Page 1: Thankful for Truth! - Chosen People Ministries that deals with “hidden knowledge”having to do ... The esoteric (hidden) wisdom of ... Judaism 101 – good site for fundamentals



Volume X, Issue 9 November 2004

Meeting the Challenge of the “New Age” • There’s Kabbalah – andThere’s Kabbalah • The Trinity of Hell – Revelation Chapter 13



Thankful for Truth!

Exposingthe modernKabbalahmovement

Page 2: Thankful for Truth! - Chosen People Ministries that deals with “hidden knowledge”having to do ... The esoteric (hidden) wisdom of ... Judaism 101 – good site for fundamentals

I have no doubt that many of therestless souls who are drawn to theNew Age movement in its variousmanifestations are sincerely seekingafter truth.

That is why we at Chosen PeopleMinistries earnestly pray forencounters with such folks.And thatis why we must be, as the ApostlePaul exhorts us to be, “prepared forevery good work” (2 Timothy 2:21).We need the wisdom of God andwe need information, so that wemay answer those who are seekingin the wrong places for rightanswers. In short, we must makesure that we believers understandmovements like these so we can allbe more effective witnesses for theMessiah—not only to the Jewishpeople, but also to the increasingnumber of Gentiles who areattracted to such things as well.

Join Us in PrayerIt is easy to underrate the effect of

New Age thinking. It not onlyshapes the thoughts of those whofollow it, but it also has become apervasive force in our culture.Thelatest spike in interest in Kabbalahand other forms of Jewish mysticismis only the tip of the iceberg.Anything that stands in the way of aclear understanding of the Gospeland our need for it is bad.

We covet your prayers and praythat you will be strong in the Lordas you help shoulderthe burden of bringingthe light of the Gospelinto the arena ofspiritual darkness.

Your brother,


Dr. Mitch GlaserPresident

Chosen People Ministries –

Meeting theChallenge of the

“New Age”

2 The Chosen People

The Book of Ecclesiastes tells usthat there is nothing new under thesun (1:9).This is particularly true ofreligious fads.Whenever you hear ofthe next new spiritual “flavor of themonth,” you can be pretty sure it’sjust a jazzed up version ofsomething that has been herebefore.To complicate matters, theworship that used to be aimed atidols of stone or wood has beenredirected toward walking, talkingcelebrities. So, when a John Travoltaor Nicole Kidman embracesScientology, you can be sure thatothers will follow like lemmings.How can we work to stem the tideof these misguided notions?

The latest headline-grabbing,celebrity-fueled fad is thefascination with the Jewish strain ofmysticism called Kabbalah, whichmay be loosely translated as“received tradition.” This body ofteaching and literature, much of

which dates from the Middle Ages,has been blended with New Ageteaching to make it the newest hipspiritual cocktail for the “NowGeneration.”

The question is: what, ifanything, should Chosen PeopleMinistries do about it? It is mysincere hope that the articles youwill find here will help you tounderstand the challenges andopportunities that spring from thisburgeoning trend.

Staying on the Cutting Edge

Actually, I have to chuckle a bitas I write these words. I can recallthe foolishness of my own youngerdays.All kidding aside, there werethings I tried out that were every bitas dangerous. But the Lord lookedinto my heart and knew that it wasreally Him whom I was seeking.

Page 3: Thankful for Truth! - Chosen People Ministries that deals with “hidden knowledge”having to do ... The esoteric (hidden) wisdom of ... Judaism 101 – good site for fundamentals

Have you heard aboutMadonna’s recent visit toIsrael? It was well covered ina New York Times story datedSeptember 20, where she isquoted as saying,“I’m hereas a student of Kabbalah….A kabbalist believes that he

or she has the responsibility to makethe world a better place.” *

Traveling as the featured attractionamong 2,000 members of the LosAngeles Kabbalah Center who touredIsrael during the High Holy Days,Madonna was the object of so muchadulation that she was unable to move

freely enough to visit most of the holy sites she hadintended to see. The story goes on to say that she took partin Kabbalah sessions in her hotel’s conference room,“whichwas converted into a synagogue, with segregated men’s andwomen’s sections.”

