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Magazine�"���! �� ��� !��� ��!�

Pastor Ordination and Children Dedication



Apostle Jean Saflo Robert Niyonzima


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Double Portion Anointing and The Gift of Prophesy

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someone$ invited$ them.$ 79%$ begin$ attending$ a$ local$ congregation$ because$ someone$

whom$ they$ know$ and$ trust$ has$ said$ “Why$ don’t$ you$ come$ to$ church$ with$ me$ this$




Your$ answer$ will$ likely$ affirm$ that$ you$ were$ invited$ or$ you$ were$ dragged$ to$


Now$ here$ is$ an$ observation$ that$ I$ have$ made$ —$ I$ have$ observed$ that$ the$ more$







Have$ you$ ever$ wondered$ how$ people$ find$ their$ way$ to$ church?$ Have$ you$ ever$wondered$ how$ people$ first$ come?$ I$ have$ been$ aware$ for$ some$ time$ of$ a$ study$ to$answer$that$question.$The$results$surprised$me.

���!�����T F M - i s s u e N o . 3 V o l . 5December 2013

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This$ Christmas$ Season,$ we$ $ are$ pleased$ to$ ursher$ you$into$ festivity$ with$ our$ third$ issue$ of$ this$ magazine$series.$ I$ believe$ you$ will$ be$ blessed$ by$ the$ content,$all$to$the$Glory$of$God.

I$ would$ like$ to$ draw$ your$ attention$ to$ the$ hidden$treasures$in$"deep$waters".


"So$ Jesus$ was$ there$ on$ the$ shore,$ speaking$ to$ hurting$folks$just$like$us.$And$because$the$crowd$was$so$large,$he$jumped$into$Peter’s$boat.$When$the$sermon$ended$and$the$crowd$began$to$dissipate,$Jesus$said$to$Peter$“Push$out$into$deeper$water$and$let’s$fish!”

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Foundation TO SKOHope: the first step towards marriage Healing

TFM - Ethiopia TFM - Rwanda TFM - Burundi TFM - Uganda

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Pastor OrdinationHoly Church of Jesus, Oslo


08Prophetic ActionDeliverance through Counseling


TFM YOUTH FOCUSSomething special for the Youth


A Prayer for ChristmasSpecial Prayer for Christmas


GRACE CONFERENCE-CONGOBuilding God's Kingdom Worldwide


CHRISTIAN HUMORSome bags of laughter for you


Healing TestimonyGod Healed Him for a purpose


TFM - Canada TFM - USA

Trumpet of Faith Ministries worldwide

Tunein to TFM RADIOand Stay in Touch

A Prayer for ChristmasSpecial Prayer for Christmas


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years ago, she started noticing that life here was different and so was the church. Back home in Rwanda, churches were filled with people to the extent that some people would have to attend the service from outside the church building. This made it fun. Everyone was so full of excitement, it was lively, we could all sing along to the hymms and gospel songs, we danced and we all looked forward to the next day at church.

"I love to dance, i love to move my body and for me that is very important because it is what makes me happy even in church" said Kelly.She went further to say Churches here in Norway have very few people and according to her, there is no life in… Continued on page 4

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Trumpet of Faith Ministries has successfully launced the TFM YOUTH FOCUS televesion program in Oslo. According to the program director, Isaac Wanasolo, the new program is aimed at engaging the youth in spiritual discussions with the objective of increasing Kingdom awareness amongst them and stimulating interest in christian fellowship and mattars of christianity in general.

The first test interview was recorded on 25th November at the TFM Studio with Kelly (16 years old) and Cynthia (16 years old) who were both excited to be pioneers of the new program especially because they were free to say whatever they wanted.

When asked how they felt about christianity in Norway, Kelly said, when she moved to norway 11

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"I love to dance, i love to move my body and for me as a teenager, that is very important because it is what makes

me happy, even in church" -KellyHos


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She added that she like to go for fellowships on saturdays together with her peers because there, they explain things, then they dance and have a lot of fun.

