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Telesales - Communication workshop19 October 2012

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Workshop overview and content

o Introduction and welcome

o Telesales people at Margot Swiss

o Consumer protection Act

o Margot Swiss business process for sales

o Planning for Telesales

o Telephone etiquette

o E mail etiquette

o Cellular phone etiquette

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Telesales people

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Telesales people at Margot Swiss are

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Customer Service &Consumer Protection Act

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Customer service the lifeblood of Sales

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won't be profitable for long. [Canadian Small Business Association]

It’s Not About Me. It’s About Our Company Values.: A business can focus a lot on the customer or the bottom line or the product. At Bulbrite, a lighting maker and supply company, President Cathy Choi focuses on values. Choi tells the New York Times that the company brought in an outside consultant to help employees discuss the value system of the company. Employees elucidated their values and the behaviors associated with them, distilling them down to some key points that have become bedrock. Choi says: “The culture thing takes on a life of its own when it starts from the ground up, as opposed to the leadership team going to an off-site retreat and returning with a credo that says, ‘This is what we’re doing now.’” [Cahty Choi]

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Customer service the lifeblood of Sales (Cont.)

Providing good customer service IS a simple thing. If you truly want to have good customer service, all you have to do is ensure that your business consistently does these things:

o Answer the phone

o Don't make promises unless you will keep them.

o Listen to your customers.

o Deal with complaints.

o Be helpful - even if there's no immediate profit in it.

o Train your staff (if you have any) to be always helpful, courteous, and


o Take the extra step.

o Throw in something extra. Source: [Canadian Small Business Association]

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The 1st of April 2011 saw the introduction of the Consumer Protection Act

(CPA). This piece of legislation has been highly publicised with a significant

drive being initiated by the Department of Trade and Industry, as well as the

media, to ensuring consumers are educated in their rights. However,

even with all the public interest in the CPA there has been a degree of

uncertainty in many of the practical implications of the Act. Many people

hoped that the Regulations would clarify these issues.

The draft regulations were published on 29 November 2010 for public

comment, with comments being accepted from date of publication to 31

January 2011. The final Consumer Protection Regulations were signed in

on 31 March 2011 by the Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr. Rob Davies

and were published on 1 April 2011.

Consumer Protection Act

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Consumer Protection Act (Cont.)



You have rights as a consumer.

Understand them.

Enforce them

What is the Consumer Protection Act?Who is a ‘Consumer’?What are Consumer Rights?No. 1: Right to Equality in the Consumer Market and Protection Against Discriminatory Marketing PracticesNo. 2: Right to PrivacyNo. 3: Right to ChooseNo. 4: Right to Disclosure of InformationNo. 5: Right to Fair and Responsible MarketingNo. 6: Right to Fair and Honest DealingNo. 7: Right to Fair, Just and ReasonableTerms and ConditionsNo. 8: Right to Fair Value, Good Quality andSafetyNo. 9: Right to Accountability from Suppliers

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1.Mechanisms to block direct marketing communications: Direct marketers must assume a comprehensive pre-emptive block has been registered by the consumer with the administrator, unless the administrator has confirmed in writing otherwise. Every direct marketer must register with the administrator and must annually confirm in writing their details.

2.Maximum duration for fixed-term consumer agreements: The maximum period for a fixed-term consumer agreement is 24 months from date of signature by the consumer; unless differently provided: in a regulation, which provides specifications for an industry, sector, type of agreement; or expressly agreed to with the consumer and has a demonstrable financial benefit to the consumer; or in an industry code.

3.Promotional Competitions: A reasonable cost of electronically transmitting an entry shall not exceed R1.50, this includes the total cost for all subsequent electronic communication to the consumer regarding that entry.

4.Prohibited times for contacting consumers: Prohibited times include: Sundays or public holidays; Saturdays before 09h00 and after 13h00; and all other days between the hours of 20h00 and 08h00 the following day. Direct marketing may not be timed to be delivered to the consumer during the prohibited times, unless expressly agreed by the consumer. The direct marketer is not in breach if they send out the marketing during the allowed periods, even if the consumer receives the marketing during the prohibited times; the onus to prove the marketing was dispatched in the allowed period rests on the direct marketer.

5.Exemption for certain categories of goods or services, or circumstances of trade from providing sales record: A supplier is exempted from providing a sales record, where the consumer expressly doesn’t require a sales record. A person trading as a hawker is exempted from providing a consumer with a written record of each transaction.