As may be expected, her presence touched off afirestorm of controversy.* The word Kabbalah has a number of spellings, including Cabala and Qabalah

� � � � � � � � �

The Kabbalah Center, the organization with whichMadonna is associated, has come under fire from a numberof Jewish authorities seeking to distance it from“mainstream” Judaism. Stephanie Garber, writing for theCleveland Jewish News, quotes Rabbi Daniel Olgin: “Thebottom line regarding the Kabbalah Center is that it is a ‘New-Agey distortion’ of Judaism.…Hollywood stars simply make amockery of Judaism…”

Yitzhak Kadouri, a well-known teacher of Kabbalah, putit bluntly in a recent interview in the Israeli newspaper,Maariv: “It is forbidden to teach a non-Jew Kabbalah.”TheKabbalah Center says otherwise, claiming that Kabbalah isopen to all.

What’s it all about? What is Kabbalah, anyway—and whyall the fuss?

The Meaning and History of KabbalahThe Hebrew word Kabbalah means “what has been

handed down.” In other words, Kabbalah is a tradition—and one of a certain type. Perhaps it helps to think of

Judaism as a river that branches off into many streams. Oneof those streams is Kabbalah—the stream of mysticalteaching that deals with “hidden knowledge” having to dowith the “concealed” meaning of the Torah (Jewish Law).

Tracing its roots to the Gnostic teachings of the firstcentury—and perhaps even earlier—modern Kabbalahonly dates back to the twelfth century, to the Sefer Bahir(Book of the Brilliant Light) and the Sefer Zohar (Book ofSplendor), written a century later.There are a number of“schools” of Kabbalah, each of which draws upon aparticular body of teachings or the work of somecharismatic figure.

The knowledge of Kabbalah, which dwells in part onthe secret meaning of numerical combinations hidden inthe Hebrew texts, has been a legitimate, althoughperipheral, part of the Jewish world for hundreds of years.The father of modern scholarship on the subject ofKabbalah was Gershom Scholem (1897-1982).

Born in Berlin, Scholem was educated in the Germanuniversities and immigrated to Israel in 1922, where helater became Professor Emeritus at Hebrew University. Heproduced a formidable body of academic work, much ofwhich was devoted to Jewish mysticism. Scholem treatedhis subject as an historian and was careful to place it intothe context of other Jewish religious and historicaldevelopments.

Kabbalah and the “New Age”Kabbalah, therefore, is certainly nothing new. However,

what is new is the recent phenomenon of detaching it fromthe rest of Judaism and treating it as a hobby to be dabbledin and combined with New Age teachings.

In a way, this ought not to be surprising. In a culturethat exalts “spirituality” and scorns “religion,” Kabbalah isripe for the plucking. Its fascinating symbols,such as the red string bracelet (said to ward offthe “evil eye”), exert a powerful attraction.Besides, the thrill of getting in on “forbidden”knowledge has always been the allure of theoccult. Unfortunately, confused spiritualseekers may be getting more than theybargained for!

Careful analysis of the basis ofKabbalistic teaching—particularly in itslatest New Age incarnation— will help usto answer the assertions of the New AgeKabbalists through the revelation of Scripture.

Although Kabbalahworship is popularamong Hollywoodstars, many rabbis

fear they simplymake a mockery of


There’s Kabbalah – and There’s Kabbalah

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Page 4: Thankful for Truth! - Chosen People Ministries that deals with “hidden knowledge”having to do ... The esoteric (hidden) wisdom of ... Judaism 101 – good site for fundamentals


Kabbalah – “Received Tradition.” The esoteric(hidden) wisdom of the Torah handed downthrough the generations.

Ein Sof – Hebrew for “without end.” TheKabbalists’ understanding of God is that He is sotranscendent and holy that He cannot have anydirect contact with the created universe.

Sefirot – “Emanations.” The Sefirot correspond toqualities of God, through which the Ein Sof

interacts with the universe. These qualities areoften found arranged in a hierarchical patterncalled the “Tree of Life.” They are, in descendingorder, Keter (the crown), Chochmah (wisdom),Binah (intuition, understanding), Chesed (mercy)or Gedulah (greatness), Gevurah (strength),Tiferet (glory), Netzach (victory), Hod (majesty),Yesod (foundation) and Malkut (sovereignty).

Tikkun – “Repair.” Kabbalah asserts that the lightof God that was contained in the vessels of thelower sefirot was so powerful that it shatteredthem. The 288 “sparks” of life that were scatteredas a result are the substance of the “lower” worlds.They must be regathered, and this is theredemptive work to which humanity is called.

Luria, Isaac (1534-1572) – Born in Jerusalem,Luria was the founder of a new school in Kabbalah.He relocated to Safed, a center of Jewish mysticism,where he became a widely followed leader.

