Page 1: TERN AUSTRALIA -€¦ · Standard of 5. The standard of construction of every swimming pool construction.shall be not less than that prescribed by Australian Standard




(Published by Authority at 3.30 p.m.)


No. 86]


HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Department of Public Health,

Perth, 29th September, 1964.P.H.D. 717/64.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting under the provi-sions of the Health Act, 1911-1962, has been pleased to make the regulationsset forth in the schedule hereunder.

W. S. DAVIDSON,Commissioner of Public Health.


Citation. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Health Act (Swim-ming Pools) Regulations, 1964.

2. In these regulations unless the context requires otherwise"occupier" includes owner, manager, trustee or other per-

son or persons in charge of the swimming pool;"swimming pool" means any swimming pool that is used

by or in connection with any club, school, business,association or body corporate and, subject to the con-text, includes all premises, buildings and equipmentused in connection with the swimming pool; and

words and expressions used in these regulations have thesame respective meanings as are given them in, andfor the purposes of, the Act.

Notice to be 3. (1) Whenever it is intended to construct, open, alter orsent to Com- extend any swimming pool, the occupier shall give notice to themissioner.

Commissioner and to the local authority of such intention.

(2) The notice to the Commissioner shall be accompanied by:—(a) Three copies of plans, specifications and a description

showing the mode or proposed mode of construction,draining, ventilating and lighting the swimming pool,


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the quantity of water which the swimming pool isintended to hold and the capacity of the filtration andother water treatment units; and

(b) a block plan showing the position of the swimming poolin relation to the position and distribution of sani-tary conveniences and the lands on which the swim-ming pool abuts and the purposes for which thoselands are used.

4. (1) A person shall not commence the construction, open-ing, alteration, or extension of a swimming pool until the writtenapproval of the Commissioner to the plans, specifications and actionto be taken has been obtained.

(2) The local authority of any district wherein the construc-tion, opening, alteration or extension of a swimming pool is com-menced shall forthwith notify the Commissioner in writing.

Standard of 5. The standard of construction of every swimming poolconstruction. shall be not less than that prescribed by Australian Standard

CA2 1963 S.A.A. Code for Concrete in Buildings.

6. (1) Every swimming pool shall be provided with light,whether natural or artificial or both, to such an intensity that atall times when the swimming pool is in use

(a) the minimum light value of such light is not less than15 foot candles in any part of the swimming area andnot less than 10 foot candles in any other part of theswimming pool; and

(b) the floor of the swimming pool is free from shadowand the whole of its area is clearly visible from theconcourse.

Provision offacilities.

(2) The floor of every swimming pool, except for the guidelines, shall be of such colour or colours that it has a light reflectingvalue of not less than sixty per centum.

7. (1) The occupier shall provide an adequate number ofdressing rooms in respect of each sex, conveniently situated, andshall provide facilities to such number and of such nature as tobe in accordance with the following scale:

(a) Toilets:For women, one water closet for every 40 swimmers.For men, one water closet plus one urinal for every

60 swimmers.(b) Showers: One for every 40 swimmers.(c) Handbasins: One for every 60 swimmers.

(2) Where provision is made at the swimming pool for spec-tators, separate toilets and handbasins shall be provided for theiruse.

8. Every swimming pool shall be provided with equipment,approved by the Commissioner for ensuring sterilisation as requiredby the Commissioner and continuous circulation and filtration ofthe water while the swimming pool is in use.

9. (1) The filtration system of a swimming pool shall bedesigned and operated in such manner that the water in theswimming pool is completely changed once in every period of eighthours or in such lesser period as the Commissioner may specify.

(2) Any water inlet in a swimming pool shall be distant notmore than 42 feet from the nearest outlet in that pool.

Maintenance 10. The clarity of water in a swimming pool shall be main-of clarity tained so that, when a matt black disc six inches in diameterof placed on the bottom of the swimming pool at the deepest point,it is visible under water upon being viewed from the concourseat a distance of 30 feet.

Approvalof Commis-sioner to beobtained.

Lighting ofswimmingpools.

Equipmentfor swim-ming pools.


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Determina- 11. (1) At all times when the swimming pool is in use thetiochlor

ofine water shall contain residual free chlorine as determined by the

content method set out in the Schedule to these regulations.of water.

(2) The pH of the water shall be between 7.2 and 8.5 whendetermined with a Lovibond or equivalent comparator using PhenolRed as indicator.

Water 12. (1) Samples for the determination of residual free chlorinesamples to and pH shall be taken from the swimming pool at least twice daily,be taken.

from not less than two sampling points situated one foot belowthe surface and next to the outlets from the pool; and to maintaincompartive figures the same sampling points shall be used eachday.

(2) All results shall be recorded and produced for examinationwhen required by an inspector.

Storage of 13. Where chlorine gas is used for water treatment in respectchlorine gas. of a swimming pool(a) all chlorine cylinders on the premises shall be housed

in a separate room isolated from the rest of the build-ings with entrance from the open air; be secured inan upright position; and be so arranged that theycan be used with a minimum amount of handling;

(b) the storage room shall be-(i) well ventilated;(ii) protected from direct sunlight;(iii) kept free of combustible or inflammable mate-

rials;(iv) fitted with a floor at or above ground level;

and(v) kept locked at all times when not in use;

(c) the storage room shall not be connected to any venti-lating or air conditioning unit or be adjacent to anyfurnace, heating element or radiator;

(d) at least one gas mask of a type approved for protec-tion against chlorine shall be kept in a readily access-ible place, away from but near to, the area likelyto be contaminated.

Methods for 14. (1) Every swimming pool shall have a room or placedealing with equipped„accidents or for prompt dealing with accidents and other emergencies,apparent containing in such condition as to be ready at all times for imme-drowning. diate use a first aid kit, a stretcher and two woollen blankets, and

in which there is conspicuously displayed a notice setting forth anapproved method for the resuscitation of an apparently drownedperson.

(2) The occupier shall ensure that a person qualified in methodsof rescue and resuscitation of apparently drowned persons is alwayspresent on the premises when the swimming pool is open to thepublic.

Occupier to 15. The occupier shall at all times maintain the swimmingmaintain pool and all fixtures and fittings in a clean and working condi-fixtures inclean con- tion.dition.

16. The occupier shall not permit any person who is suffer-ing from any skin infection or other communicable disease or whois in the opinion of the occupier in an unclean condition to enteror use the swimming pool.

17. A person, who is suffering from any skin infection orother communicable disease or who is in an unclean condition,shall not enter or use, or attempt to enter or use, any swimmingpool.

Entry ofinfectedpersons notto be per-mitted.

Infectedperson notto enteror use aswimmingpool.

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Pollution of 18. A person shall not foul or pollute, or deposit any rubbishswimming or offensive matter in, or upon, any portion of a swimming pool.pools.

19. A person shall not permit any dog or other animal belong-ing to such person or under his control, to either remain in orupon the premises or to loiter about the precincts of a swimmingpool.

20. Any person who by act or omission commits a breach ofany of these regulations is guilty of an offence and is liable onconviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.


