Page 1: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ



Page 2: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONII. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ A. The place of obedience in the process of salvation 2 extremes

A. Legalism : B. Antinomianism:- Salvation by obedience - Salvation by grace- Result: spt. Pride eg. Pharisees


Page 3: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSION C. Salvation by Grace

1. Eph. 2:8, 9: a. Saved by grace through faith (v. 8) b. Created in Cht. For Good work (v. 10) 2. Ps. 119:146 - “Save my that I may observe” (v. 134) obey Ez. 11:19, 20 Salvation Obedience Root fruit


Page 4: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSION D. The example of Jesus:

1. John 14:30 – “The prince of this world has

nothing in me”

2. DA. 123: - “There was in Him nothing that

responded to Satan's sophistry.”

- CHT's humanity was united with His divinity; He

was fitted for the conflict by the indwelling of the


- So long as we are united to Him by faith, Sin has no

more dominion over us

Illus. Bluebirds: A new song

3. Let us live in tune with God


Page 5: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSION C. Salvation by Grace 5. Obedience: A response of gratitude Ps. 116:12 - “What shall I render unto The Lord for All His Bounty to Me” cf. Ps. 103: 1 – 5 1. Forgiveness 2. Healing 3. Daily Provision


Page 6: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSION C. Salvation by Grace 5. Obedience: A response of gratitude 1. v. 13 – I will pray – worship Our time (Ex. 20:8 – 11) 2. v.14 – I will pay – Tithe and offering Our Money (Lev. 27:30)


Page 7: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONB. Contrast Between

Justification - Rome 3 Sanctification - Rome 6

1 God's saving activity to deliver man fr. The guilt & penalty of sin by death of CHT on the cross

- Rom. 6:23 – Wages of sin – death John 5:24, 25 – Death life

God's saving activity to deliver man fr. the power/dominance of sin by the indwelling of CHT in the heart

- Rome 6:6 – Power to enslave Illus: drug, alcohol, gambling - John 8:32 – Truth...make you free - Romans 1:16, 17 – power: “Dynamos”

2 What Christ did for us 2000 yrs ago (Past)

What Christ is doing in us now (Present


Page 8: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONB. Contrast Between

Justification - Rome 3 Sanctification - Rome 6

3 God reconciling us to Himself Legally (Forensic)

- New status: Saint Rom. 1:7; 1 Cor. 1:2

God reconciling us to Himself Experimentally

- New nature: New creation 2 Cor. 5:17; Ez. 36:26

4 Justification Causes Sanctification Sanctification: result of Justification

5 Christ Righteousness bestowed Christ righteousness possessed6 Christ Righteousness: imputed

Reckoned Accounted Credited- Phil. 1:8 - “Charge to my account”

Christ Righteousness imparted


Page 9: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONJustification - Rome 3 Sanctification - Rome 6

7 Christ coming into our lives - Rev. 3:20: I will come in

Christ dwelling in our lives- Rev. 3:20 – And Eat gr. Deipnezo Song: into my heart - Guest >< tenant

- Gal. 2:20 Rev. 3:20: I will come

8 Our title to heaven - Passport

Our fitness for heaven - visa

9 God's power of forgiveness

Turning point

Growth in holiness

State of Holiness Process


Page 10: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONB. Contrast BetweenJustification - Rome 3 Sanctification - Rome 6

10 Died to sin- Romans 6:2

Walk I the newness of life - Romans 6:4

11 Examples a. The publican: Lk. 18 b. Thief on the cross: Lk. 23 c. Isaiah: Isa. 6

Examples: a. Paul: Gal. 2:20 b. Enoch walk with God for 300 yrs. Gen. 5: c. Noah walked with God Gen.


Page 11: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSION C. The essence of salvation: Dependent Rel.

1. The consequence of sin - Broken Rel. 2. The result of justification - Restored Rel. 3. The result of sanctification - Maintained Rel.

