
Inside this edition::

Yr 11 Prom and Leavers


Sports Day


MFL Pop Video Success

Plus loads more..

Summer Term 2016

teamtalk @howden

Year 11 Leavers Assembly and Prom It has quickly got to that time of year again where

we sadly have to say goodbye to our eldest

students. The leavers assembly and prom are both

fantastic events, allowing students time to reflect

and celebrate their achievements together.

The first event that students participated in was the

leavers assembly. On the afternoon of Thursday

9th June many proud family members packed into

the school hall to reminisce with the students about

their journey through Howden School. Special

mentions go to Sophie, Sophie Fiona and Holly for

providing the music for this.

As always, leavers assembly would not be complete

without the awards. These included “Most Likely to

run the country” – Sam D, “Spirit of Team Howden”

– Natalie V and Matthew L, “Best Beard” – Jonjay R

It was a wonderful send off.

Following this, the prom was held at a new venue,

Carlton Towers. On Wednesday 6th July many of

the Year 11s arrived in style wearing fabulous outfits

and looking very smart and grown up. Some

students even managed to wear a tie, which was

quite an achievement for some!

As with Howden prom tradition, a number of awards

were awarded on the night.. The big winners were: Kira and Ollie who were voted as prom queen and

king by fellow students, and Fiona and Wes who

were voted best dressed by the members of staff

who attended.

Year 6 Transition Week

As part of their first week of Year 11, our old

Year 10s went on visits to Selby College and

Goole College. As part of our careers programme, all of Year

11 attended a taster day at Selby College on

Monday 27th June and 25 students attended an additional taster day at Goole College on the

Wednesday. It gave students valuable

experience of life in Post 16 education. Students could take part in a wide range of

sessions, including sport and public services,

hair and beauty, engineering, catering,

construction and A Level subjects.

From Monday 4th July until Friday 8th July, all our

new starters for September enjoyed a week at

Howden School. While at first many would admit to

feeling a bit scared and nervous, by the end of the

week they were feeling the complete opposite. The students got to sample a wide range of subjects

to get them used to having different subjects in

different classrooms with different teachers. They

also got to find out who the other students in the

tutor group will be, as well as meeting their lovely

new tutor teachers. Special thanks to all our

student helpers, who did a great job in keeping an

eye on the students. We look forward to seeing you

all again in September!

College Taster Days

Mrs Roberts Visits Japan

On 25th July, Mrs Roberts is going to Koriyama

in Fukushima Prefecture to help raise the

aspirations of young people who were affected by the tsunami and nuclear plant disaster in


She will be teaching English to 26 9-11 year olds

who have had to stay at home for the last 5

years for fear of radiation contamination. This will be a fabulous experience for Mrs Roberts,

who will be sure to tell all about her visit to the

members of Japanese club.

Kizzy Gets Bizzy—Follow Up

Howden Show Success and GYS

By Harriet Recently, Kizzy has been doing a range of things to

raise money for skiing equipment. She has finally

met her target, with some extra money as well! Kizzy has been learning to ski for a while but she

needed her own equipment and it isn’t cheap, so

she decided to do numerous things to help raise

enough funds to buy it. One of the main things she

has done is independently travel across three bridges. She collected sponsorship and completed

her Three Bridge Challenge! Other things Kizzy

has done to raise money include bun sales,

donation buckets and raffles. She says she is “really grateful for all the sponsorship and

donations”. Also recently, Kizzy attended the Yorkshire Disability Sport Awards. She was nominated for

the Girls Young Achiever award, and also the

Baroness Masham Wheelchair Performer Award.

Unfortunately, Kizzy did not win the Young

achiever award, but she did however win the

Baroness Masham Wheelchair Performer Award, beating Paralympic athlete and MBE Hannah

Cockcroft! Well done Kizzy!

Many s tudents enjoyed visiting the

annual Howden

S h o w w h i c h

happened on the 3rd

July. H u g e

congratulations to

Year 8 student

Maddy who won Supreme champion

for her sheep at Howden Show at the beginning of

July. Here she is, looking proud with the winning


Leading on from this, on Wednesday 13th July, over 100 students (plus several members of staff)

got to visit the Great Yorkshire Show for the day,

sampling the different stalls and activities that

were on offer. A fun day was had by all.

Taste of Uni Day

Last Tuesday, Mrs Milner, Mr Harris, Mrs Palmer and some of our more able Year 10 and 11 students

went to Hull Uni to sample a ‘Taste of Uni’ day. The

aim of the day to encourage students to think

about their future and whether going to university

would be an option for them. The day included a tour of the campus, a Q&A sessions with Uni

students and information about all aspects of Uni


Year 8 Residential

By Emma On the 27th of June the Year 8s went to Kibblestone

adventure camp and stayed until the 1st July. On the first day students started setting up their

tents and getting ready for the orientation walk with

the instructors, which was a tour of the whole camp.

They then had some dinner and set off back to their

tents and started to unpack and get ready for the

morning activities. In the morning they met up with the instructors and

were told which activity they had in the morning. The

activities included: caving, tree tops, climbing, sat nav

challenge, archery, low ropes, high ropes, raft

building and bushcraft. We also had evening activities

which meant we were having fun all through the day

and tuck shop was available.