Prescribed Method for Determining Residual Free Chlorine.

Materials required:Comparator with colour disc range-

0.1 to 1.0 ppm. chlorine.0.15 to 2.0 ppm. chlorine.

Reagents required:Standard sodium arsenite solution.Standard acid orthotolidine solution.

Sodium arsenite reagent can be prepared by dissolv-ing 5 gms. of sodium arsenite (sodium meta arsenite) indistilled water and dilute to one litre.

Procedure:1. Take sample of water from pool in plastic beaker and

keep out of direct sunlight. Testing should proceed immed-iately.

2. Fill one cell with sample of water, up to 10 ml. mark, andplace in left side of comparator.

3. To the other cell add 0.1 ml. orthotolidine from graduateddropper. Fill to 10 ml. mark with sample, shake and im-mediately add 0.1 ml. of sodium arsenite from graduateddropper and shake. Place in right hand side of comparator,record (reading 1) which is free residual chlorine.

4. Remove cell from right hand compartment.Rinse thoroughly.Add 0.1 ml. of orthotolidine from graduated dropper. Fill

to 10 ml. mark with sample of water. Replace inright hand compartment. Take Reading 11 at theend of five minutes. This is the total chlorine residual.Reading 11 minus Reading 1 will give the combinedchlorine (or chloramine) residual.Sometimes impurities in the water may give a false

colour reading; this can be checked by:

5. Fill one cell with sample and place in left hand side ofcomparator. To the other cell add 0.1 ml. of sodiumarsenite solution from graduated dropper. Fill to 10 ml.mark with sample. Then add 0.1 ml. orthotolidine (2drops). Place in right hand side compartment.At the end of five minutes record reading.

This will indicate the amount of interfering colour(if any) produced by natural impurities in the water, suchas manganese, iron or nitrites, and should be deductedfrom Reading 11.

Animals tobe keptaway fromswimmingpools.


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HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.

Department of Public Health,Perth, 29th September, 1964.

P.H.D. 997/56.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting under the provisionsof the Health Act, 1911-1962, has been pleased to make the regulations setout in the schedule hereunder.

W. S. DAVIDSON,Commissioner of Public Health.


Regulation7C sub-stituted.


Regulations.1. In these regulations, the Toxic and Hazardous Substances

Regulations made under the provisions of the Health Act, 1911 (asamended), published in the Government Gazette on the 16th April,1957, and amended by notices published in the Government Gazetteon the 1st July, 1957, the 5th March, 1958, and the 30th December,1963, are referred to as the principal regulations.

2. The principal regulations are amended by substituting forregulation 7C the following regulation:-

7C. (1) On and after the 1st day of January, 1965,a person shall not sell, hire, offer or expose for sale or hire,any refrigeration equipment in which methyl chloride isused.

(2) On and after the 1st day of September, 1967, aperson shall not

(a) add methyl chloride to any refrigerationequipment; or

(b) replace any methyl chloride used in any refri-geration equipment with or by methyl chloride.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.

Shire of Gosnells.

WHEREAS under the Health Act, 1911-1962, the Governor may cause to beprepared Model By-laws for all or any of the purposes of the said Act; andwhereas Model By-laws, described as Series "A", have been prepared andamended from time to time, and reprinted pursuant to the Reprinting ofRegulations Act, 1954, in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963, andfurther amended by notice published in the Government Gazette on 16thJune, 1964; and whereas a local authority may adopt such Model By-laws withor without modification: Now, therefore, the Shire of Gosnells, being a localauthority within the meaning of the Act, and having adopted the Model By-laws, Series "A", as reprinted in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963,doth hereby resolve and determine that the aforesaid amendment publishedin the Government Gazette on 16th June, 1964, shall be adopted withoutmodification.

Passed at a meeting of the Gosnells Shire Council this 10th day of August,1964.

ARTHUR. A. miu,s,President.

H. W. WALKER,Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

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HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.

City of Subiaco.

WHEREAS it is provided in the Health Act, 1911, as amended that a localauthority may, of its own motion, by resolution, adopt with or without modifica-tion, the whole or any portion of by-laws caused to be prepared by the Governorunder the provisions of section 343 (1) of that Act; and whereas Model By-laws,described as Series "A", prepared in accordance with those provisions, and dulyamended, have, pursuant to the Reprinting of Regulations Act, 1954, been re-printed with amendments to and including that published in the GovernmentGazette on 25th June, 1963, and as so reprinted have been published in theGovernment Gazette on 17th July, 1963, and further amended by notice pub-lished in the Government Gazette on 7th November, 1963: Now, therefore, theCity of Subiaco, being a local authority within the meaning of the said Act,doth hereby resolve and determine that the said Model By-laws, as so reprintedand published in the Government Gazette on the 17th July, 1963, together withthe amendments published in the Government Gazettes on 7th November, 1963,20th March, 1964, and on 16th June, 1964, shall be adopted with the followingmodifications; and doth hereby prescribe the following scale of fees as appliedto Schedule "D" of Part IX of the adopted by-laws:—


1. By-law 4A to be amended by adding after paragraph (2) the followingparagraphs:

(3) Kitchen facilities consisting of(a) A wood, gas or electric cooking stove, installed in accordance

with the provisions of by-law 26 of the Uniform. General Build-ing By-laws and any amendment made thereto.

(b) Electric stoves in addition to the provisions of clause (a) to beinstalled in accordance with the provisions of by-law 372 ofthe Uniform General Building By-laws.

(c) The owner of any house erected prior to the coming into opera-tion of these by-laws shall, if so directed by the local authority,provide, install and maintain in good condition all the facilitiesmentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of this by-law.

(4) (a) The owner of every house shall cause such house to be pro-vided with a continuous supply and adequate pressure of pot-able water obtained from the Metropolitan Water Supply.

(b) Such supply to be reticulated for use in connection with allsewerage and drainage fixtures.

2. Amend by-law 24, by substituting for the word "pigwash", where it ap-pears in line one and line two of paragraph (b) and again where it appears inline two of paragraph (c), the word "pigswill".

3. After by-law 24B add the following by-laws:-24.C. No person having the control or management of any vehicle

in which any animals or birds are being transported or confined shallallow such vehicle to stand within the district of the City of Subiacounless the floor of such vehicle is clean.

24D. No person having the control or management of any vehiclein which animals or birds have been transported or confined shall allowsuch vehicle to stand within the district of the City of Subiaco untilthe floor of such vehicle has been cleaned.

24E. A person having the control or management of any vehiclein which any animals or birds have been transported or confined shallimmediately upon the removal of any animals or birds cause suchvehicle to be cleaned to the satisfaction of an inspector.

4. By-law 29 is not adopted.

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5. Substitute for by-law 29A the following by-law:-29A. (1) The occupier of premises shall not keep or permit to be

kept poultry on any premises occupied by him, except under and incompliance with the following conditions:

(a) The occupier has provided an adequate shed constructedin accordance with the requirements of the Building By-laws of the local authority and having a minimum floorarea of four square feet per bird.

