Page 1: The ABCs of IP Version 6 - d Billings · 2016. 6. 27. · The ABCs of IP Version 6is intended for network professionals with good IP version 4 (IPv4) networking skills and knowledge

The ABCs of IP Version 6


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Understanding the Essentials Series

Page 2: The ABCs of IP Version 6 - d Billings · 2016. 6. 27. · The ABCs of IP Version 6is intended for network professionals with good IP version 4 (IPv4) networking skills and knowledge
Page 3: The ABCs of IP Version 6 - d Billings · 2016. 6. 27. · The ABCs of IP Version 6is intended for network professionals with good IP version 4 (IPv4) networking skills and knowledge

Preface 5Introduction. The Rationale for a New Version of IP 7

Network Address Translation 8Limitations of NAT 8

Meeting Future Network Requirements 9Evolution of Internet Protocol Version 6 9

Chapter 1. Features and Benefits of Using IPv6 11Larger Address Space for Global Reachability and Scalability 11Simplified Header for Efficient Packet Handling 11Hierarchical Network Architecture for Routing Efficiency 13

Multihoming 13Support for Routing Protocols 13

Routing Information Protocol 13Open Shortest Path First Protocol Version 3 13IS-IS Protocol 14Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol+ 14

Autoconfiguration and “Plug-and-Play” Support 14Easier Renumbering 14

Elimination of Need for Network Address Translation and Application’s Layered Gateway 14Embedded Security with Mandatory IPSec Implementation 15Enhanced Support for Mobile IP and Mobile Computing Devices 15Increased Number of Multicast Addresses 15

Multicast Scope Address 15Quality of Service 16

Chapter 2. IPv6 Header Format 17IPv6 Header Fields 17

Description of IPv6 Header Fields 17IPv6 Extension Headers 18

Order of Extension Headers 19Routing Header 20Fragment Header 20

ICMPv6 Packet 21Chapter 3. IPv6 Addressing Architecture 23

IPv6 Address Format 23IPv6 Address Prefix 24

IPv6 Address Types 24IPv6 Address Assignment 24

IPv6 Unicast Address 25What Is an IPv6 Global Unicast Address? 25What Is an IPv6 Site-Local Unicast Address? 26What Is an IPv6 Link-Local Unicast Address? 27What Is an IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Address? 28What Is an IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address? 28

IPv6 Anycast Address 29

ABCs of IP Version 6


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Chapter 3. IPv6 Addressing Architecture (cont.)IPv6 Multicast Address 29

Multicast Group Membership Requirement for IPv6 Nodes 30What Is an IPv6 Solicited-Node Multicast Address? 30

Special IPv6 Addresses 31What Is an IPv6 Unspecified Address? 31What Is an IPv6 Loopback Address? 31

IPv6 Address Allocation 316BONE Network Address Allocation 32How Is an IPv6 Address Represented in a URL? 32How Many IP Addresses Does an IPv6 Host Require? 32How Many IP Addresses Does an IPv6 Router Require? 32

Chapter 4. Operation of IPv6 33Neighbor Discovery 33

What Is IPv6 Neighbor Solicitation? 33What Is IPv6 Neighbor Advertisement? 34

IPv6 Router Discovery 34What Is IPv6 Router Advertisement? 34What Is IPv6 Router Solicitation? 35IPv6 Redirect Message 35

Stateless Autoconfiguration 36Renumbering of IPv6 Nodes 36How Does Duplicate Address Detection Work? 36

Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery 36How Does IPv6 Path MTU Discovery Work? 37

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6 37IPv6 Domain Name System Operation 38

Using AAAA Records for DNS Resolution 38Chapter 5. Integration and Coexistence Strategies 39

Transition Mechanisms 39Using IPv4-IPv6 Protocol Dual Stack Devices 40Deploying IPv6 Using Dual Stack Backbones 41Deploying IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnels 42

Tunneling Requirements 42Tunneling and Security 42

IPv6 Tunnel Mechanisms 43IPv6 Manually Configured Tunnel 43IPv6 over IPv4 GRE Tunnel 44Automatic IPv4-Compatible Tunnel 45Automatic 6to4 Tunnel 45ISATAP Tunnel 47Teredo Tunnel 48

Deploying IPv6 over Dedicated Data Links 48Deploying IPv6 over MPLS Backbones 49

Deploying IPv6 Using Tunnels on the Customer Edge Routers 50Deploying IPv6 over a Circuit Transport over MPLS 51Deploying IPv6 on the Provider Edge Routers 51

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Chapter 5. Integration and Coexistence Strategies (cont.)Protocol Translation Mechanisms 52

Stateless IP/ICMP Translator 53Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation 53TCP-UDP Relay 54Bump-in-the-Stack 54Dual Stack Transition Mechanism 55SOCKS-Based IPv6/IPv4 Gateway 55Deployment of Translation Mechanisms 55

Chapter 6. IPv6 Network Design Considerations 57Deploying IPv6 in a Service Provider Network Environment 57Deploying IPv6 in an Enterprise Network Environment 57IPv6 Support from Cisco 58

Appendix A 59Bibliography and Reference Resources 59

Cisco Statement of Direction for IPv6 59Cisco Technical Documentation 59Books 59White Papers and other Documentation 59RFCs and Drafts 60

Rationale and Case for IPv6 60Protocols 60IPv6 Address Types 60IPv6 Autoconfiguration and Renumbering 60IPv6 Link Layer 60IPv6 Routing Protocol Support 61IPv6 Integration and Transition Mechanisms 61IPv6 Deployment 61Other Web References 61IPv6 Host Configuration 62IPv6 Address Allocation 62IPv6 Address Registries 62Current Sub-TLA Allocations 62

Appendix B 63Glossary 63Appendix C 67Review Questions 67Appendix D 72Answers to the Review Questions 72

ABCs of IP Version 6

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The ABCs of IP Version 6 is intended for network professionals with good IP version 4 (IPv4) networking skills

and knowledge. This document is ideal for anyone, including account managers and system engineers, who is

required to analyze IPv6 network requirements and develop strategies for the deployment of IPv6 networks.

We have kept the technical content in this document as generic as possible. Where appropriate we have provided

more details on certain technologies or strategies, based on Cisco’s product implementation of IPv6. We have

purposely omitted topological and configuration discussion and examples from this document.

Although you are encouraged to read the chapters in this document sequentially, you could choose to read the

chapters you are most interested in. You will find the review quiz in Appendix C at the end of the document

useful in reinforcing your learning. In addition to the resources listed in the appendixes, you can also find

information on IPv6 implementation details including the roadmap, software configuration, and Statement of

Direction at

To obtain more in-depth IPv6 training, please consult the Learning Locator on or send e-mail to

[email protected].

Thanks to Steve Deering, Patrick Grossetete, Tony Hain, Ole Troan, Florent Parent, Kevin Flood, Neville Fleet,

Simon Pollard, and Yatman Lai for their contribution and technical review.

Casimir Sammanasu

Cisco IOS Learning Services

ABCs of IP Version 6


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Rationale for a New Version of IP

IP version 6 is a new IP protocol designed to replace IP version 4, the Internet protocol that is predominantly

deployed and extensively used throughout the world.

The current version of IP has not been substantially changed since RFC 791, Internet Protocol DARPA Internet

Program Protocol Specification was published in 1981. IPv4 has proven to be robust, easily implemented, and

interoperable, and has stood the test of scaling an internetwork to a global utility the size of the Internet today.

However, the initial design did not anticipate the following conditions:

• Recent exponential growth of the Internet and the impending exhaustion of the IPv4 address space

• Growth of the Internet and the ability of Internet backbone routers to maintain large routing tables

• Need for simpler autoconfiguration and renumbering

• Requirement for security at the IP level

• Need for better support for real-time delivery of data—also called quality of service (QoS)

Note: Features such as IP Security (IPSec) and QoS have been specified for both versions of IP.

Though the 32-bit address space of IPv4 supports about 4 billion IP devices, the IPv4 addressing scheme is not

optimal, as described by Christian Huitema in RFC 3194, The Host-Density Ratio for Address Assignment

Efficiency: An Update on the H Ratio. A good number of the initially allocated class A addresses are probably

still not used, but are not likely to be reclaimed.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) first recognized the problem of eventual IPv4 address exhaustion

around 1990 and predicted that we had about ten years to solve this problem. Interestingly, this prediction was

made before the explosive growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the 1990s. Indeed, it is only very

recently that the IP address “crunch” has become widely acknowledged.

The current IP address space is unable to satisfy the potential huge increase in the number of users or the geo-

graphical needs of the Internet expansion, let alone the requirements of emerging applications such as Internet-

enabled personal digital assistants (PDAs), home area networks (HANs), Internet-connected transportations (for

example, automobiles), integrated IP telephony services, IP wireless services, and distributed gaming. IPv6 is

designed to meet these requirements and allow a return to a global environment where the addressing rules of

the network are again transparent to the applications.

The lifetime of IPv4 has been extended using techniques such as address reuse with Network Address Translation

(NAT), classless interdomain routing (CIDR), and temporary-use allocations (Dynamic Host Configuration

Protocol [DHCP] and RADIUS/PPP). Although these techniques appear to increase the address space and satisfy

the traditional server/client setup, they fail to meet the requirements of the peer-to-peer and server (home)-to-

client (Internet) applications. The need for always-on environments (such as residential Internet through broad-

band, cable modem, or Ethernet-to-the-home) to be contactable precludes these IP address conversion, pooling,

and temporary allocation techniques, and the “plug-and-play” required by consumer Internet appliances further

increases the address requirements.

Temporary or semipermanent connections such as dialup or cable modem/xDSL are being given either temporary

IPv4 addresses or private addresses. Millions of the new technology devices such as wireless phones, PDAs, cars,

and home appliances will not be able to get global IPv4 addresses any longer. Though we do not expect to ever

see the last IPv4 address handed out, it is getting much harder to get IPv4 addresses.

ABCs of IP Version 6


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IPv4 will soon reach the stage where you will have to choose between new capabilities or a larger network, but

not both. So, we need a new protocol to provide new and enhanced features in addition to solving the IP address

exhaustion problem.

Network Address Translation

Emerging countries are facing the IPv4 address crunch more strongly than Europe or the United States.

Although the use of NAT has delayed the IPv4 address exhaustion, the use of NAT introduces some

complications that can be overcome only with a new IP protocol.

In IPv4 networks, NAT is typically used to connect internal networks by translating packets between an internal

network, which uses the private address space, as described in RFC 1918 Address Allocation for Private

Internets, and the Internet. NAT uses only a few global (external) addresses even in a large internal network.

Limitations of NAT

Note that the use of NAT only delays the time of exhaustion of the IPv4 addresses but does not solve the real

large-scale growth problem, because IP is now widely adopted as the application's convergence layer for non-

computing devices. Additionally, use of NAT has many implications, as identified in RFC 2775, Internet

Transparency, and RFC 2993, Architectural Implications of NAT. Some of these problems follow and can be

solved only with a new protocol, such as IPv6:

• With IPv4, only the endpoints handle the connection and the underlying layers do not handle any connection.

However, when NAT is used, it breaks the end-to-end connection model of IP.

• Because NAT must handle the translation of addresses and ports, NAT requires the network to keep the

states of the connections. In case of failure of the NAT device or the links near the NAT device, the need to

keep the state of the connections in NAT makes fast rerouting difficult.

• NAT also inhibits the implementation of end-to-end network security. The integrity of the IP header is

protected by some cryptographic functions. This header cannot be changed between the origin of the packet,

which protects the integrity of the header and the final destination, where the integrity of the received packet

is checked. Any translation of parts of the headers along the path will break the integrity check

• With applications that are not "NAT-friendly," more than just port and address mapping is necessary to

forward the packet through the NAT device. NAT must embed complete information of all the applications

to accomplish this goal, especially in the case of dynamically allocated ports with rendezvous ports,

embedded IP addresses in application protocols, security associations, and so on. Every new deployment of

a non-NAT-friendly application will require the upgrading of the NAT device.

• When different networks that are using the same private address space, such as, need to be

combined or connected, as in the case of a merger, an address space collision will result. Though techniques

such as renumbering or twice-NAT can resolve this collision, these techniques are very difficult and will

increase the complications of NAT.

• The ratio of internal/reachable to external addresses mapping must be large to make NAT effective. However,

when there are many servers inside, the same protocol cannot be multiplexed on the same port using the NAT

external address. For example, two internal servers using the same port (80) cannot use the same external outside

address without changing the port number. Each inside server that must be reachable from the outside will start

using one external address. Because there are many protocols that make nodes as servers and consume many

external addresses, NAT is not quite as useful if the number of inside servers is large.


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ABCs of IP Version 6

Meeting Future Network Requirements

Though the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses is the primary reason for the development of a new protocol, the

designers of IPv6 added other new features and some critical improvements to IPv4.

IPv6 is designed to meet the user, application, and service requirements, and allow a return to a simpler environ-

ment where the operation of the network is again transparent to the applications.

The anticipated rollout of wireless data services has been identified as a key IPv6 driver. The wireless industry

standardization bodies, for example, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (, Universal Mobile

Telecommunication System (, and Mobile Wireless Internet Forum ( are

considering IPv6 as the foundation for future IP services. Today, IPv6 services are available over IEEE 802.11

from some “hot-spot” locations.

The overall market adoption of IPv6 will be determined by the ability of the architecture to best accommodate

Internet growth, new IP applications, and services. All these factors underscore the original rationale behind defi-

nition of IPv6 and the market drivers.

Evolution of Internet Protocol Version 6

IPv5 is an experimental resource reservation protocol intended to provide QoS, defined as the Internet Stream Protocol

or ST. ST is not a replacement of IP, but uses an IP version number (number five), because it uses the same link-layer

framing as IPv4. Resource reservation is now done using other protocols (for example, resource reservation protocol

(RSVP)). IPv5/ST protocol is documented in RFC 1190, Experimental Internet Stream Protocol, Version 2 (ST-II) and

RFC 1819, Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2) Protocol Specification - Version ST2+.

The original proposal for IPv6 proposed in RFC 1752, The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation

Protocol was the Simple Internet Protocol Plus (SIPP) with a larger (128 bit) address space. The main author of

SIPP was Steve Deering, now a Cisco Fellow. Following that proposal, the IETF started a working group and the

first specification came in late 1995 with RFC 1883, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification. RFC

2460, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, by Steve Deering (Cisco) and Rob Hinden (Nokia), obso-

letes RFC 1883 and is the present standard for IPv6.

IPv6 quadruples the number of network address bits from 32 bits (in IPv4) to 128 bits, which provides more

than enough globally unique IP addresses for every network device on the planet. The use of globally unique

IPv6 addresses simplifies the mechanisms used for reachability and end-to-end security for network devices,

functionality that is crucial to the applications and services that are driving the demand for the addresses.

The flexibility of the IPv6 address space provides the support for private addresses but should reduce the use of

Network Address Translation (NAT) because global addresses are widely available. IPv6 reintroduces end-to-end

security and quality of service (QoS) that are not always readily available throughout a NAT-based network.

The ABCs of IP Version 6 document discusses the following topics in detail:

1. Features and Benefits of using IPv6

2. IPv6 Header Format

3. IPv6 Addressing Architecture

4. Operation of IPv6

5. Integration and Coexistence Strategies

6. IPv6 Network Design Considerations

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Features and Benefits of Using IPv6

In addition to meeting the anticipated future demand for globally unique IP addresses, IPv6 provides the

following benefits to network and IT professionals:

• Larger address space for global reachability and scalability

• Simplified header format for efficient packet handling

• Hierarchical network architecture for routing efficiency

• Support for widely deployed routing protocols

• Autoconfiguration and plug-and-play support

• Elimination of need for network address translation (NAT) and application’s layered gateway (ALG)

• Embedded security with mandatory IPSec implementation

• Enhanced support for Mobile IP and Mobile Computing Devices

• Increased number of multicast addresses

Larger Address Space for Global Reachability and Scalability

The availability of an almost unlimited number of IP addresses is the most compelling benefit of implementing

IPv6 networks. Compared to IPv4, IPv6 increases the number of address bits by a factor of 4, from 32 bits to

128 bits. The 128 bits provide approximately 3.4x1038 addressable nodes, enough to allocate about 1030

addresses per person on this planet. Figure 1 shows the general format of an IPv6 address.

