  • Call Guide SAP BPCHi, Mr/Miss ____________ My name is_________ and I am calling you on behalf of SAP today because we would like to invite you to a phenomenal, live and interactive web event that demonstrates how SAP has been able to help financial executives like yourself reduce the amount of time compiling, consolidating and checking numbers while devoting more time to actually analyzing the data.Before I send you the link to the event, I just have a few quick questions Id like to ask about your organization:What applications are you currently using for budgeting, consolidation and reporting? (Is this a manual process leveraging spreadsheets? How extensive are dedicated man-hours to this?)What challenges do you see with your current reporting process? (Find out if critical information is scattered across many databases, or non-collaborative , confidence in operating with a single source of the truth, etc.)Tell me about your budgeting and forecasting process like many companies is it typically time consuming and highlighted by numbers that arent in sync with corporate strategy? (Regardless, find some issues they have i.e. outdated at time of completion, etc )What challenges do you have with statutory consolidations? (data across different departments/systems/countries?)Are your reporting and analytical functionalities adequate or do you think they could be improved by giving managers access to a single set of numbers from a web-based Excel application? (Is their current set of tools intuitive and linked to live operational data in one place?)

    SAP offers solutions that could assist you in the areas weve discussed:To get right to the heart of this solution, it represents a very easy way to capture data from CRM systems, GLs, ERP systems or basically any source system, SAP or not, and give you access to that consolidated data through Excel, word, or PowerPoint. Weve come across countless (CFOs, VPs of Finance) who spend far too much time compiling, consolidating and checking numbers when what they really want is spend more time providing insightful analysis of the numbers. Most CFOs recognize that they are not leaving enough time for their more strategic activities.Based on this and what we discussed, Id like to register you for the interactive Webinar event coming up on May 9th which will cover SAPs Business Planning and Consolidation solution in more detail and allow you to interact with the experts at that time. Id also like to go ahead and have one of our inside executives contact you shortly after the event to discuss everything in greater detail. So I can do this, what email address can I send the event information to?

    (Send them the OutlookSoft Flash Demo and follow up)What I can do is forward you a copy of our Flash module, where you can review the features and benefits of SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (formerly Outlooksoft). Ill also email you a link to a webcast replay featuring United Pipe and Supply which will go into more detail as to how BPC helped them. Ill then follow up with you to go over any additional questions you may have. (Follow up with Compelling action Feature Friday)

  • Business Requirement: Addressing Pain PointsCFO: Responsible for signing off on reported earnings and forward-looking statements to the media; overall governance of financial strategies; executive for accounting issues

  • Business Requirement: Addressing Pain PointsVP of Finance (or VP Planning, Budgeting, Planning & Analysis): Manages the budgeting cycle including expenses, headcount hiring, capital expenditures; participates in the decision process of allocating resources; responsible for consolidating results and exploring what-if sensitivities to changing assumptions

  • Business Requirement: Addressing Pain PointsDirector of Financial Planning and Analysis (or Dir Finance, Planning, or Budgeting): Responsible for monthly reporting of consolidated results, both financial (legal) and managerial (decision-making oriented)

  • Probing Questions and SolutionDoes your organization experience inconsistency in the reporting results highlighted by too many sources and versions?With SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, you gain a unified, predictive performance management solution for financial and operational reporting and analysis. You can perform production and management reporting (including exception reports), financial and operational analysis, and ad hoc and multidimensional analysis. The solution transforms disorganized planning and consolidation activities such as budgeting and statutory reporting into efficient, collaborative processes.

    Do you find your budgeting process to be extremely time consuming with many numbers that are often not in sync with Corporate strategy?The application supports a streamlined process that ensures business-relevant budgets that everyone agrees on and that align with strategic plans. The collaborative process ensures stakeholder agreement, thanks to a Web-based interface that allows widely distributed stakeholders to work together on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, both online and offline. And because you start with a single, consistent version of operational and financial data both real-time and historical you can be confident in the integrity and accuracy of your budgets.

    What challenges do you have with statutory consolidations?SAP Business Planning and Consolidation meets all your legal and management consolidation and reporting requirements. Because the softwares centralized data repository contains up-to-date actuals from your operational systems, you always have instant access to harmonized charts of accounts, shaving weeks off your consolidation process and simultaneously ensuring compliance with regulatory mandates, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. In addition, the software helps you compare budget-to-actuals data (assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses); automate the intercompany elimination process; gain transparency into corporate transactions at all levels; and manage any number of currencies by performing conversions, allocations, and eliminations

    Are your reporting and analytical functionalities adequate or do you think they could be improved by giving managers access to a single set of numbers from a web-based Excel application?With SAP Business Planning and Consolidation, you can perform activities such as strategic planning, budgeting, forecasting, reporting, and predictive analysis with familiar and intuitive tools. Users can manipulate data in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that are linked directly to live operational data; as data is updated in real time, so is the spreadsheet.

  • Rejection Handling

  • Rejection Handling

    Other Similar Titles means what other titles could this role be identified as? List them in headerPick the top 5 challengesChallenges can be gathered from the Drivers, Internal Challenges and Strategic Imperatives from the Level 2 ValueMart deck Probing Questions can be worked from the Issues/Pain Points or KPIs from any Level 4 deckhow do you currently handle product development?Is forecasting critical forWho we solved it for find a success story that maps to the challenge presented and entices to learn more (Level 2, 3 and 4 decks)Big Issue: Outdated TechnologyArchaic, closed-platform IT systems were making it virtually impossible to meet deadlines, guarantee accuracy and plan aheadSolution: Simple Accuracy In A Very Complex SituationLegacy systems optimizedCustom solution in six monthsNo interruptionImproved shipping accuracy to 96%Other Similar Titles means what other titles could this role be identified as? List them in headerPick the top 5 challengesChallenges can be gathered from the Drivers, Internal Challenges and Strategic Imperatives from the Level 2 ValueMart deck Probing Questions can be worked from the Issues/Pain Points or KPIs from any Level 4 deckhow do you currently handle product development?Is forecasting critical forWho we solved it for find a success story that maps to the challenge presented and entices to learn more (Level 2, 3 and 4 decks)Big Issue: Outdated TechnologyArchaic, closed-platform IT systems were making it virtually impossible to meet deadlines, guarantee accuracy and plan aheadSolution: Simple Accuracy In A Very Complex SituationLegacy systems optimizedCustom solution in six monthsNo interruptionImproved shipping accuracy to 96%