(b) The floors of poultry sheds shall be constructed of cementtrowelled to a smooth finish and laid with a fall of 1 in 50towards the front. The fences of poultry runs shall beconstructed of six-foot galvanised wire netting supportedby uprights of 3 in. by 2 in. jarrah or equivalent theretoset at eight-foot centres with two feet in the ground.

(c) (i) The poultry shall be kept confined in the poultryshed and/or poultry run at all times.

(ii) The occupier does not keep poultry within 30 feet ofany dwelling house.

(iii) The occupier does not keep poultry within four feetfrom land not in the same occupation.

(iv) The occupier does not keep poultry within 60 feet ofany street if the land has one frontage only.

(v) The occupier does not keep poultry within 15 feet ofany other street if the land has more than onefrontage.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (b) ofthis by-law where poultry are kept under deep littermethods approved by the Department of Agriculture theprovision of concrete floors to poultry sheds shall beoptional.

(e) All enclosures or cages within which poultry are kept shallbe maintained at all times in a clean condition and shallat any time be cleansed, disinfected or otherwise dealtwith as an inspector may direct.

(2) No person shall keep upon any residential lot of land poultryexceeding 20 in number unless he shall have first received the writtenapproval of the local authority specifying the number of poultry whichmay be kept thereon and unless he shall have complied with the fol-lowing additional provisions, namely:

(a) The occupier shall have registered with the local authorityas a keeper of poultry and the premises shall be registered.

(b) The occupier shall have paid to the local authority aregistration fee of five shillings.

(3) The local authority may cancel or refuse the registrationof any occupier in relation to any premises if the occupier is convictedin any court for an offence relating to the keeping of poultry.

(4) This by-law operates and has effect in the whole of thedistrict of the local authority.

6. Substitute for by-law 29B, the following by-law:-29B. (1) The occupier of premises shall not keep or permit to

be kept pigeons on any premises occupied by him within the areadescribed in sub-bylaw (3) of this by-law except under and in com-pliance with the following conditions:

(a) The occupier is registered with the local authority asa keeper of pigeons and the premises are also registered.

(b) The occupier has paid to the local authority a registrationfee of five shillings.

(c) Pigeons are confined in a suitable cage not nearer than30 feet to any dwelling house, street or road, and notless than four feet from the side and rear boundaries of

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the lot, provided that registered homing pigeons maybe freed for exercise between the hours of 6 a.m. and8 a.m. and between the hours of 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

(d) All pigeon cages are provided with a concrete floortrowelled to a smooth finish and laid with a fall of 1 in50 to the front or with tongued and grooved flooring ona timber base, laid with a fall to the front.

(e) All pigeon cages or lofts within which pigeons are keptare maintained at all times in a clean condition.

(f) The maximum of pigeons kept at the one time does notexceed 20 on a, subdivided residential lot, except that anyperson who in January of each year produces to thelocal authority satisfactory proof that he is a registeredfancier, may be permitted to keep up to a maximum ofseventy-five (75) pigeons or any number of pigeons inexcess of that number which the local authority in itsabsolute discretion may authorise in writing specifyingthe number of pigeons which may be kept.

(2) The local authority may cancel or refuse the registration ofany occupier in relation to any premises if the occupier is convictedin any court for an offence in relation to the keeping of pigeons.

(3) This by-law operates and has effect in the whole of the districtof the local authority.

7. By-law 32 (c) is amended by inserting after the word "water" in line3, the following, "to a soakweil or other place of disposal approved by the localauthority".


Offensive Trade.Fee PerAnnum.£ s. d.

Fish shops 4 0 0Cleaning establishments and dye works 4 0 0Any other trade not specified above 2 0 0

Passed at a meeting of the City of Subiaco this 7th day of July, 1964.J. H. ABRAHAMS,

Mayor.G. 0. EDWARDS,

Town Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.City of South Perth.

WHEREAS it is provided in the Health Act, 1911, as amended, that a localauthority may of its own motion, by resolution, adopt with or without modifi-cation, the whole or any portion of by-laws caused to be prepared by theGovernor under the provisions of section 343 (1) of that Act; and whereas byresolution dated the 26th day of September, 1956, and published in theGovernment Gazette on the 25th day of January, 1957, the South Perth Muni-cipality, being a local authority within the meaning of the Act, resolved toadopt, with certain modifications specified in such resolution, the Model By-laws,described as Series "A", as reprinted and published in the Government Gazetteon the 9th day of August, 1956: Now, therefore, the City of South Perth dothhereby resolve and determine that the said Model By-laws, as modified asaforesaid, and subsequently further amended, by resolution dated the 25th

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day of June, 1958, and published in the Government Gazette on the 28th dayof April, 1959, shall be further modified by adding immediately after By-law11 of Part I the following heading and by-law:—

Removal and Disposal of Nightsoil.11A. (1) No person shall carry out or undertake the collection,

removal and disposal of nightsoil, urine and liquid wastes, includingthe contents of any apparatus for the bacteriolytic treatment of sew-age, unless he has first obtained the approval in writing of the localauthority to do so.

(2) The local authority may specify in any approval granted to aperson pursuant to this by-law conditions to be observed or performedby such person in the collection, removal and disposal of nightsoil,urine and liquid wastes referred to in this by-law and the place wherethe disposal is to be carried out.

(3) A person who carries out or undertakes the collection, removaland disposal of nightsoil, urine and liquid wastes referred to in thisby-law without the approval of the local authority, or having obtainedsuch approval fails to observe or perform any condition specifiedtherein, or to dispose of the nightsoil, urine and liquid wastes at theplace specified for that purpose therein, commits an offence.

Passed at a meeting of the Council of the City of South Perth held on the27th day of May, 1964.

W. C. G. THOMAS, J.P.,[L.S.] Mayor.

E. J. JOHNSON,Town Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Shire of Belmont.

WHEREAS under the Health Act, 1911-1962, the Governor may cause to beprepared Model By-laws for all or any of the purposes of the said Act; andwhereas Model By-laws, described as Series "A", have been prepared, andamended from time to time, and reprinted pursuant to the Reprinting ofRegulations Act, 1954, and in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963, andfurther amended by notice published in the Government Gazette on the 7thNovember, 1963, and on the 20th March, 1964: Now, therefore, the Shire ofBelmont, being a local authority within the meaning of the Act, and havingadopted the Model By-laws, Series "A", as reprinted in the Government Gazetteon 17th July, 1963, with modifications doth hereby resolve and determine thatthe aforesaid amendments published in the Government Gazette on the 7thNovember, 1963, and on the 20th March, 1964, shall be adopted without modi-fication.

Passed at a meeting of the Belmont Shire Council this 8th day of June,1964.

J. G. SISSONS,Shire President.

W. G. KLENK,Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, this 29thday of September, 1964,

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

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3534 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [15 October, 1964.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Shire of Cunderdin.

