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The Activity-Regulated Cytoskeletal-Associated Protein Arc IsExpressed in Different Striosome–Matrix Patterns Following

Exposure to Amphetamine and Cocaine

Andrew Tan, †Rosario Moratalla, *Gregory L. Lyford, *Paul Worley, and Ann M. Graybiel

Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and*Department of Neuroscience/Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.;

and †Instituto Cajal, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas, Madrid, Spain

Abstract: The aIctivity-rIegulated, cIytoskeletal-associatedgene, arc, is a brain-enriched immediate-early genewhose expression is rapidly induced in the striatum bydopamine receptor agonists. This rapid induction of arc inthe striatum is similar to that of other early responsegenes such as c-fos, junB, DfosB, fra, and NGFI-A, whichcode for transcription factors. Unlike these proteins,however, Arc is a cytoskeletal protein expressed not onlyin the nucleus of neurons but also in their dendrites. Weinvestigated the patterns of Arc expression evoked in therat striatum by acute exposures to two psychomotorstimulants, cocaine and amphetamine. Cocaine inducedarc in striatal neurons that were broadly distributed withinboth striosome and matrix compartments of the caudo-putamen. Amphetamine also evoked Arc expression instriatal projection neurons, but these were heavily con-centrated in the striosomal compartment and onlysparsely in the matrix compartment in the rostral stria-tum. The contrasting patterns of Arc expression evokedby cocaine and amphetamine parallel those of c-Fos,JunB, FRA, and NGFI-A expression induced by these twopsychomotor stimulants. This difference in the action ofcocaine and amphetamine at the level of protein expres-sion may be linked to the different effects of these psy-chomotor stimulants on behavior. Key Words: Cytoskel-etal protein—Dopamine—Striatum—Gene expression—Psychomotor stimulants—Striosome.J. Neurochem. 74, 2074–2078 (2000).

Amphetamine and cocaine are two widely abused psy-chomotor stimulant drugs that produce marked alter-ations in behavior and mood in humans (Johanson et al.,1976; Robinson and Becker, 1986; Fischmann, 1987;Kalivas and Stewart, 1991; Cole et al., 1992; Koob,1992; Hyman, 1996; Koob and Le Moal, 1997; Nestlerand Aghajanian, 1997; Pierce and Kalivas, 1997; Wise,1998; Gainetdinov et al., 1999). A single moderate doseof cocaine or amphetamine typically leads to increasedactivity in adults and to reports of euphoria and generalwell-being. With higher doses, motor activity becomesrepetitive, producing motor stereotypies. Extremely high

doses produce convulsions, hyperthermia, coma, anddeath. These behavioral effects in the human are paral-leled in other animals. In addition, in both humans andother species, exposure to cocaine and amphetamineincreases the probability of a drug-seeking response andcan lead to drug addiction (Johanson et al., 1976; Fisch-mann, 1987; Koob and Le Moal, 1997).

At the cellular level, cocaine and amphetamine bothincrease synaptic dopamine levels in nigrostriatal andmesolimbic circuits, but via different mechanisms: Co-caine blocks the reuptake of synaptic dopamine by thedopamine transporter, whereas amphetamine releases do-pamine and reverses its transport via the dopamine trans-porter (Hyman, 1996; Koob and Le Moal, 1997). Co-caine and amphetamine also increase synaptic levels ofserotonin and norepinephrine. It is the increased amountof dopamine that is thought to be critical for the rein-forcing effects of these drugs, and dopamine and sero-tonin for the motor effects (Robinson and Becker, 1986;Ritz et al., 1987; Kalivas and Stewart, 1991; Giros et al.,1996; Hyman, 1996; Gainetdinov et al., 1999).

