Page 1: TEAM 111 Advanced NONPROFIT ORG TUCSON COMMUNITY … · Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015. . TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children

Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015

TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children in 11 TUSD Schools and our volunteers contributed in excess of 1040 hours. You, our supporters, enabled us to finish the year with a balanced budget. THANK YOU!

A key change in our Program came last spring when we moved the advanced players and our junior development program to Pueblo High School. This location change further aligned us with our mission – “To provide neighborhood opportunities for Tucson’s under-served children to learn and play the game of tennis throughout their youth and into adulthood” and significantly increased our weekly attendance from 10 kids to

an average of 25. We are happy to report that all 10 of Pueblo’s courts were utilized when the program started up again on October 3. Nelson Payne is heading up the program, and Hilda Cortez is our beginning/intermediate head instructor.

This past year TCTP said thank you and good bye to long-term board member and Volunteer Coordinator Marsha Rianda. We also thanked ex-board members Steve Gall and Mark Swenson for sharing their expertise and support; we wish them well. And lastly, TCTP is thrilled to welcome two new board members: Nancy Ferguson and Bill Wallin.

Be sure to check our website at for more information regarding up-coming events and on-going

programs. Please use the “Donate” button to encourage and support the dreams of our young tennis players.

With great appreciation;John Davis

President’s Message


TCTP’s Second Serve Superstore

USTA SAZ and FCT Fund the Magic Graduation Bus!Fun was had by both volunteers and kids thanks to the USTA SAZ and the Foothills Club of Tucson who funded our graduation day field trips to the Jim Reffkin Tennis Center!

2014-2015 – TCTP’s Adult Goings-On…… • Team 111 Cycling in El Tour de Tucson

- raising money for tennis scholarships.

• Thanksgiving Adult Tournament fundraiser at Tucson Racquet Club (TRC).

• Susan Grunebaum’s December PotterySale fundraiser.

• Adult/Child Fundraising Tournamentat Reffkin Tennis Center.

• TCTP’s May Shirt Sale fundraiser at TRC.

• Rich Wheeler’s July 4th MemorialTournament to benefit TCTP’s kids.

• Margy and Jan’s “Sip and Swap” whichbenefited TCTP’s “Second Serve Superstore”.

• FOE – Friends of Eddie Yueh MemorialGathering fundraiser at La Paloma.

Tennis for every kid…. Last January TCTP’s Board decided to move our Saturday program to Pueblo High School from Himmel Park so our clinics would be more accessible to the children we teach in South Tucson. The “move” paid off. Attendance on Saturday’s increased greatly. Instead of 10 – 12 kids we now regularly see 20 – 30 kids at our Saturday clinics and we expect that number to grow thanks to your generous support.

Saturday Clinics move to Pueblo High School

P.O Box 65916 Tucson, Arizona 85728-5916



Jean Aboud Lyn Ashton Nancy Atherton Julian Baliani Patrick Baliani Phyllis Capp Angela Chakraborty Betty Coleman Joe Conour Robert Cota Jessica Curley John Davis Dean Drawbaugh Margy Eller Judy Elliott Maureen Enos Jill & Britt Feldhausen April Fenton Marc Fereres Nancy Ferguson Jeanne Foley Steve Gall Susan Grunebaum Mei Hand

Meghan Houk Ricardo Harding Katy Hoeft Nancy Hosford Lynne Hudson Peggy Ingraham Dian Jazynka Noelle Karp Karen Kiburz Sharon Koenig Gina Lloyd Jean Lorch Mary Anne Marquez Ann Micha Jon Miller Anna & Rigo Nava Janet Nelson Laurie Nitido Peter Packard Phil Parks Nelson Payne Laura Pendleton-Miller Tim & Laurel Pennick Pima CC Women’s Team

Dana Pineda Annabel & Griffin Ratley Margie Ray Mireya Reyes Nancy Richmond Tom Romance Samantha Ruth Tom Ryan Frank Ross Gretchen Schantz Karen Shevin Gene Siegel Val Smith Dorothy Steele Nancy & Peter Strong Diane & Ian Stuart Gavin Stuart Matt Stuart Eileen Taxe-Levine UA Men’s Tennis Team Rudy Vershen Holly Yamato-Smith Jeebee Yim

To our volunteers ... Thank you!

