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JANUARY 2000 • VOLUME 20 • # I

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Page 3: Technique Magazine - January 2000

an official publication of USA Gymnastics


Robert V. Colarossi

EDITOR Luan Peszek


Lian Cottrell


CHAIR: Sandy Knopp; PRESIDENT: Bob ColorOlsi; VICE CHAIR WOMEN: Joan Moore Gnol; VICE CHAIR MEN: TIm Ooggen; VICE CHAIR RHYTHMIC: Wendy Hilliard; VICE CHAIR TRAMPOLINE: Paul Parillo; SECRETARY: Mark Graham; FIG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Joy Ashmore, Ron Froehli(h. FIG WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Jo(kie fie; FIG MEN 'S TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: George Becksleod; FIG RHYTHMIC TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Andrea Schmid; AT LARGE MEMBERS: Peler Vidmar, Susan True; ATHLETE OIRmORS: Chari Knighl·Hunler, Chris Woller, Vanessa Vander Pluym, Karl Heger; USOC ATH­LETE OIRmOR: Mi(helle Dusserre-Forrell.



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Tf(HNIQUE(lSSN 0748-59991 (USPS 016872) is published monlh~ excepl bimonlhly in Sep!/Oct and Nov/De< by USA Gymnoslies, Pan Americon Plaza, Sune 300, 201 Soulh Copilol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (phone: 317-237-5050) orvisil online @ •••• usa -gy"n as t i os· org Periodi(Ol posloge paid 01 Indianapolis, IN 46204. Subscriplion prices: U.S.-525 per year; Canada/ Mexi(c>-548 per year; all olher foreign counlries-560 per year. If available, bock issue single copies 54 plus pOlloge!hondling. All reasonable (Ore will be loken, bUI no responsibil­ily (On be assumed for unsalidled maleriol; endose relurn paslage. Copyrighl1998 by USA Gymnasli" and TE(HNIQUE. All rig his reserved. Prinled by Sport Graphies, Indionapolis, IN_

Unless expressly identified to the contrary, all articles, state­ments and views printed herein ore attributed solely to the author and USA Gymnastics expresses no opinion and assumes no responsibility thereof.


How to Inflate Your Profits without even Trying .. .... .. ......... .... .... ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. .. 7

Alternative Medical Approaches to Treating Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder .. ....... ........ ......... .. _ .. .. _ .. _ .. ....... ..... _ .. .. ......... ....... 10

JANUARY 2000 • VOLUME 20. #1




DEPARTMENTS President's Report ... __ ... _ ................ .. _ ..... .. . 4

KAT Workshop Schedule ...... . _ .. ... .. ....... 19

What's New ........................................ 20

Ideas that work in the Gym ...... .. .......... 39

Technique Index .................. ... ..... . .. .. _ .. 44

Classifieds .. _ .. _ ... _ .... .. .. _ ..... ... _ ... ..... ...... 46

Event Schedule .................................... 47

Safety Certification Schedule ........ .... .... 48



PROGRAM UPDATE Women's High Performance Seminar ... . 1 6

Fast Facts : USA Gymnastics Congress and Olympic Trials .. .... .......... 1 7

Hall of Fame .. .. .................. ..... .. .... ....... 22

Men's Program Update ..... .... .. ........... _.25

Selection Procedures .. . _ .... _ ......... .. .. ...... 26

General Gymnastics Update ._ ... _ .... ..... _28

Women's Program Update .... ........ ...... .. 30


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Dear Members of USA Gymnastics, Season's greetings and best wishes for

a happy and productive 2000. We all have much to be thankful for as we turn our attention to the New Year. However, before we do that I wanted to take a moment to review some of the issues and opportunities which were highlighted in 1999. And in doing so I first want to offer a special thank you to both the staff and the volunteers of USA Gymnastics who

have contributed mightily to our success. In 1999 we raised the bar for everyone in our sport. We complet­

ed a total review and evaluation of all operations and personnel. We established a higher standard for all, especially the raising of expec­tations and accountability. There was a significant realignment of priorities and resources (not without its challenges). Both the staff and the volunteers completed an extraordinary amount of work in pursuit of these aggressive new goals. As you must now be increas­ingly familiar with, the primary areas of focus that served to guide the decision making process are our core objectives of:

• Growth: Business development and new members

• Medals: Program, program, program!

• Visibility: Public relations, publications and events


PROFESSIONAL MEMBERS AND MEMBER CLUBS Nothing is more important to long term growth for USA

Gymnastics than adding value to our member clubs. As I have said many times, as the clubs grow, so grows USA Gymnastics. We are in the process of implementing many new member benefits for profes­sional members and member clubs. This month we will introduce a new health insurance plan. It has three different levels of service so that each member may choose the option that best fits his/ her per­sonal situation. We must establish an industry standard of benefits that will entice our coaches to stay in the sport and be able to pro­vide for their families.

WEB-SITE By year end we will have launched our secure web-site for mem­

ber clubs only. It wi ll contain marketing tips, feature special guest writers, and eventually it will also have class handouts, lesson plans, and a business help library. The future of communication with our members and member clubs is the Internet.

Early in the year 2000, USA Gymnastics wi ll launch a new web site ( for every member club in America . It will feature a home page and six additional pages including club specific information such as instructor profiles, club news, class schedules, club program information, special events, as well as hotlinks back to our web site.

E p o R T

TECHNOLOGY We have upgraded our technological systems at the office includ­

ing hardware, communication software and a T-l Internet line for immediate online access. This has been a boost, but not without some challenges. The system crashed several times in the month of September and members were unable to receive any phone registra­tion support for three days. The problem has been solved, but we need to seek out a system with full redundancy so that we are always available for member support.

EVENT/CLUB MARKETING PARTNERSHIP In the past we spent 80% of our marketing budget with the mass

media and 20% trying to reach members of local clubs. From now on we will turn this equation upside down and allocate 80% of our resources to activate the clubs. Families who have students already enrolled in gymnastics are a natural target for event marketing. We wi ll provide a marketing platform that promotes the club and all of its benefits as well as the event. The goal is to fill the event and help the clubs promote themselves and their programs simultaneously.

CONGRESS The changes with the 1999 Congress began with a dedicated plan­

ning process. In the office we utilized a team approach that brought together all of the different groups to make sure that the schedule worked for both program and education. We will strive to listen to your input and continue to improve Congress every year.

HALL OF FAME Induction into the Hall of Fame is the most prestigious honor

that can be bestowed upon a member of USA Gymnastics. With this important fact in mind, we set out to build a ceremony that was worthy of such an honor. All anecdotal and formal reviews indicate we did just that. Peter Vidmar was superb as master of ceremonies keeping the program moving forward and providing exactly the right emotional tone for the evening. There were many moving moments, which will last long in all of our memories. We look forward not just to maintaining these changes, but also expanding them to contin­ue to give this event the focus and importance it deserves.

SPONSORS Sponsorship continues to be one of our most important vehi­

cles driving growth and visibi lity. We are constantly seeking new partnerships, which will help us achieve our objectives. 1998 saw the addition of two important relationships in Texaco and General Motors. And we are pleased to note that in 1999 we grew by adding adidas, Clairol and expanding the role of Texaco. We are in continuing conversations with a number of other sponsors and intend to continue the pattern of success and close more deals prior to the Sydney Games. In this regard, I ask all of you to con­sider your own professional relationships and let us know if there is someone we shou ld be speaking with abo ut an expanded role with USA Gymnastics.

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I recently came across an old Vince Lombardi quote, "If winning is not important, why do they keep score?" This thought kept coming back to me in the next few days as I thought about what winning medals means to USA Gymnastics. We are evaluated by every constituency we have relative to our competitive success on the floor of the Olympic Games. This evaluation is conducted by the media and the U.S. public as they follow our progress, our sponsors who decide where their dollars will be distributed, the United States Olympic Committee who has tied funding to medal success and, most importantly, by the young athletes who participate in our sport now or, who based on our results, contem­plate participation in the future.

MEN'S ARTISTIC Mixed results. We had some breakthrough individual performances

both domestically and internationally. Tianjin showed signs of a stronger performance in 2000. Blaine Wilson just missed a medal in the all-around by .001. The rest of the team performed consistently and was only 2.435 out of team medal contention. The plan to upgrade start values and maintain consistency with high level rou­tines continues to pay dividends. And with this in mind, it is only appropriate here to congratulate those responsible for the increasing promise of the men's program.

WOMEN'S ARTISTIC Although there were several outstanding individual performances at

the World Championships in Tianjin, our overall team performance was a clear disappointment to everyone involved. It also served as a wake­up call, and as a result, we have set in place an aggressive plan to max­imize our chances for medal success in Sydney.

We have hired Bela Karolyi as the National Team Coordinator. Bela will create a plan that will provide guidance for all those involved as we get this team back on track. It is not too late, we have an incredibly talented nucleus to build from and I am sure, with Bela's leadership we, once again, will be applying ourselves with the necessary determination to deliver our best performance on the floor in Sydney.

I also must take a moment to remind all of us about the importance of setting appropriate expectations. We have the foundation of a terrif­ic performance in the upcoming Summer Games, however there is much work to be done. The standard set by the 1996 team is one that was achieved with a tremendous amount of long-range planning, dedication, skill, and plain old hard work. I have every expectation that if we apply ourselves appropriately, once again the USA will be standing on the medal platform. However, this team does not have the experience or the historical record that the 1996 team enjoyed, so the challenge is going to be even greater and we must all have patience as this process plays itself out.

TRAMPOUNE & TUMBUNG Growth, winning medals and visibility, the merger with trampoline

and tumbling will have a positive impact on USA Gymnastics in all areas. Since trampoline has been added as an Olympic sport for the first time at the 2000 Games, it was especially exciting that at the Olympic Qualifying World's, Jennifer Parilla qualified and Ryan Weston became the first alternate. Across the board we had an excellent World Championships. Sydney should provide an exciting debut and I know if the previous international competitions are an indicator, we will cer­tainly enjoy a very strong Olympic debut.

At the same time, we must remember the United States' historical role in this sport and use it as further motivation for success. Trampoline was invented in the United States, and for decades, we dominated inter­national competition. We must live up to our heritage and reclaim it as the number one country in the world in trampoline.

RHYTHMIC The rhythmic program continues to grow both in talent and results.

Jessica Howard had a phenomenal year. Winning her first 3-on-3 com­petition, her first senior national championship title, earning the silver medal at the Pan American Games by .001 and the fi rst alternate to the Olympic Games next summer, Jessica truly established herself as an international caliber competitor. I met with the rhythmic coaches last year and challenged them to put any personal agendas aside and gath­er together to create a plan for 2004 Athens that all will buy into. We are our own worst enemies. The time is now to come together to build the plans, the dreams and the successes of tomorrow.

THE FUTURE Talent Identification Programs are the link to the future. Eight years

ago we started the TOP's Program. Six years ago we started the Future Stars program. The net results of these two highly effective athlete development pipelines is no less than a fundamental re-shaping of how male and female gymnasts are developed in America. Other powerhouse countries have always possessed tremendous depth , and as a result of these programs, we now have it at the junior level. By 2004 the full impact of these programs will be seen at the Senior level and I believe that as a result, we will begin a run as a contender for gold medals at every competition we attend. Next year we will institute similar pro­grams for the Rhythmic and Trampoline disciplines and anticipate similar results.


National Gymnastics Day was conceptualized by Rod Davis and implemented by Steve Penny, Chris Sanders and the Properties Department. It is the single largest public relations effort undertaken to date by USA Gymnastics. The reach of NGD in its inaugural year was astonishing. It exceeded all of our expectations. It was featured on the Today Show on NBC as USA Gymnastics took over Rockefeller Center for the morning. A trampoline was shown on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show live from New York's Central Park. Good Morning America conducted a live remote from Bart Connor's gym in Oklahoma.

From the Governor of Georgia to the Mayor of Los Angeles, the pro­file and participation rates in NGD were beyond all of our expectations. But most important of all in this process was the participation by the clubs and the impact felt by those clubs. According to a survey com­pleted of 2,800 clubs, 35% of all clubs that participated in NGD experi­enced growth in their membership as a direct result of NGD. The final assessment? More visibility for gymnastics, more growth for our clubs and maybe one of the "new students" will step onto the competitive floor for the USA and win an Olympic medal.

One final note regarding NGD should be of interest. The survey of clubs also showed that the majority thought it would be of greater help if positioned in August. In the year 2000, NGD will be held August 12, with the goal of gaining more exposure, more participa­tion and more impact.

PROPERTIES EVENT SCHEDULE We have reformatted and rationalized our event schedule. First, by

grouping similar events into similar time periods, we have increased both the external meaning of the events by creating seasonality, but also sponsor attractiveness. The positioning of the events by quarter provides a platform for understanding for sponsors and other members of our audience who are less familiar with our sport. The impact of change has already been well received by our sponsor and broadcast partners.

The most notable change for 2000 will be the shifting of the Reese's

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PRESIDENT'S REPORT (continued from page 5)

Gymnastics Cup to the fall. This allows Hershey's to better position the event in the context of the Halloween candy season, and USA Gymnastics to better deliver promotional and product merchandising opportunities back to its partners. This is an exciting new development, which can only add further value to USA Gymnastics.

EXPANDED TELEVISION SCHEDULE In a sporting world ever dependent upon television exposure to

maintain support and enthusiasm, 2000 should be a banner year for USA Gymnastics. Through the introduction of the new Visa American Cup Series and other new event properties, we have greatly increased the exposure on national television. The impact of this expanded coverage has multiple benefits. More coverage means we have more promotional opportunities to deliver to our sponsors. More coverage means we have more resources to return to our athletes and their development. And more coverage most certainly offers us our best opportunity to tell the story and demonstrate the value that the sport of gymnastics can bring to children and their families.

BETIER INFLUENCING THE MEDIA MESSAGE Finally, the last area which I would like to share with you is the story

of our increasing commitment to better influence the messages about our sport conveyed through the media. For far too long USA Gymnastics has allowed others to set the terms of discussion about our sport. And, more often than not, the focus was placed upon the negative aspects, aspects that quite frankly are prevalent in practically every other sport. By no means do I ever intend to run away from some of the areas which are constantly in need of our attention to improve, however, we are _

rededicating ourselves to building the types of relationships with the media which will better allow the other, more positive stories to be the primary focus.

And we are pleased to see that this effort is beginning to produce significant results. Recent positive stories in USA Today and in Sports Illustrated hopefully represent the beginning of some new trends in this area. We are working hard to develop strong relationships with reporters and show the many aspects of this wonderful sport that so often go unreported. Here's an example: the millions of young men and women who develop improved physical skills and stronger self esteem from par­ticipation in gymnastics. The hard work and dedication of our coaches, ath letes, parents and everyone else in the support structure will help gymnastics be what it can be.

Continue to keep your eyes open for more and better stories to come.

CONCLUSION The past year was a period of tremendous change and accomplish­

ment for USA Gymnastics. We have much to be proud of but many areas that still need improvement. In order to further the success of USA Gymnastics we need total cooperation, input, and a consolidated effort from each of our members. It is only by working together that we can realize and maximize the potential that is possible for USA Gymnastics.

As we enter into a new Millennium, please accept my most sincere wishes for a productive and healthy 2000. There is no greater sport for our children than the sport of gymnastics and I look forward to working

~th'~"?~ Robert V. CoLarossi USA Gymnastics President

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lntla te Y r PROFITS

Without Even TRY I N G

By Chuck Ford co-owner of the Gymnastics Training Center of Simsbunj, Connecticut and Innovative Inflatables, (860) 658-7340

~ 0 you consider yourself to be a proactive ~ business owner? Are you still trying to :

• make it happen? If you are the type of ~ businessperson that is always interested in ~ • new ideas to enhance your programs and :

ultimately your bottom line, then read on! The ~ •

including a 55-foot Caterpillar in your Gymnastics School. If so, then contemplate these alarming facts:

~ newest craze to hit gymnastics schools around the ~

Families only have so many recreational dol­lars to invest in their children's activities.

Approximately 95% of the students that attend your gymnastics classes are never going to be "outstanding gymnasts." country is not a new program nor is it a new piece ~

of gymnastics equipment; it is the emergence of : Inflatables. Yes, these Moonwalks, Mazes, Giant Slides ~ • and Giant Obstacle Courses are indirectly responsible ~

~ for an increase in the return rate for many preschool ~

As educators, we know the many benefits that a gymnastics background provides, but in all honesty, "kids just wanna have funl"

and grade school programs. These highly graphic, ~ ~ colorful, interactive play pieces should now be on ~

every gymnastics school list of "necessary equip- ~ ment." The fact is that you need to have more than : gymnastics equipment if you want to keep your ~ students coming back semester after semester. ~


~ Are you having difficulty visualizing the benefits of ~

I'm sure you would agree that it is vital to the suc­cess of your Gymnastics School that you continue to improve your programs and entice your cus­tomers. Having said that, how would you rate the following in terms of the WOW factor?

(continued on page 8)

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• A new balance beam ($1700)

• Wedges and barrels ($300-$700)

• A new vaulting board ($575)

• A Dragon Bouncer ($3500)

'" '" '" '" ... '" ... '" ... '" '" ... ... ... ...

My point exactly! Unfortunately, there is only so : much in the way of "gymnastics equipment" that '" will time and time again excite your students. '"

'" Imagine your student's faces when they enter your ... facility and see a 55-foot Sea Serpent or a 25-foot ...

'" Dragon Maze! What child wouldn't have fun while ... bouncing in a Castle Bouncer or sliding down a 18- ... foot Giant Slide? ...

'" '" Inflatables allow you to tum your Gymnastics '" School into a multi-use facility (without having to '"

'" add climbing walls, swimming pools or soccer '"

Birthday Parties • If you haven't heard, Gymnastics Schools

across the country love to host parties! Let us entertain you with cooperative games, tram­poline, and Inflatables. Not only will the par­ents thank you, but your instructors will too! (For making their job a breeze!)

fields) while at the same time enhance your preschool and grade school programs. How? Read on .. . '" '" F.Y.I ... Birthday parties expand your client base,

Preschool and Grade School

'" attracting non-gymnasts to your facility ... who may : in turn become future clients. The cost for '" a $4,000 bouncer works out to less than $5.00 per party, '" at 5-parties/ week for 4 years. Increase your party prices Gymnastics Classes : $lO.OO/party and your bouncer brings in $5,000 in four

Registration-use your '" years and you still get to use it in your other programs! • Open House and imagination! '"

• First week of classes-a great ice breaker! : Team Fund Raiser •

Re-registration week-need I say more? : Tired of selling candy and giftwrap? Imagine the ... possibilities if each family took one weekend a

Last week of the semester-have a blast in ... year to set up your Inflatable at town soccer, class, it may even change their minds if they : baseball, football, school event or craft fair. Think

were going to try a new sport! '" of not only the revenue they would earn, but of the

'" '" exposure for your Gymnastics School as well .. . (and you still get to

use the Inflatable in your Gymnastics School!)

--I-.,..s----------------« TEe H N IOU E • JAN UARY 2000 )1-----------------

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Town Fairs Just about every town, small or large, hosts a town fair. What do you do to promote your Gymnastics School? A demonstration, perhaps. But why not an Inflatable? It's always better to have children actively participating in a fun activity than it is for them to watch a demonstration. What better way to promote your business than by associating

, your gymnastics school with "Fun Activities?"

Donations Being a well-respected member of a commu­nity has its perks. All kinds of groups solicit donations from our Gymnastics School and the .... .... way we like to oblige is to give a gift certificate for .... an Inflatable. Again your Gymnastics School looks .... .... like a hero (boosting public relations), the expo- .... sure to potential clients is immeasurable and it .... costs you virtually nothing. :

Mobile gymnastics programs: Inflatables will allow you to expand your program and add a lot of excitement too. Summer a little slow? Not any more! Parties, fairs, and corporate picnics will more than fill your schedule.

The list of ways to incorporate an Inflatable into your existing Gymnastics School business is end­less ... Open Gym Day, Bring A Friend Week, Inflatable Make-up Classes and Family Fun Days. So what are you wait­ing for? Slide into the new millenium by expanding your business base and Inflating your bottom line! •


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APPROA(~[S TO TR[ATING ~ ~~,..~ ~ . ~~'-:""""""" ~ ~ ~


By Larry Nassar, D.o., A. T.C, USA Gymnastics National Medical Coordinator Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine



ttentiQn Q~fi~it Hy.perqcti.vity D~s.Qrc!er IA.QHD)

~a.s. b,~cQ.ll1~ g t0f!.i~ of ~is~ys.~iG.(I 1ll0.fe fre­

q\¥ Q~ th,e. Q,~n"~fQI Ryblic;:. hgs. I~qrn~q more

gbQyt th.~s. ~Qnditio,n. It is impQrtg.nt fQr cQ.a~hes

tQ, y{ld~rstgflq t~is. C;:Qnd,iticm, if th~k Qy,Plngs.t

s.h~,«s siQns. (If Qr km~win~ly ~as. A.Q...,Q •. i)r. RQngld l(Q{111l1

~fOJ.~ gn ~~c;:~Il~nt grti,d~ e.n.tttl~d, "Tips fqt; GQ.Q~binf1 g

C.hil.d, with A.,tt~lJti()J;I. Qefi,c;:it/H¥p~t;gctivity lJi~Qf(let;" w.h~ch

WQS. ~\lb.Us.hed in T~hl).iqll~ YQhmw \ ~, Ii 1 Q, f!Q 2~-~a. This. QJtic;:l~ for pg,rents qod ~Qa.c.h~s, is. g fQUQW-I,JP qrticl~

to. qis.c.l,ls.~ S,Q.J.tIJ! Q.f t.h~ ql,terngti.v~ fQr tregtiOQ

AI2t1Q Qtlwr t.hqJl th~ I,!S~ of pr~s.criptiQ(I m~~fi.cClti()o.