Figure 1: IPv6 Address Format

The ability to provide a unique address for each network device enables end-to-end reachability, which is espe-

cially important for residential IP telephony. IPv6 also provides full support for application protocols without

requiring special processing at the edges of the networks, eliminating the problems associated with NAT.

Simplified Header for Efficient Packet Handling

Although the increase in the number of bits in the IPv6 address results in an increase in IPv6 header size, the

IPv6 header format is simpler compared to the IPv4 header. The basic IPv4 header size is only 20 octets, but the

ABCs of IP Version 6


Network Prefix

128 bits

Interface ID


XXXX = 0000 through FFFF

3.4x1038 = ~340,282,366,920,938,463,374,607,432,768,211,456 IPv6 Addresses

Chapter 1

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variable length of the Options field adds to the total size of the IPv4 packet. The IPv6 header has a fixed size of

40 octets. Although 6 of the 12 IPv4 header fields have been removed in IPv6, some IPv4 fields have been carried

over with modified names, and some new fields have been added to improve efficiency and introduce new fea-

tures. As shown in Figure 2, the Header Length (IHL), Identification, Flags, Fragment Offset, Header Checksum,

and Padding fields have been removed from the IPv6 header.

This removal results in faster processing of the basic IPv6 header, but routing efficiency and overall performance

are dependent on the option headers treatment and lookup algorithms a given device must run. Also, all fields in

the IPv6 header are 64 bits, taking advantage of the current generation of 64-bit processors.

Figure 2: Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 Headers

Fragmentation is now managed differently and does not need the fields in the basic IP header. Routers no longer

do fragmentation in IPv6, which removes the processing issues caused by routers managing IPv4 fragmentation.

Because checksum has been removed and the routers along the path of an IPv6 packets need not recalculate

checksum every time, routing efficiency is improved in IPv6.

In IPv6 networks, fragmentation is handled by the source device with the help of path maximum transmission

unit (MTU) discovery protocol.

The checksum has been removed at the IP layer because most link-layer technologies already do checksum and

error control. And because the relative reliability of the link layer is very good, IP header checksum was consid-

ered unnecessary and not very useful. In addition to the error detection handled by the link layer technologies,

the transport layer that handles end-to-end connection has a checksum that enables error detection.

However, this removal forces the upper-layer optional checksums, like User Datagram Protocol (UDP), to

become mandatory in IPv6, whereas the UDP transport layer uses an optional checksum in IPv4.

The Options field of IPv4 is changed in IPv6 and is now managed by an extension header chain. The majority of

the other fields were either not changed or changed only slightly. In addition to a smaller number of fields, the

header is 64 bits aligned to enable fast processing by current processors.

Hop LimitNext Header

Source Address

Destination Address

IPv6 Header

Payload Length

Version Traffic Class Flow LabelFragment


Source AddressDestination Address

IPv4 Header


Version Type of Service Total LengthIHL

Time to Live Protocol Header Checksum


Field name kept from IPv4 to IPv6

Field not kept in IPv6

Name and position changed in IPv6

New field in IPv6

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Hierarchical Network Architecture for Routing Efficiency

The availability of a very large addressing space and network prefixes provides a flexible network architecture.

This flexibility allows an organization to use only one prefix for the entire network of the organization.

A larger address space allows the allocation of large address blocks to Internet service providers (ISP) and to

other organizations. This allocation in turn, allows the ISP to aggregate the prefixes of all its customers into

a single prefix and announce this one prefix to the IPv6 Internet.

The larger IPv6 address space also enables the use of multiple levels of hierarchy inside the address space. Each

level helps to aggregate the traffic at that level and enhance the allocation of addresses in a hierarchical format.

The implementation of multiple levels in the address hierarchy permits flexibility and new functionalities, such

as the scoping of addresses. The hierarchical network architecture of IPv6 allows the ISPs to use aggregation

of network prefixes to provide efficient and scalable routing.

The hierarchical addressing structure is designed to reduce the size of Internet routing tables. Without a good

hierarchical addressing scheme, routers will have to store large routing tables. Though classless interdomain

routing (CIDR) in IPv4 solves this problem with the use of route aggregation, it is neither scalable nor efficient.


Though multihoming allows a network to be connected to two or more ISPs and is desirable for high reliability,

it is difficult to connect a network to multiple providers in IPv4 because such connection breaks any kind of

aggregation in the global routing table. The availability of a much larger address space in IPv6 enables the use

of multiple simultaneous prefixes for a network, without breaking the global routing table.

However, redundancy and load sharing for multihomed networks, scalability of the global routing table, and

a simple and operationally manageable multihoming guidelines still need to be defined. IPv6 multihoming

capabilities and application impacts are under study in the IETF Multi6 working group.

Support for Routing Protocols

To enable scalable routing, IPv6 supports existing Interior Gateway Protocols (IGPs) and Exterior Gateway

Protocols (EGPs). Similar to IPv4, IPv6 uses the longest prefix match for a routing algorithm.

Routing Information Protocol

The Routing Information Protocol Next-Generation (RIPng) protocol explained in RFC 2080, RIPng for IPv6,

functions the same and offers the same benefits as RIP-2 (RFC 1721, RIP Version 2 Protocol Analysis) in IPv4.

IPv6 enhancements to RIPng include support for IPv6 addresses and prefixes, including next hop IPv6. RIPng

uses the all-RIP routers multicast group address FF02::9 as the destination address for RIP update messages.

RIPng uses IPv6 for transport of the protocol messages.

Open Shortest Path First Protocol Version 3

Although most of the algorithms of OSPFv2 are the same in OSPFv3, some changes have been made in OSPFv3,

particularly to handle the increased address size in IPv6 and the fact that OSPF runs directly over IP. Because

OSPFv2 is heavily dependent on the IPv4 address for its operation, changes were necessary in OSPFv3 protocol

to support IPv6, as outlined in RFC 2740, OSPF for IPv6. Some of the notable changes include platform-

independent implementation, protocol processing per-link rather than per-node processing, explicit support

for multiple instances per link, and changes in authentication and packet format.

ABCs of IP Version 6

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IPv6 OSPF is now an IETF proposed standard. Like RIPng, IPv6 OSPFv3 uses IPv6 for transport and uses

link-local addresses as source address.

IS-IS Protocol

The IS-IS routing protocol is an IGP protocol and IPv6 IS-IS is an IETF draft. New IPv6 routing capability has

been added to the existing IS-IS protocol. Internet Draft draft-ietf-isis-ipv6-02.txt specifies a method for exchanging

IPv6 routing information using the IS-IS routing protocol utilizing the same mechanisms described in RFC 1195,

Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP and Dual Environments. This is accomplished by adding 2 new

type-length-values (TLVs)—"IPv6 Reachability" (128 bits) and "IPv6 Interface Address" (128 bits)—and a new

IPv6 protocol identifier.

Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol+

Multiprotocol BGP in IPv6 is an EGP that functions the same and offers the same benefits as multiprotocol BGP

in IPv4. RFC 2858, Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4 describes multiprotocol extensions for BGP4 defined as

new attributes. RFC 2545, Use of BGP-4 Multiprotocol Extensions for IPv6 Interdomain Routing describes the

enhancements to multiprotocol BGP that include support for an IPv6 address family and Network Layer

Reachability Information (NLRI) and next hop (the next router in the path to the destination) attributes. These

attributes use IPv6 addresses and scoped addresses. The next hop attribute uses a global IPv6 address and poten-

tially also a link-local address, when a peer is reachable on the local link.

Autoconfiguration and “Plug-and-Play” Support

The address autoconfiguration feature is built into the IPv6 protocol to facilitate intranet-wide address manage-

ment, enabling large number of IP hosts to easily discover the network and get new and globally unique IPv6

address associated with their location. The autoconfiguration feature enables "plug-and-play" Internet deploy-

ment of new consumer devices, such as cell phones, wireless devices, home appliances, and so on. As a result,

network devices could connect to the network without manual configuration and without any servers, such as

DHCP servers.

A router on the local link will send network-type information, such as the prefix of the local link and the default

route in its router advertisements. The router provides this information to all the nodes on the local link. As a

result, a host can autoconfigure itself by appending its 48-bit link layer address (MAC address) in an extended

universal identifier EUI-64-bit format to the 64 bits of the local link prefix advertised by the router.

Easier Renumbering

In IPv6 networks, the autoconfiguration feature makes renumbering of an existing network simpler and relative-

ly easier. The router sends the new prefix from the new upstream provider in its router announcements. The

hosts in the network will automatically pick the new prefix from the router advertisements and then use it to cre-

ate their new addresses. As a result, the transition from provider A to B becomes more manageable for network


Elimination of Need for Network Address Translation and Application’s Layered Gateway

With the availability of a large number of IPv6 addresses to provide globally unique IP addresses for all IP

devices, there is no need for translating hundreds of internal IP addresses into a few global IP addresses. The

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elimination of the need for deploying NAT boxes in networks will also eliminate other problems associated with

the deployment of NAT. Particularly, the elimination of NAT provides end-to-end transparency in networks,

reduces network complexity, and helps to reduce network operational costs for enterprises and ISPs.

Embedded Security with Mandatory IPSec Implementation

While the use of IPSec is optional in IPv4, IPSec is mandatory in IPv6 and is part of the IPv6 protocol suite.

Therefore, network implementers could enable IPSec in every IPv6 node, potentially making the networks more


IPv6 provides security extension headers, making it easier to implement encryption, authentication, and virtual

private networks (VPNs). Because IPv6 offers globally unique addresses and security, IPv6 can provide end-to-

end security services such as access control, confidentiality and data integrity without the need for additional

firewalls that might introduce additional problems, including performance bottlenecks.

Enhanced Support for Mobile IP and Mobile Computing Devices

In IPv6, mobility is built in and any IPv6 node can use mobility as needed. Mobility is becoming an important

and critical feature in networks. Mobile IP is an IETF standard allowing mobile devices to move around without

breaking their existing connections. In IPv4, the mobility function must be added as a new feature. Mobility sup-

port in IPv6 is discussed in the latest version of Internet Draft draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-17.txt.

IPv6 packets addressed to the home address of a mobile node are transparently routed to its care-of address

through the caching of the binding of its home address with its care-of address. This binding allows any packets

destined for the mobile node to be directed to it at this care-of address. Mobile IPv6 defines four new IPv6 desti-

nation options: binding update option, binding acknowledgement option, binding request option, and home

address option.

The routing headers in IPv6 make Mobile IPv6 much more efficient for end devices than Mobile IPv4. The use of

the routing header for Mobile IP, rather than IP encapsulation, enables Mobile IP to avoid triangle routing, mak-

ing it much more efficient in IPv6 than in IPv4.

Note: The authentication of the binding update between the mobile node and correspondent node is still under

discussion at the IETF.

Increased Number of Multicast Addresses

One of the salient features of IPv6 is that it does not use broadcasts at all. The functions previously supported by

IPv4 broadcasts such as router discovery and router solicitation requests are handled by IPv6 multicast.

Multicast allows IP packets such as a video stream to be sent to multiple destinations at the same time, saving

network bandwidth. Multicast improves the efficiency of a network by limiting the broadcast requests to a

smaller number of only interested nodes. IPv6 uses specific multicast group addresses for its various functions.

Thus, IPv6 multicast prevents the problems caused by broadcast storms in IPv4 networks.

Multicast Scope Address

IPv4 networks use administratively scoped IP multicast addresses as described in RFC 2365, Administratively

Scoped IP Multicast, to allow packets to be addressed to a specific range of multicast addresses (for example, to By specifying a multicast scope, the packets are prevented from crossing the con-

figured administrative boundaries. IPv4 uses one broadcast address for a particular scoped zone or IP multicast

boundary, and the broadcasts are received by all hosts in this scoped zone.

ABCs of IP Version 6

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IPv6 uses a 4-bit Scope ID to specify address ranges reserved for multicast addresses for each scope. Thus, only those

hosts in a specified scope address range configured to listen to a specific multicast address receive the multicast.

However, a host can be a member of several workgroups and can listen to several multicast addresses at the same time.

IPv6 provides a larger range of multicast addresses compared to IPv4. So, allocation of addresses for multicast

groups will not be limited for the foreseeable future.

Quality of Service

QoS in IPv6 is handled in the same way it is currently handled in IPv4. Support for class of service is available

through the Traffic Class field compliant with the IETF Differentiated Services (DiffServ) model.

However, IPv6 header has a new field named Flow label which can contain a label identifying a specific flow,

such as video stream or videoconference. The source node generates this flow label. Having a flow label enables

QoS devices in the path to take appropriate actions based on this label. But, the existence of the flow label itself

is not a feature of QoS.

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IPv6 Header Format

The IPv6 header is simpler and more efficient than the IPv4 header. The simplified IPv6 header helps to reduce

processing costs.

This chapter discusses the major differences between the IPv4 and IPv6 header formats and how the IPv6 header

has been simplified. The following topics are covered in this chapter:

• IPv6 header fields

• IPv6 extension headers

• IPv6 fragmentation header

• IPv6 routing header

• IPv6 ICMP packet

IPv6 Header Fields

The basic IPv6 packet header consists of 8 fields as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: IPv6 Header Fields

The IPv6 header contains the fields described in the following sections:

Description of IPv6 Header Fields

Version Number: The version is a 4-bit field as in IPv4. The field contains the number 6 for IPv6, instead of the

number 4 for IPv4.

Traffic Class: The Traffic Class field is an 8-bit field similar to the type of service (ToS) field in IPv4. The Traffic

Class field tags the packet with a traffic class that can be used in Differentiated Services. The functionalities are

the same in IPv4 and IPv6.

ABCs of IP Version 6

Next Header

Hop Limit

40 octets}Next Header

Source Address

variable length}Destination Address

Extension Header Information

Data Portion

32 bits

Payload LengthVersion Traffic Class Flow Label

Chapter 2

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Flow Label: The 20-bit Flow Label field is a new field in IPv6. The Flow Label field can be used to tag packets

of a specific flow to differentiate the packets at the network layer. Hence, the Flow Label field enables identifica-

tion of a flow and per-flow processing by the routers in the path. With this label, a router need not check deep

into the packet to identify the flow, because this information is available in the IP packet header. The Flow Label

allows applications on the end system to easily differentiate the traffic at the IP layer making it easier to provide

QoS for packets that have been encrypted by IPSec.

For further information regarding the proposal for the implementation of the flow label, refer to the Internet

Draft draft-ietf-ipv6-flow-label-01.txt.

Payload Length: Similar to the Total Length field in IPv4, the Payload Length field indicates the total length of

the data portion of the packet.

Next Header: Similar to the Protocol field in the IPv4 packet header, the value of the Next Header field in IPv6

determines the type of information following the basic IPv6 header. The type of information following the basic

IPv6 header can be a transport layer packet, such as a TCP or UDP packet, or an Extension Header, as shown in

Figure 4.

IPv6 uses a different approach to manage optional information in the header. It defines extension headers that

form a chain of headers linked together by the Next Header field, contained in each extension header. This

mechanism provides more efficiency in the processing of extension headers, enables a faster forwarding rate, and

leaves the router with less processing work for each packet. All extension headers are daisy-chained, each one

pointing to the next one, until they reach the transport layer data.

Hop Limit: Similar to the Time to Live field in the IPv4 packet header, the value of the Hop Limit field specifies

the maximum number of routers (hops) that an IPv6 packet can pass through before the packet is considered

invalid. Each router decrements the value by one. Because there is no checksum in the IPv6 header, the router

can decrement the value without needing to recalculate the checksum, which saves processing resources.

Source Address: The IPv6 source address field is similar to the Source Address field in the IPv4 packet header,

except that the field contains a 128-bit source address for IPv6 instead of a 32-bit source address for IPv4.

Destination Address: The IPv6 destination address field is similar to the Destination Address field in the IPv4

packet header, except that the field contains a 128-bit destination address for IPv6 instead of a 32-bit destination

address for IPv4.

IPv6 Extension Headers

Following the eight fields of the basic IPv6 packet header are the optional extension headers and the data

portion of the packet. If present, each extension header is aligned to 64 bits. There is no fixed number of

extension headers in an IPv6 packet. Together, the extension headers form a chain of headers that can be

parsed for information such as TCP/UDP port.

The Next Header field of the previous header identifies the extension header. Typically, the final extension header

has a Next Header field of a transport layer protocol, such as TCP or UDP. Figure 4 shows the IPv6 extension

header format.