WHEREAS it is provided in the Health Act, 1911, as amended, that a localauthority may, of its own motion, by resolution, adopt with or without modifi-caton the whole or any portion of by-laws caused to be prepared by the Gov-ernor under the provisions of section 343 (1) of that Act; and whereas ModelBy-laws, described as Series "A", prepared in accordance with those provisions,and duly amended, have, pursuant to the Reprint of Regulations Act, 1954,been reprinted with amendments to and including that published in theGovernment Gazette on 25th June, 1963, and as so reprinted have been pub-lished in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963, and further amendedby notice published in the Government Gazette on 20th March, 1964: Now,therefore, the Shire of Cunderdin, being a local authority within the meaningof the said Act, doth hereby resolve and determine that the said Model By-laws, as so reprinted and published in the Government Gazette on the 17thJuly, 1963, together with the amendment published in the GovernmentGazette on 20th March, 1964, shall be adopted without amendment, and dothhereby prescribe the following scale of fees as applied to Schedule "D" of PartIX of the adopted by-laws:

Offensive Trade. Fee per annum£ s. d.

Slaughterhouses 1 0 0Piggery .. 1 0 0

Passed at a meeting of the Cunderdin Shire Council this 21st day of August,1964.

GEO. F. DENNIS,President.

A. S. ANDREW,Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Shire of Upper Blackwood.

WHEREAS under the provisions of the Health Act, 1911, as amended, a localauthority may make or adopt by-laws and may alter, amend or repeal by-lawsso made or adopted: Now, therefore, the Shire of Upper Blackwood, beinga local authority within the meaning of the Act, and having adopted the ModelBy-laws, described as Series "A", as reprinted, pursuant to the Reprintingof Regulations Act, 1954, in the Government Gazette on the 17th July, 1963,doth hereby resolve and determine that the said adopted by-laws shall beamended as follows:—

PART IX.—OFFENSIVE TRADES.Substitute for by-law 9 of Section B—Slaughterhouses the following

by-law:-9. No such occupier shall slaughter or allow to be slaughtered

on his premises any animal, except between the hours of 7.30 a.m. to5 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

Passed at a meeting of the Upper Blackwood Shire Council this 19th dayof August, 1964.

H. S. ROGERS,President.

L. G. AMEY,Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

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15 October, 1964.]


HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Shire of Bayswater.

WHEREAS under the Health Act, 1911-1962, the Governor may cause to beprepared Model By-laws for all or any of the purposes of the said Act; andwhereas Model By-laws, described as Series "A", have been prepared, andamended from time to time, and reprinted pursuant to the Reprinting ofRegulations Act, 1954, in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963, andfurther amended by notice published in the Government Gazette on 16th June,1964; and whereas a local authority may adopt such Model By-laws with orwithout modification: Now, therefore, the Bayswater Shire Council, being a localauthority within the meaning of the Act, and having adopted the ModelBy-laws, Series "A," as reprinted in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963,doth hereby resolve and determine that the aforesaid amendment published inthe Government Gazette on 16th June, 1964, shall be adopted without modifi-cation, together with the following amendment:

PART I.—GENERAL SANITARY PROVISION.By-law 23 is amended by deleting the passage beginning with the words

"An induct" in line 5 of paragraph (1) (e) down to and including the word"concrete", being the last word in that paragraph.

Passed at a meeting of the Bayswater Shire Council this 8th day of July,1964.

R. A. COOK,President.

A. A. PATERSON,Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Shire of Mingenew.

WHEREAS it is provided in the Health Act, 1911, as amended, that a localauthority may, of its own motion, by resolution, adopt with or without modifica-tion, the whole or any portion of by-laws caused to be prepared by the Governorunder the provisions of section 343 (1) of that Act; and whereas Model By-laws,described as Series "A", prepared in accordance with those provisions, andduly amended, have, pursuant to the Reprinting of Regulations Act, 1954, beenreprinted with amendments to and including that published in the GovernmentGazette on 25th June, 1963, and as so reprinted have been published in theGovernment Gazette on 17th July, 1963: Now, therefore, the Mingenew ShireCouncil, being a local authority within the meaning of the said Act, dothhereby resolve and determine that the said Model By-laws, as so reprintedand published in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963, shall be adoptedwithout modification and doth hereby prescribe the following scale of feesas applied to Schedule "D" of Part IX of the adopted by-laws:

Fee Per Annum.Offensive Trade s. d.

All offensive trades 10 0

Passed at a meeting of the Mingenew Shire Council this eighth day ofJuly, 1964.


F. B. COOPER,Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

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3536 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 5 October, 1964.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Shire of Mandurah.

WHEREAS under the provisions of the Health Act, 1911, as amended, a localauthority may make or adopt by-laws and may alter or amend or repeal anyby-laws so made or adopted: Now, therefore, the Mandurah Shire Council,being a local authority within the meaning of the Act, and having adoptedthe Model By-laws, described as Series "A", and reprinted pursuant to theReprinting of Regulations Act, 1954, in the Government Gazette on the 17thJuly, 1963, doth hereby resolve that the said adopted by-laws shall be amendedas follows:—

PART I.—GENERAL SANITARY PROVISIONS.After by-law 1B insert a new by-law to stand as by-law 1C as


Provision of Apparatus for the Bacteriolytic Treatment of Sewage.1C. (a) Every new building constructed in the district of the

Shire of Mandurah after the coming into operation of this by-law,which is required to be provided with sanitary conveniences, shallalso be provided with apparatus for the bacteriolytic treatment ofsewage.

(b) Provided that where, for any reason it is impracticable forthe installation of such apparatus on the premises, the MandurahShire Council may grant exemption from this by-law.

Passed at a meeting of the Council of the Shire of Mandurah this 25thday of August, 1964.


President.K. W. DONOHOE,

Acting Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellencyday of September, 1964.

the Governor in Executive Council this 29th

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.Shire of Esperance.

WHEREAS under the provisions of the Health Act, 1911, as amended, a localauthority may make or adopt by-laws and may alter, amend or repeal by-lawsso made or adopted: Now, therefore, the Shire of Esperance, being a localauthority within the meaning of the Act, and having adopted the Model By-laws,described as Series "A", as reprinted, pursuant to the Reprinting of RegulationsAct, 1954, in the Government Gazette on the 17th July, 1963, doth hereby resolveand determine that the said adopted by-laws shall be amended as follows:—

PART IV.—DAIRIES AND MILK SHOPS.1. After by-law 13, insert a new by-law 13A, as follows:-

13A. Notwithstanding anything contained in these by-laws to thecontrary, a person shall not erect or construct or re-erect or re-construct any buildings or premises for use as a milking shed and itsappurtenances, except in accordance with the following conditions:

(a) Plans must be submitted to and be approved by theCouncil prior to the commencement of the erection orconstruction or re-erection or re-construction of suchbuildings or premises.

(b) (i) Such buildings or premises erected or constructed orre-erected or re-constructed after the coming intooperation of this by-law, shall be a minimum of 24feet long by 16 feet wide, with a wall height of eightfeet.

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15 October, 1964.]


(ii) The width between the bails shall be seven feet orsuch other measurement as approved by the Councilin writing.

