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Page 1: Teen Magazine


MAY 2013

Page 2: Teen Magazine


Solar engineering …………………………………………………………………………...… 3

Thirteen reasons why ………………………………………………………………………….4

How to make pizza ……………………………………………………………………………..5

What teenagers say: texting …………………………………………………………………..7

10 things we did ………………………………………………………………………………...8

500 days of summer …………………………………………………………………………...9

The importance of sports …………………………………………………………………..… 11

Adoption………………………………………………………………………………………... 13

Life through high school ……………………………………………………………………....16

10 places to visit ……………………………………………………………………………….17

How to do a dip dyed t-shirt? ………………………………………………………………...18

Cartoons and shows in the 2000 …………………………………………………………... 19

Top 10 restaurants………………………………………………………………………….... 21

Contest of spelling……………………………………………………………………………. 23

Tennis …………………………………………………………………………………………..25

Mom’s hug…………………………………………………………………………………….. 26

Robots: A new life. …………………………………………………………………………….27

Games in the 90’s …………………………………………………………………………….28

Humor. ………………………………………………………………………………………….29

Biology Olympics……………………………………………………………………………….30

Mother Teresa…………………………………………………………………………………..31



Work really hard………………………………………………………………………………..35

Orquest …………………………………………………………………………………………36

Page 3: Teen Magazine


1. What was the contest about?

The contest was about robotics, they grade you robot quality and the strength that your business plan had. As well,

all the marketing and things that had to do to get to the competition.

2. Where the contest took


It took place in San Diego

Sports Arena.

3. How do you prepared for this contest?

Well, we worked since November of 2012. We got together at least

two times per week and worked in all the things related including ad-

ministration and organization.

4. How was the team formed?

Teachers of Cetys and Cbtis were selected to co-

ordinate the Project; those teachers were respon-

sible for choosing students from each school.

5. Do the team presented problems?

Yes, the lack of organization was an important

problem. Also the form of working was very

different because we were of different schools.

6. How do the problems were managed?

By the creation of rules and schedules, this

helped to coordinate the group.

7. Which is your personal


At the beginning it

was rare; this was

because the form that

they work was differ-

ent to me. With time I

understand how they

worked and everyone

worked very happy. I

learned how to work

together and also to

be more tolerant.

8. Which were the requirements to join the team?

As I said before, teachers selected students

based on the skills of them. Also the adminis-

trative matters and the interest they had in the

field or what they wanted to study.

9. Do you recommend this experience?


10 .What was your job on the team?

Coordination of different events for fundraising.

By: Renee A. Castro

After the participation that our classmate Santiago Ramirez, a recognized student of Cetys Preparato-

ria, went the past month, we decided to get no know how this was organized and how the team

Page 4: Teen Magazine


Page 5: Teen Magazine


By: Renee A. Castro

How many students text during class?

15% NO


40% YES

Do you consider that you can’t live with your cellphone?

YES 63%

NO 37%

Which cellphone do you have?


Blackberry 26

Iphone 31

Samsung 13

Do you have internet in you mobile?

YES: 56%

NO: 44%

Page 6: Teen Magazine


Pizza is one of the most popular dishes around the world. It is generally a flat round bread which is oven-

baked and covered with tomatoes or a tomato-based sauce and mozzarella cheese. Toppings are also

added depending on the region, culture or personal preference. In this article, we will be learning how to

make a pizza at home.

The basic steps in pizza making are first preparing dough, then pizza sauce. After that, cheese and top-

pings are added according to taste and then the pizza is baked in an oven

Making pizza dough

At home, Pizza dough is prepared by hands, no special machinery is required. However to prepare hand-

made dough you will need to have a large mixing bowl, a measuring cup, measuring spoons, a large

whisk or wooden mixing spoon and some kitchen film before you start.


1 - 1/4 Oz Envelope - Active dry yeast, (or 2 1/4 Tsp)

1 1/2 Cups - Warm water (110°F - 115°F)

4 Cups - Bread flour

1 1/2 Tsp. - Salt

2 Tbsp. - Extra virgin olive oil

1 Tbsp. - Sugar

Extra flour

Extra olive oil


Pour the warm water in a large mixing bowl, then add the sugar and dissolve it. Next, dissolve the yeast

by stirring continuously after addition. Allow the mixture to settle down for 10 minutes or extra so that the

yeast becomes active. Now add the yeast and olive oil, when the appearance of the mixture becomes

foamy and cloudy at the surface. Dissolve it continuous stirring. Then add 3 cups of flour to the mixture

one-by-one and whisk in until dissolved completely. Make sure the mixture is completely smooth. Use your

hands to combine the dough until all of the dry flour has moistened into a mass.