First, I feel it is important to understand what ADHD is. ADHD is a psychiatric diagnosis. It is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition as follows (A through E):

A~ (U Qf (~), QI",st Q~(I,!f: (1) six or more of the following symptoms of inattention

h~y~ persisteQ. for at leas~ 6 months to a degree that is ~~Ii\Q.aptive and ~nco,nsistent with developmental level:

(a) often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work or other activities

(b) often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities

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(c) often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly

(d) often does not follow through on instruc­tions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores or duties in the workplace (not due to oppo­sitional behavior or failure to understand instructions)

(e) often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities

(f) often avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained men­tal effort (such as schoolwork or homework)

(g) often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools)

(h) is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

(i) is often forgetful in daily activities

(2) six or more of the following symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity have persisted for at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level:

(a) often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat

(b) often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining in seat is expected

(c) often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate (continued on page 13)

Curriculum Poster Reward System

Jeff Lulla is a member of the USAG Preschool Advisory Board and co-author of the Kinder Accreditation for Teachers (KAT) course. He is also a USAG National Safety Instructor, an industry consultant, and is a seminar presenter for the USAIGC, and USA Gymnastics. He owns two successful gyms in Southern California.

• Proven Effective in Building Enrollment Retention • Provides a SAFE and Progressive Teaching System • Sets ACHIEVABLE Goals • Motivates Parents and Students • Keeps Records of when Skills are Passed • Valuable for Measuring Teacher


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Page 12: Technique Magazine - January 2000

Our Consignment Program has already Your packages are specifically tailored

helped hundreds of pro shops across to your gym's needs, including styles,

the country become successful and quantity and sizes. Since you only

profitable. Why not choose the pay for what you have

GK Consignment Program for sold and may return

your pro shop and start the rest of the

earning extra profits with ... package there is ...


The Consignment Program offers In addition to receiving

packages for ... consignment merchandise at wholesale

PRO SHOPS· MEETS· SUMMER CAMPS prices, you'll be able to purchase all GK

With each consignment package, you will receive a products including team apparel at our low wholesale

new assortment from our variety collection, shown prices too! For more information on how you can get started

on pages 19 through 21 of the GK Team Workout Catalog. just call our customer service department at 1-800-345-4087.

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Page 13: Technique Magazine - January 2000



(d) often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly

(e) is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor"

(f) often talks excessively

(g) often blurts out answers before questions have been completed

(h) often has difficulty awaiting turn

(i) often interrupts or intrudes on others

B. Some hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms that caused impairment were present before age 7 years.

c. Some impairment from the symptoms is present in two or more settings (ex. At school and at the gym­nastics club)

D. There must be clear evidence of clinically significant impairment in sodal, academic or occupational func­tioning.

E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia or other Psychotic Disorder and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

The mainstream treatment of ADHD is with the use of pre­scription medication. Usually a stimulant (such as Ritalin, Adderal, Cylert, and Dexedrine) or an anti-depressant (such as Wellbutrin, Norpramin, Pamelor, and Tofranil) is used for treatment. These medications have been studied and shown to be effective treatment choices for children with ADHD.

A recent trend has been for the public to search out "alterna­tive medical" approaches for treatment of their medical condi­tions. This trend is true with the treatment of ADHD. Several popular books have been printed (The Natural Approach to Attention Deficit Disorder, No More Ritalin Treating ADHD Without Drugs, The ADD and ADHD Diet, Ritalin Free Kids, and many others). The purpose of alternative medical approaches to the treatment of ADHD is to avoid the use of prescription medications due to the side effects and the thought that these medications may only mask the symptoms and not treat the actual problem. This is a topic of great debate since no one truly knows the cause of ADHD.

In relationship to gymnastics, a concern is the use of these pre­scripti:on medications at the international elite level of compe­tition. The stimulants used to treat ADHD are all banned by

(continued on pnge 14)

To receive a FRE E catalog ...

phone: 1-800 -345-4087 fax: 1-610 -921-0208 e- mail: [email protected] or request a cata log

th rough our web site:


USA Gymnastics Junior Olympic Program

Eli te Sporrswear, L.P . . P. O. Box 16400 , Read in g, PA 19612-6400

Page 14: Technique Magazine - January 2000


the United States Olympic Committee and the Federation of International Gymnastics. Therefore, members of the USA Gymnastics National Team can not take these medications and compete for the USA. These gymnasts must be removed from their stimulant medication and either be placed on an anti­depressant or seek an "alternative medical" approach to the treatment of their condition. Therefore, it is important for poten­tial national team members and current team members with ADHD to have an understanding of a variety of ways to treat ADHD other than with the prohibited stimulant medication.

The nutritional status of a gymnast with ADHD is usually the first thing

Child Health in 1997, diet does playa role in the ADHD child. This article reviewed relevant double-blind placebo controlled food challenge methodology research articles that were pub­lished between 1985-1995. It was concluded that a large variety of foods might have a profound affect on some children's behavior, ranging from mood changes to sleep disturbances.

In 1999, Dr. Eugene Arnold published a review article in the Journal of Attention Disorders. His review of the medical litera­ture produced 8 controlled studies that link children's diets to ADHD symptoms. By removing certain foods from a child's diet, symptoms improved and when the food was returned into the diet ADHD symptoms increased. A vast variety of foods seem to be associated with ADHD symptoms. The foods that seemed less likely to cause problems were:

chicken, lamb, rice, potatoes, apples, bananas, broccoli, cabbage, carrots,

that is evaluated. Several dietary causes of ADHD have been stated in the medical literature. Dr. Jay Lombard, a board certified neurolo­gist, has studied the effect of defi­ciencies of omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA (docosahexanoic acid) and ADHD. Dr. Lombard states, "DHA is the primary structural fatty acid in the gray matter of the brain and pro­motes communication between brain cells by allowing synapses to remain soft and functional...DHA protects cell membranes against oxidative damage and is being actively exam­ined for its potential in treating

The nutritional status of cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, and parsnip. Foods that most frequently cause problems are milk, eggs, wheat, corn, chocolate, sugar, orange juice, food coloring, preservatives and additives.

a gymnast with ADHD is

usually the first thing

that is evaluated. Several It is recommended that you consult a qualified medical professional to assist you with nutritional concerns and ADHD. Contact a physician or nutritionist with ADHD experi­ence or call the AAEM (Ame­rican Academy of Environmental Medicine) for the environmental

dietary causes of ADHD

have been stated in

the medical literature.

clinical conditions ranging from Alzheimer's disease to multiple scle-rosis and attention deficit disorder (ADD)." Several non-pre­scription supplements have been produced with DHA for treatment of ADHD.

Pycnogenol is a strong antioxidant food supplement. It is extracted from the bark on the French Maritime Pine Tree. In 1998, it was granted a U.s. Patent for treating ADHD. It helps to increase circulation in the brain. Currently, Dr. Stephen Tennebaum and Dr. Julie Paull are performing a double-blind study with Pycnogenol and ADHD at The Attention Deficit Center in St. Louis, MO.

One study from Poland found that, out of 116 children diag­nosed with ADHD, 95% were deficient in magnesium. Over a 6 month period of time, 50 of the students received magnesium supplementation and the rest of the children did not. The chil­dren that did receive the magnesium performed better than the ones that did not. This is another example that deficiencies in a child's diet may be contributing to ADHD symptoms.

In addition to nutritional deficiencies, allergies to food and / or the environment may also contribute to ADHD symptoms. According to an article published in the Journal of Pediatric

medical specialist nearest to you: 1-800-LET-HEAL (or 1-800-538-4325). Additional information may be

obtained from a large variety of web sites on the internet. You may simply use any search engine and submit ADHD. Some of these internet sites are listed here:, adhd, add-information. com,,, and .•

References: Arnold, L.E. Treatment alterna tives for ADHD. JOllr/wl of AttentiOll Disorders, (1999) 3, 48

Breakey, J. The role of diet and behaviour in childhood. J Paediatr Child Health, (1997) Jun; 33(3): 190-4

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Ed., American Psychiatric Association, (1994), pp. 83-85.

Kozielec, T., & Starobrat-Hermelin, B. Assessment of Magne~ium levels in children with ADHD. Magnesium Research, (1997) 10, 143-148

Lombard, J., & Germano, C. The Brain Wellness Plan-Breakthrough Medical, Nutri tional and Immune-Boosting Therapies to Prevent and Treat: Depression, Alzheimer's Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Attention Defici t Disorder, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease", Kensington Publishing Corp. (1998).

Passwater, Richard A., All About Pycnogenol, Avery Publishing Group, (1998).

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June 1-4, 2000

"Limited Enr o llment, Don't Be Left Out"

WHERE: Just 18 Miles West of Chicago

Aerial Gymnastics Club 1516 Brook Drive

Downers Grove, IL Less than I mile from Hotel to Gym. Very limited transportation provided by Hotel.

WHA'r: A Seminar for High Level Coaches

of Women's Junio r Olympic Levels 9, 10 and above, including collegiate.

Professional Membership required.

HO'rEL IIiFORtlA'rIOIl: Double Tree Guest Suites

21 I I Butterfield Road, Downers Grove, IL 60515

Phone: (630) 971 -2000 Fax: (630) 971-1168

Only 16 miles from Chicago O'Hare International Airport & 25 miles from

Midway Airport (No airport shuttle transportation provided)

$ 109 Single/Double Includes breakfast . Rates guaranteed

until May I. Reserve early.

Note: This is a special rate for USA Gymnastics High

Perform a nce Seminar

R EGIS'rRA'rIOIl-Must go to Double Tree Guest Suites to Register Wed., May 3 I , 4:00 p.m. - I 0:00 p.m. (with Social 7-1 I) Thurs., June 1, 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

WHEIl-Seminar:Thursday, June I at 8:30 a.m to Sunday, June 4, at 3:00 p.m. Complete schedule will be mailed in follow-up packet

COS'rS-«EARLY BIRD" Postmarked Before March I

I st registered coach ...... ........ .......... .... $395 2nd coach from same club ............ ...... $350

Postmarked After March I I st registered coach ............ ............ .. .. $450 2nd coach from same club .. .. .. ............ $395

'rRAIiSPOR'rA'rIOIl-NO transportation is provided by USA Gymnastics. There is a limited shuttle provided by the hotel to and from Aerial Gymnastics.Airport/Hotel: Call Naperville Chauffeuring for reservations and prices (630) 357-5755

ADDI'rIOIiAL-Check our web page: or contact Jerry Nelson, Director of Grass Root Programs & Events, USA Gymnastics, (317) 237-5050 ext. 247, [email protected], or contact Women's Program.

p-----------------------------------------2000 Women's High Performance Coaching Seminar Registration Form June 1-4,2000 Downers Grove, Illinois PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE ' ONE NAME PER FORM

Name _____________ SociaISecurity # ________ _

USA Gymnastics Professional # _____ Exp. Date _____ Sofety Exp. Date _____ _

Mailing Address ________________________ _

City ___________ State ________ Zip ______ _

Day Phone ___________ Evening phone ___________ _

Email. ____________ ,Fax number

Highest level of competition in the last four years _______________ _

PAYMENT INFORMATION: All forms and fees are due by May 1,2000

Regular registration fee $450.00 • ]" coach and $395.00 each additional coach from some club

__ $450.00 __ 2nd coach same club $395 3,d coach some club $395

"Early Bird" Postmarked by MARCH 1, 2000 • All forms sent together with one check or one credit card payment in order to receive this special discount

__ $395.00 __ 2nd cooch same club $350 3,d coach same club $350

PAYMENT Make Check/Money Order Payable to USA Gymnastics

Amount Enclosed Credit Cord information: 0 Visa ~ PREFERS VISA' o Other

Card No. ________________ ,Exp. Dole _______ _

Name ______ _________ Signature

Office Use Only: Received ___________ ,Postmarked ________ _

Form of payment _____________ ,Amount Received ______ _

Mail: USA Gymnastics Member Services, 201 S. CapitoIAve.,Ste300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 Phone: (317) 237-5050 . Women's Program 1-800-345-4719 • Member Services Fax form with credit card information to: (317) 692-5212

W'.-1-:6=---------- ------{( T fC H N I QUE • JAN U A RY 2000 )f---------- --------

Page 17: Technique Magazine - January 2000


• WHO: We want "YOU" to attend! And bring a friend.

WHAT: USA Gymnastics National Congress and Olympic Trials

• WHERE: Boston, Massachusetts-liThe Walking City" Hynes Convention Center for Congress Fleet Center for Olympic Trials

WHEN: Congress-Friday through Sunday, August 18-20,2000 Trials-Thursday through Sunday, August 17-20,2000 Add-on courses-Thursday, August 17,2000

Airport: Boston-Logan International

Train: Amtrak - 617-482-3660

Bus: Greyhound and Peter Pan Bus Lines

HoteLs: Marriott Copley Place - 617-236-5800 Sheraton Boston Hotel - 617-236-2000 The Westin Copley Place - 617-262-9600 Fairmont Copley Plaza - 617-267-5300 Spedal rates - book rooms now mention gymnastics/Congress Trials

HoteL $23.00-$28.00 per day Parking:

TriaLs: Ticket Information - 617-624-2496 Spedal Congress Trials rates - look for information in February Technique

SpeciaL Hall of Fame/Ceremony of Honors Dinner Events: Saturday, August 19

Westin Hotel - 7:30 PM

Congress Party/Dance Hynes Convention Center Saturday, August 19

Car rentaL: NO! Not recommended Congress registrants will get a pass for the ''1'' Boston has public transportation and taxi

Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau 671-536-4100


-------~~-----~( TECH N' 0 U f • JAN U A RY 2 000 )~---------------::::1-=7,...1

Page 18: Technique Magazine - January 2000


.r AFIeetCenter

August 17th-20th Where the game begins:

To request a priority ticket order form, please call 617-624-2GYM or visit

For groups of 20 or more call 617-624-1805

USAG Member priority discount ORDER NOW!

Page 19: Technique Magazine - January 2000

USA GYMNASTICS 1000 KAT WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Pre-registration guarantees a KAT workbook and place at the workshop)

USA Gymnastics has recently published a new KAT Workbook! The new 1999 KAT workbook has updates relative t o bridges, headstands, stretching, Atlantoaxial instability, new lesson plans and much more! This workbook will be utilized in the upcom­ing KAT workshops. The new KAT workbook is available for $16.00 (includes shipping and handling) t o everyone who has received their KAT certification.




Please ca ll Pat Warren at 317-237-5050 ext. 337 or email [email protected] if you are interested in attending a KAT workshop, hosting a KAT workshop or ordering the

NEW KAT Workbook.


February 5 Sulphur Springs, TX North East Gymnastic Center

February 19 Woodstock, GA World of Gymnastics

February 20 Grass Valley, CA Rising Starz Gymnastics Academy

February 20 Corvallis, OR Oregon State University

March 5 San Luis Obispo, CA Central Coast Gymnastics Training Center

March 18 Oxford, AL World of Performing Arts

March 26 North Miami, FL North Miami Parks & Recreation Department

July 27-28 St. Louis, MO Reg ion IV Regional Congress/Champ. USA



J -24_$J3.95 25-49_$J2.95 50& UP_$JJ.95




541 -737-8413





Page 20: Technique Magazine - January 2000

USA Gymnastics sent a survey to Member Clubs regarding National Gymnastics Day. The survey found that 64% of clubs preferred an August date for National Gymnastics Day 2000.

So, it's official.. .National Gymnastics Day is set for August 12, 2000. Mark your calendar and begin making plans. USA Gymnastics will develop a national marketing plan to include advertising and awareness around the John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships. USA Gymnastics will also provide increased promotional materials to Member Clubs.

Let's make this day even bigger and bener than last year!

Thanks to all the Member Clubs who participated in the survey.

USA Gymnastics values your opinions.


... ... .....

USA Gymnastics is proud to host the first National Championship for competition in General Gymnastics - TeamGymn. This Championship will be contested in conjunction with the 2000 National Gym Fest.

DATES: June 23-25 , 2000

LOCATION: Emory University· Atlanta, GA

LEVELS OF COMPETITION: All TeamGymn levels are eligible to participate. Level I squads will receive achievement recognition as per the TeamGymn regulations. Level 2 and 3 squads will compete for the national title in men 's, women's and mixed groups, as well as by age division.

QUALIFYING PROCEDURES: All squads will compete under the USA Gymnastics TeamGymn Regulations as published on USA Gymnastics Online . TeamGymn squads qualify to the National Championships in the following manner:

I. Squads must compete in two (2) sanctioned TeamGymn competitions between January I and March 3 1, 2000. Event results must be fo rwarded to USA Gymnastics.

2. Squads must submit qualifying entry forms no later than March 3 I , 2000, to USA Gymnastics.

NOTIFICATION AND APPLICATION: I. USA Gymnastics will post qualifying squad lists on

April 3,2000 on USA Gymnastics online. 2. Qualified TeamGymn squads must submit nominative

entry forms no later than April 28,2000. 3. USA Gymnastics will post competition squad lists

and preliminary competition order May 8,2000.

For more information contact: Address: GG at USA Gymnastics

Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 20 I S. Capitol Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225

Phone: (317) 237-5050 Email: [email protected]

--1-:;;2-:;;0:-------------------« r EC H N' 0 U E • ]A N U A RY 2000 )J----------------

Page 21: Technique Magazine - January 2000

4 New Exciting Products for Gymnastics!

CARTWHEEL MAT Make learning a cartwheel fun and easy for your little gymnast with these hands and feet screened mats. Made with 1-1/8" 100 ILD polyurethane foam and 14 oz. durable vinyl fabric. Colors available - Red , Blue or Green.

VAULTING TOTE Transport and pro­tect your vaulting board in this top quali­ty carrying case. Made of rugged vinyl, double stitched for long life. Handles on both sides for easy carrying. Heavy duty zipper opening for easy use.

BEAM STINGER Take the sting out of beam mounts, dismounts and saltos with TIFFIN's new Beam Stinger. 30" x 34" x 5/8". Great for practice, warm-ups and 30-second touch . Rolls up for easy storage and transportation . 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

MINI BEAM Great for hand­stands, presses, scales, turns, jumps and hundreds of other uses. 32" long, 4" wide and 7" tall with padding and suede covering just li ke your competitive beams.

Choice of blue or red. Screened "Team / School Name" available.

Practice Balance Beams

Portable Gymnastic Pits

Competition Landing Mats

Contact Tiffin for all of your mat needs -whether you need a single mat for home use,

or enough mats to set up an entire gym. Quality mats at affordable prices!

Visit us on the web ·

Page 22: Technique Magazine - January 2000

USA Gymnastics H ALL OF FAME 2001 Nomination Form and Information Questionnaire

T he former Helms Hall of Fame and USA Gymnastics have combined efforts into one National Hall of Fame for gymnastics. Individuals may be nominated for the consideration of the selection committee in any of three categories: athlete, coach, or contributor. The person submitting the name of the nominee for consideration should read the accompanying criteria and seek to obtain all pertinent information from the individual or the individual's family to accompany the nomination.

Please submit a typed set of information for each person nominated, including the appropriate category for the nominee. Please use the format below for information as requested and include any additional information, articles, and pictures at the end of the requested information.

NAME ____ _____________ _ NAME ______ _ _ _ ________ _

ADDRESS ________________ _ ADDRESS _ _ ______________ _

CITY------- --- -------- -STATE - ______ ZlP _________ _


CITY-- ----------------­

STATE------- ZIP---------­

PHONE------------------FAX _ _ ________________ _ FAX __________ _ _ ______ _



G ymnasts may be nominated as an individual or C oaches may be nominated either as individuals or I n order to be considered, the following eligibility a team. In order to be considered, the following as members of a coaching partnership. In order to criterio is used as 0 guideline:

eligibility criteria is used as a guideline: be considered, the following eligibility criteria is used as • Has a minimum of twenty years of service

• A period of five years post competition a guideline: • Has served significantly on national committees

Has been an Olympic, Pan Americon, World University • Has fifteen years experience as a coach • Holds national and "brevet" credentials as a judge • Games or World Championships team member • Has been consistently successful in National Collegiate frequently judging at national and international meets

Has been a Notional Champion recognized by the Championships • Invented devises that advance the technical perfor-• mance of gymnastics elements or promoted a safe National Governing Body (AAU, USGF or USAG) • Has coached one or more athletes who have been gymnastics environment

• Has been a National Collegiate Champion members of national teams (international, senior • Has written or contributed to significant gymnastics Please continue the application with the following or junior) recognized by the NGB (AAU, USGF or books, monograms, and articles information: USAG) • Has produced research advancing the sport

• Has coached National or Collegiate Champions Please continue the application with the following 1. Date of birth • Has coached an NGB (AAU, USGF or USAG) information: 2. If deceased, date of death and copy of obituary recognized international team 1. list Significant ways in which this nominee has con-

(if possible). Also, please list family name(s) and Please continue the application with the following tributed to the gymnastics field: address(es). information: • National committees (years and offices held) 3. Gymnastics club(s) or school(s) where athlete trained. 1. Number of years in coaching • Regional and state service (years and offices held)

Please include the number of years trained and the 2. Coaching positions held (i.e., club(s), collegiate, • Books or articles published

coach(es) with whom the athlete trained in each organization, or school) and what years coached at • Development of significant ideas which have

program. these locations benefited the gymnastics community

4. Athlete's competitive history in chronological order • Judging service and major assignments (Olympic, (with dates and titles). Please include the following 3. Gymnasts and coaches (i.e., Olympians, national

World Championships, international &/ or national champions, conference champions, elites, outstanding items: coaches, etc.) developed by nominee competitions)

• highlight the outstanding competitive 4. National Team coaching positions held by nominee • Service to the gymnastics community (volunteer

accomplishments of individual (please include dates) contributions not covered above)

• allach complete competitive records, if possible 2. Was this nominee a competitor in gymnastics? If 5. Additional information about the nominee's career so, list background, years and results. • include information such as national in coaching (i.e., background as an athlete, honors,

championships won, listing specific events and/ or 3. Was this nominee a gymnastics coach? If so, list

all·around publications, contributions to the gymnastics field, years and achievements.

• list international competitive records, listing any records, etc.) 4. list additional information (i.e., honors received,

6. list of names, addresses and telephone numbers gymnastics recognition, etc.). events or all-around championships won (with area code) of additional persons who might 5. list names, addresses and telephone numbers (with

• list any honors awarded to the athlete add to the information you listed here on behalf area code) of additional persons who might add to 5. Any additional information about this individual of this nominee the information listed here on behalf of the nominee.