When asked about what would attract her back to church on sundays, Kelly said she wants to have fun when she comes to c h u r c h a n d s h e w a n t s t h e preachers to know that there are

is not the same as that of adults. There should be some special activities in addition to the preaching and usual p r a i s e a n d w o r s h i p . F o r i n s t a n c e , t h e c h u r c h c a n organise trips for teenagers to visit churches in other parts of Norway, organise concerts, parties and so on.

Cynthia on the other hand was rather modest. She said she does not care about the number of people in the church although she too like to have fun in the church. "I go to church every sunday even if poeple are not many" she said.

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in church if there is just a had-ful of people. "Church here in Oslo is boring" she added.

Asked if she goes to church on sundays, Kelly said she does not go any more because there is no fun in church. Kelly said she and her peers have a lot of freedom here (Norway) to do whatever they want unlike back home in Rwanda, where it was obligatory to go to church every sunday. "This makes it difficult for me as a teenager to be a practicing christian" she added.

Fun is number one her priority list, she said and she has failed to find it in the church here. Which is why church is number 7 and half on her top ten priorities list. Also, most of her friends are not christians, which makes matters even worse.

She also said, she doesn't like it when she has to seat down for over one hour listening to a preacher go around preaching without expalining things and breaking them down for her to understand like they do at school. teenagers whose comprehension




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Pa s t o r O r d i n a t i o n & C h i l d r e n O r d i n a t i o n C o n f e r e n c e

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The Holy Church of Jusus has organised a conference to O r d a i n o n e o f o u r l o n g serving preacher Robert Niyonzima as Pastor. The conference will run for two days starting on saturday 14th to sunday 15th December 2013 at Ebbellsgata 1, 0183 Oslo -Norway.

Robert has diligently worked at the Holy Church of Jesus since 2010. He is the church administrator, interpreter and preacher. Newborn children will also be dedicated during the two-day conference. The event will be attended by variouls leaders and dignitores from around

the world including Dr. Paul Agnew from Ireland, who will be the guest speaker. Other invited guests include, Pastor Jean Paul Shyaka from Germany and Apostle Guy Peniel from Sweden.

Praise and worship will be led by Chroral groupfrom Belgium and other gospelartists from Oslo assisted by the Holy Church of Jesus Choir.

You are all welcome to this historic event.

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You are all invited to Saido's Album

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D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 3O n 2 1 s t D e c e m b e r @ F i l a d e l p h i a

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Foundation TO SKOT F M - i s s u e N o . 3 V o l . 5

Kom Hellig Ånd med skapermakt, opprett hva synd har ødelagt og glede i hvert hjerte giv som du har født til evig liv!

Vår fiende, jag ham langt på flukt, gi fred og troens fagre frukt og la oss alle store, små i sjelesorg hos deg få stå!

Vær lovet, Gud, vår Fader god, Guds Sønn som opp av døde stod og Trøsteren som kom herned: Vær lovet i a l l e v i g h e t ! T : H r a b a n u s Maurus(død 856)

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Men er hun skilt fra ham, skal hun enten leve ugift eller forlike seg med

mannen.» 1 Kor. 7, 11.

Vi i Stiftelsen TO SKO har fått opplevd hvordan Jesus Kristus kan trøste som ingen menneske kan, og han kan hjelpe. For HAM er ingen ting umulig: «Det som er umulig for mennesker, er mulig for Gud.» Luk. 18,27. Vi har fått se hvordan Jesus Kristus kan smelte harde hjerter, han kan låse opp stengte hjertedører og han kan føre mennesker sammen igjen etter skilsmisse og han kan til og med gi dem et bedre ekteskap enn de hadde før!

Jesus sier: «Kom til meg alle dere som strever og bærer tunge byrder og jeg vil gi dere hvile!» Matteus 11,28.

Vi ønsker å stå sammen med mennesker i bønn for Guds legedom og under inn i familier med ekteskapsproblemer. Og det vi har fått se er at for Jesus Kristus er INGEN ting for vanskelig! Han kan hjelpe alle som kommer til ham!



