  • mm , 11 ....1 aJt.i. 4

    The Abbeville Press and Banner. 1jg|.1


    P. I!.Is the Place to Get

    Orders by Mail n

    GEO. WHITE, Prop.DRY

    We have added to our stockMuslins, Nainsooks, Lawns, estriped ducks. Satines in all coLbatros and Worsteds. Some novA Lot of Coimterpai

    Towels very Cheap. Table LiLadies' and Children's hose and


    t Harrison*


    The best Bed BugTV t Im.«* B




    MusicHill &̂


    Musical Instruments,Kinds of Musi

    SewingPIANOS, ORGANS anil MACHIPrices 1 jow a

    When in the City call at No. 1and see our St<

    Resoectfully,HILL C

    Close * CiSTIMUL,A.Whenin need o

    the light price will 1stock is complete.Hjwritiii.y.

    We keep a fullMetalic Caskets,balming has stood 1recognized Undertal



    SPEED'SAnything in the Line of

    J 1-1 4- ~ « i-tTieiMteu iu at- unti%


    : a nice line of Percales, Cheviotstc. Some nice goods in solid ancors, cheap. Serges, Cashimeres, Alreltiesin striped Sateens and Piqueslies to Close at 50 Cts.nen, Napkins, A Splendid line oiUndervests,


    «Game, ii(> Hmiggists,iRGE QUANTITIES OF.VSECT POWDER,; Killer.Sure Death.Limljmlc* ISstllw

    ts Moths.I?^DP3E«

    :icky.LOWEST PRICES!

    LILLE'S¥ ¥



    Sheet Music and allcal Merchandise,



    NES solf the famous jif,e nallst, Charles A. Dana, ol i he New York (ro Several portraits illustrate his salient tr.1. of character and their agreement withn principles of phrenology. The analyst

    Btj from a personal examination hy the edie I)r. Beall. (,'lierio the palmist, well knowi,11'i New York, contributes a fascinating arl

    , on ohelrosophy. Ur. If. a. 1Hay ton \?iJJ. learnedly of "The Xnientlllo Jtelatlon.and Present." Mrs. t'harlotte Fowler W


    ,jM introduces*! most interesting study of Shupenre, Illustrated by a tine picture of the <

    l,e brnted Kesselsadt death mask of the ma... poet. "Contracted Heads" Is a concilia!vi

    >«timent for phrenology, by the editor, acc)V piinled by line drawings ol Charles Blaugh and Daniel brew. Prof. Nelson SI,,, contiuues Ills charming studies of child,lt In the Science of Health Department thei,.|l the usual variety of excellent liygenlc ad'je- etc. Other well-known writers discuss


    ji! man Nature" and "The Temperaments,")n. There are editorials on the ".Status of I'jjology," "Science of the Hand," and oii' matters of current interest.


    tha WAR INCIDENT, IA tl 10onlyTheyy get Rrnvtt Soldiers anil lli«* OHiiKers of npfore i Hill Hpletor Bnltle. ,also Editor Press and Banner:

    (true Nearly every issue of your paper recordsrhlcb the death of an old soldier. The death of Dr.and W. A. Llmbecker. of Ninety-Six, will no |0

    Ti his doubt sadden the heart of many who knew |0gal- him as a soldier. During the last days of the ^ig in- Confederacy he was chief actor in a somewhat f0rt. his thrilling incident that occurred near Golds"Iflsbboro, N. C. It is known to some of us as the

    "White horse fight" and Is as full of interest ^rand to those who engaged In it, as Is the "whitet hat horse sermon" has to many of Associate Re- rathey formed Presbyterians. For several days the cflThey pickets of the 1st North Carolina cavalry 8lcon- came in wounded-many with sabre cuts; c|intry they explained it by saying they were being iajllnh- badly used up by a finely mounted New York ^1955. regiment that charged their pickets every af

    :vllle evening led by a man riding a white horse. efGeneral Hampton relieved the 1st North Car- p(

    esers, olina cavalry with 2od South Carolina cavaihighry. We were well warned as to what werecia- might expect about 4 p. id. and that the while rLAfter horse rider would be In the lead. Sure wller & enough at the usual hour five or six hundrediture, strong swooped down upon fifteen or twenty .r»t be- of us, shooting and yelling like Hying demgoodons. Seeing T.J. Lipscomb, of Verdery, was gt00 for absent, the writer was sent after him some and whenever possible expert farmers,>nest to tik upon such subjects as may be of spelobeclal Interest to the farmers In whose neighnineoc,rhood the Institute may be held.*lver 1° make such Institutes profitable. It willthe be necessary for the fanners to attend and tojoin in discussions that may from time to