The Zohar (The Book of Splendor) – A greatclassic of Jewish mysticism, it is a mystical commen-tary on the Torah, written in Aramaic. Said to comefrom the second century, Moshe de Leon, a SpanishJew who lived in the thirteenth century, claimed tohave discovered it. However, based on linguisticanalysis, the historian Gershom Scholem thinks itmost likely that de Leon himself was the author.

Sources consulted: – addresses frequently asked questions aboutJudaism – Judaism 101 – good site for fundamentals of Judaism – good presentation of basics, glossary particularlyhelpful

Kabbalah and ScriptureThe heart of Kabbalistic teaching

is the pursuit of secret knowledge.It is the age-old siren song. Learnthe hidden mystery, the voice coos, and you will grasp thesecret of life.

One of the keystone beliefs of Kabbalah is that trueinterpretation of Scripture is based on knowledge that ishidden in the words, letters, numbers, and even the accentmarks contained in the Hebrew Scripture. Only those whopossess the secret key to interpretation may know thesemysteries.

The Scripture, however, proclaims a different story.Thebook of Deuteronomy declares, “For this commandment whichI command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it faroff” (Deuteronomy 30:11).

The New Testament proclaims that Jesus is open toanyone, not just those privy to “hidden knowledge.”TheLord declared, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will besaved, and will go in and out and find pasture…I have come thatthey may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”(John 10:9-10).What could be clearer than His words, “Iam the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Fatherexcept through Me” (John 14:6)?

Combating False TeachingThe temptations of secret, esoteric knowledge were not

unknown to the Apostle Paul.That is why he penned thiswarning to the Colossian fellowship: “Beware lest anyonecheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to thetradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, andnot according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8).

Paul knew that the only mystery worth knowing is nolonger a secret. It is a mystery that has been revealed and isnow available to all: “the preaching of Jesus Christ, according tothe revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began butnow made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made knownto all nations, according to the commandment of the everlastingGod, for obedience to the faith” (Romans 16:25-26).

This is the Light toward which the Kabbalists grope. It isup to believers to be there to help show them the way.

Sources consulted:

The Kabbalah is presented, symbolically, inthe form of The Kabbalistic Tree of Lifesaid to represent the spiritual universe.

The Tree contains ten centers called sefirot, individually sefira,

which are connected by 22

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Page 5: Thankful for Truth! - Chosen People Ministries that deals with “hidden knowledge”having to do ... The esoteric (hidden) wisdom of ... Judaism 101 – good site for fundamentals

Like the popularizers of EasternReligion in the 1960s and1970s, the New Age Kabbalisticteachings tend to focus onwhat “sells” most easily to theconsumer. Here are a few of thecommonly cited principles ofKabbalah and some witnessingtips and Scriptures to help youin your witness.

Witnessing Tip # 1

Stress the accessibility of theScripture in its plain meaning.

The Kabbalists teach: There is a“code” encrypted in the letters ofthe Hebrew Scriptures that, oncedeciphered, reveals the hidden truthof God.

The Scripture says: “For whateverthings were written before were writtenfor our learning, that we through thepatience and comfort of the Scripturesmight have hope” (Romans 15:4).

Witnessing Tip # 2

Stress the authority of theMessiah and His role as the“image of God” among us.

The Kabbalists teach: Everythingthat exists, exists within man. Man isa microcosm of all Creation.This ispart of being created in the “imageof the Divine.”

The Scripture says: “He [Jesus] isthe image of the invisible God, the

firstborn over all creation. For by Him allthings were created that are in heavenand that are on earth, visible andinvisible, whether thrones or dominions orprincipalities or powers.All things werecreated through Him and for Him.AndHe is before all things, and in Him allthings consist” (Colossians 1:15-17).

Witnessing Tip # 3

Stress the “superiority” of theMessiah’s person and Histeaching.

The Kabbalists teach: Kabbalah isthe oldest and most influentialwisdom in all of human history.

The Scripture says: “In thebeginning was the Word [Jesus], and theWord was with God, and the Word wasGod. He was in the beginning withGod.All things were made through Him,and without Him nothing was made thatwas made” (John 1:1-3).

Witnessing Tip # 4

Stress the uniqueness ofMessiah and His ministry.

The Kabbalists teach: The spirituallight of the Zohar banishes all formsof darkness from our world.Thestudy of Kabbalah has influencedAbraham, Moses, Muhammad,Shakespeare, Freud and Jesus.

The Scripture says: “Then Jesusspoke to them again, saying, ‘I am thelight of the world. He who follows Meshall not walk in darkness, but have thelight of life’” (John 8:12).

