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Our Creator is an Awesome God


JUNE 2010

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CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE Theme: Our Creator Is An AWESOME God Pastor Paul ···················································································· 1 True Faith Invested Is Trust Outreach Board ··············································································· 2 June Altar Flowers ··········································································· 4 A Letter To God Luther Home 25th Annual Golf Scramble New Director & Assistant Director of Worship & Music ··························· 5 New Beth Moore Bible Study Ecumenical Bereavement Support Group ············································· 6 “Complicated Grief” Response Letter From Bishop Lohrmann ············································· 7 Food For Thought ············································································· 8 “Financial Tips From Thrivent” June Designated Benevolences ·························································· 9 Designated Benevolences Received in April Announcements & News ································································· 10 Baptisms Weddings Membership Transfers Contributions A Note of Appreciation July Newsletter Deadline Date Healing Service LCR MAT Habitat Build Military & Family Support Group June New Member Orientation

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OUR CREATOR IS AN AWESOME GOD 1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. 6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;

you put everything under his feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 9 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:1-9

1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.

In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, 5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. 6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat. 14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:1-6, 14

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Health Matters

Paul Doerfler, R.N., Pastor of Congregational Care

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” PR 3:5-8 Perhaps you heard about the third-grader who attends an elementary school in Texas and was given a week’s detention recently. She was to be separated from the other students during lunch and recess the entire following week, ending on Friday. Her “crime” ? She was guilty of simply possessing a piece of candy which a fellow classmate had given her at lunch time. Needless to say the child’s parents were quite upset when their 10 year old came home in tears and reported the situation to them. They quickly sized the whole thing up as being absolutely ridiculous and a very hurtful thing for their daughter to have experienced. The girl’s mother initially counseled her daughter that this was an unfortunate lesson, at a very young age, in how unfair life can sometimes be. School officials reportedly were busy defending their harsh sentence that week. Both the school’s principal and superintendent informed the child’s parents that they were merely complying with a state law that limits junk food in Texas schools. The school superinten-dent said they were abiding by a guideline that banned “minimal nutrition” foods. “Whether or not I agree with the guidelines,” he added, “we have to follow the rules.” I don’t know how this situation will finally be resolved, but as I tried to understand it I was constantly reminded of how messed up our lives quickly become when our pattern for dealing with life circumstances finds us relying solely on our own understanding of things. Blinders go on. Common sense goes out the door. God is often left out of key considera-tions and decisions. Undoubtedly these school officials believed they were being wise in their own eyes. But it was revealed that their decision making in this situation was being driven primarily by a fear of losing government money for the school, if they did not follow “nutrition laws.” That became their bottom line standard and turned into the blinders which they wore when, in my view, they unhealthily dealt with this child and her parents in this circum-stance. As Christians we believe that obedient faith in God and living in Christian community helps provide us with that additional wisdom we sorely need for good health, as the scripture above points out. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, promises to guide us in our life journeys regardless of difficulties, hindrances, or competing values and influences. May this story and the above scripture be a reminder to you, as it has been for me, to always include the Lord in each circumstance of your life. He wants to be there even in the midst of the seeming trivia. He desires to be wise counsel for you. He promises straighter roads and better health as a result. Test Him and see!

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Outreach Board: Providing local “Showing God’s love outreach opportunities through you “ for individuals Outreach Board Co-Directors: Sue Schad (893-2330), Sharon Taylor (893-3827) Great Food for All

This food program is available for all families and individuals who want to S-T-R-E-T-C-H their food dollar. The “Basic Food Box” is loaded with enough food to feed a family of four for a week or so and an individual for a month. It is provided for $30. Other special boxes are also available for order in addition

to the Basic Food Box. Food orders are placed at a local site (Maumee Senior Center on Detroit Avenue is the closest site for us) during the first of each month. Orders are pre-paid with cash, money orders, food stamps, debit card, Visa or MC. A receipt is issued. On a pre-determined Saturday morning, customers bring their receipt and pick up their order. Basic food box contents change every month and are available for viewing at Is there a catch? No! Are there any fees involved? No! Are you locked into ordering each month? No! This program is in the business of providing food to individuals and families at a reasonable price. All the food is purchased from nationally known manufacturers and would have a retail value of $60 - $80. If you are interested, see the current host list, phone numbers and call information on the Outreach Bulletin Board in the Gathering Space. July 4th Holiday Baskets As the school year begins to wind down, the Outreach Board begins to look toward the United States' July 4th birthday celebration. Our holiday baskets allow our struggling families a chance to enjoy the holiday, too. So, we are planning our July 4th Holiday Basket distribution on Saturday, June 26th and need volunteers to help us pick the food at Kazmaier’s Market on Holland Drive, sort the food into baskets, and help deliver the food to families without transportation. We begin about 8:15 am in the church basement and our families and deliveries begin about 9:30 am. If you can help us with any of these tasks, contact Sue (893-2330) or Sharon (893-3827) before the above date. God’s Storehouse (St. Paul’s Food Pantry) As prices and food have risen lately and times have gotten harder, our families