Nominations for the (lass of 2001 Hall of Fame must be completed Carolyn Bowers, Chairman Kim Clayton and copies sent by June I, 2000, to both of the individuals listed Hall of Fame Selection Committee USA Gymnastics at right. 1315 Bourgagne Ave. 201 S. Capitol Ave., Suite 300 Nominations received alter that date will not be considered. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Indianapolis, IN 46225

--1-=-2-=2- ---------------{( TECH N I QUE • JAN U A RY 2000 )r--------- --------

Page 23: Technique Magazine - January 2000


A new Notional Award has been proposed to and accepted by the USA Gymnastics Boord of Directors. It will be known os the USA Gymnastics lifetime Achievement Award. The Hall of Fame (ommi"ee wished to recognize individuals who have dedi· cated a lifetime of service to the sport of gymnastics in a meaningful manner. The intention is to seek out as well as request from the gymnastics community, information about individuols who have mode a considerable impact upon our sport.

This recognition will be presented eHher during the (eremony of Honors or with the Hall of Fame Awards at the USA Gymnastics Notional (ongress, whenever possible. Since the individuals selected for this award will be responsible for their own transportation and expenses to the Notional (ongressto receive the award, the award may be presented at on appro· priote function of regional or nolionol prominence which is located doser to the home of the selected individual.

There will be no minimum or maximum number of recipients and the award may not be given every year. Privileges for the recipients will be: • lifetime complimentary membership in USA Gymnastics • recognition in appropriate publications and ceremonies as a recipient of the USA Gymnastics lifetime Achievement Award • presentation of the award • complimentary admission to the John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics (hampionships, the World Teom and Olympic Team Trials

competitions, and the USA Gymnastics Notional (ongress

In order to be eligible for this award, the following minimum crHeria must be mel: 1. Minimum of 25 years dedicoted to gymnastics 2. His/her service must stand out above the normal person who loves gymnastics and has a lifetime of appreciation or

ordinary participolion 3. This person!s) should have accomplished on involvement at the regional, notional, and/or international levels in one or

a combination of the following: coaching, judging, volunteering, and promotion of the sport of gymnastics. It is not nec· essary to have been a competitor in gymnastics. He/she may have been a competitor and have continued to enhonce the sport in multiple woys.

The Hall of Fame (ommi"ee has assumed the philosophy that the Hall of Fame will have on emphasis on the accomplished othlete. (ooches ond contributors who are inducted will be limited to the few individuals with out~anding and special accom· plishments at the very highest level of contribution or coaching. As we have received nominations ond credentials for per­sons who have given a lifetime of meaningful dedication which has great~ influenced the sport of gymna~icsthraugh cooch­ing, judging, volunteering, and promotion of the sport, H was felt that prominent notional recognition should be possible through the introduction of the lifetime Achievement Award. Many have contributed to the growth and development which has helped gymnastics in its progress to where we stand today.

The Hall of Fame (ommiHee encourages members of the gymnastics community to give coreful considerotion for nomina­tions and to communicote with nominees in order to provide the most complete credentials and information possible. Only completed nominations will be considered. The nominations which are submi"ed will be thoughriul~ considered and possi­b~ maintained in a credential notebook for future consideration. Additional informolion may be requested. Pleose use the Request for Nomination as your guideline for needed information. Pleose submitth~ information in typed form olong with all nome and address information os requested.

You should include as much inFormation as possible using the Following criteria. COACH-list locotions and dotes of where coached, level of athletes cooched, names of outstanding athletes and major titles won. list coaching conlributians thraugh the establishment of regional or notional workshops and clinics; as stoff mem­bers of notional level workshops, through presentations ot notional meetings; and by writing publications. list membership on major cammi"ees, describing the work involved. JUDGE-list the total number of years of judging. Include dotes and the number of years at each judging rating held. list dotes and major judging assignments. Include contributions mode at ~ate, regional, notional and international levels in teoching, writing and publicotions, training camps for evaluation of athletes or education, and mojor commi"ees served, including dotes. VOLUNTEER & PROMOTER-list mojor volunteer efforts, giving dotes and number of years of participation. list state, regional, and notional offices held, number of years held, including the type of work accomplished. list any other promotional efforts or invented devises that advanced the technical performonce of gymnastics, contributed to research, advanced the development of apparatus, or promoted a safe gymnastics environmenl.list research, articles or books published.

You moy, as the nominator, also provide a brief personal account of why you feel that the person who you are nominating is deserving of notional recognition. If the nominee is a post competitor, list major occomplishments of the competitive coreer giving dotes and specific levels of competition, including any titles won.

Please send a copy of this nomination to each of the individuals below NO LATER THAN JUNE 1, 2000. Nominations received aher that dote will not be considered.

Carolyn Bowers, (hairman of the Hall of Fome (ommi"ee 131 S Bourgogne Ave.,

Kim (layton, USA Gymnastics 201 S. (apitol Ave., Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 4622S Bowling Green, OH 43402


NAME _____________________ _

ADDRESS _ _ __________________ _

(ITY ________ STATE ______ ZIP _____ _

PHONE __________ FAX ----------

NAME _ ____________________ _

I ADDRESS ----------------------I I : (ITY ________ STATE ______ ZIP _____ _

I : PHONE ___________ FAX ___________ _

III always want the best for all my gyms.








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Page 24: Technique Magazine - January 2000

For Professional, Instructor & Associate Members

Social Security Number (REQUIRED) Birthdate (MO./DAY/YR.) __ 1 __ I __ 0 Male 0 Female

First Name _______________ MI _____ Last Name ________________ _

Mailing Address _______________________________________ _

City ______________ State ________ Zip ________ +4 _________ _

Club Name (IF APPLICABLE) _____ _________________________ Club # _ ____ _

5":? ~~ ~~. ~ g ;;::!:...

3~ :;3 ~ c-


}~D~a~y~h~·m~e~Ph~o~n~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r.E:ve~n;m~g;p;h;o~ne~::;:~~;;::;::;;::;:;:;;:_;:;:;::_;_;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::~~~ ". <:::::1

Professional Membership • :.,1,1',1 ~:, Ii: i ie' itl~t·,; te ,: _ ~~ Minimum age 1 8 <:: • .

Please make checks or money orders payable to USA [~ (Check all that apply) Gymnastics. If paying by credit card, please fill out ~ ~ o Women's 0 Men's the following: ~~ o Rhythmic 0 General Gymnastics 0 :::I o Trampoline & Tumbling Card Type: 0 VISA ~ PREFERS VISA' 0 Master Card ~~

Safety Expiration Date ____ 1 ___ / ___ _

Attending Safety Course On ___ / ___ / ___ _

Include payment with your application as follows: (Additional disciplines are $25 each)

One discipline (program) .................. $ 75 Two disciplines (program) .................... $100 Three disciplines (program) .................... $125 Four disciplines (program) .................... $150 Five disciplines (program) .................... $175


o Am Express 0 Disc ~. ~

Exp. Date _________ Amount ______ _

Card Number __ _

Cardholder's Name ______________ _

Cardholder's Signature _____________ _

(34: i .j itjllel iJ it·, Q Q! tq.,; te':_

"''''<: -3 -'" ~~ ... =: ~. V>­",,-

""-< o~ ~, ....

V> >-

~~ _ .= c_ c;~

~~ 3 V'> c-<:: '" c­~ ~ ~ ~ ::r-=.

-o'"'S, -'0' ~ :::I


Which of the following gymnastics professional categories apply to you? (Check all that apply)

o Team Coach 0 Club Administrator MAIL: Y: ~ •

o Class Instructor 0 Preschool o Judge 0 GG Team Leader o Other ______ _

Instructor Membership Minimum age 1 6

o Fee ...................... .......... ................ "" .............. $40

Associate Membership No Age Limit

o Fee .................................................................. $25

OM Os Check one T-shirt size only

ADULT: 0 XL 0 L CHILD: 0 YL (14-16) o YM (10-12) 0 YS (8)

Payment Verification Please check all that apply: I understand that the following fees will be charged: o Membership fee o Rush fee $25.00 o Additional discipline(s) o Safety Certification course o Late course registration fee $25.00

USA Gymnastics Member Services P.O. Box 5365 Indianapolis, IN 46255

OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: USA Gymnastics Member Services 201 South Capitol Avenue, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN 46225 FAX: If paying by credit card, you can fax your application to us at (317) 692-5212.

E·MAIL: You can apply for a new Pro /Instructor membership or renew your current membership online:






_ NOTE: Normal processing time is 3·4 weeks. There is an additional $25 RUSH fee per application requiring processing in less than 3 weeks from receipt in our office.

BATCH # - (alBA ~R_uS_HF_EE ______________ ~l1CS

PLEASE NOTE: USA Gymnastics Memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable, and are the property of the named individual. For more information, call USA Gymnastics Member Services at 1-800·345·4719.

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I. ROLL CALL Meeting called to order at 11:05 a.m. CST by Chair Marc Yancey

Members Present:

Marc Yancey

George Beckstead

Greg Corsiglia

Tim Daggett

Mark Williams

Barry Weiner

Chris Waller

Ron Galimore

Dennis Mcintyre

Peter Kormann

Chair MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep .

FIG Rep. (Absent)

Jr. Coaches Rep. (Absent)

Vice-Chair for Men

Sr. Coaches Rep.

Sr. Coaches Rep.

Athlete's Rep.

Men's Program Director (voice, no vote)

Men's Program Manager (voice, no vote)

National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

II. OLYMPIC COACH SELECTION Marc Yancey asked to delay the selection until Nov. 8. The selection committee will meet before that time and come to the MPC with the recommendation. Abie Grossfeld will be added to the selection committee.

III. FIG REPRESENTATIVE POSITION Ron Galimore will be accepting letters of interest accompanied by resumes from individuals interested in an Olympic Judge or FIG member position. Selection for these positions will be discussed on Nov. 8.

IV. OTC APPLICATION Jim Foody has applied for a spot at the Olympic Training Center. The committee encouraged an acceptance of his application on a temporary basis.

Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m . CST.

Submitted by Mark Williams, secretary, USAG Men's Program Committee.

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MEN'S SELECTION PROCEDURES 2000 Olympic Games September 16-0ctober 1 Sydney, Australia

I. Overview Athletes may qualify for the Men's 2000 Olympic Team in one of three ways: A. finish among the top four gymnasts under the evaluations sys­

tem identified in Section IV - A below; B. be the gymnast selected by the Men's Program CommiMee as

the fihh or sixth team member; C. successfully petition directly onto the Olympic Team through

the process set forth in Section V below.

II. 2000 John Hancock U.S. Championships A. Qualification to Participate in the Championships

1. An athlete may qualify to participate in the U.S. Championships through USA Gymnastics approved qualify· ing competition(sl.

2. Members of the National Team selected at the 1999 John Hancock U.S. Championships or 2000 Winter Cup Challenge will automaticolly qualify to participate in the 2000 U.s. Championships.

B. Time and Place The 2000 John Hancock U.S. Championships will be conducted July 25-30, in St. louis, Missouri.

III. Olympic Trials A. Qualification to Participate in the OlympiC Trials

1. The top 14 AII·Around finishers, using combined scores from the AII·Around Preliminary and the AII·Around Finals, from the 2000 John Hancock U.S. Championships qualify for the Olympic Trials. In the cose of a tie for the 14th place, the athletes tied for the place will each qualify for the Olympic Trials. There will be no substitutions or replacements of the top 14 AII·Araund finishers if they are unable to participate in the Olympic Trials aher the com· pletion of the John Hancock U.S. Championships.

2. The top two five·eventtotal and top two faur·eventtatal finishers (using combined scores from the AII·Around Preliminary and the AII·Araund Finals from the 2000 John Hancock u.s. Championships) who are not among the top 14 All-Around finishers will also qualify for the Olympic Trials so lang as their five·eventtotals or faur·eventtatals are equal to or greater than the lowest five·event or four­event totals from among the 14 top AII·Around finishers. In the event of a tie for the five· event or four event fin· ishers, the tie would be broken by the highest combined event total aher dropping the lowest single event score for each gymnast. If still tied, this process would be repeated until the tie is broken.

3. Any athlete who petitions into the Olympic Trials will be in addition to the athletes qualified through the U.S. Championships.

B. Time and Place The 2000 Olympic Trials will be conducted August 15·20 in Boston, MassachuseMs.

IV. The 2000 Olympic Team will be select· ed as follows: A. The top four gymnasts using a combined total with 20% of the

score taken from the U.S. Championships AII·Around Preliminary, 20% of the score token from the u.s. Championships All Around Finals, 30% of the score taken from the Olympic Trials AII·Around Preliminary and 30% of the score taken from the Olympic Trials AII·Around Finals ("the Competitive Results") will be on the Team. In case of a tie for 4th place, ties will be broken in the fallowing manner: 1. Highest AA total from both days of competition at the

Olympic Trials; 2. Highest AA total from the second day only at Olympic

Trials; 3. Highest individual event total at the Olympic Trials.

B. The fihh and sixth member of the Team will be selected, from among the competitors at the Olympic Trials, by the Men's Program CommiMee in consultation with the Olympic Team coaching stoff, and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics.

C. Up to two alternates to the 2000 Olympic Team will be selected, from among the compelilors at the Olympic Trials,


by the Men's Progrom CommiMee in consultation with the Olympic Team coaching stoff, and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics. In the case of on injury to on Olympic Team Member prior to the Olympic Games competition, the Olympic Coach will determine which alternate(s) will be placed on the Olympic Team.

V. Petitions Petitions to enter the U.S. Championships, the Olympic Trials or to be placed onto the Olympic Team, other than through the competi' tive process described above, will be considered by the Men's Program CommiMee.

An athlete who petitions directly to the Olympic Trials will have his Olympic Trials scores also count as his u.s. Championships scores.

A petition onto the Olympic Team may only be submiMed by the athlete who is the highest ranking U.S. gymnast from the 1999 World Championships. If on athlete is petitioned directly onto the Olympic Team, this athlete would displace the fourth ranked gym· nast from the Competitive Results, leaving only three athletes selected based on their score.

In order to be considered by the Men's Program CammiMee, peti· tians must be submiMed in writing to USA Gymnastics' national office as soon as practical the athlete becomes aware of his inabili­ty to participate in the applicable competition. The petition must state the specific injury, illness or unusual circumstance, which pro· hibited the athlete from participating in the competitive process. In the case of a petition based upon an injury or illness, the petition must be accompanied by a physician's statement, and the nature and extent of that injury or illness is subject to verification by a doctor selected by USA Gymnastics.

VI. Coaches Selection The head coach will be selected by the Men's Program Director, in consultation with the Men's Program CommiMee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics based upon the following criteria: • proven team leadership ability • international experience; and • ability to communicate to the athletes and follow the training

plan. The assistant coach will be selected by the head coach, reviewed by the Men's Program Director and the Men's Program CommiMee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics. The assistant coach will be selected no later than six months prior to the Olympic Games.

VII. Removal An athlete or coach may be removed from the Olympic Team if he violates the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics or fails to aMend the Olympic Team Training Camp for the full duration of the camp. An athlete may also be removed from the Olympic Team in the event of injury or illness, which inhibits peak performance at the Olympic Gomes. Verificotion of injury or illness will be by two doc­tors selected by USA Gymnastics in consultation with the USoc. Removal may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics aher consultation with the MPC, USA Gymnastics Men's Stoff and an interview with the athlete and his coach. Any decision to remove on athlete or coach is subject to review through USA Gymnastics Grievance Procedures.

VIII. Approval of the Selection Procedures These Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by the Men's Program CommiMee and USA Gymnastics.

' Pending USaf approval.

WOMEN'S SELECTION PROCEDURES 2000 Olympic Games September 16-0ctober 1 Sydney, Australia

I. Overview The process for qualifying for the Women's 2000 Olympic Squad involves the following sequence of events: A. qualifying for the 2000 U.S. Championships either (a) through

the American Classic or the U.S. Classic, or (b) by being

one of the eight (8) members of the 1999 World Championships Team

B. finishing in the top 3 AII·Around from the combined rank arder completed atthe conclusion of the Olympic Trials.

C. be one of the gymnasts chosen at the conclusion of the Olympic Trials by the Selection CommiMee (National Team Coordinator, the Athlete Representative, and up to (2) two neutral representatives voted on by the International Program CommiMee) ond approved by the President of USA Gymnastics.

II. Scoring The all·around score for each of the events which are port of this selection process • American Classic - one round of Optional Only scores • U.S. Classic - one round of Optional Only scores • U.S. Championships -two rounds of optional exercises, count·

ing 40% • Olympic Trials -two rounds of optional exercises counting


III. 2000 U.S. Championships A. Qualification to Participate in the Championships

1. An athlete may qualify to participate in the 2000 U.s. Championships through the USA Elite Regional meets and then the American Classic or the U.S. Classic. The American Classic is scheduled for February 18·19 in Reno, Nevada and the U. S. Classic is scheduled for July 6·9, 2000 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

2. The 1999 World Championships Team (8) will automatical· Iy qualify into the 2000 U.s. Championships.

B. Time and place The 2000 U.S. Championships will be conducted in St. louis, Missouri, July 25·30.

IV. Olympic Trials A. Qualificotion to Participate

1. The tap twelve (12) finishers from the u.s. Championships will qualify for the Olympic Trials. In the case of a tie for 12th place, the athletes tying for that place will each qual· ify for the Olympic Trials. Any athlete whose petition to participate in the Olympic Trials is accepted (see Section VI below) will compete at the Olympic Trials as an addition to the 12 athletes qualified through Championships. In the event an athlete who qualifies for the Olympic Trials from the U.S. Championships is unable or declines to participate in the Trials, she will be replaced in rank order from 13th at Championships only if the total number of participants drops below fourteen (14) and her score is 36.00 AA or befter. There will be no replacements for petitioned athletes.

B. Time and place The Trials will be conducted on August 15·20 in Boston, MassachuseMs.

V. Selection of the Olympic Team A. The combined AII·Around scores from both rounds of competi­

tion at the 2000 U.S. Championships will count 40% and the combined AII·Around scores from both rounds of competition at the Olympic Trials will count 60% in determining the top three gymnasts at the Olympic Trials. In order for an athlete to win the competition, she MUST compete in both U.S. Championships and the Final Olympic Trials.

B. Subjeclto the petition process identified below, the remaining members will be chosen from among the competitors at the Olympic Trials by the Selection CommiHee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics.

VI. Petition Procedures Notwithstanding the process identified in the preceding sections of these Selection Procedures, USA Gymnostics recognizes that extra· ordinary and unforeseen circumstances may occur which would cause on athlete otherwise deserving of a spot on the Olympic Squad because of her previous competition results, to be unable to participate in one or more of the steps in that process. Accordingly, USA Gymnastics will allow athletes to petition USA Gymnastics for the right to (0) participate in the U.S. Championships, (b) partici· pate in the Olympic Trials, or (e) be named as a member of the Olympic Squad. The procedures governing such petitions are as follows: A. Extraordinary and Unforeseen Grcumslances

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1. Before a petition may be granted, the petitioning athlete must demonstrate that: a. on iniury, illness or other unforeseen circumstance

exisfl which prevents her from competing in or com· pleting one of the qualifying events and

b. the petition was submiHed as soon as practical aher the athlete became aware of the iniury, illness or other unforeseen circumstance.

2. Qualification to Petition Only athletes who are current or former Senior Women's Notional Team members may petition to any port of the competitive process including as a member of the Olympic Squad.

B. Petition Requirements 1. In order to be considered, petitions must be submiHed in

writing to USA Gymnastics as soon as possible aher the athlete determines her inability to campete.

2. The petition must state the specific iniury, illness, or unusu­al circumstance which prohibited the athlete from partici­pating in the competition.

3. Petitions for competition will be decided by the Women's International Advisory Board (Notional Team Coordinator, Coaching Expert(s), the International Elite Program CommiHee Chairman, the Athlete Representative and the Senior Director Women's Program in coniunction with the USA Gymnastics President.)

VII. The six athletes named immediately after Olympic Trials plus up to two alternate!s) will travel to Sydney and will make up the Olympic S,uad. The final determination of the SIX ath­letes who compete at the Olympic Games will be made by the Selection Committee and approved by the President of USA Gymnastics. The decision will be made 24 hours prior to the submission of the line-up based upon the criteria as listed in IX.

VIII. Selection of the Olympic Team Coaches The Head Coach and the Assistant Coach for the 2000 Olympic Team (one of whom must be a woman) will be selected from among the personal coaches of the team members, immediately aher the final Team Selection by the Women's International Advisary Board based upon the folloWing criteria: • The team's needs • Ability to lead, organize and control under high responsibility

and stress situations. • international experience and performance • fulfilling the necessary criteria established by USA Gymnastics,

including: • professional member in good standing • current USA Gymnastics Safety Certification • aHended all required meetings and training camps

IX. Removal An athlete ar coach may be removed from the Olympic Team or from any step of the process for selecting the Team, if he/ she vio­lates the terms of the USA Gymnastics Notional Team Agreement (in case of the athletes) or Olympic Team Coaches' Agreement (in the case of the coaches), including the Code of Ethics incarporated in each Agreement. An athlete or coach may also be removed from the Olympic Team in the event of iniury, illness ar non com­pliance with the criteria listed in the Women's Team Responsibility Manual which inhibits performance at the Olympic Gomes. Verification of iniury or illness will be by two doc­tors selected by USA Gymnastics and approved by the United Stotes Olympic CommiHee. Non compliance of the Team Responsibility Manual will be determined by the Selection CommiHee, with approval by the USA Gymnastics President.

An athlete who is named as the alternate(s) to the Olympic Squad by petition as a result of illness or iniury must demonstrate her readiness to compete in the Olympic Gomes prior to the time of the Gomes and must agree to submit to on examination of her iniury or medical condition by doctors selected by USA Gymnastics and approved by the United States Olympic CommiHee. Removal may only occur by action of the President of USA Gymnastics aher


consultation with the Selection CommiHee and on interview with the athlete and her coach. Any decision to remove on athlete or coach is subiect to review through USA Gymnastics Grievance Procedures.

X. Acknowledgement These Selection Procedures have been reviewed and approved by USA Gymnastics.

Each athlete and coach participating in the process for selecting the Olympic Squad as outlined in these Selection Pracedures has care­fully reviewed, understands and agrees to the terms of these Procedures. That understanding and agreement is reflected by the signature of the athlete and coach on a copy of these Selection Procedures.

'Pending USaf approval.

RHYTHMIC SELECTION PROCEDURES 2000 Olympic Games SeFltember 16-0ctober 1 Syaney, Australia

The USA currently holds the lirst alternate position to the Olympic Games. II the USA is granted the opportunity to compete in the Olympic Games, these selection procedures will be eHective.

