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Role descriptions • CB Chairperson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 • CB Honorary Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 • CB Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07 • CB President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09 • CB Succession Planning Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 • CB Data Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 • CB Discipline Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 • CB International Tickets Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 • CB Safeguarding Manager (Volunteer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 • CB Volunteer Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 • CB RugbySafe Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

CB Chairperson Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the Chairperson is for three years initially, with a rolling tenure thereafter .

• The Chairperson is a member of the Executive Committee

• The Chairperson must be voted into post by member clubs

• There is no restriction on the number of years anyone may serve as a member of the Executive Committee


As one of the 3 main officers of the CB, together with the Secretary and Treasurer, the primary duty of the Chairperson is the leadership of, and primary spokesperson for, the CB . They are also responsible for arranging and chairing executive committee meetings, emergency committee meetings and special/Annual General Meetings and ensuring that the executive committee efficiently directs and coordinates the business of the CB .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Leadership and Business Planning

Lead the creation and / or regular review of the CB’s strategic/business plan, ensuring that all responsibilities are fulfilled and the latest legislation is employed to ensure health, safety and welfare policies are implemented; also instigate and support succession planning, engaging with member clubs, to ensure that all Executive Committee positions are filled by appropriately skilled and knowledgeable volunteers .

2 . People Management and Communication

Develop strong working relationships with colleagues on the Executive committee and other committees, sub-committees and task groups, attending meetings where CB policy is concerned . Encourage a culture of openness, transparency and accountability and be willing to explore new ways of working where appropriate .


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CB Chairperson Role Guidelines continued...

3 . Relationship Building

Lead on developing and strengthening relationships with member clubs, making sure they understand what the CB can offer them and the importance of engaging with local CB meetings and the AGM . Support and actively promote engagement with Leadership Development opportunities offered by the RFU, including the Leadership Academy and Leadership in Union .

4 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Demonstrated ability to provide strategic leadership and direction

• Demonstrated ability to lead and develop teams of people

• Knowledge of board/committee structures and roles

• Understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities/managing diversity

• Understanding of relevant legislation and data protection

• Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written skills

CB Honorary Secretary Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the Honorary Secretary is for one year

• The Honorary Secretary is a member of the Executive Committee and may hold other office in the CB

• There is no restriction on the number of years anyone may serve as a member of the Executive Committee


As one of the 3 main officers of the CB, together with the Chairperson and the Secretary, the primary duties of the Secretary are to act as the principal administrator for the CB, including overseeing the general running of the CB, and acting as the main communications link between internal and external stakeholders, including the Executive Committee, sub-committees, clubs and the RFU .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Administration and management of records

Manage and record all inward and outward correspondence, making sure necessary actions are followed up and that insurance and legal matters are dealt with promptly . Maintain accurate records of member club officials and liaise with the CB Data Officer to ensure that GMS records are kept up to date . Liaise with the CB Volunteer Coordinator, to ensure that records are kept of volunteers receiving RFU’s Money Can’t Buy volunteer recognition and reward . Manage the safe storage of historical documents .

2 . Planning, organising and supporting meetings

Produce, in consultation with relevant committee members, an annual plan of dates and venues for Executive, General and sub-committee meetings and organise additional meetings as and when required . Obtain reports from sub-committee chairs and provide them to the appropriate meetings . Prior to meetings, prepare and circulate information including agenda, minutes and other associated paperwork . Ensure appropriate minutes are taken at each Executive, General and sub- committee meeting .


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3 . Communications with stakeholders

Manage internal communications promptly and efficiently, and act as first point of contact between the CB and member clubs, being able to providing advice and guidance as required . Issue invitations to CB events and collate responses . Administer the PFR requirements as defined by the RFU and provide the RFU with any financial information relating to the CB which may be required . Give approval for Tours, Tournaments or Playing Out of Age Grade applications .

4 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Well-organised with accurate and efficient IT and administration skills

• Conscientious and accurate record keeper

• Conversant with meeting procedures, minute taking etc

• Ability to delegate where necessary

• Confident with excellent interpersonal skills

CB Honorary Secretary Role Guidelines continued...

CB Treasurer Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the Treasurer is for one year .

