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You Don’t Know It Yet, But You’re About To Transform

I'm so blessed you decided to read this free report. That's because the secrets within these few pages will change your life. That's a promise.

Just to be clear though, you won't transform just by reading this. You need to apply what you learn. So let me ask…

Are you willing to let go of your comfort zone, the familiar, in order to step into the life of your dreams?

Are you open to receive more joy, more abundance, more peace? Is NOW the time to drop all resistance and objections and take the tiny little steps into your new reality?

Are you willing to do what it takes to live your Highest Dreams?

In order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure – Bill Cosby

Because you've taken the time to read this, I suspect the answer to all these questions is…


And if I am correct then I have phenomenal news for you ☺ Within the pages of this free report are the 6 “SECRETS” that happy, successful people implement every day to create the life of their dreams.

These are 6 “SECRETS” which will brighten your life RIGHT NOW. They'll dissolve all your invisible barriers and relieve your daily struggles. You'll step into a lie so wonderful that each day

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becomes a celebration of how miraculous your life truly is.

None of these secrets are difficult. They don't require any special training or skill. Each of them, in fact, is nothing other than a CHOICE that separates those that leap out of bed in the morning from those that struggle.

What led up to the creation of this FREE report? Why am I sharing this with you today?

14 years ago I made the choice to transform my life. Until then, my life was a mess. My days were filled with panic, anxiety and illness.

It seemed like I jumped from one crisis to another. Worst of all, I felt helpless to do anything about it.

One day I realized I couldn'tgo on like this. There was no reason why my

life couldn't be filled with joy, success, health and abundance.

I made the conscious choice to do whatever it took to create a new life.

What I learned completely transformed my life. Today I eagerly wake up in the morning to a new day filled with blessings and miracles. I go through the day with a big smile on my face. My body is filled with endless, vibrant energy. Anything is possible.

Most important of all, I live my passion. My greatest joy, my passion, is to be of service to everyone and anyone that is also ready to make the choice to step into something far greater than their limited mind can imagine.

Right now, with this free report, I want to reveal to you the same 6 secrets that allowed me to completely transform my life.

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The Journey That's Brought You This Report…

Over the past few months I have been immersed in a life-changing product. I've been traveling the world seeking to interview the GREATEST thinkers, teachers and gurus. At first, I did this for myself, but then, over time, my mission evolved.

As I recorded these conversations with these amazing people, it hit me that, without exception, all of these amazing men and woman made 6 key choices which unlocked incredible success for them.

As I sat and breathed in this epiphany, I realized those in my life who spent their days endlessly suffering were making the exact OPPOSITE CHOICES.

It's like you have this “on/off” switch in your mind.

When you're "on," you're on the path to success and happiness.

When you're "off," you're on the path to suffering.

The best part is that you can ALWAYS flip your switch from "off" to "on." Even if it's been off for 70 years, you can flip that switch. You just need to use these 6 secrets.

How cool is that?

Once I discovered these 6 secrets I had to get them out to as many people as possible. Right now, I'm going to share them with YOU. If you learn them and if you apply them into your life, you absolutely WILL transform. You have no other choice :-)

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain

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Secret #1

Success Guaranteed

If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal. – Norman Vincent Peal

If you've been at all involved with “Self Improvement,” you've probably heard all about the power of belief and how "thoughts are things" with the power to shape our reality.

Based upon my experience, this is VERY true.

There is one particular thought process successful people share that is quite visibly absent from those who are still complaining that all the visualizations in the world have not brought them the fancy house or the big car or the love of their life.

It's the deep “knowing” that Success is Guaranteed.

When you absolutely, without a doubt, understand that you cannot fail, then the obstacles on your path will only strengthen you, refocus you, and create for you a new path to life that's even more expansive and joy filled than you imagined.

When you look at everything that occurs as a gift, then everything becomes just that, a blessed gift.


Let me give you some specific examples ….

Jeffrey Gignac was diagnosed at a young age with a learning disability. His brain worked differently and for many years he couldn't read and had a very difficult time in school.