I. Overview The process for qualifying for the Rhythmic 2000 Olympic team in the individual competition involves three steps: 1. Qualifying for the Notional Championships through one of two

qualifying events; 2. Qualifying for the Olympic Trials by finishing among the top

(8) gymnasts at the Notional Championships; 3. Finishing as the #1 ranked gymnast at the Olympic Trials.

II. Olympic Team - Individual Competition A. Qualification to the 2000 Notional Championships

1. Each athlete must be a USA citizen, a registered athlete member with USA Gymnastics, and a minimum of 15 years of age in 2000.

2. Qualification to the Rhythmic Gymnastics Notional Championships is through two qualifying events which are open to qualified level 9's, and all level 1 0 and Elite rhythmiC gymnasts in the U.S. and ore scheduled to toke place in the spring/summer of 2000.

3. The 1999 World Championships athletes will automatically qualify into the 2000 Notional Championships.

4. The Rhythmic Notional Championships will toke place in the spring/summer 2000.

5. Based on the two day All-around results from the 2000 Notional Championships, the top eight (8) senior gymnasts (including any 8th place tie) will qualify into the Olympic Trials.

III. Olympic Trials 1. The Final Trials for the 2000 Olympic Gomes are scheduled to

toke place in August, 2000 in Boston, MassachuseHs. 2. Competition at the Trials will be a two-day all-around competi­

tion, with each gymnasts competing four events each day.

3. The iudging panel will consist of seven (7) USA Brevet iudges. The international iudging rules and regulations will be fol­lowed.

IV. Team Selection The Rhythmic Gymnastics Individual Olympic Athlete will be named as the #1 ranking finisher based on a combined score from the two days of all ·around competition.

V. Petition Procedures Notwithstanding the pracess identified in the preceding sections of these Selection Procedures, USA Gymnastics recognizes that extra­ordinary and unforeseen circumstances may occur which would couse on athlete otherwise deserving of a spot on the Olympic Team because of her previous competition results, to be unable to participate in one or more of the steps in that pracess.

Accordingly, USA Gymnastics will allow athletes to petition USA Gymnastics for the right to (0) participate in the Notional Championships, (b) participate in the Olympic Trials. The proce­dures governing such petitions are as follows:

A. Extraordinory and Unforeseen Circumstances 1. Before a petition may be granted, the petitioning ath­

lete must demonstrate that: a. on iniury, illness or other unforeseen circumstances

exists which prevents her from competing in or completing one of the qualifying events and

b. the petition was submiHed as soon as practical aher the athlete became aware of the iniury, ill­ness or other unforeseen circumstance.

2. Qualification to Petition a. To Olympic Trials: These petitions are limited to

the top four (4) notionally ranked gymnasts based upon results from the 2000 Rhythmic Challenge.

b. An athlete accepted into the Olympic Trials by peti­tion will be in addition to the eight athletes who qualified through the Notional Championships.

c. At the Trials, there will be no petition process accepted for placement onto the Olympic Team.

B. Effect of Participation/ Petition 1. An athlete who submits a petition may not subse­

quently participate in the competition which was the subiect of the petition. For example, on athlete who files a petition to participate in the Olympic Trials, cit­ing on extraordinory circumstance which prevents her from competing in the Olympic Trials, may not then participate in the Olympic Trials, if her petition is denied.

2. An athlete who completes competition in one of the qualifying events and does not qualify for the next step of the selection process, may not submit a petition seeking to be added to that next step of the process.

C. Petition Requirements 1. In order to be considered, petitions must be submiHed

in writing to USA Gymnastics as soon as possible aher the athlete determines her inability to compete.

2. The petilion must state the specific iniury, illness, or unusual circumstance which prohibited the athlete from participating in the competition.

3. Petitions will be decided by the Rhythmic Program CommiHee, which includes on elected athlete repre­sentative, the Rhythmic Program Director and the USA Gymnastics President.

VI. The 2000 Olympic Team Individual Competitor will be named immediately following the Olympic Trials Competition.

VII. A one week mandatory training camp will be held for the gymnast immedi­ately prior to departure for the Games.

VIII. If an athlete who has been named to the Olympic Team is injured or ill prior to the Games and this injury or illness requires the athlete to withdraw from the team, the replacement will be next ranked athlete from the Trials.

IX. These procedures have been approved by the Rhythmic Program Committees. Candace Feinberg, Executive CommiHee to USA Gymnastics

Boord of Directors Andrea Schmid, FIG Technical CommiHee of USA Maureen Broderick, Rhythmic Technical Choir USA Suzie DiTullio, Jr. Olympic Program CommiHee Choir lana lashoff, Coach Representative Catherine Yakhimovich, Coach Representative Brooke Bushnell, Athlete Representative

X. Acknowledgement These procedures have been approved by the USA Gymnastics Executive CommiHee.

'Pending USaf approval.

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The call started at 10:00 a.m. CDT

I. ROLL CALL Dave Moskovitz, Leader Dean Capelotti, Member Lori Laznovsky, Member Steve Whitlock, USA Gymnastics GG Director


PARTICIPATING CLUBS: Central Pa. Academy of Gymnastics, Penn. (2 coaches), Columbia Gymnastics, Md. (20 gymnasts, 3 coaches), Mills Gymnastics Center, Mich. (1 coach), Skyview Dance and Gymnastics, Md. (16 gymnasts, 1 coach), Highlights Gymnastics, N.Y. (5 gymnasts, 1 coach), and Kim Gymnastics Inc., N.Y. (7 gymnasts, 1 coach). TOTALS: 48 gymnasts and 9 coaches

INSTRUCTOR CURRICULUM: What is GG?; What is TeamGymn?; Review of the GG Rules and Policies; Review of TeamGymn Guidelines; Choreography for Groups; Developing General Gymnastics Programs; Review of the World Gymnaestrada; Spotting Basic Skills; and more!

ACTIVITIES FOR THE GYMNASTS: Warm-up; Moving Together; Dance for Gymnastics; Performance Observation; Gymnastics Games; Basic Partner Skills; Building Pyramids; Marching Activities; MirU­trampoline Jumps; Vaulting (side horse, long horse & trapezoid); Tumbling Together, Tumbling Technique; Group Choreography; Squad Performance Opportunities; Using Small Hand Apparatus; Gymnastics on Large Apparatus (single bar, parallel bars, rings, pom­mel horse); Conditioning Can Be Fun!; and Performance Presentation.

III. TEAMGYMN REGULATIONS - UPDATE PROPOSALS The following changes and interpretations were approved:

A. Change. Group Competition. "Minimum of 8 and maximum of 16 athletes comprise a TeamGymn squad."

B. Change. Group Competition. "One (1) member of the squad may sit out the Floor Exercise routine with no deduction. There must be a minimum of eight (8) active performers."

C. Change. Table of Deductions. More than one (1) member of the squad sitting out the Floor Exercise event or less than the mini­mum number of active participants, deduct 1.0 points.

D. Addition/Interpretation. Floor Exercise. Difficulty. Balance Elements. "The duration of the two (2) required balance elements shall be 2 seconds each for recognition of difficulty. "

E. Addition/Interpretation. Group Jump. General Performance Guidelines. "All landing should show control and stability; there­fore, small steps or hops are permitted with no deduction. Also, landing with control and rolling forward or backward (to facilitate streaming) is not deducted. Large steps or hops, or several steps or hops, when performed in an uncontrolled manner are deduct­ed accordingly, medium or large."

F. Addition/Interpretation. Floor Exercise. Group Floor Exercise General Guidelines. "One element may fulfill two or more requirements. E.g., straddle jump with 1/2 twist may fulfill #1 and/or #2."

G. Change/Interpretation. Floor Exercise. Choreography. Section Elements. Mixed Groups. "Mixed groups are to perform waves or swings in any combination."

H. Addition/Interpretation. Group Jump. Vaulting and Minitrampoline. "All vaults and jumps must land on the feet. If the vault/ jump is performed intentionally without a two-foot landing, deduct 1.0 per occurance. Should the technical perfor­mance of the vault/jump be so insufficient that the gymnast does not land on the feet first, deduct 0.5 pOints (fall)."

1. Change/Addition. Spotting and Assistants. "For the safety of the gymnsts, two (2) spotters are required in the landing area at vault and mini-trampoline (one on each side of the landing area). If t""o spotters are not present in the landing area, the squad receives an event score of 0.00 points."

J. Addition. Group Jump. Vaulting and Mini-trampoline. "In each run (vault / jump), each member of the squad must execute the same vault/jump."

K. Addition. Group Jump. "If squad performs skill variation in each run/vault/ jump, deduct 1.0 points."

L. Addition/Interpretation. Group Competition. Uniforms. "Props, hand apparatus, and costumes are not appropriate apparel for TeamGymn competition.

M. Addition/Interpretation. Group Jump. General Performance Guidelines. "The number and composition of the squad members may change from pass to pass, vault to vault, and jump to jwnp.

N. Change. Group Jump. Mini-trampoline. Difficulty Values. Level 2. "Forward salto tucked" and "Forward salto tucked with 1/2 turn".

IV. PROPOSED 2000 GG CAMPS CALENDAR • Jan. 22-23 - Woodstock, GA (Contact: Susan Haldeman)

• Feb. 26-27 - Orlando, FL - in conjunction with American Cup Finals (Contact: Jerry Nelson)

• Mar. TBD - Georgia (site/date to be set with Haldeman and Calvert)

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• July 1-2 - Possibles include: NorCal; Hugonot, NY; The panel rec­ommended that we seek assistance in the following states: Kentucky and Tennessee

• July 29-30 - St. Louis, MO - in conjunction with U.s. Championships + performance at the champ ionships

• Aug 12-13 - The panel recommended that we seek assistance in the following areas: Denvel~ Las Vegas, and/or Arizona

• Sept. 2-3 - Region 1 Congress, Santa Clara, CA; GAT, Austin, TX

• TBD - FIG Certificate Course

V. TEAMGYMN COMPETITION SCHEDULE FOR 2000 Capelotti provided ideas for "league" development. Discussion followed. Capelotti was given the task of developing an article on the topic.



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VIII. FUTURE PLANNING The committee discussed the following: Na tional GymFest; National TeamGymn Champ's; TeamGymn Fall Classic Uudges' Cup); FIG Certificate Course

IX. VIDEOS "World Gymnaestrada: The USA Experience"-M. Foster (Videographer for the USA / WG Delegation) has completed a video, "World Gymnaestrada: The USA Experience." This 2-hour documents the sights, sounds and experiences of the USA Delegation in Goteborg, Sweden. This tape is now available from USA Gymnastics Merchandise (1-800-345-4719): Item No. 2610, Cost: $15 +S&H.

World Gymnaestrada Highlights-Foster is working on an interna­tional highlights video. This should be completed by year end.

FIG Gala Video-The FIG has released information regarding a pro­fessionally edited video of the FIG Gala. Noel Perrin from USA Gymnastics Merchandise is investigating costs, etc.

X. PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS The committee disc used ideas for the development of various GG pro­motional materials.

The call concluded at 12:00 p.m. COT Respectfully submitted, David Moskovitz, Leader November 8, 1999

NOTE: These minutes are still subject to approval.

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WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING November 19-21, 1999 Huntsville, TX

I. ROLL CALL Meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by Cheryl Hamilton, Chairman.

Presen t: Region 1 Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 NETC JOPCC WAB Athlete Rep NCAA Rep NAWGJ JO Program Manager

Absent: Region 2 EPCC Sr. WPD

Sue Graff Carole Bunge Linda Thorberg Char Christensen Cindy Sielski Myra Elfenbein Marian Dykes Audrey Schweyer Tom Koll Jan Greenhawk Jenny Ester Rowland Pat Panichas Judy Grenfell (jar Yvonne Hodge) Connie Maloney

Linda Mulvihill (illness) Roe Kreutzer Kathy Kelly

C. Hamilton welcomed the committee and introduced Sue Graff as the new RTC for Region 1. She also welcomed Jenny Ester Rowland as the Athlete Representative.

II. JUDGES' LIABILITY CONCERNS C. Sielski reported that there has been some concerns regarding the prop­er procedures for handling situations in which an athlete repeatedly fails to complete an element, resulting in a severe fa ll during competitive warm-ups. The committee requested that the national office clarify the judges' responsibility in this matter.

Clarification by USA Gymnastics national office: The judge'S responsibili­ty is only to evaluate the exercise. If a judge observes a gymnast warming up a skill that appears to be "unsafe," the judge'S responsibility is to report it (verbally and/or in writing) to the Meet Director. Ultimately, it is the coaches' responsibility to determine if the athlete is ready to perform the element in a competitive environment.

Clarification of applying the deduction for gymnast wearing jewelry (other than one pair of stud earrings): If, prior to the start of the exercise, the Chief Judge observes that the gym­nast is wearing jewelry, the judge must warn the athlete of the deduction. If the athlete disregards the warning and continues to wear the jewelry, the judge'S responsibility is to apply the deduction of 0.10 from the aver­age score. The judge may not deny the athlete the right to compete.

If the judge does not notice that the gymnast is wearing jewelry lmtil she has started the exercise or has dismounted, the Chief Judge must then warn the gymnast of the deduction for any subsequent events. If a warn­ing is given, either prior to or after the exercise, the Chief Judge must then notify (in writing) the Meet Referee (if not an acting judge) or the Chief Judge(s) on subsequent events that a warning has been issued, indicating the name/ competitor number of the gymnast. If the gymnast disregards the warning and continues to wear the jewelry on any subsequent event(s), the 0.10 deduction may then be applied to the average of each/ all event(s), regardless of whether the judge notices the jewelry prior to, dur­ing, or upon completion of the exercise.

III. ACTIVE STATUS A. Clinic credits

L. Thorberg brought up the possibility of using the Safety Certification course as a means to earn two credits once every four years for their JCI Active Status. The committee discussed this and felt that the intent of the Active Status credits was for specific judges' training clinics. No motion was made.

B. Judges who have not fulfilled active status requirements. According to the R & P, all judges must fulfill their USAG / JCI active status annually in order to be assigned to judge. The committee members decided that they needed more information prior to mak­ing a policy that deals with allowing judges who have not completed active status to be assigned in the event that there is a shortage of officials. Tabled-members are directed to contact their states to find out if there has been a problem in servicing the number of meets due to a lack of fulfillment of active status requirements.

IV. ELITE COURSE M. Dykes brought to the table the request to have the Elite Course taught using Jr. Olympic rules since the Elite course participants rarely, if ever, judge Elite competitions.

A. Schweyer presented the concept of the course being are-certification process rather than a testing situation. The following ideas were cliscussed:

• Validity of teaching the Elite course under Elite rules. Emphasis on technique

• Testing for individuals attempting to achieve an Elite rating for the first time only Goals of the course The name to remain "Elite Course"

• Tentative date: July or August of 2001

Recommendation that all judges who currently have an Elite rating may recertify by attending the course and taking a monitored self-exam. All individuals attending the Elite Course for the first time must take a the­oretical and practical exam and achieve a designated score to achieve an Elite rating. Motion-M. Dykes Second-C. Sielski PASSED

Recommendation that all current Elite judges, as well as all judges who have completed two cycles (since 1993-1994 season) with a Level 10 rat­ing be invited to attend the 2001 Women's Elite Judges' Course. Motion- C. Bunge Second-M. Elfenbein PASSED

Recommendation that the 2001 Women's Elite Judges' Course be pre­sented with a major emphasis on technique and using a predominant USAG-Jr. Olympic rule base. Motion-M. Dykes Second-L. Thorberg PASSED

V. NATIONAL ELITE TESTING PROGRAM A. Schweyer explained the new concept of judging by categories, but explained that she will present to the EPC in Jan. or Feb. the idea of using some specific deductions to deal with such occurrences as an incomplete element.

A. Schweyer would like to create a video to show good, average and poor

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examples of each part of the exercises to give guidance to judges. A video has already been developed for the purpose of showing each section of the exercise performed by a left and a right dominant gymnast and is avail­able for purchase through USA Gymnastics Member Services.

VI. JR. OLYMPIC COMPULSORY CONCERNS Level 4 Start Values: Clarification on page 60 of the 1999-2000 WOlllen 's Rules and Policies, II. A. 12-bullet: For invitationals that have Level 4 competition, the meet infor­mation must indicate the Start Values that have been determined by the State Board of the state in which the meet is held.

Compulsory Vaults: M. Elfenbein expressed concerns in regards to differentiating between the squat vaults for Level 4. ReeelfllfleRaatieR eiieeti'te Atlgtlst 1, i!999, te iRerease tke ladE ei e)(teR sieR (e~eR) adefe laRaiRg irelfl "U~ te 9.59" te "U~ te 1.99" ief tke be tel 4 S tJ:tlat Va tilt. Motion-C. Christensen Second-C. Bunge Vote 4 in favor 5 opposed. DEFEATED

Recommendation that the WTC and the JOPC review the Level 4 squat vault deductions and obtain input from their region's coaches and judges in order to make any recommendations to the WTC regarding the possible alteration or addition of any deductions. Motion-A. Schweyer Second-C. Christensen PASSED

Clarification: If, when performing the Level 4 Squat vault, the gymnast never lands on the feet (i.e., falls forward onto hands first), the vault will be scored as 0 (VOID vault).



Clarification: When judging the Compulsory Handspring vault (and all vaults at Level 7), the angle at which the body leaves the horse (angle of repulsion) is determined by the line drawn from the hands to the lowest body part.

Compulsory Uneven Bars: Discussion ensued regarding the deductions for casts and clear hips and the application of casting deductions

It was clarified that the line drawn to determine the angle be drawn from the mid-point of the shoulders through the mid-point of the lowest body part. Note: This also applies when determining the angles for the required cast and circling element in Level 7.

Recommendation for all Glide kip mounts: If the gymnast performs a run-out glide instead of jumping from two feet to perform the glide, a 0.30 deduction is applied, effective January 1,2000. Motion-C. Bunge Second-C. Sielski PASSED

Compulsory Beam: Clarification: If the gymnast falls on the handstand prior to the dismount in Level 5 or 6, the timing of the routines commences as usual; that is, when the gymnast resumes a position to begin her exercise again, not when she has attained the handstand position again.

Clarification: When evaluating a gymnastics or acro series that is not con­nected due to a fall after the first element, only the first attempt at the first element is judged. If, after the fall, the gymnast repeats the entire series in order to avoid the penalty for the stop, judging begins with the connection and the second element. Note: This principle applies to Level 7 also when evaluating the requirements that designate a direct connection.







(continued on page 32)


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WOMEN'S TECHNICAL COMMlnEE MEETING (continued from page 31)

Compulsory Floor Exercise: Recommendation that a deduction of 1.00 be used if a Level 3, 4, 5 or 6 compulsory routine is performed without music, effective January 1, 2000.

Motion-A. Schweyer Second-C Christensen PASSED

Clarification. The number of rwming steps into tumbling passes is written specifically in the compulsory text. If the gynmast takes more than the allotted number of steps/runs, a deduction of 0.10 for each extra step is taken.

Compulsory Beam and Floor Turns There has been confusion regarding the proper turn preparations on beam and floor. Clarification of the description of turn techniques as found in the Glossary of the J.O. Compulsory book, page 180: Turn preparation: Flat-Releve. A turn preparation which steps onto a flat front foot with a straight leg, then immediately rises up to the ball of the foot. Add the word immediately prior to "rise up." (Add the same wording for Lunge and 4th position plie preparations).

Recommendation that, if the gymnast fai ls to use correct weight trans­fer technique (Le. rise immediately onto the ball of foot in the prepara­tion), a 0.30 deduction is applied, effective January 1, 2000. (Example: Gynmast steps onto flat foot, brings back foot to coupe and pauses, then rises to releve to perform the turn, as per the drill used in the National Elite Testing program.) Motion-C Christensen Second-C Bunge PASSED

VII. JR. OLYMPIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE REPORT T. Koll reported on the upcoming Women's High Performance Coaching Seminar in June of 2000 and also the plans for the 2001 seminars to be con­ducted regionally. He also indicated that although the compulsory rou­tines will not be changing until the summer of 2005, there will be new music available as an alternative, starting in the fall of 2001.

VIII. WOMEN'S ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD REPORT J. Greenhawk reported that the WAB has initiated a new financial report­ing system. Also, the 2000 State Chair Workshop and Women's Program Summit dinner will be held Thursday, August 17 in Boston in conjunction with National Congress and Olympic Trials. The voting power of the Chairperson was also discussed; the Women's program committees follow Roberts Rules of Order, which states that the Chair votes only in the case of a tie or in a closed vote.

Greenhawk also reported that the RC's had concerns regarding the inequality of the number of judges assigned per region to the Level 9 E/W Championships, They indicated that the Regional accounts would finan­cially support the inclusion of additional judges.

Recommendation that, for the 2000 Level 9 East/West Championships, a minimum of three judges per region will be assigned, with a maximum of 2 judges per region per panel. Motion-M. Dykes Second- L. Thorberg PASSED

IX. NAWGJ REPORT J. Grenfell distributed Yvonne Hodge's report, indicating that as of October 1999, the NAWGJ membership was 2015. The next National Judges' Cup will be held January 7-9,2000 at the Texas Sports Ranch out­side of Houston. Also, five members of NAWGJ met with NCAA coaches

in May with the purpose of gaining a positive perspective on how to solve some problems regarding the assignment of officials, affiliation, standard­iza tion of fees and judges' education for consistency in scoring.

X. NCAA REPORT P. Panichas reported that a video has been developed, through the National Association of Collegiate Coaches/ W (NACGC), for use as a Base Score for NCAA regular season meets in 2000. Each RJD received a copy and a group of judges evaluated the exercises. These scores will be compiled and a final script will be sent with the video to each collegiate gymnastics program. The meet referee will be responsible for conducting the judges meeting to review this video. Thanks to Connie Maloney and Mary Roth (Ball State) for their work on this project.

Marie Robbins is the newly elected chair of NCAA Women's Gynmastics Committee. Sharon Cessna is the assistant director of championships and Mike Jacki is the newly-elected president of the National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches (NACGC).

Panichas reminded the RTCs that all skill evaluations received from colle­giate coaches are to be evaluated the same as Jr. Olympic Level 10. Also, the allowable score range used for the Jr. Olympic program should also be used for the collegiate program.