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Figure 4: IPv6 Extension Header

Order of Extension Headers

There are many types of extension headers. When multiple extension headers are used in the same packet, the

order of the headers should be as follows:

1. Hop-by-Hop Options header. Used for the Router Alert (RSVP and MLDv1) and the Jumbogram, this header

(value=0) is processed by all hops in the path of a packet. When present, the hop-by-hop options header always

follows immediately after the basic IPv6 packet header.

2. Destination Options header. This header (value=60) can follow any hop-by-hop options header, in which case

the destination options header is processed at the final destination and also at each visited address specified by a

routing header. Alternatively, the destination options header can follow any Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

header, in which case the destination options header is processed only at the final destination. For example,

mobile IP uses this header.

3. Routing header. This header (value=43) is used for source routing and Mobile IPv6.

4. Fragment header. This header is used when a source must fragment a packet that is larger than the maximum

transmission unit (MTU) for the path between itself and a destination device. The Fragment header is used in

each fragmented packet.

5. Authentication header and Encapsulating Security Payload header. The Authentication header (value=51) and

the ESP header (value=50) are used within IPSec to provide authentication, integrity, and confidentiality of a

packet. These headers are identical for both IPv4 and IPv6.

6. Upper-Layer header. The upper-layer (transport) headers are the typical headers used inside a packet to trans-

port the data. The two main transport protocols are TCP (value=6) and UDP (value=17).

Note: The source node should follow this order, but destination nodes should be prepared to receive in any order.

ABCs of IP Version 6

• • •

Extension Header Length

Data(for example TCP or UDP)

IPv6 basic header (40 octets)}

Next Header

Extension Header Data

Any number of extension headers}

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Routing Header

The Routing Header is one of the IPv6 extension headers and is identified by a value of 43 in the Next Header

field. A routing header can appear either as the first extension header after the IPv6 basic header, or after

another extension header.

As in any extension header, the first field of the routing header is the Next Header field, which identifies the type

of header following the routing header. The second field is the length of the routing header. The "routing type"

identifies the type of routing header used. The "segments left" identifies the number of intermediate routers that

are in the data portion of the routing header. The routing header with routing type = 0 forces the routing

through a list of intermediate routers. This action is similar to the "Loose Source Route" option in IPv4.

Figure 5 shows the use of the routing type 0 of the routing header and the routing path based on the

intermediate routers R2 and R5. As in "Loose Source Route" in IPv4, the complete list of routers in the

path is not necessary.

Figure 5: IPv6 Routing Header

The way the routing header and the destination address of the IPv6 packet interact is new in IPv6. Upon receiv-

ing the packet, each intermediate router in the list will process the routing header by swapping the destination

address to the next router in the list. The number of segments left is decremented and the packet is sent to the

new destination. The final destination node (B) will receive a routing header where the number of segment left is

zero. Because B is the final destination, it will process the next header following the routing header.

Fragment Header

IPv6 does not support fragmentation by routers. The source node does the fragmentation when the path MTU is

not big enough. In IPv4, path MTU is optional and seldom used.

The fragment header is used when a node has to send a packet larger than the path MTU. In this situation, the

source node slices the packet into fragments and sends each fragment in a separate packet and identifies the

Source: Node ADestination: R5Router List: R2, BSegments Left: 1

Source: Node ADestination: R2Router List: R5, BSegments Left: 2

Source: Node ADestination: BList: R2, R5Segments Left: 0

Destination Node



R1 R2 R3

R4 R5




Source: Node ADestination: BList: R2, R5Segments Left: 0

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fragments by adding the fragment header in the IP header of the packets.

The fields of the fragment header look like the fragment fields in the IPv4 header and include the following:

• A fragment offset that identifies the position of the specific fragment in the full original IP packet

• An identification number that identifies fragments belonging to the same original packet

The destination node then reassembles the packet by concatenating the received fragments in an order given by

the fragment offset.

ICMPv6 Packet

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) in IPv6 functions the same as ICMP in IPv4 (RFC 792). ICMPv6 gen-

erates error messages, such as ICMP destination unreachable messages and informational messages like ICMP

echo request and reply messages.

Additionally, ICMP packets in IPv6 are used in the IPv6 neighbor discovery process, path MTU discovery, and

the Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) protocol for IPv6. IPv6 routers use MLD to discover multicast listeners

(nodes that want to receive multicast packets destined for specific multicast addresses) on directly attached links.

MLDv1 is described in RFC 2710, Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for IPv6, which is based on version 2 of

the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) for IPv4. MLDv2 (draft) is similar to IGMPv3.

A value of 58 in the Next Header field of the basic IPv6 packet header identifies an IPv6 ICMP packet. ICMP

packets in IPv6 are like a transport layer packet in the sense that the ICMP packet follows all the extension

headers and is the last piece of information in the IPv6 packet.

Within IPv6 ICMP packets, the ICMPv6 Type and ICMPv6 Code fields identify IPv6 ICMP packet specifics, such

as the ICMP message type. The value in the Checksum field is derived from the fields in the IPv6 ICMP packet

and the IPv6 header. The ICMPv6 Data field contains error or diagnostic information relevant to IP packet


Similar to ICMPv4, ICMPv6 is often blocked by security policies implemented in corporate firewalls because

of attacks based on ICMP. However, ICMPv6 has the capability to use IPSec authentication and encryption.

These security services decrease the possibilities of an attack based on ICMPv6. Figure 6 shows the IPv6

ICMP packet format.

Figure 6: IPv6 ICMP Packet

ABCs of IP Version 6

Next header = 58ICMPv6 packet

ChecksumICMPv6 Code

ICMPv6 packet

IPv6 basic header}

ICMPv6 Type

ICMPv6 Data


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IPv6 Addressing Architecture

The IPv6 addressing scheme has been designed to provide compatibility and interoperability with existing IPv4

network architecture and to allow the coexistence of IPv6 networks with existing IPv4 networks. IPv6 not only

solves the IP address shortage problem in IPv4, but it also enhances and improves some of the salient features of

IPv4. IPv6 enhances routing and addressing capabilities, while simplifying the IP header. IPv6 supports various

types of IP addresses and bigger address blocks for use with multicast routing.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

• IPv6 address format

• IPv6 address types (unicast, multicast, and anycast)

• IPv6 multicast addressing scheme

• IPv6 address allocation

The IPv6 addressing architecture as described in RFC 2373, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture, defines the

use of its full address space based on protocol-related functions.

IPv6 Address Format

IPv6 uses 16-bit hexadecimal number fields separated by colons (:) to represent the 128-bit addressing format

making the address representation less cumbersome and error-prone The hexadecimal numbers are not

case-sensitive. Here is an example of a valid IPv6 address: 2031:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B.

Additionally, in order to shorten the IPv6 address and make the address easier to represent, IPv6 uses the

following conventions:

• Leading zeros in the address field are optional and can be compressed. For example, the following

hexadecimal numbers can be represented as shown in a compressed format:

Example 1: 2031:0000:130F:0000:0000:09C0:876A:130B =

2031:0:130F:0:0:9C0:876A:130B (compressed form)

Example 2: 0000 = 0 (compressed form)

• A pair of colons (::) represents successive fields of 0. However, the pair of colons is allowed only once in a

valid IPv6 address.

Example 1: 2031:0:130F:0:0:9C0:876A:130B =

2031:0:130F::9C0:876A:130B (compressed form)

Example 2: FF01:0:0:0:0:0:1 = FF01::1 (compressed form)

An address parser could easily identify the number of missing zeros in an IPv6 address by placing the two parts

of the address apart and filling with 0s until the 128-bit address is complete. However, if two ::s are placed in the

same address, then there is no way to identify the size of each block of zeros. The use of the :: makes many IPv6

addresses very small.

ABCs of IP Version 6

Chapter 3

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IPv6 Address Prefix

The IPv6 prefix is part of the address that represents the left-most bits that have a fixed value and represent the

network identifier. IPv6 prefix is represented using the IPv6-prefix/prefix-length format just like an IPv4 address

represented in the classless interdomain routing (CIDR) notation. The IPv6-prefix variable must conform to RFC


The /prefix-length variable is a decimal value that indicates the number of high-order contiguous bits of the

address comprising the prefix, which is the network portion of the address. For example,

1080:6809:8086:6502::/64 is an acceptable IPv6 prefix. If the address ends in a double colon, the trailing double

colon can be omitted. So, the same address can be written as 1080:6809:8086:6502/64. In either case, the prefix

length is written as a decimal number 64 and represents the left-most bits of the IPv6 address.

IPv6 Address Types

There is a major difference in the IP address requirements between an IPv4 node and an IPv6 node. An IPv4

node typically uses one IP address; but an IPv6 node requires more than one IP address.

There are three major types of IPv6 addresses as follows:

• Unicast—An address for a single interface. A packet that is sent to a unicast address is delivered to the

interface identified by that address.

• Anycast—An address for a set of interfaces that typically belong to different nodes. A packet sent to an

anycast address is delivered to the closest interface—as defined by the routing protocols in use—identified

by the anycast address.

• Multicast—An address for a set of interfaces (in a given scope) that typically belong to different nodes.

A packet sent to a multicast address is delivered to all interfaces identified by the multicast address

(in a given scope).

IPv6 Address Assignment

An IPv6 address is assigned to a single interface, not a node. But, a single interface could be assigned multiple

IPv6 addresses. Hence, it is easy to identify a node by any of its unicast addresses. The following are notable

exceptions to these general rules:

• Multiple interfaces can have a single unicast address assigned to them when they are used for load sharing

over multiple physical interfaces. The same is true when multiple physical interfaces are treated as a single

interface at the Internet layer.

• Routers using unnumbered interfaces on point-to-point links are not assigned IPv6 addresses, because the

interfaces do not function as a source or destination for IP datagrams.

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IPv6 Unicast Address

A unicast address is an address for a single interface. A packet that is sent to a unicast address is delivered to the

interface identified by that address. Although implementation details might depend on specific vendors, the Cisco

IOS software supports the following IPv6 unicast address types:

• Global unicast address

• Site-local unicast address

• Link-local unicast address

• IPv4-mapped IPv6 address

• IPv4 compatible IPv6 address (nearly deprecated)

IPv6 also supports other unicast addresses known as special addresses, such as Unspecified address and loop-

back address.

What Is an IPv6 Global Unicast Address?

The IPv6 global unicast address is the equivalent of the IPv4 global unicast address. A global unicast address is

an IPv6 address from the global unicast prefix. The structure of global unicast addresses enables aggregation of

routing prefixes that limits the number of routing table entries in the global routing table. Global unicast

addresses used on links are aggregated upward through organizations and eventually to the Internet service

providers (ISPs).

Global unicast addresses are defined by a global routing prefix, a subnet ID, and an interface ID. Except for

addresses that start with binary 000, all global unicast addresses have a 64-bit interface ID. The current global

unicast address allocation uses the range of addresses that start with binary value 001 (2000::/3), as shown in

Figure 7.

2000::/3 is the global unicast address range and uses one-eighth of the total IPv6 address space. It is the largest

block of assigned block addresses.

Figure 7: IPv6 Global Unicast Address Format

ABCs of IP Version 6

Subnet ID

64 bits

Interface IDGlobal Routing Prefix


3 bits 16 bits45 bits


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What Is the Structure of a Global Unicast Address?

A fixed prefix of 2000::/3 (001) indicates a global IPv6 address. Addresses with a prefix of 2000::/3 (001)

through E000::/3 (111), excluding the FF00::/8 (1111 1111) multicast addresses, are required to have 64-bit

interface identifiers in the extended universal identifier (EUI)-64 format. The Internet Assigned Numbers

Authority (IANA) is allocating the IPv6 address space in the ranges of 2001::/16 to the registries.

The following section describes the new addressing scheme recommended by the IETF in the Internet Draft


The global unicast address typically consists of a 48-bit global routing prefix and a 16-bit subnet ID. In the IPv6

aggregatable global unicast address format document (RFC 2374), the global routing prefix included two other

hierarchically structured fields called Top-Level Aggregator and Next-Level Aggregator. Because these fields were

policy-based, the IETF decided to remove the fields from the RFCs. However, some existing IPv6 networks

deployed in the early days might still be using networks based on the older architecture.

A 16-bit subnet field called the Subnet ID could be used by individual organizations to create their own local

addressing hierarchy and to identify subnets. This field allows an organization to use up to 65,535 individual


Use of EUI-64 Format in IPv6 Addresses

The 64-bit interface identifier in an IPv6 address is used to identify a unique interface on a link. A link is a

network medium over which network nodes communicate using the link layer. The interface identifier may

also be unique over a broader scope. In many cases, an interface identifier will be the same as or based on the

link-layer (MAC) address of an interface. As in IPv4, a subnet prefix in IPv6 is associated with one link.

Interface identifiers used in global unicast and other IPv6 address types must be 64 bits long and constructed in

the EUI-64 format. The EUI-64 format interface ID is derived from the 48-bit link-layer (MAC) address by

inserting the hex number FFFE between the upper three bytes (OUI field) and the lower 3 bytes (serial number)

of the link layer address. To make sure that the chosen address is from a unique Ethernet MAC address, the 7th

bit in the high-order byte is set to 1 (equivalent to the IEEE G/L bit) to indicate the uniqueness of the 48-bit


What Is an IPv6 Site-Local Unicast Address?

Site-local unicast addresses are similar to the private addresses such as,, and used in IPv4 networks. Private addresses can be used to restrict communication to a specific

domain, or to assign addresses in a site that is not connected to the global Internet, without requiring a globally

unique prefix. IPv6 routers must not advertise routes or forward packets that have site-local source or destina-

tion addresses outside the site boundary. If the site requires global connectivity in the future, a global unicast pre-

fix must be assigned to that site. The site-local addressing plan initially defined for site-local addressing can be

directly applied using the global unicast prefix.

A site-local unicast address shown in Figure 8 is an IPv6 unicast address that uses the prefix range FEC0::/10

(1111 1110 11) and concatenates the subnet identifier (the16-bit Subnet ID field) with the interface ID in the

EUI-64 format. The site-local unicast address range uses 1/1024 of the total address space.

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Figure 8: IPv6 Site-Local Unicast Address Format

What Is an IPv6 Link-Local Unicast Address?

A link-local unicast address is an IPv6 unicast address that is automatically configured on an IPv6 node interface

by using the link-local prefix FE80::/10 (1111 1110 11) and the interface ID in the EUI-64 format.

Link-local addresses are used in the neighbor discovery protocol and the stateless autoconfiguration process dis-

cussed in Chapter 4. Link-local addresses are typically used to connect devices on the same local link network

without the need for global addresses. Hence, link-local addresses are useful only in the context of the local link


Nodes on a local link can use link-local addresses to communicate with each other without the need for a router.

IPv6 nodes do not need site-local or globally unique addresses to communicate. IPv6 routers must not forward to

other links packets that have link-local source or destination addresses. FE80::/10 is the link-local unicast address

range and uses 1/1024 of the IPv6 address space. Figure 9 shows the structure of a link-local address.

Figure 9: IPv6 Link-Local Unicast Address Format

ABCs of IP Version 6

Subnet ID 64 bits

Interface ID0

128 bits

1111 1110 11


10 bits

16 bits

64 bits

Interface ID0

128 bits

1111 1110 10


10 bits

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What Is an IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Address?

The IPv4-compatible IPv6 address is used in IPv6 transition mechanisms to tunnel IPv6 packets dynamically over

IPv4 infrastructures. The IPv4-compatible IPv6 address is a type of IPv6 unicast address that embeds an IPv4

address in the low-order 32 bits and zeros in the high-order 96 bits of the IPv6 address.

The format of an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address is 0:0:0:0:0:0:A.B.C.D or ::A.B.C.D. The entire 128-bit IPv4-

compatible IPv6 address is used as the IPv6 address of a node and the IPv4 address embedded in the low-order

32-bits is used as the IPv4 address of the node. IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses are assigned to nodes that

support both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks and are used in automatic tunnels discussed in Chapter 5.

Figure 10 shows the structure of an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address and a few acceptable representations for the


Figure 10: IPv4-Compatible IPv6 Address Format

What Is an IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address?

The IPv4-mapped IPv6 address is another type of IPv6 unicast address that embeds an IPv4 address in the low-

order 32 bits, zeros in the high-order 80 bits, and ones in bits 81 through 96 of the IPv6 address. This address

type is used to represent the address of an IPv4 node as an IPv6 address. On a dual stack node, an IPv6 applica-

tion sending traffic to a destination represented by an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address will send IPv4 packets to that

destination. Figure 11 shows the structure of an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address.

