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D~P 1.:..:.Ti31TT OF P::::;:LOSOP:~y


Professor 2 .. nd !:end of Dcp2.rt1:10:.1t:

JoJ.m Arthur Pc:-..ssnore, t:.A. (Syd), 9 Ec..y, 1950: ~cc::.der, 1 ~ebruury 1955.

Professor of Soc~c..l Philosophy:


Percy ::cr:rnrt Pr-.rtrid.;e, i~ • .!~. (Syd), l ,".ucust 1952.

Senior Fellows:

Stanley Isc..c..c B0:1::1, :J.Sc. (~coc.1) (Lond). 1 October, 1962.

' b t ..... . . d ..... ' ' (·r ' . . ) PI D _,o er ~-iC-lai~ _,rol·r..-:., _,.1,. i.01·1 i..cxico , 1. ••

(Lond). 1 July 1964: Fellow, 10 Barci1 1951; 7..esor-.rch Follow, 9 i.uGUst 19 56.

Ctclvin Duig:1t ~-:ollins, 3.1~.(ITobrcska), D. Pl1il. (Oxon) 13 Dece~IDcr 196~.

::::esonrch Fellow:

:Sdwin i~unso;.1 Curley, A.J:3. (LL'..f'c-..yetto Coll.), Pll.D. (i}t:..1:::0) J.6 Au.:;'1.tst 1955.

Visi ti:i() Fellow:

J. i.iicl:.c::.ol ~:i:1ton, II.A. (st. And. ~ Oxon). 2 July 1967.

::istory of Idecs Unit

Senior Fellol-n

Zugone ICru:1e:1l::c.., -::,.A. (Sycl). 1 July 1966; Ph.D. 16 Octobei~ 196lt-; Fellolr (:Iistory of' Ide2..s) 5 October 1962; ~osenrch 7cllow, 5 October 1961.

Senior :1ese2..rc:1 ?ello1v:

7..obert Frn:1cis :Jrisscndcn, ii.A. (Syd), Ph.D. (Leeds). 1 J anuc::.ry 1966 (~a story of' Id<rn.s); Senior Lect"L:rer (3:;.L;lis!1), School of' General Studies, 1 Jc:s.:uc..ry 1950; Lecturer, J J c.:;.u~ry 1957.

Visi tin{) Fellou:

Terence 1!. =~utchison, !~.A. (C"-1:1). 19 June 1967.

- 1 -

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- 2 - 21/1960

PJTiTU./U., :J.::Po_-:T TO COUITCIL - 1967

The :Jepc.rtuc.:.1t o:L P:~ilosop: :y co:i.ti.:.ntes to pl:::.ce

specic..l cup::c..sis o.:.:. those Jr2.:"lclies of philosop:-:y

1-.rhich have else1·1:.1e;:-e ~Jce.:.1 f'or sevcrnl rather, c.nd 1£:ic>. f:i t 1:1ost nc..turc::.lly into c.