Panichas highlighted the changes and clarifications for the 2000 season. The two major changes are:

Beam #9.408 double saIto backward dismount tuck or pike = E Floor If an additional mat is used on floor that exceeds the bound­

ary lines, the mat must be clearly marked with tape or chalk to indicate the actual boundary lines. Failure to mark the mat will result in a .10 deduction taken off the average. Note: The WTC reqllested that the NCAA report on the sllccess of this procedllre prior to taking any action for the Jr. Olympic Program.

A rule update with a list of collegiate element values that are different from Level 10 and the Collegiate Vault Chart will be published in the January 2000 Technique magazine and also on the USA Gynmastics website.

XI. JR. OLYMPIC OPTIONAL CONCERNS Level 7 Floor Exercise: Clarification: If the gymnast performs a Round-off, Back Layout, Flic-flac instead of Round-off, Flic-flac, Back Layout, deduct 0.80 for the value of the element.

Optional Vault Discussion was held regarding the possible addition of vaults that have a % turn on-% turn off to front saIto. The committee was in agreement to follow the FIG Code, which recognizes the Phelps type vaults (#3.407, 3.408 & 3.508) as requiring a 1/2 turn on. No action was taken at this time.

The Jr. Olympic Program Committee had expressed concerns regarding the expectations for the "opening" of vaults that land facing the horse (especially the Tsukaharas), as well as the overall evaluation of this type of vault. The WTC made the following clarification regarding the "Opening" deduction of "up to 0.50":

N,O DEDUCTION .~5 .. ~.o DEIDUCTION .1 5 \, n . .20········ ... \,


The opening deduction for vault should reflect the body shape prior to landing. The "up to 0.50 " deduction should be applied according to small, medium and large errors regarding the body shape.

Note: The dotted lines seen below in the middle illustra tion refer to the degree of closure of the upper body toward the legs.

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Note: If a gymnast begins to extend or completely extends the hips prior to landing, but upon landing cannot maintain the upper body posture and closes the upper torso downward toward the legs (compresses), the "up to 0.30" deduction for "additional movements to maintain balance" can be applied.

Optional Bars: Changes in the Jr. Olympic Technical Handbook for Coaches and Judges: Page 73 C. and page 81 II. A. 3rd bullet under "Flight includes": Change the wording to "Elements performed with the release-hop in which both hands release the bar simultaneously and finish in "a different" grip with the hop completed within 10°.

At the completion of the bullets, add: Exceptions: The following elements listed in the J.O. Element Supplement do not fulfill the requirements of the above descriptions of flight elements, but will be considered flight elements for the J.D. Program:

Straddle cut catch to hang #*1.204

Backward giant with hop 1/1 turn in handstand phase #*4.505

Clarification: A Backward giant, hop with !j2 turn to same grip will NOT be considered flight.

Clarification: When performing a cast hop-grip change to handstand, the hop-grip change as well as the handstand position must be completed within 10° of vertical to be considered as flight for Special Requirement. If the gymnast casts with legs straddled and hops her grip, it will still be considered a flight element, provided that the handstand position (with the legs joined) and the hop are both completed within 10° of vertical. If the legs are not closed during the actual hopping phase of the cast, it will still fulfill the requirement of flight provided the above requirements are met.

Our Gvmnastics MayBe Mediocre, But Our Insurance Can't Be Beat.

XII. CRITERIA FOR ASSIGNMENT TO REGIONAL! NATIONAL MEETS c. Bunge asked the committee to clarify the state/ regional board's juris­diction in regards to imposing additional criteria for assignment (beyond what is required in the R & Pl. It was determined that the Regional Board does have the right to request additional criteria, provided that such crite­ria is published in a timely manner, providing all judges with the oppor­tunity to fulfill those expectations if they are interested in being consid­ered for an assignment.

XIII. CONGRESS SPEAKERS The committee requested that a disclaimer be used at National Congress regarding the speakers that are not part of our National Committee struc­ture indicating that their presentations are unofficial and represent their opinion only.

XIV. VIDEO EVALUATION The committee completed its work on the Base Score videos for Level 7 and 8, as well as for Level 9 East/West and Level 10 Nationals. All past Base score videos and Judges' Training videos were reviewed in light of the clarifications made on the application of vault opening deductions. Cheryl Hamilton thanked the committee for their diligence with these projects and complimented them for the amount of work accomplished at the meeting.

Next meeting will be held May 19-21, 2000 in Indianapolis, in coniunction with the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors meeting.

Approved by Robert V. Colarossi, President December 10, 1999

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I. ROLL CALL: Tom KoU, Chairman, called Meeting to order at 12:00 noon Central Time.

Present: Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 WTCC JOPM Sr. WPD

Absent: Region 4 EPC WAB Athlete Rep

Neil Resnick Laurie Reid Cheryl Jarrett John Geddert Larry Goldsmith Mike Milchanowski Tim Rand Cheryl Hamilton Connie Maloney Kathy Kelly

Don Houlton Roe Kreutzer Jan Greenhawk Amanda Borden

II. REVIEW OF THE DECISION TO DISALLOW 20 CM MATS AT JR. OLYMPIC COMPETITIONS At the May 1999 meeting, the Jr. Olympic Program Committee stated that 20-cm mats are not approved fo r Jr. Olympic competitions. The gymnas­tics community has requested that the committee review this decision in light of the fact that many competitions are conducted in college facili ties or other such facilities that have already purchased the 20-cm mats.

A. Recommendation to allow (but not require) the use of 20-cm landing mats for Vault, Bars and Beam at all Jr. Olympic competi­tions (including Invitationals) with the fo llowing stipulations:

1. Vault: The committee recommended that when a 20-cm. landing mat is used, one 10-12 cm landing mat also be provided, if possible.

2. Bars: The High bar must be capable of being raised to a height of 24S-cm (± 1 cm) measured from the floor to the top of the rail. Regardless of the measurement, the rails must be adjusted only to a position that locks-in with a dual locking mechanism that meets the manufacturer's recommended safety parameters.

3. Beam: The Beam must be adjustable to 12S-cm in height to use the 20-cm. mat.

B. Recommendation that the Meet Entry packet for all USA Gymnastics competitions MUST include specific information regarding the equipment and matting to be provided at each event.

Note: It is ultimately the coach's responsibility to confirm the type of equipment / matting that will be available, especially if that information is not clearly stated in the Meet Entry packet.

Motion-M. Milchanowski Second-L. Reid PASSED, S in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstention

Note: President Robert Colarossi informed the committee that equipment specifica tions are under the jurisdiction of the National Office, in conjunc­tion with safety and legal consul. Since FIG sets the international standard, our programs cannot be more restrictive than the International governing body of the sport in regards to equipment.

II. EQUIPMENt/ MATTING AT LEVEL i 0 REGIONALS/ NATIONALS The committee also expressed concern regarding the equipment at Level 10 Regionals and Nationals. According to the present contract (through the year 2000) wi th American Athletic (AAI), the national equipment sponsor, only 12-cm landing mats will be used at the Level 10 Regional meets as well as Jr. Olympic National Championships.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:40 PM.

Approved by Robert V. Cola rossi, President


ERRATA please make the fo llowing corrections/ additions:


29 d . Cast to a min imum of 60°: 1) change last line to read: "the shoulders to the mid-point of the lowest body part. 2) Change 2nd line to read : "to the mid-point of the lowest body part.

31 e. Circling Element, 4) Change 2nd line to read: to the mid-point of the lowest body part ...

35 #2 Round-off, fl ic-flac , back saito stretched to two feet requ irement: Add to bottom of page under "performs a : Round-off, Back Layout, Flic-flac - deduct 0.80

55 Add to bottom of page: ·Clarification of Opening deduction of "up to 0.50"- . The opening deduction should reflect the body shape prior to landing. The "up to 0.50" .. eduction is applied, according to small, medium, and large errors in regards to the body shape. The following illustration refers to the degree of closure of the upper body towards the legs.

If the gymnast begins to extend or com-NO DEDUCTION .05 \~O DEDUCTION MAXIMUM DEDUCTION (.50)


pletely extends the hips prior to landing, i ·,5

\, 94-but upon landing, cannot maintain the fI . . .20--------- __ \. upper body posture and closes the upper torso downward toward the legs '~3~40·:·;:·:> (compresses), the "up to 0.30" deduction for additional movements to maintain L~ balance" is applied.

- ---

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73 C. under "Flight includes" Change 3rd bul let to read : Elements kerformed wi th release-hop in which both hands release the bar simultaneously and finish in a different grip wi th the hop comp eted within 10° of handstand.

At the completion of the bullets, add: Exceptions: The following elements listed in the J.O. Element Supplement do not fulfill the requirements of the above descriptions of flight elements, but WILL BE CONSIDERED FLIGHT elements for the J.O. Program:

Straddle cut catch to hang # "1.204 Backward giant with hop 1 /1 turn in handstand phase # "4.505

Clarification: A backward giant, hop with 1j2 turn to same grip (#4.201) will NOT be considered flight. C. 1. Add a bullet: When performing a cast hop-grip change to handstand, the hop-grip change as well as the handstand position must be completed within 10° of vertical to be considered as flight for Special Requirement. If the gymnast casts and hops her grip with legs straddled, it will still be considered a flight element, provided that both the handstand position (with the legs joined) and the hop are completed within 10° of vertical. If the legs are not closed during the actual hopping phase of the cast, it will still fulfill the requirement of flight provided the above requirements are met.

81 II. A. Under Note: Flight includes: Change 3rd bullet to read: Elements kerformed with release-hop in which both hands release the bar simultaneously and finish in a different grip with the hop comp eted with in 10° of handstand.

At the completion of the bullets, add: Exceptions: The following elements listed in the J.O. Element Supplement do not fulfill the requirements of the above descriptions of flight elements, but WILL BE CONSIDERED FLIGHT elements for the J.O. Program:

Straddle cut catch to hang # "1.204 Backward giant with hop 1 /1 turn in handstand phase # "4.505

Clarification: A backward giant, hop with 1j2 turn to same grip (#4.201) will NOT be considered flight.

Appendix J.O. Element Supplement: Change vault value of vau lt #54.421 (Round-off, flic-flac on- 2 / 1 twist off) from 9.9 to 9.7 i-l

Appendix Bar symbol chart: Add to dismounts-Group B: under #B.50B the symbol for Front giant to Double Front saito iii ("E" for J.O.)

Appendix Level 7 Scoresheet: Diagram of the deductions for incomplete turn completion at far right is incorrect: O.BO deduction is at 1BO°. vii i Replace the O.B with 1.BO for "more than 1 BO° incomplete". Refer to diagram on page 3B.

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Page 36: Technique Magazine - January 2000

MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 1999 John Hancock U.S. Championships Sacramento, CA August 26, 1999

I. ROLL CALL Meeting called to order at 8:20 p .m MST by Chair, Marc Yancey.

Members Present:

Marc Yancey

George Beckstead

Greg Corsiglia

Tim Daggett

Mark Williams

Barry Weiner

Chris Waller

Ron Galimore

Dennis McIntyre

Peter Kormann

Chair MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep.

FIG Rep.

Jr. Coaches Rep.

Vice-Chair for Men (absent)

Sr. Coaches Rep.

Sr. Coaches Rep.

Athlete's Rep.

Men's Program Director (voice, no vote)

Men's Program Manager (voice, no vote)

National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 27, 1999 Approve MPC minutes of 4/27/99.

Motion-Mark Williams Second-Chris Waller PASSED 6-0

III. STAFF CHANGES AT USA GYMNASTICS Ron Galimore spoke about changes made in the USA Gymnastics office. New to the staff is Jerry Nelson, who is the Grassroots Director. Chris Sanders was promoted to the Director of Properties position.

IV. MEET REPORTS A. Pan Am Games-USA team finished 2nd. Ron Galimore and

Mark Williams reviewed the competition and summarized their reports.

B. World University Games-USA team finished 13th. Ron Galimore and Peter Kormann discussed the high level of the competition and the drawbacks to the seeded draw that took place.

C. Separation of Teams-Ron Galimore expressed the view that having two teams compete at two different meets within such a short period of time, weakened the USA's team effort.

V. MEET INVITATIONS Ron Galimore listed the upcoming invitations and discussed the specifics about the dates, the numbers invited and other particulars.

• African Games-send a judge

• Jr. Japan Exhibition-Sept. 28, one or two Jr. athletes and coach

• Jr. French Meet-Oct. 29 & 30, two Jr. athletes and coach • DTB-Nov.25-29 • American Cup- Feb. 21-27, Qualifiers Jan. 16 & Feb. 15. • Canberra Cup-Dec. 7-12, two Jr. athletes and coach • Ukraine Jr. Meet-Dec. 7-12, Jr. team meet • French Team Competition-April 22 & 23, 2000 • Sr. Pacific Alliance, New Zealand-April 19-23, 2000

VI. 1999 WORLD TEAM TRIALS Ron Galimore and George Beckstead discussed the judging situation for the World Team Trials. The number of judges needed for the event and the financial costs were reviewed.

Select 12 judges for the World Team Trials, the 6 NAL's and 6 TA's.

Motion-Mark Williams Second-Greg Corsiglia PASSED 6-0

VII. 2000 OLYMPIC TEAM COACH SELECTION Ron Galimore confirmed that the office was taking applications for the 2000 Olympic Coach position. Applications would be discussed at the World Team Trials MPC meeting. Peter Kormann made several recommendations to the committee about empowering the coach with the tools to be successful.

VIII. WORLD TEAM SCHEDULE Ron Galimore and Peter Kormann listed the dates for the World Team's Training camp and Competition. The Head Coach is Peter Kormann and the Assistant Coaches are Vitally Marinitch and Yoichi Tomita.

Sept. 22-29

Sept. 30

Oct. 1

Oct. 2-7

Oct. 9

Oct. 10

Training Camp at Mich. St.

Depart for China from Detroit

Arrive in China

Training in China and Podium on the 7th

Team Competition Begins

USA Team Session

The athlete's personal coaches will arrive before the podium training.

Marc Yancey called for an Executive Session.

• The committee discussed World Championships judges; Harry Bjerke and Abie Grossfeld were selected.

• The agenda items for Kansas City were established; National Team Coach, Judges Proposal, changes to the U.s. Championships format and the Web Site.

• The election for the Chairman of the Men's Program Committee was held; Marc Yancey was re-elected.

Meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m. MST.

Submitted by Mark Wells Williams, secretary, USA Gymnastics Men 's Program Committee.

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USA GYMNASTICS MEN'S PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING Kansas City, Missouri World Team Trials September 15-17,1999

I. ROLL CALL Meeting called to order at 11:00 p.m. & 9:30 a.m. CST by Chair Marc Yancey Members Present: Marc Yancey George Beckstead Greg Corsiglia Tim Daggett Mark Williams Barry Weiner Chris Waller Ron Galimore Dennis McIntyre Peter Kormann

Chair MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair for Men (absent) Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Athlete's Rep. Men's Program Director (voice, no vote) Men's Program Manager (voice, no vote) National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote)

II. APPROVAL OF MPC MINUTES Motion-Mark Williams Approve minutes of August 17 & 20, 1999, with the addition of Peter Kormann's verbal disagreement with the Judge's Evaluation Program. Second-Greg Corsiglia PASSED 6-0

Motion-Mark Williams Approve minutes of August 26,1999. Second-Barry Weiner PASSED 6-0

III. NGJA REPRESENTATIVE TO THE MPC John Scheer submitted a proposal for: an NGJA representative to be re-admitted to the MPC; resumes sent to the MPC for potential inter­national judging assignments; and return of the NGJA doing judging selections. Discussion about the reasons for the elimination of the judge'S position on the MPC several years ago followed. Ron stated that a FIG judging representative is already a member of the commit­tee. The MPC agreed that there needs to be a better relationship with the NGJA through good communication and mutual understandings. An effort will be made to inform the NGJA about the process of selecting judges. As published in previous minutes, Ron Galimore with the MPC approving or disapproving the selections makes inter­national assignments. Judges may send their resume to Ron Galimore for future considerations for international assignments.

IV. 2000 OLYMPIC COACH GUIDELINES PRESENTED BY PETER KORMANN The five recommendations are 1) The 2000 Olympic head coach should posses a certain degree of autonomy and report directly to

the MPC. 2) The coach should be directed to forward all athlete and coach selections for all events throughout the year to the MPC. The coach must serve as the head coach for all US team events through­out the 1999-2000 season. 3) The coach should select his own assis­tant Olympic coach. 4) The coach should direct and manage a coach's bonus fund of no less than $10,000. 5) The coach should be placed on the MPC as a full voting member.

Motion-Chris Waller Approve Kormann's recommendations. Second-Barry Weiner PASSED 6-0

V. NATIONAL TEAM STATUS Clarification of the rank order. The top 14 at U.S. Championships make up the Men's National Team. The National Team ranking is final after the World Trials.

VI. 2000 OLYMPIC COACH SELECTION Ron Galimore asked for more time in reviewing the applicants to the position. Some coaches would like more time to submit their name as well. The deadline for submission will be extended to September 29th

The MPC will organize a subcommittee to review applicants.

VII. SCORE EVALUATION FOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS ATHLETE SELECTION Throughout the trials, the MPC reviewed potential team scores and evaluated athlete's contributions to that team. Immediately following the Friday night competition, the committee will determine the 6th athlete selected through score analysis and reviewing the team's strengths and weaknesses.

VIII. FIG CODE OF POINTS UPDATE George Beckstead reported on the FIG proposed code by Hardy Fink.

IX. OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTERS TEXACO INVOLVEMENT The gymnastics community has asked questions about the involve­ment of Texaco as a sponsor. Greg Corsiglia reported on the percep­tion of problems that have been created by giving the money to the training centers. Ron Galimore responded with information on how the Texaco involvement has freed money to go to other areas. Discussion followed about the process of securing this sponsorship and the perceived lack of communication with the gymnastics com­munity. Mark Williams suggested that the component of Texaco's National Team sponsorship would better serve the men's community if its dollars were used to provide travel money, apparel and training expenses to all the National Team members. This would give more exposure for their dollar than separating themselves with a "Team Texaco." Dennis McIntyre responded with this sponsorship being an evolutionary process. Using sponsorship for the men's program is in its infancy and we need to learn the best way to deal with it. In the future, there needs to be care taken to make inclusions to all National


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Team members for USA Gymnastics sponsorships. A financial review of the arrangement with the Houston facility followed. The separa­tion of the Texaco program and the boys club program was discussed. The relationship of the NTC coaches, their club and USAG were dis­cussed and clarified. It was stated that a consistent approach to this relationship needs to be established.

x. COACHES INCENTIVE MONEY National Training Center coaches are doing a job for USA Gymnastics. They work for USA Gymnastics and are currently getting the addi­tional funding from the coaches incentive program. Discussion fol­lowed and this issue would be revisited after talking wi th the gym­nastics community.

Motion-Barry Weiner Adjourn meeting. Second-Mark Williams PASSED 6-0

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. CST

Submitted by Mark Williams, secretary, USA Gymnastics Men 's Program Committee.

Note: The committee met after the World Trials competition and determined that Steve McCain would be the athlete selected for the 6th position on the team.


I. ROLL CALL Meeting called to order at 11:10 a.m. CST by Chair Marc Yancey

Members Present: Marc Yancey George Beckstead Greg Corsiglia Tim Daggett Mark Williams Barry Weiner Chris Waller Ron Galimore Dennis McIntyre Peter Kormann

Chair MPC & Jr. Coaches Rep. FIG Rep. Jr. Coaches Rep. Vice-Chair for Men Sr. Coaches Rep. Sr. Coaches Rep. Athlete's Rep. Men's Program Director (voice, no vote) Men's Program Manager (voice, no vote) National Team Coordinator (voice, no vote) (absent)

II. PETITIONS TO THE SR. NATIONAL TEAM The following athletes have submitted a petition to the National Team: Justin Toman, Mike Dutka, Trent Wells and Jason Gaston .

Discussion focused on athletes competing at the nationals and the tri­als and not making the team through the regular process. Petitioned athletes were encouraged to apply for Program Grant money for needed funding .

Motion- Marc Yancey Accept petitions ofTrent Wells and Justin Toman to the National Team through Winter Cup. Deny Mike Dutka's petition. Accept Jason Gaston's petition to the National Team through the 2000 U.s. Championships. All positions are non-funded and uruanked. Second-Barry Weiner PASSED 6-0

III. WINTER CUP FORMAT The top three athletes from rank order who finishes in the top 10 in the all-around, not already on the Sr. National Team, will be added to the team from the Winter Cup. Automatic qualifiers to the Winter Cup include athletes who are currently on the Sr. and Jr. National Teams, ranked and unranked, Sr. athletes who have competed at the U.S. Championships in any of the championships of 1997, 1998 or 1999. The top 15 Jr. athletes from Class I and Class II at the 1999 J.O. Nationals as well as any Jr 's who qualified to the 1999 U.S. Championships.

IV. 2000 OLYMPIC SELECTION PROCEDURES The USOC needs a final confirmation on the 2000 OlympiC Selection Procedures. Should amendments be made to one of the proposals sent to the USOC? Should the MPC:

• Elect to lock four spots and select two athletes?

• The committee would not be bound to using athletes based solely on their four event or five event totals.

• Athletes that petitioned into the 2000 Olympic Trials would be eligible for only one of the two selected spots.

• The top ranked athlete from the 1999 World Trials could petition

• Directly onto the team.

Their discussion points were based on the experiences with selecting teams for the 1999 Pan Am Games and the 1999 World Team. Discussion about the funding program and when it would be earned was tabled.

V. OLYMPIC COACH SElECTION The 2000 Olympic Coach selection will be discussed and made by the MPC on Oct. 21. This selection will then be forwarded to the USOC for final approval.

Motion-Barry Weiner Adjourn meeting. Second-Mark Williams PASSED 6-0

Meeting adjoumed at 1:00 p.m. CST

Submitted by Mark Williams, secretary, USA Gymnastics Men's Program Committee.

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Page 39: Technique Magazine - January 2000

Flips Gymnastics in Conroe, Texas, sells "Yard Signs" as a fundraiser to all the gym­nasts and their families. Larry Anderson, Owner of Flips Gymnastics said, "Many other sports teams in our community highlight their ath­letes by displaying yard signs in the athlete's front yards. The gymnasts at Flips are proud of their accomplish­ments and now, they too, are advertising their talents on the lawns of our community."