5 straightforward implications of the Consumer Protection Act regulations

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Process for Sales & Planning for Sales

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Planning for Telesales

o Pre-call planning

o Before reaching the decision maker

o Interest - Creating an opening statement

o Effective questioning

o Sales recommendation

o Getting Commitment (closing)

o Addressing resistance (objections)

o Wrapping up and getting the next action

o Attitude and self-motivation

Source: Art Sobczak []

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Telephone etiquette

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Telephone etiquetteAnswering Calls

o Answer promptly (before the third ring if possible).o Before picking up the receiver, discontinue any other conversation or

activity such as eating, chewing gum, typing, etc. that can be heard by the calling party.

o Speak clearly and distinctly in a pleasant tone of voice.o Use hold button when leaving the line so that the caller does not

accidentally hear conversations being held nearby.o When transferring a call, be sure to explain to the caller that you are

doing so and where you are transferring them.o Remember that you may be the first and only contact a person may

have with your co., and that first impression will stay with the caller long after the call is completed.

o If the caller has reached the wrong department, be courteous. Sometimes they have been transferred all over with a simple question. If possible, attempt to find out where they should call/to whom they should speak. They will greatly appreciate it.

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o When the called party is not in, the following responses should be used both to protect the privacy of the office staff and to give a more tactful response:

Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

What You Mean: Tell the Caller:

"He is out." "He is not in the office at the moment. Would youlike to leave a message on his voicemail?"

"I don't know where he is." "He has stepped out of the office. Would you like toleave a message on his voicemail?"

"He is in the men's room." "He has stepped out of the office. Would you like toleave a message on his voicemail?"

"He hasn't come in yet." "I expect him shortly. Would you like to leave amessage on his voicemail?"

"She took the day off." "She is out of the office for the day. Can someoneelse help you or would you like her voicemail?"

"He doesn't want to be disturbed."

"He is unavailable at the moment. Would you like to leave a message on his voicemail?"

"She is busy" "She is unavailable at the moment. Would you liketo leave a message on her voicemail?"

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

Transferring Calls

• To transfer a call:o Let the caller know where you are transferring them.o Press the Transfer key.o Dial the extension where you are transferring them.o Press the Transfer key again. You're done.

• To announce a call:o Find out the name of the caller and ask what it is regarding. (Why they are calling).o Tell the caller to please hold for a moment.o Press the Transfer key.o Dial the extension of the person the caller wants to speak to.o Wait for the person to answer.o Tell the person who is calling.o If the person accepts the call, press the Transfer key. If the person asks you to take a

message, press the Resume key. From there you can take a paper message or transfer directly to a person's voicemail (see below instructions).

• To transfer a call directly to voicemail (without ringing):o Tell the caller you are transferring them to (name)'s voicemail.o Press the Transfer key.o Dial the extension of the person you are transferring them to (i.e. Jane Smith at

x9999).o Press the Transfer key.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)• Good Telephone Procedures

Remember that you are representing your department and etiquette is very important. Using phrases such as "thank you" and "please" are essential in displaying a professional atmosphere. {You can tailor this section for your department's needs}

• Make sure to answer before the third ring.Examples of greetings can be: "(Division Name), may I help you?" OR "Good morning" get the idea. Use a greeting that is going to give the caller the impression that we are in fact professional and pleasant.

• If you are currently on one line and another line rings:Ask the first caller, “May I place you on hold for a moment?”Place caller on hold.Answer the ringing line saying, "[Division Name]—can you hold for a moment please?"Wait for them to say “yes.”Place second caller on hold.Return to first caller and complete the call.Go back to the second caller.Say, "Thank you for holding, how may I help you?“

NOTE: Sometimes you will have many lines ringing all at once. Please remember to write down the names of the calls holding so you avoid asking who the caller is holding for more than once.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

Screening Calls

Answer the phone by saying: "[Division Name], how may I help you?“

• If the caller asks to speak to the director (for example), ask "May I tell him/her who is calling?"

o Ask the caller "What is this in regard to?" (if appropriate)

• Press Transfer key and the extension.

o Wait for the person to answer.

o Announce the name of the caller.

o Wait for a response as to whether the call will be taken.

o If the called party wishes to take the call, press the Transfer key again.

o If the calling party does not wish to take the call, press the Resume key.


o "________ is out of the office, may I take a message or would you like his/her

o voicemail?"

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

Taking Messages

• Be prepared with pen and message slip when you answer the phone.

• When taking messages be sure to ask for:

o Caller's name (asking the caller for correct spelling.)

o Caller's phone number and/or extension (including area code)

o What the call is regarding.

• Repeat the message to the caller.

• Be sure to fill in the date, time, and your initials.

• Place the message slip in the called party's inbox or in a conspicuous place in their office, such

• as their chair.