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But Jeffrey and his parents didn't give up. They knew if they believed in Jeffrey's success, they could find a way to overcome his disability. They kept experimenting, over and over again, until they finally discovered an incredible learning process that allowed Jeff to thrive.

The experience set up a life time love of the brain in Jeff and today he's an NLP Master Practitioner, a Master Hypnotist, and an expert on Brain function and Brain Wave Entrainment techniques. His work has improved the lives of 10,000s of people world-wide (including mine ☺)

Because he grew up on public assistance, Keith Matthew made the CHOICE, early on, that he would never want for money.

He was going to be rich. He knew it, success guaranteed.

He entered college to study accounting because he knew accountants were wealthy people and he was going to be wealthy.

He didn't enjoy the coursework, but he pushed through and did OK. And then…

“Disaster Struck”

There was a mix up with the university, and he was informed that he did not have the correct courses to graduate…

Did he wallow? Did he kick and scream and complain? Did he immerse himself in self-pity?

Nope ☺

He sat back and looked for the gift…

He discovered, with some research that with just a little bit of effort he could switch from accounting to General Business…

He recognized his true passion was business. Accounting was what

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he “thought” he needed – but what he really wanted was to be an entrepreneur.

He said yes to the gift and today he is a highly successful internet marketer, loving life and the new opportunities that are presented to him every day.

And then there's me…

14 years ago I gave up my fight “against” the panic disorder that controlled my life.

I started to ask for the message, for the “gift”.

I stepped into every day determined to live a different kind of existence and I didn't let anything get in my way.

I made up my mind. There was no choice but to succeed ☺

And today….

Well today I woke up with a smile on my face ☺ Today I counted my blessings and I set about making a difference in the world.

Today I have a career that I wouldn't have even known existed without for the gift of the Panic Disorder.

Today I look at everything that's even a “little bit” uncomfortable as a gift to be unwrapped, as another message that will open up for me a life even more wonderful than the one I'm living today. Let me ask you something….

Is there something (or things) in your life that you're complaining about?

Is there some aspect of your life (money, relationship, health) that is a huge thorn in your side?

What if, right now, you decided it was a GIFT instead of a hardship…

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Breathe into the concept for a while. Smile into knowing that your life will never be the same. Take steps with the clear understanding that Success is Guaranteed.

And watch your life transform beyond your wildest imagination ☺

If you fell down yesterday, stand up today – H.G. Wells

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Secret #2


Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind


– Thich Nhat Hanh

Take a moment, please, and watch your breath…

Watch it as it moves into your body. Pay attention to where it goes and notice if it feels at all different as it leaves your body.

Go ahead, take 30 to 60 seconds now and watch. I will wait for you. Welcome back ☺

How did that feel? If you took the time to do the exercise you will have noticed that you now feel a bit more centered and "in your body."

If you continue to do it for even a few more minutes you will watch your thoughts begin to quiet and your shoulders drop. You will become more focused and think clearer.

Before every interview, we took a few seconds just to breathe.


Because it's so easy for our minds to get pulled by a dozen things at once.

We are essentially everywhere but what's in front of us now. The truth is we can never focus on more than one thing at a time –

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it's not possible. So what is really happening is that our minds are hopping from one thought to another, never landing on one idea long enough to fully take it in. We feel overwhelmed and scattered.

A few moments of focused breathing brings you back to the here and now, effortlessly. It quiets the mind and energizes the body. It puts you in the perfect mental and physical condition to make an impact and get things done.

I am passionate about the breath. I have studied it, worked with it consciously, and Bill White and I even spent an hour discussing different ways to use it in one of the conversations.

What I wasn't really aware of, until now, is what an integral part

breath plays in every successful person's experience.

As I re-listened to the recordings I was struck by how many of us made comments like….

“I took a step back, took a breath and re-evaluated the situation”

I then considered my clients, the people that come to me for relief of physical, emotional or mental pain.

Almost without exception the first thing I do is ask them if they are breathing.