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To Sko Issue 3. Vol.5 December 2013

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Men er hun skilt fra ham, skal hun enten leve ugift eller forlike seg med

mannen.» 1 Kor. 7, 11.


www.tosko.noemail:([email protected]


Han svarte og sa: Har I ikke lest at han som skapte dem, fra begynnelsen av skapte dem til mann og kvinne og sa: Derfor skal mannen forlate far og mor og holde sig til sin hustru, og de to skal være ett kjød?Så er de da ikke lenger to, men ett kjød. Derfor, det som Gud har sammenføiet, det skal et menneske ikke adskille.

Matteus 19:4-6

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Children of the Holly Church of


TFM Sunday School is a source for fresh, creative Children's Ministry. We give c h i l d r e n S u n d a y school lessons, Bible crafts, activities, o b j e c t l e s s o n s , s t o r i e s , s k i t s , games, songs and much more. Teaching Sunday school is now even more rewarding and fun at TFM! "

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.…" proverbs 22:6

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A message to all Children

"Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. When you do this, then you will udnerstand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God..."

"We take the Gospel to those in need of spiritual nourishment through small bible study groups in refugee camps all over Norway. We beleive that through sharing God's word and personal life experiences, we encourage one another and support each other to live harmoneous and peaceful lives"

TFM Bible Study Groups

We believe that God speaks to us through his

Word in the Bible..."

At TFM School of Ministry,

under God's guidance, we aim

to grow spiritually, in love for

one another and numerically;

and it’s God’s word,

empowered by God’s Spirit,

that achieves all this through us.

Testimonies are flowing in

every day from all our active

study groups, through which

God is touching His people and

transforming lives. Hope is

being restored among those

who are depressed and


We bless the Lord."if you would like to join a bible study group or would like more information please email us at [email protected] or directly speak to Apostle Jean Saflo.

TFM Bible Study Groups

TFM Bible Studies

"We are serious about studying the Bitble together. That’s why we believe that small groups are the engine room of a lively and

growing Church."

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When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, "Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?" "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied. "You have asked a difficult thing," Elijah said, "yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours—otherwise not." —2 Kings 2:9-10

You may have heard of the "Peter Principle"—an ingenious concept and quite true: everybody is promoted to the level of their incompetence. Either through death, ambition, or lack of good personnel, people are given a job that they can't do. Often, due to pride or selfish ambition, a person is determined to gain promotion; they get it and celebrate. But eighteen months later, they have a nervous breakdown because they can't cope. But, you see, when you operate within the sphere of your own anointing, it's easy.

Once God has given you an anointing, you will always have i t b e c a u s e " G o d ' s g i f t s a n d h i s c a l l a r e irrevocable" (Rom. 11:29).

The anointing that will be given to you—whatever it is—will put your faith to the test. The anointing may bring difficulties for you. It may lead you where you don't want to go. You may have to go against personal desire. It may lead you to bless those whom you personally may not have chosen to bless.

If you know you have the anointing, even though you don't have other little things, know that blessing from Him is worth more than all the money in the world. Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it" (Matt. 13:45). What that means is, when you want the anointing more than anything in the world, you'll do anything to get it because you want God's blessing, just like Elisha who would not let Elijah out of his sight.

There's a lesson here for all of us: if we want the blessing more than anything in the world, we can have it because our very desire will be testimony to God's work in our hearts.

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"if you would like to join a bible study group or would like more information please email us at [email protected] or directly speak to Apostle Jean Saflo.



Deuteronomy 32:2

A double Portion Anointing

"We are serious about studying the Bitble together. That’s why we believe that small groups are the engine room of a lively and growing Church." T F M - i s s u e N o . 3 V o l . 5

By Apostle Jean Saflo

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The book can be purchased directly from the Trumpet of Faith Ministries websiteor from Amazon, Ebay,, E d e n . c o . u k , p o w e l l s . c o m ,, ,, and other book stores around the world.

"Humility is not the only necessary quality; both counseling and deliverance require maturity. The cure for immaturity is study of and submission to the Word. Only the Word contains God’s perfect will for any situation. James warned that anyone who looks into the mirror of the Bible and doesn’t make any changes is a “forgetful hearer,” which leads to saying irresponsible things and incorrect teaching (James 1:22-26)."