Figure 11: IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address Format


96 bits

IPv4 Address


IPv4-Compatible Address

32 bits

= :: ::C0A8:1E01

= 0:0:0:0:0:0:


80 bits

IPv4 Address


IPv4-Mapped Address = 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:

16 bits 32 bits

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IPv6 Anycast Address

The anycast address is a global unicast address that is assigned to a set of interfaces that typically belong to

different nodes. Hence an anycast address identifies multiple interfaces. A packet sent to an anycast address is

delivered to the closest interface—as defined by the routing protocols in use—identified by the anycast address.

Anycast addresses are syntactically indistinguishable from global unicast addresses because anycast addresses are

allocated from the global unicast address space.

Note: Anycast addresses must not be used as the source address of an IPv6 packet.

IPv6 Multicast Address

An IPv6 multicast address (Figure 12) is an IPv6 address that has a prefix of FF00::/8 (1111 1111). The

multicast address range uses 1/256 of the total IPv6 address space. An IPv6 multicast address is an identifier

for a set of interfaces that typically belong to different nodes. A packet sent to a multicast address is delivered

to all interfaces identified by the multicast address.

The second octet following the prefix defines the lifetime and scope of the multicast address. A permanent multicast

address has a lifetime parameter equal to 0; a temporary multicast address has a lifetime parameter equal to 1. A multicast

address that has the scope of a an interface, link, subnet, admin, site, organization, or a global scope has a scope

parameter of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, or E, respectively. The IPv6 addressing scheme is designed to support millions of multicast

group addresses.

Figure 12: IPv6 Multicast Address Format

Within the reserved multicast address range of FF00:: to FF0F::, the following addresses are assigned to identify

specific functions:

FF01::1—All Nodes within the node-local scope (that is, only for that host)

FF02::1—All Nodes on the local link (link-local scope).

FF01::2—All Routers within the node-local scope

FF02::2—All Routers on the link-local scope

ABCs of IP Version 6

Flag =

8 bits

Group ID

128 bits

1111 1111

F ScopeFlagF

8 bits

0 if permanent

1 if temporary

Scope =

1 = interface-local2 = link-local3 = subnet-local4 = admin-local5 = site-local8 = organization-localE = global



112 bits

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FF05::2—All Routers in the site (site-local scope)

FF02::1:FFXX:XXXX—Solicited-Node multicast address, where XX:XXXX represent the last 24 bits of the

IPv6 address of node.

Note that the time-to-live (TTL) field is not used in IPv6 multicast.

The correlation between an IPv6 multicast address and the Ethernet address is that the last 32 bits of the IPv6

multicast address are added to the 33:33: prefix for multicast Ethernet. A host sending a packet to an IPv6 multi-

cast address uses this newly formed multicast Ethernet address to reach the destination on the local link.

Multicast Group Membership Requirement for IPv6 Nodes

IPv6 nodes, both hosts and routers, are required to join (receive packets destined for) the following multicast groups:

• All-nodes multicast group FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (scope is link-local)

• Solicited-node multicast group FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF00:0000/104 for each of its assigned unicast and

anycast addresses

Additionally, IPv6 routers must also join the all-routers multicast group FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 (scope is link-local).

What Is an IPv6 Solicited-Node Multicast Address?

Solicited-node multicast addresses are used in neighbor solicitation messages to help with neighbor discovery,

which is discussed in Chapter 4. The solicited-node multicast address is a multicast group address that corre-

sponds to an IPv6 unicast or anycast address. An IPv6 node must join the associated solicited-node multicast

group for every unicast and anycast address it has been assigned. The IPv6 solicited-node multicast address has

the prefix FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF00:0000/104 concatenated with the 24 low-order bits of a corresponding IPv6 uni-

cast or anycast address, as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: IPv6 Solicited-Node Multicast Address Format

For example, the solicited-node multicast address corresponding to the IPv6 address 2037::01:800:200E:8C6C is



IPv6 Address

24 bitsSolicited-Node Multicast Address

FF02 Lower 24FF00010

128 bits

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Special IPv6 Addresses

In addition to all the unicast addresses described in this section, IPv6 also supports unspecified and loopback


What Is an IPv6 Unspecified Address?

An unspecified IPv6 address is a special address used as a placeholder by a node when it does not have an

address. For example, a node uses the unspecified address upon startup, when a node does not have an assigned

address and the node requests an address from a dynamic host configuration server (DHCP) server, or when the

duplicate address detection packet is sent. The unspecified address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 is also represented by 0::0 or

more commonly by ::/128.

The IPv6 unspecified address cannot be assigned to any interface and should not be used as destination addresses

in IPv6 packets or the IPv6 routing header.

What Is an IPv6 Loopback Address?

IPv6 loopback address identifies the local interface in the IP stack. It is similar to the loopback

address in IPv4. The IPv6 loopback address is 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 or is simply represented by ::1.

The IPv6 loopback address cannot be assigned to a physical interface and the IPv6 routers do not forward

packets that have the IPv6 loopback address as their source or destination address.

IPv6 Address Allocation

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) allocates 2001::/16 to registries from the full address space.

From IANA, each registry gets a /23 prefix within the 2001::/16 space, as follows:

• 2001:0200::/23 and 2001:0C00::/23 allocated to Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) for

use in Asia.

• 2001:0400::/23 allocated to American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) for use in the Americas.

• 2001:0600::/23 and 2001:0800::/23 allocated to Reseaux IP Europeens—Network Coordination Center

(RIPE NCC) for use in Europe and the Middle East.

The registries then allocate an initial /32 prefix to the IPv6 ISPs and the ISPs allocate a /48 prefix (out of the /32)

to each customer or site. The /48 prefix of site could be further allocated to each LAN using a /64 prefix for

a maximum of 64 bits ID hosts in each LAN. Each site could subnet the site into a maximum of 65,535 LANs.

A site should make an address plan prior to beginning allocation of its /48 space.

In order to receive a /32 prefix address block from a registry, an ISP must have an exterior routing protocol

peering with at least 3 other ISPs and either have at least 40 customers or demonstrate a clear intent to provide

an IPv6 service within 12 months.

For the latest information about allocation of IPv6 address space to the registries by IANA, refer to the URL at

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6BONE Network Address Allocation

The 6BONE is a worldwide network of IPv6 networks using IPv6 links carrying IPv6 traffic over WAN or LAN

over IPv4 tunnels on the current Internet. The 6BONE is a testbed used to test new protocols, implementations,

transition mechanisms, and operational procedures. The 6BONE collaborative project is overseen by the IETF.

The current allocations of the 6BONE address starts at 3ffe:0000::/16, where any pseudo Top-Level Aggregator (pTLA)

receives a /28 prefix. This prefix is inside the 3ffe:0800::/28 range and allows for a maximum of 2048 pTLAs. An end

site receives a /48 from its upstream provider and a LAN within a site is assigned a /64 prefix from that site prefix.

The 6BONE topology is a hierarchy of provider networks. The 6BONE address allocation by the IANA and the

6BONE policy is defined in RFC 2921, 6BONE pTLA and pNLA Formats (pTLA).

How Is an IPv6 Address Represented in a URL?

In a URL, the colon is already used to indicate an optional port number, as shown in this URL example: So, the colon cannot be used to indicate an IPv6 address in a URL. If a

URL contains two colons, a URL parser must be able to differentiate between the colon of a port number and

the colon inside an IPv6 address. This is impossible because of the use of the compression technique.

To identify the IPv6 address while still keeping the colon, the address must be enclosed between brackets, as

shown in the following example:


The use of IPv6 addresses inside a URL is cumbersome and is recommended only for diagnostic purposes, or

when no naming service is available. Otherwise, it is advisable to use only fully qualified domain names.

How Many IP Addresses Does an IPv6 Host Require?

An IPv6 node requires the following IPv6 addresses for proper operation:

• Link-local address for each interface

• Assigned unicast address(es)

• Loopback address

• All-nodes multicast address

• Solicited–node multicast address for each of its assigned unicast and anycast addresses

• Multicast addresses of all other groups to which the host belongs

• Site-local address, if used

How Many IP Addresses Does an IPv6 Router Require?

An IPv6 router requires the following IPv6 addresses for proper operation:

• All the required node addresses

• All-router multicast addresses

• Subnet-router anycast addresses for the interfaces configured to act as forwarding interfaces

• Other anycast configured addresses

• Specific multicast addresses for routing protocols

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Operation of IPv6

The IPv6 neighbor discovery protocol and the internet message control protocol (ICMP) are critical to the

operation of IPv6.

The following topics are covered in this chapter:

• Neighbor discovery

• Router discovery

• Stateless autoconfiguration

• Path maximum transfer unit (MTU) discovery

• Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6 (DHCPv6)

• Domain Name Server (DNS) Operation

Neighbor Discovery

The neighbor discovery protocol enables IPv6 nodes and routers to:

• Determine the link-layer address of a neighbor on the same link.

• Find neighboring routers.

• Keep track of neighbors.

The IPv6 neighbor discovery process uses IPv6 ICMP (ICMPv6) messages and solicited-node multicast addresses

to determine the link-layer address of a neighbor on the same network (local link), verify the reachability of

a neighbor, and keep track of neighbor routers. Every IPv6 node is required to join the multicast groups

corresponding to its unicast and anycast addresses.

The IPv6 neighbor discovery process uses the following mechanisms for its operation:

• Neighbor solicitation

• Neighbor advertisement

What Is IPv6 Neighbor Solicitation?

Neighbor solicitation messages are sent on the local link when a node wants to determine the link-layer address

of another node on the same local link. This function is similar to the ARP in IPv4, but avoids broadcasts used

in IPv4 ARP messages, where all nodes receive unnecessary broadcast requests that do not concern them.

The source node takes the right-most 24 bits of the IPv6 address of the destination node and sends a neighbor

solicitation message, which has a value of 135 in the Type field of the ICMP packet header, to the solicited-node

multicast group address on the local link. The destination node will respond with its link-layer address. To send

a neighbor solicitation message, the source node must first identify the IPv6 unicast address of the destination

node using a naming service mechanism such as DNS.

Neighbor solicitation message is also used to verify the reachability of a neighbor after the link-layer address

of a neighbor is identified. Figure 14 shows how the neighbor solicitation message is used to determine the

link-layer address of a neighbor.

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Chapter 4

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Figure 14: Neighbor Solicitation Message

What Is IPv6 Neighbor Advertisement?

The IPv6 neighbor advertisement message is a response to the IPv6 neighbor solicitation message. After receiving

the neighbor solicitation message, the destination node replies by sending a neighbor advertisement message on

the local link with a value of 136 in the Type field of the ICMP packet header. After receiving the neighbor

advertisement, the source node and destination node can communicate.

Neighbor advertisement messages are also sent when there is a change in the link-layer address of a node on a

local link.

IPv6 Router Discovery

IPv6 router discovery is a process used by IPv6 nodes to discover the routers on the local link. The IPv6 router

discovery process is similar to ICMP router discovery in IPv4, except for one major difference described later in

this section.

The IPv6 router discovery process uses the following messages:

• Router advertisements

• Router solicitations

What Is IPv6 Router Advertisement?

Router advertisement messages are periodically sent out on each configured interface of an IPv6 router. Router

advertisements are also sent out in response to router solicitation messages from IPv6 nodes on the link. The

router advertisements are sent to the all-nodes link-local multicast address (FF02 ::1) or the unicast IPv6 address

of a node that sent the router solicitation messages.

Router advertisement has a value of 134 in the Type field of the ICMP packet header and contains the following

information in the message:

• Whether nodes could use address autoconfiguration

• Flags to indicate the type of autoconfiguration (stateless or stateful) that can be completed

• One or more on-link IPv6 prefixes that nodes on the local link could use to automatically configure their

IPv6 addresses


ICMP Type = 135Src = ADst = solicited-node multicast of B Data = link-layer address of AQuery = what is your link address?


ICMP Type = 136Src = BDst = AData = link-layer address of B

A and B can now exchange packets on this link

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• Lifetime information for each prefix included in the advertisement

• Whether the router sending the advertisement should be used as a default router and, if so, the amount of

time (in seconds) the router should be used as a default router

• Additional information for hosts, such as the hop limit and maximum transmission unit (MTU) a host

should use in packets that it originates

The IPv6 nodes on the local link receive the router advertisement messages and use the information to keep the

information about default router and prefix lists and other configuration parameters updated. Figure 15 shows

an example of the router advertisement.

Figure 15: Router Advertisement

What Is IPv6 Router Solicitation?

When a host does not have a configured unicast address, for example at system startup, it sends a router solicita-

tion message. A router solicitation is helpful, because it enables the host to autoconfigure itself quickly without

having to wait for the next scheduled router advertisement message. A router solicitation message has a value of

133 in the Type field of the ICMP packet header.

The source address used in a router solicitation messages is usually the unspecified IPv6 address (0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0).

If the host has a configured unicast address, the unicast address of the interface sending the router solicitation

message is used as the source address in the message.

The destination address in the router solicitation messages is the all-routers multicast address (FF02::2) with the

link-local scope. When a router advertisement is sent in response to a router solicitation, the destination address

used in the router advertisement message is the unicast address of the source of the router solicitation message.

Note: A router solicitation is sent at boot time and only three times afterward to avoid flooding of router

solicitation packets in the absence of a router on the network.

IPv6 Redirect Message

As with IPv4, an IPv6 redirect message is sent by a router only to help with the reroute of a packet to a better

router. The node receiving the redirect message will then readdress the packet to a better router. Routers send

redirect messages only for unicast traffic, only to the originating nodes, and to be processed by the nodes.

ABCs of IP Version 6


RA packet definitions: ICMP Type = 134 Src = router link-local address Dst = all-nodes multicast address Data = options, prefix, lifetime, autoconfig flag


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Stateless Autoconfiguration

Stateless autoconfiguration is a key feature of IPv6. It enables serverless basic configuration of the IPv6 nodes and easy

renumbering. Stateless autoconfiguration uses the information in the router advertisement messages to configure the

node. The prefix included in the router advertisement is used as the /64 prefix for the node address. For Ethernet, the

remaining 64 bits are obtained from the interface ID in EUI-64 format. Thus, an IPv6 node can autoconfigure itself

with a globally unique IPv6 address by appending its link-layer address (EUI-64 format) to the local link prefix (64 bits).

Renumbering of IPv6 Nodes

Renumbering of IPv6 nodes is possible with the help of router advertisements. Router advertisement messages

contain both the old prefix and the new prefix. A decrease in the lifetime value of the old prefix alerts the nodes

to use the new prefix, while still keeping their current connections intact with the old prefix. During this period

of time, nodes have two unicast addresses in use. When the old prefix is no longer usable, the router advertise-

ments will include only the new prefix.

If stateless autoconfiguration is not used for renumbering, other ways of renumbering should be used.

Autoconfiguration greatly helps the renumbering process. Renumbering requires changes to the DNS entries and

the introduction of new IPv6 DNS records. Renumbering of a whole site also requires that all the routers be

renumbered. A router renumbering protocol has been proposed at the IETF.

Stateless autoconfiguration does not address the issue of finding the DNS server for DNS resolution or registering the

computer in the DNS space. These issues are being discussed at the IETF.

How Does Duplicate Address Detection Work?

IPv6 also provides a safety mechanism to detect duplicate addresses in the network and prevent any address

collision. IPv6 uses neighbor solicitation to detect if another node on the link has the same IPv6 address.

Duplicate address detection is used during the autoconfiguration process to ensure that no other node is using

the autoconfigured address.

Path Maximum Transmission Unit Discovery

Because IPv6 routers do not handle fragmentation, fragmentation is done by the originating node or source node

of a packet, when necessary. The path MTU discovery process is critical to handling of fragmentation by the

hosts in IPv6 networks. IPv6 uses the path MTU discovery to find the maximum MTU in a path between the

source and the destination. The source node starts the path MTU discovery process before actually sending the

packets. When the path MTU of every link along a given data path in an IPv6 network is not large enough to

accommodate the size of the packets, the source node fragments the packet and resends it.

As in IPv4, path MTU discovery in IPv6 allows a node to dynamically discover and adjust to differences in

the MTU size of every link along a given data path. In IPv4, the minimum link MTU size is 68 octets and

the recommended minimum is 576 octets, which is the minimum reassembly buffer size. So, any IPv4 packet

must be at least 68 octets in length.