Interested in volunteering? Email Dian Jazynka at [email protected]


Last year 60% of our budget was funded by YOU, our caring supporters, and this year is no different. We truly appreciate your past support and hope you will make a gift this Holiday Season to support the youth in our programs. Your contribution enables Tucson’s children to develop confidence, build positive adult/child relationships, and learn a lifelong, athletic skill that will provide them with many hours of fun on the tennis court.

Secure credit card contributions may be made on our website, or send your check to:TCTPPO Box 65916

Tucson, AZ 85728

Next Year…Email your newsletter?If so, please send an email with the subject line “Newsletter” to [email protected].

Support TCTP ... NOW you canuse your Credit Card!

Volunteer Training SessionOn September 13th, volunteers and coaches gathered for this year’s TCTP Training Session at TRC. John Davis led the group by examining and executing the key elements in the In-School Lesson Plans. Many of our participating volunteers were new and met coaches and other seasoned volunteers for the first time. All agreed that this is a fabulous way to begin the 2015-16 program year!!!

Interested in volunteering? Email Dian Jazynka at [email protected]

Volunteers learning new skills!

TEAM 111 Advanced Player Scholarship Support

Team 111 continues to get the rubber on the ground with both bike tires and tennis balls. This diverse group of eight tennis playing friends started their tennis careers at the Smith-Perry Tennis Academy (SPTA) here in Tucson and have now expanded their activities to include cycling. Five years ago this gang of eight decided to participate in the El Tour de Tucson. News of the team’s spirit traveled and now the team has morphed into a group of 48 members from 10 different states who participated in over 50 races last year. In 2014 the El Tour de Tucson awarded the team the Corporate and Community Award for “Fast Team”. To date they have raised nearly $7k which has been used to send TCTP’s advanced players to tennis camp at the SPTA.

This past summer these scholarship funds sent eleven of TCTP’s players to a total of 26 weeks of SPTA summer camp. These scholarships put within reach the ability for these young players to see themselves as tennis players both physically and mentally. We want to thank Team 111 for helping to ingrain tennis into the psyche of these young athletes.

TCTP’s Pathway to Becoming a Tennis Player The key to getting more children on the court has proven to be a series of steps on a path which TCTP fulfills within our three programs.

• Step 1 (In-School Program) - Expose youngchildren to tennis in a school setting;

• Step 2 (Saturday and Summer CampPrograms) – Offer opportunities within thechildren’s community that includes consistentquality coaching for them to play and developtheir skills;

• Step 3 (SPTA and SAZ Scholarship Programs)– Send advanced players to tennis clinics thatallow them to play and receive coaching withother young players;

• Step 4 – Encourage them to play on their highschool teams and/or in local tournaments.

Page 2: TEAM 111 Advanced NONPROFIT ORG TUCSON COMMUNITY … · Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015. . TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children

Tucson Community Tennis Program: Where Kids, Fun, and Tennis Meet

The USTA Southwest Supports TCTP!

Tennis accessories, instructor costs for our Saturday and Summer Camp programs, UA Campus Day, and lots of encouragement from staff are the ways the USTA Southwest supports TCTP. From our kids to you – Thank you USTA Southwest!

UA DayFree associations filled the air as seventy-

five of TCTP’s Mission View Elementary students devised metaphors for the Stevie Eller Dance Theatre: a caterpillar; no, a praying mantis; no, a snake in the grass. The clear sky above was the limit as students stretched their imaginations, answered questions, and raised some of their own. A scavenger hunt in the renowned Meinel Optics Building followed, with students exploring optical illusions displayed in the foyer. Green architecture, landscaping, and design concepts were discussed before the students crossed the Mall to consider the gigantic Student Union Building, modeled after the U.S.S. Arizona. The guided tour concluded between the “old” and the “new” Chemistry Buildings, where the students compared and contrasted the two

structures. Then a race across the Mall for part two of the outing: tennis instruction and meeting the formidable tennis stars of the UA Men’s Tennis Team.All the athletes of the UA Men’s Tennis Team

engaged the students in a series of exercises, information, more questions and answers, and signed posters, racquets, and clothing. The kids were enthralled and asked many questions: “How long have you been playing tennis?” “How hard is it to make it on the team?” “Is it difficult to play on the team and go to school at the same time?”The students were engaged and inspired.