research school of social scie:1ces: nor<:'..l o.nd

educution2..l pl:ilosopl:y, politicc.l o_;,1d socic..l

philosophy, t ::e l:istory of' philosop~iy D..."'ld of' rel2..ted

ideas. The scope of' its 1iTork is reo.sonc.bly 1·1011

indicc..tcd 0y the dep2.rtl:le:1t 1 s co.ntri~utions to the

:Sncyclopedia o:f Philosophy, as dct<:'..iled i.:.1 eie

ucco1:1pn...'1.y~nc; bibliogrL'..phy. It 11ill be obvious :fron

t:1is list thut the dcpc::.rt1:1e.:.;t :utS co:;.tributed :::i.rticles

on 2..ll.lost ull the nnjor co.:.1cepts of politicL'..l theory,

u ln.r.;e :im:1ber of c..rticles on individual philosop~iers,

includinc sociQl philosophers n.."ld pl1ilosophicc::.lly

iuportru1t scientists, i:: <::.deli tion to general articles

o:i. t::e historiog-r2.phy of' philosophy c.nd 0:1 the n2..turc

of' philosophy itself'. A f'or1:1er ucnbcr of' tl1e depurt1:1ent,

derivL10 his reputation fro: .1 his work in the lk.tio.:.1.c..l

University, urote all the articles 0:1 pl:ilosophictl

:::..'1.thropoloCY, x.1d 2.. ne::1ber of the ::istory of Idens ~"lit

supplied the art::..clc o~: pl1ilo sophy under co1;uau.:.1isi:t.

There could ".Jc no better indication that the i..-,tern<:'

rcputc::.tion of tl1c depv..rti.:cnt str:nds hicll in sucl-: f'ields

c..s these; it is nou brccl~inG into the related field of

the philosophy of education.

The books c..t present nearing conpletion, or recently

co::1pleted, i.:.1 t::e depurtncnt conf'or::i to tl1e sc..r:1e general

pL'..ttern. An ir1teresti::i.g exccptio.:.1 is n. volw·1c of essays

to illustrc.te contenporo.ry developments in Austrc..liL'.l'l

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- J - 21/1968

pl1ilosop:i.1y. T:1e bool: is to '.Jc pu:)lished by t::c

publishers of Co.:.1tm:!por2..ry Anericru.J. Philosophy c::.:."!d

Conte;:1porc..ry ::::;ritis:1 Philosop:1y . This ·we t::ink of' c..s

n service to philosopl:y .:;e::.crnlly. ::Jut f'or

the rest, books or nonocr2.phs in the course of

prepar<.'..tio.i.1 on the p::ilosophy of education, on 2.. V<'-riety

of' 1:iaj or the:: es i.:.1 :;?Oli ticnl philosophy, 011 Spi1:.o zn, 2.11d

0:1 ::Jri tis~1 philosop:1y fro;_1 :1ur.1e to !~ill.

T:1e conce.:.-itrP..tion of' t:1.e dcpc.rtnent i:i these

uafushionuble o.rec.s has its difficulties. It is,

in cny, e;::trenely dif:ficul t to :fill

i.:.1 philosophy depc.rtnent s, "!.lut t:rn dif'ficul ties

nccentuated lilie~ the reputc..tio= of the departncnt

lnr:;el y depends o:i. its lV'Ork L:. fields to w:::.ich, for

2-ll their i1:1poi~t;: ... :::ce, f'ew younG' ::;ei-i nou attrc..cted •

.i.t the ::1ouent, there G.rc two vc..cw1cics in tl:e depart1:10:1t,

Q.J.1d it is not at c..11 unlikely there 1-rill be :further

vacc..ncies duri:!G the C01.crse of' t:1e year. T:ie prospects

for filli.:.1G t:::.cse ::'.Ilyt:1i.:1[>· but encourncinc.