Witnessing Tip # 5

Stress that faith in Messiah isthe “Way” to eternal life.

The Kabbalists teach: The way tobecome one with the Infinite Beingis to struggle to be moral andspiritual while in this world, amidsta sea of temptations and challenges.

The Scripture says: “Jesus said untohim,‘I am the Way, the Truth, and theLife; no man cometh unto the Father,but by Me’” (John 14:6).

Part of an effective witness is toidentify “points of contact” withthose with whom we are sharing theGospel. Such people are “seekers,”and we should be respectful of them,gently and prayerfully steering themto Messiah.

Although there may be nuggetsof wisdom in Kabbalistic teaching,nothing that deflects us from theauthority of Scripture and our needfor the Messiah should be trusted asa measure of truth.

Sources consulted:

“Kabbalah Made Easy”–

The Kabbalah Center –

November 2004 5

Witnessing Tips:Comparing Kabbalah

and the Scriptures

Witnessing Tips:Comparing Kabbalah

and the Scriptures

Page 6: Thankful for Truth! - Chosen People Ministries that deals with “hidden knowledge”having to do ... The esoteric (hidden) wisdom of ... Judaism 101 – good site for fundamentals

Through Jewish Eyes


“So they worshiped the dragon whogave authority to the beast” (Revelation13:4). From the day of his rebellionagainst God, Satan declared, “… I willbe like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:14).He offered “the kingdoms of theworld” to the Messiah in exchange forworship (Matthew 4:9).The entirescheme and plan of the dragon,recorded in Revelation 13, is to securethe worship of mankind.


This beast arises from the sea andhis description coincides with theantichrist mentioned elsewhere in theBible (See Daniel 7:8; 9:6;

2 Thessalonians 2:8; 1 John 2:22).Thisman is the great deceiver and grandimitator of the Messiah. He is a savagebeast, while Messiah is a sacrificialLamb (Revelation 5:6-9).The beastexperiences a false resurrection(Revelation 13:3), while Christexperienced a true one (Romans 1:4).His symbolic number is six, thenumber of man—created on the sixthday, while the number of Messiah isseven, the number of perfection(Revelation 5:6,12).

Antichrist’s ministry will last threeand a half years (Revelation 13:5), thesame length of time as Christ’sministry on earth.The dragon-deviltotally empowers the antichrist(Revelation 13:4), while Christ wasenergized by God the Father(Matthew 28:18).


ANTI-SPIRIT (Revelation 13:11-18)

On three occasions, this secondbeast is called “the false prophet”(Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10).Whether he is Jewish or Gentileremains a mystery until theTribulation.This false prophet may beseen as the third person of this hellishtrinity. He will lead men into everyerror, while God’s Holy Spirit leadsmen into all the truth (John 16:13).The false prophet glorifies the antichrist (Revelation 13:12), whilethe Holy Spirit glorifies the Savior (John 16:13,14).

Even as the antichrist was an expertin imitating the second person of thetrinity, the second beast will mimicthe ministry of the Holy Spirit. Hecauses fire to come down from heaven(Revelation 13:13), similar toPentecost (Acts 2:3), and places amark on those who worship thedragon (Revelation 13:15,17)—evenas the saved are marked or sealed bythe Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13).


The dragon-devil desires theworship of all whom he can deceivein order to procure their soul’sallegiance. But the believer’s trust is inJesus, our wonderful Messiah, whoclearly stated, “…I am the way, thetruth, and the life. No one comes to theFather except through Me” (John 14:6).

In the final analysis, these are theonly two choices available tohumanity—the road that leads towardthe light and love, or the other thatleads toward darkness and despair.Which road are you on? �


Just as there is a Trinity of heaven, itmay be said there is a “trinity of hell,”exposed in Revelation 13—the dragon,the first beast and the second beast.

b y D a n i e l G o l d b e r g , T h . D . , D . D .

See theBible

6 The Chosen People

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“THIS CAN’T BE JESUS!”The Montreal office received several phone messagesfrom a Jewish man. Someone had placed a copy of The

Chosen People evangelistic newsletter in his mailbox.When our office assistant called him back, she began

to explain more about theMessiah. About thirty minuteslater, they were reading Scripturestogether over the phone. She hadhim read Isaiah 53 aloud to her.Halfway through, he stopped,and said with a nervous laugh,“This can’t be Jesus!” Afterreading through some otherprophecies, he asked to be in

contact on a regular basis. Please pray for this83-year-old Sephardic Jewish man to receive the Lord.

