Page 1: Technology Development: Learning from Project Failures

Rochell R. McWhorter, PhD

[email protected]

The University of Texas at Tyler, USA

Elisabeth E. Bennett, PhD

[email protected]

Northeastern University, USA

Technology Development:

Learning from Project Failures

Page 2: Technology Development: Learning from Project Failures

2 Questions:

1. Share an experience with a

technology failure – one that did not

produce the desired outcome. What


2. What do you think HRD’s role should

be in technology projects?

Page 3: Technology Development: Learning from Project Failures

Technology Development is…

“the integration of technology

with HRD objectives and

processes to improve learning

capacity and performance”

(Bennett & McWhorter, 2014, p. 18)

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Figure 1: Integrating Technology Development in HRD

Source: Bennett, 2014

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Technology Project Failures

• Hershey’s ERP Failure, 1999

• Nike ERP systems, 2000

• Hewlett-Packard, 2004

• U.S. Air Force, 2005-2012

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Table 1: Skills Benefitting Technology Development Activities

Source: McWhorter, 2014

• Multi-tasking in hybrid training and hybrid events (Fazarro & McWhorter; Huggett,


• Envisioning the end-product to aid in designing-in the needed features (Bennett,


• Envisioning “webbing in” (Bennett, 2014) of technologies that can be integrated into

the existing technology ecosystem of VHRD

• Social Media Skills for Professional Branding (Deckers & Lacy; 2013; McWhorter,


• Gamification Skills for Designing Learning (Kapp, 2012)

• Project Management and Project Leadership Skills (Ellinger & Ellinger, 2014;

Gallagher, Kaiser, Simon, Beath & Goles, 2010)

• Visualizing the use of mediated information within technologically integrative

environments for increasing learning capacity and optimizing work processes and

organizational system performance (McWhorter, 2011; Monteiro, Almklov, & Hepsø,


• Performing a usability study of technology (Boudreaux, 2012; Instructional

Assessment Resources, 2007; National Center for Technology Innovation, 2011).

• Use of Change Processes in the Implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning

(Martin & Huq, 2007) or Electronic Health Records (, 2013, 2014)

• Conducting a Task Analysis for Technology Tools (Bennett, 2013)

• Database Design/Management (Gallagher, et al., 2010)

• Computer Programming (Gallagher, et al., 2010; Hein, 2013)

• Instructional Design (Bennett, 2014a, this issue)

• System Testing and Operating Systems (Gallagher, et al., 2010)

• Voice/Data Communications (Gallagher, et al., 2010)

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Thank You!
