Page 1: Thank you News Letter 2017 - · Title: Thank you News Letter 2017 Author: Cosmo Energy Holdings Co.,Ltd. Created Date: 7/7/2017 8:01:57 PM

Thanks to all our cardholders, the Eco Card Fund is now in its 16th year. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all the cardholders who constantly support the fund.

In 2016 the Paris Agreement came into force. This agreement resulted from many countries around the world deciding to undertake efforts to combat climate change. Within Japan also, it is anticipated that society will become increasingly more interested in the global environment.

Since its inception, the Eco Card Fund has addressed the issue of global warming which is a problem shared by both cardholders and our corporate group. We remain steadfast in our commitment to engage in activities emphasising a balance of support for regional economic development and environmental protection in a way that links to fundamental solutions for environmental problems. We will continue as before to make efforts to ful�l the activity policy of the fund and stay �rmly grounded as we undertake these activities while also paying attention to social currents and the views of our cardholders.

I look forward to your continued support.

Message from the Chairperson With thanks to our Eco Cardholders

Mr. Mitsuteru Kojima

Mr. Ken NoguchiMr. Hidenobu


Partner: C.W. Nicol Afan Woodland Trust

Partner: The Sea is Longing for the Forest (NPO)

Partner: Tsuru Environment Forum (NPO)

Partner: Furano Seed Planting School (LLP)

Mr. Pasang Lhamu Sherpa

Ms. Glazen

Funds and cardholders

Carried forward from previous FY Income Expenditure Carried forward to next FY Eco Card cardholders









(million yen)









( ’000 people)


2013 2014 2015 2016


68 68 68

8186 93






66 68





65 63 63

Strengthening activity implementation to increase member numbers.

Broadening the circles of our eco activity support.

● Commencing broadcasting TV commercials and promoting activities at petrol stations

● Conducting a membership campaign

● Utilizing Facebook and producing email newsletters

Aiming to increase cardholder satisfaction.● Broadening project ● Starting to notify about events by inserting lea�et with invoice

● Reviewing content of appreciation events ● Conducting Eco Tours

Noguchi Ken Growing Forestsin the Himalayas (Nepal)

Coastal reforestation of Kujukuri Beachto its pre-earthquake condition

Red Pine Forest Regeneration

The C.W. Nicol Afan Woodland, and growing forests in Higashi Matsushima

Seed Planting School returningformer golf course to forest land

Protecting and regenerating the forestsof the Mount Fuji world heritage site

The forests of Nepal are recovering.Thank you for your cooperation!

We are now in a position tofurther the regenerationof the coastal forest ofKujukuri Beach. Thank you!

With your help, care of thered pine forests of Ina City in Nagano Prefectureis progressing and the forest has recovered.

The trees have been thinned and theforest has become lighter and brighter.

The creatures of the forest are also delighted!

We received donations of saplingsfrom over 1000 people and they are thriving.

We have taken a vital �rst step towards regeneratingthe natural forests of Mount Fuji

so that we can leave a beautiful Mount Fujito coming generations.

We look forward to your continued support.

Tropical Rainforest Conservation (Solomon Islands)

Despite numerous di�culties as a resultof a huge earthquake,

we have overcome many challenges. Thank you to everyone for your support!

Tropical Rainforest Conservation (Papua New Guinea)

Tropical rain forests have been protectedand are regenerating.

Farmers have been givenhope for their present and future.South Paci�c Countries

Support Project (Kiribati)

The mangroves that we plantedwith your support are growing well.

South Paci�c CountriesSupport Project (Tuvalu)

We have been able to plant 10,000mangrove trees on Tuvalu.

Planting trees to protect the sea The Sea is Longing for the Forest

The “The Sea is Longing for theForest Tree Planting Festival”

which has continued since 1989, was held again this year.

A ten-year coastal forestregeneration plan (Miyagi)

Reforestation of pine forests is progressingacross 100ha of land including the Yuriage District

in the city of Natori in Miyagi Prefecture.The trees were grown from tiny 2 mm seeds, and the largest black pine is now 220 cm tall.

Growing forests with resilienceagainst abnormal weather (Philippines)

Formerly bare mountains are gradually recovering and returningto natural forest inhabited by small birds and butter�ies.

Thank you for your kind support as always.

Working with horses to preservethe Tsuru satoyama (village forest)We have thinned the forest in the Tsuru district

and have started using the timber from the felled trees. This contribution to prevention of global warming

is thanks to our Eco Cardholders.

Partner: Peak Aid NPO

Partner: OISCA (NPO)

A donation is made of 0.5% of salesof eco-friendly diesel engine oil.

A donation of ¥50 is made forevery eco-friendly batterythat is sold.

