  • 8/6/2019 Term Paper on Drug Addicted Child


    Drug Addicted Child

    Drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times

    uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use that persist even in the face of extremely

    negative consequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of

    the effects of prolonged drug use on brain functioning and, thus, on behavior. For many

    people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods

    of abstinence.(

    The word addiction often used loosely and wryly in conversation. People will refer to

    themselves as mystery book addicts or cookie addicts. Now a days drug addiction is

    spread world wide in a drastic way. From village to city, old people to young people,

    people of all age are taking drug. People are getting weak easily. Drug addiction is making

    boundary to our social value. Its causing serious damage to our moral and ethical value.


    Addiction is compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine,

    or alcohol). Someone who is addicted or hooked psychologically believes that they cannot

    function without this substance in their bodies. Drug and alcohol addiction and tear

    families apart, they change individuals who once were the best people to be around

    with. Now a days childrens are most victimize and addicted by drugs.

    Their are some particular reasons for a child to become a drug addicted child. Drug

    addiction can and most of the time leads the individual to stealing from friends and even

    family. These individual do what ever is in the power to get a hold of their preferred

    drug. They are capable of hurting those who love them and the ones they love.

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    If a person needs increasing amounts of a drug to feel high then they are developing

    tolerance. A preoccupied person thinks constantly about a drug Personality changes

    Individuals withdraw from their friends and their family. Solitary use, Individuals often

    begin using the drug as a social thing but then once they begin to use it alone they can

    be losing control Using drugs as medicine, People often use drugs to take the edge off

    stressful situation or unpleasant feelings. They may rationalize their use and make it see

    normal. Continued use despises negative consequences. Drug dependence compels people to

    use in spite of problem or loss of friends.

    Their are also some major reasons. It is said that friends are the most likely cause of

    drug addiction of a child. Now a days time is running very fast and people all over the

    world are also trying to win this race against time .For that reason in families father and

    mother both work outside thats why their child dont get them whenever they want they

    suffer from depuration and they dont get enough elements to pass their time and

    became addicted on drug .Parents often give their child money for their personal

    expenses but never query what their child have done with that money. Curiosity of

    people about what is drug and after having that what people feel. Taking drug thinking

    its a way of showing smartness like smoking. Child become addicted if their parents are


    Now at this time people are addicted various types of drug. The most of the people are using

    very common types of common drug which is very popular in our country. In below discuss

    about some drug which child are using more.

  • 8/6/2019 Term Paper on Drug Addicted Child



    When people takes drug they usually trying to get the substances from outside their

    body to receptor cells inside their

    Body. Mostly, in the case of mood altering drugs these receptors are in the brain,

    although with some drugs like

    anabolic steroids these receptor cells may be elsewhere in their body. In most cases child

    take drug in various ways.

    The most common way of drug addiction is smoking. Cigarettes or biri produced from

    varieties of leaves. Producers also use much kind of chemicals. There are many ways of

    smoking. Whatever the way is it may cause serious damage to our health. Cigarette contains one

    kind of poison called nicotine. It is said that one stick can less five minutes life

    of a people.


    Alcohol is another kind of drug it is an intoxicating substances made from fermented

    starches, although it gives an initial burst of energy it is actually a depressant drug. It

    slows down responses and tends to make people clumsy and dopey. It is one of the

    most popular drugs used in New Zealand due to its legal status. Alcohol is generally

    produced as a drinkable liquid based upon various plant fruits and grains. It makes users

    feel self-confident and relaxed, increases sociability and reduces inhabitations, it can

    produces feelings of invincibility in some, it is dissociative and make users forget their

    worries and become more happy for a while.

    Effects of alcohol:

    1. Over consumption may lead a vomiting fits, and blackouts.

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    2. Alcohol has a high sugar content and it is therefore may cause diabetes.

    3. Long term alcohol use leads to serious damage to heart, leaver, stomach, brain.


    The drug usually comes in pill form and with its potent mix of visuals are intense highs,

    drug experts predict that it may soon become popular worldwide. Although yaba is still

    rare in Asian and in UK, drug experts reported that UK is been targeted by yaba

    producers from the Golden Triangle the drug producing areas which straddle the

    borders of Thailand, Burma and Laos. The main ingredients which include salt, house

    hold cleaning products, distilled cold medicines and lithium from camera batteries can be

    bought legally and the drug easily knocked out at home with a couple of casserole

    dishes and a hob.

