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----------------------- Page 1----------------------- SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY Geographytest1 1. Ans (a) Explanation : Among all the south American cities Quito is located nearest to the equator. 2. Ans (d) Explanation : Zambezi river forms Delta in Mozambique, Congo river forms Delta in Congo, Mekong river forms Delta in Vietnam. 3. Ans (c) Explanation : Among the given four coasts if you arrange it from West to East slave coast located in the eastern most point and Niger forms Delta in the slave coast. 4. Ans (a) Explanation : In Indian ocean both divergent and convergent plate boundaries can be found. Example for divergent plate boundary, African plate and Arabian plate. 5. Ans (a) Explanation : Mississippi Delta is classical example for Bird Foot Delta. 6. Ans (d) Explanation : Abyssal hills or mid oceanic ridges are formed due to divergence of two plates. 7. Ans (d) Explanation : Ocean trenches are produced by the subduction of oceanic crust under other oceanic crust where as ocean ridges are formed by divergence of two oceanic plates. Dogger bank and Grand bank are important fishing grounds located in Northern part of Atlantic ocean, where cold and warm ocean currents are meeting. 8. Ans (a) 9. Ans (b) Explanation : Black hole is the end product left behind after the death of a very massive star. All stars have a life-cycle- they are born, grow old and finally die. The way they end up depends on the mass they start with. If the star is very massive more than 30 times as massive as the sun, the end comes in a blinding explosion known as supernova. After the explosion what is left behind is a tiny object called black hole. The gravitational field on a black hole is so strong that it does not allow even light to escape. Thus, a black hole cannot be seen. However, astronomers locate black holes by the gravitational and other effects they have on nearby stars. 10. Ans (a) Explanation : Solar wind consists of plasma only and it is visible during solar eclipse. ----------------------- Page 2----------------------- SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY 11. Ans (b) Explanation : Guttenberg discontinuity Mantle and Core 12. Ans (c) Explanation : 13. Ans (c) Explanation : 14. Ans (a) Explanation : Indian and Eurasian plate is example for convergence plate boundary. 15. Ans (c) Explanation : Layers of sedimentary rocks are seldom fond in original and horizontal manner. Sedimentary layers are generally deformed due to lateral compressive and tensile forces. The beds are folded and found in anticlinal and synclinal forms. Tensile and compressive forces also create faults due to dislocation of beds. Most of the sedimentary rocks are permeable and porous but a few of them are also non-porous and impermeable. 16. Ans (b) Explanation : Geological epochs form youngest to oldest. Pleistocene Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Paleocene Cretaeous Jurassic Triassic - Permian - Pennsylavanian Mississippian Devonian Silurian Ordovician Precambrian. 17. Ans (a) Explanation : During the earthquake the shadow zone is exit between 103 and 143 from the focus not the epicentre. All the three Seismic waves are not detected in the shadow zone. 18. Ans (c) Explanation : Solar wind consists of plasma only and it is visible during solar eclipse. 19. Ans (d) Explanation : Exclusive Economic zone: extends upto a distance of 200 nautical miles from the base line. If we reduced the distance of territorial sea and contiguous zone the exact width of exclusive economic zone is only 176 nautical miles. The concerned coastal state has the exclusive right of the survey, exploitation, conservation and management of mineral resources of ocean deposits, ocean floor (crust), marine water energy, water and marine organisms within the exclusive economic zone (EEZ). No other country can venture in any economic activity in this zone without the permission of the concerned coastal state but this zone is open for laying down submarine cables, navigation of ships flying of aeroplanes for other states. It may be pointed out that such rights are enjoyed by other states only outsides the seaward limit of the territorial sea. ----------------------- Page 3----------------------- SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY 20. Ans (c) 21. Ans (d) 22. Ans (c) 23. Ans (c) Explanation : Solar wind consists of plasma only and it is visible during solar 24. Ans (b) 25. Ans (d) Explanation : Solar wind consists of plasma only and it is visible during solar 26. Ans (d) 27. Ans (c) 28. Ans (b) Explanation : Inselbergs is associated with desert landform, hanging valleys are related to glacial landform, Stalagmites are related to karst topography. 29. Ans (a) Explanation : Fold mountains are formed due to either (i) Convergence of two continental plates (ii) Convergence of one side continental plate and another side oceanic plates 30. Ans (b) Explanation : Escape velocity of moon is very low when compare to earth, because moon has lesser gravity than the earth. 31. Ans (d) 32. Ans (a) Explanation : Revolution of the earth is reason for seasonal variation and rotation of the earth is reason for day and night. 33. Ans (d) 34. Ans (d) Explanation : Warming of ocean surface water in the eastern tropical pacific is resulted in EL NINO. Not EL NINO resulted in Warming of ocean surface water in the eastern tropical pacific. 35. Ans (c) 36. Ans (d) ----------------------- Page 4----------------------- SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY Explanation : The angle between the rays of the sun and the tangent to the surface of the earth at a given place largely determines the amount of insolation to be received at that place. The sun's rays are more or less vertical (maximum angle of 90 between the sun's rays and the tangent to the earth's surface) at the equator and become more and more oblique poleward. In other words, the angle of the sun's rays decreases poleward. As per rule vertical rays bring more insolation than oblique rays. In other words, as the angle of sun's rays decreases poleward, the amount of insolation received also decreases in that direction 37. Ans (d) 38. Ans (c) Explanation : Yucatan Peninsula is located in Mexico and it is famous for Karst topography. 