Both cocaine and amphetamine also induce the ex-pression in the brain of immediate-early genes such asc-fos, junB,DfosB, fra,andNGFI-A,and this expressionis especially strong in the dopamine-recipient striatum(Graybiel et al., 1990, 1995; Hope et al., 1994; Hughesand Dragunow, 1995; Hyman, 1996; Koob and Le Moal,1997; Gerfen et al., 1998; Kelz et al., 1999). These genes

Resubmitted manuscript received January 4, 2000; accepted January4, 2000.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. A. M. Graybielat Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Instituteof Technology, 45 Carleton St., E25-618, Cambridge, MA 02139,U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]

The present address of Dr. A. Tan is Neuroscience Graduate Pro-gram, University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143, U.S.A.

Abbreviations used: arc,aIctivity-rIegulated, cIytoskeletal-associatedgene; MOR1,m-opiate receptor; PBS-TX, 0.01M sodium phosphate,0.15M sodium chloride, 0.03M potassium chloride, and 0.2% TritonX-100.


Journal of NeurochemistryLippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia© 2000 International Society for Neurochemistry

Page 2: The Activity-Regulated Cytoskeletal-Associated Protein Arc Is Expressed in Different Striosome-Matrix Patterns Following Exposure to Amphetamine and Cocaine

code for transcription factors that act in the nucleus ondownstream target genes, including those encoding neu-ropeptides and other neurotransmitter-related moleculesexpressed in the striatum (Graybiel, 1990; Gerfen et al.,1991). Despite the fact that amphetamine and cocainecan affect similar genes in the striatum, the anatomicalpatterns of striatal gene expression are different for thetwo psychomotor stimulants. Cocaine treatment across arange of doses induces these genes in neurons that aredistributed broadly through the striatum, but amphet-amine treatment induces the gene expression in a com-partmental pattern in which there is differentially highexpression in striosomes rostrally (Graybiel et al., 1990;Moratalla et al., 1992, 1996). This difference is not yetunderstood at the molecular level, but it is likely to beimportant at the systems level: Corticobasal ganglia cir-cuits involving striosomes differ sharply from those ofthe surrounding matrix compartment (Graybiel et al.,1990; Gerfen, 1992), and in chronically treated animals,evidence suggests that such compartmental differencesin striatal cell activation are correlated with differentbehavioral effects (Canales and Graybiel, 2000).

In the study reported here, we asked whether thesedifferential distribution patterns would also hold for theinduction ofarc (aIctivity-rIegulated, cIytoskeletal-associ-ated gene), a recently discovered immediate-early genethat is regulated in neurons by synaptic activity (Fos-naugh et al., 1995; Lyford et al., 1995). The specialinterest ofarc is that arc mRNA and Arc protein arefound in neuronal dendrites. High-frequency stimulationhas been found to localize Arc selectively to activateddendrites (Steward et al., 1998).Arc encodes a proteinwith modest homology toa-spectrin that co-precipitateswith F-actin and localizes to the extranuclear region ofneurons, suggesting that Arc is a cytoskeletal protein(Lyford et al., 1995). In their initial work onarc, Fos-naugh et al. (1995) demonstrated thatarc is rapidlyinduced in the striatum by a single dose of cocaine. Weshow here that the expression of this activity-dependentcytoskeletal protein is broadly induced in the rostralstriatum by cocaine, but that amphetamine differentiallyactivates its expression preferentially in rostral strio-somes. These contrasting activation patterns, similar tothose found for nuclear transcription factors, suggest thatamphetamine and cocaine induce a coordinate immedi-ate-early gene response that may exert rapid compart-ment-specific effects on dendritic function in striatalneurons.


Drug-naive adult male Sprague–Dawley rats (180–200 g)and c57b6 mice (20–25 g) were housed in the MIT animalfacility in pairs for a minimum of 2–4 days before the start ofeach experiment and were maintained under a 12-h light /darkcycle with free access to food and water. Each animal was thengiven a single intraperitoneal injection of 5 or 10 mg/kgD-amphetamine sulfate (Sigma), 25 mg/kg cocaine hydrochlo-ride (Sigma), or 0.9% saline solution. Drugs were dissolved in0.9% saline. These doses were chosen as representative of a

range of dose levels for amphetamine (2.5–15 mg/kg) andcocaine (5–50 mg/kg) at which the two psychomotor stimu-lants induce contrasting patterns of induction of nuclear imme-diate-early genes in the striatum (Moratalla et al., 1992; R.Moratalla and A. M. Graybiel, unpublished observations). Twohours after injection, animals were deeply anesthetized andfixed by transcardial perfusion (4% paraformaldehyde, 0.1Msodium cacodylate, pH 7.4), and the brains were cut into20-mm-thick sections on a sliding microtome. Experimentalprotocols were in accord with the guidelines outlined in theNIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animalsandwere approved by the Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyCommittee on Animal Care.

