
Johnny Campbell @socialtalent [email protected]

By completing the Social Talent Black Belt in

Internet Recruitment training course, proving you

are proficient in Personal Branding, Understanding

Social Networks, Employer Branding, Networking

and Engaging with Candidates, Job Advertising,

Boolean Search Basics, LinkedIn Sourcing, Social

Sourcing, and Expert Sourcing, we officially award

you with a Black Belt certificate. you with a Black Belt certificate.

Official Signature: ...........................................

Online Training

Things that High Performing Recruiters do that others don’t

•How they Search •Where they Search •How they Engage •How they are Perceived •What they Prioritise5

17 per day

52 per day

1. How they Search

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Creating sourcing microsteps 8 sourcing microsteps grouped into 4 action items � Candidate Identification

1. Pipeline 2. To Be Contacted

� Candidate Connection 3. Contacted

� Candidate Engagement 4. Requested More Info 5. Candidate Not Interested 6. Application Received 7. Rejected by Sourcer

� Screening & Submissions 8. Candidate Submitted





Courtesy: @TheBalazs1. How they Search

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I C E S If C/I is lower... � Too many non-contacted candidates

� Building pipeline? � Conduct talent mapping? � Realized late mismatched profiles? � Unsure about candidate profile? � Misunderstanding/lack of clarity of the job profile? � Need to recap on Vacancy Intake?


1. How they Search

1. How they Search

1 High Performing Recruiters construct more accurate, well-crafted searches!

1. How they Search

2 per day

11 per day

2. Where they Search

social networksWhich

are Sourcers using?Whilst it is no surprise that nearly every Sourcer is using LinkedIn, nearly half are missing out on Twitter’s 500m HJ[P]L�WYVÄSLZ��VUS`�H�[OPYK�HYL�leveraging the 1.25 Billion people using Facebook and 77% arecompletely ignoring the 1 billion WYVÄSLZ�VU�.VVNSL���

Is it simply a lack of knowledge on how to use these tools properly?


55% 52%37%


Global Sourcing Survey 5Social Talent | Alexander Mann Solutions

2. Where they Search

High Performing Recruiters are Multi-Source Recruiters2

2. Where they Search


3. How they Engage

How are Sourcersengaging with passivecandidates?






39% 29% 42%

37% 27%23%


Connect Connect Connect

EMEA APAC North America


Most Sourcers either send an InMail or add a passive candidate as a Connection PU�VYKLY�[V�ÄYZ[�LUNHNL�^P[O�them. ����NV�ÄUK�HU�LTHPS�HKKYLZZ��whilst only 6% pick up the phone to try and reach them. This is stunning considering how important personal communication is in engaging potential talent.

0U�(ZPH�7HJPÄJ��^OLYL�:V\YJLYZ�HYL�much more likely to be using a Free LinkedIn Account, with no InMails, it’s much more likely that they will add ZVTLVUL�HZ�H�JVUULJ[PVU�HZ�H�ÄYZ[�point of contact.

Global Sourcing Survey 8Social Talent | Alexander Mann Solutions





Less than 10%

Between 10% and 20%

Between 20% and 40%

More than 40%

What is a Sourcer’s average YLZWVUZL�rate from talent they ÄUK�VU� ?


that they reach out to. 16% of Sourcers report such

poor response rates that they would have to reach

out to 40 people to get four replies!

Regionally, :V\YJLYZ�PU�,4,(�YLWVY[�[OL�ILZ[�YLZWVUZL�YH[LZ�^P[O�:V\YJLYZ�PU�(ZPH�7HJPÄJ�reporting the lowest.

10Social Talent | Alexander Mann Solutions Global Sourcing Survey

3. How they Engage

- HIGH (> 40%) - MEDIUM (20-40%) - VERY LOW (<10%)- LOW (10-20%)

ConnectWhat are the average response rates by medium for candidates you ÄUK�VU� ?

When we analysed the data on how Sourcers primarily engaged with passive candidates we found striking differences in their average response rates.

>OPSL�ZLUKPUN�HU�0U4HPS�^HZ�KLÄUP[LS`�IL[[LY�[OHU�HKKPUN�someone as a connection, sending an email performed even better. However, the majority of :V\YJLYZ�^OV�WPJR�\W�[OL�WOVUL�[V�ÄYZ[�LUNHNL�^P[O�WHZZP]L�[HSLU[��YLWVY[�YLZWVUZL�YH[LZ�TVYL�[OHU�KV\ISL�[OHU�[OH[�VM�HU`�V[OLY�TLKP\T��

This reinforces the need for Sourcers to have traditional phone skills to complement their online search skills.













11Social Talent | Alexander Mann Solutions Global Sourcing Survey3. How they Engage

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I C E S If E/C is lower... � Too many non-replied/non-engaged candidates

� Contacted non-relevant profiles? � Using not good enough email/phone content? � Lack of call to action? � Overdose? Credibility issue? � Country specific? � Other reasons (e.g. holiday season)?


High Performing Recruiters use more than one method to engage talent3

3. How they Engage

Less than 500 501-2,000 2,001-10,000




How manyLinkedInconnections

Considering the importance of having a strong network, it’s surprising that ����VM�:V\YJLYZ�OH]L�SLZZ�[OHU�����JVUULJ[PVUZ on LinkedIn.

Most Sourcers (53%) have between 501 and 2,000 LinkedIn connections, but Sourcers in EMEA are twice as likely to have in excess of [OL�PSS\ZP]L������JVUULJ[PVUZ than their Asia 7HJPÄJ�JV\U[LYWHY[Z�HUK�HYL�^LSS�HOLHK�VM�L]LU�North American Sourcers.

However, North American Sourcers are 33% more likely to be super-connectors (>2,000 connections) than their European counterparts.

does the averageSourcer have?

Global Sourcing Survey 7Social Talent | Alexander Mann Solutions

Hi Johnny, Your experience with Social Talent over the last 4 years really made you jump off the page when I viewed your profile...

4. How they are Perceived

Members with >2,000 connections report response rates 10X better than those with <500 connections

Robert Cialdini: 6 Key Principles of Influence

High Performing Recruiters invest in their Personal Brand & Network4

4. How they are Perceived

5. What they Prioritise

5. What they Prioritise






5. What they Prioritise

5. What they Prioritise

High Performing Recruiters put the Candidate first….always!5

5. What they Prioritise @socialtalent

By completing the Social Talent Black Belt in

Internet Recruitment training course, proving you

are proficient in Personal Branding, Understanding

Social Networks, Employer Branding, Networking

and Engaging with Candidates, Job Advertising,

Boolean Search Basics, LinkedIn Sourcing, Social

Sourcing, and Expert Sourcing, we officially award

you with a Black Belt certificate. you with a Black Belt certificate.

Official Signature: ...........................................

Online Training