Income Section

Expenditure section

FY 2016 total expenditure

=Overseas expenditure subtotal

28,133,339yen Japan expenditure subtotal

29,195,465yenOther expenditures subtotal

10,513,980yen+ +

We are working to reduce postage costsby increasing digital communication.


Contributions from Eco Card cardholders

Activity reportproduction

Appreciation events





Accounting andmanagementconsultant fees

68,343,081yenFY2016 total






A portion of card sales

Contributions from Cosmo Energy Group

A portion of ECO oil sales


1 2 3 4



+ + +

A portion of ECO battery sales

Interest on deposits/other income


Growing forestsin the Himalayas(Nepal)

Growing forests withresilience against abnormalweather (Philippines)

Tropical RainforestConservation (Solomon Islands)

Tropical Rainforest Conservation (Papua New Guinea)

South Paci�c CountriesSupport Project (Kiribati)

South Paci�c CountriesSupport Project (Tuvalu)







 29,195,465yenFY 2016 total


Seed PlantingSchool

Red pine forest



Afan WoodlandA ten-year coastalforest regeneration plan

Mount Fuji Forest3,319,150yen

The Sea is Longingfor the Forest2,523,350yen

Working with horsesto preserve theTsuru satoyama (village forest)2,001,411yen

3,790,798yen 4,000,000yen

10,513,980yenFY 2016 total


28,133,339yenFY 2016 total expenditure




Coastalreforestation ofKujukuri Beach2,998,900yen

Contractingexpenses to experts400,000yen

Bank transfer fees32,508yen



Funds collected from Platinum Users etc.Cosmo Energy Holdings KK

Cosmo Oil Lubricants

Cosmo Oil Marketing KK

I n c o m e a n d E x p e n d i t u r e R e p o r t

Hiroshi Kiriyama


Activity reportprinting andpostage expenses

Activity Report15th �scal year: April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017

We would like to express our gratitude to all Eco Cardholders for your support over the last year. Your donations assist the activities of a wide range of projects and we have received numerous messages of appreciation both from Japan and overseas. We look forward to your continued support of the Eco Card Fund.

Structure of the Eco Card Fund

Donations from the Cosmo Energy Group

Driving a car is convenientbut it produces CO2.But then, I can't just stopdriving either

Wow! So that leadsto reducing the CO2that I produce!

And you can also save on yourgasoline expenses!

I'll become an Eco Card memberand live an eco-friendly life!

Note : The Cosmo Oil Eco Card Fund assists NGO and NPO engaged in projects such as afforestation.

Members can also benefitby buying gasoline at thecardholder price!

Donations are used forafforestation and environmentalconservation projects.

Protected, healthy forests are good for the environment.

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This fund supports projec

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t is the Eco Card Fund?W

hat is

the Eco Card Fund?Wha

t is the Eco Card Fund?

CO2 isabsorbed.

Donations fromEco Cardcardholders

If you have an Eco Card and donate ¥500 a year, you can participate in eco-friendly projectsthat reduce CO2.Cosmo Oil will undertake projects like afforestationon your behalf. 

Ms. Kimie Ouchi

Partner: Laboratory ofEarth-Conscious Life (NPO)

Mr. Wataru Ohsawa Mr. Kentaro FukuchiMr. Masahiro Ito

Mr. Hideaki Ooi

Ms. Mariko Ito

Partner: Mt Fuji Club (NPO)

The sta� and studentsat a vocational trainingschool

Mr. Hirotaka Fukazawa

Ms. YumikoYoneyama

Partner: APSD (NPO)

Partner: OISCA (NPO)Partner: International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (NPO)

Partner: Tuvalu Overview (NPO)

Mr. Dee

Mr. Michikatsu Ehara

Mr. Mikio Miura

Partner: OISCA (NPO)

Mr. Shigeatsu Hatakeyama

Ms. NorimiKimura

Ms. Nozomi Ohshiro

Ms. ErikoTamashiro

Mr. Apinel Chili

Mr. Shuichi Endo

Mr. Katsuhiko Matsuura

Mr. Kazuaki Iwata

Ms. Kazuyo Suzuki

Mr. Hiroyuki Cho

Mr. Toshimichi Yoshida

Ms. Kumiko Hayashi

ChairpersonCosmo Oil Eco Card Fund

We endeavor to conduc t highly t ransparent management and an ex ternal auditor wi l l

conduc t a review of the income and expenditure plan. The Cosmo Oi l Eco Card Fund

income and expenditure plan wi l l undergo an accounting review by M r. Toshiya K ato,

a Cer t i�ed Publ ic Accountant who has no vested interest in the fund.

Contributions fromCosmo Oil Marketing

We donate a portion of the sum charged to the card.