• The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee

• There is no restriction on the number of years anyone may serve as a member of the Executive Committee


As one of the 3 main officers of the CB, together with the Chairperson and the Secretary, the primary duties of the Treasurer are to accurately administer the financial affairs of the CB and monitor, control and review all expenditure .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Financial planning and management

Produce and monitor an annual budget and manage the CB’s cash flow, including payment of bills, renewal of insurances, issuing of receipts and prompt deposit of monies . Lead on preparing and setting budgets, in agreement with budget holders, including monitoring of expenditure . Advise on investment, sponsorship and grant funding opportunities .

2 . Preparation and maintenance of accounts

Maintain accurate income and expenditure accounts, prepare cash flow forecasts and prepare and present accounts for the end of year financial report and audit, to ensure financial stability of the CB, keeping the Executive Committee informed of all financial trends and areas of concern . Prepare and submit any statutory documents required eg VAT returns, PAYE and NI returns, Tax returns, grant aid reports etc .

3 . Planning, Funding and Reporting

Administer the PFR requirements as defined by the RFU and provide the RFU with any financial information relating to the CB which may be required . Attend Executive Committee meetings as required and, in conjunction with other members of the Executive committee, make recommendations on policy for all aspects of funding the game, including International Ticket distribution .


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4 . Support for clubs

Anually receive and inspect member club (level 5 & below) financial statements for the previous season . Act as the first point of contact for clubs on issues such as incorporation and know where to signpost enquiries e .g . RFU tax guides and helplines .

5 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Book-keeping, accounting and PAYE/NIC knowledge

• Knowledgeable about VAT returns and rules

• Numerate, careful and confident with figures

• Well organized, diligent record-keeper and administrator

• IT literate, decisive and aware of financial trends

CB Treasurer Role Guidelines continued...

CB President Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the President is for two years .

• The President is a member of the Executive Committee and may hold other office in the CB

• There is no restriction on the number of years anyone may serve as a member of the Executive Committee


The President is the figurehead of the CB, guiding and offering support using their experience and core skills . A member of the Executive Committee, the President acts as an ambassador for the CB .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Representing the CB

As the welcoming face of the CB, set an example that influences the way the CB is perceived by internal and external stakeholders . Represent the CB at internal and external functions and provide impartial advice based on your broad experience of the game .

2 . Relationship Building

Encourage and support players by attending member club games, festivals, club competitions and special events put on by member clubs, such as celebration dinners and ensure that visiting CB officials are made welcome . Support succession planning by ‘talent spotting’ whilst out visiting clubs in the CB .

3 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Demonstrated ability to provide strategic leadership and direction

• Knowledge of board/committee structures and roles

• Familiar with good business practices and procedures

• Understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities/managing diversity

• Understanding of relevant legislation and data protection

• Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written skills

• Confident and diplomatic communicator


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2 . Development of resources or signposting

In order to support skills development for existing Executive Committee members and the identification/recruitment and induction of successors, use information from review to create appropriate role descriptions and induction information and signpost online training resources as appropriate .

3 . Creation of short and long term volunteer succession plans

Create short (1 year) and long term (3-5 year) plans, linked to the strategic/business plan .

4 . Communications with stakeholders – development of a ‘talent pool’

Create appropriate resources to promote the CB to its member clubs and, working with the CB Volunteer Coordinator, promote and encourage engagement by clubs in RFU initiatives and opportunities including the Leadership Academy, to support the identification of potential volunteers from clubs to become involved at CB level .

5 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Sound knowledge/understanding of board structures and roles

• Well-organised with accurate and efficient IT and administration skills

• Confident leader with good communication/interpersonal skills

• Interested in volunteer management/development matters

• Well-connected to clubs or willing to develop relationships

CB Succession Planning Manager Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the CB Succession Planning Manager is for one/two years

• The CB Succession Planning Manager reports to the Executive Committee


To review current procedures and produce short and long terms succession management plans, linked to the strategic/business plan, ensuring that role descriptions/terms of reference with clear objectives are created for each post and are reviewed on an annual basis .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Comprehensive review of current position

Take the lead on reviewing the current situation within the CB Executive Committee, including a skills analysis for each role:

• identify current role holders and length of tenure to date

• how many additional roles (if any) they hold

• any gaps (where statutory or legal requirements are not being covered)

• development needs/aspirations

• whether they are considering stepping down/moving on – and when

• have any successors been identified

• how are successors currently recruited

• is recruitment open and transparent

• induction processes currently in existence


PLANNING MANAGERCB Succession Planning Manager Guidelines continued...

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Data Officer Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .


