
The Age of Innovation and Industry

IThe Age of Innovation and Industry

Starts largely agriculturalMajority of people live in rural areas.Light homes with candles and lampsKeep fresh food in iceboxesWait a month or more for a letter to cross the country

Becomes IndustrializedMore people begin living in cities.Homes illuminated by electric lights.Electric refrigerators for fresh food.Ability to send news instantly by telegraph or telephone.

The United States Shifts in the late 1800s

Investors (individuals or companies) were willing to fund the development of new products.Without financial backing, some inventions may never have been built at all.Willingness to risk money on new businesses is a main feature of capitalism. Capitalism: an economic system in which factories, equipment, and other means of production are privately owned.

Investing in new technologies

Convinced he could make a practical light bulb that could be used anywhere.Tried thousand of materials before he was successful in 1879. Carbonized bamboo fibers that burned without melting.Edison received financial support ($$$) from a group of wealthy bankers to continue his work in expanding electricity. They formed the Edison Electric Light CompanyThomas Edison and the Electric Light bulb

Electricity Lights Up America

Edison and his team begin working on the components to create a complete electric lighting system. In order to distribute electricity they designedGenerators, meters, and cablesAccess to electricity had a huge impact on American industry. Businesses could stay open longer/Workers have even longer hours.Factories could run through the nightNew appliances could be plugged in Power companies build stations mainly in the cities.

Partner WorkMake a list with your partner of all the things in your house that require electricity?Discuss How does electricity make your life easier?

Spent twelve years trying to send speech over wires.Succeeded in 1876His invention attracted financial support ($$$) He founded the Bell Telephone Company.First commercial telephone line strung in Boston.

Alexander graham Bell and the telephone
