
8/4/2019 Technology Integrated Lesson Plan Stage 2 UBD 1/25

Patrice O. Toulson

FRIT 8530: Applications of Instructional Technology

Stage 2, Understanding by Design

Spring 2011

8/4/2019 Technology Integrated Lesson Plan Stage 2 UBD 2/25

UbD Stage 2 TemplateStage 2 – Determine Acceptable


Title of Unit

Water Cycle GradeLevel

6th grade

Stage 1 – Identify Desired Results

The students will understand that:

• The earth reuses the same water in a continuous cycle.

• Water is one of earth’s renewable resources.

• The water cycle is important to all living things for survival.

• In order to help conserve our water supply, we must learn how to apply the method of 

conserving water.• There is evidence that shows conserving water has an effect on all living things.

• There are areas on earth that have to worry about their water supplies and would see

how it would be living in these areas.

• Their views about water conservation are shaped by the area on earth in which they


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Essential Questions(copy and paste from Stage 1)

Overarching Questions:

1) Why is the water cycle


2) How are atmospheric conditions

affected by the water cycle?

3) How does the water cycle impact

human lives?

4) How does conserving/not

conserving water impact future

water use?

5) If water is a renewable resource

and it is recycled, how can there

ever be a water shortage?

6) Where do we get our water that

we use everyday?

7) What happens when a water 

shortage occurs?

8) How can a water shortage affect

our lives?

Topical Questions:

1) What is the water cycle?

2) What are the elements that make

up the water cycle and how do

they all fit together?

3) Does the water cycle impact all

living things?

4) How can we as individuals helpconserve water?

5) What are some reasons for 

water shortages and what are

some ways we can conserve


6) Can the water we drink today be

the same water that the

dinosaurs drank?

7) What is a water shortage?

When a water shortage occurs,what does it do to our water 


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Stage 2 - Evidence

Performance Task(s)

The students will understand that:

• The earth reuses the same water in a continuous cycle. (Understanding 1)

Goal: Your goal is to help students understand that earth reusesthe same water in a continuous cycle.

Role: You are a raindrop.

Audience: The target audience are 6th grade students

Situation: You need to convince the students that water iscontinuously reused while going through 4 stages: Evaporation,

Condensation, Precipitation, and Collection.

Product Performance and Purpose:  You need to write your lifehistory. You will need to include what form you arrived in and howyou got there.Facet 4: Perspective

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your written story of your life

history should include the four different stages of the water cycle,how you got to each stage and in what form you arrived in.

Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)

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1) Rubric for written story about traveling through the watercycle as a raindrop.

Content Excellent -4

Good - 3 

Fair - 2 Poor - 1

Content Water cycle

is describedusing allcorrectterminologyand all 3familiarstates of matter arerepresented.

Water cycle

is describedusing all 3familiarstates of matter arerepresentedbut 1componentis missingorincorrect.

Water cycle

is describedand all 3familiarstates of matter arerepresentedbut 2componentsare missingorincorrect.

Water cycle

isincorrectlydescribedand/or 3familiarstates of matter arenotrepresentedand 3 ormorecomponents

are missingor incorrect.Imagination Project

demonstrates fantasticimaginationandcreativity

Projectdemonstrates goodimaginationandcreativity

Projectdemonstrates someimaginationandcreativity

Projectdemonstrates littleimaginationandcreativity


Thestudent’swritingshows no

spelling orgrammarerrors.

Thestudent’swritingshows 1-4

spelling orgrammarerrors.

Thestudent’swritingshows 5-8

spelling orgrammarerrors.

Thestudent’swritingshows 9 or

morespelling orgrammarerrors.

Organization The story iswellorganized.One idea orscenefollowsanother in alogical

sequencewith cleartransitions.

The story ispretty wellorganized.One idea orscene mayseem out of place.Clear

transitionsare used.

The story isa little hardto follow.Transitionsaresometimesnot clear.

Ideas andscenesseem to berandomlyarranged.