Free-floating sections were washed in a solution of 0.01Msodium phosphate, 0.15M sodium chloride, 0.03M potassiumchloride, and 0.2% Triton X-100 (Sigma) (PBS-TX), incubatedsuccessively in 3% hydrogen peroxide (10 min) and 5% normalgoat serum (30 min) in PBS-TX, and incubated for 5 days withpolyclonal Arc antiserum (1:100 in PBS-TX) characterized byLyford et al. (1995). Sections were then incubated successivelyin biotinylated goat anti-rabbit secondary antibody (1 h),streptavidin (1 h), and a solution of 0.002M ammonium nickelsulfate, 0.0006M diaminobenzidine, 0.08M potassium phos-phate, and 0.02M sodium phosphate. A similar protocol wasfollowed for staining with polyclonalm-opiate receptor anti-serum (MOR1; at 1:100,000; kindly donated by Dr. R. P. Elde,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.).


Both cocaine and amphetamine induced the expres-sion of Arc in medium-sized neurons in the caudoputa-men (Fig. 1A and B). The immunoreactive neurons hadthe morphology of medium-sized projection neurons,which make up most of the neuronal population in the

FIG. 1. Expression of Arc in medium-sized neurons of the ratstriatum following a single exposure to amphetamine (5 mg/kg)or cocaine (25 mg/kg). A and B: Photomicrographs illustrate Arcimmunostaining in neurons of the caudoputamen following am-phetamine (A) and cocaine (B) treatments. The cell body andproximal dendrites of the neurons are stained as is the surround-ing neuropil; arrowheads indicate dendrite in A and B. C: Pho-tomicrograph illustrates near absence of staining in the caudo-putamen in saline-treated control rat. Bar 5 20 mm.

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striatum, and they were stained strongly throughout thecell body. The immunostaining clearly extended into thedendrites of these neurons, although it faded distally(Fig. 1A and B). There was at most faint immunostainingin the striatum of the saline-treated controls (Fig. 1C).Arc immunostaining was visible in the neocortex andelsewhere in the brains of the drug-treated animals butwas not analyzed for this report.

The striatal distributions of Arc-immunoreactive neu-rons differed sharply in the cocaine-treated and amphet-amine-treated rats (Fig. 2). In cocaine-treated animals,Arc-immunoreactive neurons were present throughoutmost of the caudoputamen at rostral levels (Fig. 2A) andin a large centromedial region of the caudoputamenfarther caudally. Arc-positive neurons appeared in theventral caudoputamen and in the ventral striatum as well(Fig. 2A), but the levels of increased staining there weremuch lower than in the dorsal two-thirds of the caudo-putamen.

In the amphetamine-treated rats, Arc-immunoreactiveneurons were grouped in distinct 20- to 80-mm-wideclusters in the rostral caudoputamen (Fig. 2B). Eachcluster of Arc-immunostained neurons was also distin-guished by having a more darkly stained neuropil thanthat of surrounding regions. Few Arc-positive neurons

were present outside these clusters, so that the entirerostral striatum presented a patchy staining pattern (Fig.2B). In progressively more caudal sections, the patchi-ness of the Arc immunostaining diminished, and Arc-positive neurons became more common in the centrome-dial region of the caudoputamen until, at caudal levels,the pattern of neuronal staining in the caudoputamenbecame indistinguishable from that found at correspond-ing levels in the cocaine-treated rats. Similar patternswere visible in mice (Fig. 3A).