(iii) The walls of such buildings or premises shall beconstructed of brick or concrete or such othermaterial as approved by the Council in writing.

2. By-law 14 is amended as f ollows:—(a) Delete the word "detached" where it appears in line two of by-law


(b) After the word "use" where it appears in line four and againwhere it appears in line five of paragraph (a) insert the words"or where permitted by the Council".

(c) Substitute for the word "six" where it appears in line one ofparagraph (b), the word "nine".

Passed at a meeting of the Esperance Shire Council this 18th day ofAugust, 1964.


President.J. F. CAMERON,

Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.

Shire of Mundaring.

WHEREAS it is provided in the Health Act, 1911, as amended, that a localauthority may, of its own motion, by resolution, adopt with or without modifi-cation the whole or any portion of by-laws caused to be prepared by the Gov-ernor under the provisions of section 343 (1) of that Act; and whereas ModelBy-laws, described as Series "A", prepared in accordance with those provisionsand duly amended, have, pursuant to the Reprinting of Regulations Act, 1954,been reprinted with amendments to and including that published in theGovernment Gazette on 25th June, 1963, and as so reprinted have been pub-lished in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963, and further amendedby notices published in the Government Gazettes on 7th November, 1963, 20thMarch, 1964, and 16th June, 1964: Now, therefore, the Shire of Mundaring,being a local authority within the meaning of the said Act, doth hereby resolveand determine that the said Model By-laws, as so reprinted and published inthe Government Gazette on the 17th July, 1963, together with the amendmentspublished in the Government Gazettes on 7th November, 1963, 20th March,1964, and 16th June, 1964, shall be adopted with the following amendmentsand doth hereby prescribe the following scale of fees as applied to Schedule"D" of Part IX of the adopted by-laws:—


1. Amend by-law 26 by substituting for paragraph (a) a new paragraphto read as follows:

(a) It shall not be at any less distance than 100 feet of any dwellinghouse, milking shed or milk room of any dairy, or other buildingwhere food is stored or prepared, either upon the same or anyother allotment of land.

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3538 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [15 October, 1964.

2. Substitute for by-law 28 a new by-law to read as follows:-28. (1) In respect of a residential block of land having an area

of half an acre or less, a person shall not keep, or permit to be keptthereon, more than either one horse, or one cow, or one sheep, orone goat, or one donkey, at any one time.

(2) In respect of a residential block of land exceeding half anacre in area, a person shall not keep any horse, cow, sheep, goat ordonkey in excess of the number enumerated above without havingfirst received the written approval of the Council specifying thenumber of such animals that may be kept thereon; but such approvalmay be cancelled by the Council in any case where, having regard tothe circumstances, it is of the opinion that such cancellation iswarranted.

(3) A person shall not allow any horse, cow, sheep, goat or donkeyto be loose on any residential block of land without first making pro-vision for preventing such horse, cow, sheep, goat or donkey fromapproaching to within 100 feet of any dwelling whatsoever, or otherbuilding where food is stored or prepared, or to within 100 feet of anystreet adjoining such property.


Offensive Trade. Fee Per Annum£ s. d.

Piggeries 1 0 0Slaughterhouses 1 0 0Fellmongeries 3 0 0Chemical works 3 0 0Cleaning establishments and dye works 3 0 0Soap and candle works 3 0 0Bone mills 3 0 0Manure Works 3 0 0Wool scouring establishments 3 0 0Fish curing establishments 3 0 0Flock factories 3 0 0Any other trade not specified above 1 0 0

Passed at a meeting of the Mundaring Shire Council this 13th day ofAugust, 1964.

V. J. MURRAY,President.

JOHN MOORE,Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

HEALTH ACT, 1911-1962.

Shire of Kalgoorlie.

WHEREAS it is provided in the Health Act, 1911, as amended, that a localauthority may, of its own motion, by resolution, adopt with or withoutmodification, the whole or any portion of by-laws caused to be prepared bythe Governor under the provisions of section 343 (1) of that Act; and whereasModel By-laws, described as Series "A", prepared in accordance with those

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15 October, 1964.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3539

provisions, and duly amended, have, pursuant to the Reprinting of RegulationsAct, 1954, been printed with amendments to and including that published inthe Government Gazette on 25th June, 1963, and as so reprinted have beenpublished in the Government Gazette on 17th July, 1963 and further amendedby notices published in the Government Gazettes on 7th November, 1963, 20thMarch, 1964, and 16th June, 1964: Now, therefore, the Shire of Kalgoorlie,being a local authority within the meaning of the said Act, doth hereby resolveand determine that the said Model By-laws, as so reprinted and published inthe Government Gazette on the 17th July, 1963, together with the amendmentspublished in the Government Gazettes on 7th November, 1963, 20th March,1964, and 16th June, 1964, shall be adopted with modification as follows:-

By-law 51.Delete the word "pounds" in line 6 of by-law 51, clause 2, of Part

VII and insert in lieu thereof the word "shillings".

Passed at a meeting of the Kalgoorlie Shire Council this 17th day of July,1964.

C. P. DAWS,[L.S.]

Deputy President.A. E. RASMUSSEN,

Shire Clerk.

Approved by His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Executive Councilthis 29th day of September, 1964.

R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

TRAlok 1C ACT, 1919 (AS AMENDED).Office of the Commissioner of Police,

Perth, 29th September, 1964.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to thepowers conferred by the Traffic Act, 1919 (as amended), has been pleased tomake the regulations set out in the Schedule hereunder.

R. T. NAPIER,Deputy Commissioner of Police.



1. In these regulations the Traffic Regulations, 1954, publishedin the Government Gazette on the 15th December, 1954, as amendedby the regulations amending the same published in the Gazetteon the 9th February, 1955, 1st April, 1955, 11th May, 1955, 17thJune, 1955, 9th August, 1955, 30th September, 1955, 30th December,1955, 24th April, 1956, 23rd October, 1956, 16th November, 1956,23rd November, 1956, 21st December, 1956, 22nd February, 1957,8th March, 1957, 1st April, 1957, 26th April, 1957, 17th May, 1957,1st July, 1957, 30th August, 1957, 25th September, 1957, 5th Novem-ber, 1957, 20th December, 1957, 23rd December, 1957, 24th January,1958, 19th February, 1958, 17th April, 1958, 29th April, 1958, 13thMay, 1958, 5th June, 1958, 25th June, 1958, 15th July, 1958, 18thJuly, 1958, 1st August, 1958, 12th September, 1958, 10th October,1958, 24th November, 1958, 3rd March, 1959, 9th April, 1959, 15thMay, 1959, 26th May, 1959, 12th June, 1959, 23rd June, 1959,30th June, 1959, 30th September, 1959, 16th October, 1959, 29thOctober, 1959, 30th October, 1959, 21st December, 1959, 28thJanuary, 1960, 12th February, 1960, 29th February, 1960, 1st April,1960, 21st April, 1960, 20th May, 1960, 26th May, 1960, 31stMay, 1960, 21st June, 1960, 15th July, 1960, 1st August, 1960, 28thSeptember, 1960, 25th November, 1960, 8th December, 1960, 27thJanuary, 1961, 31st January, 1961, 2nd March, 1961, 24th May,1961, 29th June, 1961, 1st August, 1961, 20th September, 1961, 1stNovember, 1961, 12th December, 1961, 18th April, 1962, 21st June,

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3540 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [15 October, 1964.