By: Paulina Torres

Page 7: Teen Magazine


When the flour has absorbed all of the moisture and congealed into a firm mass, remove it

from the bowl to a floured tabletop to knead it. After kneading is complete, when dough trans-

forms into a silky, smoothly-textured ball, coat the dough ball with a thin layer of olive oil. Now

comes the step on panning the prepared pizza dough.

Making Pizza Sauce

Normally at home, we recommend using tomato sauce only which is lightly herbed with orega-

no and basil. Some pizza lovers prefer to have even simpler sauce than this, however tomato

sauce is the simplest to prepare at home.


3 Tbsp. - Butter

16 Oz. - Can of tomato puree

3 Tbsp. - Olive Oil

1 Tsp. - Salt

3 Cloves - Garlic, minced

1/4 Tsp. - Black Pepper

3 Large - Yellow onions, minced

1 Tsp. - Whole oregano

2 Qts. - Canned whole Italian tomatoes

1 Tsp. - Whole basil


Melt the butter with olive oil in an oven or large skillet. Now slowly but completely sauté the

garlic and onion. Then add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, basil and puree. Boil it. Cover

the mixture and let it bubble for two hours. Crush the tomatoes with the masher. Continue the

process till the sauce reaches the consistency of a soup. Set the sauce aside to cool before

applying it to your pizza dough, or, or refrigerate it for use in the future.

Baking the Pizza

Preheat your oven up-to the temperature of 450° F for about 10 to 15 minutes. When preheat-

ing is done, place a prepped pizza in the oven at the centre. Place the pan in the oven such

as there is maximum circulation of air around the pan. The baking will take about 10-15

minutes at that temperature.

By: Paulina Torres

Page 8: Teen Magazine


By: Diana Gómez

10 things we did (and probably shouldn’t have), it’s wrote by Sarah Mlynowski

and published in 2011, called my attention since the first day I’ve heard about

it. At the beginning, I thought that I could never be identified with it, but when I

start to read it, I realize that every teenager could familiarize with it. It’s a

book written in first person, where you understand what a 16 year old girl

feels and thinks when she moves out with her best friend after a little lie that

she told to her father.

April is responsible, lovely, and very convinced that she loves her life, but this

start to crash since the divorce of her parents. Her mother met a French guy

and moves out with him and his little brother to Paris; her father married with

a clean addict woman, however this story begins when her father told her that

they will move out to Cleveland. For obvious reasons she doesn’t want to

move out; In Westport she had her best friends and her boyfriend. Vi is crazy

and a year older, Marissa is the girl with the perfect life, and of course Noah

her boyfriend since about 2 years ago. For this reason she told to her father

that she will live with Vi and her mother, who will never be present because

she went on a tour for his play. Her father accepts, imposing a few rules that

she will broke eventually.

When she moves out with her friend, April and Vi start a new life without par-

ents and with more responsibilities. One of the rules that her father told her

where: keep her good grades, no boys in the house, don’t drink, etc. and of

course she broke every single of that rules.

April starts to feel attracted to Hudson, a mysterious, cute and gentleman guy

who make her think a lot of things with her relationship with her boyfriend, but

this ends when she receives a notice that will change her life forever, and her

life will never be the same.

Page 9: Teen Magazine


500 days of Summer is a romantic comedy movie about a man named Tom who falls completely in love with a wom-an named Summer who doesn’t believe in love.

Since they work in the same build-ing and she’s the secretary, he finds out that they have a lot of things in com-mon, especially music taste. Tom totally believes in the idea of love and soul ma-tes, while Summer thinks that’s non-sense and life always gets in the way of relationships. Tom wants to convince Summer that love does exist since he is so infatuated with her. Tom achieves to get them to be more than friends, but at the end ends up heart broken when all of a sudden she tells him that she thinks they should stop seeing each other.

At the end, Summer ends up getting married, something to-tally unexpected since she thought that true love and soul mates didn’t exist, Tom was crushed. I think this movie is great since it is a story about love, but it’s not the typical love story with a happy ending where girl and boy end up to-gether. This has an unexpected finale where they end up sepa-rated and I think it’s more real-istic than other movies with fairy tale endings.

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I think that movies sometimes make scenarios in your head about how life is supposed to be, especially love stories, but you have to keep in mind that most of them are fiction and you won’t al-ways have a happy ending.

I highly recommend this movie, you will not regret it and you can watch it with your friends, family or boyfriend.


Page 11: Teen Magazine


By Paulina Torres

Why would you prefer to stay in your home watching T.V. when you can

go out and entertain yourself doing a sport to stay healthy, fit, and good


When you stayed at home you improved the risk of dying, because the

physical inactivity it’s the fourth leading risk of global mortality, a 6% of

the dead in the world it’s when you don’t do anything at all, and besides

that the inactivity causes types of cancer, diabetes and obesity.