On t~c side of stude~ts, the position is rather

different. T:1c dcpc.rtuent :1c.s not entirely restricted

its c..ttentio:1 to tl...e ;;1ore 1..:..:..1fa.s::ion::1.ble topics, and it

hns succeeded in c..ttructing a nw:ibe:..~ of GOOd stude!1ts,

soueti1:ics very cood studc.::1ts, i:1 t::c pl:ilosop:1y of' 1:iind

Qll.d the p:·!.ilosophy of science. On the other ::and, it

is very :1.ard to attrc..ct c_;ood students into socic.l or

politica.l philosophy or the history of' philosophy. In

consec:uencc, the burden of supervision f'::-..lls very her-..vily

011 the t1ro i;1e;:1cbers of t":e dcpc..rtucnt, ol1e of' the:.1 2..lso

its l1ec.d, who l·rorl~ed ;:10st cJ::te:1sively in t!1e uore

currently :Lc::.s::ion::-.~lo philos op:1.icc..l :r:.elds. 1le could

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l:. - 21/1968

t cl~e u .:;ood ::1c .. ay u::>re scholccrs if' t:1cy uerc a.v::;.iln.ble

in those fields of p:1ilosopliy 1v:1ich our speci2.l

interest . On t:1e s-:ipervisi 011 side, very l1.en.vy

respo:1sibili ties fell to t :1.c lot of one r:tenbcr ::>f

the depc.rt~·.ICnt i:1 1967,; tlie c."bse:1ce of' t~le

::end of the depart1::e:1t on, and i _1 1969 the IIead

of' the depart: tent will "Je sinilc.rly burdened.

In the special circu1:1st<.~ces , described above, uc

huve been forced so;:1ew:1c.t to reduce t l1e nw:1ber of

scl.olars .

th.c.t it would be m·n1ise at tl2e i;io1:1ent to accept ncu

applicants . Durinc t h e t1vel ve 1:1on ths, four

1vcre n.wn.rdcd tl1c Ph . D. , elree with. higl1 co1:u:1e:1d:::i.tion; u

number of t:1eses still outstc..ading. In our experien ce,

1vhicll is th2..t of philosophy depart ::1er..ts elsewhere, fe11

scholars c.blc to co!:1plcte 1vl1at c.;aounts to a iaaj or

\"/Ork in philosophy within t :ieir three, 2nd if' t h ey

succeed in doinc- so, it is u.:.1likcly tlrn.t their t !1esis 1dll

be norc tlu::.n nediocre in

t:1.n.t we are still responsible f or our scl1.olurs for o. year

after they :::.ave left t:1e University, 1·1hicl1 conplic .:i.tes


The Departnent wc.s fortunc.te to as o.. visitor :ilr

J . ~ . ~inton fron Oxford. It is fairly clenr t :-_nt we can

couti~ue to attract good visiti~c professors; this does

help to c! :'..versif)r our postgraduate prograi:u:1e C...""1.d to enl c.rge

the experience of our scl1olnrs. ::Jut t h ere is u..11.doubtedly

a certain between our postgradua te rcs~onsibilities

aI1d our rcscc.rc:1 flll1ction. : :L c..d, for e:::::ai:1ple, the lle~d of'

tlle dep:::;.."tucnt tn.k:en sc:1.olnrs only in fields of' invcstiGn.tion

in which he is hi1:isel:f e:1gc:.5cd, he would h<?.ve only ta.ken

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- 5 - 21/196G

t·wo sc:1ol::-. .i'S in :1is yours 2..t tl!c U11iversi ty.

opportw.1i ty of' supcrvisi.:1c i:1 brc.:.1chcs of

philosophy is one 1·1:1ic:1 llc is i:.1 un.:.1y 1mys G"lc..d to

-12..Ve, but t:10 resul tine straL1 is co:lSiderublc.

= = =


::1zmr, s. I.

12gali turinnis1:! and the 2c;uul Co.asidcrution o:f Interests', in iT01:ios-I::"~-~cua.lity (ed. :l. Pennock nnd J. Cllc.pman), ITe1·1 Yo.i'k, 1967.

'Freedo;:1 and Pc:r-suC'..sion', Austrnlasin.n Journal of' Philosop~1y, Vol. l:.5, ITo. J, Dec. 1967.

'Authority', 'Dei:10cr::'', 'Zc:uc.lity', 'Justice', 1 ITatio.:.ullisa1 , 1 IJo..ture of Poli tic.:!.l Pl:'..ilosop!1y 1 ,

'P01\Ter', 'Property', 1Punis:11:1c.:.1t 1 , 1 :-!.i.::;~:'..ts 1 , 'Society', 'Sovereignty', 1 Stntc 1 , in 2ncyclopcdic. of Philosophy, i·~a.cailln.n & Free Press, Hew York, 1967.

1 Conscription c...:.1d Conscience 1 , Current A:ffuirs ~ulletin, .xL, 5, July 1967.

D:::uss:znn=rr, ~;,.F.