Reg. 352amended.

1962, 1st August, 1962, 18th October, 1962, 20th December, 1962,23rd January, 1963, 11th June, 1963, 30th July, 1963, 3rd October,1963, 16th December, 1963, 28th February, 1964, and 3rd September,1964, are referred to as the principal regulations.

2. Regulation 352 of the principal regulations is amended byadding after subregulation (1) the following subregulation:-

(la) Without limiting the provisions of regulation 240of these regulations, an official traffic sign erected nearthe left boundary of a carriageway, bearing the words"Speed Limit", followed by numerals, in black, on a whitebackground, is a direction that a person may not drive avehicle or animal at a speed exceeding, in miles per hour,that indicated by the numerals, on any part of the carriage-way that lies beyond the sign and up to, but not beyond,any other sign relating to the speed of vehicles or animalson that carriageway.

TRAI. F1C ACT, 1919-1963.Office of the Commissioner of Police,

Perth, 29th September, 1964.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to thepowers conferred by the Traffic Act, 1919-1963, has been pleased to make theregulations set out in the schedule hereunder.

J. M. O'BRIEN,Commissioner of Police.


Reg. 2amended.


1. In these regulations, the Traffic (Taxi- cars) Regulations,1964, published in the Government Gazette on the 3rd September,1964, are referred to as the principal regulations.

2. Regulation 2 of the principal regulations is amended bydeleting the passage, ", IX", in line one.

COUNTRY TOWNS SEWERAGE ACT, 1948-1954.Department of Public Works,

Perth, 29th September, 1964.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to theprovisions of the Country Towns Sewerage Act, 1948-1954, has been pleasedto approve of the by-laws set forth in the schedule hereunder, made by theMinister for Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage under the provisions ofsection 102 of that Act.

(Sgd.) J. McCONNELL,Under Secretary for Works.


1. In these by-laws the by-laws made under the provisionsof the Country Towns Sewerage Act, 1948-1954, published in theGovernment Gazette on the 22nd February, 1952, and amendedfrom time to time thereafter by notices published in the GovernmentGazette, are referred to as the principal by-laws.

2. The principal by-laws are amended by substituting for by-law 224A, the following by-law:-

224A. For the purposes of subsection (2) of section52 of the Act, the financial year shall be the year endingon the 31st December, in respect of the Albany TownSewerage District, the Geraldton Town Sewerage District,and the Northam No. 1 Sewerage District.


By-law 224Asubstituted.

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15 October, 1964.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3541

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.The Municipality of the Town of Boulder.

Adoption of Draft Model By-laws Relating to Standing Orders No. 4.L.G. 539/64.

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Actand of all other powers enabling it, the -Council of the abovenamed Townhereby records having resolved on the 27th day of August, 1964, to adopt thewhole of the Draft Model By-laws published in the Government Gazette onthe 12th December, 1961, 25th January, 1962, and 8th May, 1962, with suchalterations as are set out:—

Draft Model By-law No. 4.Alterations.

1. In clause 88 (2) the number "5" be placed before the word"Councillors".

2. In clause 93 (1) after the words "less than" in line 2 addthe figure "(2)".

Dated the 18th day of September, 1964.The Common Seal of the Mayor and Coun-

cillors of the Town of Boulder wasaffixed hereto in the presence of


Mayor.C. L. McLLHENEY,

Town Clerk.

Recommended(Sgd.) L. A. LOGAN,

Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thclay of September, 1964.

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.Department of Local Government,

Perth, 5th October, 1964.L.G. 74/64.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to

the powers conferred by section 159 of the Local Government Act, 1960-1963,has been pleased to make the regulations set forth in the schedule hereunder.

A. E. WHITE,Secretary for Local Government.


Reg. 23Aadded.


1. In these regulations, the Local Government (Qualificationof Municipal Officers) Regulations, 1961, published in the Govern-ment Gazette on the 15th May, 1961, and amended by regulationsamending the same published in the Government Gazette on the30th January, 1962, and the 31st August, 1962, are referred to asthe principal regulations.

2. The principal regulations are amended by insertingimmediately after regulation 23, the following regulation:-

23A. Notwithstanding the provisions of regulations21 and 23 of these regulations, the committee, or a majorityof the committee comprising at least four-fifths of itsmembership, may grant a special exemption from examina-tion for a certificate of qualification as clerk of a council

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3542 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [15 October, 1964.

Reg. 24amended.

or treasurer to a municipality, to any person who satisfiesthe committee that

(a) he was, on the 1st day of July, 1961, employedby a municipal council in a position of whichthe duties were such as to make him familiarwith the powers, duties and functions of theclerk of a council or the treasurer to a muni-cipality; and

(b) his experience for a period of five years, im-mediately before, after, or partly before andpartly after, the 1st day of July, 1961, or hisexamination qualifications, or both his ex-perience and examination qualifications, aresuch as to render him competent to hold theoffice of clerk of a council or treasurer to amunicipality,

but a special exemption under this regulation shall not begranted after the 1st day of July, 1967.

3. Regulation 24 of the principal regulations is amended byinserting immediately after the passage, "annum," in line sixteenof subregulation (1), the passage, "or who in the opinion of thecommittee, has had other experience equivalent to that requiredunder the foregoing provisions of this subregulation".

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.The Municipality of the Town of Mosman Park.

By-laws Relating to Flats.L.G. 497/64.

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act andof all other powers enabling it, the Council of the Town of Mosman Parkhereby records having resolved on 25th day of June, 1964, to make andsubmit for confirmation by the Governor the following repeal of clause 257of its by-laws and a new clause in substitution therefor as follows:-

1. Clause 257 of the by-laws published in the Government Gazette on13th February, 1948, and amended by notices published in the GovernmentGazette on 1st October, 1948, and 14th September, 1955, is hereby repealed.

2. A new clause 257 is now inserted:(1) In this by-law, unless the context requires otherwise

"flat" means the portion of a building used or intended oradapted or designed for use as a separate tenement ina building containing two or more such tenements;

"Flat building" means a building containing two or morefiats;

"lot" has the meaning given to it in and for the purposes ofthe Town Planning and Development Act, 1928-1962;

"plot ratio" means the ratio of gross total of floor areasto the area of the land within the site boundaries, suchfloor areas being measured from the outer faces of theexternal walls, including passages and amenities butexcluding lifts, stairs and areas used exclusively for theparking of wheeled vehicles if such areas are either withinthe building, or below the surface of the ground andfinished with a flat roof of reinforced concrete;

"site" includes the curtilage to or area of land around abuilding.