© Copyright 2013. Trumpet of Faith Ministries

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T F M M a g a z i n e - i s s u e N o . 3 V o l . 5

Apostle Jean Saflo is the founder of T r u m p e t o f F a i t h M i n i s t r i e s Internationally and and Pastor of the Holy Church of Jesus in Oslo. This time God is using him in Healing Ministry and in his last event in Brussels Belgium, he was filled with annointing, prophetic and healing p o w e r . P e o p l e t e s t i f i e d o f experiencing healing, deliverence and true prophecyed and manifestation.

You can visit our website at and our facebook page for videos and photos of the event.

He is an author of the books titled "Rethinking the Church for the 21st Century" and "Towards Kingdom Leadership".

Special excerpt from this new bookSome insights

The book can be purchased directly from the Trumpet of Faith Ministries website

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Here you will find rich messages from Pastor Saflo in Books, CDs and/or DVDs formats. These materials have been digitally recorded and produced with high quality, so shop with confidence. The proceeds from these materials help to support TFM missions worldwide.

© Copyright 2013. Trumpet of Faith Ministries

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Prophesy Healing & DeliveranceIN BRUSSELS, BELGIUM

Apostle Jean Saflo was hosted as guest speaker/preacher at a 3-days conference in Brussels, Belgium. The conference was organised by Mission Internationale du plein Evangile headed by Pastor Aphrodise Habarurema.

The event was action-parked with live ministrations by Apostle Apolinaire Habonimana from Burundi causing the Holy Spirit to overflow amongest Christians, who attended the event. There was wailing, dancing and speaking in tongues. He performed together with the MIPE choir and other worship groups from Brussels.

A p o s t l e S a f l o c a u s e d transformation in MIPE when he took to the pulpit and delivered prophetic surmons that transcended people's life experiences causing massive reconciliation amongst many who were aggrieved. Many people responded to his alter call giving their lives to Christ and commiting to a new way of life according to the living word of God.

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Prophetic Action & DeliveranceMission Internationale du Plein Evangile (MIPE)

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• Ufalme• Tozali Bapaya• Nzambe na ngayi• Asubuhi Imefika (ft.Saido)• Ngoma ya kwetu• Wa mutumainiyao - December 2013 T F M - i s s u e 3 N o . 3 V o l . 5

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New Album 2014

Ps. Jackes

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© Copyright 2013. Trumpet of Faith Ministries

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Date: 29th - 31st May 2014

Venue: Lubumbashi, Congo

The First Grace Conferencein Congo

Come and experience the power of the Holy Spirit through the anointed men of God.

Pastor Emmanuel MulembaFrom Norway

From AustraliaPastor Ken-Legg

From CongoPastor Kiluba wa Kiluba

Host Pastor

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������� ���������������Leader of Elshadai Praise and Worship Team and Author of the

book titled, Destiny.

Trumpet of Faith Ministries congratulates Deborah for her

zeal and determination to succed in winning the youth for Christ.


Program Host: Rachel Mwangangi

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Africans want to Christianise Norway -Excerpt from Aftenposten (06.07)

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December 2013 T F M - i s s u e N o . 3 V o l . 5

Africans want Christians NorwayWhat to bring Norway back to God? Globalization can mean a lot. Last week confirmed the first page of Aftenposten this thesis. Africans want Christians Norway, said first page of Aftenposten (13.06).

It is unlikely that a small spot on the map, Norway and the EU, may be excluded from the worldwide Christian revival in an increasingly globalized world.The wall will fallHow does that work: Jesus movement has become the world's most popular movement. Bigger than Islam. And bigger than communism. For the first time facts suggest that the world's largest religion, Christianity, with 2 billion members, growing the most.And new figures indicate that it now also increasing faster than population growth. Never in church history, Christianity had such revivals as today, especially in Africa and in China, and the most populous new states in the Third World. T h e r e v i v a l g o i n g o n a l l c o n t i n e n t s simultaneously, also in America and Eastern Europe. At an evening meeting in Lagos, amid the Muslim Africa collects Reinhard Bonnke two million people. At one meeting.A poll in the newspaper Aftenposten said recently that only 29 per cent in Norway believes in God. Perhaps the question was phrased in the survey error. Other studies provide twice as high numbers of how many people believe in God. In any case, we are with such figures a completely abnormal country in the world.That will change in an increasingly global world. W e s a w i n E a s t e r n E u r o p e t h a t globalseringstesen voted. Cultural change occurs instantaneously when the ideological foundation of an area falls. 10-15 percent believed in God under Communism. Once the wall fell, it was 96 percent in Russia who say they believe in God, higher than in the U.S..The whole world sees the lack of belief in God as something a little strange and comical. They laugh at the strange abnormal states far up in Europe that is rich, but not God.