The answer is inevitably no…. (well, they are breathing “enough” to keep their physical system functioning, but …)

So we take a few moments to relax into a breath and they begin to open up and allow healing to take place.

It is often as easy as that.

When I studied NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) I learned that not only does the mental/emotional state affect our physiology, but

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that our physiology has a direct effect on our mental/emotional state.

In other words…

If we are in a scattered state of mental and emotional overwhelm our body tenses and our breath becomes shallow….


If we then consciously and purposely relax and deepen our breath our emotional and mental state must quiet and open and relax.

You cannot be breathing deeply and quietly and still feel overwhelmed. It's just not possible.

Don't let the simplicity of what I'm sharing fool you.

Make the decision, now, to use this one simple technique to bring you into the mental/emotional/physical state that will support the manifestation of your dreams.

Take a step back and take “breath breaks” throughout your day, ESPECIALLY whenever you feel even a little bit out of control.

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath. – Amit Ray

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Secret # 3

If it is Hard than You Are Doing it Wrong


You Are Doing the Wrong Thing

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid – Albert


Perhaps the biggest difference between those who succeed and those who do not is this….

Those who succeed love what they do. They get up every morning excited to get to work, passionate about what they are creating and could not imagine being anywhere else.

Is that you?

In many ways I am blessed. 14 years ago I often spent hours a day paralyzed by fear and anxiety. My back was against a wall. I had to make a change.

In those days I worked as a quality engineer in a manufacturing plant. I was acceptable (not great) at my job, and I was miserable. I dragged myself out of bed, and was often ill. I lived for weekends and vacation.

Today I often tell people that Monday mornings are my favorite time of the week. I love what I do. It energizes and inspires me. I could not imagine ever wanting to “retire”. Why would I? And I'm not the only one.

Every person with whom I recorded a conversation with is passionate and in love with how they spend their days.

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Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be

truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way

to do great work is to love what you do. If you

haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. – Steve Jobs

If you listen to the conversations, you'll hear it in every person's voice….

Dr Katie Garnett is over 80 years old and would never consider“retiring” her passion for learning, and implementing, the magiccontained within Epigenetics and the Quantum Physics. Why wouldshe? She loves it all, and her love is helping her help others changethe very coding within their DNA Structure.

Sami Saunders is just 20 and she forgoes parties and “hanging out”for the opportunity to clean the sidewalks of inner cities and hangout and just talk to lonely people in Senior Citizen Centers. And shetells us that she gets so much more from every one of theseencounters than what she gives.

Melissa Wadsworth loses herself in her art and her writing. KeithMatthews plays with numbers and sales copy and how to reachmillions of people worldwide with the products he knows willtransform their lives.

In each case the specifics are different, but the passion is the same. And the message is very clear.

To be successful you MUST invest your time in what you love, in what “lights you up”.

Anything else is like judging a fish by its inability to climb a tree ☺

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Secret #4


“I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you

don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there

you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.”

– Zig Ziglar

More than once during the sessions with these masters, I sat back humbled and amazed….

Even though we were all in different states, living different lives, with different passions, it was becoming more and more obvious that we each lived within some very fundamental guidelines that pretty much guaranteed our success.

I absolutely swear I did not tell anyone what to say. Not a single call was scripted (which will be really obvious to anyone who listens) and nothing was edited (also obvious ☺)

One of the biggest “Ah hahs” for me was the concept of “full immersion” whenever any of us was ready to take on a new belief structure, or succeed with a new project or letting go of a block that had been limiting us.


Dr. Katie Garnett has been studying Epigenetics and Quantum Physics and how thoughts become things just about as long as those terms have been around.

I have listened to our conversation a number of times because it in many ways it reveals the root to the “why” of just about anything.

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In the call she takes me through a process called “The One Command” that allows anyone to powerfully install a new program (i.e. belief) into a

person‟s DNA. It‟s an AMAZING process that feels terrific.

Then she casually goes on to state that every thought we think or word we speak programs our DNA and the chemical make-up of our bodies.

