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Table of Contents1. Foreword by the CEO 4

2. About TETA 6

3. Training Delivery modes and expressions 7

4. Career Tips 10 • Do I want a job, Career, or Vacation? • Creating a CV • Preparing for your Interview

5. Aerospace Sub-sector 17 • Overview • Career Paths within the Aerospace Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Aerospace Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Aerospace Sub-sector

6. Forwarding and Clearing Sub-sector 31 • Overview • Career Paths within the Forwarding and Clearing Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Forwarding and Clearing Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Forwarding and

Clearing Sub-sector 7. Freight Handling Sub-sector 35 • Overview • Career Paths within the Freight Handling Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Freight Handling Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Freight Handling Sub-sector 8. Maritime Sub-sector 40 • Overview • Career Paths within the Maritime Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Maritime Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Maritime Sub-sector

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9. Rail Sub-sector 47 • Overview • Career Paths within the Rail Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Rail Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Rail Sub-sector

10. Road Freight Sub-sector 57 • Overview • Career Paths within the Road Freight Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Road Freight Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Road Freight Sub-sector 11. Road Passenger Sub-sector 72 • Overview • Career Paths within the Road Passenger Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Road Passenger Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Road Passenger Sub-sector 12. Taxi Sub-sector 76 • Overview • Career Paths within the Taxi Sub-sector •TradeQualifications • Critical Skills within the Taxi Sub-sector • Scarce Skills within the Taxi Sub-sector

13. List of Critical Skills 79

14. List of FET and HET Institutions 81

15. TETA Accredited Providers 91

16. TETA Accredited Trade Test Centres 92

17. TETA Scope of Learning Programmes 95

18. Labour Centres 97

DISCLAIMER: Copyright TETA Learner Career Guide Volume 3 publication 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be replicated, stored or distributed in any form or means electronically or manually. TETA reserves the right to make changes to this learner guide.The information contained herein this publication is correct at the time of print.

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Foreword by the CEO

The Transport Education and Training Authority recognises the development and upskilling of the labour force as one of the key contributors to the growth of the economy. Further, the career guidance and support given to learners in high school throughout the nine provinces of South Africa serves as a strategic drive to create awareness amongst all communities about careers available within the transport sector. The TETA Leaner Guide is developed with the aim of assisting learners in high school make the right career choices, assist those within the post school system make the right career choices, assist the teachers with relevant information

for them to advise learners better in relation to career in transport. The informal conversations we have with learners and teachers alike, gives us an indication that learners and teachers do not have knowledge of the operations of SETAs as well as how to access information and funding opportunities. Our hope is that with this book, all these key strategic people will be able to make use of the book to maximise on the information available which is of benefit to stakeholders,learners and partners.

TETA and its strategic partners will continue to research and identify innovative solutions to alleviate the skills deficit within the transportsector. With the guidance provided by the Sector SkillsPlan(SSP)which isafiveyearplanthat isannually updated, we strongly believe that our contribution in addressing scarce and critical skills will be a meaningful one. One of the major challenges facing the transport sector is training and development of highly skilled labour force as well as retaining the high calibre of human capital which would close the skills gaps and address the scarce and critical skills within the sector, with this booklet, TETA is paving a way for all parties to take the initiative by making sure that relevant information is provided for decision making.

CEO - Mrs. Maphefo Anno-Frempong

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To ensure that learners are trained on interventions meeting the required quality provisioning. It is anticipated that the career guide will achieve the following:

• Inform end users with relevant information on scarce and critical skills;• Disseminate information of all accredited providers from private and public sector, including Institutes of Sectoral or Occupational Excellence (ISOEs)• Identify all relevant Labour Centres for more access for job seekers and learning opportunity seekers; and• Expose all relevant opportunities to users about the Transport Sector. As an institution that is centred in the heart of innovation and an engine of skills development in the transport sector, TETA will not limit its effort to this career guide, but, will ensure that career exhibitions are held in all the provinces to reach as many potential learners, job seekers, providers and employers in the transport sector.

I wish to thank all our Stakeholders that participated in supporting us in producing a list of scarce and critical skills, the TETA Board for its commitment, support and leadership, as well as the staff and management of TETA for their dedication and hard work. It is only through all these efforts that we are able to present this Career Guide.


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2About tETA

The Transport Education and Training Authority (TETA) was established in terms of the Skills Development Act, Act 97 of 1998.

The primary function of TETA is to develop a Sector Skills Plan; facilitate the development, registration and implementation of learnerships, skills programmes and strategic initiatives; approval of workplace skills plans; disbursement of grants to stakeholders; quality assurance of education and training that falls within the scope of the sector; which includes:

• Aerospace• Forwarding and Clearing• Freight Handling• Maritime• Rail• Road Freight• Road Passenger• Taxi

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About tETA 3trainingdelivery modes and expressions

Learning Programme

A learning Programme includes a learnership, an apprenticeship, a skills programme and any other prescribed learning programme which includes a structured work experience component.

Occupational Qualification

An Occupational Qualification meansa qualification associated with a trade,occupation or profession resulting from work based learning and consisting of knowledge unit standards, practical unit standards and work experience unit standards.


A Learnership is a work-based education and training programme that is linked to a qualification registered on the NationalQualifications Framework (NQF) with theSouthAfricanQualificationsAuthority(SAQA).Learnerships are occupationally directed programmes that consist of both structured theoretical learning and practical workplace experience.

What are the benefits of learnerships?

For the learner: • Provide easy access to learning • Increase employment opportunities • Assist in career-pathing and self-


• You learn while you earn • Acquisitionofaformalqualification• Learnerships fast track the development

of current employees• They serve as an entrance into the

industry for unemployed learners.

For the employer: • Skilled and experienced workers • Development of competent staff • Empowerment • Employees will require less supervision

due to skills acquisition • Improving productivity and quality • Vehicle to address employment equity

targets • Identify skills gaps and target particular

training gaps. For the Industry: • Become competitive in the global market • Assist in creating a pool of skilled & more

professional people• Give the industry direction in which to

develop their people to world-class standards.

Skills Programme

A Skills Programme is occupationally based and when completed will constitute credits towardsaqualificationregisteredontheNQF.A skills programme is a shorter version of a Learnership and is meant to address short term needswith a long term benefit as itsintentionistofinallyleadtoaqualificationif

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properly implemented.The benefits of a skills programme arealmost similar to those of a learnership.


The apprenticeship system is a technical training system, which includes practical and theoretical components offered in listed trades to achieve artisanship status. An apprenticeship means a learnership in respect of a listed trade and includes a trade test in respect of that trade.

Who may bind himself/herself as an apprentice?

Any person who:• Has obtained the qualifications

prescribed under section 26D of the Skills Development Act; a minimum of Grade 10 with Mathematics or Part 1 N1

• Has obtained a certificate of physicalfitnessintheprescribedform

• Has attained the age of sixteen years and

• Is not required by law to attend any school, may subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Act, bind himself/herself as an apprentice in any listed trade

• If any such person is a minor he/she shall be assisted by his/her guardian.

Any minor may so bind himself/herself so as to complete the training prescribed under section 26D in respect of the listed trade in question, after his/her majority.


• Training Centres must be accredited by QCTO to undertake apprenticeship training

• Employer is approved by National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB) to undertake apprenticeship training

• Training centre and employer provide relevant training and workplace exposure to apprentices

• An apprentice is indentured in a listed trade in terms of the Skills Development Act provisions

• A contract is signed by the employer and apprentice (guardian if the apprentice has attained the age of 15 years)

• Employer pays for classes and examination fees at a Techinical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College

• Training schedules/declarations are completed. Remission of time and exemptions for RPL trainees are possible with TETA approval

• Trade test application is made with TETA once all relevant training has been completed and examined by the industry Subject Matter Experts

• Trade tests will be done at the TETA/QCTO accredited trade test centre e.g. SAAT; DENEL, TRANSNET; INDLELA etc.

• If the apprentice is competent, he/she will be awarded with a QCTO National Trade Test certificate signed by DHETregistrar and the apprentice is deemed tobeaqualifiedartisan.

Minimum requirements: • A minimum of four (4) N2 subjects

OR• Grade 10 / Standard 8 without

Mathematics or Mathematics Literacy as a subject, but must have at least Mathematics as a subject on the N1

OR• A N1 that must include Mathematics

as a subject as well as the relevant technical trade theory

OR• National Certificate Vocational (NCV)

Level 2 or any other recognized CMBT (Competency Modular Based Training) with the relevant trade theory has to be completed.

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Apprenticeship Route

A learner that registers as an apprentice with a SETA on a NQF registered artisan trade qualification and spends between 2 and 4years on a single learnership agreement linked to a competency based modular learning programme that ends in a trade test. This pathway has one entry and one exitpoint.Certificationoccursattheendofthe single contract period. Registration as an artisan occurs after successful completion of a trade test.

Learnership Route

A learner that registers in a learnership with a SETA on a NQF registered artisan trade qualification that spends between 2 and 4years on multi learnership year contracts linked to a competency based modular learning programme that ends in a trade test after completion of the highest NQF level qualificationthatneedstobeachievedbeforeundergoing a trade test. This pathway has multientryandmultiexitpoints.Certificationoccurs at the end of each completed contract period. Registration as an artisan occurs after successful completion of a trade test.

Internship/Skills Programme Route

A learner that has a relevant trade related “National Certificate: Vocational (NCV)” thatregisters on an internship or a skills programme with a SETA on a NQF registered artisan trade qualificationandthatspendsapre-determinedperiod of time in the workplace on a single internship or skills programme contract that ends in a trade test. This pathway has two entryandtwoexitpoints.Certificationoccursat the end of the NCV and at the end of the internship or skills programme. Registration as an artisan occurs after successful completion of a trade test.

Recognition of Prior Learning

A learner that registers as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Learner with the National Institute for Artisan Development on an NQF registeredartisan tradequalificationand thatspends a pre-determined period of time on a single RPL contract that ends in a trade test. The RPL contract will guide the learner in the compilation of a portfolio of evidence that is assessed prior to undergoing the trade test. Certification occurs at the successfulassessment and moderation of the portfolio of evidence. Registration as an artisan occurs after successful completion of a trade test.

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4 Career tips

Yes. At TETA we believe that career guidance is important because it is an investment

in your future and as an individual. Young people need to make sure that they make the

best choice in the most suitable field. The happiest and most fulfilled people have chosen

careers that suit their character, where they can be themselves, find decent work that

helps them express what they are passionate about. Sometimes changes in careers also

happen and these need to be carefully managed. It is important to make informed choices.

Sometimes career guidance can also help people discover possibilities that they not

have known were available. It is also important to find out which skills are needed in the

economy and which are in high demand at present.

Is career

guidance important?

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Career tips 7 Steps to take before deciding on a career

Step 1: Conduct an assessment to discover more about your unique character

Step 2: Determine your current level of development

Step 3: Discover which career field is suitable for you

Step 4: Consider the realities in that career field and everything it offers

Step 5: Select some possible options in that field and explore each fully

Step 6: Make practical plans

Step 7: Go forward and develop as you go

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We spend so much time during our lives at work that it makes sense to choose a career with great care and to start preparing for it as early as possible. We need to know what kind of work is available, what career will best suit our personal skills and interests and give us job satisfaction, and what subjects we need to take. Here are some things to think about:

Do I want a Job, Career, or Vocation?

• If you have a job, you can earn enough money to survive.

• To enter a career, you normally need a formal qualification, where you will have opportunities to develop your knowledge, skills, and experience as you progress from stage to stage.

• A vocation is a path you feel you must follow because you enjoy it and because you feel it is worthwhile; it may mean a career path that does not always pay a top salary but you choose it because it offers you job satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment.

The first step in job seeking is not sending out an application, as you might have thought; rather, it involves developing a solid idea of your interests, strengths and weaknesses. Once you know what these are, you will be more able to make the correct choice when it comes to your career.

To uncover your passion and talents, it may help to reflect a little on your past and the choices you have made up to now. For example, if you headed the social committee at high school and were always asked to organise events at university, or even if you are always the one in your group who takes the initiative to make arrangements, then you may have a flair for events coordination. Make a list of all the hobbies you enjoy, and the clubs you have

participated in, and see if you can find a golden thread connecting them. Make a list of what you consider to be your strengths, if you battle to pinpoint yours, try asking your parents, friends and/or teachers. What do they consider your strongest abilities? In which areas do you excel? What is your most valuable quality and what do others appreciate most in you?

While you’re at it, ask them about your weaker points. It might be difficult to hear their answers, but we can only address our shortcomings once we know what they are.

Once you have defined what you believe to be your strengths, weaknesses and interests, and have attended Career Day Expo’s, Open Days at various Tertiary Institutions, perhaps even spoken to your Guidance Counsellor, you should have a good idea of which career would suit you best and how to go about getting your qualification and ultimately achieving your career goals.

Creating a Curriculum Vitae

The first part of your CV is where you need to state all your personal details – your name, address, driver’s licence information, and your contact details. You can also add other useful facts that might be of interest to a recruiter here, such as the fact that you speak another language, and your level of proficiency in it. The next part of your CV should cover your education and qualifications. List these in chronological order, starting with the most recent and going backwards. Also, be sure to mention if you achieved good results.

While you may not yet have garnered much work experience, every little bit counts. Any position you have occupied will show potential employers what sort of skills you have developed and demonstrate that

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you’re a diligent and hard worker. Whether you worked as an afternoon au pair, a weekend shop assistant or even if you were on your high school’s drama club, make sure to mention it. Use this opportunity to write about what you learnt from the experience – perhaps you improved on your people skills or learnt basic accounting.

The next section of your CV is where you list your accomplishments, whether academic, social or cultural. Even if your achievements are not directly related to the type of job you’re applying for, giving recruiters a glimpse of your personality makes it more likely they’ll want to see more.  Don’t,however,goto theoppositeextreme and list things that are completely irrelevant. Cataloguing every swimming race you won in primary school won’t win you any brownie points.

The reference section at the end of your CV is very important as it provides recruiters with a way of getting another person’s opinion of you. That doesn’t mean you can include your best friend or your boyfriend as a contact person. Good ideas for reference contacts are your current or last employer (where possible and appropriate), an academic contact (such as one of your teachers or sports coach) or somebody that has served alongside you on a committee perhaps at church or at school. Remember to check with people that they are happy to be contacted before you list them.Your CV is not only a record of all you have accomplished; it’s also one of the primary tools in convincing a prospective employer that you are the right person for the job, as well as being the first point of contact you have with the company at which you are applying. As such, you should tailor your CV for the specific job you are applying for. Highlight skills that are relevant to that position and that would make you a valuable addition to the company.