(2) No person shall hereafter within the municipal district ofthe Town of Mosman Park erect any fiat building or convert anyother building into a flat building except in the following areas:

(a) The area bounded by Stirling Highway, Fairlight Street,Monument Street and Glyde Street.

(b) The area comprising all lots fronting the east side ofStirling Highway between the northern boundary of thedistrict and Glyde Street and between Fairlight Streetand Wellington Street.

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15 October, 1964.]


(c) The area comprising all lots fronting the south side ofFairlight Street.

(d) The area comprising all lots fronting the north side ofGlyde Street between Stirling Highway and MonumentStreet.

(e) The area comprising all lots fronting the west side ofJohnson Parade.

(3) Flat buildings shall not have a site coverage of more than 20per centum or a plot ratio of more than .66.

(4) Every fiat building shall be provided with garages and/orpaved parking spaces sufficient to accommodate 1.5 cars for eachflat in the building if there be an even number of fiats in the buildingor 3 cars for each two flats plus an additional 2 cars if there be anodd number of fiats in the building. Each garage or paved parkingspace shall have a minimum width of seven feet and a minimumlength of 15 feet.

(5) Limitation of Height of Buildings (Johnson Parade and LoL14 of Swan Location 83 in Hill Terrace).—No part of the roof of anybuilding hereafter erected and no part of any roof added to or alteredon an existing building on any lot fronting Johnson Parade or onlot 14 of Swan Location 83 in Hill Terrace shall exceed in height t,level of 31 feet above the level of the crown of the road opposite thecentre of the frontage of the lot on which the building is to be or iserected.

Dated this 21st day of August, 1964.The Common Seal of the Town of Mosman

Park was affixed hereto in the presenceof

E. C. SMITH,Mayor.

J. A. SMALLMAN,Town Clerk.

Recommended(Sgd.) L. A. LOGAN,

Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency, the Governor, in Executive Council this29th day of September, 1964.

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.The Municipality of the Shire of Kwinana.By-law Amending By-Laws--Use of Land.

L.G 556/55.IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Acts andof all other powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Munici-pality hereby records having resolved on the 22nd day of July, 1964, to amendthe by-laws of the Municipality of Kwinana passed at an ordinary meetingof the Council on the 29th day of December, 1955, and published in theGovernment Gazette of the 3rd February, 1956, and amendments published inthe Government Gazette of the 4th December, 1957, 31st May, 1960, and 16thDecember, 1963, in the following manner:

Tenth Schedule—Kwinana New Town Zone Uses:(a) For Dwelling Houses

is amended by adding thereto, lots C123, C145, C146, C159.

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3544 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [15 October, 1964.

b) Fol. Duplex Houses or Flatsis amended by deleting therefrom, lots C123, C145, C146, C159,

(1) For Public Purposesis amended by adding thereto, lot C405.

The Common Seal of the Shire of Kwinanawas affixed hereto in the presence of

A. M. LYDON,LLB.] President.

F. W. MORGAN,Shire Clerk.

Recommended-(Sgd.) L. A. LOGAN,

Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.The Municipality of the Shire of Canning.

By-laws amending By-laws Classifying South, Central, North and West Wards.L.G. '75/64.

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act andall other powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipalityhereby records having resolved on the 23rd September, 1963, to make and sub-mit for confirmation of the Governor, the following by-laws:

The by-laws of the Shire of Canning published in the Government Gazetteon the 13th February, 1957, as amended from time to time thereafter, beamended as follows:

The Sixth Schedule (Special Business Zones "A"—Service Stations)is amended by the addition thereto of the following:

Albany Highway-Treasure Road.—Portion of Canning Loca-tion 2 being lot 81 the subject of Diagram 30654.

The Eleventh Schedule (Special Zones) is amended by the additionthereto of the following:

Treasure Road.—Portion of Canning Location 2 being lot 80the subject of Diagram 30653 to be used as a bakery withassociated office and off street parking facilities for em-ployees.

Dated the 10th day of August, 1964.The Common Seal of Shire of Canning was

hereunto affixed by authority of a resolu-tion of the Council in the presence of-

E. CLARK, J.P.,lL.S.l President.


Recommended-(Sgd.) L. A. LOGAN,

Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

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15 October, 1964.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3545

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.The Municipality of the Shire of West Arthur.

Adoption of Draft Model By-laws Relating to the Removal and Disposal ofObstructing Animals or Vehicles, No. 7.

L.G. 402/64.IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act, theCouncil of the abovementioned Municipality hereby records having resolvedon 16th day of April, 1964, to adopt such of the Draft Model By-laws publishedin the Gazette on the let day of August, 1962, with such alterations as are hereset out:

By-law No. 2 (1): Delete the words following "Appointed place" com-mencing in line 3 and substitute the words "means Darkan Town-site Lots 102 and 103, Hillman Street".

Dated this 11th day of September, 1964.E. A. G. WATKINS,

M.S.] President.G. WHITELEY,

Shire Clerk.

Recommended(Sgd.) L. A. LOGAN,

Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.The Municipality of the Shire of Cockburn.

By-laws Relating to the Classifying of the District.L.G. 252/64.

IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act andof all other powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipalityhereby records having resolved on the 11th day of August, 1964, to makeand submit for confirmation by the Governor the following by-law:

The by-laws of the Cockburn Shire Council (formerly Cockburn RoadBoard) passed at an ordinary meeting of the Cockburn Road Board held onthe 23rd day of October, 1957, and published in the Government Gazette ofthe 17th day of April. 1958, as amended from time to time thereafter, arehereby further amended by a new by-law reading as follows:—

1. Schedule 6—Shopping Areas: Add new paragraph as follows:-24. Portion of Cockburn Sound Location 10 being lots 1, 2, 3

and 4 on Plan 3732, Diagram 30058, Ingram Street,Hamilton Hill.

Dated this 17th day of August, 1964.J. H. COOPER,

President.E, L. EDWARDS,

Shire Clerk.

Recommended(Sgd.) L. A. LOGAN,

Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964,

(Sgd.) R. H. DOIG,Clerk of the Council,


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3546 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [15 October, 1964.

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1960.The Municipality of the Shire of Cockburn.

By-laws Relating to the Classifying of the District.

L.G. 252/64.IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the abovementioned Act andof all other powers enabling it, the Council of the abovementioned Municipalityhereby records having resolved on the 11th day of August, 1964, to make andsubmit for confirmation by the Governor the following by-law:

The by-laws of the Cockburn Shire Council (formerly Cockburn RoadBoard) passed at an ordinary meeting of the Cockburn Road Board held onthe 23rd day of October, 1957, and published in the Government Gazette ofthe 17th day of April, 1958, as amended from time to time thereafter, arehereby further amended by a new by-law reading as follows:-

1. Schedule 6—Shopping Areas: Add new paragraph as follows:-25. Portion of Cockburn Sound Location 10 being lot 96 on

Plan 2073 (1) situated on the corner of Forrest Road andFortini Court, Hamilton Hill, which land shall, however,be limited to use for Doctor's Surgery only.

Dated this 17th day of August, 1964.J. H. COOPER,


President.E. L. EDWARDS,

Shire Clerk.