'Five Senses by Judith Uri.:,'l1t', T1'lentieth Cc:1tur Australian LitcrC'..r Criticis1a, (ed. Clc1:icnt Se1:1r.1ler, Oxi'ord University Press. Originally publisl1cd, Lustrc.lin..1 ":,uG.rtcrly, I~a.rc~1 1961!-).

Heview· - Lnurencc Stcr:ic: Frou Tristrar.1 to Yorick, ::::::enri Fl uc:-:crc, Oxf'ord Uni vcrsi ty Press, Southern :J.evi e1v, II, l! .•

:111c~m, :: • ~-:..

1 Droa.d, Chn.rlie Dunbar', in 2ncyclopcdiu of P:1ilosophy i~2..Cr.tillru1 & Free Press, iTew York, 1967.

1 Philosophers i.a 1:osco1'l', Survey, 62, Junu~ry 1967.

'Corn;:unisu, P:1ilo sophy Undo~' 1 , ''I'ols toy, Com1t Leo ITikolo..evic:1', i.:i. 2ncyclopediu of Philosophy, Ilc.cnillan & Free Press, !Tell York, 1967.

1 Philosop~1y: The :3olshcvik Period', Survey, 6l:., July 1967.

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/' - 0 - 21 / 19Sc

Si;:L:. .! 01~]_ c Poli ties C::c:'.:01~o::co , :::::e:..~1L1 , S o:;?t e:.1"'.Joi~ i9S7 .

' ::> a.s =~ :-..:) :.. ·:; 2.l i. i :u.i..,;: C ~11 t ,:):1 c.r y ' , C l.lX' i~ c::. t i~~f c..i ;:'" s :JulletL: , l:O , 11 , Oct:::>~01.~ 23 , 1957

1 T:1e Jo:i:.1 L1clc.::'so.:1 i~er:w::.~ic..l Lcct-;.:ro 195'/ - =•:1pL .. ~icis::1 L--...:1cl ::t:J.ics 1 , ~T::>:..~kc .r s 1 =ctuc c .. t:!.0:1c.l Lssocic.tio:1 c-.nd Sycl:.1ey P::ilosop::y Clu"j , Sycboy i9S7 .

1 Soviet =-:.i t:.:.o..lis: .. 1 c..:.:d t~10 So-cc..llocl ":Jc..rrior :; o Co1:h.TL1:1i cc.. t io:c. " 1 , Aus c..:..: S oci et~' o:i.' L o.:;·c.l Philosop:;.:y , :J:rdnoy 1957, ~Toi~!::i.:1;'~ Fe.po:.~ l:.o .

Rcvic1·r : ' Pc..tte:..~::s o:L Soviet ':::':::.01.:.r;:1t 07 ::.ic:::.c.:.~d ':::' De GoorG;o ', Joui~:c..l o:.:: P::..ilosop:;::.z , 61:. , Au.:;ust 1967 .

i :J.LI.,OC:: , D •

1 L:::>l~c..1 Dilcrn:1c..s o ... :::d Lo:..~c..1 F2..ilu:.~e 1 , J\.ust::.~c..10..sic..:..:

J::mr::c..l o::: P:1ilosop:1z , Vol . L:.5 , ITo . 2 , Auc;ust 1967 .

"'") --..i.: • -- •

17rce dor:i 11

1 Go..cto .. ::;::> i~osc::. 1 2.....Ylcl 1::::.obcrt Lic::..e2.s 1 , L1 -~n c yclopedio.. o:Z' P:liloso"2:1.y , Ec.cnillo..n c1 7::.~ce ?rcs s , Neu Yorl~ , 1967

1 ?ostG;l~;;_,! Studies i:1 i .. 1.:st:..~c.lic..:..1 Uni vc:.~sities 1 i:1 Post:-;rc..duc..te Studies i.:· t::.c =~u::1c..::i ties i:l .Aust::.~c..lio. ,

S ycl::ey 1907 .