Your cv

In short...• Your CV is your personal marketing tool• Your CV should be a true reflection

of who you are and what you have achieved to date

• You can not compile your CV a day before you need to submit it - crafting a CV should be a carefully considered process that takes time.

What is a CV?Curriculum vitae is a Latin term that means “courseoflife”-inotherwordsasummaryof your work experience, educational background, and skills. Your CV is your personal marketing tool that will secure you an interview - not a job. The more effort you put into this marketing tool, the better your chances that your CV will reflect the “true you”andthebetteryourchancesofbeinginvited to an interview.

A good CV is not just a standard template that you use to apply for any position, but it should be adapted to match each position that you apply for.

Format of the CV• Use a consistent layout (for example,

all headings in bold and font size 14 and all normal text font size 12)

• Check spelling and grammar - use a dictionary and ask someone to read the CV for you if you feel unsure

• Keep it simple - it is not necessary to use fancy fonts and coloured paper.

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CommentsCurriculum Vitae of Paul SimonPhone number (home) (021) 999 9999 • Make sure that you are in fact reachable at the

contact numbers given• If you include your e-mail address, make sure

that it looks professional (for example, an address such as [email protected], will probably not make a good impression.

Cellphone number (072)1111111(officeandafterhours)E-mail [email protected] and postal address 10 Church Street, Mowbray, 7700

EDUCATION AND TRAININGSecondary educationPeriod 1999-2003 • You can decide whether to include your

secondary education information based on yourqualificationscompletedsofar,whenyoucompleted it and whether it is asked for.

Qualification SeniorcertificatewithendorsementSchool Church Street High School, Cape TownSubjects Afrikaans, English, German, Mathematics,

Economics, AccountingTertiary education (completed)Period 2004-2006 • Listeachqualificationcompletedstartingwith

themostrecentfirst• Indicate that an academic record is available on


Qualification Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCompt)Subjects Accounting, Auditing, Income tax, Economics,

Business Management and Commercial LawInstitution University of South AfricaTertiary education (current)Period 2007 Qualification Honours Bachelor of Accounting Science (CTA

option)Subjects Applied Financial Accounting, Applied Management

Accounting, Applied Information Systems and Applied Auditing

Institution University of South AfricaEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES2005 Captain of Greens Soccer Club Team A • Mention activities that will relate to the position

that you are applying for.2006 Treasurer for Student Representative Council, North-West Region

WORK EXPERIENCEPart-timePeriod 1 December 2006-31 January 2007 • List all job experiences: full-time, part-time, self-

employed and voluntary• List job experiences from most recent

backwards.Organisation Levis (Cape Town) Position Sales clerk Tasks Managing customer enquiries and complaints;

ordering stock and cashier dutiesPERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES

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CommentsCurriculum Vitae of Paul SimonLanguage abilities • Mother tongue: English

• Can understand, speak, read and write Afrikaans (advanced level)

• Can understand and speak isiXhosa (beginners level).

• Select to expand on skills that you think (or know) are important for the position you are applying for

• You can use the job advertisement or information from the company or recruitment agency to gather information about the required skills for the position you are applying for

• Remember to state the skill and provide at least one example of when you demonstrated this skill

• Select to expand on skills that you think (or know) are important for the position you are applying for

• You can use the job advertisement or information from the company or recruitment agency to gather information about the required skills for the position you are applying for

• Remember to state the skill and provide at least one example of when you demonstrated this skill.

Computer skills • MSOffice(MsWord,Excel,Powerpoint)-advanced level

• E-mail (advanced level)• MsProject (intermediate level).

Communication skills • Writing: I am responsible for writing reports on behalf of the volunteer group to our supervisor

• Listening: I have received training in listening skills and apply it daily in my capacity as a volunteer

• Presenting: As a peer help volunteer, I have to present career decision-making seminars to prospective students.

Leadership skills • Training: As sales clerk, I had to train the person replacing me in terms of how to re-order stock

• Decision-making: I am able to facilitate the career decision-making of others. The volunteer environment is loosely structured which allows me to decide how to manage my time

• Leadership: As captain of the soccer team, I ledmyteamtofouroutoffivevictoriesfortheseason.

Organisational skills • As a volunteer, I am responsible for organising outreach programmes to schools. This includes car rental, liaising with my peers and school personnel.

INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES• Soccer - I play for the Athens Sports Club• Book club - I am treasurer for my book club

• Try to include a team or group activity, and only include interests relevant to the position you are applying for

REFERENCES• Ms K Jones Human Resource Manager, Moores Rowland

Phone: 021 444 4444. E-mail: [email protected]• Mr J Smith Store Manager, Levi’s Cape Town

Phone: 021 555 4444. E-mail: [email protected]

• Include professional and/ or academic references

• Always ask permission to use someone as a reference and inform then when you apply for positions

• Also, send them an updated copy of your CV.

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Preparing for an Interview

First of all, start by researching the organisation by looking at the company website and finding out as much as you can about it. This will not only help you to ascertain whether or not you will fit in and how you could contribute, but also shows you care. Candidates who show a keen interest in the company and know how it operates are more likely to be hired.

Identify your key skills and attributes that you believe will be of benefit for the specific job and that match the corporate culture, and draw up a list of possible questions you may be asked. Make sure you include the toughest questions you can think of so that you’re prepared for anything that comes your way.

Most recruiters realise that graduates are unlikely to have much work experience, and rather than focusing on previous jobs, they tend to use behavioural-based interview techniques that assume your past behaviour predicts how you will conduct yourself in the future. For example, if you have shown initiative in the past, you are likely to do so in the future. Be prepared to answer specific questions about how and when you demonstrated characteristics that will be important in the job you’re being interviewed for. Being able to provide actual examples of what the company is looking for, such as how you dealt with a deadline or high levels of pressure in  thepast, gives a real-life picture of how you behave, rather than vague suggestions about your character.

Make sure that you have copies of your CV to take with you, as well as any other documentation that may be required, such as your ID, driver’s licence and proof of your qualifications. Phone and confirm your appointment and make sure that you know exactly what time it is scheduled for and

how to get there. Choose an appropriate outfit for the interview – one that matches the corporate culture of the company. Make sure that it is both professional and comfortable. Get a good night’s sleep so that you are fresh and can concentrate during the interview.

On the day, leave early in case of traffic, and try to get to the interview at least 10 minutes before you’re due to give yourself a chance to prepare yourself and to show that you are enthusiastic about the position. Never be late for an interview.

Always greet interviewers with a firm shake and look them in the eye, this shows that you are confident and not easily intimated by difficult situations. Pay attention during the interview to the questions you are being asked and respond clearly. When nervous, people tend to talk too quickly, so keep your voice slow and don’t panic if a question comes up that you haven’t prepared for – take a second or two to think it over before responding.

After the interview, write everything down – your thoughts and impressions about the interview, the names of the people you met and the questions you found easy, struggled with or hadn’t thought of. Not only will this allow you to better prepare for future interviews, it will also help you to remember important information that you may need if called back for a second interview.

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5Aerospace Sub-sector


Means an industry in which employers and employees are associated for the transportation and activities involving aircraft and space vehicles including related components; their regulation, operation, design, manufacture, maintenance, repair, overhaul and testing; the provision of and regulationofairport,heliport,airtrafficandairspace services; the servicing, calibration and maintenance of related equipment.

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

214403 Engineer Aeronautical Engineer

BSC Aeronautical Engineering

• Designing, developing and testing of aircraft, missiles, satellites and other systems.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & Science

• Pretoria University

• Wits University

132401 Supervisor/ Air Cargo Agent Nat Cert: Freight Forwarding Nat Cert: Freight Handling

• Supervising the cargo terminal, recording air freight shipments, and arranging for deliveries.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• UJ• HET ,• Private


833304 Aircraft baggage handler

Air Cargo / Baggage Handler

Skills Programme – Cargo handling

• The loading and unloading of cargo and baggage, drives baggage tractors, and operating of conveyors, forklifts, and other air freight handling equipment.

• Private provider

Aircraft Technician

Aircraft assembler

Trade Qualificationineither Mechanic, Structures or other suitable trade

• Assembling,fittingand installation of pre-fabricated parts to manufacture fixedwingorrotary wing aircraft or aircraft sub-assemblies

• Inspecting aircraft assemblies for adherence to engineering specifications.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

653202 Aircraft Technician

Aircraft Composite Structures Worker

Trade Qualificationas Aircraft Composite Structures Worker

• Maintenance, repairing and manufacturing of plastic,fibreglassand honeycomb structure components such asflightcontrols(flaps,spoilers,elevators) nose radomes and various other honeycomb construction components.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel• Aerosud

712201 Aircraft Technician

Aircraft Electroplater

Trade QualificationasElectroplater

• Plating of a thin protective layer on aircraft parts by means of electrochemical processes. These metals are used as protection against corrosion and to reconstruct worn parts to their original standards and dimensions.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & Science

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

653201 Aircraft Maitenance Engineer

Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs)

Trade QualificationasAircraft Mechanic with relevant CAA Type licenses

• Diagnosing, adjusting, repairing, replacing or overhauling of aircraft engines and assemblies, such as hydraulic and pneumatic systems, wings and fuselage

• Functional components including rigging, surface controls, and plumbing to ensure airworthiness.

Aircraft Mechanic Trade and 2 years practical experienceonType.

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

Aircraft Technician

Aircraft Electrician

Trade Qualificationas Aircraft Electrician

• Diagnosing faults on the electrical systems. Performing periodic inspections

• Maintaining, repairing and overhauling all electrical components

• Repairing and installation of all electrical components, as well as the wiring of the aircraft, to ensure proper power supply to all systems

• Overhauling, repairing and testing electronic equipment such as generators, AC and DC powers controls, temperature control and air conditioning units and various other electrical / electronic components

• Maintenance, removal and replacement of components

• Testing and troubleshooting of systems such as air conditioning, galleys, power generation and distribution, aircraft lighting, wiring etc.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

672101 Aircraft Technician

Aircraft Instrument Mechanic

Trade Qualificationas Aircraft Instrument Mechanic

• Measuring and testing equipment used for the tracing of circuits and the measuring of circuit values

• Repairing, testing and installing navigational and flyinginstruments,such as the automatic pilot and electronic compasses

• Overhauling and calibrating mechanical, analogue, digital and electronic instruments. Maintenance, removal and replacement of components

• Testing and troubleshooting of various instrument systems such as pilot static, sensors, quantityandflowindication, engine indication, etc.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

672101 Aircraft Radiotrician Technician

Aircraft Radiotrician

Trade QualificationasRadiotrician

• The Technician in the workshop is responsible for testing, repairing and overhauling communication equipment, aircraft navigation equipment and electronic control systems, as well as test instruments which are used in workshops

• Maintenance Technicians are responsible for the maintenance, removal and replacement of components, testing and troubleshooting of various systems such as communication, electronic control, radar, satellite communication, etc.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

653201 Aircraft Maintenance Technician

Aircraft Mechanic Trade QualificationasAircraft Mechanic

• Workshop Technicians are responsible for the overhaul and repair of various aircraft components such as fuel control units, pneumatic and hydraulic components, landing gear, wheels, brakes, pumps etc

• Maintenance Technicians tasks include the repair, removal and replacement of components, testing and troubleshooting of systems such as engine, air conditioning, landinggear,flightcontrols, etc.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

643202 Aircraft Technician

Aircraft Painter Trade QualificationasAircraft Painter

• Protective and decorativefinishingof the aircraft, its engines and components. Although spray-painting covers the largest facet of trade, sign writing and silk screening printing forms an equally part of his trade

Training includes: -Mixingofcolours - Multi spray

systems - Aircraft paint

application - Stencils,

transfers, pounces, etc.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

653202 Aircraft structure Technician

Aircraft Structures Worker

Trade Qualificationas Aircraft Structures Worker

• Maintenance, repair, overhaul, manufacturing and modificationoftheaircraft structure and its components

• Training includes riveting, bending, manufacturing and repairing

• Mark off, develop, manufacture and maintain airframes and engine components and parts.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

653202 Aircraft Trimmer Technician

Aircraft Trimmer Trade QualificationasAircraft Trimmer Structures Worker

• Manufacturing, maintenance and repair of interior components such as fabric covered panels, carpets, curtains and seat covers.

• Servicing and repairing of survival equipment used on aircraft such a slide rafts and life vests.

Training includes the following:

- Leather work practices

- Aircraft insulation blanket practices

- Sewing machine practices

- Maintenance of survival equipment.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

651202 Aircraft Technician

Aircraft Welder Trade QualificationasAircraft Welder

• Repairing of aircraft components

• Training in this trade includes the welding of aluminium, magnesium, stainless steel and titanium.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

132407 Airline Station Manager

Airline Station Manager

Nat Diploma: FlightDispatch orNational Diploma: Aircraft Piloting (A) + (H) or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations

• Management of all groundandflightoperations for his/her airline

• Aircraft handling• Passenger services• Air cargo operations• Ticket sales• Making public

announcements• Checking baggage• Operating computer

terminals depending upon the size of the airline or airport.

Grade 12 with Mathematics, English + Science

• Flying schools • Airlines• SA Air Force

216 Airport Planner

Airport Planner BSC Engineering • Planning and designing of airport facilities

• Creating a master plan for the airport

• Noting the increasing demands of passengers and the airline services.

Grade 12 with Mathematics, English + Science


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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

132407 Airport Manager

Airport Manager Nat Diploma: FlightDispatch orNational Diploma: Aircraft Piloting (A) + (H) or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations

• Management and co-ordination of the complete Airport including, amongst others: Safety, Fire and Rescue, Maintenance and Engineering, Customer Relations, Airside and Landside Management.

Grade 12 with Mathematics, English + Science

• Flying schools • Airlines• SA Air Force • Private


5411 Fire Fighter Airport Fire Fighter

Skills program or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations

• Handling the fully automated tower and attending to emergencies timeously

• Relaying the correct information to necessary departments

• Accurately recording all information and activities during emergencies

• Monitoring the landing and take-off of all aircraft

• Driving or handling firetendersduringemergencies

• Saving lives and protecting property and applying ICAO recommendations.