So if you still wonder why sports are necessary, keep reading I will tell

you why you must do sports. When you start thinking what you prefer, if

stay in your bed or go outside and play a sport, think twice in the bene-

fits you will take if you decide to choose the second option, it’s not only

the benefit of been good looking, it’s also the benefit in your health, in

your personality, in your emotional stability, esteem and another things.

If you do a sport, it’s for sure that you will be healthy; sports balance our

body’s blood pressure and circulation, because there are many research-

es that can prove the benefit in our health because 70% middle aged

people who never did sports when they were young are now struggling

with problems like high tension, trouble with blood circulation, and easily

become tired due to the lack of sports.

Page 12: Teen Magazine


But of course a benefit it’s that you will be good looking and every

girl or boy will see you; you can be fit and skinny but at the same

time be healthy, so in consequence of that obviously you get a lot of

self-confidence, and you can wear whatever you want. People thinks

that sports doesn’t help in your brain and stuff like that, but they are

wrong because sports makes people mentally strong, making a peo-

ple take better decisions, knowing how to play in team and how to

be a leader. And if you already understood the benefits and you’re

asking but what sports can I make? You can do any sport you want,

but only if you really like it because if you don’t you can’t really ap-

preciate and enjoy the sport.

There are a lot of sports, not only the ones that you know, but if you

don’t like any of the sports, did you know that dance it’s also a

sport? Dancing it’s a really good exercise to the body, so you’re hav-

ing fun, doing what you like and getting healthier what else do you

want? Sports besides helping your body helps the country, because

it’s the mayor income in a country, like football, soccer, baseball,

basketball, tennis; the Olympics it’s the most amazing show of sports

in there you can see how healthy those people are. And it’s not diffi-

cult the only thing you need to do, is finding a sport, dance, you like

start doing it minimum of half an hour, then when you get used to it

you can do the time you find considerably to stay fit and good look-

ing with a lot of health.

So sports are important because they can do your life much easier,

you can live longer when you do sports, you can get more dates and

get more the attention of the people, you can improve your brain,

that’s why I think you must do sports and end with the obesity in

our country and in the world. That’s it, don’t wait more time and go

and save your life doing sports!

Page 13: Teen Magazine


Adoption is a legal process, when a person becomes a lawful member of a family, and

family means the collective group of persons who live in one house, that are comprising

by a husband and wife and their dependent children.

Why gay adoption should be approved if this can damage the children rights convention, what law says about the meaning of marriage and of course the social life of the kid, so why in Mexico city this was approved ? The children rights convention says that a kid for the right performance of his personality,

he needs to grow up in a family in an environment of happiness, love and understanding,

so why this can be a bad thing to a gay couple?

Homosexual parents can provide to their children love and all that stuff, but it’s checked

that the children that grow 0up with gay parents have different values that a kid with a reg-

ular both gender family, and they are more susceptible to get in trouble, and have mental


And what if this kid needs the other sex parent, what if is a girl and she needs her mommy

to talk about the guy she likes, or her daddy to talk about the guy who broke her heart; or

if his a boy and he needs his mom to clean up his stuff and spoil him, or his dad to play

with him sports, and talk about man stuff, obviously a kid will need the other sex member

of the family, it’s necessary a balance with sexes in a family.

But the adoption can’t be done if this couple it’s not married, so why approved gay mar-

riage? Because if gay marriage it’s approved it’s like a big step for gay adoption, its better

if there’s only the domestic partnership law that says that it’s a legal act when 2 persons

of the same sex can live together with mutual help.

Page 14: Teen Magazine


But the real trouble gets when the kid get in school, when he goes to a friend’s house and

he sees that there is a father and a mother, he will ask why he can’t have that, why he got

two parents of the same sex, and what if the family is homophobic he will always be dis-

criminated and that will only bring the children problems trough his life.

This can’t be approved only because of what I already said the society it’s not ready for gay

couple to adopt, the social life of the kid can be damaged and really discriminated.

It’s not that I’m homophobic, but really I just can’t stand that two people can ruin the life of a

person who can’t decide by himself.

So in conclusion that’s what I think gay adoption shouldn’t be approved.

However the meaning of marriage says that Its the union of a men and a women to live to-

gether and perform the purpose of family, so it is really necessary to change the law only for

gay people, I don’t think so because that’s what marriage means the love and the union of

different sexes not the same.

In Mexico City this was approved since 2009 with 9 votes in favor and 2 against in the court,

so this was approved to guarantee the social rights of gay people, and that all the other cit-

ies are forced to recognize this marriage and the adoption.

In Mexico City this was approved since 2009 with 9 votes in favor and 2 against in the court,

so this was approved to guarantee the social rights of gay people, and that all the other cit-

ies are forced to recognize this marriage and the adoption.

Page 15: Teen Magazine


This can’t be approved only because of what I already said the so-

ciety it’s not ready for gay couple to adopt, the social life of the kid

can be damaged and really discriminated.