1 T:le Di.i~cctio.:: w.1d o:i.' Austr::.lic..:1 Society ' i:l ~l.csearc:: i:1to 2ducc:.tio:::: In~)rovin;; its V:clnc to t:1e Prc.c ti c c of EG.ucc.tion , / .. us tro..liu:.1 Cou:1cil :i.'or =c.uco..t~or:c:l .::'.cscc.rc:1 , i:cL.'ou.:..~:1c 1957 .

1 Soi.10 Pro°jlous of' ::duco..tio::.:::;.l ?olicy i:.1 Do~:10cr2..tic

Societies 1 , ( :Jv.nti:.10 Orc.tio:.1 , 1965 ) L: Tcc:.c~-:.e:..~s i:1 l: .. us t:..-clin , ':L'hc --us trc..lio..:.1 Collec;c of' 2ducc.tio:: , i :cl °'.J01.!:C~:.1 c 19 56 .

1Politics 1 P::..ilosop:1y , :!:deoloc;y ' il: "_u-i·1to.;.1, .A , (ed . ) l'olitical Plc.ilosophz, Clc.:..~endon P.:..~css , 1967 .

1Tea.c::int; t::..c S o cio..l Scic:.:ces 1 , =ctucc.tio:1 ITcus , Doccobcr 1957 .

P 1BSI:Oll2 , J . i .. .

' Vc.ricties of' :2:::-:>lc..:c.o..tio.:1' i::.1 P::iloso:;Jhical Problc1:1s ( eds .) i: . Lx:::.dcl:;)".1..:.;:1 , F.~r . GrCJ.:lich. , 1 .. . ::::. . Jl..ndcrso.:1 , J . :J . S c:~.:::ec1·r:i.:.1d , L::c1:1ill::-.. n <'.:: Free Pre s s , iT01·J Yor~: .

1 A.:..~gunc:.1ts to J'lo2nin.:;less:.1css t i:.1 The Li::.1(5uisti c Turn . ( )

7 -ed . ::?. . :.orty , U.;.1ivcrsi ty a:.': C:licc.go Press , 1907 .

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- 7 - 21/l9SO

PLSSi:O~~' J,i._, (c :Y:t .)

' .k.1c:.lyticc..l C.:.~::. ticis::;s o~ 'l:'rc.d:.. tLuc.1 P::ilos:::>pl:ics of 2ducc.ti:::>:::' , i.:.: ( ed. ) 2. L. Frc.:.1c:-:, i:cl~J'.)1.:.::'.:.:c St:.:cios i.:.: 2duc:::tio.:.: 1965 , Lel~~our_:o U::iversity P.:.~oso, l9SS.

' Touc_rds c_.:.1 A:.1.c:.lytico.J_ Pl::.:..losop!'y o:f :::!:ducc..tio.:.1 ', i.:.1 ( ed .) :::. L. Ii'l~e:.1c:: , Eol"001.:.r:10 Studies i:1 :::duco..t :kn 1965 , Lclbour_10 U.:.~::!_vc.:.~sity Press, I:cl7Joul~:1c 1956 .

'A :11.i...:1drcd Ycc..:.~s o:Z' Z:ilos:::>:;:>::y ', Duc:arorth , LoJ.1do.:.1 i9:::;:; , 2.:.c.d editio:J. , revised c..:1d 1vit~: o..ddi ti0.:.1.S •

' 0~ 'l:'ca~:i=~ to be C~itic~l' , ( ed.) ~ . D . 7eters , The Co:1cept o~ 2ducc.tio.:.:, I:.outled,'.;e 211d :CeGc.:: Pc..ul , Lo:1d:J.:1 , i967 .