As the main contact at the CB for the Game Management System (GMS), you’ll help to establish the needs of users of GMS within your CB including training, ensuring the system is being used appropriately and that information is kept updated, ultimately contributing to the efficient running of your CB .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Main point of contact for the GMS system

Working closely with the GMS trainers, RFU Local Rugby Development Team and GMS help desk to ensure that new developments/upgrades are enacted and communicated to the appropriate people .

2 . Compliance with Data Standards requirements

Monitor user access permissions and privileges and ensure the requirements of all relevant data protection regulations and legislation are adhered to .

3 . Training and updating users

Establish the needs of GMS users, providing basic training where required and ensuring they are kept up to date with system changes and identify / recruit Data Officer assistant(s) to ensure the CB always has someone who can keep data current .

4 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Competent administrator with an understanding of the importance of accurate record-keeping

• Confident user of database systems or willing to learn

• Ability to read, understand and enforce data protection requirements, in line with the RFU’s distributed data policy


CB Discipline Secretary Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the Discipline Secretary is for one year and is renewable

• The Discipline Secretary may hold another office in the CB, subject to any potential conflicts of interest


The overriding objective of the RFU’s disciplinary regime (RFU Regulation 19) is to maintain and promote fair play, protect the health and welfare of Players (and others involved in the Game), ensure that acts of Foul Play and Misconduct (on and off the field of play) are dealt with expeditiously and fairly by independent means within the Game and that the image and reputation of the Game is not adversely affected . Furthermore, to achieve consistency in the way in which discipline is administered and uniformity in the manner in which the assessment of seriousness of Foul Play is conducted and sanctions imposed .

The RFU delegates certain disciplinary functions to its Constituent Bodies (CB) . Each CB is required to act in relation to Clubs in its membership and individuals who are members of those Clubs in relation to:

(a) Any infringement of any Law(s) of the Game;

(b) Any conduct which is, in the opinion of the Constituent Body, prejudicial to the interests of the Union or the Game or which amounts to cheating, contrary to RFU Rule 5 .12; or

(c) Any infringement of any of the RFU Regulations and/or World Rugby Regulations relating to the Game .

A Constituent Body may exercise its powers as delegated when all individuals and Clubs involved in a specific incident during or after a match are under its jurisdiction . In cases involving members from more than one Constituent Body the power shall be delegated to a joint committee of the Constituent Bodies of the individual Clubs involved to deal with or as otherwise directed by the RFU Head of Discipline .


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Key aspects of the role:

1 . Information and education

Ensure that appropriate information on all things disciplinary is disseminated promptly to the RFU, all CB members, CB executive, players and other stakeholders where appropriate and necessary and that online information (i .e . Discipline section on GMS) is accurate and kept up-to-date .

Work with the RFU Discipline and Safeguarding teams and Discipline and Safeguarding officers within member clubs to ensure that matters are effectively dealt with .

2 . Dealing with incidents of misconduct

Convene CB Disciplinary panel hearings when required . Ensure that all aspects relating to on and off field disciplinary incidents are carried out in line with RFU Rules and RFU Regulation 19, which provides the framework for dealing with all disciplinary matters . This includes:

• Red cards

• Citings

• Playing under age players/breach of regulations

• Behaviour of players, coaching staff and spectators etc

3 . Communications with stakeholders / seminars

Organise discipline training events for member clubs and attend the RFU CB training events/RFU Discipline conferences when arranged . Produce an annual pre-season letter to all clubs concerning disciplinary/governance issues together with relevant information for the CB Handbook - Discipline Procedures .

4 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Excellent knowledge of the RFU’s Disciplinary processes and procedures

• Have a thorough understanding of the World Rugby Laws of the Game (in particular Law 10) and RFU Regulation 19

• Protect the image and reputation of the Game by ensuring that any illegal and/or Foul-Play, as proscribed by WR Law 10, or any breach of RFU Rule 5 .12 is investigated and dealt with appropriately

• Provide a consistent, high level service to the CB, RFU Discipline Department and to the Game

• Act as an ambassador for, and promote the best interests of, the CB and the RFU at all times including the promotion of the RFU Core Values

• Ensure that there is an appropriate level of communication between the Disciplinary Secretary and the member clubs alleged to have been involved in any disciplinary incident and that all logistical arrangements are in place to enable a disciplinary hearing to take place in an effective and efficient manner

• Ensure that all relevant judgments and information (as and when required) is provided to the CB and the RFU Discipline Department in an accurate and timely manner

CB Discipline Secretary Role Guidelines continued...