It’s not that I’m homophobic, but really I just can’t stand that two

people can ruin the life of a person who can’t decide by himself.

So in conclusion that’s what I think gay adoption shouldn’t be ap-


A lot of people think that

this decision was the worst

decision they could ever

make, because they think

that this law violate the

concept of family and the

interest of the kid, so

there’s a debate in all the

country if this was de right


The society it’s not ready for this

kind of things, there are a lot of

homophobic persons, the discrim-

ination its terrible maybe when

the society its mature enough to

take this stuff maybe could be a

good idea but people don’t see

what’s really out there and that’s

why the kids are the ones who

suffer the most in this situation.

By: Mariza Goycoolea

Page 16: Teen Magazine


At first high school was a difficult choice because I was going to move to USA so I was going to enter at south-

west high school. Then my mom decide to stay in Mexicali.

High school was at first difficult because I entered to a class where I didn’t know anyone and at the first I was so

sad but then saw that it was better that way because I would know new people and make new friends. In the

first semester I met a person who still is my friend and is very important for me, his name is Ruben.

My second semester it was a little bit better. Now in this class I was with people who I already knew, there was

Ericka, she was my friend but now having her in my class made mi spend more time with her so that way I told

her more things about me. These class was the one which I go to the rally we were name ¨sick ones¨.

In my third semester I don’t have much memories just that there I met Roberto Ramos and hi is a friend who I

have confidence and I spent good memories with him.

The activity that makes me and this period was the community service. This is because I had never been with peo-

ple with mental difficult. This taught me that they are normal people because they can do the same things just in

slower way.

In fourth semester was a difficult one because there is where I choice my way for what I wanted to study I choose

the economic way. This semester was very important because I was with my best friend and there was where I

made my boy best friend that is Jose Maria Cuevas.

Fifth semester was the coolest of all. In my class room was really cool we have so much fun in it. My classmates

and I make a company that was named ¨ Pizza de Don Cangrejo¨ . That experience that I had I will never forget.

There were fights, stress, and other emotions that made memories.

For my sixth semester I hope that be the best of high school.

By Mariza Goycoola Villarreal

Page 17: Teen Magazine


Bol bol is a place where you can go with your family

or friends and spent same time together. There are

different activities that you can do like play bowling

alley, machines and pool table.

Mexicali may be a small city but you can have lot of fun. They are different place where you can visit and be with friends or


Sol del Niño is an interactive science center, technolo-

gy art, an environment. Where you can go with family

and friends.

Patilandia is s recreational skating place where you can enjoy drinks

and eat some food or snacks during the time you spent there.

Mexicali is known because

of there Chinese food. They

are several different restau-

rants in Mexicali where you

can go and enjoy the food.

Tacos is one of the most

common restaurants in Mex-

icali. There you can go and

eat some tacos.

Cachanilla it is the mall of

Mexicali where you can find

everything you are looking

for like clothes, jewelry, per-

fumes, and it have a food


The zone of night clubs

its Justo Sierra, this is

where you can go out in

the night and have some

drinks, dance, and good

moments with friends.

Cinepolis is the movie

theater. Mexicali has

like 2 or 3 different

movies theater but

this one is where you

can have more access

because of the place

where they are.

Atica café is a place where

you can go and spent

some time having some

coffee , crepes, smoothies

salads and ice cream with

you friends .

Wrap & burro is a new idea

that Mexicali have, here they

sale type of wraps but all of

them have meet and they are

different options you can get.

Although it is a small town Mexicali has huge variety of places where you can go and

spent time with you friends and family.


Page 18: Teen Magazine



Plug the (clean) stainless steel kitchen sink, and fill it with 3″–4″ of warm water.

Stir in some dye. We stirred in about 1/3 of the package. We also stirred in

about 2 tablespoons of salt.

Soak your t-shirt through with clean warm water and ring it out a bit.

Hold your t-shirt by the shoulders and carefully lower it into the dye until the

color goes up as high as you’d like. Do not let the shirt linger in the dye, lift

it right out.

To dye the middle medium shade of the ombré gradient, dip your shirt back in.

This time hold the shirt in the dye for 10–20 seconds to allow more color to

soak in. You can pull it out to check how dark the dye is, and leave it in long-

er if the color isn’t dark enough for you.

Before dying the darkest part of the gradient, add a few more tablespoons of

dye to the sink to make the color darker. Then dip only the bottom third of

the colored section of shirt into the sink. We held the bottom of the shirt in

the dye for about a minute.

After dying, let the t-shirt sit overnight to allow the color to sink in. The next

day wash the t-shirt in hot water with just a little bit of laundry detergent.

Wear your totally awesome dip-dyed shirt.

How to do a

Dip Dyed T-shirt? Supplies

Fabric dye


A t-shirt

Stainless stee Kitchen sin

Warm water

Page 19: Teen Magazine


That`s so raven: an eccentric and offbeat teenager

who has the ability to foresee flashes of the future.