Grade 12 + Fire Fighter 2 qualification


3154 AirTrafficController


Nat Diploma: Air TrafficControl

• Tower control, which handles all aircraft movements including take-offs and landings

• Monitoring approaching and departingtraffic,enroute control and information and advisory services.

Grade 12 with Mathematics, English + Science

• ATNS • SA Air Force • Private


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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

422203 Airport Service Supervisor, Customer liaisonOfficer,

Airport Service Agent

Skills program • Capturingofflightinformation in operating systems

• Handling telephonic queries

• Capturing complaints and comment cards to theInfoxmovementdatabase

• Providing job sheets to contractors

• Monitoringspecificinfrastructure systems. Making announcements and ensuring correct flightdisplaysin the terminal. Emergency call out procedures.

Grade 12 + English proficiency

• Private provider


833304 Ground Crew Airport User Agent

Skills program • Provide accurate flightinformationto clients. Handle telephonic queries

• Handle customer queries at the information counter

• Make clear announcements over the PA system.

Grade 12 + English proficiency

• Private provider


2611 Lawyer Aviation Law Applicable Law Degree

• This is a highly specialized aspect of the law, and is very much internationally orientated. Very few people in South Africahavequalifiedinthisfield.Itisrecommended that you contact universities for more information.

Generic Law Degree

• HET; • CAA

( international institution)

2212 Aviation Medicine Personnel

Aviation Medicine Applicable Medical qualifications

• This is a highly specialisedfieldof medicine. A courseinthisfieldis offered by the Institute for Aviation Medicine. Aviation physicians are employed mainly by the SAAF and by some of the larger commercial airline companies.

Medical Degree, Nursing Diploma or Paramedic Qualification

• Private provider

• HET, Colleges.

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

Aviation Incident Inspector

Aviation Safety Specialist

Specialist training in aviation safety

• Aviation safety specialists report incidents and accidents and ensure that their causes are made widely known to all thatcouldbenefitby the knowledge

• Designs, construction and practices are reviewed constantly, andnewfindingsand techniques are incorporated.

Nat Diploma: FlightDispatch orNational Diploma: Aircraft Piloting (A) + (H) or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations or National Diploma: Air

• Airlines• SA Air Force

143904 Aviation Security Officer

• Processing of passengers, permit holders, crew and hand luggage

• Ensuring that all relevant regulations, policies and procedures are adhered to in the processing of passengers

• Participate in crime prevention and management strategy by actively combating all criminally inclined acts in and around the security checkpoints at the airport

• Ensuring that ICAO/ CAA/ACSA standards are complied with i.e. proper control of dangerous items, weapons,firearmsand ammunition, etc

• Ensure the effective security of the airport infrastructure.

TrafficControlGrade 12 + English proficiency

• Private provider


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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

652301 Aircraft Technician

Aviation Turner and Machinist

Trade Qualificationas Turner & Machinist

• Modifying, repair and manufacture of aircraft parts.

Training in this trade includes:

- Machining of screw heads

- Machining tapers - Machining of

gears on a milling machine

- Grinding of internal andexternalsurfaces.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

511101 Flight Attendant

Cabin Crew / Flight Attendant

SEPT Skill Program or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations, Cabin Crew

• Enforces safety rules. Serves food

• Oversees passengers’ comfort

• Directs evacuation procedures in the case of an emergency.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English + must past aviation medical examination

• Private provider

• Airlines• SA Air Force

672101 Aircraft Technician

Electronics Mechanician

Trade Qualificationas Aircraft Electronician

• Repair and maintain electronic as well as mechanical aspects of various equipment.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

672106 Aircraft Technician

Electromechanic Trade QualificationasElectronician

• Maintaining of teletype equipment, landing lights, beacons, and stand-by generators.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

Aircraft Technician

Electronics Maintenance Technician

NatCertificate:Communication, Navigation & Surveillance Support or Nat Diploma: Aeronautical Surveillance Systems

• Maintaining navigational aids and communication equipment, such as Airport radar and radio beacons.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• Private provider


652302 Aircraft Technician

Fitter and Turner Trade qualificationinFitting & Turning

• Manufacturing parts and aircraft components.

Allartisanqualifi-cations enrolment requirement is Grade12 with Mathematics & Science Level 5 respectively or TVET Technical Aviation subjects

• Private provider

• SAAT• Denel

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

211201 Flight Dispatcher Supervisor

Flight Dispatcher Nat Diploma: FlightDispatch 

• Planningofflightrequirements (fuel consumption, altitudes,trafficflow,weather,windsaloft)

• Authorising take-offs or cancelling flights

• Advising pilots in the air on weather or route changes. Experienceasaflightdispatchercould lead to promotions to air trafficcontrollerorairport manager

• Requires a college degree with a major in air transportation or meteorology.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• Private provider

• Airlines• SA Air Force

653201 Aircraft Engineer

Flight Engineer Any Trade related qualification,butpreferably Aircraft Mechanic + completed theory subjects as for pilot training

• Monitoring the in-flightoperationof the engines and aircraft’s mechanical and electrical systems.

Grade 12 with Mathematics, Science and English + must have passed aviation medical

• Private provider

• Airlines• SA Air Force

315304 Flying Instructor

Pilot with Instructor rating

Commercial Pilot’s license or Nat Dip: Aircraft Piloting (A) + (H) Level 5 or 6, with an Instructors rating as approved by CAA.

• Demonstrating and explaining,ontheground and in the air, basic principles offlight,aerialnavigation, weather factors, and civil aviation regulations.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English + must have valid aviation medical

• Private provider

• Airlines• SA Air Force

3153 Flying Simulator Instructor

Pilot Commercial Pilot’s license or Nat Dip: Aircraft Piloting (A) + (H) Level 5 or 6, with an Instructors rating as approved by CAA

• Training of pilots • Grading skills, using


Grade 12 with Mathematics & English + must have valid aviation medical

• Private provider

• Airlines• SA Air Force

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

833304 Ground Handling Supervisor

Ground Handling and Emergency Services

Various Skills Programmes or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations

• Moving, refueling and cleaning of aircraft when on the ground

• Emergency services such as airport rescueandfire-fightingteamshaveto be available at all times to react to emergencies

• Paramedics and fire-fightersareemployed by these services and further information about them can be obtained from the Airports Company (ground handling), and the aviation departments of the major oil companies (aircraft refueling).

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• Private provider

• Airlines• Cargo


833304 Load Master Supervisor

Loadmaster Skills program • Supervising proper tie-down procedures of cargo and calculating weight distribution of the load.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• Private provider

• Airlines• SA Air Force

211201 Meteorologist Meteorologist NatCertificate:Weather Observation Level 5

• Analysing weather data and reporting the weather to the pilot and dispatcher

• Preparingflightplans.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English


315301 Flight Navigator

Navigator NatCertificate:Navigation Level5

• Plotting an aircraft’s course, reports positions, and estimates arrival time.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English + must pass aviation medical examination


315305 Helicopter Pilot

Pilot, Aeroplane (A) or Helicopter (H), Private Pilot (PPL)

• Flying aeroplanes and/or helicopters for pleasure and cannotflyforremuneration or for airlines.

Min 17 years old + Grade 12 with Mathematics & English+ must pass aviation medical examination

• Private provider

315303 Commercial Pilot

Pilot, Aeroplane (A) or Helicopter (H), Commercial Pilot (CPL)

Commercial Pilot License (CPL) or Nat Diploma: Aircraft Piloting (A) + (H) Level 5

• Flying aeroplanes and/or helicopters for remuneration, either privately, or for Charter companies.

Min 18 years old + PPL + valid aviation medical

• Private provider

• SA Air Force

315303 Airline Pilot Pilot, Aeroplane (A) or Helicopter (H), Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)

Airline Transport Pilot License (ATP) or Nat Diploma: Aircraft Piloting (A) + (H) Level 6

• Flying aeroplanes and/or helicopters for remuneration, either privately, or for Charter companies or for Airlines.

CPL+ valid aviation medical- ATPL &1500 Hours

• Private provider

• SA Air Force• Airlines

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

672104 Radatrician Technician

Radartrician NatCertificate:Communication, Navigation & Surveillance Support or Nat Diploma: Aeronautical Surveillance Systems

• Routine maintenance, fault diagnoses and repair of radar equipment.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English


422102 Client Liaison, Travel Consultants Officer/Sales

Reservations Clerk

Skills program or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations

• Handling telephonic enquiries about flightschedulesandfares

• Makingflightreservations for airline passengers.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• Private provider

• Airlines • Travel agents

422102 Airline Sales Agent/Officer

Ticket Agent Skills program or Nat Cert: Aviation Support Operations

• Selling of tickets• Weighing• Tagging of baggage• Answering

passenger’s questions on schedules and fares.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• Private provider

• Airlines • Travel agents

422102 Travel Agent Officer/Sales

Travel Agent Skills program • Promoting airline travel. Calling on customers

• Arranging charter flights.

Grade 12 with Mathematics & English

• Private provider

• Travel agents

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• Industrial Engineer• Load Controllers• Mechanical Engineers• Meteorologist (research, climate & forecasting)• Non Destructive Testing Technician• Sheet Metal Worker• Passenger Handling• Ramp Handling• Software Engineer• Turner Machinist

Trade QUALIFICATIONS (ARTISAN TRAINING OPTIONS) within the aerospace Sub-sector

• Aircraft mechanic • Aircraft spray painter • Aircraft welder • Aircraft structure worker • Aircraft composites worker • Aircraft radiotrician • Aircraft electrician • Aircraft avionics • Aircraft trimmer • Aircraft armour

Critical skills within the Aerospace Sub-sector

• Accident Investigators• Aeronautical Engineers• AirTrafficAssistantTrainer• AirTrafficController• Avionics Technicians• Aircraft Electronicians• Aircraft Instrument Mechanic• Aircraft Radatrician• Aircraft Radiotrician• Aircraft Composite Structure Worker• Aircraft Engine Fitter Aircraft Mechanic• Aircraft Trimmer• Aircraft Electrician• Aircraft Performance Analysis/ Weight and

Balance Analysis• Aircraft Welder• Aircraft Spray Painter• Airport Maintenance Electricians• Armourer• CAA Inspectors• Cabin Crew (Flight Attendants)• Contact Centre Managers • Electronic Engineers• Engineering Technician ATNS• Fitter (light Armsment)

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6Forwarding and ClearingSub-sector

An industry in which employers and employees are associated for the management of the international aspects of the procurement, acquisition, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory into, throughandoutoforganisations and its distribution channels, by the application of value added solutions.

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialization Qualification OccupationProfile Entry Req Institutions

333905 Supply Chain Practitioner

Supply Chain Practitioner in International Logistics

National Higher CertificateinSupply Chain Management NQF Level 5 (QualificationID 74149) – 4 Learnerships have been registered with DHET

• The Supply Chain Practitioners plan, organize, execute,control and coordinate the processes and interrelationships across the supply chain activities (operational, strategic, performance and risk management) including, but not limited to, supply and demand, acquisition, logistics, and disposal functions.

National Diploma: Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 4 OR Equivalent

• University of JHB• University of PTA• University of North

West• UNISA- Institute for Quality- Metro Minds- Global Maritime

Legal Solutions

132401 Supply Chain Manager

Supply Chain Manager in International Logistics

QCTO Framework for this occupation has been finalizedandis at an NQF Level 6.

591103 Supply Chain Officer

Supply Chain OfficerinInternational Logistics

QCTO Framework for this occupation has been finalizedandis at an NQF Level 7.

HET B Comm has been registered with SCM specialization as a Learnership with DHET.

SCM Qualificationat NQF Level 6 or Equivalent

- Chartered Institute for Purchasing & Supply- Da Vinci Institute

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialization Qualification OccupationProfile Entry Req Institutions

333101 Clearing & Forwarding Agent

- Logistics- Forwarder- Customs Clearing- Customs Broker

National Certificate:International Trade NQF Level 2 (QualificationID 59326)

• Clearing and forwarding agents carry out customs clearing procedures and ensure that insurance, export/importlicenses and other formalities are in order. To facilitate the movement of cargo internationally, locally and ensuring compliance with current legislations.

Minimum ABET Level 4 or equivalent NQF Level 1

• Skills Development Specialists

• Global Maritime Legal Solutions

• Institute for Quality• School Of Shipping• Chartered Institute

of Ship Brokers and Agents

• Metro Minds• ITRISA

National Certificate: Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 3 (QualificationID 59365)

Minimum Grade 12 certificatewith Mathematics & Geography

FETCertificate:Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 4 (QualificationID 59298)

National Certificate: Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 3 OR Equivalent

National Diploma: Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 5 (QualificationID 59304)

FET Certificate:Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 4 OR Equivalent

National Certificate:International Trade NQF Level 2 (QualificationID 59326)

Minimum ABET Level 4 or equivalent NQF Level 1

National Certificate: Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 3 (QualificationID 59365)

Minimum Grade 12 certificatewith Mathematics & Geography

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialization Qualification OccupationProfile Entry Req Institutions

FETCertificate:Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 4 (QualificationID 59298)

• Clearing and forwarding agents carry out customs clearing procedures and ensure that insurance, export/importlicenses and other formalities are in order. To facilitate the movement of cargo internationally, locally and ensuring compliance with current legislations.

National Certificate: Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 3 OR Equivalent

Skills Development Specialists

• Global Maritime Legal Solutions

• Institute for Quality• School Of Shipping• Chartered Institute

of Ship Brokers and Agents

• Metro Minds• ITRISA

National Diploma: Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 5 (QualificationID 59304)

FET Certificate:Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 4 OR Equivalent

142101 Importer / Exporter

Exports(S) FETCertificateinExportsNQF Level 4 (QualificationID 57806)

Minimum Grade 12 certificatewith Mathematics & Geography

National Certificate:ExportsAdministration NQF Level 5 (QualificationID 57957)

FET Certificate:Freight Forwarding & Customs Compliance NQF Level 4 OR Equivalent

333101 Shipping Agent Shipping Agent (S and C)

FETCertificatein Shipping NQF Level 4 (QualificationID 49155)

Minimum Grade 12 certificatewith Mathematics & Geography

Critical skills within the Forwarding and Clearing Sub-sector

Freight ForwardingCustoms ClearingRegulatory TrainingSupply Chain Management & International LogisticsManagement Skills CommunicationSales SkillsInformation Technology

Project management

· Material / Freight handling· Call Centre Management· Business Administration· Human Resource

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7Freight Handling Sub-sector

Means the industry in which employers and employees are associated for the purposes of the handling, storage and stock control of any cargoes through ports, airports, distribution centres, factories and other depots.