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have struggled to make ends meet. We’ve helped many families with the God’s Storehouse non-perishables you’ve donated to help them bridge the gaps between paydays. We could use these items to stock our shelves: canned tuna, chicken, or beef, pasta products like ravioli, macaroni and cheese, Spaghetti-O’s, and Bee-faroni, condiments like mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, relish, pickles, and canned juices, Bisquick, Tuna or Hamburger Helper, cereals, peanut butter, jelly, soups, baked beans, and canned fruit like pineapple, peaches, fruit cocktail, and pears. Other items like dish soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, laundry detergent, aspirin, deodorant, lotions toilet paper, towels, feminine products, bar soap, and shampoo are also needed. If you are shopping and think of it, buy two and donate one to God’s Storehouse. We thank you, in advance, for your generosity! Please place your donations in the turquoise bins located at each entrance in the Gathering Space/Narthex. We especially thank the congregation for their generosity for continuously donating food and other items to God’s Storehouse. We are truly grateful for the outpour-ing of caring for others in need. “Hannah’s Socks” “Warm Feet Because of Warm Hearts”

(socks and undergarments collection) We want to thank everyone who donated socks or underwear for our collection. We received quite a collection which will go to helping others. Thank you! We’d like to especially thank Andrea Penzinski for the terrific idea and for all the hard work she put into this project!!! From Sue and Sharon We would like to thank St. Paul’s congregation for their monetary support of our many projects. One of the dearest projects to our hearts is helping with Salem Lu-theran’s many food programs. The monetary support we are able to give, BECAUSE OF YOU, to Salem Lutheran’s feeding programs helps with the weekly AGAPE meals for struggling folks as well the their “Feed Your Neighbor” food pan-try. We make a difference for about 750 people a week who are helped with either a hot meal or groceries. Thank you for your help and caring! The Outreach Board would like to thank the anonymous St. Paul’s members who are continually contributing items, monetary gifts, or time for our ministries. We are so honored to be the “visible” face of St. Paul’s for the local families we help, but we would like to express our gratitude to all of you who are always helping out without any kind of recognition.

The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of those brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.” (Matthew 25: 40)


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JUNE ALTAR FLOWERS 6 Harlan & Lois Billow in loving memory of their daughter, Joannie 13 In honor of Barb & Norm Steagall’s 50th wedding anniversary from their daughters with love, Stacey & Jodi 20 To the glory of God in loving memory of Ted & Donna Harms from their family Joan Travis in memory of her father 27 Norm & Barb Steagall in memory of loved ones Harlan & Lois Billow in honor of their 55th wedding anniversary

OPEN ALTAR FLOWER DATES: July 11, 18 and August 1, 8, 22, 29

A LETTER TO GOD Dear Lord, Most everyone remembers the bumper sticker that read: No God. No Peace; Know God, Know Peace. Father, it just can't get any plainer than that, can it? All You asked us, Your people, to do was to be obedient. And when we were, we experi-enced real peace. When we were disobedient, we experienced the discipline we deserved. Father, how much longer is it going to take for us to repent? Time and time again You told us that's what we need to do. "......if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, (repent, repent) then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Your servant Marilyn Pryka

LUTHER HOME OF MERCY 25TH ANNUAL GOLF SCRAMBLE WHEN: Friday, August 20, 2010 AT 8:30 AM (Shotgun Start) PLACE: Chippewa Golf Club, 23550 State Route 579, Curtice, OH COST: $ 65.00 per golfer (includes golf fees, golf cart, continental breakfast and lunch, and prizes) Proceeds from the outing will be used to purchase appliances for the three new Schleicher Family Care Homes being constructed in Toledo and Sylvania. Entry forms are in the Narthex. You can also register online Questions? Call 419-725-5188 or email [email protected]


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Director of Worship/Music search is over! Please welcome Dennis Johns as our new Director of Worship/Music. Dennis has been helping us for the past 6 months in many musical ministry areas. He has a Masters of Music in piano performance from BGSU and has served the last 14 years at Toledo Christian School as the Choir Director for the Junior High and High Schools. He also taught Bible Class in the Junior High and coached numerous sports. He is married to Amy Johns, Music Director at Notre Dame Academy and is the father of 3 children. Dennis will begin full-time on August 1st. We also welcome back to our staff, Jeanne O'Donnell, as our part-time Music As-sistant. We look forward to this talented team working together. Please take time to welcome them to our Music Ministry.