Co-Starring alongside Raven are new talents An-

neliese van der Pol as Raven's ditsy, yet ever en-

thusiastic & supportive best friend, Chelsea, and

Orlando Brown as Raven's rap obsessed, but ulti-

mately golden hearted friend, Eddie.

Ten years ago we saw cartoons so different from today, such as we saw before in Disney

Channel That's So Raven and now get very bad programs. Maybe it's because we grew up,

but there was better programs and movies also, there wasn`t so much violence as now.

Even Steven`s: Follows the life of Louis Stevens,

an odd kid, who has a good heart. Alongside

his friends Twitty, the sports jock, and Tawny,

the deep actress, Louis gets in a lot of trouble.

Louis has a sister, named Ren, who's a perfec-

tionist, a brother, named Donny, who's famous

in Louis' middle school because of his great

achievements in sports, a mother, named Ei-

leen, who is a state senate, and a father,

named Steve, who is a court judge. They all

live in the state capital of California, Sacramen-


Page 20: Teen Magazine


Hey arnold: hey arnold, never telling us his last

name, was raised by his grandparents in theSun-

set Arms boarding house after his parents disap-

peared after going on one last rescue mission.

The boarding house was filled with a few other

people, Ernie, a short chunky man who demol-

ished buildings, Mr. Hyunh, a quiet oriental man,

Oskar and Suzie Kokoshka, a married couple who

fought very often, and Mr. Smith, a man who

keeps to himself and is mentioned only a few

times because he is rumored to work for the CIA.

Rocket power: The show is about four friends who

are addicted to action and extreme sports. Otto

Rocket, his sister Reggie, and their pals Twister

and Sam excel at just about every aggressive

sport you can imagine. Their hometown of

Ocean Shores, CA is theplace for a game of

hockey, skating the half-pipe or rollerblading

on the boardwalk. There are extreme sports for

all seasons, however, so don't be surprised if

you catch the kids heading up to the mountains

for snowboarding, ice hockey, and all manner

of arctic action. All that competition can get,

well, pretty competitive sometimes.

Kenan & kel: Is a comedy series that follows the misad-

ventures of Kenan Rockmore and Kel Kimble, best

friends who always manage to find themselves in

wacky situations.Kenan works at a local grocery

store, and Kel tags along wherever his buddy goes,

so each is rarely without the other to lean on when

things get out of hand, although they quickly learn

that in this case, two heads usually isn't any better

than one. When they're not out causing mischief,

they're usually hanging out at home with Kenan's

parents and his younger sister, Kyra, who harbors a

longtime crush on her brother's best friend.

Page 21: Teen Magazine


Restaurants La carnicería: Con una limitada selección de los mejores vinos de la región,

la combinación de jugosas carnes y buen vino indiscutiblemente harán de

tu experiencia una buena memoria que los hará regresar.

Rock and burger: Burger craving? Mexicali? Visit Rock & Burger, a place

where the burgers are gourmet and are named different genres of rock. I

tried the burger and vegetarian Neo Metal, the second I was quite sur-

prised it was delicious.

Mandolino: Mandolino is the homemade Italian food, it is not uncommon for

it to Mexicali people hear "Mandolino" associate it with pizzas and pastas,

but within their menu which is handled international cuisine, which offers

customers seafood and steaks, including the Rib Eye. Milanese and also of-

fer chicken, fettuccine Alfredo pasta it`s the most popular.

Los arcos: Sometimes you feel like eating dawns with some good seafood or

fish rich in different forms, the perfect place to find a range of dishes is the

restaurant Los Arcos, where undoubtedly enjoy good service and the best

food. Since you come and open the door you know that the service and

quality is first, at all times you are catering to not miss anything.

Beijing: Is a restaurant known to reinterpret traditional Chinese food gour-

met style. Your steak to pan handle is one that represents the concept of

the restaurant, mixing the sweetness of the mango and spicy vibrant that

will understand your cooking style.

Page 22: Teen Magazine


Applebee`s: The food is excellent, I personally pre-

fer the steaks and I have respected the term

English ask you is blue (red) and the service is

prompt and efficient. , Excelsior taste, so do not

have any complaints about the food, but yes,

when there many people be patient, because the

waiters will walk very busy.

Sushi bar & delivery: Is a sushi restaurant and

Japanese food at Plaza Vista Hermosa in Mexicali.

The restaurant is known for the quality of his ser-

vice and the good taste of their menu. All the

plates despite having a lot of influence of Japa-

nese cuisine, Thai and Chinese are adapted to

the Mexican palate, which manages exotic and

delicious combinations.