JEWISH COUPLE IN WINNIPEGCOMES TO FAITHThe Lord used Erle Snobel, our staff member inWinnipeg, in a mighty way just before the High HolyDays. He was introduced to Mr. and Mrs. B, a Jewishhusband and wife who were seeking after truth. Erleshared his faith and showed them various Scriptures.He also gave them a Bible and other reading materialand had many people praying. Erle was jubilant tolearn that they both came to faith in Messiah and areregularly attending a Bible study and services at acongregation close to their home.

ISRAELI WOMAN MEETS HER MESSIAHMichael and Lisa Cohen continue their fruitfulministry in Southern California. They shared the loveof Messiah with Rivka,* their Israeli neighbor, byincluding her in their family life and inviting her totheir congregation. Rivka was impressed, and beganseriously counting the cost of placing her faith inMessiah. Then, after a service, she prayed with Michaelto receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Rivkaexperienced the dramatic, life-changing joy and peacethat only the Lord can give. She told the Cohens thateven her family in Israel could hear the change in hervoice over the phone. Please pray that she will growand bear fruit for Messiah!

B R I E F SB R I E F SNEW KNEE LEADS TO NEW LIFEFOR JEWISH THERAPISTRon Baehr, who serves at our office in SouthernFlorida, had a total knee replacement on his left knee.The operation was successful, and physical therapyhelped him to start walking again. During this time,Joseph,* a Jewish man originally from Brooklyn, wasRon’s physical therapist. Every day for two weeks,Joseph visited Ron at home. During this time, Ron hadthe opportunity to share the Gospel with Joseph; andon his last visit, he prayed with Ron to receive theMessiah. Please pray for Joseph, and pray that his wifeand two teenaged children will also come to faith.

MESSIANIC YOUTH CAMP IN SWITZERLANDBRINGS FAITH DECISIONSIgor Swiderski, a studentmissionary at the Moody BibleInstitute, returned home toGermany earlier this year for areunion with his parents (who alsoserve on Chosen People staff).While there, he ministered at aMessianic youth camp held inSwitzerland, and two 17-year-old girls received theMessiah. After camp, many new young peopleattended the congregation that his father, Kyrill, leads.One of those two new believers brought her motherwith her, and she also received the Lord!

MESSIAH ADDS “FAMILY MEMBERS”THROUGH MISSION TRIP TO ISRAELChosen People Ministries’ Klaudia Zhelezny recentlyaccompanied a team from her home congregation inBrooklyn, traveling to Israel to distribute copies of theJesus video. They made nearly 100 visits in the towns ofPetach Tikvah, Nes Tziona, Nazareth and Yavneh.Klaudia reports that many people were open topraying, reading Scripture, or discussing seriousspiritual questions. During their outreach, 14 peoplereceived the Lord. One special blessing was that amongthem were Klaudia’s sister-in-law and her niece! Klaudiaalso organized five Bible studies with new believers, andthe team connected others who were open to the Lordto local congregations and pastors. Praise the Lord!

* Names changed

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The Chosen People NewsletterChosen People Ministries has been taking the love of the Messiah to Jewish people worldwide since 1894.

The Chosen People newsletter is published monthly by Chosen People Ministries. For more information, or to receive The Chosen People newsletter, write to:Chosen People Ministries, International Headquarters, 241 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022. In Canada, write to: Box 897 Station B, North York, ON,M2K 2R1. In Great Britain, write to: PO Box 350, Market Drayton, TF9 3ZP, United Kingdom. In Australia, write to: Celebrate Messiah, PO Box 5006, Glenferrie,South VIC 3122 ( Editor: Zhava Glaser; Staff Writer: Alan Shore; Design: Lois Gable.


Chosen PeopleMinistries inyour will. “I

will bless thosewho bless you.”

(Genesis 12:3)

Chosen People Ministries U.S. Board of Directors: Mr. Gary W. Smith, Chairman • Mr. Roy Adams • Dr. Darrell Bock • Mr. Jeffrey Branman • Ms. Cindy Forbes • Dr. MitchGlaser • Dr. Gregory Hagg • Mr. John Holbrook • Mr. Eugene Johnson • Mr. Tom McHugh • Dr. John L. Pretlove • Dunewood Truglia, Esq. • Mr. David C. Weland

Serving in: Argentina • Australia • Belarus • Canada • Great Britain • France • Germany • Israel • Mexico • Russia • Ukraine • United States

Printed in the USAN0411Visit us on the web at Our Spanish website is ©2004 Chosen People Ministries.

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