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

132401 Supply & Distribution Manager

Supply Chain Manager

B Com Logistics • Managing of transport and distribution channels

• Planning for raw materials and finishedproducts

• Inventory control• Staff management.

Matric with accounting

• Pretoria University

• Wits University

132402 Logistic Manager

Freight Manager B Com Logistics(Entry should be DFL)

• Managing of transport and distribution channels

• Inventory control and staff management

• Storage planning warehouse designing

• Resource planning• Financial planning• Strategic

management• Quality management• Importsandexports


Matric with accounting



132404 Warehouse Manager

Storeroom Manager

Diploma in warehouse management and/orLogistics Management.(DFL)

• Managing of transport and distribution channels

• Inventory control and staff management

• Storage planning• Resource planning• Financial planning• Strategic

management• Quality management• Importsandexports




132402 Logistics Manager

Logistics Clerk Nat Cert: Freight Forwarding Nat Cert: Freight Handling

• Ensuring the effective documentation of all freight movement

• Providing information relating to freight location.

• Private provider

432101 StockOfficer Inventory Controller

Certificateinstores operations (CFH Qual)

• Supervision of transport, distribution, receiving, storage and dispatch sections

• Supervision of stores, transport and drivers

• Managing budgets within the section, ensuring targets are met, liaising with clients (internal and external).

• Private provider

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

833402 Store Person Stock controller Certificateinstock controlNat Cert: Freight Handling

• Ensuring the effective control and protection of stock whilst in the warehouse

• Private provider

132404 Warehouse Manager

Warehouse Doorman


CertificateinBasic Security

• Ensuring all freight entering and leaving the warehouse is documented

• Granting access to warehouse to employees only.

• Private provider

733201 Truck Driver Freight Operator Drivers license according to vehicle classification

Nat Cert: Professional Driving

• Conveying freight from point of collection to point of delivery, whilst ensuring the protection and preservation of the freight and adhering to time schedules.

• Private provider

734402 Forklift Operator

Forklift Driver Competency Certificateaccording to classificationofequipment

Nat Cert: Lifting Machine Operators

• Conveying freight from point of collection to point of delivery

• Loading and offloadingfreight

• Placing freight into stock whilst ensuring the protection and preservation of the freight during movement.

NQF Level 2 • Private provider

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• AET• Transport Management• Supply Chain Management• Logistics Management• General Management• Supervisory• HR • Finance• Administration

• IT • Key Account Management• Customer Services• Safety Awareness• Technical • Operator Skills • Port Management• Business Development Management• Performance Management

Critical skills within the Freight Sub-sector

Trade QUALIFICATIONS (ARTISAN TRAINING OPTIONS) within the freight handling Sub-sector

• Electricians • Electromechanician (Millwright)• Diesel Mechanic

Scarce skills

The Scarce Skills List 2012/13 is drawn from the annual workplace skills plan/ annual training reports, careers guide, literature review, scarce skills questionnaire and workshops with stakeholders in the designated sector.

NOTE: The occupations shaded in light blue indicate a supply/demand analysis has been undertaken above.

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation

132402 Logistics Manager Freight Manager

132403 Transport Manager Cargo Manager

121905 Project Manager Project Director

121901 General Manager Business Operations Manager

121101 Finance Manager Financial Administration Manager

214101 Engineers Manufacturing Logistics Engineer

862918 Artisan Artisan Aide Electrical

311905 Technicians Industrial Engineering Technicians

671202 Millright Millwright (Electromechanician)

132401 Supply and Distribution Manager Supply Chain Manager

733201 Truck Driver (General) Freight Operator

132404 Warehouse Manager Storeroom Manager

243103 Marketing Practitioner MarketingOfficer

642607 Pipe Fitter Metal Pipe Fitter

252902 Technical (ICT) Support Services Manager

Technical (ICT) Support Services Manager

121202 Business Training Manager Training & Development Manager

734301 Crane or Hoist Operator Tower Crane Operator

833303 Waterside Worker Stevedore

432102 Dispatching and Receiving Clerk / Officer

Goods Receiving Clerk

642702 Refrigeration Mechanic Cold Storage Maintenance Serviceman

734402 Forklift Operator Forklift Operator

226302 Safety Manager Safety Manager

134916 Stevedore Foreman Stevedore Foreman

222101 Occupational Health Nurse Occupational Health Nurse

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8Maritime Sub-sector

Means the industry in which the employers and employees are associated for the purpose of activities on vessels used at sea, and the associated land based services, for: the transport of persons and cargo; the mining of sub-marine mineral resources and the transportation of these for landing in South African ports; the catching or garneringofmarine livingresourceswithin theSouthAfricanexclusivefishingzone,and the transportation of these for landing at South African ports; the maintenance, repair, overhaul and testing of ocean-going vessels; The below careers must be read in the context of the limitations of TETA scope and the companies allocated via SIC code to TETA Maritime sub-sector, the below list is not exhaustive as a maritime career is global and encompasses many careers outside the scope of SAQA, SAMSA and at this time also QCTO. The Oil and Gas Industry is a useful example, where the environment and careers span over various SETAs, SAMSA, IMCO in the air, on surface and below the surface (ROV pilot and crew and commercial diving).TheTourismindustrywithsuperyachtsandcruisevesselsofferavirtualfloatingcity with various trades and skills sets required in addition to actual vessel crew. The recent research commissioned by SAMSA and the maritime economy vision does justicetotheopportunitiesforemploymentthemaritimefieldofferstothosewishingto go to sea. Fishing companies for example could find themselveswithAgri SETAs (harvesting)TETA (fishing vessel), FOODBEV (fish processing) or even unallocated. As a rule,maritime careers commence with the regulated training (SAMSA) and require the theoretical and practical components, at sea in order to qualify.

*Image supplied courtesy of SAMSA

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Maritime Sub-sector Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

Deck(navigation)officer CertificateofCompetence: Deck Officerinchargeofawatch (SAMSA)

Successful completion of S1 and S2 (CertificateinMaritimeStudies) will allow you to apply for employment (as a navigating cadet) with a ship-owner or a port authority. This is a one-year study and forms part of the National Diploma in Maritime Studies.

In order to qualify withacertificateofcompetence (deck officer)youwillberequired to complete an approved cadetship of 24 months (or an approved on-board accelerated training of 12 months) and to pass anoralexaminationof the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).

Additional studies, sea-service and examinationsarerequiredforcertificationas chief navigating officer.

Please note that:• Alternative pathways

to obtaining the qualificationarealsoavailable

• Qualificationrequirements are considerably different for equivalent positions inthefishingindustry.

• Navigating a ship safely.

• Performing shipboard operations to contribute to the successful outcome of an oceangoing voyage.

Qualificationasadeckofficerisapart-requirement for a range of other scarce skills in the sector, e.g.:

• Tugmaster• Harbour Master• Ship surveyor• Salvageofficer

The school requirements for this fieldofstudyareaGrade 12 with Maths and Science, pass rate of 60%.

Entry into a discipline on board a ship requires good physical condition with no colour blindness and you must be able to swim. You would be required to obtain a vision certificateissuedbytheSouth African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).

The Maritime Studies Department at:

• Cape Peninsula University of Technology

• Durban University of Technology.

Refer to the SAMSA Marine Notice ( for approved cadetships or accelerated training programmes.

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Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

Engineeringofficer CertificateofCompetence: EngineeringOfficerin charge of a watch (SAMSA)

Successful completion of S1 and S2 (CertificateinMarineEngineering) will allow you to apply for employment (as a engineering cadet) with a ship-owner or a port authority. This is a one-year study and forms part of the National Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

In order to qualify withacertificateof competence (engineeringofficer)you will be required to complete an approved cadetship of 30 months (or an approved on-board accelerated training of 18 months) , which comprises practical workshop training and theoretical education (3 additional maritime subjects. You will also be required to pass an oralexaminationoftheSouth African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA)

Please note that:• Alternative pathways

(e.g. N4 mechanical engineering) to obtaining the qualificationarealsoavailable

• Qualificationrequirements are considerably different for equivalent positions inthefishingindustry.

• Maintenance of the engine of a ship.

• Performing a range of engineering requirements that will contribute to a successful oceangoing voyage

Qualificationasaengineeringofficerisapart-requirement for a range of other scarce skills in the sector, e.g.:

• Tug engineer• Ship surveyors• Naval architect• Salvage engineer

The school requirements for this fieldofstudyareaGrade 12 with Maths and Science, pass rate of 60%.

Entry into a discipline on board a ship requires good physical condition with no colour blindness and you must be able to swim. You would be required to obtain a vision certificateissuedbytheSouth African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).

The Engineering Faculty at:• Cape Peninsula

University of Technology

• Durban University of Technology

Refer to the SAMSA Marine Notice ( for approved cadetships or accelerated training programmes.

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Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

Able Seafarer (Deck) CertificateofCompetence: Able Seafarer (Deck)

In order to qualify withacertificateofcompetence (Able Seafarer: Deck) you will be required to 12 months approved sea service on ships of 100 GRT on unlimited voyages or near costal voyages. You will need to complete onboard training and shore-based training and will be assessed accordingly

Please note that qualificationrequirements for deckhands are different inthefishingindustry.

• Various functions including assisting with the navigation of the vessel.

Preference is normally given to those that have obtained a Grade 12 with Maths and Science

Entry into a discipline on board a ship requires good physical condition with no colour blindness and you must be able to swim. You would be required to obtain a vision certificateissuedbytheSouth African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).

Refer to the SAMSA Marine Notice ( for approved programmes

Able Seafarer (Engine) CertificateofCompetence: Able Seafarer (Engine)

In order to qualify withacertificateofcompetence (Able Seafarer: Engine) you will be required to complete 12 months approved sea service on ships of 100 GRT on unlimited voyages or near costal voyages. You will need to complete onboard training and shore-based training and will be assessed accordingly

Please note that qualificationrequirements for deckhands are different inthefishingindustry.

• Performing basic engineering maintenance and repair operations.

Preference is normally given to those that have obtained a Grade 12 with Maths and Science

Entry into a discipline on board a ship requires good physical condition with no colour blindness and you must be able to swim. You would be required to obtain a vision certificateissuedbytheSouth African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).

Refer to the SAMSA Marine Notice ( for approved programmes

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Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

Marine Pilot NationalCertificateinMarine Pilotage

• Pilotage is a specialist function required to safely handle the movement of all vessels within the harbour.

• Guiding ships when entering the harbour/port, as the Master of the ship may not be well versed with the geography of the port.

CertificateofCompetence: Deck Officerinchargeofawatch (SAMSA).

The learner should satisfy the competent pilotage authority’s requirements for medicalfitness.In particular this entails meeting the eyesight, hearing and physical fitnessstandardsrequiredforcertificationofofficersinchargeofa navigational watch under STCW 1995.

Transnet School of Ports

*Image supplied courtesy of SAMSA

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*Image supplied courtesy of SAMSA

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Critical skills within the Maritime Sub-sector• General management competencies • Navigation Skills (Fishing and Merchant Marine)• Engineering Skills (Fishing and Merchant Marine)• Seamanship

(deckhand and engine room assistance)• Marine communications• Port management• Fishing• Fishhunting&fishingtechnology• Seafood processing• Aquaculture / seafood farming• Marine Pilotage• Ship surveying• Naval architecture• Marine chef

• Commercial Diving, ROV pilots and crew


• Ship welders • Ship electrician• Diesel mechanic• Fitter and turner• Electromechanician (Millwright)

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9rail Sub-sector

Means the industry in which employers and employees are associated for: the purpose of the transportation of goods, passengers and livestock by rail; the control, management, accomplishment, maintenance and exploitation of railways and rail services; the maintenance, servicing, repair overhaul and testing of locomotives and rolling stock.

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Occupation Code Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

731101 Train Driver (FREIGHT LOGISTICS)

National Diploma: Train Driver NQF Level 5

• Preparing the locomotive for service, operate and regulate the locomotive /locomotive consistently safely under/with high voltage equipment

• Inspect train load consistently and testing the operation of different train brake systems.

• Safely operate and regulate different trains on different topographical conditions within different train control systems whilst complying with principles of safe movement on rail

• Operate applicable train brake system within company specificinstructionsand manufacturers specifications

• Apply communication protocols related to various designation, descriptions and company terminology.

Learners accessing this Diploma in Train Driving (Mainline Operations) will have an FETC 4 qualification,inclusiveof Mathematics and/or Science.


731101 Train Driver (COMMUTER / PASSENGER)

Further Education and Training Certificate:Train Driver NQF Level 4

• Operate locomotives withinadefinedworkingarea

• Carry out shunting duties

• Prepare and start locomotives and related equipment.

• Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 3

• Communication at NQF Level 3.





731201 Railway Signal Operator

National Certificate:Railway Signalling NQF 2

• Performing the assembly and wiring of railway signalling equipment

• Applying quality checks on the assembled and wired railway signalling equipment

• Understanding and applying health and safety regulations to a work area.

Thisqualificationassumesthat learners have a General Education and Training CertificateatNQFLevel1including mathematics, or equivalent.



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Occupation Code Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

731201 Railway Signal Operator

National Certificate:Railway Signalling NQF 3

• Planning and preparing theexecutionofinstallation and scheduled maintenance tasks on railway signalling equipment

• Communicating tasks and responsibilities within the work team and solve potential problems that may arise

• Safely installing railway signalling equipment according to signalling practice and specificationswithinateam environment

• Safely performing scheduled maintenance on railway signalling equipment according to signalling practice and specifications

• Understanding the need for safety and demonstrating the ability to apply safe working before, during andaftertheexecutionof the tasks related to the railway signalling equipment being installed or maintained.

Thisqualificationassumes that the learner’s competencies include but are not limited to the following: • Knowledge and ability

to effectively use engineering hand and power tools

• Knowledge of electrical wiring techniques and the ability to harness, route and terminate electrical conductors

• Knowledge and ability to solder electrical conductors and components

• An understanding of heath and safety in a working environment and the application thereof

• Knowledge and ability toperformfirst-aidandfire-fighting

• An understanding of the principles of electricity.