39. Ans (b) Explanation : Mid ocean ridges are formed due to divergence of two oceanic plates. Rift valley is formed due to divergence of two continental plates. 40. Ans (d) Explanation : It was established by Gaspard de Coriolis in 1844 that to an earth-bound observer, any object moving freely across the globe appears to curve slightly from its initial path. In the Northern Hemisphere, this curve is to the right (or clockwise) from the expected path; in the Southern Hemisphere, to the left (anti-clockwise). Coriolis force is not in itself a force rather is an effect of rotational movement of the earth. Coriolis force becomes effective on any object which is in motion. Coriolis force affects wind direction and not the wind speed as it deflects the wind (and other moving objects) direction from expected path. The magnitude of Coriolis force is determined by wind speed. The higher the wind speed, the greater is the deflection of wind direction due to resultant greater deflective (Coriolis) force. It becomes maximum at the poles due to minimum rotational speed of the earth while it becomes zero at the equator. It always acts at right angles to the horizontally moving air and other moving objects. 41. Ans (a) Explanation : Oxygen is released in Photic zone by photosynthesis of organisms. 42. Ans (d) Explanation : Agulhas current is flowing in Indian Ocean ----------------------- Page 5----------------------- SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY 43. Ans (c) 44. Ans (a) Explanation : Conditions for the growth of Coral polyps: 1. Corals are found mainly in the tropical oceans and seas because they require high mean annual temperature ranging between 68F and 70F (20C-21C) for their survival. It may be pointed out that they cannot survive in the water having either very low temperature or very high temperature. 2. Corals do not live in deeper water i.e .not more than 200-250 feet (60-70m) below several because they die in waters deeper than 77m due to lack of sufficient amount of sunlight and oxygen which are very much required for the growth of coral polyps. 3. They should be clean sediment-free water because muddy water turbid water clogs the mouths of coral polyps resulting into their death. 4. It may be pointed out that though coral polyps require sediment-free water but fresh water is also injurious for the growth of corals. This is why corals avoid coastal lands and live away from the areas of river mouths. 5. Very high proportion of oceanic salinity is injurious for the growth of coral polyps because such waters contain little amount of calcium carbonates whereas lime is important food of coral polyps. The oceanic salinity ranging between 27/00 and 30/00 is most ideal for the growth and development of coral polyps. 6. Ocean currents and waves are favourable for corals because they bring necessary food supply for the polyps. It is obvious that corals grow in open seas and oceans but they die in langoons and small enclosed seas because of lack of supply of food. Currents and waves also determine the shapes of coral reefs. 7. There should be extensive submarine platforms for the formation of colonies by the coral polyps. 45. Ans (d) Explanation : 46. Ans (b) Explanation : Barrier reefs are formed parallel to the coastal platforms. 47. Ans (b) Explanation : La nina is not reason for coral bleaching whereas El NINO is one of the important reason for coral bleaching. ----------------------- Page 6----------------------- SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY 48. Ans (b) Explanation : Internal water is never contiguous. 49. Ans (d) 50. Ans (d) Explanation : All other four landforms are result of erosional work of a river. 51. Ans (d) 52. Ans (d) 53. Ans (c) Explanation : Java Trench is located in Indian ocean and Tizard trench is located in Atlantic ocean. 54. Ans (c) 55. Ans (b) Explanation : On a average, salinity decreases from equator towards the poles. It may be mentioned that the highest salinity is seldom recorded near the equator though this zone records high temperature and evaporation but high rainfall reduces the relative proportion of salt. Thus, the equator accounts for only 35/00 salinity. The highest salinity is observed between 20-40N (36/00) because this zone is characterized by high temperature, high evaporation but significantly low rainfall. The average salinity of 35/00 is recorded between 10- 30 latitudes in the southern hemispheres records low salinity where it is 31/00 and 33/00 in the northern and the southern hemispheres respectively. 56. Ans (c) Explanation : Low evaporation resulted in low salinity. 57. Ans (c) 58. Ans (b) Explanation : Gravitation is not responsible for modifying ocean current. 59. Ans (b) 60. Ans (c) 61. Ans (b) Explanation : Continental shelves are narrow where high mountains are very close and parallel to the coast. 62. Ans (a) Explanation : ----------------------- Page 7----------------------- SHANKAR IAS ACADEMY 63. Ans (b) 64. Ans (a) 65. Ans (b) Explanation : Stack found in coastal landform, Gorge is formed by river, Loess is formed by wind. 66. Ans (d) 67. Ans (d) Explanation : Greenland belongs to Denmark so, Artic circle is passing through Denmark. 68. Ans (c) 69. Ans (b) 70. Ans (c): Explanation : In Australia there is no active volcano. 71. Ans (a): 72. Ans (b): 73. Ans (c): 74. Ans (d): 75. Ans (c): 76. Ans (c): 77. Ans (c): 78. Ans (c): 79. Ans (b): 80. Ans (a): 81. Ans (c): 82. Ans (d): 83. Ans (b): 84. Ans (b): 85. Ans (b): 86. Ans (d): 87. Ans (b): 88. Ans (b): 89. Ans (c): 90. Ans (d): 91. Ans (b): 92. Ans (b): 93. Ans (c): 94. Ans (d): 95. Ans (a): 96. Ans (d): 97. Ans (d): 98. Ans (a): 99. Ans (d): 100. Ans (b)