Passion culinary art: At Plaza Cataviña

Passion is a contemporary restaurant

with delicious taste and excellent ser-

vice. Upon entering the atmosphere

envelops you, because the tables do

not have direct view of the plaza park-

ing, warm colors and lighting of the

place creates a cozy and relaxed at-


Mi Capitan: In a city where it’s too hot,

no doubt crave fresh foods, good sea-

food can solve several problems, in-

cluding climate and high raw these

normal after taking a day earlier. If you

feel like taking a taste or just staying

with family in a good place, Mi capitan

Seafood is an excellent choice. Not on-

ly have a comfortable but distinguishes


Page 23: Teen Magazine


I did this interview to the student Sofia Reyes because it is very interesting.

She talks about her experience in the contest British English Olympics

1. What did you do to be accepted in the contest?

Not all students were invited to participate. The principals chose the students with the best grades and they gave

them an invitation. If you were interested, you had to go into an interview with the English coordinator Adrian Ptan-

ick. He made a couple of questions about personal interests and of what would it mean to represent your school.

After that he made a call back to every student who participated in the interview. The students were accompanied by

their parents, and in this meeting the coordinator openly announced who were the students accepted to participate

in the contest and represent our school. I remember I was the first they named.

2. In how many contests have you been participating?

Overall in 4 I think, but talking about English competitions just in 2.

3. What is the contest about?

The contest’s name is British English Olympics. So it’s mainly to prove you capacities

managing the language. There were country presentations, a book presentation, mu-

seum presentation, spelling bee, model U.N. , a song and a play.

4. What time did you need to get prepared for the exams?

They weren’t really exams, they were mainly oral presentations. We started to pre-

pare in November and the contest was in April, so it took us about 5 months.

What is your experience in the contest?

There’s no doubt is one of the best experiences of my life. I had so much fun, and

learned about so many things. Mainly I had the chance to get to know a different

country, culture and different people. I participated in the model U.N., the song and

the play. Fortunately, our performance was very good and prepared so we had no

trouble challenging other schools.

Page 24: Teen Magazine


Did you feel comfortable?

Yes, I was very happy at every moment and I never felt homesick, even when we stayed 1 week more than what we planned.

What were the prizes?

Trophies and some medals. We got the 2nd place trophy and everyone got medals for their participation.

We also got the 1st place trophy in Spelling Bee.

Where did it takes place?

It took place at King Edward’s School in London,


How many days did you stay there doing the contest?

The contest lasted about 2 weeks; it included trips to tourist attractions in London, an expedition to Oxford, movie and

disco nights with DJ’s and some workshops. But we stayed 1 extra week, because of a volcanic explosion in Ireland.

Did you win something?

Yes, the debate in model U.N., lots of lessons and 2nd place in

the whole contest.

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Which ones have been the most

important and which ones have

you won?

The most important are nationals

here in México and i have won 2

of them second place both and in

USA are the open tournaments

and i haven’t won one.

Have you gone to other city to

learn more about the sport?

Yes, I’ve been to Florida for a

camp for a month and San Diego

for 2 weeks

Do you still practice the sport?

Actually I’m not practicing but

I’m giving lessons to kids.

Have you suffer an injury dur-

ing your season? No, I have nev-

er injured anything.

TENNIS Karla Ivanna Bernal Correa, a women of 18

years old, she is studying in Cetys Univer-

sidad but in high school. She have been prac-

ticing tennis and in this interview she gave us

a several answers that let us know more

about tennis.

What is tennis about?

it consists in hitting the ball to the other side of the

court and you have a certain area that you can hit, you

have to win 2 sets to win the match.

How long have you been practicing the sport?

5 years

Why do you choose tennis?

I choose it because its a sport that’s very complete, you

use the whole body and its good for your health.

How many competitions have you been?

I have been in 15 competitions.

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What the others don't understand,

is that when you have a certain age,

you also have the ones that come

from the past at the same time

Those years you leave behind,

are part of what you really have;

because the day you wake up in your new birthday,

you do not feel like that new age.

Some days you say something stupid,

meaningless, but is normal,

because it's part of when you were 10, 11

or maybe 12 years old.

Others, you'll get nervous,

just like when you were 15

and you were on your high school gradua-


When you cry,

do not be ashamed,

because probably you are feeling

like if you were 3 years old at that moment.

Mom’s hug

That’s why I say to my mother to not worry if we see her crying, because it is okay and maybe, she’s feeling like that age too.

And not everyone understands, but remember that when always you feel this way and have the necessity of a mom’s hug remember it is normal.

And not everyone understands, or maybe they are just afraid to admit it, but it is only that you are feeling as the child you have always been and will be. By: Ana Mendieta

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This competition it is about a Robotics Competition.

Teams of 25 students or more are challenged to learn

from professional engineers, build and compete with

a robot of their own design, learn and use sophisti-

cated software and hardware, compete and cooperate

in alliances and tournaments and obviously each team

wants to earn a place in the World Championship.