When the wall falls with us, we will again be a country that believes in God.2 Corinthians 10:4 tells us to break down imaginations, the wall that keeps God away. We follow developments where globalization will make it to Norway's normal country - where we turn back to God.Is it strange parts of the left side is opposed to globalization? For that was the adherence to Marx, Engels, Darwin, and Freud that laughed out Christianity and stamped what gives life and health threatening Mannsverk.

Prayer for ProtectionThere are many who pray for revival. we have a case about it in this issue of the newspaper. We welcome Christians Flekkerøya, the small Christian island that barely clings to the southern tip of Norway. There they will now raise a bønnemur for people and country. They want Jesus forces back into a nation with disruptive forces, suicide and all kinds of substance abuse and family tragedies. And they want back the Christians provisions for Norway is now at risk. It comes marriage law that Socialists are attacking. It applies to Christians provisions for school and kindergarten that all proposed modified by Bostad Committee and is now out for consultation. It applies to the Christian provision of state who are on the government's agenda for change.We believe that prayer can move mountains.But it may happen that this time there will be such that the change of Norway comes from outside, from globalization.It not only makes two billion people a chance to get food into his mouth and removes hungry during the 20 years that the UN economist Jeffrey Sachs argues.Globalization also means that thousands of missionaries from mission countries will return to Europe with the gospel we gave them.Christianity has grown strong in Africa, said the two ministers on the first page of Aftenposten. It is time that we Africans come here to you to preach the gospel you are trying to forget, says Jean Saflo and Maxime Natzinda.They are welcome.

Find Jarle SæleNorge Idag: 20.06.2007Therefore, they feel richer than us. They put

children into the world and God. Then they are richer as Mother Theresa said.

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God saved my Life

December 2013 T F M - i s s u e N o . 3 V o l . 5

I have seen the healing hand of God upon my life. I suffered from kidney failure and was in koma for several days as i went through kidney transplant. Everyone tells me, they were sure i was dead. That is why I say I am 55 years old and i believe this life am living now after that experience is not mine. It is for God. God saved me because he wants me to work for him. I know i have been called to serve him before but this time i have no doubt that God still wants me to stay alive so I can complete my assignment here on earth. The devil wanted to take my life and deny me my opportunity to serve my God but he failed.

Now more than ever i work for eternal life. I believe that eternal life is real. We all have to work for heaven. Money and other material things that we work for are useless because nobody will be burried with anything.

God has done so many miracles in my life but this last miricle has changed my life. For example, when i was imprisoned in Burundi, i got sick and was left to die. God sent one man from Senegal, who was a qualified medic working for the prison. He gave me some tablets in secret because he was not allowed to treat me. I was able to recover and after, I was given bail, which enabled me to run away from Burundi to Rwanda then Kampala and back to Burundi.

Mr. Serverin NtacoberaServant of God in Norway

My doctor failed to diagnose my kidney failure but God Saved my life.

While in Rwanda, one day i was walking on the streets of Kigali aimlessly and I met one man from Senegal, who suddenly stopped me and introduced himself as Diof, Director of the Commission of United Nations. He greeted me and asked me what i was doing in Kigali. I told him i was looking for a job. He told me he couldn't help me at that moment but gave me his visit card and asked me to call him some time to meet and talk. After some time, i was again walking about aimlessely in Kigali and i saw a sign post reading Commission of United Nations and I remembered the visit card i got from this kind-hearted stranger -Diof.The first day i tried he was not in office but i found him the second time.