The girls booster club parents came up with the idea and now both the boys and girls at Flips sell the signs as a fund raiser.

Anderson said, "The booster club works with a sign com­pany who prints and assembles the signs on a wooden stake so they're ready to go when we get them. (The sign is made out of a plastic material.) We sell the signs for $15 and make about a $6 profit on each one sold."

The Yard Signs have been a good money-maker and pro­motional tool for the gym and the gymnasts!

The following Membership Statement has been adopted by the Board of Directors of USA Gymnastics:

Membership in USA Gymnastics is a privilege granted by USA Gymnastics. That pri vi lege can be withdrawn by USA Gymnastics at any time where a member's conduct is determined to be inconsistent with the best interest of the sport of gymnastics and of the athletes we are servicing.

The following former professional members have been terminated or have a lifetime ban with USA Gymnastics and/or will not be allowed to renew their membershi p:

Charles Theodore Bates MN John S. Moore WV Vince Brown SC William Munsinger MN larry Dutch ME William M. Permenter Fl Matthew H. Erichsen WA John H. Row DE William Alexander Etheridge TN Steve Shirley MO Rick Fe'uerstein CA Blake Steven Starr UT Joseph Fountain MD

Mark Swift Fl Roy larry Gallagher PA Robert Allen Gamer {Bob) TN

Freddie Eugene Tafoya, Jr. CA

Ricardo "Chico" Goddard NY Jon Oliver Kenneth Thomas VA

Robert Dean Head KY Brent Trottier WA

Frank Hohman, Jr. PA Joel Velasquez OR

Milos Hroch CA David Paul Waage OR

Steven L. Infante CT Steve Waples TX Dana Koppendrayer Fl lyf Christian Wilden berg MN

'l\ln~H ~Q~l!I't'lBIA GYM,.ASTI(S ASSOCIATION SUSPENSIONS USA Gymnastics has been notified that the British Columbia Gymnastics Association has permanently suspended membership in the BCGA for the following individuals;

John Henderson, Kamloops, BC Canada Donald Ray Mathey, langley, BC Canada Wayne Andrews, Courtenay, BC Canada

llOOO Elite Testing Video Illustrates Elite Testing routines. #2470 ................................ $10

National Elite Testing ProgriUD Manual Under the direction of the National Coaching Staff and the Elite Program Committee, USA Gymnastics has produced this developmental program to assist our elite coaches in the training and preparation of our athletes. THIS IS A PRE·REQUISITE FOR ALL FIRST·TIME ELITE ATHLETES. 1997; USAG; 23pp #3&4& ...................................... $10

T esling Video The video covers all of the "Skills Testing" items that ore

required for National TOP Testing. This video DOES NOT include the "Physicol Abilities Test" items.

Running time of the video is 40 minutes. #1121 ...................................................... $15

National TOP Manual The 1999 National TOP Manual will take you through the Talent Opportunity Program from beginning to end explaining in detail the Regional Physical Abilities Testing items and the National Gymnastics Skills Test items. The new Manual now contains all of the text thus eliminating the need to cross reference to the National Elite Testing Text. #1120 .................................................... $10




USA Gymnastics - WOmen

Ho_to Open a (iy.nnasti<:s Business ... or DIaL;e your Business BeHer! USA Gymnastics developed this booklet with two goals in mind - to help you determine if starting a club is the right decision for you, and to improve your chances of success with your new business. Since so many of the steps involved in opening a gymnastics school are intertwined, we suggest you read through this entire booklet first before you get started. 1998; Loree Galimore; 82pp #3&07 .............................. $15.00

Order aR page 40 DR CALL 1-800-34S-4119

Page 40: Technique Magazine - January 2000

#10004 Level 4 Pin ...................... ........ $S.OO

#10005 Level 5 Pin ................................ $S.OO

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#1 0007 Level 7 Pin .. ..................... .. ....... $S.OO

#10008 Level 8 Pin ................................ $S.OO

#1000S LevelS Pin .... ..... .. ...... ....... ..... ... $S.OO

#10010 Level 10 Pin .............................. $S.OO

# 1 00 11 S.O Club Pin .......... ........... ......... $S.OO

USA Gy ... nasli«:s

LeTel Pins

Use this farm to order merchandise

an pages 39, 41, and

I NAME ........................................................................................................................................ PHONE ........................................................................... ... abave.

I AODRESS ................................................................................................... .................................. .. ................................................................................................................. ..

I CITY ................................................................ ... ........................................................................ ............................ ............................. STATE ...................... ZIP ................................... .

I I GYMNASTICS MEMBERSHIP # ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .

I CHARGE: 0 VISA ~ PREFERS VISA' 0 OTHER Exp. DATE .. .................. .. ... ............................................................................................... ..

I CARD # ................ .... ......................... ..................................................... .......... ......... ........... SIGNATURE ............. .......................................................................................................................... .





-- INTERNATIONAL -- MEMBERSHIP # I 1-800-34S-4719 TlOO PLEASE CALL FOR EXAa SHIPPING RATE " I I Membership dlleounl eon on~ be opplted 10 pu"hOl,. 01 opporel ond no,,11y Ilems. No d"ounl on videO!. - I .... _------------------------------_ ...

Page 41: Technique Magazine - January 2000


VIDEOS Order an page 40

DR CALL 1-800-34S-4719


#2608 What is General Gymnastics? .................................. $10.00 This video helps answer the question, What is General Gymnastics?

#2609 1997 Swedish TeamGym ........................................ $15.00 This video shows examples of TeamGym competition.

#2610 1999 World Gymnaestrada-The USA Experience .......... $15.00 This video is the USA routines from the World Gymnaestrada in Gdteborg, Sweden.


1999 Competition Videos

#2131 1999 American Classic Jr. International Competition .. $15.00

#2132 1999 American Classic Sr. International Competition .. $15.00

#2133 1999 American Cup Pre lims. & Finals ...................... $15.00

#2134 1999 Li Ning Cup-US routines from China ................ $10.00

#2135 1999 International Team Championships Juniors ...... $15.00

#2136 1999 International Team Championships Seniors ...... $15.00

#2137 1999 US Classic Juniors (2 Tapes) .... .. .......... .......... $20.00

#2138 1999 US Classic Seniors (2 Tapes) .......... ....... .......... . $20.00

#2139 1999 National Gym Festival (2 Tapes) ...................... $20.00

*#2140 1999 John Hancock National Championships Juniors (2 Tapes) .................................................. $25.00

*#2141 1999 John Hancock National Championships Sr. AA Finals .................................... ........ ............ $20.00

*#2142 1999 John Hancock National Championships Sr. Event Finals ........ .. .. ................ .... $10.00

*#2143 1999 World Team Trials (2 Tapes) ............................ $25.00


All of these videos include a written script.

#2191 Level 5&6 Judges Training Video (2 Tapes) .............. $29.95

#2195 Level 7 Judges Training Video ................................ $19.95

#2192 Level 8 Judges Training Video ................................ $19.95

#2193 Level 9 Judges Training Video ................................ $19.95

#2194 Level 10 Judges Training Video .............................. $19.95


#2105 J.O. Program Compulsory Video Level 1-6 ................ $35 .00

#2127 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's Incorporating Leg Swings into Your Workouts .......... $20.00

#2498 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Train a Front Handspri ng Safely .......... ...... .... $20.00

#2499 Tammy Biggs & Larry Nassar's How to Master a Perfect Handstand .............. .... ...... $20.00

#2961 Gheza Pozsar's Ballet Bar Training for Gymnasts ........ $10.00

#2962 Bela Karolyi's Running Training Video ...................... $10.00


1999 Competition Videos

*#2274 1999 John Hancock National Championships ............ $20.00

*#2275 1999 World Team Trials ............ .......... .................... $20.00


#2221 Men's Compulsory Program Video, Class V-VII ............ $19.95

# 61 Men's Future Stars Video, 10-11 Compo Routines ...... $19.95


1999 Competition Videos

#2369 1999 Rhythmic Challenge (2 Tapes) ........................ $19.95

#2370 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Junior Event Finals (2 Tapes) ............................................ $15.00

#2371 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Senior Event Finals (2 Tapes) .................................................... $15.00

#2372 1999 Rhythmic Nationals Group Competition ............ $15.00


#2321 Rhythmic Compulsory Levels 5&6 Video .................... $29.95

#2322 Rhythmic Compulsory Levels 7&8 Video .. .... .... ...... .... $29.95

#2323 Rhythmic Levels 1&2 Video .......... ............ ...... ........ $10.00

#2324 Rhythmic Levels 3&4 Video .................................... $10.00

#2325 Rhythmic Group Compulsory Video & Text ................ $29.95

#2320 Rhythmic Ball Group Compulsory Video, Text & CD .... $25.00


1999 Competition Videos #2400 1999 National Championships Double Mini

SyncrojTumbling ........... .................. .............. ....... $15 .00

#2401 1999 National Championships Trampoline .. .... ...... .... $15.00


PLEASE NOTE *AII USA Gymnastics videos are designed to be used for educational purposes by gymnastics coaches and judges, All videos were produced with commercial equipment by amateur video­graphers unless otherwise stated. Our Olympic technical videos are presented from one cam­era angle and show the entire exercise without cuts. dose-ups or other effects and enhance­ments, Except for women's floor exercise, the videos do not have soundTheAtlanta Technical videos are available for purchase to USA Gymnastics members only,

--------------------1( TECH N IOU E • JAN U A RY 2000 )}------------------:4=-='=----1

Page 42: Technique Magazine - January 2000


The National Collegiate Women's Championships and all meets used to qualify will be conducted according to the International Gymnastics Federation Women's Code of Points (modified rules), with the Junior Olympic (Level 10) modifica­tions as of November 1, 1999. [Note: If the value of a skill aO) is raised after November 1, it will be effective immediately.] All rules and guidelines for execution and compositional deductions as applied to the USAG-JO program (Level 10) will be used with the following collegiate modifications/clarifications:


• Bar height adapters may be used for regular season com­petitions. They may be used at the regional champi­onships. If the bar height adapters or Elite Series bars are used, the gymnast will be allowed to place the spring­board on two regulation size landing mats (up to 24 cm) to mount. The use of 20 cm mats is acceptable. [Note: Low bar must be adjustable to at least 165 cm and the high bar adjustable to at least 245 cm without the bar height adapters. For the 7999-2000 season, the maximum width of the bars will be set at 760cm + 3. This width should be marked.}

• 1/2" plywood may be used under the springboard for mounting bars and beam.

• If a gymnast has a broken/torn grip, she may repeat her routine as the last team competitor or after the all­around competitor (specialist). If this does not allow for a sufficient amount of time to change grips or enough time to prepare, the gymnast will repeat the routine as soon as it is safe to do so. However, the time should not exceed five minutes. [Note: Common sense and safety must always prevail.]

• A chalk arc line may be placed on the corners of the floor exercise mat. Except for a small mark, chalk may not be applied directly to the beam. A small amount of chalk may be applied to the gymnast's hands and feet as need­ed for safety.

• If a mat used on FX exceeds the boundary lines, the mat must be clearly marked with tape or chalk to indicate the actual boundary lines. Failure to mark the mat will result in a . 70 deduction taken off the average.


• .30 deduction for competing out of order (taken from team score)

• Reminder: Landing deductions are taken for lack of con­trol and/ or movement occurring prior to presenting to the judges. (ex: celebrating on the mat prior to present­ing to the judges, failing to show a controlled landing prior to turning to present to the judges)

• Vault

- Collegiate Vault Table (Effective August 1999)

• Beam

- #2.307 Stag-ring leap or jump = D

- #7.302 Free (aerial) walkover forward = D

- #7.310 Flic flac with % twist (900) to side handstand = D (Also gainer flic flac)

- #8.305 Salto backward stretched with step-out = D

- #8.306 Gainer salto backward stretched, also with leg change in flight = D

- #8.405 Salto backward stretched with legs together = E

- #9.408 Double saito backward dismount, tuck or pike = E

- Exception to Special Connection Rules: Any flic flac to any saIto backward stretched, in a 2 acrobatic flight ele­ment series will not receive special connection Bonus Points.

• Floor

- All 11/4 saltos to prone landing will be valued one level higher than landing on feet.

- Clarification: All variations of the Popa landing in prone position = D; all other ;umps/leaps landing in prone will receive same value as the root element (JO).


• Open Scoring is required and Start Values must be flashed. [Note: Judges are to sit apart; all judges' scores will be flashed, Simultaneously, with only the average raised.]

• Reminder: The allowable score range between the two counting scores follows Jo.


• Deduction of .10 deduction for leotard above the hip bone. A warning must be given first.

• There is no deduction for a matching sports bra that is exposed. Backless leotards are permissible.

New changes/clarifications for 2000 are in italics. 9/99

---14-=-=-2---------------{( TEe H N I QUE· JAN UARY 2000 )f----------------

Page 43: Technique Magazine - January 2000


Group 1 Handsprings, Yamashitas & Cartwheels 1 . 1 0 1 .................... 1j()1l9~Eillg 1 .1 021j()1l9~Eillg y2t~~6 1.104 Yamashita 1 . 1 05Y~~~~hiiaV:ii~~~ 1 . 1 06V:ia~V:iaH 1 . 202896~~pii6g ... " T/T 1.205 Yamashitai/i 1 . 206Y2a~ ' T/i ~ i ~~~ ogr~~ ..... ' ~~h~~pd6g 1 . 3028~6d~pd6g · " ii,!:i 1.306 V2 on 1 V2 1.3071 /1 o~ ······· i/faff(R/yj 1.402Handspri~g2/f 1 . 406i,!:ia~ .............. ' 2/T S 1 .41 oi/ra~ ········ TV2 Cf.4fl1/fon2/f 1.502H~6~~pd6g ...... " 2V:i 1:s03 ........ ........ .. 1j()1l9~prirlg~7T

Group 2 Cuervos & Saltos Forward

8.6 8.7 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.2 9.3 9.1 9.6 9.6 9.5 9.5 9.7

10.0 9.9 9.9

10.0 10.0 10.0

~}()1 ... ....... 1j()1l9~Eillg~rc:>lltILJ~k 9.8 ~}()~ .................. .. 1j()1l9~p~illg~r()lltlu~k1!2 .......................... ·············· 9.9 .... . ~}()} . ....... ......... 1j()1l9sprillgy2~()~kILJ~k ........................ ' 9.9 '" ~ :A()~1j()1l9sprillg~r()lltILJ<:klIl "'" To.o ..

14~48~6~~~~:6~X~?6t~'p~~~~~!Y2:r.I~:~ ~:4()?1j()1l9~prillg .. ........ .... ~r()ntP.ikE:!y2 1 0.0 ~A()§1j()1l9~prillg ... Y2.~Cl<:kP'ikE:! 1 0.0 ~:?()11j()rl9~prirlgq<:>LJblE:!E~()rlt 1 0.0 ~:?()?Ij()rl9~p~ing .. ........... ~r()lltILJskJY2 1 0.0 ~:§()71j()1l9~prirlgXr()lltLCly()LJt 1 0.0 ?:. ?()?1j()1l9~prirlg~r()lltLClY()LJtlb 1 0.0 .?:. ?()? ..................... 1j()1l9~prirlgy2,~()~kLCly()LJt 1 0.0 ~: ?lg .. .............. Ij()rl9~prirlg~r()Il!~()y()LJtlll 1 0.0 ~:?111j()1l9~prillg~r()llt~()y()LJtly2 1 0.0 ~:§1? ...... 1j()1l9~prillg~r()llt~()y()LJt?/1 1 0.0 2.513 1/1 on Front TuckiO.O 2:sT4i/ra~ha~tPik~ ... . ..... TO.o ~.$T$iZi?~ ....................................... ~r()lltLCly<:>LJt 1 0.0

Group 3 Tsukaharas· & 'lj2 Turn Entry Phase 3.201 Tsukahara Tuck 9.5 3.363 ············· t~~k~h;;~;; ................ "' Pik~ 9 . 6

~;~~f~+:~~~g~t~f~~kY2 ~ : ~ s303rl ···· t~~kah~~~Pik~i,!:i .... ········ 9: 8 S303i2t~~kah;;~;;I9Y?~iY2 9.9

C = collegiate

3.402 Tsukahara Tuck 1/1 9.9 3.403 ··········· t~~k~ha~at~~rTi7:i · T6.0 ········· 3.405 ···················· t~~kah;;~9J9Y?~LiZi 10.0 3.407V2 a~ . 1/2 off, Front Tuck 9.9 3.408V2a~ ····· i,!:iaH;F~a~ipik~ . 10.0 3 .501t~~kah;;~;; .. ' ba~bl~Ba~rtCcr ..... 10.0 3. 504t~~kah;;~a . · baCbl~Ba~rpik~TO.o 3. 505 ······· t~~k~h;;~a~~~k\9Y?~iTYiTo.0 ~ ·$.9§f~~k9F;;ra ............................... ~()ckLCly()LJt?/lTq · 9 ::::· ~ :?()?y2<:>lly2()ffL Er()llt~Cly()LJtlQ:9 • All Tsukaharas may be performed with 90 to 180 degree LA turn in first flight phase.

Group 4 Round-off Entry (Yurchenko) 4.201 RO, FF Back Tuck 9.5 S4:2ioRO, FFi,!:ii/it';';isiOfF903 s4:2T1Ro,HV2iV:it';';:istOfF 9.5 4.302 ' ... ···· Ro;HBa~ktC~kj/j9.8 . 4~303 ' ········· Ro; HBa~kpik~ 9.6 4)94RQ,EE~~~kI9Y?~C9.? 4.306 RO, FF V2 off, Front Tuck 9.8 40307 RO,FF ············ i,!:iaCF~a~ipik~ ......... '9.9 .4031s ········ RO,Hi/ f " i/i;';';isiOff ···············9.7 c4:3f6RO;i=i=f/f .. ' ii,!:iT';';:istofr ........... ' 9.9 c4:3fiRO;i=i=f/f ' ..... 2/fT';';:istofr . . .......... '16.6 s4.320RO,H ...... ' Ba~ktC~rw .. 9.6 s4032fRO,FF ...... ' Ba~rpTk~V2 "" 9.7 $4.~~~~Q;E( ... ······· ~~~k\9Y?~CY.i 9.8 S4.323 RO, FF 1 V2 Twist off 9.5 4:402 RO,H ... ·············· Ba~ktC~kfV2 10.0 4.494 . ~Q,H~9~kJ9y?~Tl/T 9.9 4.407 . ....... . . R.Q/ ~EY2()ff/ ~r()lltLCly()LJt 10.0 4.408 RO, FF V2 Front Tuck 9.9 4.409 RO,FFV2 "' F~a~itC~rV2 1 0.0 4.41 ORO, FFV:iV20frBa~ktC~r 10.0 4.4TiRO,FFV2F~oniPfk~ 1 0.0 .4 . .4fSRO,Hi/i ···· · Ba~ktC~r 9.9 s4.420RO, FFV2 ·········· 2/fT,;.;isiOff 1 0.0 S4:421RO; FF2/fT';';isiafF .. . ... ············· 9:9 ... .4:50fRO,H . ···· ba~bl~Ba~rtC~r .... 1 0.0 4:S0iRO,FF "' Ba~rtC~r21f ' ······ To.6 4.S03RO,FF ....... ····· ba~hr~Ba~rpik~To.o

4·$94~Q,H~9~kh9Y?~fTY2To:o 4:?9? ... . ........ R.QL FE~()~kLCly()ut)ll 1 0.0 4.511 RO, FF V2 Front Pike V2 10.0 4.512 " Ro,FFV:iv:z;n ,Ba~rpik~ 10.0 4.$DRQ,HY2E?6t~9Y?~C 10.0 A§lAR.QL~Ey2 ...... ~r()ntLClY()LJty2 1 0.0 4.515 RO, FF 1/1 Back Pike 10.0 4·$T§~Q,HiZl~~~k{9Y?~Ll0.6


--- ---------------1( TEC H N IOU E • JAN UARY 2000 )~------------------:4::-:3=--1

Page 44: Technique Magazine - January 2000

'999 Index for fecltnique Magazine, Vol.' 9

ADMINISTRATION/ANNOUNCEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS Colorossi, Bob. President's Message. # 1, p. 4-5. Colorossi , Bob. President's Message. #2, p. 4. Colorossi, Bob. President's Message. #3, p. 4. Colarossi, Bob. President's Message. #4, p. 4. Calarossi, Bob. President's Message. #5, p. 4. Colarossi, Bob. President's Message. #6, p. 4. Colarossi, Bob. President's Message. #7, p. 4. Colarossi , Bob. President's Message. #8, p. 4 . Colarossi, Bob. President's Message. #9, p. 4. Colarossi, Bob. President's Message. #10, p. 4. Did You Know? #2, p. 32. Did You See? # 10, p. 35. Ideas that Work in the Gym. #2, p. 35. Ideas that Work in the Gym. #9, p. 15. Index for Technique magazine in 1998. # 1,

p.44-45. John Hancock Gym Club Owners Survey. # 1, p. 22. Knapp, Sandy. Tarnished Rings2 #3, p. 4. Lathy, Nat. Spotlig ht on Linda Mulvihill. #1, p. 26-27. Lathy, Nat. Spotlight on Roxanne Pierce. #8,

p. 12-13. Letters. #6, p. 5. Lord, Jim. C. Calvert. Cheerleading, Where Does

Your Gym Fit In? #8, p. 18-20. Mal ina , Robert. Ta lent Identification Program. #3,

p.16-19. Olympic Dream and Spirit. #10, p. 12-1 8. Pan American Union of Gymnastics. #9, p. 5. Promoting Our Sport. # 10, p. 34. Sands, Wil liam A. Why Gymnastics. #3, p. 5-14. Smith, Fred. Starting a Gymnastics Program for

Ind ividuals with Special Needs. #4, p. 10-12. Statement of Ownership. #10, p. 35. Mayors' Olympikids for Fitness Partnership. #5,

p. 32-33.

ATHLETE WELLNESS PROGRAM Ath lete Wellness Program. What is it? #7, p. 39. Athlete Wel lness Program Book. #9, p. 39. Athlete Wellness Program Book. # 10, p. 39. National Health Care and Sport Science Referral

Network. #3, p. 28-3 1.