To determine whether the Arc-positive cell clustersseen after administration of amphetamine correspondedto striosomes, pairs of adjacent sections from the stria-tum of amphetamine-treated animals were stained, re-spectively, for MOR1 as a marker of striosomes, or forArc. Figure 3 shows the results in sections from themouse: The clusters of Arc-positive neurons corre-sponded precisely to MOR1-positive striosomes.


The striking differences in the patterns of Arc expres-sion triggered by exposure to cocaine and amphetamineparallel those found for c-Fos, JunB, FRA, and NGFI-A.A patchy, striosome-predominant pattern of expression

FIG. 2. Induction of Arc immunore-activity in compartment-selectivepatterns in the rat striatum. A: Acutetreatment with cocaine (25 mg/kg) in-duces a diffuse pattern of Arc ex-pression in the caudoputamen. B:Acute treatment with amphetamine(5 mg/kg) induces Arc expression inclusters of neurons in the caudopu-tamen. Asterisk shows example of acluster of Arc-positive neurons. Bar5 0.5 mm.

FIG. 3. Comparison of amphetamine-induced Arc immunostaining and im-munostaining for MOR1, a marker ofstriosomes. A: Patchy distribution ofArc immunostaining in the caudoputa-men of a mouse given a single dose ofamphetamine (10 mg/kg) is shown. B:Section serially adjoining that shown inA illustrates MOR1-immunoreactivestriosomes. Asterisks indicate exam-ples of corresponding striosome in Aand B. Bar 5 0.5 mm.

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in the rostral caudoputamen is evoked by amphetamine,but a noncompartmental pattern of expression occurs atthese same rostral levels following acute treatment withcocaine. For Arc, the immunopositive striosomes differ-entially labeled as a result of amphetamine administra-tion were defined not only by stained nuclei, but also bycytoplasmic staining of medium-sized neurons and by amore darkly stained neuropil. We were not able toachieve complete staining in the dendrites of these neu-rons either in the rat or in the mouse, but the extensivecytoplasmic immunoreactivity that we did detect, partic-ularly in the rat, is consistent with evidence that Arc is acytoskeletal protein.

Our findings suggest that acute exposures to cocaineand to amphetamine may have different effects at thelevel of the cytoskeleton as well as at the level oftranscriptional control. Indirect evidence suggests thatchanges to the cytoskeleton may be important in themolecular description of how psychomotor stimulantsact (Ohmi and Nakamura, 1991; Johnson and Byerly,1993; Rosenmund and Westbrook, 1993; Torres andRivier, 1993; Johnston and Morris, 1994a,b; Nestler andAghajanian, 1997). Our results suggest thatarc inductionmay be involved in these molecular cascades, and that itseffects would be exerted differentially on compartmen-tally distinct subpopulations of striatal projection neu-rons depending on whether the psychomotor stimulantwere cocaine or amphetamine.

In prior studies, it has been unclear how the ability ofpsychomotor stimulants to regulate immediate-earlygenes influences the rapid behavioral responses to thesedrugs. The activation of immediate-early genes has beeninterpreted primarily as a potential first stage in a chainof transcriptional events that could influence long-termplasticity in neurons (Morgan and Curran, 1989; Hughesand Dragunow, 1995; Kelz et al., 1999). Arc mRNA hasbeen shown to accumulate selectively in regions of thedendritic tree that have received recent synaptic activity,providing a potential mechanism to confer synapse-spe-cific effects of the gene (Steward et al., 1998). Ourfindings suggest that both cocaine and amphetamine canrapidly influence the composition of this activity-relatedprotein in dendrites of striatal neurons, and that thisinfluence can be exerted differentially on striosome- andmatrix-based circuits of the basal ganglia. This differen-tial influence may help account for the differences inbehavior rapidly induced by the two psychomotor stim-ulants (Randrup and Munkvad, 1972).

Acknowledgment: This work was funded by NIDA R01DA08037, NINDS P50 NS38372, NIMH K02 MH01153, RO1MH53608, and FIS 98/1368. We thank Ms. Patricia Harlan,Mr. Henry Hall, and Mr. Glenn Holm for their help.

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