Page 1: Ten Smart and Simple Web Habits

Ten Smart and Simple Web Habits

Jody Krebs

January 2012

Page 2: Ten Smart and Simple Web Habits

1. Be Focused

Define your Digital Goals.

Keep them in your sights.

Know what you are trying to accomplish and

stay focused.

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2. Be Organized

Plan your work.

Work your plan.

Execute your strategies knowing the right timing,

right platform and right tactics and

always, always keep your goals in sight.

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3. Be Simple

The content your visitor wants should be easy to get to and

your goal easy to reach.

Design and develop your site to

support your customer and support your digital goals.

(Remember, your website is about your customer, not yourself.

Too many companies speak at their customer, not to their customer. There is a big difference.)


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4. Be Smart

Know your audience.

Give them what they want,

when they want it,

how they want it.

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5. Be Interesting

Content, content and then

new content…

Don’t get stale. Give your audience a reason to visit,

to learn, to buy…

whatever your goal may be.

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6. Be Social

Use Social Media that fits your audience and fits your goals.

Talk to your audience in the voice they want to hear and in their language.

Give them information that is valuable, timely and relevant to them.

(Remember, speaking just to hear yourself speak isn’t necessarily a good thing – even if you do have a great voice.)

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7. Listen

What is your audience saying?

Dig deep into your website’s analytics and

learn what your visitor is doing on your site.

(Remember, use real data to help guide you…

not thoughts or assumptions that could derail your plan.)

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8. Be Creative

Use multi-platform strategies by

thinking outside of the box…

Stand out from your competition.

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9. Be Profitable

Measure, test. Measure, test.

And then, measure and test some more.

Always keep your eye on your ROI.

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10. Be Enthusiastic

Be quick to adjust to market conditions and

your audience’s ever changing

digital habits.