• Don't forget that you can transfer them to voicemail instead of taking a paper message, but

don't forget to ask, "Would you like me to transfer you to ______'s voicemail?" Do not assume

that the caller would rather go to voicemail. Always ask first.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

Handling Rude or Impatient Callers

• Stay calm. Try to remain diplomatic and polite. Getting angry will only make them angrier.• Always show willingness to resolve the problem or conflict.• Try to think like the caller. Remember, their problems and concerns are important.• Non-supervisory: Offer to have your supervisor talk to the caller or call him/her back if the caller• persists.

Supervisor: Be willing to handle irate callers. Speak slowly and calmly. Be firm with your answers, butunderstanding. Sometimes the irate caller just wants someone in a supervisory capacity to listen to their story even if you are unable to help them.

Good Telephone Habits for Everyone

Whether answering the phone or making phone calls, using the proper etiquette is a must in order to maintain a certain level of professionalism. Proper etiquette leaves callers with a favourable impression of you, your department, and your organization in general. You'll also find that others treat you with more respect and are willing to go out of their way to assist you if you use the proper etiquette.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

Answering Your Phone

• Answer your calls within three rings (if possible).

• Always identify yourself when you answer the phone: "This is ______."

• Speak in a pleasant tone of voice - the caller will appreciate it.

• Learn to listen actively and listen to others without interrupting.

• When you are out of the office or away from your desk for more than a few minutes,

forward yourphone to voicemail.

• Use the hold button when leaving a line so that the caller does not accidentally

overhear conversations being held nearby.

• If the caller has reached a wrong number, be courteous. Sometimes a caller is

transferred all over with a simple question and the caller gets frustrated. If possible,

take the time to find out where they should be calling or to whom they should be


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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)Making Calls

• When you call someone and they answer the phone, do not say "Who am I speaking with?"

• without first identifying yourself: "This is _______. To whom am I speaking?"

• Always know and state the purpose of the communication.

• When you reach a wrong number, don't argue with the person who answered the call or

keep them on the line. Say: "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number. Please excuse the

interruption.“ And then hang up.

• If you told a person you would call at a certain time, call them as you promised. If you need

to delay the conversation, call to postpone it, but do not make the other person wait around

for yourcall.

• If you don't leave a number or message for someone to call you back, don't become angry if

they are not available when you call again.

• Keep in mind the Golden Rule when it comes to phone etiquette. Don't make people dread

having to answer their phone or call your department.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

How to End Conversations Gracefully

There are several ways that you can end a long phone call without making up a story

or sounding rude:

• Leave the conversation open.

• Promise to finish your discussion at another time.

• End on an "up" note.

• Tell the person how much you've enjoyed speaking with him/her.

As long as you are honest and polite with the other person, you shouldn't have any

problems getting off the phone and onto something else.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)Voicemail Etiquette

Voicemail has many benefits and advantages when used properly. However, you should not hide behind voicemail. If callers constantly reach your voicemail instead of you, they will suspect that you are avoiding calls. Here are a few tips on such things as greetings and responding to voicemail.

Voicemail Greeting

• Be sure to record your own personal greeting; don't use the standard default greeting or have

another person record your greeting. People tend to feel that they have already lost the personal

communication touch because of voicemail. If a female voice says that "Joe Smith is not

available", the caller will not be convinced that you listen to your voicemail.

• Write down what you want to say in your greeting and practice saying it a few times before

recording. Even if the greeting sounds like you are reading it, it will ensure that you don't spend

as much time trying to record it "just right."

• Include in your greeting your name and department so that people know they have reached the

correct person.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)Voicemail Greeting (cont.)

• Your regular greeting should include your normal work hours. If you know that you will be on

vacation for a few days or leaving the office early or have different hours temporarily, you

should record an alternate greeting to let callers know this. Callers will know that they cannot

expect a call back for a few hours or a few days.

• Use the attendant feature. This feature allows the caller to reach another person in your

department from your voicemail. For example, if you were out of the office on a Thursday and

a caller needed an answer immediately, the caller could dial 0 while listening to your voicemail

message and be transferred to someone else in your department.

• When you leave for the day or will be away from your desk for an extended period of time,

forward your line to your voicemail using the call forward feature as a courtesy to your callers.

• Call forwarding means that your callers don't have to wait through an entire ring cycle (12

• seconds/3 rings) before leaving a voicemail message for you.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

Checking Messages and Returning Calls

• Check your messages daily and return messages within 24 hours. If it will take longer than 24

hours, call the person and advise him/her. Callers should feel comfortable that you are checking

your voicemail daily.