• Knowledge and understanding of railway signalling principles, elements and philosophies

• Assembly of railway signalling equipment which must include but is not limited to a railway track circuit, an electrical railway signal, an electrical points machine, components of an electrical signalling interlocking system and an apparatus case

• Electrical wiring of railway signalling equipment which must include but is not limited to a railway track circuit, an electrical railway signal, an electrical points machine, components of an electrical signalling interlocking system and an apparatus case.


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Occupation Code Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

731201 Railway Signal Operator

National Certificate:Railway Signalling NQF 4

• Planning and preparing theexecutionoffault-findingandrepairtaskson railway signalling equipment

• Performing fault-findingandrepairtaskssafely and effectively on railway signalling equipment according to railway signalling engineering practice and specifications

• Applying safety before, during and after the executionofthefault-findingandrepairtasks.

Thisqualificationassumes that the learner’s competencies include but are not limited to the following:

• Knowledge of mechanical signalling

• Knowledge of company rules and regulations applicable when performing maintenance in the vicinity of or near exposed(live)highvoltage overhead track equipment

• Knowledge of and be able to apply Train Working rules

• Knowledge and ability to perform maintenance and repairs on a bank of batteries

• Knowledge and ability to joint electrical signal cables

• Knowledge and ability to install electrical signal cables

• Knowledge and ability to install an apparatus case

• Knowledge and ability to install an electrical railway signal

• Knowledge and ability to install components of an interlocking system

• Knowledge and ability to install a track circuit

• Knowledge and ability to install electrical points

• Knowledge and ability to perform routine preventive maintenance on electrical points

• Knowledge and ability to perform routine preventive maintenance on and apparatus case

• Knowledge and ability to perform routine preventive maintenance on a colour light signal

• Knowledge and ability to perform routine preventive maintenance on a railway track circuit.



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Occupation Code Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

731201 Functional Yard Operations

National Certificate:Rail Operation – Functional Yard Operations NQF 3

• Carry out shunting duties

• Receive & Dispatch trains from the yard using related equipment.

Grade 8 with English PRASA


731202 Train-Control Officer

National Certificate:Rail Operations – Train-Control OfficerNQFLevel 4

• Safety• Communication• Operating signals and

points• Granting occupations

and affording protection• Affording protection for

accidents and degraded mode conditions

• Observation of train movements and signals

• Administration.

Grade 12 with English + Maths + Science





653306 Diesel Electrical Fitter

Diesel Electrical Fitter

• Maintains and repair Diesel electric loco`s,

• Safety• Administration.

• A minimum age of 16 years

• Grade 10 with Mathematics OR

• Grade 10 without Mathematics but must have at least Mathematics as a subject on the N1 OR

• A N1 that must include Mathematics as a subject as well as the relevant technical trade theory OR

• NationalCertificateVocational Level 2.



671101 Electrical Fitter Electrical Fitter • Maintenance and repairs• Safety• Administration.

• A minimum age of 16 years

• Grade 10 with Mathematics OR

• Grade 10 without Mathematics but must have at least Mathematics as a subject on the N1 OR

• A N1 that must include Mathematics as a subject as well as the relevant technical trade theory OR

• NationalCertificateVocational Level 2.


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Occupation Code Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

653303 Wagonfitter Wagonfitter • Maintains Wagons – skills required Mechanical preumatics.

• A minimum age of 16 years

• Grade 10 with Mathematics OR

• Grade 10 without Mathematics but must have at least Mathematics as a subject on the N1 OR

• A N1 that must include Mathematics as a subject as well as the relevant technical trade theory OR

• NationalCertificateVocational Level 2.


671101 Electrician Electrician • Provide maintenance management support service in order to ensure a cost effective maintenance of equipment in accordance with statutory requirements, ensuring constant power supply.

• A minimum age of 16 years

• Grade 10 with Mathematics OR

• Grade 10 without Mathematics but must have at least Mathematics as a subject on the N1 OR

• A N1 that must include Mathematics as a subject as well as the relevant technical trade theory OR

• NationalCertificateVocational Level 2.


652301 Turner & Machinist

Turner & Machinist

• The incumbent in the position performs turning and machining activities and cutting of train wheels and is also responsible for the maintenance including the (UFL) Under Floor Lathe to achieve the set operational goals of the business.

• A minimum age of 16 years

• Grade 10 with Mathematics OR

• Grade 10 without Mathematics but must have at least Mathematics as a subject on the N1 OR

• A N1 that must include Mathematics as a subject as well as the relevant technical trade theory OR

• NationalCertificateVocational Level 2.


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Occupation Code Occupation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

651202 Welder (Rolling stock)

Welder (Rolling stock)

Toexecuteweldingtaskswithin the Rolling Stock environment.• Builds up (welds up)

material as and when required.

• Cuts off, removes and repairs air pipes, vacuum pipes and thin steel plates and various bolt types daily.

• Cuts off bearings from armatures as and when required. Welds various equipment and material daily.

Marks, cuts, bends and fitsplatesaccordingtospecificationsdaily.

• A minimum age of 16 years

• Grade 10 with Mathematics OR

• Grade 10 without Mathematics but must have at least Mathematics as a subject on the N1 OR

• A N1 that must include Mathematics as a subject as well as the relevant technical trade theory OR

• NationalCertificateVocational Level 2



Technicians (civil, mechanical, electrical, metallurgy, electronics)

Technicians (civil, mechanical, electrical, metallurgy, electronics)

Maintains and performs faultfindingandrepairsonall signalling equipments within assigned geographical area in order to ensure the reliability and availability of all systems.

Grade 12 with Science and Mathematics


Engineers (civil, mechanical, electrical, metallurgy, electronics)

Engineers (civil, mechanical, electrical, metallurgy, electronics

Maintains and performs faultfindingandrepairsonall signalling equipments within assigned geographical area in order to ensure the reliability and availability of all systems.

Grade 12 with Science and Mathematics


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SCARCE SKILLS in the RAIL Sub-sector

• Railflagman• Railway signaling tech workers(Shunters)

Engineering Technicians:

• Electronics, Civil, Draughtsman, Electrical, Instrument, Mechanical, Industrial, Metallurgy, Technologists, Civil engineer rail design(rail alignment)

Engineering Professionals:

• Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, B Sc Electronics, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Metallurgy

• Train Drivers both electric and diesel• Train Assistants• TrainControlOfficers• Leadership skills• Supervisory Skills

Critical skills within the Rail Sub-sector• Transport Management • (Human Resources, equipment, drivers,

dangerous goods for all modes of transport)

• Supply Chain Management (Production planning and logistics)

• General Management (Leadership and motivational skills)

• I.T. Skills (handling, operations, administration and management)

• Train Driving• Railway Engineering• Train Management• Tracking of information in real time• E-commerce• GPS positioning and signalling• Wagon repairs and building• Financial Specialists (CA)• Procurement Specialists• Skills Development Facilitators• Site Supervisors• Mechanical Plant Maintanance

• Occupational Health and Safety• Contract Manager• Rail wheel interface management• Track conditioning evaluation for

maintenance evaluations• Operational improvement• Cost containment• 4PL - Fourth - Party Logistics Provider• Joint Venture Management• Developing of monitoring system in

technical• Environment & operations e.g. Train • Condition-monitoring system• Heavy haul logistics• Railtrafficmanagementsystems

development and implementation• Train and maintenance crew

communication technology• Design and manufacturing of railway wagonsforspecifictypesoffreight

• Rail track maintenance

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• Machine Maintenance• Supply chain logistics• Track Technicians & Training Specialists – Rail Operations• Problem solving skills


• Dieselelectricalfitter• Diesel mechanic• Electricalfitter• Wagonfitter• Welder • Vehicle builder • Sheetmetal worker • Platter millwright • Electromachanician • Electrician • Amature winder • Turner machinist • Toolmaker • Blacksmith• Boilermaker

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10 road Freight Sub-sector

Means the industry in which employers and employees are associated for the purpose of the transportation of goods by means of a goods vehicle, for reward, on a public road.The road freight industry covers both public and private transportation such as trucks moving freight to and from the airports; to and from rail; and, from pipeline distribution centres to petrol stations. The key players in the sector are: · Bulk transport carriers, ·Retailfleets, · Removal companies · Courier companies. · Waste Management

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

132401 Supply and Distribution Manager

Supply Chain Manager

B Com Logistics • Managing of transport and distribution channels

• Planning for raw materialsandfinishedproducts

• Inventory control• Staff management.

Matric with Accounting

• Pretoria University

• Wits University

132402 Logistics Manager

Dispatch Logistics Manager

B Com Logistics(Entry should be DFL)

• Managing of transport and distribution channels

• Inventory control and staff management

• Storage planning warehouse designing

• Resource planning• Financial planning• Strategic

management• Quality management• Importsandexports


Matric with Accounting



132404 Warehouse/facility Manager

Warehouse Manager

Diploma in warehouse management and/orLogistics Management.(DFL)

• Managing of transport and distribution channels

• Inventory control and staff management

• Storage planning• Resource planning• Financial planning• Strategic

management• Quality management• Importsandexports


NQF Level 4 or Matric with Mathematical Literacy & English



132402 Logistics Manager

Logistics Clerk National Certificate:Freight Forwarding Nat Cert: Freight Handling

• Ensuring the effective documentation of all freight movement

• Providing information relating to freight location.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

334101 Supervisor Distribution Supervisor

Certificatein stores operations (CFH Qualification)

• Supervision of transport, distribution, receiving, storage and dispatch sections

• Supervision of stores, transport and drivers.

• Managing budgets within the section, ensuring targets are met, liaising with clients (internal and external).

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

432101 Stock Clerk / Officer

Stock controller Certificateinstock controlNat Cert: Freight Handling

• Ensuring the effective control and protection of stock whilst in the warehouse.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

733201 Driver Truck Driver Driver’s license according to vehicle classification

National Certificate:Professional Driving

• Conveying freight from point of collection to point of delivery, whilst ensuring the protection and preservation of the freight and adhering to time schedules.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

733201 Truck Driver Professional Truck Driver

PrdP + Code 14 driver’s license

• Driving heavy trucks, removal vans, tankers and tow trucks to transport bulky goods and liquids

• Loading and off-loading deliveries between customer’s distribution centres.

Grade 10 Private Providers

734402 Forklift Operator

Moving and Lifting Operators

National Certificate:Lifting Machine Operations 

National Certificate:Mechanical Handling (Rigging) 

• Operate mechanical boom and cable or tower and cable equipment to lift and move materials, machines, or products in many directions.Excludes“ExcavatingandLoading Machine and Dragline Operators”.

Communication and Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2.

Private Providers

734206 Loader Operator

Packers and Loaders

Packer Porter Loader

• Weigh, wrap, seal and label various agricultural products.

Matric Private Provider

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

134915 Operations Manager (Non Manufacturing)

Operations Controller

Almost all operations controllers have received a bachelor’s degree in their chosenfield,along with years of proven success as a manager. Many have obtained master’s degrees or even doctorates. In many instances, operations controllers have been promoted through the ranks after working in sales, marketing or advertising. Most aspiring operations controllers focus on studies in business, marketing, administration, communications, math and courses involving their industry while in college.

• An operations controller is someone who is in charge of all aspects of a company, with a focus on its finances.Operationscontrollers oversee managers off all departments, making sure all of a company’s employees stay motivated and work as a team. They work in a wide array of industries, but their mission is always the same: Make sure the company remains profitable,andevenincreases in that area

• Implement and monitor the annual and medium term operational plans, program and projects to meet overall objectives and agreed timings.

Bachelor’s degree in their chosenfield&years of proven success as a manager.

HET & Private Providers

132405 Fleet Controller/ Manager

Fleet Manager Most employers require a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, and prefer several years ofexperienceinfleetmanagement. A professional background in vehicle sales or leasing is a plus.

• Afleetcontrollerpurchases, leases and contracts maintenance for their vehicles. One prepares annual budgets, analyzing and controlling operating costs as necessary. Their job requires developing and enforcing vehicle operating procedures and administering safety programs for fleetvehicledrivers.

Experienceinfleetmanagement professional background in vehicle sales or leasing is a plus.

HET & Private Providers

441201 Couriers and Postal Deliverers

National CertificateinProfessional Driving NQF 3

• Delivering small items such as documents, messages, mail and parcels.

Matric Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

143905 Contact Centre Support Specialists

Contact Centre Support Specialists

CertificateinContact Centre NQF 3,4 & 5

• Conducting inbound and/or outbound calls, responding to, or communicating with customers on a variety of products or services

• Conducting inbound and/or outbound calls, responding to, or communicating with customers on a variety of products or services.

Matric HET & Private Providers

422206 Call or Contact Centre Agents

Contact Centre Agent (Interactive and Direct Marketing)

CertificateinContact Centre NQF 3,4 & 5

• Conducting inbound and/or outbound calls, responding to, or communicating with customers on a variety of products or services

• Conducting inbound and/or outbound calls, responding to, or communicating with customers on a variety of products or services

• direction for the caller; promotes various marketing campaigns; assists in the completion of new account or loan applications; issues messages; resolves problems within given authority. Performsvarious operational background duties; processes account balance or transfer requests, stop payment orders, changes of address and other such customer requests orauthorizations. Conducts a variety of routine daily tasks; reviews reports, prepares correspondence; participates in special department projects.

Matric HET & Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

332302 Purchasing Officer

Purchasing and Supply Logistics Administrators

National Diploma in Supply Chain Management

• Preparing and processing orders for goods and services.

• Monitoring stock levels and supplying sources and maintaining stock and inventory levels

• Recording and coordinatingtheflowof materials between departments

• Preparing production schedules

• Administering and coordinating storage and distribution operations within organisations.

Matric HET & Private Providers


Supply Chain Manager

Storage and Distribution Manager

National Diploma in Supply Chain Management

• Please refer to the overall description of the industry on page 3. Job descriptions within this industry are not standard and may vary from organisation to organisation.

Matric HET & Private Providers

432101 Stock Clerk / Officer

Inventory Manager

A career in inventory management requires a 4-year bachelor’s degree. Students may choose from several options including supply chain management or business administration. Courses typically cover topics ranging from productivity to logistics

• Inventory managers monitor available supplies, materials and products in order to ensure that customers and in-house employees always have the materials they need. These professionals may work for large corporations that sell products to the general public or for smaller businesses that store required goods for service technicians. For example,aninventorymanager may walk aisles in a grocery store making sure that shelves are full for customers, or maintain a set number of automotive parts for a group of repair shops.