In IPv6, the minimum link MTU is 1280 octets, but the recommended MTU value for IPv6 links is 1500 octets.

The maximum packet size supported by the basic IPv6 header is 64,000 octets. Larger packets called jumbograms

could be handled using a hop-by-hop extension header option.

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How Does IPv6 Path MTU Discovery Work?

The IPv6 source node sends a packet equal in size to the maximum MTU of its link layer. In the example shown

in Figure 16, an MTU size of 1500 is used. The packet is forwarded through the network up to the destination,

unless it encounters a smaller MTU in the path. When the packet encounters a link with a smaller MTU, the

router sends the source node an ICMP error message of type 2, named "packet too big." The content of the

ICMP packet includes the MTU size of the next link, which is smaller than the size of the packet (for examples

1400 and 1300 for the last two links in the Figure 16).

The source IPv6 node then resends a packet equal to the size of the received maximum MTU. This process

repeats until the packet reaches the destination. In this example, the path MTU of the last link is 1300.

Figure 16: Path MTU Discovery

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 6

The process for acquiring configuration data for a client is similar to that in IPv4. However, DHCPv6 uses multi-

cast for many of its messages. Initially, the client must first detect the presence of routers on the link using neigh-

bor discovery messages. If a router is found, then the client examines the router advertisements to determine if

DHCP should be used. If the router advertisements enable use of DHCP on that link or if no router is found,

then the client starts a DHCP solicitation phase to find a DHCP server.

The following are the benefits of DHCPv6:

• Provides more control than serverless/stateless auto-configuration

• Used in a routerless environment, using only servers

• Used concurrently with stateless auto-configuration

• Used for renumbering

ABCs of IP Version 6

MTU = 1500


MTU = 1500 MTU = 1400 MTU = 1300


Packet with MTU = 1500

ICMP error: packet too big; use MTU = 1400

Packet with MTU = 1400

ICMP error: packet too big; use MTU = 1300

Packet with MTU = 1300

Packet received

Path MTU = 1300

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• Used for automatic domain name registration of hosts using dynamic DNS

• Used to delegate IPv6 prefix to leaf customer-premise equipment (CPE) routers

IPv6 Domain Name System Operation

IPv6 introduces new DNS record types for IPv6 addresses that are supported in the DNS name-to-address andaddress-to-name lookup processes. DNS query is possible over an IPv4 transport or an IPv6 transport. But, DNSroot servers are not yet reachable through an IPv6 transport. The record types are as follows:

AAAA record—Also known as a “quad A” record, this record maps a host name to an IPv6 address. This recordis equivalent to an A record in IPv4 and uses the format: AAAA 3FFE:B00:C18:1::2. The IETF hasdecided to use this record for host name-to-IP address resolution.

A6 record—Set to Experimental by the IETF, the A6 record will not be used in production networks. Equivalentto an AAAA record, but enables the storing of IPv6 addresses in a hierarchical manner to simplify networkrenumbering. A6 record uses the format: A6 0 3FFE:B00:C18:1::2.

PTR record—Equivalent to a pointer (PTR) record that specifies address-to-host name mappings in IPv4. Inversemapping used in IP address-to-host name look-up uses the PTR record. The top-level domain for the IPv6addresses is Initially, for IPv6 DNS, the top-level domain was The PTR record uses the format: PTR

DNAME and Binary Labels records—These new records make renumbering easy for inverse mapping (IP addressto host name).

Using AAAA Records for DNS Resolution

When a node needs the IPv6 address of another node (, it sends an AAAA request to the DNS. The authoritative DNS for the abc.test domain responds with the IPv6 addressrequested, for example, 3FFE:0B00:0C18:0001:0290:27FF:FE17:FC1D in this case. The AAAA record stores asingle IPv6 address. A node with more than one address must have more than one record in the DNS database.Figure 17 shows the use of the AAAA record type to resolve a host name-to-IP address query.

Figure 17: DNS Resolution with AAAA Records

If DNS is used for renumbering a network, all nodes must change the prefix part of their IPv6 address. For

nodes included in the DNS, all these new addresses must be changed in the DNS database. = ? (AAAA request)


DNS query for

Host Local DNS

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Integration and Coexistence Strategies

The successful market adoption of any new technology depends on its easy integration with the existing

infrastructure without significant disruption of services. The Internet consists of hundreds of thousands of IPv4

networks and millions of IPv4 nodes. The challenge lies in making the integration and transition as transparent

as possible to the end users.

The approximate time line for IPv6 deployment in various sectors is expected to be as follows:

• 1996-2002: As is the case with any new technology, the early adopters including technology enthusiasts

and academic institutions were first to deploy IPv6 networks. To support the early adopters, IPv6 for Cisco IOS

software has been available for early field trial (EFT) since 1996.

• 2001-2005: Porting of existing applications to IPv6, a critical requirement for the adoption of IPv6, started

during the latter part of the year 2001. This process is expected to take more than three years to complete.

• 2001-2005: Internet service providers started deploying IPv6 during the latter part of the year 2001 to be

able to provide IPv6 services to their customers. The ISP deployment phase is expected to last longer than three


• 2003-2010: Consumer adoption of IPv6 services is dependent on the availability of applications such as dis-

tributed gaming and peer-to-peer computing and is expected to become popular in the year 2003 and last longer

than five years.

• 2003-2010: Similar to consumer adoption of IPv6 services, enterprises are waiting for the full availability of

applications and are expected to start deploying IPv6 in the year 2003 and beyond.

The IETF IPv6 working group has designed several strategies for the deployment of IPv6. The following transi-

tion strategies are covered in this chapter:

• Deploying IPv6 over dual stack backbones

• Deploying IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels

• Deploying IPv6 over dedicated data links

• Deploying IPv6 over multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) backbones

• Deploying IPv6 using protocol translation mechanisms

Transition Mechanisms

Network designers recommend deploying IPv6 at the edge first and then moving towards the network core to

reduce the cost and operational impacts of the integration. The key strategies used in deploying IPv6 at the

edge of a network involve carrying IPv6 traffic over the IPv4 network, allowing isolated IPv6 domains to

communicate with each other before the full transition to a native IPv6 backbone. It is also possible to run IPv4

and IPv6 throughout the network, from all edges through the core, or to translate between IPv4 and IPv6 to

allow hosts communicating in one protocol to communicate transparently with hosts running the other protocol.

All techniques allow networks to be upgraded and IPv6 deployed incrementally with little to no disruption of

IPv4 services.

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Chapter 5

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The four key strategies for deploying IPv6 are as follows:

• Deploying IPv6 over dual-stack backbones—This technique allows IPv4 and IPv6 applications to coexist

in a dual IP layer routing backbone. All routers or a portion of them (for example, access CPE routers and

aggregation routers are dual stack, but core routers stay as they are) in the network need to be upgraded to

be dual stack, with IPv4 communication using the IPv4 protocol stack and IPv6 communication using the

IPv6 stack.

• Deploying IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels—These tunnels encapsulate the IPv6 traffic within the IPv4 packets, and

are primarily for communication between isolated IPv6 sites or connection to remote IPv6 networks over an

IPv4 backbone. The techniques include using manually configured tunnels, generic routing encapsulation

(GRE) tunnels, semiautomatic tunnel mechanisms such as tunnel broker services, and fully automatic tunnel

mechanisms such as 6to4 for the WAN and intra-site automatic tunnel addressing protocol (ISATAP) for the

campus environment.

• Deploying IPv6 over dedicated data links—This technique enables IPv6 domains to communicate by using

the same Layer 2 infrastructure used for IPv4, but with IPv6 using separate Frame Relay or ATM permanent

virtual circuits (PVCs), separate optical links, or dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM).

• Deploying IPv6 over MPLS backbones—This technique allows isolated IPv6 domains to communicate with

each other, but over an MPLS IPv4 backbone without modifying the core infrastructure. Multiple techniques

are available at different points in the network, but each requires little change to the backbone infrastructure

or reconfiguration of the core routers because forwarding is based on labels rather than the IP header itself.

Using IPv4-IPv6 Protocol Dual Stack Devices

Dual stack backbone is a basic strategy for routing both IPv4 and IPv6 and requires network devices such as

routers and end systems running both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks. Dual stack end systems allow applications

to migrate one at a time from an IPv4 to an IPv6 transport. Applications that are not upgraded to support IPv6

stack can coexist with upgraded applications on the same end system.

As shown in Figure 18, new and upgraded applications simply make use of both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol

stacks. A new application-programming interface (API) has been defined to support both IPv4 and IPv6 address-

es and DNS requests. An application can be upgraded to the new API and still use only the IPv4 protocol stack.

Figure 18: IPv4-IPv6 Dual Stack

“Old” Application



Data Link (Ethernet)


“New” Application



Data Link (Ethernet)

0x86dd0x0800 FrameProtocol ID

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Applications choose between using IPv4 or IPv6 protocol based on name lookup; both the IPv4 and IPv6

addresses may be returned from the DNS, with the application (or the system according to the rules defined in

the IETF document Default Address Selection for IPv6) selecting the correct address based on the type of IP

traffic and particular requirements of the communication.

An application that supports dual IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks requests all available addresses for the destination

host name (for example, ) from a DNS server. The DNS server replies with all available addresses

(both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses) for The application chooses an address—in most cases, IPv6

addresses are the default choice—and connects the source node to the destination using the IPv6 protocol stack.

Figure 19 shows an example of IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack operation.

Figure 19: IPv4-IPv6 Dual Stack Operation

Deploying IPv6 Using Dual Stack Backbones

With the dual stack backbone deployment, all routers in the network need to be upgraded to be dual stack. IPv4

communication uses the IPv4 protocol stack with forwarding of IPv4 packets based on routes learned through

running IPv4-specific routing protocols, and IPv6 communication uses the IPv6 stack with routes learned

through the IPv6-specific routing protocols.

Applications choose between using IPv4 or IPv6, based on the response from the DNS resolver library, with the

application selecting the correct address based on the type of IP traffic and particular requirements of the com-


Today, dual-stack routing is a valid deployment strategy for specific network infrastructures with a mixture of

IPv4 and IPv6 applications (such as on a campus or an aggregation point of presence), requiring both protocols

to be configured. However, apart from the obvious need to upgrade all routers in the network, limitations to this

approach are that the routers require a dual addressing scheme to be defined, require dual management of the

IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols, and must be configured with enough memory for both the IPv4 and IPv6

routing tables.

ABCs of IP Version 6




DNS server


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Deploying IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnels

Tunneling encapsulates IPv6 traffic within IPv4 packets so they can be sent over an IPv4 backbone, allowing iso-

lated IPv6 end systems and routers to communicate without the need to upgrade the IPv4 infrastructure that

exists between them. Tunneling is one of the key deployment strategies for both service providers and enterprises

during the period of IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence. Figure 20 shows the use of IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels.

Figure 20: IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnels

For example, tunneling allows service providers to offer an end-to-end IPv6 service without major upgrades tothe infrastructure and without impacting current IPv4 services and allows enterprises to interconnect isolatedIPv6 domains over their existing IPv4 infrastructures, or to connect to remote IPv6 networks such as the6BONE.

A variety of tunnel mechanisms are available for deploying IPv6. These mechanisms include manually createdtunnels such as IPv6 manually configured tunnels (RFC 2893) and IPv6 over IPv4 GRE tunnels, semiautomatictunnel mechanisms, and fully automatic tunnel mechanisms such as IPv4-compatible and 6to4 tunnels. Othertunneling techniques, such as ISATAP on campus, 6over4, and tunnel broker service (provided by serviceproviders) are also available.

Tunneling Requirements

All tunneling mechanisms require that the endpoints of the tunnel run both IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks, that is, endpoints must run in dual-stack mode. The dual-stack routers run both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols simultaneously and thus can interoperate directly with both IPv4 and IPv6 end systems and routers. The dual-stack approach is similar to running IP and either IPX, DECnet, or AppleTalk on the same router, something Cisco IOS® Software has done since its inception.

For proper operation of the tunnel mechanisms, appropriate entries in a DNS that map between host names and IP addresses for both IPv4 and IPv6 allow the applications to choose the required address.

Tunneling and Security

It is possible to protect the IPv6 traffic over IPv4 tunnels using IPv4 IPSec, by applying a crypto map to both thetunnel interface to encrypt outgoing traffic, and to the physical interface to decrypt the traffic flowing through.

IPv4 Network


IPv6 network IPv6 network

IPv6 host IPv6 host


IPv6 header IPv6 data IPv6 header IPv6 data

IPv4 header IPv6 header IPv6 data

Tunnel: IPv6 in IPv4 packet

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Because protecting tunnels in this way may negatively impact performance, design considerations should balancethis loss of performance against the security that can be achieved by careful configuration of the network.

Note: If a middle device between the two endpoints of the tunnel filters out IPv4 protocol 41, which is the IPv6traffic in IPv4 encapsulation, the tunnel will not work.

IPv6 Tunnel Mechanisms

Not all transition strategies are applicable to all situations and all networks. Because it is expected that, at leastinitially, most customers might be interested in tunneling IPv6 over their existing IPv4 networks, this section discusses the details about the following IPv6 tunneling techniques to be used over IPv4 networks.

• IPv6 Manually Configured Tunnel

• IPv6 over IPv4 GRE Tunnel

• Automatic IPv4-Compatible Tunnel

• Automatic 6to4 Tunnel

• ISATAP Tunnel

• Teredo Tunnel

IPv6 Manually Configured Tunnel

The primary use of a configured tunnel is to provide stable and secure connections for regular communication betweentwo edge routers, or between an end system and an edge router, or for connection to remote IPv6 networks such as the6BONE. The edge routers and end systems used as tunnel endpoints must be dual-stack devices. Manual tunnels areused between two points and require configuration of both the source and destination addresses of the tunnel, whereasautomatic tunnel mechanisms need to be only enabled and are more transient.

Because each tunnel is independently managed, the more tunnel endpoints you have, the more tunnels you need, andthe greater is the management overhead. As with other tunnel mechanisms, network address translation (NAT) is notallowed along the path of the tunnel. Figure 21 shows the configuration of a manually configured tunnel.

Figure 21: Manually Configured Tunnel

Refer to RFC 2893, Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers for further information on IPv6

manually configured tunnels.

ABCs of IP Version 6

IPv4 Network


IPv4: 3ffe:b00:c18:1::3

IPv4: 3ffe:b00:c18:1::2

IPv6 network IPv6 network

IPv6 host IPv6 host


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IPv6 over IPv4 GRE Tunnel

The IPv6 over IPv4 GRE tunnel uses the standard GRE tunneling technique that is designed to provide the

services necessary to implement any standard point-to-point encapsulation scheme. As in manually configured

tunnels, these tunnels are links between two points, with a separate tunnel for each link. The GRE tunnels are

not tied to a specific passenger or transport protocol, but in this case carry IPv6 traffic as the passenger protocol

over GRE as the carrier protocol.

Similar to the manual tunnels, the GRE tunnels are used between two points and require configuration of both

the source and destination addresses of the tunnel. The edge routers and end systems used as tunnel end points

must be dual stack devices.

Because the integrated IS-IS routing protocol runs over a Layer 2 data link, tunneling techniques other than GRE

cannot be used. The IPv6 over IPv4 GRE tunnel uses the standard GRE tunneling technique that is designed to

provide the services necessary to implement any standard point-to-point encapsulation scheme. Figure 22 shows

how an IPv6 packet is carried over a GRE tunnel.

Figure 22: IPv6 over GRE Tunnel

As with manually configured tunnels, you configure the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the dual-stack router on the

GRE tunnel interface, and identify the entry and exit (or source and destination) points of the tunnel, using IPv4


Because each GRE tunnel is independently managed, the more tunnel endpoints you have, the more tunnels you

need, and the greater is the management overhead. As with other tunnel mechanisms, network address transla-

tion (NAT) is not allowed along the path of the tunnel.

IPv4 Network


IPv6 network IPv6 network

IPv6 host IPv6 host


IPv6 header IPv6 data IPv6 header IPv6 data

IPv4 header GRE header IPv6 header IPv6 data

IPv6 over GRE tunnel

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Automatic IPv4-Compatible Tunnel

The automatic IPv4-compatible tunnel is an IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel mechanism, which uses an IPv4-compatibleIPv6 address. An IPv4-compatible IPv6 address is the concatenation of zeros in the left-most 96 bits and an IPv4address embedded in the last 32 bits. For example, :: is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.