It has the objective to the students be at the real

world engineering. Each team has their own volunteer

professional mentors that lend their time and tal-

ents to guide each member of the team.

This team has made a lot of activities to gain money

for their road trips but they need a lot so they can

continue traveling and competing. I invite all of

you to collaborate with this situation, because they

are so good in what they are making and they have

the entire attitude and the desire to keep going, so

please help your classmates and friends.

By: Ana Karen Mendieta


A NEW LIFE Students from Cetys University and from CBTIS, joined to participate in a competition

that is called FIRST and it means: For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and

Technology and the team’s named it is SOLLAR ENGINNEERING.

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I remember when I was a kid I used to play outside,

with everyone, I used to love to get dirty, and run

and be on the sun.

I used to love going outside and play with my neigh-

bors hide n seek, tag, always the one who loses his

punishment was to eat dirt or something funny.

In the school I always got my tamagotchi, and who

didn’t cried when his tamagotchi died? I used to give

him food, water, and everything that a tamagotchi

can do.

But the doll that change my childhood, it was the

Barbie’s I had a million of Barbie’s, the doctor Bar-

bie, the veterinarian Barbie, the baby Barbie, Barbie

and Ken just marry, the zoo keeper Barbie, the

teacher Barbie, ballerina Barbie, I had every single

Barbie that it could exist.

I had the little house, with her little car and her little

pony, I could play day and night with my dolls, but

not only with my Barbie’s also with my Polly Pockets

with the pool house, I used to do parties when my

Barbies and my Polly Pockets played together, very


I loved my childhood, I used to do everything and

play outside things that nowadays kids don’t do, be-

cause they prefer to stay in their houses and play

wii, or xbox, but in the 90’s what was on trend it

was to go outside and play with your neighbors, go

to a pool and swim all day because of the sun.

If you’re a kid of the 90’s it’s for sure that you re-

member all of this games, and toys because it was

the best!

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Teacher: "Little Johnny, give me a sentence

using the word, 'geometry.'"

Little Johnny: "A little acorn grew and

grew until it finally awoke one day and

said, 'Gee, I'm a tree.'"

H U M O R Why did the Backstreet Boys

show up to the party?

'Cause they had "The Call.

Yo' mama so stupid, she told me to meet her on the corner of 'walk' and 'don't walk.'

What do you call a frat-

boy in a suit?

The defendant.

Why does a blond dog have lumps on his head? From chasing parked cars By: Diana Gomez

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27 In February of this year, the XXll Biology Olimpics

started and invited students from Baja California and

all Mexico to participate in contest of the asignatures

of biology, chemistry, etc.

From Cetys Mexicali, the ones that were selected

were Sofia Reyes, Carlo Perez and Armando Mar-

tinez. After doing a test the only ones that won 1st and


place were Armando and Sofia.

The next step was traveling to Queretaro because

there was going to be the final, but Armando surprise

them with the news that he wasn’t going, so Sofia trav-

eled alone.

In Queretaro she participates in a lot of competitions and she passed them all in 2nd

and 3rd

places. They told us, that there she made a lot of friends and that she had a lot of fun even

do she went alone. “It was one of my favorite trips”, she said.

When it was the time of making the test, she got even more nervous but she answered very

passive and with all her knowledge. The next day they told her that she had won bronze


By: Ana Karen Mendieta

Page 34: Teen Magazine


Mother Teresa was born Agnes GonxhaBojaxhiu in Skopje*, Macedonia, on August

26**, 1910. Her family was of Albanian descent. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly

the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At

the age of eighteen she left her parental home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Lore-

to, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. After a few months' training in

Dublin she was sent to India, where on May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a

nun. From 1931 to 1948 Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta,

but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a

deep impression on her that in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to

leave the convent school and devote herself to working among the poorest of the poor

in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Provi-

dence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by volun-

tary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. This made it possible for her

to extend the scope of her work.

On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received permission from the

Holy See to start her own order, "The Missionaries of Charity",

whose primary task was to love and care for those persons nobody

was prepared to look after. In 1965 the Society became an Interna-

tional Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI.

Today the order comprises Active and Contemplative branches of Sisters and

Brothers in many countries. In 1963 both the Contemplative branch of the Sis-

ters and the Active branch of the Brothers was founded. In 1979 the Contempla-

tive branch of the Brothers was added, and in 1984 the Priest branch was es-

tablished. The Society of Missionaries has spread all over the world, including the

former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. They provide ef-

fective help to the poorest of the poor in a number of countries in Asia,

Africa, and Latin America, and they undertake relief work in the wake of

natural catastrophes such as floods, epidemics, and famine, and for refu-

gees. The order also has houses in North America, Europe and Australia,

where they take care of the shut-ins, alcoholics, homeless, and AIDS suf-


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The Missionaries of Charity throughout the world are aided and assisted by Co

-Workers who became an official International Association on March 29, 1969.