NEW BIBLE STUDY Beth Moore - Book of Esther, "It's Tough Being a Woman", will run beginning July for 10 weeks. If you have ever felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed overpowering, this bible study is for you. This portion of God's word contains treasures to aid us in our hurried, harried, and pressured lives. Please call Terry Kolbow 419-893-4250 to sign up before Sunday June 13th. Indi-cate the day/times you would NOT be available for this 2-hour study, which in-cludes small group discussion time for homework. Day/time choices include Sunday 11 am, Sunday 6 pm, Monday 6 pm, Tues 6 pm, Wed 6 pm, or Thurs 6 pm. We will choose a day/time that works for the most women, and also works for the other activities going on in the church. Workbook will cost $16 and can be picked up the two Sundays before the study begins in the Gathering Space, before and after the 9:30 service.


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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2:30 PM — 4:00 PM

St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Parish Holy Family Center — Crites Room

4210 Heatherdowns Blvd. Toledo, OH


Speaker: Cynthia Schroeder, LPCC

Licensed Counselor at Hospice NW Ohio

Losing a loved one is one of the most distressing and common experiences people face. But it can take intense forms which may

surprise us when it becomes unresolved grief. Moving forward with our own life is most important to move toward the sacred space of healing.

Our mission is to offer support to people who are grieving the death of a loved one. With caring support, we provide spiritual, emotional, and social comfort.

Contact: Rita Hoff (419) 724-4675

[email protected]

Sponsored by

St. Joseph Parish, St. Rose Parish, St. Paul’s Episcopal, St. Paul’s Lutheran, St. Luke’s Hospital, St. Joan of Arc,

St. Patrick of Heatherdowns


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Response Letter From Bishop Lohrmann

Witnessing together to God's creative and redeeming Word to all the world.

May 3, 2010 Ms. Jeanne Crossen, Secretary St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church 112 East Wayne Street Maumee, Ohio 43537 Dear Secretary Crossen, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I want to acknowledge with regret the receipt of a "Certificate of Resolution" in which you verify that on April 25, 2010, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church voted by a percentage of 85% to terminate its relationship with the Evangelical Lu-theran Church in America and to affiliate with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ. Because I have been asked to preach at St. Paul's on Sunday, May 2, the effective date of the termination of this relationship will be Monday, May 3, 2010. While I am saddened by this decision, I hope and pray that St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Northwestern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church will continue to pray and work for the unity in the Body of Christ for which our Lord Jesus prayed (John 17). To that end, St. Paul's Congregation will be in-cluded in the Prayers of the Church as the Northwestern Ohio Synod meets in As-sembly, May 13-15. We also invite your prayers. The peace of the Lord be with you. Bishop Marcus C Lohrmann MCL/mlh

N o r t h w e s t e r n O h i o S y n o d


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FOOD FOR THOUGHT Planning and Values

Financial Tips From Thrivent Use your values to guide financial decisions Your values serve as an important foundation for how you manage your money. They’re the things that are most important to you—for example, your faith, family, friends, health, education or giving back. Your values give you a rock-solid sense of who you are and what you believe in. Your values come from experiences in life. They also drive your decisions and ac-tions. For example, if you value your health, you may exercise daily. If you value learning, you may continue your education by attending classes. Developing a clear and compelling list of your values makes it easier to choose how you want to use your time, talents and treasures. When it comes to your money, you have three choices: share save spend As a steward of your resources, having a guideline for how you use your money can be helpful. What’s more, your values can be a clear, consistent guide to who you are and what you want to become. Investing time and energy to define your values and then aligning your actions with your values is a powerful way to achieve your fi-nancial goals and live the life of your dreams. For more information on how your values can help you achieve your financial goals, contact Toledo Area Associates of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, 1070 Commerce Dr., Building 2, Suite 302, Perrysburg, OH, 43551, at 419-874-4378.