Although an automatic tunnel can be configured between end systems, edge routers, or an edge router and anend system, the automatic IPv4-compatible tunnel has mainly been used to establish connection between routers.

Unlike a manually configured tunnel, the automatic IPv4-compatible tunnel technique constructs tunnels withremote nodes on the fly. Manual configuration of the endpoints of the tunnel is not required because the tunnelsource and the tunnel destination are automatically determined by the IPv4 address. The automatic tunnels areset up and taken down as required, and last only as long as the communication. Figure 23 shows the configura-tion of an automatic IPv4-compatible tunnel.

Figure 23: Automatic IPv4-Compatible Tunnel

Although an easy way to create tunnels, the IPv4-compatible tunnel mechanism does not scale well for IPv6 net-works deployment, because each host requires an IPv4 address removing the benefit of the large IPv6 addressingspace. The IPv4-compatible tunnel is largely replaced by the 6to4 (RFC 3056, Connection of IPv6 Domains via

IPv4 Clouds) automatic tunnel mechanism. Hence, the use of IPv4-compatible tunnel as a transition mechanismis nearly deprecated.

For further information on IPv4-compatible tunnels, refer to RFC 2893, Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts

and Routers.

Automatic 6to4 Tunnel

An automatic 6to4 tunnel allows isolated IPv6 domains to be connected over an IPv4 network and allows con-nections to remote IPv6 networks, such as the 6BONE.

The simplest deployment scenario for 6to4 tunnels is to interconnect multiple IPv6 sites, each of which has atleast one connection to a shared IPv4 network. This IPv4 network could be the global Internet or could be yourcorporate backbone.

ABCs of IP Version 6

IPv4 Network


IPv4: ::

IPv4: ::

IPv6 network IPv6 network

IPv6 host IPv6 host


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The 6to4 tunnel treats the IPv4 infrastructure as a virtual nonbroadcast link using an IPv4 address embedded

in the IPv6 address to find the other end of the tunnel. Each IPv6 domain requires a dual-stack router that

automatically builds the IPv4 tunnel using a unique routing prefix 2002::/16 in the IPv6 address with the IPv4

address of the tunnel destination concatenated to the unique routing prefix. The key requirement is that each site

has a 6to4 IPv6 address. Each site, even if it has just one public IPv4 address, has a unique routing prefix in

IPv6. Figure 24 shows the configuration of a 6to4 tunnel interconnecting 6to4 domains.

Figure 24: Automatic 6to4 Tunnel

We recommend that each site have only one 6to4 address assigned to the external interface of the router. All sites

need to run an IPv6 interior routing protocol, such as routing information protocol next generation (RIPng) for

routing IPv6 within the site; exterior routing is handled by the relevant IPv4 exterior routing protocol.

For further information on 6to4 tunnels, refer to RFC 3056, Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds.

6to4 Relay Routers

As use of native IPv6 becomes more prevalent, the next stage is the use of 6to4 relay routers. These relay

routers—standard routers but with both a 6to4 IPv6 address and a normal IPv6 address—provide a routing ser-

vice between the native IPv6 domain, where a routing protocol is expected to be running, and the 6to4 domain,

where there is no routing protocol. Communication between 6to4 sites and native IPv6 domains requires at least

one relay router.

6to4 enables the edge router to forward packets to any destination with a 2002::/16 prefix. However, other IPv6

destinations are unreachable, unless one of the 6to4 edge routers, specified as a 6to4 relay, offers traffic forward-

ing to the IPv6 Internet.

6to4 routers continue to run an IPv6 interior routing protocol for the IPv6 routing within the site, but partici-

pate in IPv6 interdomain routing by using a default IPv6 route that points to a specific relay router. Figure 25

shows the use of a 6to4 relay router for interconnecting 6to4 and native IPv6 domains.

Network prefix:2002:c0a8:6301::/48

IPv4 Network6to4 router 26to4 router 1

Network prefix:2002:c0a8:1e01::/48

IPv6 network IPv6 network

IPv6 host IPv6 host

= =

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Figure 25: 6to4 Relay Router

Note: The IPv4 addresses shown in Figure 27 are private and must not be used by a 6to4 Relay for a real

Internet connection. Instead a global unicast addresses must be used to forward packets to the Internet.


ISATAP is an IPv6 transition mechanism similar to 6to4 tunnels that enables incremental deployment of IPv6 by

treating the site IPv4 infrastructure as a nonbroadcast multiaccess (NBMA) link layer.

The ISATAP transition mechanism enables a simple and scalable large-scale incremental deployment of IPv6 for

nodes within the existing IPv4 network of a site without incurring aggregation-scaling issues and without the

requirement for site-wide deployment of special IPv4 services such as multicast.

ISATAP tunnels are available for use over campus networks or for the transition of local sites. ISATAP supports

IPv6 routing within both the site-local and global IPv6 routing domains and automatic IPv6 tunneling across

portions of an IPv4 network of a site without any native IPv6 support. ISATAP also supports automatic tunnel-

ing within sites that use nonglobally unique IPv4 address assignments combined with network address transla-

tion (NAT). All ISATAP nodes are dual stacked.

ISATAP uses a 64-bit network prefix from which the ISATAP addresses are formed. The 64-bit interface identifi-

er is formed by concatenating 0000:5EFE and the IPv4 address of the dual-stack node ( For exam-

ple, 3FFE:0B00:0C18:0001:0:5EFE. is an ISATAP address. Because ISATAP tunneling typically

occurs only within the boundaries of a site, the embedded IPv4 address need not be globally unique. Figure 26

shows an example of the ISATAP tunnel mechanism.

ABCs of IP Version 6

Network prefix:2002:c0a8:6301::/48

IPv4 Network6to4 relay6to4 router

Network prefix:2002:c0a8:1e01::/48

IPv6 network IPv6 site network

IPv6 host IPv6 host

= =

IPv6 Internet

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Figure 26: ISATAP Tunnel

The 6to4 and ISATAP transition mechanisms provide IPv6 connectivity for a node under three typical scenarios:

an ISP or an enterprise network provides IPv6 connectivity; the node has access to at least one global IPv4

address; or the enterprise network has deployed an ISATAP router. However, if a node is part of a private net-

work behind a NAT device that is not participating in 6to4, these tunneling mechanisms cannot be used.

For further information on the ISTAP tunnel, refer to the document Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing

Protocol (draft-ietf-ngtrans-isatap-04.txt).

Teredo Tunnel

The Teredo (also known as Shipworm) service is a tunnel mechanism that provides IPv6 connectivity to nodes

located behind one or more IPv4 NATs by tunneling IPv6 packets over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

through NAT devices. The Teredo service is defined for the case where the NAT device cannot be upgraded to

offer native IPv6 routing or act as a 6to4 router.

Teredo tunnels use Teredo servers and Teredo relays. The Teredo servers are stateless, and manage a small frac-

tion of the traffic between Teredo clients, while the Teredo relays act as IPv6 routers between the Teredo service

and the native IPv6 Internet. The Teredo network consists of a set of Teredo clients, servers, and relays. The

Teredo network does not require configuration for the Teredo clients. The clients are assigned specially formed

IPv6 address prefix, and Teredo servers and relays use globally unique IPv4 addresses.

Deploying IPv6 over Dedicated Data Links

Many WANs and metropolitan-area networks (MANs) have been implemented by deploying Layer 2 technolo-

gies such as Frame Relay, ATM, or optical, and some are beginning to use DWDM. Figure 27 shows a sample

configuration for IPv6 over dedicated data links.


IPv4 networkIPv6 networkISATAP



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Figure 27: IPv6 Deployment over Dedicated Data Links

Routers attached to the ISP WANs or MANs can be configured to use the same Layer 2 infrastructure as for

IPv4, but to run IPv6, for example, over separate ATM or Frame Relay PVCs or separate optical lambda. This

configuration has the added benefit for the service provider of no loss in service or revenue for the IPv4 traffic.

Deploying IPv6 over MPLS Backbones

IPv6 over MPLS backbones enables isolated IPv6 domains to communicate with each other over an MPLS

IPv4 core network. This implementation requires far fewer backbone infrastructure upgrades and lesser

reconfiguration of core routers, because forwarding is based on labels rather than the IP header itself,

providing a very cost-effective strategy for the deployment of IPv6.

Additionally, the inherent VPN and traffic engineering services available within an MPLS environment allow IPv6

networks to be combined into VPNs or extranets over an infrastructure supporting IPv4 VPNs and MPLS-TE.

A variety of deployment strategies are available or under development, as follows:

• Deploying IPv6 using tunnels on the customer edge (CE) routers

• Deploying IPv6 over a circuit transport over MPLS

• Deploying IPv6 on the provider edge (PE) routers (known as 6PE)

ABCs of IP Version 6

Service providerATM backbone with IPv4 and IPv6 services


Campus IPv4and IPv6 VLANs


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The first of these strategies has no impact on and requires no changes to the MPLS provider (P) or PE routers

because the strategy uses IPv4 tunnels to encapsulate the IPv6 traffic, thus appearing as IPv4 traffic within the

network. The second strategy, only applicable on specific Cisco routers such as the Cisco 12000 and 7600

Internet routers, also requires no change to the core routing mechanisms. The last strategy requires changes to

the PE routers to support a dual-stack implementation, but all the core functions remain IPv4. Another strategy

would be to run a native IPv6 MPLS core, but this strategy would require a full network upgrade to all P and PE

routers, with dual control planes for IPv4 and IPv6.

The following sections describe each mechanism in more detail.

Deploying IPv6 Using Tunnels on the Customer Edge Routers

Using tunnels on the CE routers is the simplest way of deploying IPv6 over MPLS networks, having no impact

on the operation or infrastructure of MPLS, and requiring no changes to either the P routers in the core or the

PE routers connected to the customers.

Communication between the remote IPv6 domains uses standard tunneling mechanisms, running IPv6 over IPv4

tunnels in a similar way that MPLS VPNs support native IPv4 tunnels. The CE routers need to be upgraded to

be dual stack, and configured using manually configured or 6to4 tunnels, but communication with the PE

routers is IPv4, and the traffic appears to the MPLS domain to be IPv4. The dual stack routers use the 6to4

addresses or an IPv6 prefix assigned from a distant provider, rather than an IPv6 address supplied by the service

provider. Figure 28 shows an example for the deployment of IPv6 using tunnels on the CE routers.

Figure 28: IPv6 Deployment Using Tunnels on the Customer Edge Routers








Dual stackIPv4-IPv6CE routers










Dual stackIPv4-IPv6CE routersIPv6 over IPv4 tunnels








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Deploying IPv6 over a Circuit Transport over MPLS

Using any circuit transport for deploying IPv6 over MPLS networks has no impact on the operation or infra-

structure of MPLS. It requires no changes to either the P routers in the core or the PE routers connected to the


Communication between the remote IPv6 domains runs native IPv6 protocols over a dedicated link, where the

underlying mechanisms are fully transparent to IPv6. The IPv6 traffic is tunneled using Any Transport over

MPLS (MPLS/AToM) or Ethernet over MPLS (EoMPLS), with the IPv6 routers connected through an ATM OC-

3 or Ethernet interface, respectively. Figure 29 shows an example of IPv6 deployment over any circuit transport

over MPLS.

Figure 29: IPv6 Deployment over a Circuit Transport over MPLS

Deploying IPv6 on the Provider Edge Routers

Another deployment strategy is to configure IPv6 on the MPLS PE routers. This strategy has a major advantage for

service providers in that there is no need to upgrade either the hardware or software of the core network, and it

thus eliminates the impact on the operation of or the revenue generated from the existing IPv4 traffic. The strategy

maintains the benefits of the current MPLS features (for example, MPLS or VPN services for IPv4), while appearing

to provide a native IPv6 service for enterprise customers (using ISP-supplied IPv6 prefixes). The 6PE architecture

allows support for IPv6 VPNs. Figure 30 shows an example of IPv6 deployment on the PE routers.

ABCs of IP Version 6





IPv6 routers





ATM OC-3 on MPLS/AToMor Ethernet on EoMPLS

IPv6 over a Circuit Transportover MPLS


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Figure 30: IPv6 Deployment on the Provider Edge Routers

The IPv6 forwarding is done by label switching, eliminating the need for either IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels or for an addi-

tional Layer 2 encapsulation, allowing the appearance of a native IPv6 service to be offered across the network.

Each PE router that must support IPv6 connectivity needs to be upgraded to be dual stack (becoming a 6PE

router) and configured to run MPLS on the interfaces connected to the core. Depending on the site requirements,

each router can be configured to forward IPv6 or IPv6 and IPv4 traffic on the interfaces to the CE routers, thus

providing the ability to offer only native IPv6 or both IPv6 and native IPv4 services. The 6PE router exchanges

either IPv4 or IPv6 routing information through any of the supported routing protocols, depending on the con-

nection, and switches IPv4 and IPv6 traffic over the native IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces not running MPLS.

The 6PE router exchanges reachability information with the other 6PE routers in the MPLS domain using multi-

protocol BGP, and shares a common IPv4 routing protocol (such as OSPF or integrated IS-IS) with the other P

and PE devices in the domain.

The 6PE routers encapsulate IPv6 traffic using two levels of MPLS labels. The top label is distributed by a label

distribution protocol (LDP) or tag distribution protocol (TDP) used by the devices in the core to carry the packet

to the destination 6PE using IPv4 routing information. The second or bottom label is associated with the IPv6

prefix of the destination through multiprotocol BGP4.

Refer to the Internet-Draft draft-ietf-ngtrans-bgp-tunnel-04.txt for further information on 6PE routers.

Protocol Translation Mechanisms

All of these integration strategies provide IPv6 end to end. However, some organizations or individuals might not

want to implement any of these IPv6 transition strategies. And some organizations or individuals might install

only IPv6 in their nodes or networks, but might not implement dual stack. Even if some nodes or networks do

install dual stack, these nodes might not have IPv4 addresses to be used with the dual-stack nodes.








MP-iBGP sessions
















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Under these circumstances, intercommunication between IPv6-only hosts and IPv4-only hosts requires some level

of translation between the IPv6 and IPv4 protocols on the host or router, or dual-stack hosts, with an applica-

tion-level understanding of which protocol to use. For example, an IPv6-only network might still want to be able

to access IPv4-only resources, such as IPv4-only web servers.

A variety of IPv6-to-IPv4 translation mechanisms are under consideration by the IETF NGTrans Working Group,

as follows:

• Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)

• TCP-UDP Relay

• Bump-in-the-Stack (BIS)

• Dual Stack Transition Mechanism (DSTM)

• SOCKS-Based Gateway

These protocol translation mechanisms become more relevant as IPv6 becomes more prevalent, and even as

IPv6 becomes the protocol of choice to allow legacy IPv4 systems to be part of the overall IPv6 network.

The translation mechanisms tend to fall into two categories—those that require no changes to either the IPv4

or IPv6 hosts, and those that do. An example of the former is the TCP-UDP Relay mechanism that runs on a

dedicated server and sets up separate connections at the transport level with IPv4 and IPv6 hosts, and then

simply transfers information between the two. An example of the latter is the BIS mechanism that requires

extra protocol layers to be added to the IPv4 protocol stack.

Stateless IP/ICMP Translator

The translation mechanisms that allow communication between IPv6-only and IPv4-only hosts, such as NAT-PTor BIS, use an algorithm called Stateless IP/ICMP Translator (SIIT). This algorithm translates, on a packet-by-packet basis, the headers in the IP packet between IPv4 and IPv6, and translates the addresses in the headersbetween IPv4 and either IPv4-translated or IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses. This algorithm does not include amechanism that allows IPv6 hosts to acquire an IPv4 address or route packets to and from that address, butassumes that each IPv6 host has a temporary IPv4 address assigned to it.

For further information on SIIT, refer to RFC 2765, Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm (SIIT).

The following sections describe each protocol translation mechanism in more detail.

Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation

NAT-PT will enable IPv6-only ISPs to interconnect with IPv4 hosts and applications. NAT-PT will be a valuable

transition mechanism, when most of the Internet consists of IPv6 network domains.

The NAT-PT translation mechanism (RFC 2766) translates at the network layer between IPv4 and IPv6 address-es and allows native IPv6 hosts and applications to communicate with native IPv4 hosts and applications. An

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Application Level Gateway (ALG) translates between the IPv4 and IPv6 DNS requests and responses. Figure 31shows an example of the use of NAT-PT for deploying IPv6.