Accept Christ



B.C. A.D.


Broken(Isa. 59:2)Separated

Maintained(John 15:4)Abide in me


Page 12: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONHow to maintain relationship with God 1. Prayer: 1 Thes. 5:17 – Pray without ceasing Illus: Hotline: no answering machine Emergency Exit 2. Bible Study: Acts 17:10 – 11: Daily John 8:31, 32 – Continue in my word Ps. 119:9 - 11


Page 13: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONI. Justification B. “All men have sinned” - Rome 3:23 1. What is sin a. 1 John 3:4 - “Transgression of Law” - A state of lawlessness b. Isa. 59:2 – separation fr. God


Page 14: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONI. Justification B. “All men have sinned” - Rome 3:23 2. The result of sin a. Isa. 59:2 – Separtion fr. God b. Rome 6:23 – Death (The 2nd death) Illus: sin = Quagmire (Quicksand)


Page 15: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ


Eve Achan David

Gen. 3:6 Joshua 7:21 2 Sam. 11:2 - 4

1st 2nd 3rd








Page 16: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ


The meaning of Justification 1. Saved from the penalty of sin by the

death of Christ


Page 17: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ


Result of Justification: a. New status: we are legally declined

righteous John 5:24, 25 – Have passed fr. death to life


Page 18: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSION*When does eternal life begin?

1. John 5:24, 25 2. 1 Tim. 6:12 3. John 3:36 4. 1 John 3:14, 15

DA. 331: “As through Jesus we enter into rest, heaven begins here. We respond to His invitation, Come, learn of Me, and in thus coming we begin the life eternal.”* 1st death = Sleep (50x)


Page 19: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

Note 2: * BC – Before we accepted Christ

- Our status – Condemned criminal - Guilty criminal under the capital sentence awaiting to be executed


Page 20: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

Note 2: * AC – After we accept Christ

- Our status changed – Acquitted - Criminal → Saint - Eternal life starts “Quality” - “Quantity” -EG. The Publican: Lk. 18:9 – 14 The thief on the cross: Lk. 23:43 Illus: Dr. Subandrio 20

Page 21: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ


Result of Justification: b. The new nature: we are made

Righteous 1. Paul: a new creation -2 Cor. 5:17 2. Paul: transformed - Rom. 12:1 - 3 gr. Metamorphosis Worm → butterfly


Page 22: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSION 3. Ezekiel - A new heart - Ez. 36:26

4. Peter – Partakers of divine Nature – 2 Peter 1:4 5. Jesus: New Birth – John 3:5Ed. 126: The creative energy that called the worlds into existence is in the word of God. This word imparts power; it begets life. Every command is a promise; accepted by the will, received into the soul, it brings with it the life of the Infinite One. It transforms the nature and re-creates the soul in the image of God. eg. Saul → Paul


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Before Christ After Christ

6 HopelessJer. 13:23

Illus. Quicksand

Assured2 Tim. 4:6 - 8


Page 24: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

CONCLUSION: Philemon: Paul – Onesimus

Samuel: Abigail- Nabal John 1:29 LS. Yesus Telah Bayar Hutang Dosaku


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God's promise: 1. 1 John 1:9 - Confess 2. Pro. 28:13 – Forsake Illus. David: Ps. 51 Prodigal son: Lk. 15 Isa. 1:8 Isa. 43:25Note: Restitution: Ex.22:1 Ez. 33:14 Zacheus



Page 26: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

DISCUSSIONII. The lives of the NT believers (2)

B. The conviction to return 1. Attitudes and actions led the

prodigal to decide to return home 2. Principle of revival and reformation


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CONCLUSION: 2. Dwell more on this idea of working out

your own salvation with “fear and trembling.”


Page 28: THE 3-D OF SALVATION 1. DISCUSSION II. Sanctification: God's saving act in delivering (Penyucian) man fr. the power of sin by the indwelling of Christ

CONCLUSION: 3. Forgiveness precede reformation