The promise of a University education seemed well within their reach. As Carlos got onto the school bus, he turned to me and said, “I’m coming here!” So I ask you – what more do you need for your

money? Donate today to enable more of our children the opportunity to create dreams and set goals. We thank the UA Men’s Team, Professor Baliani, and our TCTP volunteers for making this event a huge success. We thank you for making it possible.

Students take in the wonders of a prism at the UA Optics Building

The 2014-2015 Accomplishments of our Supporters!• 1044 Volunteer Hours; 

• 1000 plus children participated in our 3 programs - In-School, Saturday Clinics, and Summer Camp;

• 11 Field trips to the Reffkin Tennis Center were provided to children from 11 TUSD elementary schools;• 273 new tennis racquets were given away to children/siblings who attended school “Family Nights”; 

• 2 UA Field Trips for nearly 100 students, teachers, and families to see the UA Men’s Team play;

• 31 weeks of free two hour Saturday Clinics – not just for athletic kids but every kid;

• 4 Weeks of Summer Camp for 80 children at Pueblo High School;

• 4 TCTP Second Serve Superstore “Days” where summer camp children spent their TCTP Reward Tickets;

• 26 Weeks of Smith Perry Tennis Camp Scholarships were given to 11 TCTP kids;

• $38,000 raised - This year TCTP held 6 fundraisers, was awarded 5 grants and received funding from one corporate sponsor. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our supporters!

Annual Thanksgiving Tournament 2014Last November 48 teams played tennis and 125 people ate BBQ while grooving to the band “Rey” at the Tucson Racquet Club! Not only did everyone have fun but we were able to raise just under $4,000. With a generous matching donation of $5,000 from the Knisely Foundation our total funds raised were nearly $9,000. Many many thanks to all who participated and supported this fun tournament.

To Our Donors ... Thank you for helping us continue our mission!

A Jean Aboud Sally Allison AMSAGreg Anderson Rita Anderson Apartment Source Natalie Ashburn Lyn Ashton Nancy Bacso Robert Baker Patricia Barey Donna Berger Thomas Bergin & Anne Graham-Bergin Herb Bevans Jerry & Suzanne Bouwens Marco Bravo Sr. Marco Bravo Dalice Bromfeld Erin Bronner Buzz & Ann Bruner George & Chris Bubany Donald & Gloria Burgdorfer John & Phyllis Capp (Sunstreet Mortgage) Pierre & Gayle Carasso John Carroll Don & Helen Carson Mia Cheeseman Cheryl Chestnut Roger & Jeanette Clifton Nicholas Coldwell Jim Concidine Robert Condiotty Joe & Ronni Conour Robert Crone, MD Maryanne Curry Dolores Davenport John & Bunny Davis Art & Judy Davis Sheryl DeConcini Lou Demer Peggy DeWald Hugh & Bernice Donahue Tim & Marti Donovan, MD Vicki Drinnon

Jack & Rosemary Dunn Charlie Edelman Maureen Enos Kynn Escalante Patricia Ferrer Irma Ficzeri Sharon Flowers Benjamin Gabrys Michael Gajewski John & Katherine Galgiani Kinlen & Vivian Gee Gerald & Barbara Goldberg Martin Goldman Lola Grabb Karen Griffith Susan Grunebaum Arthur & Dorothy Grunebaum Bud Guion Don Hammonds John & Paige Hamner Suzanne Hawkins George Henderson David Hendricks Robert Hensler Richard & Helen Herrnstadt Greg Hill Jakob & Annemarie Hohl Ruth Hoshaw Judith HughesDebra Webster Irons Brian & Lisa Jackson John & Linda Jensen Dian Jazynka & Patrick Baliani Jessica Johnson Marci Josselyn Linda Karl Henry & Carol Karrle Nancy Lee Kay Nancy Kaye Ed Kerschen Christopher & Elizabeth Keys Al & Janice Kivel