By the 1990s there were over one million Co-Workers in more than 40 coun-

tries. Along with the Co-Workers, the lay Missionaries of Charity try to follow

Mother Teresa's spirit and charism in their families.

Mother Teresa's work has been recognised and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971) and the Nehru Prize for her promotion of interna-tional peace and understanding (1972). She also received the Balzan Prize (1979) and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards.

By: Renee Castro

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Love will always be one of the most important events in hu-

man life. Love relationships, over the years have had its

changes. Years before, people didn’t had the freedom we

have now. Relationships are gradually changed thanks to technology

and to the advancement of society. Once happened, you

have to be careful and take care of yourself because maybe

suddenly a pleasant experience can become a very bad ex-

By interviewing a psychologist, we got the information that it is

very common that the teenagers love being alone just with

that special person, they start to lose friends and communica-

tion with their parents, they too often create false expectations

of relationships thanks of what they had lived at their homes,

thanks to television, movies or any other technologic advice

and specially they often confuse love with obsession and with


This love situation affects en different so-cial areas like for example it affects friend-ships, relationship with their parents and they start to get low grades at school.

By: Ana Mendieta

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Occasionally we are all overwhelmed by our own emo-

tions or situations… but most of the people move on and

are able to see the problems in perspective and find the

way to keep moving on with hope and determination…

then, why some people try to suicide and others that are

in the same situation don’t do it?

What makes that only a few people are more flexible and resistant, more able to affront

the difficulties about life than others? What makes that a person can’t be able to see an-

other solution to a difficult decision besides commit suicide?

The answers of these questions lies in the fact that most of the people that suicides or

try to commit suicide are depressed.

The depression makes that people focus in the deceptions and failures, that emphasize

the negative face of the situations and underestimate his owns capacities and personal

value, a person with a deep depression is incapable of perceive the possibility that

things may work out and is convinced that never is going to be happy again or things will

never get fixed.

Depression affects the thoughts of a person such as the person is incapable to see the

way or the ways to move on of his problems. It’s like if depression puts a filter in the

thoughts of the depressed person that distorts the things.

When the person receives the therapy or the appropriate treatment, it disappear the dis-

torted thoughts. The person recovers the capacity to experience pleasure, energy and

the hope of living, but when the person it’s deeply depressed, the thoughts about suicide

are a real concern.

It’s important being alert to the signs, when the person talks about suicide or the death

in general or frequently use phrases related.

If this is happening to you or someone that you know ask for help as soon as possible,

the depression it’s not a minor issue, but is a serious problem.

But as for depression like for most of the problems that have to do with feelings, hug-

ging, kissing, listening, talking,

The best cure will always be love.



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Paulina Ruiz is a student from CETYS and

she`s a great student, she work really hard

in the school.


Interview to: Paulina Ruiz

1. Do you like the IB program?

Yes, I like his global knowledge

2. Is it difficult for you? Why?

It’s difficult for me in the part of organization,

because sometimes you need to sacrifice

hobbies or extracurricular activities

3. Why did you get in?

Because of my interest on international uni-

versities and most important learning.

4. What career(s) are you interested in?


5. What universities are you interested in?

London school of economics

HULT international business school


6. How many contests have you been

in? Where? only one, I have been in London. 7. How many students are in IB? 10 students from 6th semester 8. In 5 years, how do you see your-self? Finishing my career and in a job that involucres traveling 9. Was a good experience for you to

enroll in the IB program? Yes it was incredible, we live terrible

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Hi, we are interviewing Eduardo Cerecer Urias, who is part of the orquesta

contratiempo of cetys preparatoria campus mexicali, he take his time to told

us what is his participation in this part of cetys that not everyone knows and

everybody needs to know.

What instrument do you play?

I play electric and acoustic guitar, ukulele, trumpet, drums and bass.

In the orquest what type of instrument do they play?

They play instruments such as bass, drums, guitar, keyboards, sax, trombone and trumpet.

How many members does the orquest have?

Actually we are about 20 members.

In which contest contest have you participated?

We haven’t participated in any contests, but we’re looking forward to it.

How many did you win?


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Where have you performed?

In my personal career I’ve performed in coffee shops, schools and bars. With OrquestaCon-tratiempo I’ve played mostly in CETYS and other independent music festivals.

Do you get a scholarship for been part of the orquest?

I certainly don’t know, but I get a little scholarship for being in the OrquestaContratiempo and the Rondalla of CETYS Universidad.

How many hours do you practice?

We practice 4 hours per week, on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Do you recommend to the students being part of the orquest?

Of course I do, I recommend it to anyone who’d like to try something new in his or her musician career. It’s such a good experience to be part of it, ‘because you learn a lot of new things and people, and you’re constantly practicing your instrument to play live.

Was it a good experience for you?

A magnificent experience I’d say.

Thank you so much for your time, have a great day.


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