Title Title iscreative,sparksinterest andis related to

Title isrelated tothe storyand topic.

Title ispresent butdoes notappear tobe related

Title is not


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the storyand topic.

to the storyof topic

Other Evidence(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)


Vocabulary quiz on water cycle terminology. Iwill have the phrases of the water cycle listed

and they will have to describe each one. Facet 1:Explanation (See Below)

Each day I will review by asking questions orwhat we have previously covered. I will pullsticks with student names on them to identifywho will answer each question. I will observehow each student does and if they show

knowledge of understanding. Facet 6: Self-knowledge

Label a blank water cycle diagram. This will bethe same diagram that was used in the podcast.Facet 3: Application

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Water Cycle Vocabulary Quiz:

Describe the meaning of each word.

Condensation Runoff  

Domestic Use Surface Water  Evaporation Water  

Gallon Water Conservation

Groundwater CollectionHydrologic cycle Scarcity

Recycle Precipitation

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Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

1) Problem Solving Rating Scale

1 35I do not recognize the Ido recognize all the phases of thePhases of the water cycle.water cycle.

I can not explain the 3 states of Ican explain the 3 states of matterof matter.

I do not understand that water is Iunderstand that water isreused when going through thereused when going through thewater cycle.water cycle.

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Stage 2 - Evidence

Performance Task(s)

The students will understand that:

• Water is one of earth’s renewable resources. (Understanding 2)

Goal: The goal is to make a plan to promote water as an energysource.

Role: You are a concerned citizen in your community.

Audience: The audience consists of members of the city council.

Situation: A town hall meeting between concerned citizens andmembers of the city council to hear the pros and cons of water as arenewable energy.

Product Performance and Purpose: A written proposal expressing thepoint of view of each side. Facet 4: Perspective

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your proposal should include thepros and cons of water as a renewable resource, why water needs tobe used as an energy source, ways water can generate energy for

the city and why you believe this is important.

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Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)

2) Rubric written for Proposal for water as an energy source.

Excellent – 4 Good – 3 Fair – 2 Poor – 1Content All 5 areas

are covered:pros/cons,why waterneeds to beused, wayswater can beused, andwhy you

believe it’simportant.

One of thecomponents ismissing.

2components aremissing.

3 or morecomponents aremissing.

Organization Presentsfindings andconclusions inan organizedmanner.

Presentsfindingsandconclusions withsomedegree of organization

Informativegraphicsplacedhaphazardly on thepage.

Thepresentation isdisorganized.


No spelling/grammarerrors arefound.

1-4spellingerrors arefound.

5-8spellingerrors arefound.

9 or morespellingerrors arefound.

Maximum score 12

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Other Evidence(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)

2)Ticket out the door: What are renewable resourcesand give examples. Facet 1: Explanation

Build a “Hydro-mill” - In a group, students will make a hydro-mill

to determine how hydropower produces electricity using clean 2-literplastic soda bottle, scissors, tape, wood dowel, string, water, and a

sink. Facet 3: Application

Quiz: Tell from a list of renewable and nonrenewable resources

which ones are renewable and which ones are nonrenewable.

Facet 1: Explanation (See Below)

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Renewable or Nonrenewable

Please list next to each resource if it is a renewable resource or a

nonrenewable resource:







 Natural GasLeather 








WindOcean Tides

 Nuclear Fission


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Student Self-Assessment and Reflection


Reflective Feedback: 

How did you feel about this activity?

Would you like to do this activity again?

Did you find this activity difficult to understand?

What did you like most about this activity?

What did you like least about his activity?

What did you feel you did the best on?

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Stage 2 - Evidence

Performance Task(s)

The students will understand that:

• The water cycle is important to all living things for survival. (Understanding 3)

Goal: The goal is to help bloggers understand how the water cycleis important to all living things.

Role: You are a blogger and have your own website.

Audience: The audience is bloggers who subscribe to your forum.

Situation: You have been asked to do a forum on the differentways the water cycle is important to all living things.