The night before we were meant to leave the

teachers surprised us with takeaway pizza and it was

a BIG surprise. Everyone was screaming before

tucking in. Also prizes were available to a person in

each group who stood out during the trip. The

instructors also chose two students they thought

were best behaved. On the last day the winning group of the satnav

challenge chose 3 teachers and 3 instructors to be

tower showered! All together it was an amazing and unforgettable trip

which all the students fully enjoyed and I think I can

say on behalf of everyone that went we would all like

to come again one day .

By Joshua Team Howden came second place in the Routes into

Languages pop video online viewers award, with the

second most online views in the country. Eight

students from Year 7 and 8 took part in the national

competition to produce a multi-lingual (French,

German and Spanish) “pop” video. Our entry was

called Tango du Cola and had a food and drink

theme. Between 50 and 60 schools from across the

country took part in this competition. Three students went to a presentation day at Bristol

university to collect the award, it was a fantastic

day and Routes into Languages provided a great day

for everyone. Team Howden's song was very good

and entertaining and if you had a look at our video

we thank you because all of the views has made us

get to the point we have.

MFL Pop Video Competition

On Friday 24th June 133 Year 7 students took part in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record

(GWR) for the world’s largest reading lesson,

organised by National Book day to promote the

importance of reading.

Students read the first chapter of Harry Potter

and the Deathly Hallows along with J.K. Rowling on

the big screen. We have now had confirmation

that we have broken the record with over 4000

participants taking part nationally.

The final numbers have still to be confirmed but

this is great news.

Team Howden’s Guinness World Record Success

Head’s Address

Once again, I find it hard to believe that we are at the end of another academic year. This year has

been as busy as ever and this note reflects just

some of the wonderful things our students have

been involved with, both in lessons and on trips

and visits. Amongst other things, this has included, charity events, sporting success such as

reaching the Small Schools National Cup final in

Reading and visits by a multitude of individuals

and organisations as well as school trips. Next year promises to be another exciting one,

with students and staff striving to improve in

everything that we do. Achieving the Good Grading in the OfSTED inspection gave the students and

staff the confidence they needed to raise

standards even higher. Since the inspection in February we have been

busy putting together the things we need to move

the school to Outstanding. Finally can I thank you for your continued support and on behalf of all the staff and governors of

Howden School I would like to wish everyone an

enjoyable Summer break.

Water Sports Trip

The annual water sports trip to the south of

France took place from 4th June to 11th June.

This year 21 students went on the trip from across different year groups. The students got

to take part in a wide range of activities. Here

is the timetable / diary detailing the main

events that the students (and staff!)

participated in:

Monday saw the students enjoying a day sail in the Pico’s. They sailed across the lake and

enjoyed a Pico and games. The students sailed

really well in the morning in light wind, the afternoon was slightly more interesting with

the wind increasing a great deal so sails where

quickly luffed! All students enjoyed the challenge with many enjoying a surprise dip in

the lake at times! In the evening all students and staff enjoyed a swim in the pool and then after tea all

competed in the challenge in teams of 5, with

Mr Hopkin and Miss Scott entering as a team

themselves and coming out victorious! No

cheating was involved! On Tuesday the students enjoyed trail biking

and windsurfing. It was been a glorious sunny

warm day. On the trail biking the students enjoyed a bike ride around part of the lake with

stop off to play some different games along the

way. In the afternoon we all went windsurfing, there was just the right amount of wind for the

students to learn to sail. Wednesday was a day out. A quick visit to

decathlon followed by a visit to Dune du la Pyla

which is a sand dune which is 110m tall! Students enjoyed the challenge of crawling up

the dune and running down!

Thursday was a day sail on the darts. Darts are

catamarans. It was a glorious day. They sailed

all day stopping for a packed lunch and ice cream. The students displayed their newly

learnt sailing skills to a great standard in the

afternoon. Friday saw students enjoying a trail ride and a kayak before they had to start the

long journey home.

Sports Day

After sports day was originally

postponed due to the fabulous

English weather, Howden sports

day f inal ly happened on

Wednesday 22nd June. Once

again, another fabulous day of

sport was organised by the

amazing PE department.

The morning saw all tutor groups

take part in two activities (if

students were not participating in

specific sporting events) - the

fun run/walk (depending on how

fit you are!) and designing

motivational banners for the

different tutor groups.

As usual, many previous records

were broken across both field

and track events. The overall

winners were as follows:

7O (Miss Brownlee)

8O (Mr Mason)

9D (Miss Taylor)

10O (Mrs Doyle)

East Riding School Sports


Howden School students were

selected to attend the East Riding

School Sports Awards, held at

Cottingham High School.

Ellie came first in the award for

designing a logo/medal for the

school games and her design was

shown to the attendees before

she was given her trophy.

Josh & Alex were representing

the football team which came 2nd

overall in the outstanding team

performance category, and

James came 2nd overall in the

school sports personality of the

year award. Well done to all the

winners and those selected to


Sports News

Key Dates:

School closes for summer Friday 22nd July

GCSE results Thursday 25th August

Training day Monday 5th September

Students return to school Tuesday 6th September