John Paul Koczan Roland Kotwica Oscar Lai Brice Leonard Irv Levine & Eileen Taxe-Levine Phil & Lynn Lilienthal Dana Lim Gina Graves Lloyd Jean Lorch Karen Lunda Penny Maag Boyd & Ottilie Rose Matchett Rich & Fran Maust Courtney McEniry Robin & Linda McGeorge Jim & Patricia Mentz Amber Michael Laura Pendleton-Miller Jon & Sandy Miller Aimee Minkin Lindy Mullinax & Ray Moldow Craig Molloy Barbara Mondrus Loyal Moore Molly Morris Margaret Morton Minna Moskowitz Rigo & Anna Nava Marie Nemerguth Vincent & Laura Nitido Sean Oseran Lawrence & Edith Pangaro Robert Pearlman Michael & Kathy Pensinger Clyde Perlee Nancy Pitt Bobby Present Stacey Pretzel Serena Quarelli Janet RanneyGriffin & Annabel Ratley John Ratzan Reffkin Tennis Center Gary & Colleen Reeve

Gale Reich Julia Robbins Vicki Pedratti Rohe Matthew & Mary Rohne Leo Roop Lawrence & Margery Ross Phyllis Russell Timothy & Jill Russell Seymour M Sabesin Robb & Tanis Salant Nancy Saul Terry Scallon Martin Schiff, Jr, MD Lital Shahar Richard & Jane Shaine Wayne Showalter Don & Virginia Shuman Lisa Langer & Dan Siegel Bruce Simon Robert & Linda Slaven Tom Smith & Holly Yamato-Smith Valerie Harris Smith Charles Smith Jr Gail Spear Ronald Staub Dorothy Steele Harry Stinespring Ian & Diane Stuart Steven Taylor Christopher & Ann Teras Nancy Tyson David Tzou Tom Unger Charley Upton Stephen Vakil Brett & Stephanie Waldo Bill & Caryl Wallin Colin & Shelley Watson Steven Weintraub Stephen & Barbara Wilkinson Lisa Wolfe Ann Wolff Richard & Joan Wolff Kristina Wulf Richard Yettner

Corporate ContributionsFoothills Club of TucsonJim Reffkin Tennis CenterKnisely Family FoundationLa SalsaSunstreet MortgageTeam 111Tucson Conquistadores FoundationTucson Racquet ClubUSTA Southwest SectionUSTA Southern ArizonaWaddell Reed

In Memory ofGeorge Bacso Sr.Judy GautschLeonard GriffithGraeme HuyckeLinda LemmeJesus & Maria NavaEdie PangaroJudith SkrillLouise RobbinsRichard SaulRich WheelerCindy Present Wool

In Honor ofAimee W. Minkin

TCTP Board Members President John DavisSecretary Meghan HoukTreasurer Jon Miller Founder Britt Feldhausen Nancy Ferguson Susan Grunebaum Dian Jazynka Phil Parks Annabel Ratley Diane Stuart Bill Wallin

Professional StaffProgram Coordinator Diane [email protected] Coordinator Dian [email protected] Coaches Nelson Payne Enrique Zarate Luis Luna Hilda Cortez Marc Fereres Mireya Reyes Robert Cota John Davis Susan Grunebaum Noelle Karp Samantha Ruth Julian Baliani Ivy Ubarco

Rich Wheeler July 4th Memorial TournamentIt was a splendid 4th of July for tennis. 28 mixed doubles teams came out to pay tribute to Rich Wheeler and celebrate the friendships and fun that the game of tennis brought to Rich for so many years. Rich’s daughter Suzanne, son-in-law Dario and partner Gladi joined us as well and after match play we met on the “bar deck” to toast Rich’s life and reminisce. Great stories were told - reminding us of Rich’s generosity, friendship, and wonderful sense of humor.  Rich would have been delighted and honored by the generous donations ($1070) you gave to TCTP in his memory! Rich’s family and friends are thrilled that you will continue to keep his memory alive by participating in this annual tournament.

What the Kids are Telling You“Nothing has been this much fun in a long time and I thank you for that.”

“I learned that sportsmanship was more important than competing.”

“Teamwork was a big part because if you don’t work as a team things go wrong.”

“You guys are the most fun coaches in the whole world and I just want to be the best student.”

“To conclude, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

Page 3: TEAM 111 Advanced NONPROFIT ORG TUCSON COMMUNITY … · Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015. . TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children

Tucson Community Tennis Program: Where Kids, Fun, and Tennis Meet

The USTA Southwest Supports TCTP!

