Page 1: Technology Enhanced Learning Student Survey

Technology Enhanced Learning Student Survey

Baseline survey for TEL strategic planning at UWTSD

360 students on 3 campuses

Surveymonkey online pole with 9 questions

Multi-choice with free form text comments

Use of VLE, use of social media, use of own devices

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Moodle is a useful tool. I think it could be simplified even further, sometimes it is difficult to find something quickly. Also perhaps something could be done to stop the crashing of Moodle. It happens a little too often.

Works well for me, most lecturing staff use it, and it's easy to navigate. Problems with finding materials are usually due to staff not clearly naming files, or designing the layout of their sites/dumping everything into one massive list of files and links.

I found the older version of Moodle much easier and much better to use, this year’s version doesn't work well on android devices, so it doesn’t work very well on my phone or tablet.

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I find that Google and Wikipedia can be a good starting point for a topic, just to understand what the topic being researched is about, and then do more research into academic sources for references.

I use Google to search for information and it is pretty easy to tell whether the information is useful or correctly sourced. My class uses Facebook to communicate about the course. This is really useful because nearly every student checks Facebook at least once a day.

Facebook proved invaluable when the IT infrastructure went down. We communicate as peers on the course and in special interest or project specific groups.

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I use my phone to check Facebook and email for notifications on lessons and/or any changes in timetables etc. I use my laptop for my work and research.

I am multiply disabled (physical and mental health issues). My iPad is essential, I carry around loads of information and it diarises my day so I don't forget stuff!

I use my Smart phone to receive my student emails, but primarily use my laptop for everything learning related.

I use my phone and computers for learning access. I would love it if there were a Moodle app for iPhone.

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Technology Enhanced Learning Student Survey

Students value the VLE but usability is a major issue

Most online communications is through email and Facebook

Google has become an essential tool for sourcing information

All students use their own devices to access online resources

Education is moving towards a mixed economy of institutional, student and open resource provision

Contact: [email protected]