• Undertake such other duties, as may be required from time to time, consistent with the responsibilities of the role and the needs of the CB and/or the RFU Discipline Department

• Accurate recording of disciplinary hearings, decisions and reasons for decisions

• A robust but diplomatic personality

• Good people and reasoning skills

• Willingness to learn and to develop

• IT (outlook, word, adobe etc .) proficient

• Enthusiastic with a good sense of humour

• Ability to work constructively with others

• Ability to inspire respect and confidence

• Ability to maintain authority when challenged

• Be prepared to give up sufficient time to meet the, often challenging, requirements of the role

• Maintain a high standard of confidentiality

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International Ticket Contact Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the International Ticket Contact is for one year .

• The International Ticket Contact may hold other office in the CB

• There is no restriction on the number of years anyone may serve as a member of the Executive Committee


Working with the Committee, you will devise and administer a system to ensure that all international tickets are fairly distributed amongst the membership, working with the Honorary Secretary to ensure timely payment of ticket monies to the RFU .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Administering the Tickets Application Process

Register your up-to-date contact details on RFU Game Management system so that you receive notifications about your CB allocation from the RFU Ticket Office and apply to the RFU for your allocation of international tickets .

2 . Ticket distribution

Working with the CB Volunteer Co-ordinator and Honorary Secretary, review records of previous recipients of international tickets and process applications to ensure a fair and impartial distribution . Manage collection of payments due from all purchasers and advise the Honorary Treasurer accordingly . Ensure that, over time, everyone who wants international tickets has the opportunity to receive them .

3 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Well-organised with accurate and efficient IT and administration skills

• Conscientious and accurate record keeper

• Confident with excellent interpersonal skills



CB Safeguarding Manager (Volunteer) Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

Reports to: CB Management Board (and RFU Safeguarding Manager)

Key Relationships: CB Hon Secretary, CB Head of Game Development, CB schools & 3 youth committees (as appropriate), RFU Safeguarding team, Rugby Development Officer (s), RFU Regional Press Officer, Club Safeguarding Officers, Local Safeguarding Team/ Partnership and County Sport Partnership .

Nature of the role:• To provide leadership in the Safeguarding of Children in Rugby Union across the CB area, maintaining

key relationships with the CB Management Committee, RFU Safeguarding Team and local Club Safeguarding Officers (CSO) .

• The CB Safeguarding Manager should undertake NSPCC training and any appropriate RFU safeguarding courses .

• The Safeguarding Manager will ideally have a background in child protection from any of the statutory agencies (Police, Social Services, Children’s services) .

• The person should also have a range of key skills and attributes including: empathy, approachability, objectivity, and attention to detail, resilience and dedication to the cause of safeguarding young people .

• In return, the appointed individual will receive intensive support from the RFU Safeguarding team in the form of training, conferences and regular communications and will receive corporate kit and resources to support them in the delivery of this role .

Key tasks:

• To be an active member of the CB Governance or Management / Executive Committee;

• To offer support and guidance to Sub Committees and Representative Squads;

• Offer guidance & support to local clubs on developing their own Safeguarding policy, in conjunction with their Club Safeguarding Officers;

• To identify, develop, train, support and maintain a team of Club Safeguarding Officers (CSOs), and, if appropriate, deputy CBSMs, across the CB area, and ensure their registration on the RFUs Game Management System .



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• To co-ordinate a training programme, in conjunction with CSOs and/or RDO, for club personnel involved in working with young people (i .e . Play it Safe, In Touch courses);

• To be the Safeguarding advisor for the CB performance pathways;

• To attend the RFUs CB Safeguarding Manager Conference .

• In conjunction with the CSOs, develop an effective DBS process within the CB to ensure that all individuals working with young people undertake a DBS application every three years;

• To ensure that all safeguarding issues and incidents involving adult(s) and children/ young people under 18 are reported promptly to the RFU Safeguarding team and the CB Hon Secretary;

• To conduct information gathering or investigations as requested by the RFU Safeguarding team, and be available to attend RFU, CB or Club Disciplinary hearings when required;

• To have contact details for the local statutory agencies and liaise with them when necessary;

• To monitor, on an annual basis, 10% of the clubs with players and teams under 18 within the CB, and return audit forms to RFU Safeguarding team for analysis .

• To ensure and update the presence of a ‘Safeguarding’ page on the CB web pages;

• To be involved in a Club’s Accreditation and to verify the accuracy of the information relating to Safeguarding issues provided to the RDO; and

• To distribute literature, electronic communication and new developments concerning the Safeguarding of young people to the CB and clubs as appropriate .