    Har. time arise. Such an Institute should beau3yed agricultural school for the ordinary farmer,lrest und should be tree from all red tape or iormimleallty.ison T° farmers Interested in tobacco raising, I V/Jjj()j shall endeavor to get a successful tobacco ii

    grower to talk on that subject. To those in- XIgjn ten-sted in dairying and cheese making, I>un" shall try to secure, for them Prof. Hart or Qie8 a"t some other expert dairyman. In short where **rom- farmers desire an Institute, I shall be pleasedSo to cc-operate with them Ip making it meet as «

    1(j | far as possible their especial needs. As webout shall be able to hold not more than one Insti- Bolir tute In each Congressional District,I shall be 9

    -) sep pleased to have letters from larmers suggestMiss'"8 the proper time and place for holding thejUat same. It has been suggested that between the. re. middle of July and the middle of Septembertwo w'" be the most suitable time. Allcorre-nnnHonnoIn roau rH tn en m o whnnlfi hft sari-t|,e dressed to President K. K. Craighead, ClemsondPHt College, S. C.

    Waw. TT"rout W

    X ANDERSON'S PROSPERITY, ^centwas Altheville'M Kicking (tnnlltieN antl ^.iSll Failure to Pull Together lite ('hiimp V_urge or Our Lnck or Good Things.

    !j onAbbeville, 8. C.. June Jl. 1S95.son An article In each week's Press and Bannerby speaks comparatively of Abbeville and Anderson.TT(tj,eThe undersigned Is well acquainted and W

    jiere thoroughly lanolllar with both places, and,een thinks your correspondent's conclusions Xlre of partly correct, but did he do Anderson full

    Mrsjustice? Vl JThat wide-awake, up-to-date, go-ahead and 'an,l stand-together town Is certainly very far S~i>ack ahead of Abbeville In several respects, lowlt: wl(l l0 She does four times the amount of business

    our town does; she has a splendid system of a]and water works with no better natural advantiifrcsfur them than Abbeville: threeoftbe TRM finest Are companies In the State; a first class


    electric light plant which Illuminates most T7-<brilliantly iier streets, churches, iiotels auc! a V<great many iiomes ; a paying ice factory and f-psuccessfully managed steam laundry: fin In- J.dispensable telephone system ; a magulflcentcotton mill in operation and paying well; Tra nice opera house; one of the best military L'"1"

    ulort Koyal & Western Carolina Kailroi.»«y. K«od until October tflst, to Ureenville,ro i* Hparlanburg, Anderson, Glenn Springs. H»ir,,'K ris Lltbia, A.shevllle, and Western North CarHiiresorts. Tickets to Spartauburg andAshevllle bear with them the privilege oftiro stopping oil ai Harris Lithla or Ulenn Springs,. going or returning.mer por schedules, rates, etc., address, \V. J.I

    ^riilg, General Passenger Agent, Augusta. Ua.1

    THE SAGE OF CHICKASAW. Tlis Political Views.HIh Nominations I

    Tor (ho State Convention. Iilltor Press and Banner: ^It is conceded by the dominant party thatle political outlook is somewhat gloomyoking.Questions are propounded and opinnsaired profusely as to the final destiny ofle State government. The anti-faction seemsentertain that belief that It is "going to the -it /

    ivll." ViPrognostications are rife ad infinitumlat a war of sir! fe at dagger's point will be Instablefor the supremacy of the governentbetween the Democratic and Republiinparly. The latter is much elated andimulated by the recent Federal judicial deslonof the registration law. They congratutethemselves that the great obstruction of "\Tlelr poliiical rights have been demolished -*id doubtless are sanguine, that a combined jiy\lort is only necessary. In order to obtainjssesslon of the government. They likely,so, feel hopeful of being aided by the eoalionof the rebellious anti-element or the so- \illed Ilankellsm. Note.This article wasriticn before Goff's decision was overruled. 4Recognising the preponderance of the ne \o numerical power
