
Alfresco Mobile SDKs Agenda

•  Overview – Why, What & How? – Gavin Cornwell

•  Android SDK – Jean Marie Pascal

•  iOS SDK – Peter Schmidt

Overview – Why?

•  Simplify Access To Alfresco From Mobile Devices

•  Uniform API To Access On-Premise Servers and The Cloud

•  Enable 3rd party App Integration •  Rapidly Build Alfresco Based Apps •  Used For All Future Alfresco Apps

Overview – What?

Overview – Sample App

Overview – How?

Overview – How?

Overview – How?

•  Create Session •  Use Services •  Retrieve Model Objects •  Handles Asynchronous Calls For You

Android SDK

In Android world… •  A common Android Application is made of

–  Activities •  provides a screen with which users can

interact in order to do something –  Fragments (Available in android 3+)

•  represents a behavior or a portion of user interface

–  Loaders (Available in android 3+)

•  make it easy to asynchronously load data in an activity or fragment

–  Services •  request information remotely to content

repository and are responsible for creating data objects.

What Alfresco Mobile - Android SDK provides… •  Synchronous Alfresco Services API

–  High level services + objects

•  Asynchronous API –  Loaders

•  UI Component Library –  Fragments, Adapter and manager

•  Sample application –  Demonstrate how to use components

It’s not just one project…

Alfresco OpenCMIS Extension

Alfresco Mobile Repository API

Alfresco Mobile Async API

Alfresco Mobile UI Components

Alfresco Applications (sample…)



Android OpenCMIS JAR




Works on Android versions superior to 2.1

Works on Android version superior to 3.0


Support is possible…

Alfresco OpenCMIS Extension

Alfresco Mobile Repository API

Alfresco Mobile Async API

Alfresco Mobile UI Components

Alfresco Applications (sample…)



Android OpenCMIS JAR




Works on Android versions superior to 2.1

Android support library JAR


Not provided

UI Library •  Provides

–  Images Ressources •  file type icon, logo…

–  Themes •  Color scheme, Layout template…

–  Localization Resources –  Fragments and adapters

•  Activities List, •  Folder list, •  Comments List…

Demo Time

Use cases

•  Create an application from scratch –  Extends and customize the sample application

•  Add Alfresco oriented screen to an existing application –  Use the ApkLib UI component and add a fragment

(Android 3+)

•  Just need data –  Use the repository API

So are you ready to level up ?

Alfresco Mobile SDK

What’s included ?

Sample App

Mobile API Library Included Objective CMIS library

Documentation (appledoc docset)

What are the libraries ? Alfresco Mobile API

(+headers) •  Asynchronous handling of

requests •  E.g. download/upload

documents •  Additional Services, e.g.

•  Comments •  Tagging •  Rating •  Activity

•  Encapsulates low level CMIS calls

Objective CMIS Library (+headers)

•  Low level library to handle CMIS sessions, requests & services

•  Provides CMIS standard services, e.g.

•  Document/Folder (e.g. upload/create/download)

•  Versioning •  Search

•  Mostly synchronous request •  Collaborative project •  Planned to add to Apache CMIS


iOS Specifics •  Naming conventions

–  Objective CMIS code prefixed with CMIS –  Mobile API code prefixed with Alfresco

•  Error Handling –  No exceptions in iOS apps, use NSError instead

•  As per Apple standard: –  NSError object remains nil if method call is successful. Always check!

•  ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)* –  No more retain, release, autorelease on objects

•  Blocks –  Used extensively in Mobile API to handle asynchronous requests and callbacks

* requires iOS 5.x or later for full support

^(<parameter list>){ execution code }

iOS SDK – Async Handling


If(nil == error) { self.session = session; } else { UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView. Alloc]……….. }

Alfresco Mobile API


Background thread

Main thread

In Sample App code

How do Objective C Blocks fit in?

•  Blocks were introduced in iOS 4, Mac OSX 10.6

•  Ad hoc functionality that can be passed on like parameters

•  Mobile API uses blocks as callbacks once requests complete –  You define what your app/code needs to do within a


Example – Create Session NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:host]; [AlfrescoRepositorySession connectWithUrl:url

username:username password:pwd settings:nil

completionBlock:^(id<AlfrescoSession> session, NSError *error){ if (nil != error) {

/* Your error handling code goes here */ }

else { self.session = session; NSLog(@"Authenticated successfully."); } }];

iOS Sample App Demo

Thank You!