Tennis accessories, instructor costs for our Saturday and Summer Camp programs, UA Campus Day, and lots of encouragement from staff are the ways the USTA Southwest supports TCTP. From our kids to you – Thank you USTA Southwest!

UA DayFree associations filled the air as seventy-

five of TCTP’s Mission View Elementary students devised metaphors for the Stevie Eller Dance Theatre: a caterpillar; no, a praying mantis; no, a snake in the grass. The clear sky above was the limit as students stretched their imaginations, answered questions, and raised some of their own. A scavenger hunt in the renowned Meinel Optics Building followed, with students exploring optical illusions displayed in the foyer. Green architecture, landscaping, and design concepts were discussed before the students crossed the Mall to consider the gigantic Student Union Building, modeled after the U.S.S. Arizona. The guided tour concluded between the “old” and the “new” Chemistry Buildings, where the students compared and contrasted the two

structures. Then a race across the Mall for part two of the outing: tennis instruction and meeting the formidable tennis stars of the UA Men’s Tennis Team.All the athletes of the UA Men’s Tennis Team

engaged the students in a series of exercises, information, more questions and answers, and signed posters, racquets, and clothing. The kids were enthralled and asked many questions: “How long have you been playing tennis?” “How hard is it to make it on the team?” “Is it difficult to play on the team and go to school at the same time?”The students were engaged and inspired.

The promise of a University education seemed well within their reach. As Carlos got onto the school bus, he turned to me and said, “I’m coming here!” So I ask you – what more do you need for your

money? Donate today to enable more of our children the opportunity to create dreams and set goals. We thank the UA Men’s Team, Professor Baliani, and our TCTP volunteers for making this event a huge success. We thank you for making it possible.

Students take in the wonders of a prism at the UA Optics Building

The 2014-2015 Accomplishments of our Supporters!• 1044 Volunteer Hours; 

• 1000 plus children participated in our 3 programs - In-School, Saturday Clinics, and Summer Camp;

• 11 Field trips to the Reffkin Tennis Center were provided to children from 11 TUSD elementary schools;• 273 new tennis racquets were given away to children/siblings who attended school “Family Nights”; 

• 2 UA Field Trips for nearly 100 students, teachers, and families to see the UA Men’s Team play;

• 31 weeks of free two hour Saturday Clinics – not just for athletic kids but every kid;

• 4 Weeks of Summer Camp for 80 children at Pueblo High School;

• 4 TCTP Second Serve Superstore “Days” where summer camp children spent their TCTP Reward Tickets;

• 26 Weeks of Smith Perry Tennis Camp Scholarships were given to 11 TCTP kids;

• $38,000 raised - This year TCTP held 6 fundraisers, was awarded 5 grants and received funding from one corporate sponsor. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our supporters!

Annual Thanksgiving Tournament 2014Last November 48 teams played tennis and 125 people ate BBQ while grooving to the band “Rey” at the Tucson Racquet Club! Not only did everyone have fun but we were able to raise just under $4,000. With a generous matching donation of $5,000 from the Knisely Foundation our total funds raised were nearly $9,000. Many many thanks to all who participated and supported this fun tournament.

To Our Donors ... Thank you for helping us continue our mission!

A Jean Aboud Sally Allison AMSAGreg Anderson Rita Anderson Apartment Source Natalie Ashburn Lyn Ashton Nancy Bacso Robert Baker Patricia Barey Donna Berger Thomas Bergin & Anne Graham-Bergin Herb Bevans Jerry & Suzanne Bouwens Marco Bravo Sr. Marco Bravo Dalice Bromfeld Erin Bronner Buzz & Ann Bruner George & Chris Bubany Donald & Gloria Burgdorfer John & Phyllis Capp (Sunstreet Mortgage) Pierre & Gayle Carasso John Carroll Don & Helen Carson Mia Cheeseman Cheryl Chestnut Roger & Jeanette Clifton Nicholas Coldwell Jim Concidine Robert Condiotty Joe & Ronni Conour Robert Crone, MD Maryanne Curry Dolores Davenport John & Bunny Davis Art & Judy Davis Sheryl DeConcini Lou Demer Peggy DeWald Hugh & Bernice Donahue Tim & Marti Donovan, MD Vicki Drinnon