    Effects of Yaba:

    The drug is claimed to create an instance hallucinogenic effect and can keep users

    awake for days on end, although some users have reported that the only visuals come as

    a result of sleep deprivation after being sessions. Addictive or habit forming regular use

    of the drug has been linked to lung and kidney disorders, hallucinations and paranoia. A

    frequent hallucination is speed bugs or crank bugs where users believe that bugs are

    crawling under their skin and go loopy trying to get them out. In Thailand, the number

    of students energetic rehab to deal with yaba addiction for children and teenage people

    risen nearly by 1000% by the past two years (Source: Observer 17.10.99). Those coming

    off the drug are also susceptible to severe depression and suicidal urges.

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    Synthetic Narcotics:

    These chemically produced drugs are principally used therapeutically for treating pain in

    people who are ill, they include pethedine and methadone.


    Cannabis comes from a plant called Cannabis sativa that was originally indigenous to

    Asia and South America. The most active chemical

    which gets you stoned is delta9 Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short. Cannabis is a

    depressant drug as its slows down body metabolic rate and function.

    Stationary Item:

    Now a days some kind of stationary items represent themselves as drug items for child.

    One kind of pen produced Ink which spread sweet smell and child becomes addicted on

    that particular kind of pen mostly on fragrance of those pen. (www. Parenting. blogs.

    Com, www. Prompt papers. Com)

    Consequences of a drug addicted child are very much negative for their parents, society

    as well as their physical and mental growth. Drug addiction can stop a childs growth.

    Drug addiction can finish a golden life of a child. Some drugs are very much high in

    price for having those drugs child may steal money or do any other illegal acts. Drug

    addiction may cause serious damage to a childs health. Parents of drug addicted may

    became humiliated in society. Drug addicted child becomes detached from their family

    and friends. For using drug child may behave negatively with their relatives. For drug

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    addiction student can not concentrate on their study. For using drug child looses their

    weight. Child may become furious about what would happen if they dont get drug.

    We want to protect the addicted childrens and doing corrective work to protected them . Parents

    can use information on risk and protection to help them develop positive preventive

    actions (talking about the family rules) before problems occur. Educators can strengthen

    learning and bonding to school by addressing aggressive behaviors and poor

    concentration risks associated with later on set of drug abuse and related

    problems.Community leaders can assess community risk and protective factors associated

    with drug problems to best target prevention services. Finding the specific drugs and

    other child and adolescent problems in a community. Builds on existing rehabilitation

    resources for addicted child. The community plan develops short-term goals relevant to

    implementation of research based drug prevention programs. The project can take long

    term objectives so that plans and resources are available for the future. Organizing

    various drug prevention program. Drug which make addiction should be banned.

    Government have to take various steps to prevent drug addiction such as modifying drug

    law. Parents have to give enough time to their children. parents have to know with whom

    their child are making friendship and what are they doing.

    Experimenting is not always due to the curiosity of child. Friends have a lot of influence

    because it is important for youngsters to belong to a group. If the group to which they

    want to belong uses stimulants they will 'have to' go along with that to be part of the

    group. The pressure from the group can be very big. The extent to which youngsters

    wants to go along with that depends on their own personality and skills. Youngsters with

    little confidence are more sensible to the group's pressure than youngsters with a lot of

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    confidence. Two important things that parents can give their children in their education

    are confidence and a positive self-image. Then child will get confidence through the

    things he does. When child gets enough appreciation, he will start to think positively

    about himself and be stronger in life. When your child gets an excess of criticism, he

    will start to think negatively about himself and be more vulnerable. Youngsters with

    confidence are better in deciding what they want and what they don't want. They are

    better in coping with the group's pressure. That makes the risk of an experiment that

    gets out of hand smaller. If we can come forward we can save many child from being

    drug addicted.(,Various research paper

    of EWU library research and journal section, English daily magazines.)


    Even after the lengthy discussion that we have engaged in regarding the causes and

    consequences of drug addiction, it is still a phenomena which can not be accurately explained

    due to variations in individual factors which govern the persons motivation and responses to

    drugs. But, rest assured, this is one area where researchers keep looking for the next clue drug

    addiction has become from a crime, a disease and from the addiction models, we today have

    proof that it is actually a vicious cycle, which when once trapped, it becomes extremely difficult

    to free oneself. Drug addiction is a kind of deviant behavior which is also a disease of the brain.However, it is different from other brain diseases because it starts off as voluntary behavior, and if theuser tries to leave it, he has to continue doing it because of the aversive withdrawal symptoms it causes.

    As research has also shown, users mostly become addicts without meaning to, and then the harmful effect

    which the drugs have on the mind, leaves its decision-making ability further impaired and it becomes

    extremely difficult to break free from the shackles of drug addiction

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