Matric with Maths & English

HET & Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

132403 Transport Services Managers

Transport Services Managers

Diploma: Transport Management

Organising and controlling the operations of enterprises which lease and hire vehicles,operateafleetof transport vehicles, and railway stations

• Organising the buying, selling and maintenance of vehicles and coordinating the usage thereof

• Organising and controlling the operations of a railway station

• Organising and controlling the operations of an enterprise which operatesafleetof vehicles to transport goods and passengers.

Matric or NQF Level 4 with Mathematical Literacy and English

HET / Private Providers

734301 Crane Operators

Crane Drivers Most candidates seeking to enter thisfielddoso by enrolling in a formal apprenticeship program

• A crane operator is a construction professional. After participating in a formal apprenticeship program and, in some states, obtaining licensing, these professionals operate, inspect and maintain cranes at construction sites and in other industrial environments

• Crane operators operate mobile or stationary cranes to lift, move and place objects at locations such as construction sites, wharves and shipyards. Crane operators may operate a variety of cranes: gantry cranes - used to move shipping containers; tower cranes - often used on large building projects; overhead cranes - used in factories and workshops; and mobile cranes - which may be truck mounted.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

734402 Forklift Drivers Forklift Operator

Competency Certificateaccording to classificationofequipment

National Certificate:Lifting Machine Operators

• Operating forklifts to move bulk materials, containers, crates, palletised goods, cartons and bales.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

432102 Dispatchers Distribution Officer


• Verifying and maintaining records of incoming and outgoing goods. Preparing goods for dispatch

• Arranging clearance and collection of imported cargo from customs and bond stores

• Arranging shipment ofcargoforexport.

• Verifying and maintaining records of incoming and outgoing goods in a warehouse or distribution centre and preparing goods for dispatch

• Arranging the clearance and collection of imported cargo from customs and bond stores, and the shipment of cargo forexport.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

733205 Recovery Tow Truck Operator/Driver

Recovery Operator

Drivers Licence • The duties of a tow truck operator consist of communicating with a dispatcher, driving to the scene of an accident or breakdown, connecting the vehicle to the tow truck, and transporting it back to the service station or junkyard. The driver will be responsible for attaching the disabled vehicle to the tow truck. Depending on the type of tow truck, this may include using a chain, winch, steering locks, and other devices as well asaffixinglightsontothe towed vehicle

• Drivers will interact with customers, speaking to them about their automotive problems, potentially diagnosing the cause, and providing necessary assistance. As such, a tow truck operator will need to be able to communicate well and will need to have a basic knowledge of cars and automotive parts. Many tow truck drivers will perform small repairs on the scene of a breakdown such as changing tires, reconnecting parts, or jumpstarting the car. Some familiarity with automotive maintenance and repair may be required, but most of it can be learned on the job. The driver will also have to write up reports of services rendered and accept payments.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

N/A Diesel Mechanic & Motor Mechanics

Diesel Mechanic & Motor Mechanics

Trade Test andcertifiedas a Diesel Mechanic from Olifantsfontein

• Diagnosing and troubleshooting

• Repairingandfixinggearboxes

• Repairing, maintaining and testing motor vehicle and other internal combustion engines and related mechanical components

• Maintaining, testing and repairing diesel motor vehicles and the mechanical parts of trucks, buses and other heavy vehicles including transmissions, suspension, steering and brakes.

Matric with Maths & English

Private Providers

N/A Automotive Electricians

Automotive Electricians

Trade Test and certifiedasaAuto Electrician

• Installing, maintaining and repairing electrical wiring and electronic components in motorised vehicles.

Matric with Maths & English

Private Providers

132401 Supply and Distribution Manager

Distribution Centre Supervisor

Diploma in Road Transport Management

• Efficientutilisationoffleet

• Comprehensive briefinganddebriefingofdrivers.

Matric or NQF Level 4 with Mathematical Literacy and English

HET / Private Providers

516501 Driver Instructor Driver Education Teacher

National Certificate:Professional Driving & Grade 12

• Continuous evaluation and assessment of drivers

• Instructing individuals and groups in the theory and application of driving.

Matric Private Providers

516501 Driver Trainer Driver Trainer National Certificate:Professional Driving & Grade 12

• Recruiting and assessing suitable drivers for the company

• Placing of compatible drivers

• Assessing drivers’ learnership programmes.

Matric Private Providers

833301 Freight and Furniture Handlers

Freight Loader NQF3 Freight Handling

• Loading and unloading trucks, containers and rail cars

• Transferring cargo between ships and other forms of transport and storage facilities.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

311302 Distribution Supervisor

Distribution Control Operator

Certificatein stores operations (CFH Qualification)

• Supervision of transport, distribution, receiving, storage and dispatch sections

• Supervision of stores, transport and drivers. Managing budgets within the section, ensuring targets are met, liaising with clients (internal and external).

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Providers

Courier and Road Freight Sales

Grade 12 is a pre-requisite, and a degree in logistics would be advantageous.

• This client has a well-established footprint in South Africa, and has always been on the forefront of innovative ideas to partner and assist not only their clients, but also their staff.

Matric HET / Private Providers

411101 Invoice clerk Buying Clerk Employers require a high school education as a minimum qualificationto work as an invoice clerk. Some employers may require an associate degree in an accounting or bookkeeping related program. A higher degree in accounting is not necessary to work as an invoice clerk, but it is essential for advancement in the accounting department of most companies.

Training inspecificaccounting software may be acquired on the job in most organizations

• The invoice clerk gathers data from vendor invoices to ensure that billing information is accurate. The clerk also collects information from the receiving and stocking department to verify that the materials on the invoice were received into the company

• Invoice clerks analyze vendor invoices to ensure pricing accuracy. The clerk works with vendors and buyers to resolve billing inaccuracies

• Clerks prepare billing invoices to customers and ensure the accuracy of the invoices through shipping records

• The invoice clerk records information in bookkeeping records from invoice data

• This usually involves data entry into an accounting or bookkeeping software program.

Matric with Mathematical literacy

HET / Private / Public FET Colleges

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

432301 Transport Clerk Transport Co-ordinator

Diploma in Transport Management

• Transportation coordinators typically work in the material movement and warehousing industry. They arrange the delivery products to customers or companies such as production facilities

• Coordinators may work in a logistics company arranging the transport of goods for multiple clients or in a materials department of a company arranging deliveries

• Logistics and transportation coordinators also arrange for the storage of deliverable goods.

Matric or NQF Level 4 with Mathematical Literacy and English

HET / Private Providers

132401 Freight & Distribution Analysts

Freight & Distribution Analysts

Diploma in warehouse management and/orLogistics Management.(DFL)

• Primary responsibility is to oversee the freight rate entry and maintenance function for E-One. Act as a liaison between the distribution group and the Customer Value Centre

• Analyse invoices processed through the income statement for Inbound/Outbound and premium freight. Compare costs to budget/forecast and ensure variances are fully understood explainedaccurately.- Customs Duty – Income statement entriestobeverifiedfor accuracy, accrual to be setup and duty in inventory calculated. Variances to be calculated and explained.

NQF Level 4 or Matric with Mathematical Literacy & English

HET / Private Provider

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

432102 Freight Estimator

Freight Agent / Clerk

NC: Freight Handling

• Liaise with overseas agent on cost and services as required Drawupandfinalisecost estimates for all modes of transport Complete tenders Liaise with clients regarding cost estimates and services as required Follow up with clients as required, Update systems (concerto /pegasus/other ) as requested. Draw up andfinaliseestimatesand tenders for transport ( all modes including imports/export/seafreight/air freight/ road freight/ cross border/etc... as may be required.Beefficientwhen compiling estimates and ensure that estimates are done accurately , professionally and in a timely manner Contact clients for follow up on estimate/tenders Contact clients to maintain their business and to gain extensionbusinessCompile reports, statistics and preform general admin as required.

NQF Level 2 in Communication and Mathematical Literacy

Private Provider

331201 Brokerage Clerk Brokerage Clerk DiplomainOfficeAdministration / Financial Management

• Perform clerical duties involving the purchase or sale of securities. Duties include writing orders for stock purchases and sales, computing transfer taxes,verifyingstock transactions, accepting and delivering securities, tracking stock pricefluctuations,computing equity, distributing dividends, and keeping records of daily transactions and holdings.

Matric with Maths and English

HET / Public or Private Providers

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialisation Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

122105 Client Facing Manager

Client Service Managet

Diploma or Degree in Manager

Plans, directs and co-ordinates a client services team towards thesuccessfulexecutionof client requests for cross border solutions ensuring that they are aligned with the overall objectives of the organization. Duties entail some of the following:

• Structure a team to provide clients external/internalwithexpertguidancefor cross border movements

• Provide training and guidance to staff for cross border movements to communicate effectively with clients

• Provide sales with support in closing and implementation of new business.

Matric HET / Private or Public Providers

216402 Transport Economist

Transport Economist

Diploma or Degree in Transport Management

Deals with allocation of resources within the transport sector and has strong linkages with civil engineering. Duties may include the following but limited to:

• Policy Formulation• Trafficimpactstudies• Economic analysis

of roads.

Matric with Maths and English

HET / Private Providers

335101 Customs Entry Clerk

Customs AdvisoryOfficer/ Administrator


• Completion of Customs Refund Vouchers of Correction and Refund Applications (Imports andExports) Submission of Refund claims to SARS Monitoring/correspondence with SARS re settlements of claims Submission and liquidating of Provisional Payments Customs Tariff classificationsandsubmission of Tariff determinations Applications and completion of substitutions to SARS.

Matric HET / Private or Public Providers

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Critical skills within the Road Freight

• Driving Skills• Dangerous Goods• Management - Generic - Supervisory - Human Resource - Financial - Key Accounts

• Project Management • Risk Management• Supply Chain management• Procurement • Transport Logistics - Networks - Route - Processes & Market - Route Planning - Operations systems - Data analysis - Welding - Business Administration - Sales Training

- Health & Safety - Operations (scheduling

/ business principles / legislation)

- Marketing (business contracts)

• Enforcement(trafficpolicing)• Health (illness / nutrition / general

health)• ABET • IT basic and advanced • Customer Service (Contact Centre) • Logistics • Warehousing


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• Diesel mechanic • Petrol mechanic • Auto electrician • Spray painter • Auto Body repairer• Upholsterer

No Unit Group Occupation Code Occupation /Specialisation NQF

Level1 Motorcycle Drivers 732101 Delivery Drivers – Medium & Heavy drivers, Heavy duty

drivers, Abnormal load 4

2 Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers 733201 Truck Driver 4

3 Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers 733205 Tow Truck Driver, (medium & heavy) 4

4 Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers 733204 Tanker Driver 4

5 Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers 733203 Furniture Removalist heavy duty) 4

6 Heavy Truck and Lorry Drivers No code Driving Instructors, (heavy duty) 4

7 Car, Taxi and Van Drivers 732203 Emergency Vehicle Drivers 4

8 Agricultural and Industrial Machinery Mechanics and Repairers

653306 Diesel & Petrol Mechanic 4

9 Motor Vehicle Mechanics and Repairers 653101 Motor Mechanic 4

10 Motor Vehicle Mechanics and Repairers 653101 Vehicle Service Technicians 4

11 Electrical Mechanics and Fitters 671208 Auto Electrician 4

12 Electrical Mechanics and Fitters 671208 Autotronics Technician 4

13 Driving Instructor 516501 Driving Instructor Trainer 5

14 Policy Administration Professionals 242208 Riskmanager/Officer 5

15 PoliceOfficers 541201 TrafficPolicing 5

16 Sales and Marketing Managers 122101 Marketing & Sales manager 6

17 Supply, Distribution and Related Managers

132401 Supply Chain Manager 6

18 No code Vehicle tracking operator

19 Personnel and Careers Professionals 242304 Industrialrelationsofficer 6

20 Data Entry Clerks 413201 Data Capturer 5

21 Employment Agents and Contractors 333301 RecruitmentOfficer 6

Road Freight Scarce and Critical Skills

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11 road PassengerSub-sector

Means the industry in which employers and employees are associated for the purposes of conveying passengers by bus for reward including the control, management and maintenance of these vehicles.

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Occupation Code Career Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

132402 Manager - Business Unit

B -Tech Degree RTM

• Managing all various departments in a safe, effectiveandefficientmanner.

Grade 12 University

121101 Manager - Group Financial

B Com Accounting

• Controlling company assets• Liabilities and loans• Cash on hand• Debtors• Creditors• VAT• Stock• Provisions and personnel.

Grade 12 University

121201 Manager - Group Human Resources

B Degree Human Resource

• Planning & organising development

• Employment acquisition• Benefits• Wellness and administration• Employment relations and


Grade 12 University

Manager - Group Technical

QualifiedArtisan • Providing cost effective and satisfactory technical services to the company.

Grade 12Mathematics, Science and Drawing

Technician / University

121902 Manager - Corporate Service

Degree Public Relations

• Providing and managing public relations

• Permit management• AARTO Management• Government Subsidy and

Accident Administrative Functions.

Grade 12 Technician / University

122101 Manager - Marketing

Diploma Marketing Management

• Providing a cost effective marketing service to the company.

Grade 12 Technikon / University

132403 Manager - Operations/Traffic

Diploma RTM • Operating a top quality transport service, effectively andefficiently.

Grade 12 University

121206 Manager - SHEQ Diploma Safety Management

• Ensuring comprehensive safety, health, environment and quality management of depot and work environment.

Grade 12 Technikon / University

653101 Manager - Workshop

Automotive Motor Mechanic / QualifiedArtisan.

• Maintains, tests and repairs diesel and petrol road vehicles (less than 8 tons) and the mechanical parts thereof including transmissions, suspension, steering and brakes.

Grade 12Mathematics, Science and Drawing


511201 Superintendent - Operations

Diploma RTM • Ensuring dispatching of quality transport service effectivelyandefficiently,internallyandexternally.

Grade 12 University

335914 Supervisor - Operations


• Controlling and Supervising of daily operations in the operational areas.

Grade12, Driver Licence


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Occupation Code Career Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

241101 Accountant Diploma / B-Tech Accounting

• Controlling company assets• Liabilities and loans• Cash on hand• Debtors• Creditors• VAT• Stock• Provisions and personnel.

Grade 12 University

242403 Facilitator / Assessor

NQF L3 Facilitator Program

• Facilitating learning and conducting assessments related to accredited bus driving and other learning programs.

Grade 12 University

242303 HR Practitioner Diploma Human Resource

• Providing professional acquisition & administration service for senior staff according to company policies & procedures

• Administering payroll systems.