BUSINESS Hershey Candy Sa le. #8, p. 29. Hershey Candy Sa le. #9, p. 32-33 . Kiley, Ma rge. Tips to Market your Program for Fall

Enrollment. #7, p. 6-10. McMahon, Stuart. Resources Contributing to the

Fina ncial Success of Gymnastics Businesses in the USA. #8 , p. 5-11.

Nelson , Jerry. Wou ld You Like To Take A Free Trial Class? #2, p. 30-31 .

Taylor, Michael. Code of Points for Gymnastics Marketing. #3, p. 32-33.

COLLEGIATE 1999 NCAA Women's Gymnastics Update. # 1,

p.36. Collegiate Vau lt Changes. #3, p. 39. Collegiate Vault Table. # 1, p. 37.

CONGRESS National Congress Information . #1, p. 25. National Congress Information. #2, p. 28. National Congress Information. #3, p. 22. National Congress Information. #4, p. 21-29. National Congress Infarmation. #5, p. 21-29. National Congress Information. #6, p. 21-29. National Congress Information. #7, p. 21-29

and 39. National Congress Information. #8, p. 21-27.

EVENT & BROADCAST SCHEDULE Event Broadcost Schedule. #1, p. 13. Event Broadcast Schedule. #10, p. 29. Event Schedule. # 1, p. 24. Event Schedule. #2, p. 47. Event Schedule. #3, p. 47. Event Schedule. #4, p. 47. Event Schedule. #5, p. 47. Event Schedule. #6, p. 47. Event Schedule. #7, p. 47. Event Schedule. #8, p. 45. Event Schedule. #9, p. 47. Event Schedule. #10, p. 48.

GENERAL GYMNASTICS Congress Fest and TeamGymn Competition. #6, p. 19. General Gymnastics Advisory Panel Meeting. #3,

p.36. Genera l Gymnastics Advisory Panel Meeting. #4,

p.42-44. General Gymnastics Advisory Panel Meeting. #6,

p.44-45. General Gymnastics Advisory Panel Meeting. #7,

p.45. Moskovitz, Dave. D. Capelotti. L. Laznovsky. S.

Whitlock. The Fundamenta ls of Hostong a Gym Fest. #10, p. 8-11.

New General Gymnastics Activity-TeamGymn. #1, p.19.

Towson , Toby. The 11 th World Gymnaestrada in Gothenburg, Sweden. #9, p. 16-20.

Whitlock, Steve. A General Gymnastics TeamGymn Competition Story. #7, p. 15-18.

W hitlock, Steve. How to Start a TeamGymn Program. #5, p. 14-16.

HALL OF FAME Hall of Fame Nomination Form. #1, p. 20. Hall of Fame Nomination Form. #10, p. 33. Lifetime Ach ievement Award. #2, p. 36 and 44. Lifetime Achievement Award. #5, p. 42. Positions Open for Arpointment to the USA

Gymnastics Hall 0 Fame Selection Committee. #3, p. 45.

KINDER ACCREDITATION FOR TEACHERS (KAT) 1999-2000 National KAT Instructors. Congratulations 1998 KAT Certified Teachers. # 10,

p.42-44. KAT Workshop Schedule. #1 , p. 25. KAT Workshop Schedule and Registration. #2, p. 43. KAT Workshop Schedule. #3, p. 26. KAT Workshop Schedule. #4, p. 30. KAT Workshop Schedule. #5, p. 11 . KAT Workshop Schedule. #6, p. 17. KAT Workshop Schedule. #7, p. 10. KAT Workshop Schedule. #8, p. 10. KAT Workshop Schedule. #9, p. 45. KAT Workshop Schedule. #10, p. 42. Komara, Patti. Increasing Revenues with your

Preschool Program. #7, p. 11-14. New KAT Continuing Education in 2000! #9, p. 45. Wain, Cynth ia. Teaching Tots : How to Keep their

Attention. #3, p. 26.

MEMBER SERVICES Holiday Office Hours. #9, p. 34. Holiday Office Hours. #10, p. 35. Industry Members List. #2, p. 45. Insurance Clarification. #3, p. 34. Insurance Clarification. #4, p. 9. Invitational Listing. #5, p. 36-38. Invitational Listing. #6, p. 43-44 .

Invitational Listing. #8, p. 43 . Invi tational Listing. #10, p. 30-32. Member Club News. #10, p. 19. Member Service Update. #8, p. 3 1. National Gymnastics Day. #2, p. 34. National Gymnastics Day. #3, p. 24. National Gymnastics Day. #5, p. 17-20 and 30. National Gymnastics Day. #6, p. 30-31. National Gymnastics Day. #7, p. 5. Nationa l Gymnastics Day. #8, p. 22-28. New Member Club Benefit. # 1, p. 22. New Member Club Benefit. #2, p. 32. New Member Club Benefit. #3, p. 20. New Member Club Benefit. #5, p. 5. New Member Club Benefit. #6, p. 35. Thanks to our USA Gymnastics Industry Members.

# 10, p. 36-37. Office Hours. #3, p. 9. What's New. #3, p. 33.

MEN'S GYMNASTICS Attention Boys' Gymnastics Coach. # 10, p. 34. Clifford, Sarah Jane. Want to Build Up Your Boys

En rollment? #2, p. 6- 11 . Future Stars Update. #3, p. 38 and 42-44. Judges Course Given in EI Sa lvador. # 10, p. 34. Mazeika, Kevin. Guczoghy on Rings. #4, p. 16-19. Mazeika, Kevin. Ring Dismount Development. #5,

p.12-13. Men's Academic All-American Awards. #1, p. 23. Men's Academic All-American Awards. #2, p. 32. Men's Age Group Competition Program. #2, p. 37-

39. Men's Program Coaches Referral Service. #6, p. 42. Men's Program Committee Conference Call. # 1,

p.35. Men's Program Committee Conference Call. #2,

p.44. Men's Program Committee Conference Call. #3,

p.37. Men's Program Committee Conference Call. #6,

p.43. Men's Program Committee Conference Ca ll. #9,

p. 35-36. Men's Program Committee Meeting. #5, p. 43-44. Men's World Championships Selection Procedures.

# 1, p. 28. Men's World University Games Selection Procedures .

#1, p. 32-33. Peszek, Luan. Texas Sports Ranch. #6, p. 14-16. Sun, Yuej in . Physical Preparation for Young Boys

Ages 4-6. #2, p. 12-25. Update to the Men's R & P. #1, p. 34.

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Book Review on Rhythmic Gymnastics. #4, p. 39. Get it Going Rhythmic Workshop. #6, p. 32. Rhythmic Junior Olympic Program Committee

Meeting. #8, p. 38-39. Rhythmic Program Committee Minutes. #4, p. 37-39. Rhythmic Program Committee Minutes. # 10, p. 45. Rhythmic Rules and Policies. #2, p. 32. Rhythmic World Championships Selection Procedures.

#1, p. 30-31. Rhythmic World University Games Selection

Procedures. # 1, p. 33.

SAFETY Coaches: Legal Responsibili ties. #1, p. 14-18. Safety Certification Schedule. #1, p. 48. Safety Certification Schedule. #2, p. 48. Safety Certification Schedule. #3, p. 48. Safety Certification Schedule. #4, p. 48. Safety Certification Schedule. #5, p. 48. Safety Certification Schedule. #6, p. 48.

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Safety Certification Schedule. #7, p. 48. Safety Certification Schedule. #8 , p. 47-48. Safety Certification Schedule. #9, p. 48. Safety Certification Schedule. # 10, p. 47. Safety Notice. #9, p. 34.

SPORT SCIENCE Arnold, Alison. Coaching to Overcome Fear. #5 ,

p 6-10. Debunking Weight Training Myths. #9, p. 31. Kamm, Ronald . Tips for Coaching a Child with

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. #10, p. 22-28.

Mitchell, William. How Wrist and Elbow Injuries Occur. #4, p. 13-14.

M itchell, William. Know Your Knees. #5, p. 11-13. Sands, William A. A Look at Training Models. #9,

p.6-8. Sands, Williall1 A. Q & A on ankle weights. #2, p. 33. Sands, William A. The Week Before. #9, p. 10-13. Sands, William A. Jeni McNeal. Body Size and

Sprinting Characteristics of 1998 National TOP's Athletes. #5, p. 34-35.

Sands, William A. H. Henderson . J Kilgore. The Anger Trap: How did we get in? How can we get out? #6, p. 6-10.

TRAMPOLINE AND TUMBLING Catch Some Air w ith Trampoline and Tumbling. # 10,

p.20. Start Your Own Trampoline and Tumbling Program.

#10, p. 21. Trampoline and Tumbling World Championships

Selection Procedures. # 1, p. 32.

WOMEN'S PROGRAM Age Divisions for JO Level 9-10. #1 , p. 22. Age Divisions for JO Level 9-10. #9, p. 34. Artemov, Vladimir. Progressions for Teaching a

Round-Off. #1 , p. 6-12. Biggs, Tammy. G. Pozsar. Incorporating Dance

Training Into Your Workouts. #8, p. 14-17. High Performance Coaching Seminar. #1 , p. 23. High Performance Coaching Seminar. #2, p. 42. High Performance Coaching Seminar Report. #7,

p. 31. International Program Committee & Elite Program

Committee. #4, p. 44-45. Judges' Certification, Inc. #7, p. 32-33 and 35. LaFleur, Jeff. Create a Level 2-3 Team in your Gym.

#9, p. 30. Notice to Women's Program Judges & Meet Directors.

#3, p. 34. Opportunity for USA Clubs. #5, p. 45. Sands, William A. Action-Reaction & Shape Jumps.

# 10, p. 6-7. Sands, Wil liam A. and Jeni McNeal. Consequences

of the Round-Off Twist Direction. #2, p. 26-28. Sands, Wil liam A. and Jeni McNeal. Muscular

Analysis of the Front Handspring. #4, p. 5-8. What's New for the Women's Jr. Olympic Program in

1999-2000. #8 , p. 33-37. Women's Administrative Board Conference Call. # 1,

p.39. Women's Admin istrative Board Meeting. # 1, p. 38. Women's Administrative Board Meeting. #7, p. 42-44. Women's Administrative Board Conference Call. #3,

p. 35 and 45. Women's Artistic Judge's Compensation Package. #7,

p.37-38. Women's International Program Committee Meeting.

#1, p. 42-43. Women's Jr. Olympic Compulsory Book Errata. #9,

p. 37-38 and 42-44. Women's Jr. Olympic Program Committee Meeting.

#6, p. 36-38. Women's Jr. Olympic Program Committee Conference

Call. #7, p. 19-20. Women's National Elite Program Committee. #7,

p. 44-45. Women's National Elite Program Committee. #10,

p.38. Women's Selection Committee Conference Call. #6,

p.42. Women's Technical Committee Meeting. #4,

p. 31-36.

Women's World Championships Selection Procedures. # 1, p. 29-30.

Women's World University Games Selection Procedures. #1, p. 33.

ADVERTISEMENTS A-1 Awards. # 1, p. 23. A- 1 Awards. #2, p. 17. A-1 Awards. #3, p. 29. A-1 Awards. #4, p. 9. A-1 Awards. #5, p. 20. A-1 Awards. #6, p. 35. A-1 Awards. #7, p. 20. A-1 Awards. #8, p. 43. A-1 Awards. #9, p. 5. A-1 Awards. # 10 , p. 38. AD Manufacturing. #1 , p. 13. AD Manufacturing. #3, p. 27. AD Manufacturing. #4, p. 11. AD Manufacturing. #5, p. 29. AD Manufacturing. #8, p. 28. AD Manufacturing. #9, p. 25. AD Manufacturing. #10, p. 32. Alpha Factor. # 1, p. 2. A lpha Factor. #2, p. 2. A lpha Factor. #3, p. 2. Alpha Factor. #4, p. 2. Alpha Factor. #5, p. 2. Alpha Factor. #6, p. 2. Alpha Factor. #7, p. 2. Alpha Factor. #8, p. 2. Alpha Factor. #9, p. 2. Alpha Factor. #10, p. 2. American Athletic. # 1, p. 7. American Athletic. #2, p. 5. American Athletic. #3 , p. 21. American Athletic. #4, p. 7. American Athletic. #5, p. 15. American Athletic. #6, p. 33. American Athletic. #7, p. 30. American Athletic. #8, p. 42. American Athletic. #9, p. 9. American Athletic. #10, p. 5. Auburn Electronics. # 1, p. 25. Auburn Electronics. #2, p. 27. Auburn Electron ics. #3, p. 15. Auburn Electronics. #4, p. 35. Auburn Electron ics . #5, p. 33. Auburn Electron ics. #6, p. 9. Auburn Electronics. #7, p. 19. Auburn Electron ics. #8, p. 29. Auburn Electronics. #9, p. 23. Auburn Electronics. #10, p. 18. Classified. # 1, p. 46-47. Classified. #2, p. 46. Classified. #3, p. 46. Classified. #4, p. 46. Classified. #5, p. 45-46. Classified. #6, p. 45-46. Classified. #7, p. 46. Classified. #8, p. 46-47. Classified. #9, p. 46. Classified. #10, p. 46. Crown Trophy. # 1, p. 29. Crown Trophy. #2, p. 23. Crown Trophy. #3, p. 17. Crown Trophy. #4, p. 31. Crown Trophy. #5, p. 7. Crown Trophy. #6, p. 17. Crown Trophy. #7, p. 16. Crown Trophy. #8, p. 17. Crown Trophy. #9, p. 32. Crown Trophy. #10, p. 23. Dare To. # 1, p. 28. Dare To. #2, p. 24. Elite Sportswear, LP. # 1, p. 16 and 17. Elite Sportswear, LP. #2, p. 22-23. Elite Sportswear, LP. #3 , p. 12-13. Elite Sportswear, LP. #4, p. 18-19. Elite Sportswear, LP. #5, p. 8-9. Elite Sportswear, LP. #6, p. 18-19. Elite Sportswear, LP. #7, p. 34-35. Elite Sportswear, LP. #8 , p. 30-31. Elite Sportswear, LP. #9, p. 14-15. Elite Sportswear, LP. # 10, p. 26-27. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. # 1, p. 18. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #2, p. 21.

Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #3 , p. 31. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #4, p. 17. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #5, p. 35. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #6, p. 15. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #7, p. 31. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #8 , p. 37. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #9, p. 13. Fun & Fit Gymnastics. #10, p. 31. Get Physical Software. # 1, p. 47. Get Physical Software. #2, p. 36. Get Physical Software. #3, p. 7. Get Physical Software. #4, p. 33. Get Physical Software. #5, p. 17. Get Physical Software. #6, p. 13. Get Physical Software. #7, p. 43. Get Physical Software. #8, p. 15. Get Physical Software. #9, p. 33. Get Physical Software. # 10, p. 24. K & K Insurance. #2 , p. 3 1 . K & K Insurance. #3 , p. 10. K & K Insurance. #4, p. 37. K & K Insurance. #5 , p. 11. K & K Insurance. #6, p. 29. K & K Insurance. #7, p. 7. K & K Insurance. #8 , p. 38. K & K Insurance . #9, p. 11. K & K Insurance. #10, p. 29. Latendresse Active Wear. #3, p. 35. Latendresse Active Wear. #4, p. 20. Latendresse Active Wear. #5, p. 37. Latendresse Active Wear. #6, p. 11. Latendresse Active Wear. #7, p. 33. Markel. #1 , p. 15. Markel. #2, p. 13. Markel. #3, p. 37. Markel. #4, p. 30. Markel. #5, p. 13. Markel. #6, p. 5. Markel. #7, p. 32. Markel. #8, p. 11. Markel. #9, p. 35. Markel. # 10, p. 19. Proview. #7, p. 15. Proview. #8, p. 20. Proview. #9, p. 36. Proview. # 10, p. 15. Richardson Publishing. #2, p. 33. Richardson publishing. #3, p. 9. Score Master. #2, p. 29. Spieth Anderson. #2, p. 19. Spieth Anderson. #4, p. 43. Spieth Anderson. #8 , p. 27. Texaco. #8 , p. 35. Tiffin. #1 , p. 5. Tiffin. #2 , p. 35. Tiffin. #3, p. 22. Tiffin. #4, p. 38. Tiffin. #5 , p. 19. Tiffin . #6 , p. 37. Tiffin . #7, p. 17. Tiffin. #8, p. 32. Tiffin . #9, p. 21. Tiffin. #10, p. 13. Tumbl Trak. #8 , p. 7. Tumbl Trak. #9, p. 29. UCA. #3, p. 22. United. #1 , p. 21. United. #2, p. 15. United. #3 , p. 25. United. #4, p. 15. United. #5, p. 31. United. #6, p. 20. United. #7, p. 36. United. #8 , p. 9. United. #9, p. 27. United. #10, p. 17. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. # 1, p. 39-41. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #2, p. 39-41. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #3, p. 39-41. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #4, p. 39-41 . USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #5, p. 39-41. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #6, p. 39-41. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #7, p. 40-41. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #8, p. 39-41. USA Gymnastics Lockerroom. #9, p. 39-41 USA Gymnastics Lockerroom . #10, p. 39-41. USA Gymnastics Online. #1 , p. 22 . USA Gymnastics Wholesale Program. #1 , p. 31.

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GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR(S): Career minded, ded· icaled caaches for our expanding recreolionol and learn programs. We currenl~ have two fully equipped localions and a friendly slaff. We provide a comprehensive program in need of caaches who work well wilh boys, girls, lum· bling, and preschool dosses. Salary and benefils commen· surole wilh experience. full and part·lime posilions avail· able. Send references and resume 10: Spectrum Gymnoslics Academy, 26 BuHrick Rood, londonderry, NH 03053 or e· moil [email protected]

COACHES NEEDED. Eoslern Nalional Academy is looking for caaches Pomplon Plains and Paramus NJ. We are look· ing for directors for Preschool and General program, Team coaches qualified in choreography and dance 01 a high level and knowledgeable in Ihe compulsory division and inslructors for all programs. ENA is in a perfect localion for any lifestyle, we are localed cenlrally between Ihe Melropolilan New York area and Ihe Pennsylva nia Pacon no Mounlains. firsl Aid/Safety certificolion a plus or musl be oblained wilhin 6 manlhs of hiring. Salary cam· mensurale upon qualificalions and experience. Conlact Rich 01973-835·1665 or fox resume 10 973-835·6225 or e·mail us 01 [email protected]. Easlern Nalional Academy, 210 Wesl Parkway, Pamplon Plains, NJ 07444. HHp:/ /

WORLD CUP GYMNASTICS is looking for a highly qualified GIRLS TEAM COACH, BOYS TEAM COACH and RECREATIONAL INSTRUaORS. Sirong spaHing skills and good coaching qualifications a musl. Beginner Ihrough Elile. Applicanlsshould be professional, energelic, and have slrong organization and managerial skills. This posilion is besl suiled for person wishing 10 pursue, long·lerm career in coaching. World Cup Gymnastics, Chappaqua, NY 10514, phone: (914)238·4967 exl. 23. fo x: (914)238·3568 . Email: [email protected]

CAMP WAYNE: Children 's sleep·oway camp in Northeosl Pennsylvania (21 /2 hrs from New York City) wilh a slrong gymnastics program needs a Direclor, Assislonl Direclor and female inslruclors 10 live 01 Ihe camp and leach children (6·16 years). We also need on experienced Aerobic inslructar and Cheerleoding slaff. We offer a coring, fun·loving environmenl, rm/bd and salary. Doles are 6/ 22·8/ 18/2000. (all 1·800·2]9· 3019 for more informalion.

PREPARE FOR SUCCESS! If you consider yourself one of Ihe besl in Ihis business, we are your nexlslep 10 Ihe lop. The Sports Club of Novi, in Novi, Michigan is a one year old multi·sporl complex wilh on almosphere Ihol promoles challenge and success! Our gymnoslics program is demonslroling phenomenal growth in all areas. We would like 10 speak 10 individuals inleresled in Ihe following programs: preschool, recreational, boys (induding learn), cheerleoding, Irampoline, dance and women's learn levels 5·10. Send resume 10 Shone Uson 01 42500 Arena Drive, Novi, MI 48375. Phone 01 248.735.8850 exl. 3110. fox 248.735.8859.

GYMNASTIC COORDINATOR AND INSTRUCTORS WANTED! Evergreen Pork and Recrealion Dislrict needs quality people 10 work wilh our gymnosls. Musllove kids, have posilive coaching manner and a slrong emphasis on Ihe basics. We have a fully equipped gym fealuring Irom· poline, pil and new spring floor. Pay ranges depending on experience. Please call Sharon Martin wilh inquiries 01 303·674·6441 or send resume 10 P.O. Box 520, Evergreen, CO 80437.

COACHES NEEDED. Texas Tumblers Gymnaslics is searching for energelic and highly molivaled instructors for a rapidly growing progrom. Posilions Needed: Preschool Director and level 4 Ihrough level 9 Girls Team Program. Salary commensurale wilh experience. Call Kim or Mark Walsh, Texas Tumblers Gymnastics, 100 E fM 2410 Harker Heighls, Texas 76548. 254·690·6800 or fAX 254·699·5482.

TRAMPOLINE AND POWER TUMBLING COACH. One of Ihe fin esl Trampoline and Tumbling Programs on Ihe Easl Coosl seeks experienced coach capable of organizing and coaching developmenlal Ihrough Elile levels. Musl also be experienced in boys and girls gymnastics, recrealional Ihrough all levels of learn. Salary commensurole wilh experience. Send resume 10 Pyramids Tumblebees, 6904 Downwind Rood, Greensboro, NC 27409.

Have you ever wanled 10 be a port owner of a gymnoslics facility or jusl coach? ONE STOP FUN has several job oppartunilies available for Ihe righl people. If you are enlhusiaslic and love 10 work wilh children of all ages and abililieslhen we are Ihe gym for you. Our company offers compelitive salaries, health, 401 K, vacalions, and opportu· nilieslo earn exira money and Ihe Oplian 10 OWN compo· ny Slack. Currenlly our program offers dosses for all ages and levels. Aside from gymnoslics, our facility houses on indoor playground, a dance school and a swimming pool wilh 4 wOlerslides. Conlact One Slop fun, Ine., 49 Power Rood, WesHord, MA 01886, 978·692-9907 www.oneslop· [email protected].