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JUNE DESIGNATED BENEVOLENCES 6 Young Life is a mission community of Christ-centered people committed to reaching adolescent youth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Young Life leaders build personal relation ships with young people by sharing their lives and participation with youth in a variety of experiences through which the Gospel can be heard and experienced. Young Life presently has ministries in these area schools: Maumee HS, Perrysburg HS, Rossford HS, Bowser HS, Anthony Wayne HS, Gateway MS, Perrysburg Jr. High and Anthony Wayne MS. 13 Student Mission Travel Fund: Many college and high school students have been blessed with a heart for mission. However, they lack the financial resources that would enable them to participate. This offering would be employed in providing assistance to these students, on a case by case basis, to enable them to follow God’s calling in their lives. 2 Cor. 9:10-14 20 LOMO (Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio) is a ministry of the three Ohio synods of the ELCA. The five unique camps work together serving thousands of people with a variety of year-round programming including: summer camp, day camp, retreats, day events, ser vant events, abundant meeting space for rent, and more. The conveniently located camps include: Camp Frederick in Rogers, Camp Luther on the shores of Lake Erie, Camp Mowana near Mansfield, LOMO Outreach our mobile ministry comes to you, and Lutheran Memorial Camp is in Fulton. LOMO programs are rooted in the mission to provide a time and place apart to experience the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each camp has developed a unique offer ing…a specialty… there is something for everyone. Visit them at or call 1-800-431-LOMO (5666) for a brochure. 27 Campership Outreach Camping and retreat experiences play a major role in faith develop ment. St. Paul’s recognizes the importance of providing youth and adults with many oppor tunities to participate in a week-long retreat. We encourage member and non-member to attend Lutheran Memorial Camp throughout the summer, Confirmation Camp in June, Young Life Camp in summer and fall, the 8th grade trip in July, Family Camp in July or August. Since St. Paul’s reaches into the community, we provide scholarships for 50% of the costs and, on occasion, even more for families not able to attend without greater financial assis tance. Many scholarships are for families outside of our church.

DESIGNATED BENEVOLENCES RECEIVED IN APRIL 2010 Double Arc $ 641.00 Maumee Clothing Outreach $ 691.00 Holiday Baskets $ 742.00 Young Life $ 536.00 TOTAL RECEIVED IN APRIL $ 2,610.00


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ANNOUNCEMENTS & NEWS BAPTISMS Carter Dale Bluhm, son of Brian & Betsy Bluhm Carson York, son of Robert & Virginia York Gwenith Hall, daughter of Kelly & Shelley Hall Jackson McCarthy, son of Daniel & Jennifer McCarthy WEDDINGS June 25 — Daniel Smeltzer & Jamie Peters June 27 — Rick Kirby & Linda Perry MEMBERSHIPS — TRANSFER OUT: Virginia Schad Alma Hartman Dismissed by Request: Dennis Parish Craig Knowle Michael, Cynthia, Elizabeth, Hannah & Rachel Tippett CONTRIBUTIONS In memory of Carl Sass Joe Stahl & Dani Dinkelacker Walt & Bettie Barrett Eleanor Sonntag Carl & Jenny Christensen Jim & Herma Christensen Marcia Ruegsegger Noval & Carol Kohlhorst Marilyn Pryka, in memory of James McClellan WITH GRATEFUL APPRECIATION A note of thanks to Pastor Roger and Pastor Paul for their faithfulness in visiting me during my many months with health problems. Their prayers and support as well as the prayers of the prayer teams within the congregation were heard, and God has answered as I have made a remarkable recovery. I am grateful for the many thoughtful and encouraging cards and get well notes and a special visit from Karen Cothren when I was in ICU. I feel sure that God is watching as St. Paul's family ministers to one another. Thanks be to God. Homer Breault July Communicator deadline: June15 at 8:00 A.M. Submissions received by the deadline will be included. HEALING SERVICE: June 20 and July 18 at 7:00 PM at The Vineyard 210 E. South Boundary in Perrysburg—Call 419-874-4808 LCR MAT Sponsoring Project with Habitat for Humanity St Paul's will be working with Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity to supply funds and volunteers to help rebuild a home in the Spencer Township area. We will be adding a basement and fifth bed-room to an existing home. This is the same area we have worked in for the past 4 years. Con-struction will begin sometime after July 4th. Please watch for details in bulletins or call Jeanne Crossen (419.866.0100) if interested in participating. MILITARY & THEIR FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP We ask that anyone who has a friend, neighbor or family member serving in Iraq or Afghanistan to kindly supply complete mailing address so that care packages and correspondence can be sent. Additionally, if there is any assistance and or support needed by the family left home please do not hesitate to let us know. This information can be forwarded to myself at 419-290-5369 or [email protected]. NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION New Member Recognition is scheduled for June 20 during the 9:30 service. New Member Orienta-tion takes place 10:45 AM in Conference Room 1. Please remember to mark your calendars. If you are interested in becoming part of the St. Paul’s family, please call Karen in the church office 893-0205, X110.