• Reply, forward, or delete messages immediately. Keep your mailbox clean. Saved messages

kept longer than a week take up needless space in your mailbox since you are only allowed 20

messages total in your mailbox, including saved messages.

• If you forward a message, be sure to explain to the person to whom you are forwarding the

message why you are sending it to them.

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Telephone etiquette (Cont.)

Leaving a Voicemail Message for another Person

• Speak clearly and slowly.

• Be sure to leave your name and extension number. It's best to say it at the beginning and end

of your message.

• Keep messages short and to the point.

• Remember that you want to leave the person you are calling with a good impression of you.

• Leave the date and time you called in the message. Let the person know the best time to call

you back.

• Cover one topic in one message; specify what you want the recipient to do.

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E-mail etiquette

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E mail etiquette

You might be an old-hand at e-mail or just starting out on your technological

career, but either way, do you know the correct and acceptable standards

for e-mail use?

When we talk, we expect other people to observe certain rules of behaviour,

and the same applies online. This is particularly applicable when it comes to

the corporate environment. MWEB, South Africa's leading Internet Service

Provider has some guidelines on good e-mail behaviour

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E mail etiquette

101 Email Etiquette Tips

It is important that whether for business or personal use that you

follow the basics of email etiquette. This document covers for you

the top tips for email etiquette that everyone needs to be aware of

and follow. By doing so you will be a joy to communicate with while

being perceived as a caring and intelligent human being.

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Cellular phone etiquette

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Cellular phone etiquetteCell phones have invaded our classrooms and our bedrooms, our restaurants and our theatre's, our offices and our streets. has put together a helpful list of cell phone etiquette tips.Do you think there are others that belong on the list of cell phone 'dos and don'ts?‘

• Lower your voice when calls in public• Avoid personal topics when others can hear you• Avoid taking calls when you are already in a face to face conversation• Avoid texting in a face to face conversation• Put your phone ringing mode on silent in theatres and restaurants• Don’t light up your phone screen in a dark theatre• Hang up and drive• Acknowledge the delay on calls• Don’t use google voice call screening with family and friends• Don’t blame the other person for a dropped call• Avoid looking things up during a conversation• Avoid in appropriate profile pictures• Be mindful about facebook tagging• Observe the 3 meter proximity rule

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Remember, above all, that you are not joined at the hip to this useful device. It is important to be aware at all times of good mobile phone etiquette.

• Think about what your ringtone says about you: head-banging rocker, fashion-conscious teenager, gamer, sci-fi nerd, smooth seducer, tv addict, 'invisible' (default)... Can you live with it? If you're embarrassed by your ringtone in certain situations (trains, office, when you're visiting your mother) it's almost certainly the wrong choice. Try again.

• Monitor the volume of your ringtone; if it blares out and heads turn it's too loud. Remember there's always vibrate. It may surprise your companions when you lurch - seemingly unprompted - to answer an invisible, silent phone, but at least they'll be spared the ringtone.

• Ensure that your mobile phone conversation is not disturbing other people. Intimate conversations are never appropriate in front of others - try and respect your own, and other people's, privacy.

• Don't use foul language, have full-blooded rows, or talk about money, sex or bodily functions in front of witnesses.

• Don't use your phone in 'quiet zones' on trains. Even if you're not in a designated zone, be aware that your voice will distract a peaceful carriage of newspaper-reading commuters. If the line is bad and conversations inaudible, explain that there's a problem and hang up.

Cellular phone etiquette (Cont.)

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• Your mobile phone is not a megaphone, so don't shout... If you lose reception, live with it. Refrain from shouting into a dead device, and ring the other person back as soon as you regain it, even if it's only to say goodbye.

• People in the flesh deserve more attention than a gadget, so wherever possible turn off your phone in social situations.o Don't put your phone on the dining table, or glance at it longingly mid-

conversation.o Don't carry on mobile phone calls while transacting other business - in

banks, shops, on buses and so on. It is insulting not to give people who are serving you your full attention.

o Don't make calls to people from inappropriate venues; a call from a bathroom is deeply off-putting.

o Switch off your phone, or turn it on to vibrate, when you are going into meetings, theatres, cinemas and so on.

• Bluetooth headsets are fine in the car (in fact they're safe and legal).

• If you are awaiting an important call when meeting someone socially, explain at the outset that you will have to take the call, and apologise in advance. Otherwise, excuse yourself and withdraw somewhere private to make or receive calls. Do not have a mobile phone conversation in front of your friends. It is the height of bad manners...

Cellular phone etiquette (Cont.)

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Close out

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