Figure 31: Deployment of IPv6 Using NAT-PT

Although familiarity with NAT implementation might encourage people to consider NAT-PT as a protocol trans-

lation mechanism, NAT-PT has the same limitations as IPv4 NAT. In addition to the single point of failure, the

reduced performance of an ALG, coupled with limitations on the kinds of applications that work, decreases the

overall value and utility of the network. NAT-PT also inhibits the ability to deploy security at the IP layer.

For further information on NAT-PT, refer to RFC 2766, Network Address Translation—Protocol Translation



The TCP-UDP Relay translation mechanism is similar to NAT-PT in that it requires a dedicated server and DNS;

it translates at the transport layer rather than the network layer, with the DNS providing the mapping between

IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

The greatest use of this mechanism is for native IPv6 networks that want to access IPv4-only hosts, such as IPv4

web servers, but without the expense of upgrading either the IPv6 or IPv4 sides. Implementations of the TCP-

UDP relays are freely available from various locations.

For further information on TCP-UDP Relay, refer to RFC3142, An IPv6-to-IPv4 Transport Relay Translator.

Bump in the Stack

The BIS mechanism is used for communication between IPv4 applications on an IPv4-only host and IPv6-only hosts.

Three extra layers—name resolver extension, address mapper, and translator—are added to the IPv4 protocol

stack between the application and network layers. Whenever an application needs to communicate with an


IPv4 Host172.16.1.1

IPv4-only network IPv6-only network

IPv6 NAT prefix 2010::/96

IPv6 Host





Src: PREFIX::1Dst: 2001:0420:1987:0:2E0:B0FF:FE6A:412C

Src: 2001:0420:1987:0:2E0:B0FF:FE6A:412CDst: PREFIX::1



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IPv6-only host, the extra layers map an IPv6 address into the IPv4 address of the IPv4 host. The translation

mechanism is defined as part of SIIT.

This mechanism is for implementation on end systems only. An extension to the BIS mechanism allows dual-stack

hosts to use the technique. Refer to RFC 2767, Dual Stack Hosts using the "Bump-In-the-Stack" Technique (BIS) for

further information.

Dual-Stack Transition Mechanism

The DSTM translation mechanism is used for dual-stack hosts in an IPv6 domain that have not yet had an IPv4

address assigned to the IPv4 side, but need to communicate with IPv4 systems or allow IPv4 applications to run

on top of their IPv6 protocol stack. The mechanism requires a dedicated server that dynamically provides a

temporary global IPv4 address for the duration of the communication (using DHCPv6), and uses dynamic

tunnels to carry the IPv4 traffic within an IPv6 packet through the IPv6 domain.

The DSTM mechanism requires a dedicated server that dynamically provides a temporary global IPv4 address

for the duration of the communication (using DHCPv6), and uses dynamic tunnels to carry the IPv4 traffic

within an IPv6 packet through the IPv6 domain.

DSTM becomes much more relevant as IPv6 becomes more prevalent and IPv4 addresses become scarce such

that they need to be shared between hosts, and where the requirement is to carry IPv4 traffic over IPv6 or

communicate between IPv6 hosts in an IPv6 domain and a few remote legacy IPv4 systems.

For further information on DSTM, refer to the Internet Draft draft-ietf-ngtrans-dstm-07.txt.

SOCKS-Based IPv6/IPv4 Gateway

The SOCKS-based IPv6/IPv4 gateway mechanism is used for communication between IPv4-only and IPv6-only hosts.

It consists of additional functionality in both the end system (client) and the dual-stack router (gateway) to permit a

communications environment that relays two terminated IPv4 and IPv6 connections at the application layer.

Refer to RFC 3089, A SOCKS-based IPv6/IPv4 Gateway Mechanism for further information on the gateway

and the locations of these sources.

Deployment of Translation Mechanisms

In addition to the strategies for deploying IPv6 within your IPv4 environment, protocol translation mechanisms

(for example, NAT-PT or application level gateways) are needed to allow communication between applications

using IPv4 and applications using IPv6 (for example, to enable IPv6-only web browsers to communicate with

IPv4-only web servers).

These mechanisms may be helpful as IPv6 deployment moves from the testing to the actual usage phase, and

more relevant as application developers decide that continuing to support IPv4 is not cost-effective. Eventually,

as IPv6 becomes the protocol of choice, these mechanisms will allow legacy IPv4 systems to be part of the

overall IPv6 network. The mechanisms translate between the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols on end systems, dedicated

servers, and routers within the IPv6 network, and together with dual stack hosts provide a full set of tools for

the incremental deployment of IPv6 with no disruption to the IPv4 traffic.

Refer to RFC 2893, Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers, for general information on the

transition mechanisms for IPv6 hosts and routers, and refer to RFC 2185, Routing Aspects of IPv6 Transition,

for general information on the routing aspects of IPv6 transition.


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ABCs of IP Version 6

IPv6 Network Design Considerations

For IPv6 deployment, Cisco favors a transition strategy from IPv4 to IPv6 that begins from the edges of the

network and moves in toward the core. This strategy allows you to control the deployment cost and to focus on

the needs of the applications, rather than complete a full upgrade to a native IPv6 network at this stage. Cisco

IPv6 router products offer the features for such an integration strategy. The various deployment strategies permit

the first stages of the transition to IPv6 to happen now, whether as a trial of IPv6 capabilities or as the early

controlled stages of major IPv6 network implementations.

Deploying IPv6 in a Service Provider Network Environment

As a network administrator for a service provider, you may want to evaluate and assess IPv6 now because your

current IP address space may not be able to satisfy the potential huge increase in the number of users or the

demand for new technologies from your customers. Using globally unique IPv6 addresses simplifies the

mechanisms used for reachability and end-to-end security for networked devices, functionality that is crucial to

the emerging applications such as Internet-enabled personal digital assistants (PDAs), home-area networks

(HANs), Internet-connected automobiles, integrated telephony services, and distributed gaming.

We recommend that you should look at the deployment of IPv6 in three key phases:

• Providing an IPv6 service at the customer access level: Starting the deployment of IPv6 at the customer

access level permits an IPv6 service to be offered now without a major upgrade to the core infrastructure

and without an impact on current IPv4 services. This approach allows an evaluation of the IPv6 products

and services before full implementation in the network, and an assessment of the future demand for IPv6

without substantial investment at this early stage.

• Running IPv6 within the core infrastructure itself: At the end of this initial evaluation and assessment stage,

as support for IPv6 within the routers improves (particularly IPv6 high-speed forwarding), and as network

management systems fully embrace IPv6, the network infrastructure can be upgraded to support IPv6. This

upgrade path could involve use of dual-stack routers (a technique for running both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols

in the same router), or eventually use of IPv6-only routers as the IPv6 traffic becomes predominant.

• Interconnecting with other IPv6 service providers: Interconnections with other IPv6 service providers or with

the 6BONE allow further assessment and evaluation of IPv6, and a better understanding of the requirements

for IPv6.

Deploying IPv6 in an Enterprise Network Environment

As a network manager or operator for an enterprise, you may want to evaluate and assess IPv6 now because of

your plans to introduce IPv6 applications within the network in the near future. Although it is not expected that

a great number of IPv6-only applications will ship initially, some of the mobile IP offerings being introduced in

the market perform and scale better using the direct-path features that will become available in an IPv6

infrastructure, rather than those available with IPv4.

You may also want to assess and evaluate IPv6 because of the end-to-end addressing, integrated autoconfiguration,

QoS, and security required by the new environments for mobile phones, or you may want to expand your

available address space for some new service such as an IP-based telephone system.

Chapter 6

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You may want to return to a global environment where the addressing rules of the network are more transparent

to the applications, and reintroduce end-to-end security and QoS that are not readily available throughout IPv4

networks that use network address translation (NAT) and other techniques for address conversion, pooling, and

temporary allocation.

Two key ways of evaluating and assessing IPv6 products and services are as follows:

• Set up an IPv6 domain and connect to an existing remote IPv6 network such as the 6BONE

• Set up two or more IPv6 domains and interconnect these over your existing IPv4 infrastructures

The current IPv6 transition techniques supported in Cisco IOS Software allow the assessment and test of the

IPv6 products and applications in the environments described in an independent and isolated way such that cur-

rent business is not disrupted.

IPv6 Support from Cisco

Cisco Systems is one of the founding members of the IPv6 Forum ( Cisco has taken a

leading role in the definition and implementation of the IPv6 architecture within the IETF and continues to

lead the industry efforts for standardization. Cisco employees Steve Deering and Tony Hain are the cochairs

of the IETF IPv6 working group and the next-generation transition (Ngtrans) working group, respectively.

Many of the IPv6 standards are already published by the IETF, although enhancements are still being made.

Cisco has decided to implement IPv6 features in the Cisco IOS Software and its products in three phases.

You will find IPv6 implementation details, including the Cisco roadmap for IPv6 and the Statement of Direction,


The early field trial version of the IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software has been available freely for more than three

years. Cisco IOS IPv6 software has been extensively deployed in the 6BONE network ( for

test purposes over several years. Also, the Cisco 6BONE router has been operational as a major 6BONE hub

for more than 5 years with more than 70 tunnels to other companies.

IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software is available for all Cisco router platforms, from the low-end Cisco 800 series

routers to high-end platforms that include the Cisco 12000 Internet routers. Since Cisco IOS Software Release

12.2(2)T, Cisco officially provides worldwide technical support. Additional information on Cisco IOS IPv6 is

available at

Cisco plans to release a set of solutions documents covering the deployment of IPv6. This section will be updated

as these documents become available. Also, if you need IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software configuration information

for use with Cisco equipment, refer to the Cisco documentation on

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Appendix A

Bibliography and Reference Resources

This section provides information on documents, books, and RFCs that served as resources for this document

and additional resources for IPv6 that you might find useful, including the technical documents from Cisco and

the Cisco reference page on IPv6. It also includes information about relevant RFCs and drafts.

Cisco Statement of Direction for IPv6

Cisco Technical Documentation

IPv6 for Cisco IOS Software feature documentation ( for IPv6 overview, configuration,

and command reference information:

IPv6 integrated solutions documents (ISDs) for detailed information about the various IPv6 transition



Marcus Gonglaves and Kitty Niles, IPv6 Networks, McGraw Hill, New York, NY 1998

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Introduction to IP Version 6, white paper

Cisco Training Guide: Implementing IPv6 Networks

White Papers and Other Documents

Alcatel Technical Paper: The Move to IPv6

Cisco: Engineering Training for IPv6

Cisco: The Internet Protocol Journal

Glocom Platform Tech Reviews: Nobuo Ikeda and Hajime Yamada, Is IPv6 Necessary? Technical – IPv6 and Subnetting IPv4

IP Infusion White Paper: IPv6 Network Processing

IPv6 Forum IPv6 Tutorial: Jordi Palet, ICMPv6 & Neighbor Discovery

Nortel Networks White Paper: Building the Foundation of the Multimedia Wireless Internet _The migration to

IPv6 and MPLS for UMTS

The O’Relly Network: Introduction to IPv6

ABCs of IP Version 6

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RFCs and Drafts

Rationale and Case for IPv6

The Recommendation for the IP Next-Generation Protocol: RFC 1752

The Case for IPv6: draft-iab-case-for-ipv6-06.txt

Classless interdomain routing (CIDR): RFC 1519

The H Ratio for Address Assignment Efficiency: RFC 1715

Architectural Implications of NAT: RFC 2993

Internet Transparency: RFC 2775


Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification: RFC 2460

Path MTU Discovery for IP Version 6: RFC 1981

IP Version 6 Management Information Base for TCP: RFC 2452

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the IPv6 Specification: RFC 2463

IPv6 Address Types

IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture: RFC 2373

An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format: RFC 2374

Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URL's: RFC 2732

IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments: RFC 2375

IPv6 Autoconfiguration and Renumbering

Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6): RFC 2461

IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration: RFC 2462

Router Renumbering for IPv6: RFC 2894

IPv6 Link Layer

Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks: RFC 2464

Transmission of IPv6 Packets over FDDI Networks: RFC 2467

Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Token Ring Networks: RFC 2470

Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domains without Explicit Tunnels: RFC 2529

Transmission of IPv6 Packets over ARCnet Networks: RFC 2497

IP Version 6 over PPP: RFC 2472

IPv6 over Non-broadcast Multiple Access (NBMA) Networks: RFC 2491

IPv6 over ATM Networks: RFC 2492

Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Frame Relay Networks Specification: RFC 2590

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IPv6 Routing Protocol Support

RIPng for IPv6: RFC 2080

OSPF for IPv6: RFC 2740

Routing IPv6 with IS-IS: draft-ietf-isis-ipv6-02.txt

Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4: RFC 2858

Use of BGP-4 Multiprotocol Extensions for IPv6 Interdomain Routing: RFC 2545

IPv6 Integration and Transition Mechanisms

Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domains Without Explicit Tunnels (6over4): RFC 2529

Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds (6to4): draft-ietf-ngtrans-6to4-07.txt

Network Address Translation-Protocol Translation (NAT-PT): RFC 2766

Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers: RFC 2893

Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6: RFC 2473

Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 Clouds: RFC 3056

On overview of the introduction of IPv6 in the Internet: draft-ietf-ngtrans-introduction-to-ipv6-transition-04.txt

IPv6 Tunnel Broker: draft-ietf-ngtrans-broker-04.txt

IPv6 Deployment

6BONE pTLA and pNLA Formats (pTLA): RFC 2921

6BONE Backbone Routing Guidelines: RFC 2772

Other Web References



6TAP exchange:


IPv6 Forum:

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IPv6 Host Configuration

Solaris IPv6

Solaris IPv6:

Microsoft IPv6

FreeBSD IPv6


IPv6 Address Allocation

Proposed TLA and NLA Assignment Rules: RFC 2450

IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Global Policy:

Efficient method for address plan: draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipaddressalloc-01.txt

Allocation policy:

IPv6 Address Registries

RIPE NCC (Europe and Middle East):

ARIN (Americas):

APNIC (Asia):

Current Sub-TLA Allocations

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Appendix B


6BONE—An IPv6 testbed that consists of IPv6 networks. The 6BONE is a worldwide informal collaborative

project, informally operated with oversight from the IPv6 Working Group of the IETF. Though it started as a

virtual network using IPv6 tunnels or encapsulation over IPv4 networks, it is slowly migrating to native links for

IPv6 transport.

6to4 tunnel—An IPv6 automatic tunneling technique where the tunnel endpoint is determined by the globally

unique IPv4 address embedded in a 6to4 address. A 6to4 address is a combination of the prefix 2002::/16 and a

globally unique 32-bit IPv4 address. (IPv4-compatible addresses are not used in 6to4 tunneling.)

6to4 relay—A 6to4 border router that offers traffic forwarding to the IPv6 Internet for other 6to4 border

routers. A 6to4 relay forwards packets to any destination that has a 2002::/16 prefix.

A6 record—A Domain Name System (DNS) record that stores IPv6 numbers used to represent a 128-bit IPv6

address. When an IPv6-aware application wants to look up the name of an IPv6 server, it could request an A6

record from the DNS server. The A6 record is not the preferred record for name resolution with IPv6, because it

has been set aside for experimental purpose.

AAAA—A Domain Name System (DNS) record that stores IPv6 numbers used to represent a 128-bit IPv6

address. The AAAA records are used to resolve host names. This operation is similar to the process where

applications request the A record in IPv4. The AAAA record is the preferred record for name resolution

with IPv6.

anycast address—An identifier for a set of interfaces that typically belong to different nodes. A packet sent to an

anycast address is delivered to the closest interface—as defined by the routing protocols in use—identified by the

anycast address. See also global unicast address, IPv6 multicast address, link-local address, site-local address, and

solicited-node multicast address.

APNIC—Asia Pacific Network Information Centre. The regional Internet registry (RIR) responsible for assigning

IP addresses to the countries in the Asia Pacific region.

ARIN—The American Registry for Internet Numbers. The regional Internet registry (RIR) responsible for

assigning IP addresses to the countries in the North and South American regions.

automatic IPv6 tunnel—An IPv6 tunneling technique (to be deprecated soon), where the tunnel source and

tunnel destination are automatically determined by using the IPv4 address in the low-order 32 bits of IPv6

addresses using the specially assigned 6to4 IPv6 prefix 2002::/16. The host or router at each end of an IPv6

automatic tunnel must support both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks. Automatic tunnels can be configured

between border routers or between a border router and a host. See also IPv4-compatible IPv6 address and

manually configured IPv6 tunnel.