' Jo:::: i:.:"?.dorso:-:1, ' ~obort :Soyle ', 1 Cc-.;:1bridge Plc.. t OJ.1::!.s t s ' , 'i..rtlc.v..:;_~ Colli o;_~ ' , ' =:.c-.lp~1. Cuciuort:1. 1 ,

'iT 2.. thc..::c.el Cul ven·rnl '·, ' :-:i c~1.c-.rd Cl.:r:ioerln:.J.d 1 , 1 :1.o~ert Fludd' , ' ~·Tilli<::J.l :10..rvey', 'Loc;ico.l Positivis::1 ', 1::e11ry i·:oo.:--c ', 1 Joll:.-: iTorris 1 , 1 P~-:ilos:::>p:c.y 1 , 1::isto:::-io.:;rc.p!-:y o::' P:-iilosop:1.y 1 ,

'J :::>::n s·.:it.·_ I' 1 :'.Je.:.-:ja.r:ii:i ~!hic:-:cote '' L.1 2ncyc::. :::>")ed:. -~ of' P::ilos opl-iy , Lc..c::1illc..:1 &: Free ?rcss , i!ci:-r York , 1967 .

-:;-=t::;::v~ ' :<: .

I l!. Pro po GC'.l :for c·1c..:1ce L: Austrc-_lic.. ' s Irn:1ic;::.~a.tio:1 Policy ', AsiL.. 1 s ~ooulL..tio~ Pro~le~s , ( ed.) S. C!-:c...:.1drL..sokLc..r, Lond:J.:.1, Ge0rc;e i:..lle.:.1 & U:i.ui.:.1 , 1957, :;.~c::;mblished i.:.1 0.uc..ct.:;_~~,_t .

1 2conouic J?.:::-ovi s ior: f':J::~ Aust;_~o..lic.. 1 s ~lderly 1 ,

Soci.::tl Service ( n.s.~r. ) Jc...:1uc.ry-Febr1.:o..ry 19S7 .

::-!.OLLiiTS , C • =>.

** 1 Cc:;.~tc..i:1tI ', Philosop;:;x,

1 Solipsisu 1 , i:1. 2ncycloj)Cdic.. of' Ec_c::1illc...:.1 .'.l: ?roe ?.:..~ess , j:feu Yorlc 1967 .

-7:--~ ' i·lc:~tc.l 2vG~:ts 1\.ctually P:_ysico..l? ' iz1 ~ :Lde.i.1tity Theory o f' I:i:id , (ed .) C.F. P.:.~oslcy , U.:.:ivc.:.~sity ol' ,..._uoe:1sl~.:1.c: Press , 1957.

1 Postscrip t ' , i:1 The Ide::.ti t y Theory o:f i~i:1d , (ed .) C . ~ . Presley, University of' ~ueenslo..nd Press, 1967.

' Xc..:1t 1 s Lucl:y i ... 1 ( i:rit:: L. . ::en:1L..t:1e:-::c. i"o , CIII, 1966 .

' T1'fo L~n·rs of' Co:"?.tc:.1po::~c..ry ~=isto.:.~y 1 , '":_l.1.2..drc...:.1t iT0 . l:.6 , Vol. ~~I , 1957 .

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- 8 - 21/19.SG

:.~ILE2 , G.

I ~~ i!o-Cc 0:.1 i'-I82.:1i'1;'.; ct:.1d :Jsc1, ~' "'I.fol . c=:v= , I!O • JOJ , 1957 .

' C.:.~i ti cc.I if oti cc

i\.:1a.lysis of' T.:. .. ·ue:. 1, Aust.:.~clusic.;:.: Jour:.1c..l of' ?~1ilosop::.:z

-Jol. l:.6 , ifo . l , M:i.y 1967 .

' Mc..1:;.tl:.:10.:.~ , ::?ri tz ', eczclop cdi.:t of P:i:ilosop:-:z , L:~c:.1illc...:1 c'.l: ?rcc Pross , Neu Yo~~~c , 1957 .