THE ACADEMY OF GYMNASTICS is seeking a full· lime enlhusiostic gymnoslics coach 10 leach Pre·school Ihrough upper level dasses 01 ils newly expanded facility. Managemenl and sales experience wilh promotional skills a plus. Excellenl benefils. fox resumes 10 Ihe Academy of Gymnoslics, Knoxville, Tennessee: 423·690-4487 or call 423·531 ·1701.

FULL TIME TEACHING POSITION for qualified candi· dole. The Cumberland County Gymnaslics (enler, eslab· lished in 1978, has a full ·lime leaching posilion available for Seplember 2000. Applicanls musl have a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Educalion and relaled field experience. Qualified candidale \~lIshow a genuine love of leaching, be energetic, enlhusiaslic and demonslrale a fun, positive approach 10 leaching. We offer competilive wages and benefi~, induding health insurance and reliremenl plan. Applicanlsshould submit a cover leHer, resume and Ihree leHers of recommendalion 10: Dina Benson, 222 GanneH Drive, Soulh Portland, Moine 04106.

We need on enlhusiaslic assi~anl OPTIONAL COACH for level 7 10 9. We also need a highly molivaled compulsory coach for level 4 & S. We would like 10 fill bOlh posilions as soon as possible. This is a port lime posilion bul addilianal hours can be done wilh dasses and Iraining learn. Salary commensurale wilh experience. We are lacaled 23 miles North of Atlanla, GA. Please conloct Chrislophe Voisin, 770· 52B·8477, fAX 770·528·8479 or email 01 cobbchol· [email protected] or Send resume 01 Cobb Challengers Gymnoslics, 542 fairground Sireel, MarieHa, GA 30060.

Enlhusioslic, self molivaled HEAD COACH needed for a young gym in a small, friendly, rural community·greol place 10 raise kids. New gym facility. Around 70 sludenls and growing. Musl have coaching skills for preschool Ihrough USAG & High School compelilive levels, Siaff Managemenl and Program Developmenl. Dance bock· ground is a plus. Please send Resume 10 Gold Medal Gymnoslics & Dance, Box 183, Thermopolis, WY 82443.

COACHES WANTED. Compulsory coach and recrealion· 01 Preschool inslructors are wanled 10 join our slaff! We have a large ree. program, girls levels 4·8, and a boys learn. Compulsory coach musl be safety certified, mini· mum Ihree years coaching experience wilh compelitive gymnasls, and highly molivoled. fully air conditioned gym Norlh of Chorlolle. Compelilive pay & free YMCA Membership. If inleresled, please coli Amy 01 Ihe lake Normon YMCA (704)716-4426, fox (704)716·4401 or email [email protected]

COACHES NEEDED: We are looking for highly qualified boys and girls learn coaches-neginner Ihrough Elile lev· els wilh good knowledge of Ihe Jr. Olympic Training Program. Musl have a Bachelor Degree in Physical Educalion, as well as successful caaching experience and slrong spoHing skills. Send your resume 10: Head Over Heels Gymnaslics, 13 Kones lone, Middlelown, NJ 07748 or e·moillo [email protected]

FOR SALE CLASS CONTROL for windows 95/ 98. Closs Managemenl and Accounls Receivable software. Pocked wilh fealures, easy 10 use, and networkable.lndudes easy doss assignmenls, oulomatic luition colculolion, family and special discaunls, roslers, addilional charges, sales lox sup· port, lale paymenl charges, ea rly paymenl discounls, invoices, paymenl due reports, financial summaries, inslructor schedules, moiling labels, wailing lisls, makeup lisls, canlexlsensilive help, and much more. Also indudes support for direct debil paymenls. Only S500 (S250 per addilional workslolion) and indudes free lraining and unlimiled lechnicol support 01 no charge. Call Vaughn Software Services 01 800·821·8516, PO Box 1086, Apex, NC 27502. [email protected]/MC/VISA

GymNerd2000 - GYMNASTIC SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE. Mainlains dolo bose of sludenl accounls, dasses, luilion, and paymenls. feolures sophislicaled luilion engine, aulomalic multi· doss discounls, aulomolic reenrollmenl wilh memorized invoices. Keeps Irock of paymenls, aulomalic lale fees, waitlisls, luilion prorating, doss switching and dropping, lrial dasses, makeups, Pro· Shop and evenls scheduling. AI your fingertips are doss raslers and aHendance sheels, doss openings, inslruclor schedules/allendance, invoices/slolemenls, moiling labels. Password prolecled managerial revenues reporls sorted by revenue types. Easy 10 learn, inluilive, user friendly. Canlacl: MassOola Dolo bose Syslems. Phone: (617)923·9977 . URl: www. Email: [email protected]

SCORE MASTER, Ihe mosl widely used Compelition Managemenl software, jusl gal beHer! Announcing Ihe WINDOWS version. This score keeping syslem is very easy· 10' use and has on exlensive on· line help. Supports: womens/mens, individual/learn, artislic/rhyth· mic, comp/oplionol compelilions. The mosl comprehen· sive reporting available. Comes with a 90 day uncondilion· 01 money bock guoranlee. for more info conlact: Mark Mahoney, POB 31421, CharioHe, NC, 28231·1421, (704) 523·1812 or web sile: www.score· (software demo, info guide and user lisling on web sile).

SCORER'S TABLE is a Windows based parenl friendly program designed 10 simplify preparalion and scoring of USA gymnastics meels. A dick of Ihe mouse assigns compelilor sessions, numbers, evenl placemenl, AA and learn awards. The Scorers Table program has been used successfully 01 several large invilalional, slale and regional meels. Use Ihis program 10 reduce your meel preparalion lime by olleosl 50%. A Siale lracking pro· gram for gymnasls is also available. for more informa· tion visil Ihe Scorer's lable web sile 01· MEJE Corporalion, 113 McHenry Rd., PM8 165, Buffalo Grove, Il60089, (847)913·0765, Email: [email protected].

GYM BUS FOR SALE. S10,000 1978 Inlernalional (gas) in greal shope, very easy 10 drive, complelely

corpeled and foamed inside, 2 lrampolines (greal for cir· cuits), big Iromp 'The Pit" is covered wilh a 2" mOl, Ihe long lramp folds inlo Ihe wall, 20' long Trolley !like a Zip Une), wall ladder & ceiling hooks, beam, indine & small mals & loiS equipmenl, lesson plans & leaching maleriols 110v gas Generalor, 2 large Roof Air·condilioning Unils. Call Allansdon 01 775·355·9195, [email protected], 845 Pinewood CI., Sparks, NV 89434.

Owners of successful gym locoled in easlern Iowa need 10 RELOCATE. Gym indudes 8,400 sq. h. building wilh two bedroom apI., all equipmenl, and a sleady program ready 10 grow wilh Ihe Olympic cyde. Currenl program ranges from pre·schoollo compelilive learn. A very sup· portive boasler dub and excellenl port lime slaff also exisl. land, building, and equipmenl priced 01 168K. Serious inquiries only 10 Allen 01 (319)659·1432.

GYMNASTICS EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Ready 10 slarl your own gym? We are selling alilhe equipmenllo slarl your own gym, full 42 x 42 foam floor syslem, AAI balance beams & uneven bars, vault runway & vaulling horse, single bar, pommel horse, large above ground Irompoline, lumblebear equipmenl, landing mals & many more. We hod purchased equipmenl 10 slart our own gym, Ihen purchased on operaling gym. fox inquiries 10 (914)687·4367.

GYM FOR SALE or WORKING PARTNER WANTED. The only gym in one of Ihe largesl cities in New York. full gymnaslics equipmenl for men and womens, lois of liny lois equipmenl and large foam pils. Recreolional and Competilive Team. lois of new and repeal birlhdoy party business. Sirong summer pro· gram. full office equipmenl and vending. Experienced slaff willing 10 slay on. Asking besl offer. Serious inquiries only. Email 01 [email protected] or leave message 01 917·962·3737.

SEMINARS GET CONTROL OF YOUR BUSINESS: find oul why, since 1991, 10%+ (and growing) of USA GymClub owners have mode Ihe decision 10 invesI4·1/2 days of Iheir career allhe GymClub Owners' BOOT CAMP. A basic premise of BOOT CAMP islhallhere are replicable and documenlable reasons why some Gym(lubs perpelually grow while olh· erS perpelually flounder. following BOOT CAMP slralegies, my dub, Queen City Gymnaslics, has grawn for 25 years slroighl (Olympic cyde be domed!), slarting wilh zero enrollmenl in 1975 and growing 10 4,000 (S2 .5M) Ihis year. Underslond, Ihis unparalleled growth record is nolan accidenl: it is because we have followed Ihe exact slralegies we presenl 01 every BOOT CAMP. BOOT CAMP aHacks medi· ocrity because il focuses on cures nol symploms. Anybody can pul on a grealseminar wilh greal ideas. Only BOOT CAMP immerses you in on inlegraled collection of slrale· gies proven 10 alter mindsels, grow businesses and change lives. I GUARANTEE il will be worth your effort 10 call me for a fREE PORTfOLIO complele wilh lestimanials and agenda. JEff METZGER: (513)489·7575. Nexi camp: March 16·20, 2000.


101·200 words = $200 Your ad in Technique will automofical~ be placed online for 30 days of no addilianal charge. The address k: www.usa· Your 30 days will begin on Ihe nexl regular posting dole. DEADLINES ISSUE DEADLINE FOR AD AND PAYMENT January .............. Dec. 10 February ............ .1an. 10 March ........... Feb. 10 April .............. Mar.l0 May . .. ......... Apr. l0 June ...... Mar. 10 July . . .. ......... June 10 August .... July 10 Sept/Oct. . ..Aug. 10 Nov./Dec........ .. ...... Oct. 10 NOTE: 11 the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, the preceding work day is considered the deadline.

SUBMIT Mail your orl anrl payment to:

USA Gymnastics, Pan American Plaza 201 S. Capilol Ave., Sle. 300 Indianapolis, IN 46225 or fox 10 317·237·5069.

IF YOU FAX, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER, EXPIRATION DATE AND SIGNATURE. Please designole if your ad should appear in Technique magaZine or USA Gymnastics magazine. ADS SUBMlffiD WITHOUT PAYMENT WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. USA Gymnoslics reserves the righllo vary formal.

Technique i. received by more Ihan 13,000 USA Gymnaslics pralessional members plus Ihousand. 01 viewers will be exposed 10 your ad onfine. Advertise your employmenl opporlunily, producl, .ervice, or competition here lor greal result •• Queslions? Can Luan Peszek 01317-237-5050 ext. 246.

--.-=4-=6----------------I( TEe H N IOU E • JAN UA RY 2000 )r----------------

"" til



Page 47: Technique Magazine - January 2000

W = Women M = Men

R = Rhythmic GG = General Gymnastics

TR = Trampoline TU = Tumbling

NOTE: Dates and events subject to change or cancellation.

2 o o JANUARY 29 Aussie Haircare Gymnastics Invitational (M/W)

(2nd Compo - Visa American Cup Series) FEBRUARY 4-6 11 -12 18-20 20 23 24-27 26 MARCH 31-Aprill APRIL

Rhythmic Challenge & Invitatianal (R) USA Gymnastics Winter Cup Challenge (M) American Classic & Challenge (W) World Cup (TR) Olympic Test Event (TR) Olympic Test Event (M/W) Visa American Cup (M/W)

NCAA National Championships (M)

USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W)


6-8 8 USA Gymnostics National Invitational Tournament (W)

8-9 8-9 13-15 20-25 28-30

28-30 MAY 4-7 5-7 11-15 12-14 19-21 May-Sepf. JUNE 1-4 3-4 16-20 23-25 23-25

24-25 TBD TBD JULY 7-9 8-9 26-29


Level 9/ 10 Regionals (W) Level 10 Regionals (W) NCAA National Championships (W) Sr. Pacific Alliance Championships (M/W/R) Level 9 Eastern Chompionships (W)

Level 9 Western Championships (W)

J.O. Notional Championships (M) J.O. National Championships (W) USOC Olympic Media Summit (M/W/R) J.O. Notional Championships, Individual & Group (R) USA Gymnastics Executive Committee/ Board Meetings Mall Tour (M/W/ R)

Women's High Performance Coaches Seminar (W) Level 9 Championships (R) J.O. Notionol Team Training Camp (W) tentative U.S. Challenge (W) National Gym Fest & National Team Gymn

Championships (GG) Rhythmic West Championships (R) GYM-2000 Gym Fest (GG) World Cup Competition - 2 sites (TU)

U.S. Classic/Natianal Gymnastics Festival (W) Rhythmic East Championships (R) John Hancock U.S. Gymnastics Championships

(M/W/ R!TR!TU) Youth and Instructor Camp (GG) J.O. Notionol Championships (TR!TU)

15-20 U.S. Olympic Trials (M/W/ R) 18-21 USA Gymnastics National Congress TBD USA Gymnastics Classic Gym Fest (GG) SEPTEMBER 16-0ctober 1 Olympic Gomes (M/W/ R!TR) OCTOBER 13-15 20-22 20 TBO-2001

National TOPs Testing - East (W) National TOPs Testing - West (W) Reese 's Gymnastics Cup (M/W) Post-Olympic Tour (M/W/R!TR!TU)

Sf. Petersburg, FL

Colo. Springs, CO Las Vegas, NV Reno, NV Sydney, AUS Sydney, AUS Sydney, AUS Orlando, FL

Iowa City, IA

Tempe, AI (ASU) Mf. Pleasant, MI Central Mich. Univ. Vorious sites Various sites Boise, ID Christchurch, NIL Broadview Heights (Cleveland), OH Bortlesville, OK

Austin, TX Lansing, MI Houston, Texas Seattle, WA Indianapolis, IN TBD

Chicago, IL Houston, TX Colo. Springs, CO TBD

Atlanta, GA W. Bloomfield, MI Kristiansand, NOR Conada & U.S.

Tulsa, OK TBD

Sf. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO TBD

Boston, MA Boston, MA TBD

Sydney, AUS

TBD TBD New Orleans, LA TBD


NOVEMBER 10-11 Pontiac Internotional Team Championships (M/W Srs.) 13-15 FIG Congress 17 -19 USA Gymnastics Executive Committee/ Board Meetings TBD Future Stars National Championships (M) TBO Cooches Workshop (M) TBD Fall TeamGymn Classic (GG) TBD PAGU Children's Interdub Championships TBD Jr. Pan American Championships DECEMBER 6-10 14-20 16


National TOPs Training Camp (W) FIG Men's Intercontinental Judges Course (M) Trampoline World Cup Finals (TR)

2 o o

15 Visa Gymnastics Series Qualifier I (M/W) FEBRUARY 3 TBD TBD TBD 24 MARCH

Visa Gymnastics Series Qualifier II (M/W) USA Gymnastics Winter Cup Challenge (M) Rhythmic Challenge (R) American Classic & American Challenge (W) Visa American Cup Championships (M/W)


Richmond, VA Marrakech, MAR Indianapolis, IN TBD TBO TBD Mexico Buenos Aires, ARG

TBD Prague, CIE Dessau, GER



16-17 Pontiac Internotional Team Championships (M/W Srs/Jrs) TBD TBD APRIL TBD TBD TBO TBD 19-21 TBD TBD TBD TBD MAY 3-6 TBD TBD JUNE TBD TBD TBD JULY TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 26-Aug.4 AUGUST 8-11

9-11 16-26 22-Sepf. 1 TBD SEPT.

Level 10 State Meets (W) Various Sites

NCAA Regionals (W) NCAA Reg ionals (M) USA Gymnastics Collegiate Championships (M/W) USA Gymnastics National Invitational Tournament (W) NCAA National Championships (W) NCAA National Championships (M) Level 10 Regional Championships (W) J.O. National Championships, Individual & Group ( R) Level 9 Eost/West Championships ( R)

J.O. National Championships (M) J.O. National Championships (W) Level 9 East/West Championships (W)

Elite Regionals (W) Natonal Gym Fest (GG) tentative American Sokol National Slet (GG)

U.s. Challenge (W) U.S. Classic/National Gymnastics Festival (W) Elite Regionals (International Only) (W) Rhythmic Eastern Open (R) Rhythmic Western Open (R) World Championships & Age Group Games (TR!TU)

John Hancock u.s. Gymnastics Championships (M/W/ R!TR!TU)

USA Gymnastics National Congress World Games (TR!TU) World University Games CongressFest (GG)


Minneapolis, MN TBD TBD

TBD Nashville, TN Detroit, MI


TBD TBD Akita, JPN Beiiing, CH N TBD

TBD World Team Trials (M/W) TBD OCTOBER 28- Nov. 4 TBD TBO

Artistic World Championships (M/W) TOPs National Testing - West (W) TOPs National Testing - East (W)


-------------------{( TECH N I QUE • JA N U A RY 2000 )r--------------------:4


Page 48: Technique Magazine - January 2000

The Safety Schedule is updated weekly on our website

200 0 Safety Certification Schedule LATE REGISTRATIONS ARE NOT GUARANTEED A BOOK OR ADMISSION TO THE COURSE. Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard TIme) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received after that time or on site will be charged an additional $25. Minimum age for Safe'y Cer,ifica,ion is 17!h years. r 8 is minimum age for Professional Membership. JANUARY 15 Gladewate~ TX

h' 8:30 a.m.-I 2:30 p.m.; course kb01l500tx

Sabine Hign Sc 001; Hwy 1252 locol contact: 8ill May 903-758-5910 Instructor: Kay Brown 903-785-2130

16 Van Nuys, CA; 9 a.m.-I p.m.; course jl011600co Junior Gym Instructor: Jeffrey lu lla 818-845-0700

16 Madison, WI; 12-4 p.m.; course rdOl1600wi Madtown Twisters Gymnastics; 7035 Old Sauk Rd local contact: Charl ie Cotler 608-829-2922 Instructor: Ralph Druecke 262-782-3430

16 8ristol, IT; 9 a.m.-I p.m.; course ic011600ct Gymnastics Unlimited Instructor: liz Cornish 860-585-9524

21 West Babylon, NY; 9:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; course ekO l21 OOny BK Gymnastics Center Instructor: Ed Konopa 516-422-0116

22 Columbus, OH; 4-8 p.m.; course bIOI 22000h Universal Gymnastshlnc. 4555 Knightsbridge 8lvd. Instructor: 80bbi Fa rnbach 614-457-1279

28 Indianapolis, IN; 6-10 p.m.; course bdOl2800in Fulton Jr High Instructor: Barry Dubuque 812-634-124B

29 Syracuse, NY; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; course scOl2900ny Syracuse University Instructor: Sarah Jane Clifford 716-388-0018, 716-388-8686

FEBRUARY Pittsburgh, PA; 12-4 p.m.; course es020600pa Gymkhana, 7501 Pear Ave locol contact: Chris Horan 412-247-4800 Instructor: Ed Swerdlow 724-327-2475

II Maryland Hts, MO; 5:30-9:30 p.m.; course ro021100mo Sheraton West Port locol contact: Trish Schroeder 314-291-7664 Instructor: Ray Overmann 31 4-291 -7664

II Norman, OK; 9 a.m-I p.m.; course je0211990k Bort Conner Gymnastics locol contact: Ben Fox 405-447-7500 Instructor: Jan Eyman 254-694-2065

19 Nevada City, CA; 9 a.m.-I p.m.; course mt021900co Sierra Rising Stars locol contact: Kim Pruett 530-478-5961 Instructor: Michael To lor 707-202-4006

27 louisville, KYh' 1-6 p.m.; course ss022700ky

St Xavier Hig School, Room 119 Instructor: Steve Schoenbaechler 502-495-2501

MARCH lO West Babylon, NY; 9: 15 a.m.-I :30 p.m.;

course ek031 OOOny 8K Gymnastics Center Instructor: Ed Konopa 516-422-0 11 6

APRIL 22 Columbus, OH; 4-8 p.m.; course bf0422000h

Universal Gymnastsh

Inc.; 4555 Knightsbridge Blvd Instructor: Bobbi Fa rnbach 614-457-1279, 61 4-876-2930

MAY louisville, KY, 1-6 p.m.; course ss050799ky St Xavier High School, Room 119 Instructor: Steve Schoenbaechler 502-495-2501

JULY 15 Hilliard, OH; 10 a.m. -2 p.m.; course bf0715000h

Universal Gymnasts, Inc. 288 I Scioto Darby Executive Court Instructor: 80bbi Fahrnbach 614-457-1279; 61 4-876-2930

OCTOBER 21 Hilliard, OH; 4-8 p.m.; course bfl 021990h

Universal Gymnasts, Inc.; 288 I Scioto Darby Executive Court Instructor: Bobbi Farhnbach 614-457-1279; 61 4-876-2930


PRE·REGISTRATION FORM (Minimum age for Safe'y Cer,ifica,ion is r7l!2 years)


Soc. Sec. # Birth Dale


City: Stale: Zip:

Telephone: (HI (W)

Course Director:

Course Cily/State: Dote:

Orgonizalion represented:

Professional or Instructor #:

Curren I Safety Exp. Date:

I Form of Payment: 0 VI SA 0 MasterCard 0 Discover 0 American Express

Payment Amount: _ _ ________ ____ _______ _

Name on Card: ______________ _ ______ _ _

Number: -----

Exp. Date: ___ / __ Signature: _____________ _

COST: Pro-Member with Current Safety Certification

wishing to recertify """"""""""""""""""""""""""_"'" no charge Pro-Member with Expired or New Safety Certification "_""",,. S 50.00 Instructor Member """""""""""""""""""",,""""""""_"'" S 50.00 Non-Member or Associate Member """""""""""""""""_",,. S 100.00 * You must have your USA Gymnastics number or date applied for

on the registration form in order to qualify for the discount.

YOU MAY NOT REGISTER FOR A COURSE TO RECERTIFY ANY EARLIER THAN 6 MONTHS PRIOR TO YOUR EXPIRATION DATE. Monday, (by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time) is the last day registrations will be accepted for courses being conducted the following weekend. Registrations received alter that time or on site will be charged an additional $25.

• All materials (including the SaFety Handbook) for 4th Cycle courses are prOVided at the course and are part of the course fee.

• Certification is valid for four years. • To achieve Safety Certification, the participant must be at least 17V2

years of age at the time of the course. Please make checks payable, in fun to USA Gymnastics SaFety CertiFication Mad registration lonn and payment to: USA Gymnastics Member Services Pan American Plaza, Suite 300 201 South Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46225 or Fax to 317-692-52 12