Page 1: Teenage psychology parent do and don't

By Zachary

Page 2: Teenage psychology parent do and don't

How do boy’s mind’s work?Boys, in general, have a couple of common points.

During puberty, they think about many things. These feelings confuse the mind, for urges that have never been felt are distressing for young adolescents. They will often try to relate these feelings to already present emotions.

However, this will only act to further confuse. Movies are also a main point of tried relationship, for not everything

is “true love”.

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How do boy’s mind’s work? (continued)

Boys will often try to relate to the opposite gender as a mere “possession”. This means that they will not

understand the meaning of a whole relationship. Boys will often not experience an actual, healthy crush until at

least fourteen. Still, even then it is good to encourage against any big ideas, such as sexual intercourse. Due to

movie influence, boys think that it is perfectly acceptable to do so but it is dangerous for both at such

an undeveloped stage.

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What’s on a boy’s mind?In a straight point of view, a boy thinks of:






The Future

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Drugs and AlcoholWe all know about what drugs and alcohol do, so today

I’m not going to talk about the effects, but rather prevention. With most anti-drug and alcohol films and programs, people focus on what happens. This would be

good on an adult, but adults are clearly not teenagers. Talking about the effects may cause curiosity to take hold, making boys want to try it out for themselves.

What I am going to talk about is what programs to use in conjunction with these.

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Drugs and Alcohol (continued)With this in mind, there are two solutions. The first, but

the worst, is to try reverse psychology. If a boy feels oppressed, which most adolescents will feel at one point, they will always try to do the exact opposite of whatever given task. In this, I’m not saying to blatantly encourage the use of drugs and alcohol, but am pointing out that

often the reason boys take drugs and alcohol is to signify freedom. With this solution, it may be best to leave the

issue alone.

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Drugs and Alcohol (continued)In the second solution, one may try to use famous people

as an example. Famous people usually effect their fans enormously, setting new trends by accident and other

such acts. However, when using celebrities be careful to use something that the majority will know of. Also, be aware of passing fads. In a five week long session the celebrity may have to change two or three times. This won’t work with all people but it will on the majority.

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Work and the futureWith work, most boys will want to go and work as soon as possible. However, this isn’t always good. Year Twelve is the one most important year of their lives, and if they

fail it, their lives are ruined. Work for teenagers often involves hours stretching far into the night, disabling study. There are also weekend shifts, destroying entire days. In some family's it is not possible for teenagers to

not work but, if there is an alternative, it is wise to encourage against work.

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What to avoidIn any situation, there are some things never to say. It is the same with adolescents. Here is a small list:

“Not under this roof you don’t!” this phrase is often used in arguments. However, it is a terrible thing to say because, for the adolescent mind, this directly says to move out, a choice that needs careful consideration.

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What to avoid (continued)Phrases like “tough luck” and “too bad”. Adolescents

often feel oppressed by parents and other such figures of authority already, and phrases such as these may inflame

already active feelings. This may result in fierce arguments over the topic being discussed, and

ultimately, the act of doing something rash.

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What to avoid (continued)Never be insensitive to adolescents. Adolescents, as I

have already mentioned, already feel oppressed by figures of power so insensitivity will enflame this soft

spot, possibly giving rise to much more serious problems.

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How does a girl’s mind work?Girls are very sensitive in adolescence, even more so than boys. High self esteem is essential for girls, for they will always try to pick at themselves (I’m not pretty enough,

etc.) Teenage girls often are very ruthless bullies, more so than boys. Because of this, it is important to be very

sensitive and be ready to talk to them at any time. A girl’s attitude to a boy is very much different than a boy’s

attitude to a girl. First, there is no confusion of living beings and possessions as there is with boys.

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How does a girl’s mind work? (continued)

Girls, if anything, have a heightened sense of a true relationship, in the form of romance. However, through this, girls have much higher expectations than boys. In

this, girls have a higher sense of class, probably the basis of the age old tradition of the man asking the woman

out. Girls tend to be more group active than boys, forming only two or so groups in a bunch where boys

would form five. Girls, probably from this, have a strong sense of community, more so in adolescence than any

other time.

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What’s on a girl’s mind?Boys




Social Standing

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Self ImageDuring adolescence a girl is extremely self-conscious.

This, although not extremely bad in itself, can lead on to much more serious issues. Depression may result from being overly self conscious, causing sleeping disorders and eating disorders. As we all know, the body relies on sleep and food, so these disorders will kill many brain

cells, not at all aiding study and schoolwork. A way to try and tackle this serious issue is to give a reason to not be depressed, a constant thing to look forward to. Another technique could be to try and aid their socal standing,

this being one of the main issues.

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Social StandingA girl’s social standing is also very important. With a low

rank, she will be a target for often ferocious bullies. There isn’t much one can do about this, for the parent can’t go to school with the child. One can try to be a shoulder to lean on, somewhere where the child can

come home to and be safe. It is often good, if it is obvious your child is being harassed, to go to a

counsellor. Try not to make it obvious that they are seeing a counsellor, for adolescents don’t like to be

seeing a “shrink”.

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What not to sayNever appear insensitive. Although a female adolescent may never use it, it is good to appear willing and able to help.

Never be too busy. Adolescents, as they are going into high school, feel themselves busy so to say that you are busy is almost an insult in itself, as if they are not really busy.

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How does all of this tie into the Christian teaching?

Teenagers have a vast range of emotions and behavioural choices as well as a certain amount of freedom. This

reflects directly of being made in the image of God, for He also has a vast range of emotions and behavioural choices and infinite freedom to do what He pleases.

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BibliographyLots of the information on this Powerpoint I have

collected through surveys of older students. However, most of the girl information was found using articles

from The University of New South Wales.