CB Safeguarding Manager (Volunteer) Role Guidelines continued...

CB Volunteer Coordinator Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .

• The appointment of the CB Volunteer Coordinator is for one year

• The CBVC is a member of the Executive Committee

• There is no restriction on the number of years anyone may serve as CBVC


Lead on all club volunteering related matters for the CB, including the promotion of CB, RFU or external volunteering awards with clubs and the collation of nominations for submission . Work with the Executive Committee and CB Succession Manager in the creation of a succession planning process, to ensure you always have volunteers ready and willing to step up or provide cover for key roles .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . Promotion of good practice in volunteer management

Promote the Club Volunteer Co-ordinator (CVC) role and host volunteer forums and workshops, with the support of the local RDO . Identify and share good practice in volunteer recruitment, retention and recognition eg via the CB website, newsletters, social media etc . Signpost clubs to useful resources eg volunteer role descriptions .

2 . Promotion of volunteering engagement programmes

Promote the Young Rugby Ambassadors programme and support the creation of opportunities for young volunteers (aged 14-24) . Promote Keep Your Boots On! (KYBO!) and highlight the opportunities for retaining former players in the game .

3 . Volunteer recognition and reward

As the main contact with the RFU’s Volunteer Engagement Manager, promote RFU volunteer recognition and reward opportunities to clubs, collate responses, check against records to ensure the volunteer hasn’t recently received high level R&R and submit nominations to RFU in good time . Liaise with the CB Honorary Secretary



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and International Tickets contact, to ensure that records are kept of volunteers receiving tickets and/or RFU Money Can’t Buy volunteer recognition and reward .

4 . Communications with stakeholders

Visit clubs regularly to increase your understanding of volunteer achievements and issues . Promote and encourage engagement by clubs in RFU initiatives and opportunities including NatWest RugbyForce, the Leadership Academy, England Rugby Deals etc . Identify potential volunteers from clubs for the Leadership Academy and the CB .

5 . Experience, Knowledge, Skills and competencies required:

• Well-organised with accurate and efficient IT and administration skills

• Interested in volunteer management/development matters

• Well-connected to clubs or willing to develop relationships

• Pro-active, confident and good at communicating

• Flexible and able to visit clubs at their convenience

CB Volunteer Coordinator Role Guidelines continued...

CB RugbySafe Manager Role Guidelines

Please note all role descriptions are for guidance only . Please adapt/add to this basic information to ensure it is relevant to your CB’s requirements .


Player Welfare, and making rugby as safe as possible, is the joint responsibility of all involved in the game . It is important that good practice is embedded across CBs and clubs to support the promotion of a proactive approach to player welfare and safety .

CBs may take a variety of approaches to covering the tasks below depending on current structure but must ensure each task has an assigned lead . For example, appoint an individual the “RugbySafe Manager” role or split the tasks across a small group of volunteers .

Key aspects of the role:

1 . CB First Aid / Immediate Care Pitch-side provision for Representative Rugby Review the CB risk assessments and current first aid (FA) and immediate care (IC) provision for training and matches . Referring to the RFU’s recommended minimum levels, create a plan to ensure every training session and match is appropriately covered .

2 . Training & EquipmentArrange training to ensure all appointed first aiders and immediate care practitioners are trained and up-to-date with an appropriate level of qualification, in line with RFU guidelines (e .g . RFU Emergency First aid in Rugby Union and Immediate Care in Sport courses) . Have a process in place for the management of FA/IC supplies and equipment .

3 . ReportingEnsure there is process in place to keep records of player medical conditions, monitor injuries and report incidents/injuries as they happen in line with RFU regulations .

4 . Funding / PFRReview and manage budgets requirements for player welfare projects and FA/IC provision . Input into the PFR planning process, to provide funding and enable opportunities for CB and clubs to support player welfare across all levels of the game .

5 . RugbySafeUtilise the RFUs RugbySafe scheme and guidelines (e .g . management of concussion), working with other key personnel (e .g . coaches and CB safeguarding manager) to support wider best practice and ensure that all volunteers and parents are aware of how to support player welfare .

6 . Club SupportAct as a contact for clubs on behalf of the CB . Work with clubs to gain an understanding of current compliance levels and provide support and guidance on FA/IC training, injury reporting and other player welfare issues .


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