Grade 12 College/ University

242302 Skills Development Facilitator

Diploma ODETP • Providing occupation-directed education, training and development programs to contribute to target and structured skills development at company level.

Grade 12 Accredited Institution/University

334302 Personal Assistant

Diploma Secretary

• PA to Directors• Writing minutes & arranging

meetings for Directors.

Grade 12 College

5231 Cashier CertificateBookkeeping

• Selling tickets to the public at a stipulated point of the operational area

• Receiving and securing all monies paid in.

Grade 12 Accounting


422601 Receptionist Diploma Receptionist

• Providing professional reception and switchboard service

• Generalofficesupportwithregards to mail, business stationery etc.

Grade 12 College

432102 Dispatcher Cert in RTM • Punctually dispatching well equipped drivers with available buses from the ready line.

Grade 10, Licence & PrDP


214401 Artisan Diesel Mechanic • Diagnosing, adjusting, repairing and / or overhauling buses, all types of diesel engines, including mechanics

• Working primarily with automobile diesel engines.

Grade 10 Maths & Science


733101 Driver - Bus CertificatePDQ • Transporting passengers to their destination safely and on time.

Grade 10, Licence & PrDP


832905 Upholsterer CertificateinUpholstery

• Providing an upholstery services related to vehicles in the body shop.

Grade 10 College

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Occupation Code Career Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

5414 Security Guard Grade A Security Certificate

• Safeguarding company property.

• Preventing crime.• Access control.

Grade 10 College

653306 Diesel Mechanic • Maintains, test and repairs commercial vehicles (more than 3 tons GMV) including engines, mechanical parts, transmissions, suspension, steering and brakes.

Grade 10 College

Critical skills within the Road Passenger Sub-sector• DriverQualification• Management skills - Generic - Supervisory - Human Resource - Financial - Business management• Corporate governance• Tendering process• Marketing• Communication• Compliance• Human resources• Legislative development • Scheduling and planning• Project management• Supply chain management • Customer Care• Conflictmanagement• First aid • Firefighting• Wellness/Employee Assistance• Health and Safety• Anger management• New Venture Creation• Coaching and Mentoring• Basic IR Skills

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12 taxiSub-sector

Means the industry in which employers and employees are associated for the purposes of transporting passengers for reward in vehicles other than buses shuttle services, minibus taxis, scholar transport and chauffer services and includes the control and management of such vehicles.

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Occupation Code Occupation Specialization Qualification Brief Job description Entry Institutions

511302 Tour Guide Tour Guide Travel and Tourism Certificate/Diploma

• Planning itineraries of clients according to their needs

• Handling telephone calls from clients and travel agents regarding enquiries, information, and suggestions pertaining to South Africa’s tourist destinations. Calculations of tour costs applicable to packaging the above destinations. 

Grade 12 • FET/HET Institution

• THETA accredited institution

732201 Driver Chauffeur National Certificate: Professional Driving

• Driving vehicles carrying freight or passengers for commercial purposes.

Abet level 4/Grade 10

• TETA accredited provider

732202 Driver Taxi Driver National Certificate: Professional Driving

• Driving vehicles carrying freight or passengers for commercial purposes.

Abet level 4/Grade 10

• TETA accredited provider

653101 Motor Mechanic

Motor Mechanic

Trade Test Certificate A driver’s license will be an added advantage

• Routine servicing, breakdown maintenance of and recommending of pre-emptive maintenance of taxis.

Grade 10/NQF 2

• QCTO Accredited provider

684904 Panel beater Panel beater Trade Test Certificate • Repairing accident damaged body panels

• Dismantling and assembling body parts and spray painting thereof.

Grade 10/NQF 2

• QCTO Accredited provider

671208 Auto Electrician

Auto Electrician

Trade Test Certificate A driver’s license will be an added advantage

• Trouble shooting of electrical/electronic circuits

• Repairing general electrical components (lighting, starters, alternators, electric windows etc).

Grade 10/NQF 2

• QCTO Accredited provider

331301 Bookkeeper Bookkeeper Accounting Diploma/Bookkeeping certificate

• Collect daily checking and do banking

• Bank reconciliations with slips and receipts from drivers

• Pay wages

• Process PAYE, UIF and statutory taxes

• Prepare financials up to balance sheet.

Grade 12 • FET/HET institution

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• ABET• Safety Awareness• Supervisory• Administration• DriverQualification• Communication• Compliance• Financial• Business management• Customer Care

• First aid • Health and Safety• Anger management• Entrepreneurship• Small business management

Scare Skills

• New Venture Creation• Basic IR Skills• Skills Development Facilitator• Conflictmanagement• Transport Management• Management

- Generic - Supervisory - Human Resource


• Diesel mechanic • Petrol mechanic • Auto electrician • Spray painter • Auto Body repairer• Upholsterer


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Road Passenger Forwarding & Clearing Road Freight AerospaceDriverQualification

Management skills



-Human Resource


-Business management

Corporate governance

Tendering process




Human resources

Legislative development

Scheduling and planning

Project management

Supply chain management

Customer Care


First aid


Wellness/Employee Assistance

Health and Safety

Anger management

New Venture Creation

Coaching and Mentoring

Basic IR Skills

Call Centre Management

Administrative & Clerical

Human Resource

Transformation Management

Freight Forwarding

Customs Clearing

Regulatory Training

Supply Chain Management

Management Skills


Sales Skills

Information Technology

Customer care

Project management

Material / Freight handling



Dangerous goods

Data Analysis

Driving Skills

Dangerous Goods




-Human Resource


-Key Accounts

Project Management

Risk Management

Supply Chain management


Transport Logistics

- Networks

- Route

- Processes & Market

- Route Planning

- Operations systems

- data analysis


-Business Administration

-Sales Training

-Health & Safety

-Operations (scheduling / business

principles / legislation)

-Marketing (business contracts)


Health (illness / nutrition / general



IT basic and advanced

Customer Service (Contact Centre)




Mentor and Coaching


Training Skills

Customer Liaison

Negotiating client contracts

HR Skills

Computer literacy

Health & Safety

Management Skills



Industry Legislation

Problem solving


Quality Assurance Management

Fire Fighting

Supervisory skills

Network administration

Situation awareness training

Sales clerks

Computer literacy

Passenger handling staff

Fixed wing pilot training,


Commercial (CPL) level to Airline

Transport Pilot (ATP) level



Aircraft Maintenance Staff –

Mechanical, electrical, structural

and avionics

13 List of critical skills

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Maritime Rail Freight Handling TaxiLeadership


Navigation Skills (Watch



Engineering Skills (Watch


Fishing & Merchant Marine

Fishing Technologies

Fish hunting


Transport Management

(Human Resources, equipment,

drivers, dangerous goods for all

modes of transport)

Supply Chain Management

(Production planning and


General Management

(Leadership and motivational



(handling, operations,

administration and management)

Train Driving

Railway Engineering

Train Management

Tracking of information in real



GPS positioning and signalling

Wagon repairs and building

Rail wheel interface management

Track conditioning evaluation for

maintenance evaluations

Operational improvement

Cost containment


Joint Venture Management

Developing of monitoring system

in technical

environment & operations eg.


condition-monitoring system

Heavy haul logistics


development and implementation

Train and maintenance crew

communication technology

Design and manufacturing of

railway wagons


Rail track maintenance

ABET / Transport Management

Supply Chain Management / Logistics

Management / General Management

Supervisory / HR / Finance

Administration / Key Account

Management / Customer Services

Safety Awareness / Technical

Operator Skills / Port Management

Business Development Management

Performance Management / Computer


Mentorship /coaching /delegation

Discipline /IR skills / Planning and budget

/ Performance assessment

Project management


Health and safety / Risk management


HIV/AIDS / Skills Development

Marketing management / Strategic

Analysis / Procurement

Security (physical, information, people)

Facility management / Workplace

planning / Freight handling(materials)

Inventory systems / Transport planning

skills / Supply chain management

Contract administration / Customer care

Customs clearing / Machine operators

Picking /packing /slaughtering skills

Cargo coordinators / Cargo controller

Tally clerks / Data capturing

Coordinating skills / Literacy & Numeracy

Food handling / Receiving & Dispatching

/ Variable temperature control /

Professional driving / Truck Driver /

SHERQ Practitioner / Steer operator

HR Manager / Employee wellness

Reefer handling / Skid steer

Aerial Platform / Front end loader

TLB Operator / Hatchman

Freight Operator

Customer Services

Safety Awareness



Transport Management







-Human Resource


-Business management

Customer Care


First aid

Health and Safety

Anger management

New Venture Creation

Basic IR Skills


Small business management

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14 List of tVEt and HEt Institutions

Province College Name Principal Physical Address Tel. no. E-mail




Buffalo City

FET College (C)

Mr DR Singh Cnr Lukin Road & King Street


East London


043 704 9201

084 626 3681

[email protected]

East Cape

Midlands FET

College (B)




PA Gedri


Cnr Cuyler & Durban Street



041 995 2000

082 772 5605

[email protected]

[email protected]

Ikhala FET

College (G)

Ms T (Tuletu)


Sec Ms

Nobulali Sigabi

Robinson c/n Zeiler Street

Queenstown 5320

047 873 8800

082 557 7166

[email protected]

Ingwe FET

College (F)

Mr. S



PA Babalwa


Cancele Road

Mt Frere

Eastern Cape


039 255


082 486 9829

King Hintsa

FET College (H)




PA Zintle


Factory No 1234

Acrytex Building

Centane Road


047 491 3722

082 414 7748 or

082 960 2910

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Province College Name Principal Physical Address Tel. no. E-mail




King Sabata


FET College (E)

Mr NM (Nelson)


PA Nangamso


Engcobo Road c/n Cicira 047 5360 923/4

082 373 9932

[email protected]

Lovedale FET

College (D)

Mr SN (Nceba)


PA Luana


Amatola Row, King Williams

Town 5600

043 642 1331

082 856 1450

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Port Elizabeth

FET College (A)

Mrs HJ (Joy)


139 Russell Road Central Port


(041) 585-7771

083 631 1127

[email protected]



Flavius Mareka


Mr TS (Thabo)


PA Magdeline


Cnr Hertzog Road and Fraser




016 976


072 193 7694

[email protected]

[email protected]


College (A)

Mrs Zonke

PA Kgapola


14107 Ndaki Road Thabong


057 395 1301

082 202 4718

[email protected]

Maluti FET

College (C)

Dr SD (Sipho)


PA: Josey


Mampoi Street




058 713


082 442 5711

[email protected]

[email protected]

Motheo FET

College (B)

Mr PS (Paseka)


Sec Elizabeth


Khomo Street Blomanda



051 409 3300

072 245 2800

[email protected]

[email protected]


Central JHB (F) Mr MM



PA Laura Van

Der Walt

5 Ubla Road Parktown 011 484 1388

083 600 6130

[email protected]

[email protected]

Ekurhuleni East

FET College (D)

Ms H (Happy)


PA Memory


Sam Ngema Road Kwa-


Springs 1560

011 730 6600

082 574 4423

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Province College Name Principal Physical Address Tel. no. E-mail




West College


Ms H (Helen)


PA Tebogo


Driehoek and Sol Road



011 876 6958

083 260 6339

(Enquiry No: 086

139 2111)

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sedibeng FET

College (H)

Dr AE (Abe)


PA Trieks


37 Voortrekker Street



016 422 6645

082 440 8897

[email protected]

[email protected]

South West

FET College (E)

Mr DL (Dan)


PA Siphokazi


Koma c/n Molele Road

Molapo Section Soweto

011 984 1260

082 892 1106

[email protected]

[email protected]

Tshwane North

FET College (B)

Ms. Petro


PA Cathy


Cnr Potgieter & Pretorius




012 323 8623

012 401 1950

[email protected]

Tshwane South

FET College (A)

Mr J.T.


PA Jessie


College Avenue Tek Base




012 660



College FET


Mr LSD (Louis)


PA Jabu


Kiewiet Street

Helikon Park



011 693 3608

082 893 9477

[email protected]

[email protected]




FET College

(Mobeni) (F)

Mr SB Ndlovu

PA Nokuthula


No 50051 Old Main Road

Kwa Makhutha


031 905 7000/


083 557 9250

[email protected]

Elangeni FET

College (E)

Mr M (Max)



Du Toit

15 Portsmouth Road

Pinetown 3610

031 716 6700

082 708 7889

[email protected]

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Esayidi FET

College (I)

Dr SJ (Sipho)


PA Nelly Zungu

22 Veronica Road Gamalakhe


039 684 0110

083 436 3175

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] FET

College (C)

Mr CA (Casper)


PA Sibusiso


52 Voortrekker Street

Newcastle 2940

034 326 4888

083 557 9247

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Province College Name Principal Physical Address Tel. no. E-mail




Mnambithi FET

College (D)

Acting: Mr D


PA Phindi


77 Murchison Str



036 638 3800

083 557 9246

084 588 0408

[email protected]


FET College (A)

Mr P



PA MH Xaba

266 South Street

Vryheid 3100

034 980 1010

083 755 8807

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Thekwini FET

College (G)

The Hon. R.




262 Daintree Avenue

Asherville 4091

031 250 8400

083 557 9249

[email protected]

Umfolozi FET

College (B)

Mrs Mariet


PA Mrs Lenora


Cnr Via Richardia

& Naboomnek

Richards bay


035 902


[email protected]

[email protected]


ndlovu FET

College (H)

Ms P.N.