Recommended(Sgd.) L. A. LOGAN,

Minister for Local Government.

Approved by His Excellency the Governor in Executive Council this 29thday of September, 1964.

(Sgd.) R. H, DOIG,Clerk of the Council.

MINES REGULATION ACT, 1946.Department of Mines,

Perth, 24th September, 1964.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council acting under the provisionsof the Mines Regulation Act, 1946, has been pleased to make the regulationsset out in the schedule hereunder.

A. H. TELFER,Under Secretary for Mines.


1. In these regulations the Mines Regulation Act Regulations madeunder the Mines Regulation Act, 1946, reprinted pursuant to the Reprintim;of Regulations Act, 1954, in the Government Gazette of the 1st March, 1961,with all amendments up to and including the 1st August, 1960, and as amendedby notices published in the Government Gazette from time to time thereafter,are referred to as the principal regulations.

2. Regulation 14 of the principal regulations is amended(a) by substituting for the symbol and figures, "£31 9 6" in line

three of subregulation (1) the symbol and figures, "£34 2 5";and

(b) by substituting for the passage, "24th June, 1963" in line fiveof subregulation (1) the passage, "18th September, 1964",

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15 October, 19641


MILK ACT, 1946-1963.Department of Agriculture,South Perth, 5th October, 1964.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting pursuant to thepowers conferred by section 76 of the Milk Act, 1946-1963, has been pleasedto approve of the amendments, made by the Minister for Agriculture in themanner set forth in the schedule hereunder, of the regulations made by theMinister and published in the Government Gazette on the 21st February, 1947,as amended from time to time thereafter by notices published in the Govern-ment Gazette.

T. C. DUNNE,Director of Agriculture.


Regulations.1. In these regulations the Milk Act, 1946, Regulations No. 1 published

in the Government Gazette on the 21st February, 1947, and amended fromtime to time thereafter by notices published in the Government Gazette, arereferred to as the principal regulations.

2. The principal regulations are amended by substituting for regulation10, the following regulation:-

10. The license fee payable for a milk shop license shall be one pound(El).

3. The principal regulations are amended by substituting for regulation11A, the following regulation:-

11A. The license fee payable for a milk store license shall be onepound (El).

STOCK DISEASES ACT, 1895-1960.Department of Agriculture,

South Perth, 29th September, 1964.HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting under the provisionsof section 6 of the Stock Diseases Act, 1895-1960, has been pleased to makethe regulations set forth in the schedule to the attached notice.

T. C. DUNNE,Director of Agriculture.


Reg. 43substituted.


Regulations.1. In these regulations the Stock Diseases Act Regulations,

1962, published in the Government Gazette on the 31st May, 1962,and amended from time to time thereafter by notices published inthe Government Gazette, are referred to as the principal regulations.

2. The principal regulations are amended by substituting forregulation 43, the following regulation:-

43. (1) A person shall not move or cause to be movedany cattle from a holding, property or place in the Kim-berley Quarantine Area to another holding, property orplace in that Area unless a permit in writing has beenobtained from an inspector.

(2) Where it is intended to move cattle from a holding,property or place situated within that portion of theKimberley Quarantine Area comprising the municipal dis-tricts of the Shires of Wyndham-East Kimberley and Hall's

Page 24: TERN AUSTRALIA -€¦ · Standard of 5. The standard of construction of every swimming pool construction.shall be not less than that prescribed by Australian Standard

3548 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. [15 October, 1964.

Creek, to a holding, property or place situated within aportion of that Area other than the portion comprisingthe municipal districts referred to in this subregulation,such cattle shall prior to being so moved be inoculatedagainst pleuro-pneumonia in accordance with the provisionsof subregulation (3) of this regulation, unless the ChiefInspector grants exemption from compliance with suchrequirement.

(3) An inoculation in pursuance of subregulation (2)of this regulation shall be made with an approved vaccineand be carried out under the supervision of an inspectornot less than seven days nor more than six months priorto the commencement of the movement of the cattle.


Department of Agriculture,South Perth, 14th October, 1964.

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council, acting under the provisionsof section 39 of the Marketing of Eggs Act, 1945-1960, has been pleased tomake the regulations set forth in the schedule hereunder.

T. C. DUNNE,Director of Agriculture.


Reg. 46Aadded.


Regulations.1. The Marketing of Eggs Regulations made under the pro-

visions of the Marketing of Eggs Act, 1945-1960, as reprintedpursuant to the Reprinting of Regulations Act, 1954, and publishedas so reprinted in the Government Gazette on the 5th September,1963 (such reprinted regulations including all amendments to andincluding those published in the Government Gazette on the 13thAugust, 1957) are referred to in these regulations as the principalregulations.

2. The principal re gulations are amended by adding ng afterregulation 46 the following regulation:—

40A. (1) Every person v on the 1st day of _n-2.y

or the 1st day of November in any year owns or controlstwenty or more adult female fowls and who-

(a) delivers to the Board eggs produced by thosefowls; or

• (b) under the authority of a permit granted bythe Board under section 23 of the Act sellseggs produced by those fowls;

shall within fourteen days after those respective datesfurnish to the Board a return completed and signed byhim in the Form No. 16 in the Appendix to these regulationssetting forth the required particulars of egg-type femalefowls owned or controlled by him.

(2) A person who, being required under this regulationto furnish a return to the Board, fails or neglects to sofurnish that return within the time and in the mannerso required, or furnishes a return which is incompleteor incorrect in any material particular, commits a breachof these regulations.

Page 25: TERN AUSTRALIA -€¦ · Standard of 5. The standard of construction of every swimming pool construction.shall be not less than that prescribed by Australian Standard


Number of egg type female birds thatare:

(a) 18 months of age or over

(b) Not less than 6 months but lessthan 18 months of age

(c) Not less than 3 months but lessthan 6 months of age

(d) Less than 3 months of age





Total number of egg type fe-male chickens ordered fromhatcheries and dates on whichto be delivered

Total number of egg typefowls to be hatched on ownaccount and approximatedate of hatching









15 October, 1964.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 3549

Appendixamended. 3. The Appendix to the principal regulations is amended by

adding after Form No. 15, the following Form:—

Form No. 16.

Marketing of Eggs Act, 1945-1960.(Regulation 46A.)



Do hereby declare that I was on the first day of 19a producer of eggs producing them from twenty or more adult female fowlsand I do hereby furnish the following particulars of female fowls which wereon such date owned or controlled by me.

Location of Farm or property

on which fowls are kept

.. • ...

If also a producer of eggs to be used in the hatching of chickens for rearingas fowls for consumption as poultry meat or a producer of eggs for the hatch-ing of chickens to be reared as egg laying stock, indicate here, percentageof egg production intended for sale for human consumption ... ..... .... .

Signatureof Producer........... ............. ........

Date.To theWestern Australian Egg Marketing Board,Box P. 1224, G.P.O.,PERTH, W.A.

Eiy Authority, A it DAV , DovernrrienP R rIntic