Every single one

Which essentially means that taking 5 or 10 or even 15 minutes a day to do something wonderful for yourself, like The One Command, is pretty meaningless if you spend the other 1,425 minutes thinking and speaking words that counteract the command.

The solution is to immerse yourself in the new thought 24 hours a day until it becomes your habitual thought pattern... Until it's what the mind is thinking when you AREN'T paying attention.

It's what I did with the idea that “Success is Guaranteed”. I immersed myself in the thought, I doodled it, I spoke it every chance I got until I found that it became my default response to whatever was going on in my life.

Jeff Gignac spoke about the addictive nature of the chemicals that make up emotions, good and bad. People actually become “addicted” to lower vibrational emotions like anxiety and depression and fear.

The solution is to immerse yourself in activities that bring you into higher vibrational states. Consciously, on purpose, do whatever it takes to stay in peace and joy and passion. Do that and before you know it the body will take on a new addiction, one that has the Mind-Body searching for more and more reasons to feel good, to feel successful.

Once you're there, life will just keep getting better and better.

What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of

our beliefs about who we are. – Tony Robbins

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Secret # 5

The Company You Keep

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time

with.” – Jim Rohn

Just yesterday I was listening to my daughter complain about her High School Chemistry Class. She has a 100% average in the class and is by far, other than the teacher, the most adept chemist in the room.

She hates it…

She's so sorry she made the decision not to take the advanced class when she filled out her schedule last year.

She plans to never make that mistake again.

As I was listening to her I thought about a conversation I had earlier in the week with a very successful man from whom I have learned a great deal over the past few years. He said something that really stuck with me...

“I always want to be the dumbest person in the room”

I am going to get a bit transparent here for a moment….

I fought this Secret for years. Long after I intellectually got how important it was to invest your time with people who taught and inspired you I did not take the steps to make it happen.

Instead I continued to play it safe.

If I only knew then what I know now it is possible you could have been reading this report six years ago ☺

You see, I somehow thought the people who were successful where I

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was struggling were somehow different or better than I was. I felt intimidated by the idea of hanging out with those people who seemed so much better than me.

Guess what I learned?

I discovered they were human too ☺ ☺ ☺

I also really figured out the meaning behind the Einstein Quote I used earlier in this report:

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid – Albert Einstein

Once I got that I understood that I, like you, would have something to contribute to the lives of those I desired to rub elbows with.

So I began to reach out to those I wanted to learn from, those wonderful people whose genius was different than mine.

I offered myself and my passion. It was more than enough. I was received with gratitude and friendship and an openness that humbles and inspires me. Little by little, I built my network.

Now I have access to everything I require to make my dreams a reality.

The only question now is how big can I dream?

So many of the friends who allowed me to record our conversations mentioned the same thing…

Anik Singal talks about growing up surrounded by people he lovedwho knew how to be successful. He grew up expecting and intendingnothing less for himself

Dr. Katie Garnett travelled the world to study with the Experts in thefields of Epigenetics and Quantum Physics.

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Sami Saunders talks about the young Leaders she now calls herfriends – and how they motivate and inspire each other to reach forgreater heights

More transparency…

I am experiencing some difficulty ending this chapter.

I have rewritten it a number of times. I have written a few paragraphs, walked away, and then come back, deleted and started again.

I have written again, and then went to sleep only to awaken knowing

it still isn't quite what I want to share.

The issue is that we all have people in our lives, people we love who we would never consider letting go, who are in many ways stuck in some level of negativity.

Am I right? I know I Am ☺

Here is the thing. You don't have to. You do not have to make the

decision to not see them anymore. Don't let them go.

Just focus on attracting and bringing into your life those people who will inspire and motivate and teach you. The people who have made achieving what you want in your life look easy.