After i told him my story he felt pitty for me and decided to help me. He processed for me papers to travel to Norway. I was brought to Norway like a king, given a big house with three bedrooms in Stavanger and I started to live a good life. So When I say I have seen the hand of God at work in my life, these the sort of things, I reflect upon and only come to the conclusion that God is real and His love for us endures forever.


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The Army of God

friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is t o s h a k e h a n d s . H e grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. The Pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord!" My friend replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor." Pastor questioned, "How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?" He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."

A Star from the East

A woman takes her 16-year-old daughter to the doctor. The doctor says, "Okay, Mrs. Jones, what's the problem?" The mother says, "It's my daughter, Debbie. She keeps getting these cravings, she's putting on weight, and is sick most mornings." The doctor gives Debbie a good examination, then turns to the mother and says, "Well, I don't know how to tell you this, but your Debbie is pregnant - about 4 months, would be my guess." The mother says, "Pregnant?! She can't be, she has never ever been left alone with a man! Have you, Debbie?" Debbie says, "No mother! I've never even kissed a man!" The doctor walked over to the window and just stares out it. About five minutes pass and finally the mother says, "Is there something wrong out there doctor?" The doctor replies, "No, not really, it's just that the last time anything like this happened, a star appeared in the east and three wise men came over the hill. I'll be foolish if I'm going to miss it this time!"

Christian humor

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PROGRAM LINE-UP06:00 am – 07:59 am     –     International Gospel Mix

08:00 am – 09:59 am     –     Special Mix - Music & Messages

10:00 am – 11:59 am     –     Special Messages

12:00 pm – 01:59 pm     –     Contemporary Gospel Hits

02:00 pm – 02:59 pm     –     Contemporary Gospel Hits

03:00 pm – 03:59 pm     –     Preaching & Teaching

04:00 pm – 04:59 pm     –     Contemporary Gospel Hits

05:00 pm – 05:59 pm     –     Contemporary Gospel Hits

06:00 pm – 06:59 pm     –     Contemporary Gospel Hits

07:00 pm – 07:59 pm     –     Evening Devotional

08:00 pm – 08:59 pm     –     Internationa Gospel Mix

09:00 pm – 10:59 pm     –     Contemporary Gospel Hits

11:00 pm – 11:59 pm     –     Holy Church of Jesus worship Ministrations

00:00 am – 01:59 am     –     Special Messages

02:00 am – 05:59 am     –     International Gospel Mix

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Lord, this is my prayer Not only on Christmas Day But until I see You face to face May I live my life this way: Just like the baby Jesus I ever hope to be, Resting in Your loving arms Trusting in Your sovereignty.

And like the growing Christ child In wisdom daily learning, May I ever seek to know You With my mind and spirit yearning.

Like the Son so faithful Let me follow in Your light, Meek and bold, humble and strong Not afraid to face the night.

Nor cowardly to suffer And stand for truth alone, Knowing that Your kingdom Awaits my going home.

Not afraid to sacrifice Though great may be the cost, Mindful how You rescued me From broken-hearted loss.

Like my risen Savior The babe, the child, the Son, May my life forever speak Of who You are and all You've done. So while this world rejoices And celebrates Your birth, I treasure You, the greatest gift Unequaled in Your worth. I long to hear the same words So while this world rejoices And celebrates Your birth, I treasure You, the greatest gift Unequaled in Your worth. I long to hear the same words That welcomed home Your Son, "Come, good and faithful servant," Your Master says, "Well done."

And may heaven welcome others Who will join with me in praise because I lived for Jesus Christ

By: Mary Fairchild www.trumpetnet.orgT F M - i s s u e N o . 3 V o l . 5

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A Prayer for Christmas

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Trumpet of Faith Ministries -

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Yes thank you. I would like to make automatic contributions with Avtale GiroBeløpsgrensen pertrekkmånedHvis maks. beløp ikke fylles inn, vil beløpsgrensen bli satt til kr.2.000,- per trekkmåned. Du vil uansett ikke bli trukket for mer enn avtalt beløp.

Beløpsgrense per trekkmnd Ønsket trekkdato:

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Trumpet of Faith Ministries

Ebels gate 1, 0186 Oslo Norway

Tel: +47 45126985

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