PA Colleen


47 Prince Alfred Street



086 105 5790 [email protected]


Capricorn FET

College (B)




PA: Handry


Cnr Dorp Street & College


Polokwane 0700

015 297 8367/


082 202 4608


[email protected]

[email protected]

Lephalale FET

College (A)

Mr J (Johann)


PA Luzelle


Cnr Nelson Mandela &

Ngwako Ramatlhodi Street

Onverwacht 0557

014 763


082 920 5554

[email protected]

[email protected]

Letaba FET

College (F)

Mrs M (Martie)


PA ME (Mpho)


No 1 Claude Wheatley Street

Tzaneen 0850

015 307 5440

082 780 6010

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mopani South

East FET

College (E)

Mrs SC



PA Thandi


Cnr Combretum & Haarlem




015 781

5721/ 5

082 907 6232


[email protected]

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Province College Name Principal Physical Address Tel. no. E-mail




FET College





PA Concilia


Stand No 676 Motetema


013 269 0278

082 323 0255

[email protected]

[email protected]

Vhembe FET

College (D)

Dr JG (Joe)


PA K Madzaga

113 Burger Street Makhado


015 963 3156

082 541 6046

[email protected]

[email protected]


FET College


Ms R. Dipela

PA Dulcie


36 Hooge Street



015 491


[email protected]

[email protected]



Ehlanzeni FET

College (A)

Mr PS (Pat)


Sec Ms GB


29 Bell Street Ehlanzeni


Nelspruit 1200

013 752 7105

079 529 4829

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Gert Sibande

FET College




PA Shirley


18A Beyers Naude Drive



017 712 9040 /

017 712 1458 /

017 712 1459

082 940 4803

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Nkangala FET

College (B)

Dr SP (Peter)


PA Barbara


Cnr Haig & Northey Street

Witbank 1035

013 690 1430


082 370 5383

[email protected]

[email protected]




Cape Rural

FET College


Mr P (Percy)


Steve Naude Street


054 331 3836

082 411 7747

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] Northern

Cape Urban

FET College


Dr CF (Clifford)


PA Jenny



37 Long Street



(053) 839


082 378 8877

[email protected]

[email protected]

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Province College Name Principal Physical Address Tel. no. E-mail




Orbit FET

College (C)

Mrs M (Maryna)


PA Antionette

Van Heerden

Cnr Bosch and Fatima Bhayat

Street Rustenburg


014 592 7014

082 853 0064

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Taletso FET

College (A)

Mrs SG (Sybil)


PA Phildia


Kgora Building Dr Albert

Luthuli Drive, Next to SABC

Mmabatho 2735

018 384


083 643 9239

[email protected]

[email protected]

Vuselela FET

College (B)




PA Augustine

083 559 7976

133 OR Tambo Street


018 406 7800

082 466 2698

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]



Boland FET

College (B)

Carrie Myburgh 85 Bird Street Stellenbosch


021 886 7111

082 920 9795

[email protected]

College of

Cape Town

FET College (E)

Mr. Louis van


PA: Jeneen


334 Albert Road Salt River

Cape Town, 7925

021 404 6700/9

021 606 5133

[email protected]

Cnr of Poplar & Cedar Road



021 531 9124 [email protected]

Broad Road



021 797 5540 [email protected]

False Bay FET

College (F)


(Cassie) Kruger

PA Sandy


False Bay College

Westlake Drive


021 701 1919

083 261 6725

[email protected]

[email protected]


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Province College Name Principal Physical Address Tel. no. E-mail

AddressNorthlink FET

College (D)

Mr. Neil


PA Sandy



Haneslow Street Parow


021 930 0957 [email protected]

South Cape

FET College (C)

Mr. L (Luvuno)


PA Joanie


Tommy Joubert Building


Cnr Courtenay & Cradock




044 884 0359

083 283 3027

[email protected]

West Coast

FET College (A)

Mrs OT (Osma)



PA Veronica


Clicks Building

2nd Floor

48 Voortrekker Road



022 482 1143

/79 /95

082 445 2645

osma.jooste@westcoastcollege. or veronica.rhoda@

Telephone and Address List of Higher Education Institutions

Cape Peninsula University of Technology Vice Chancellor & Rector: Prof L V Mazwi-Tanga Postal Address: P O Box 1906 7535 BELLVILLE

Tel: 021 959 6201 / 6911 Fax: 021 951 5422

University of Cape Town Vice-Chancellor: Dr M Price Postal Address: Private Bag X3 7701 RONDEBOSCH

Tel: 021 650 2105 / 9111 Fax: 021 650 5100

Central University of Technology, Free State Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof T Z Mthembu Postal Address: Private Bag X20539 9300 BLOEMFONTEIN

Tel: 051 507 3001/3911 Fax: 051 507 3310

Durban University of Technology Vice-Chancellor & Principal: Prof Ahmed C. Bawa Postal Address: P O Box 1334 4000 DURBAN

Tel: 031 373 2474/2000 Fax: 031 373 2011

Page 88: TETA Career Guide Vol3


University of Fort Hare Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Dr M E Tom Postal Address: Private Bag X1314 5700 ALICE Tel: 040 653 2312 / 2011 Fax: 040 653 1338

University of the Free State Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof JD Jansen Postal Address: P O Box 339 9300 BLOEMFONTEIN Tel: 051 401 2114 / 9111 Fax: 051 401 3669

University of Johannesburg Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof I Rensburg Postal Address: P O Box 524 2006 AUCKLAND PARK Tel: 011 559 4804 / 2911 Fax: 011 559 4807

University of KwaZulu-Natal Vice-Chancellor & Principal: Prof M W Makgoba Postal Address: Private Bag X54001 4001 DURBAN Tel: 031 260 2227 / 7111 Fax: 031 262 2192

University of Limpopo Vice-Chancellor: Prof N M Mokgalong Postal Address: Private Bag X1106 0727 SOVENGA Tel: 015 268 2140 / 9111 Fax: 015 267 0142

Mangosuthu University of Technology Vice-Chancellor & Principal: Administrator: Dr M R Kgaphola (1 July 2009 – 31 Jan 2010) Postal Address: P O Box 12363 4026 JACOBS Tel: 031 907 7219 / 7111 Fax: 031 906 5470

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof D Swartz Postal Address: P O Box 77000 6031 PORT ELIZABETH Tel: 041 504 2075 Fax: 041 504 9211

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North West University: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Dr T Eloff, PA: Judy Postal Address: Private Bag X6001 2520 POTCHEFSTROOM Tel: 018 299 4901 / 4902 Fax: 018 299 4910

University of Pretoria: Acting VC: Prof Cheryl de La Rey Postal Address: PRETORIA 0002 Tel: 012 420 2900 / 4111 Fax: 012 420 4530

Rhodes University Vice-Chancellor & Principal: Dr. MS Badat Postal Address: P O Box 94 6140 GRAHAMSTOWN Tel: 046 603 8148/8000 Fax: 046 622 8444

University of South Africa: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof Mandla S. Makhanya Postal Address: P O Box 392 0003 UNISA, PRETORIA Tel: 012 4293786 / 3111 Fax: 012 429 2565

University of Stellenbosch: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof H R Botman Postal Address: Private Bag X1 7602 MATIELAND Tel: 021 808 4654 / 9111 Fax: 021 808 3714

Tshwane University of Technology: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof Nthabiseng Ogude Postal Address: Private Bag X680 0001 PRETORIA Tel: 012 382 4112 / 5911 Fax: 012 382 5422

Vaal University of Technology: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof I Moutlana Postal Address: Private Bag X021 1900 VANDERBIJLPARK Tel: 016 950 9215 / 9000 Fax: 016 950 9800

University of Venda: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Adv. PDF Tlakula Postal Address: Private Bag X2220 0950 THOHOYANDOU

Tel: 015 962 8316 / 8000 Fax: 015 962 4742

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Walter Sisulu University: Vice-Chancellor: Dr. Brigalia Ntombemhlope Bam Postal Address: Private Bag X1 5100 UMTATA Tel: 047 502 2200 / 2111 Fax: 047 502 2970

University of the Western Cape: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof B P O’Connell Postal Address: Private Bag X17 7535 BELLVILLE Tel: 021 959 2101 / 2911 Fax: 021 959 2973

University of the Witwatersrand: Vice-Chancellor & Principal: Prof Adam Habib Postal Address: P O Box 2050 WITS Tel: 011 717 1102 / 1000 Fax: 011 339 8215

University of Zululand: Vice-Chancellor & Rector: Prof Fikile NM Mazibuko Postal Address: Private Bag X1001 3886 kwaDLANGEZWA Tel: 035 902 6624 / 6000 Fax: 035 902 660

National Institute of Higher Education

Mpumalanga: ChiefExecutiveOfficer: ProfConnieMokadi Postal Address: P O Box 2607 NELSPRUIT, 1200

Tel: 013 752 5992 Fax: 013 752 5295 Secretary: Tsholofelo Chairperson: Prof B A Khoapa E-mail: [email protected]

Northern Cape: Interim Head: Dr Kopano Taole Postal Address: P O Box 305 KIMBERLEY, 8300

Tel: 053 807 5300 Fax: 053 807 5358

Secretary: Bertha Chairperson: Prof Brian Figaji E-mail: [email protected]

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15 tEtA AccreditedProviders

(Full Qualification only)1. Africa Training Centre 2. Buscor TETA03-0033. Ikaheng HR Services (Pty) Ltd TETA 03-0064. LBT Learning TETA 03-0095. SA Maritime School and Transport College TETA03-0106. Primeserv HR Solutions TETA03-0177. Phephani Learnerships cc TETA03-0258. Algoa Bus Company TETA04-1039. Enigma Training and Services TETA04-10410. He and She Driver Training Centre TETA04-10511. Learncorp TETA04-10712. Makwedeng Training TETA04-11513. Agisanang Training and Development CC TETA04-11914. Indub Trading c.c. TETA05-12515. Irvin and Johnson TETA05-14616. Institute for Quality cc TETA06-10517. Andebe Training and Skills Development TETA06-11218. Midbank Bus Service TETA06-12319. Zulaka Consulting cc TETA07-11420. Dionysus Skills Development Initiative (Pty) LtdTETA07-11821. Mercedes Benz South Africa TETA07-12822. GMLS TETA11-13223. College of Production technology TETA08-17524. Yonke environmental solutions TETA04-11725. SA Weather Services TETA09-12826. Putco LTDV TETA05-141

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16tEtA Accredited trade test Centres






















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tEtA Accredited trade test Centres

TETA Accredites Trade Test Centres11.5 TRANSNET RAIL ENGINEERING









































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60734 - WELDER

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17 tEtA Scopeof LearningProgrammes

Registered at SAQAQualification Title / Learning Programme Title NQF Level Min Credits

FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:DangerousGoods: Multi-modal Transportation

4 128

FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:Exports 4 129FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:FreightForwardingandCustoms Compliance

4 135

FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:HighSpeedInter-CityCommuter Railway Operations

4 149

FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:PipelineOperations 4 142FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:RailOperations (Train Control)

4 120


4 136

FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:RailwaySignalling: Fault-findingandRepairofEquipment

4 179

FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:RoadTransportManagement in the Public Sector

4 140


4 138

FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:Shipping 4 138FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:TrainDriving 4 145FurtherEducationandTrainingCertificate:TransportOperations 4 148GeneralEducationandTrainingCertificate:Transport 1 120NationalCertificate:AerodromeControl 5 140NationalCertificate:AirTrafficSupport 5 132NationalCertificate:AircraftMaintenanceandOverhaul 4 180

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Qualification Title / Learning Programme Title NQF Level Min CreditsNationalCertificate:AviationSupportOperations 3 121NationalCertificate:ConstructionandMaintenanceofOverheadTrack Equipment

2 137

NationalCertificate:ExportAdministration 5 135NationalCertificate:FishingOperations 2 120NationalCertificate:FreightForwardingandCustomsCompliance 3 130NationalCertificate:FreightHandling 3 128NationalCertificate:IncidentManagement 5 145NationalCertificate:InternationalTrade 2 131NationalCertificate:LiftingMachineOperations 3 122NationalCertificate:MarinePilotage 5 123NationalCertificate:MaritimeOperations 3 130NationalCertificate:Navigation 5 134NationalCertificate:PipelineOperations 5 139NationalCertificate:PipelineOperations 3 142NationalCertificate:PortsandHarbours 5 137NationalCertificate:ProfessionalDriving 3 122NationalCertificate:RailOperations(FunctionalYardOperations) 3 121NationalCertificate:RailTransportPassengerServices 3 120NationalCertificate:RailwaySignalling:AssemblyandWiringofEquipment

2 162

NationalCertificate:RailwaySignalling:InstallationandScheduledMaintenance of Equipment

3 137

NationalCertificate:RoadTransport 3 133NationalCertificate:TransportOperations 5 138NationalCertificate:WeatherObservation 5 130National Diploma: Aeronautical Information Management Practice 5 240NationalDiploma:AirTrafficControl 6 249National Diploma: Aircraft Piloting 6 240National Diploma: Aircraft Piloting 5 240National Diploma: Flight Dispatch 5 248National Diploma: Freight Forwarding and Customs Compliance 5 246National Diploma: Freight Handling Logistics 5 242National Diploma: Production and Inventory Management 5 240National Diploma: Train Driving (Mainline Operations) 5 240GeneralEducationandTrainingCertificate:Transport 1 120

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18Find a Labour Centre near you

East London: Tel: (043) 702 7500Physical Address: Cnr Hill and Oxford Street East London 5201

Johannesburg: Tel: (011) 223 1000Physical Address: 145 Commissioner Street Johannesburg 2000

Soweto: Tel: (011) 939 1200Physical Address: 2 Khumalo Road Orlando West 2000

Pietermaritzburg: Tel: (033) 341 5300Physical Address: 370 Langalibalele Street Pietermaritzburg 3200

Nelspruit: Tel: (013) 753 2844 / 5 / 6 / (013) 755 2640Physical Address: 29 Brown Street Alroe Park Nelspruit 1200

Rustenburg: Tel: (014) 592 8214 1st FloorPhysical Address: Shoprite Checkers Building Church Street 0300

Beaufort West: Tel: (023) 414 3427-67Physical Address: 82 Bird Street Beaufort West 6970

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Port Elizabeth: Tel: (043) 506 5001Physical Address: 1162134 Govan Mbeki Avenue Port Elizabeth 6000

Pretoria: Tel: (012) 309 5050Physical Address: 239 Concillium Building Cnr Skinner and Andries Street 0001

Durban: Tel: (031) 336 1500Physical Address: Government Buildings Masonic Grove Durban

Emalahleni (Witbank):

Tel: (013) 653 3800 (013) 656 1422-28Physical Address: 36 Mandela Avenue Corner Escombe and Nelson Mandela Street Emalahleni

Mafikeng: Tel: (018) 381 1010 / 11Physical Address: 25 Lex Court Building Tillard StreetMafikeng 2754

Kimberley: Tel: (053) 838 1500Physical Address: Laboria House Cnr Pniel and Compound Streets Kimberley 8300

Cape Town: Tel: (021) 438 5500 / (021) 468 5502 / 4Physical Address: Thomas Boydell building 22 Parade Street 8000

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TETA FRAUD LINE0800 22 10 21Assist TETA to combat fraud, corruption and unethical behaviour