Make that your focus. The rest will take care of itself (I promise)

“There are so many people put there who will tell you that you can 't. What you've got to do is turn around and say “Watch me.” –Layne


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Secret #6


When I first started seeing the “patterns” coming out of the conversations – the fundamental choices everyone was using to create the life of theirdreams, there was one in particular that humbled me and opened my heart and left me feeling so blessed and grateful to be alive…

I know the importance of “giving back,” it is the cornerstone of my day to day existence. It is what “lights my fire” and creates the passion that makes my life so wonderful.

What I didn't expect was that it was also the cornerstone in the lives of the people who I was talking to.

Time and time again when we were coming close to the end of our conversation and I asked…

Is there anything else you want to add…

The answer was…

Volunteer or Give Back or get in Involved with Random Acts of Kindness.

The paragraphs below are taken directly from the pdf that accompanies Ultimate Mind Mastery. It is the summary of the conversation I had with Sami Saunders, and it speaks beautifully as to why Selfless Service is SECRET #6

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Being of Service

with Sami Rae Saunders

There are chills of excitement running up and down my spine with the knowing that you are, with this conversation, meeting one of my “heroes”

My niece Sami learned at a very early age (she is only 20 now, a Sophomore in College) the magic that comes from investing time giving back to others. Especially those that cannot pay you back.

She learned how spending time in service to others literally shuts the little limited mind up.

She experienced, over and over, how even a few hours helping someone else heals the body (yes, physical symptoms disappear)

She talks about how the people she has met, the leadership skills she has learned, the “snow ball type effects” even a little act of kindness can create.

Yes, when you are involved in some type of service to others you will be making a difference in their lives, and that is a very good thing…

But when you are giving of yourself, even for a little while, the positive effects that occur in your own space is beyond the little minds ability to believe.

It's transformational

And here's an interesting thing….

I knew about the power of service, it was one of the first topics I wanted to cover in this program…

What I didn't know was the priority successful people, almost without exception, place on random acts of kindness, both small and large.

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Pay attention to how often it comes up in all the conversations.

It literally floored me. It is one of the threads that runs through this entire program.

It really does shut the little mind up…

It absolutely brings you into a vibrational space to create the world of your dreams.

And it doesn't have to take much time….

Some Ideas to Get You Started….

• Call someone you know is lonely, just to say hi ☺

• Smile at people you pass, watch them smile back

• Hold open doors, help a neighbor with their groceries, shovel a walk

• Send a friend a card

• Pay for a stranger's toll, or their food in a restaurant or drive-thru

• Visit a nursing home, spend time with people who get no visitors

• Volunteer at a shelter

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Final Thoughts

Years ago, when I was first beginning my studies that eventually led to my ordination as a Spiritualist Minister, I took a Nature Sign Walk.

I had been taught that one way to receive clarity was to step outside, ask a question, and then walk and watch…

So I set my intention to gain clarity on my life's path and I began my walk.

After about 15 minutes I felt pulled to go and explore the top of a tree stump.

On the top of the stump were some dead twigs and a bit of some dried up brush.

As I looked further I noticed a Lady Bug with no spots and he was having a difficult time.

He had encountered a twig blocking his path and he could not figure out how to get across it. He kept turning around and walking away and coming back and stopping – again and again.

Then, as if from nowhere, another Lady Bug, with 3 spots, appeared. This Lady Bug walked right up to the twig, climbed up the one side and down the other and continued on its way.

No Spot was very excited.

He mimicked 3 spot exactly and climbed up and over.

And then he turned around and did it again and again


A Lady Bug with many spots caught his attention.

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This Lady Bug was climbing up the brush. He was having a great time climbing higher and higher and higher.

No Spot was super excited.

He went over the twig one more time and then made his way quickly to the brush.

And he climbed and climbed and you could tell he was having a great time.

And then…

He spread his wings and let go…

He started to fly

No Spot took in everything his teachers had taught him, he practiced and he made it his own.

And then he took it one step further….

He surpassed his teachers and he soared.

And this, my friends, is my prayer and intention for each of you…

May you take all that you can from this report and from anything and everything that the teachers who cross your path can offer you.

May you make it your own….

May you SOAR