Product Performance and Purpose: After researching the topic,you need to prepare a forum on how the water cycle is importantto living things. You should include how it is vital in the lives of people, animals, and plants.Facet 1: Explanation

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your forum should includeanswers to What? Who? When? Where? Why? and How?

Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)

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3)Rubric for the blog:

Three points: answers the questions What? Who? When? Where? Why?  and How? ;

includes statistics and vivid descriptions; very well organized; very well presented Two points: answers most of the questions What? Who? When? Where? Why?  andHow? ; includes some statistics and vivid descriptions; fairly well organized; fairly well

presented One point: answers only a few of the questions What? Who? When? Where? Why? andHow? ; fails to include statistics; descriptions vague; poorly organized; unsatisfactory


Other Evidence(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)

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Essay Question:

Water is essential for life. Document the differentways that humans depend on water every day.Consider the effects on a community if its waterbecomes contaminated. Facet 2: Interpretation

Opening Question as the Students come into the room from

previous days lesson:

Tell 3 ways plants or animals use water. Tell 2 ways that we usewater for recreation. Tell 1 way why water is important. Facet 1:


Daily Observations:

I will monitor each student’s understanding of the importance of 

the water cycle as it is discussed in class. Facet 1: Explanation

Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

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Students will write a reflection on how they feelthey did with the blog and will self-assess

whether they included Who? What? When?Where? How? and Why? They will reflect if whatthey reported on was relevant to the assignment.

Stage 2 - Evidence

Performance Task(s)

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The students will understand that:

• In order to help conserve our water supply, we must learn how to apply the method of 

conserving water. (Understanding 4)

Goal: The goal is to minimize water usage in households.

Role: You are a pilot program coordinator launching a new pilot prografor conserving water.

Audience: Your target audience is household users who have beenselected for the pilot program.

Situation: You have been asked to go in and monitor water usage in thehousehold and determine how much water is being used and create

ways that water can be conserved.

Product Performance and Purpose:  You will need to determine howmuch water is being wasted in the home and prepare a written proposaon ways that the owner can conserve water. Facet 3: Application

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your proposal will need to be in aPowerPoint Presentation and will include:

• Ways that water is wasted in households.

• How much total water is being used by the family from thesewaste.

• Ways the family could conserve water and lower their water bill

Performance Task(s) Rubric(s)

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t - 4Good –

3Fair – 2 Poor -1

Content All areas

arecovered:waterwaste perindividual,familyestimate of waterusage fromthesewaste, and

ways toconservewater


componentis missing.


components aremissing.


n has noareas of interestcovered.


Graphs/Tables areincluded forIndividualwaste.

1graph/table ismissing.

2graphs/tables aremissing.

Nographs/tables includedinpresentation.



andconclusionsin anorganizedmanner.

Presentsfindings in

somedegree of organization

Information placed

haphazardly on theslides


n isdisorganized.

Appearance Backgroundand textcomplimenteach other;easy toread and


Background or textsize andcolor areinconsistent.

Background and textsize/colorchangewith eachslide.

Textcannot beread onselectedbackground; text size

and colormake itdifficult tofocus oninformation.

Title Title iscreative,

Title isrelated to

Title ispresent but

Title is not


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sparksinterest andis related tothe topic.

the topic. does notappear tobe relatedto the topic.

Maximum Score - 2

Other Evidence(e.g. tests, quizzes, work samples, observations)


The students will do a group project where they will design a 30 second

commercial in which they promote water conservation. Facet 3: Applicatio

Students will evaluate their knowledge about water through written

assessments and through an analysis and discussion of the changes they havobserved in their own thinking. Facet 4: Perspective

Students will do a Circle Map on water conservation. Facet 1: Explanation

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Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

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4) Student Self-Assessment and Reflection

• What did I learn in this unit concerning water conservation?

What did I do well?• What am I confused about?

• What do I need help with?

• What do I want to know more about?

• What am I going to work on next?

Stage 2 - Evidence

Performance Task(s)

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