BIS—Bump-in-the-Stack. Translation mechanism used for communication between IPv4 applications on an

IPv4-only host and IPv6-only hosts. It uses a snooping module and an automatically allocated IPv4 address

from a pool and works like a self-translator.

CE router—Customer edge router is a router that is part of a customer MPLS network and interfaces to

a provider edge (PE) router.

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DSTM—Dual-Stack Transition Mechanism. A translation mechanism for dual stack hosts in an IPv6 domain

that do not have an IPv4 routing infrastructure, but need to communicate with IPv4 systems or allow IPv4

applications to run on top of their IPv6 protocol stack. DSTM operation is based on the use of IPv4-over-IPv6

tunnels and the temporal allocation of a global IPv4 address to hosts requiring such communication.

global unicast address—An IPv6 unicast address similar to a typical IPv4 address. It enables aggregation of

routing prefixes in order to limit the number of routing table entries in the global routing table. See also anycast

address, IPv6 multicast address, link-local address, and site-local address.

GRE tunnel—A manually configured tunnel, particularly suitable for use with the IS-IS protocol. The GRE

tunnel is not tied to a specific passenger or transport protocol, but in this case carries IPv6 traffic as the

passenger protocol over GRE as the carrier protocol. Generic routing encapsulation is a network protocol that

allows any arbitrary passenger protocol to be sent over any carrier protocol.

IANA—Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. Responsible for assigning unique parameter values to Internet


IETF—Internet Engineering Task Force. International group of network researchers, designers, operators, and

vendors responsible for the design and engineering of TCP/IP and the global Internet.

IPv4-compatible IPv6 address—An IPv6 unicast address that has zeros in the high-order 96 bits of the address

and an IPv4 address in the low-order 32 bits of the address. The format of an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address

is 0:0:0:0:0:0:A.B.C.D or ::A.B.C.D, where A.B.C.D represents the IPv4 address. The entire 128-bit

IPv4-compatible IPv6 address is used as the IPv6 address of a node, and the IPv4 address embedded in

low-order 32-bits is used as the IPv4 address of the node. IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses are assigned to nodes

that support both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol stacks, and are used in automatic tunneling. See also anycast

address, automatic IPv6 tunnel, IPv6 multicast address, link-local address, and site-local address.

IPv6 multicast address—An IPv6 address with a prefix of FF00::/8. An IPv6 multicast address is an identifier for

a set of interfaces that typically belong to different nodes. A packet sent to a multicast address is delivered to all

interfaces identified by the multicast address. See also global unicast address, anycast address, link-local address,

site-local address, and solicited-node multicast address.

ISATAP—A transition mechanism used for deploying IPv6, particularly in the campus network environment.

ISATAP enables incremental deployment of IPv6 by treating the IPv4 infrastructure of the site as a nonbroadcast

multiaccess (NBMA) link layer.

link—Links are networks arbitrarily segmented by a network administrator in order to provide a multilevel,

hierarchical routing structure while shielding the subnetwork from the addressing complexity of attached

networks. Similar to a subnetwork in IPv4. A subnetwork prefix is associated with one link, but multiple

subnetwork prefixes may be assigned to the same link.

link-local address—An IPv6 unicast address that has a scope limited to the local link (local network). Link-local

addresses are automatically configured on all IPv6 interfaces by using a specific prefix for link-local addresses

(FE80::/10) and adding the interface ID in the modified EUI-64 format. Link-local addresses are used by the

neighbor discovery protocol and the router discovery protocol. They are also used by many routing protocols.

Link-local addresses can serve as a way to connect devices on the same local network without needing global

addresses. See also global unicast address, anycast address, IPv6 multicast address, site-local address, and

solicited-node multicast address.

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manually configured IPv6 tunnel—An IPv6 tunneling technique where a manually configured IPv6 address is

configured on a tunnel interface and manually configured IPv4 addresses are assigned to the tunnel source and

the tunnel destination. The host or router at each end of a configured tunnel must support both the IPv4 and

IPv6 protocol stacks. Manually configured tunnels can be configured between border routers or between a

border router and a host. See also automatic IPv6 tunnel.

MPLS—Multiprotocol Label Switching. A switching technique that forwards IP traffic using a label. This label

instructs the routers and the switches in the network where to forward the packets based on preestablished IP

routing information.

NAT-PT—Network address translation-protocol translation. A translation mechanism that translates at the

network layer between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and allows native IPv6 hosts and applications to communicate

with native IPv4 hosts and applications. An Application Level Gateway (ALG) translates between the IPv4 and

IPv6 DNS requests and responses.

NLA—Next Level Aggregator as originally described in the IPv6 network hierarchy. An IPv6 service provider

below the Top Level Aggregator service provider. The NLA field of 24 bits could support up to 16 million Site

Level Aggregators. The NLA is no longer part of the IPv6 RFCs. See TLA and SLA.

pTLA—pseudo Top Level Aggregator. As originally described in the IPv6 network hierarchy, used with the

6BONE network, a testbed network of IPv6 networks. See TLA.

SIIT—Stateless IP/ICMP Translator. An algorithm that translates, on a packet-by-packet basis, the headers in

the IP packet between IPv4 and IPv6, and translates the addresses in the headers between IPv4 and either

IPv4-translated or IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses.

RIPE NCC— Reseaux IP Europeens_Network Coordination Center (RIPE NCC). The regional Internet registry

(RIR) responsible for assigning IP addresses to the countries in Europe and the Middle East

site-local address—Address that is useful only in the context of the site and is similar to the private addresses in

IPv4. Its scope is limited to this context. When configured, a site-local address uses a specific prefix (FEC0::/10)

and concatenates the subnet ID as a 16-bit field and then the interface ID in the modified EUI-64 format. See

also anycast address, global unicast address, IPv6 multicast address, link-local address, and solicited-node

multicast address.

SLA—Site Level Aggregator. As originally described in the IPv6 network hierarchy, an IPv6 service provider

below the Next Level Aggregator service provider. The SLA field of 16 bits could support up to 65,535 subnets

within a site. See NLA and TLA.

solicited-node multicast address—An IPv6 address that has the prefix FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FF00:0000/104 concatenated

with the 24 low-order bits of a corresponding IPv6 unicast or anycast address. The solicited-node multicast

address is a multicast group that corresponds to an IPv6 unicast or anycast address. Solicited-node multicast

addresses are used in neighbor solicitation messages. See also anycast address, global unicast address, IPv6

multicast address, link-local address, and site-local address.

TCP-UDP Relay—Translation mechanism similar to NAT-PT. It requires a dedicated server and DNS; it trans-

lates at the transport layer rather than the network layer, with the DNS again providing the mapping between

IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

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Teredo tunnel—The Teredo (also known as Shipworm) service is a tunnel mechanism that provides IPv6 connectivity

to nodes located behind one or more IPv4 NATs by tunneling IPv6 packets over UDP through NATs.

TLA—Top Level Aggregator. As originally described in the IPv6 network hierarchy, a service provider at the

top of an IPv6 network hierarchy. The TLA is responsible for maintaining the upper levels of the IPv6 network

routing hierarchy. The TLA field of 13 bits supports up to 8192 TLAs. The TLA is no longer part of the

IPv6 RFCs.

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Appendix C

Review Questions

The following review questions will help you assess how well you have learned the technical information

provided in the ABCs of IP Version 6 document. Appendix D of this document provides the answers to these

review questions.

1. Why is Network Address Translation (NAT) not an ideal solution to solve the IP address

exhaustion problem?

a. NAT breaks the end-to-end security model of IP.

b. NAT protects network devices and data from possible external intruders.

c. NAT conserves global IP addresses by using private address space within a network.

d. NAT dynamically allocates global addresses to internal network devices to allow communication

with the Internet.

2. How many bits are supported in the IPv6 address scheme?

a. 32 bits

b. 64 bits

c. 96 bits

d. 128 bits

3. What IPv4 header fields have been removed from the IPv6 header?

a. Version, fragmentation fields, Header Checksum, and Padding.

b. Version, Header Length, fragmentation fields, and Header Checksum.

c. Header Length, fragmentation fields, Header Checksum, and Flow Label.

d. Header Length, fragmentation fields, Header Checksum, and Padding.

4. Which one of the following statements is true about IPv6 routing protocols?

a. IPv6 RIP protocol is named RIP-2.

b. IPv6 IS-IS protocol is currently an IETF standard.

c. IPv6 OSPF protocol is a proposed IETF standard.

d. IPv6 OSPF protocol is currently not an IETF standard.

5. Which one of the following statements is not true about routing in IPv6?

a. Both IPv4 and IPv6 support the same routing protocols.

b. IPv6 RIP updates are sent to the all-rip-routers multicast group address FF02::9.

c. IPv6 does not use the longest-prefix match for routing algorithm.

d. BGP-4+ NEXT_HOP and NLRI are expressed as IPv6 addresses and prefix.

ABCs of IP Version 6

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6. Which one of the following statements is true about IPv6 autoconfiguration?

a. IPv6 mandates the use of DHCP servers in all IPv6 networks.

b. Lack of collisions in IPv6 networks makes autoconfiguration possible.

c. Larger address space enables IPv6 hosts to autoconfigure themselves.

d. IPv6 devices come with preset IPv6 addresses and need no configuration.

7. Which one of the following statements is true about broadcasts and multicasts in IPv6?

a. Broadcast is not used in IPv6.

b. Broadcast can completely hang up an IPv6 network.

c. Broadcast is the basic mechanism used for various operations in IPv6.

d. Broadcast can interrupt all the nodes on a LAN network.

8. Which one of the following statements is not a feature of IPv6?

a. Autoconfiguration.

b. Automatic QoS support.

c. Easier renumbering.

d. Larger address space.

9. Which one of the following fields is a new field in the IPv6 header?

a. Destination Address.

b. Source Address.

c. Flow Label.

d. Version.

10. Which one of the following statements is not true about IPv6 feature set?

a. UDP checksum is mandatory in IPv6.

b. Any IPv6 node can use the mobility feature.

c. With built-in IPSec support, IPv6 supports end-to-end to security.

d. Multihoming implementation is more difficult in IPv6 than in IPv4.

11. Which one of the following statements is the correct IPv6 link-local address prefix?

a. 2001:1

b. 2002:1

c. FE80::/10

d. FEC0::/10

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12. The IPv6 link-local addresses:

a. Consist of 96 zeros at the left-most fields of the address.

b. Consist of the link-local prefix, 16-bit subnet ID field, and the interface ID in EUI-64 format.

c. Serve as a way to connect devices between two networks without needing global addresses.

d. Are automatically configured on all interfaces using the link-local prefix and the interface

ID in the EUI-64 format.

13. Which one of the following statements is not true about IPv6 header fields?

a. IPv6 Next Header field is similar to the Protocol field in the IPv4 header.

b. IPv6 Traffic Class field is similar to the Type of Service field in the IPv4 header.

c. IPv6 Hop Limit field makes the computing of checksum very efficient.

d. The value in the Next Header field determines the type of information following the basic IPv6 header.

14. IPv6 handles extension headers more efficiently by:

a. Looking at every individual header field to allow accurate processing.

b. Daisy-chaining the extension header fields to allow faster processing.

c. Daisy-chaining the routing header fields to allow faster processing.

d. Ignoring the extension header field, if Routing Header is not present.

15. Which one of the following addresses is a valid IPv6 address?

a. 2001:1:0:4F3A:206:AE14

b. 2001:1:0:4F3A:0:206:AE14

c. 2001:1:0:4F3A::206:AE14

d. 2001:1::4F3A:206::AE14

16. Which of the following is not a required address for an IPv6 node?

a. All-nodes multicast address.

b. Link-local address for each interface.

c. Specific multicast address for routing protocols.

d. Solicited-node multicast address for each of the assigned unicast and anycast addresses.

17. Which one of the following statements is not true about 6BONE network?

a. 6BONE is a testbed network of IPv6 networks.

b. 6BONE topology consists of a hierarchy of providers.

c. 6BONE network pTLA prefixes are in the 2001::/16 range.

d. 6BONE allows only registry-assigned and 6BONE addresses.

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18. The neighbor discovery process helps to determine the:

a. Link-layer address of a neighbor on the same link.

b. Multicast address of a neighbor on a different link.

c. IPv6 address of the nearest router on a different link

d. IPv6 address of a neighbor on the same link.

19. IPv6 neighbor solicitation:

a. Could be used to verify the reachability of a neighbor.

b. Is sent at boot time to promptly receive router advertisements.

c. Is similar to Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) used in IPv4.

d. Is periodically sent as an advertisement to the all-nodes multicast address.

20. What is the minimum maximum transmission unit (MTU) supported in IPv6?

a. 68 octets

b. 576 octets

c. 1280 octets

d. 1500 octets

21. Which one of the following statements best describes correct IPv6 operation?

a. Fragmentation is only done by the originating host.

b. Fragmentation is only done by the originating router.

c. Fragmentation is handled exactly as in IPv4.

d. ICMPv6 messages are not used in the fragmentation process.

22. Which one of the following statements best describes DHCPv6?

a. DHCPv6 can be used only in stateful autoconfiguration.

b. DHCPv6 can be used only in stateless/serverless autoconfiguration.

c. DHCPv6 cannot be used with automatic domain name registration.

d. DHCPv6 can also be concurrently used with stateless autoconfiguration.

23. Which IPv6 DNS record is recommended for Hostname-to-IP address translation for DNS?

a. A


c. A6

d. PTR

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24. Which of the following statements is not true about tunnel endpoints in a configured tunnel for IPv6?

a. Tunnel endpoints must be configured with dual stack.

b. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are configured on tunnel endpoints.

c. Configuration of the tunnel endpoints changes dynamically.

d. Tunnel endpoints could be an edge router and an end system.

25. Which one of the following statements describes the major difference between the manually configured

tunnel and the IPv4-compatible tunnel?

a. Manually configured tunnel is a static tunnel, but the IPv4-compatible tunnel is an automatic tunnel.

b. The manually configured tunnel does not scale at all, but the IPv4-compatible tunnel scales significantly.

c. The manually configured tunnel helps to conserve IPv6 addresses, but the IPv4-compatible tunnel helps

to conserve IPv4 addresses.

d. Although the manually configured tunnel uses IPv4 addresses, the IPv4-compatible tunnel uses only

IPv6 addresses.

26. Which one of the following statements describes the major difference between the IPv4-compatible tunnel

and the 6to4 tunnel?

a. The IPv4-compatible tunnel is a static tunnel, but the 6to4 tunnel is an automatic tunnel.

b. The IPv4-compatible tunnel is typically used only between two IPv6 domains, but the 6to4 tunnel is

used to connect multiple IPv6 domains.

c. The deployment of the IPv4-compatible tunnel requires a special code on the edge routers, but the

6to4 tunnel does not require any special code.

d. For the IPv4-compatible tunnel, the ISP assigns only IPv4 addresses for each domain, but for the

6to4 tunnel, the ISP assigns only IPv6 addresses for each domain.

27. Which one of the following statements best describes the operation of a 6to4 relay?

a. A 6to4 relay is not a router, but is a gateway to the IPv6 internet.

b. A 6to4 relay is used to forward packets only to other 6to4 routers.

c. A 6to4 relay is used to forward packets only to the IPv6 internet.

d. A 6to4 relay is used to forward packets to other 6to4 routers and to the IPv6 internet.

ABCs of IP Version 6

Page 74: The ABCs of IP Version 6 - d Billings · 2016. 6. 27. · The ABCs of IP Version 6is intended for network professionals with good IP version 4 (IPv4) networking skills and knowledge

Appendix D

Answers to the Review Questions

1a, 2d, 3d, 4c, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8b, 9c, 10d, 11c, 12d, 13c, 14b, 15c, 16c, 17c, 18a, 19a, 20c, 21a, 22d, 23b, 24c,

25a, 26b, 27d


Page 75: The ABCs of IP Version 6 - d Billings · 2016. 6. 27. · The ABCs of IP Version 6is intended for network professionals with good IP version 4 (IPv4) networking skills and knowledge
Page 76: The ABCs of IP Version 6 - d Billings · 2016. 6. 27. · The ABCs of IP Version 6is intended for network professionals with good IP version 4 (IPv4) networking skills and knowledge

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