesome Real Estate business going if you didn’t. I am not looking to interfere with that relationship. I am just looking for an opportunity to get to know more about you and your business, and see if there are some things I can do to help you continue to grow it. If we get an opportunity to work together down the line great. If not I have gotten a cool opportunity to meet and get to know a great Real Estate business leader and hopefully help in your continued success.

Most Common ObjectionsThe Objection is they are working with someone


You overcome that by simply acknowledging the objection “of course you are” and then letting them know

you are ok with that “I am not looking to interfere with that”

Most Common Objections

Then re-iterate the benefit of meeting with you. To see if you can

help them grow their business. Always remember the goal of the


To Get Face to Face

Most Common ObjectionsI am to busy to meet with you

There are several ways to overcome this one……

Most Common ObjectionsI can imagine with as awesome a Real Estate business as you have, you stay pretty busy. I

would love to be a fly on the wall at your office some time and watch how you operate your

business. I will call you another time and see if I can picked your brain about how you run such a

successful real estate business. I will still treat you to the cup of coffee, delivery style.

Most Common ObjectionsThe objection is they are to busy to meet

Overcome it by offering to come to them. Use their ego to facilitate “I would

love to see how you run such a great real estate business”

Most Common ObjectionsAre you to busy to eat? I’ll meet you for Breakfast or lunch on your schedule. We

can get to know each other while we share a meal.

Courtesy of Greg Frost, via Jim Rice

Most Common ObjectionsI can appreciate being busy. I would love to pick your brain about what you are doing that is keeping you so busy. I will call you another time to see if you are a little less


Use this to set up the second call

Most Common Objections

I only work with listings

Most Common ObjectionsI can appreciate that. I have some

very cool ideas that can help you get more listings. I would love to treat you to cup of coffee and share with you some of the cool strategies for

winning more listings.

Most Common ObjectionsThe objection is they work with listings and wouldn’t have buyers to


Remember your goal is to get face to face. Over come this objection by focusing on a

benefit of meeting with you. “I can help you get more listings”

Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice overcoming these objections, the more efficient you are when

you hear them. We are talking about Objections to meeting with you. The only REAL reason for these

objections is that they do not Know, Trust or Like you YET.

Each time you overcome an Objection, you are one closer to the


Keep Blowing those Smoke Screens Away