Jack & Rosemary Dunn Charlie Edelman Maureen Enos Kynn Escalante Patricia Ferrer Irma Ficzeri Sharon Flowers Benjamin Gabrys Michael Gajewski John & Katherine Galgiani Kinlen & Vivian Gee Gerald & Barbara Goldberg Martin Goldman Lola Grabb Karen Griffith Susan Grunebaum Arthur & Dorothy Grunebaum Bud Guion Don Hammonds John & Paige Hamner Suzanne Hawkins George Henderson David Hendricks Robert Hensler Richard & Helen Herrnstadt Greg Hill Jakob & Annemarie Hohl Ruth Hoshaw Judith HughesDebra Webster Irons Brian & Lisa Jackson John & Linda Jensen Dian Jazynka & Patrick Baliani Jessica Johnson Marci Josselyn Linda Karl Henry & Carol Karrle Nancy Lee Kay Nancy Kaye Ed Kerschen Christopher & Elizabeth Keys Al & Janice Kivel

John Paul Koczan Roland Kotwica Oscar Lai Brice Leonard Irv Levine & Eileen Taxe-Levine Phil & Lynn Lilienthal Dana Lim Gina Graves Lloyd Jean Lorch Karen Lunda Penny Maag Boyd & Ottilie Rose Matchett Rich & Fran Maust Courtney McEniry Robin & Linda McGeorge Jim & Patricia Mentz Amber Michael Laura Pendleton-Miller Jon & Sandy Miller Aimee Minkin Lindy Mullinax & Ray Moldow Craig Molloy Barbara Mondrus Loyal Moore Molly Morris Margaret Morton Minna Moskowitz Rigo & Anna Nava Marie Nemerguth Vincent & Laura Nitido Sean Oseran Lawrence & Edith Pangaro Robert Pearlman Michael & Kathy Pensinger Clyde Perlee Nancy Pitt Bobby Present Stacey Pretzel Serena Quarelli Janet RanneyGriffin & Annabel Ratley John Ratzan Reffkin Tennis Center Gary & Colleen Reeve

Gale Reich Julia Robbins Vicki Pedratti Rohe Matthew & Mary Rohne Leo Roop Lawrence & Margery Ross Phyllis Russell Timothy & Jill Russell Seymour M Sabesin Robb & Tanis Salant Nancy Saul Terry Scallon Martin Schiff, Jr, MD Lital Shahar Richard & Jane Shaine Wayne Showalter Don & Virginia Shuman Lisa Langer & Dan Siegel Bruce Simon Robert & Linda Slaven Tom Smith & Holly Yamato-Smith Valerie Harris Smith Charles Smith Jr Gail Spear Ronald Staub Dorothy Steele Harry Stinespring Ian & Diane Stuart Steven Taylor Christopher & Ann Teras Nancy Tyson David Tzou Tom Unger Charley Upton Stephen Vakil Brett & Stephanie Waldo Bill & Caryl Wallin Colin & Shelley Watson Steven Weintraub Stephen & Barbara Wilkinson Lisa Wolfe Ann Wolff Richard & Joan Wolff Kristina Wulf Richard Yettner

Corporate ContributionsFoothills Club of TucsonJim Reffkin Tennis CenterKnisely Family FoundationLa SalsaSunstreet MortgageTeam 111Tucson Conquistadores FoundationTucson Racquet ClubUSTA Southwest SectionUSTA Southern ArizonaWaddell Reed

In Memory ofGeorge Bacso Sr.Judy GautschLeonard GriffithGraeme HuyckeLinda LemmeJesus & Maria NavaEdie PangaroJudith SkrillLouise RobbinsRichard SaulRich WheelerCindy Present Wool

In Honor ofAimee W. Minkin

TCTP Board Members President John DavisSecretary Meghan HoukTreasurer Jon Miller Founder Britt Feldhausen Nancy Ferguson Susan Grunebaum Dian Jazynka Phil Parks Annabel Ratley Diane Stuart Bill Wallin

Professional StaffProgram Coordinator Diane [email protected] Coordinator Dian [email protected] Coaches Nelson Payne Enrique Zarate Luis Luna Hilda Cortez Marc Fereres Mireya Reyes Robert Cota John Davis Susan Grunebaum Noelle Karp Samantha Ruth Julian Baliani Ivy Ubarco

Rich Wheeler July 4th Memorial TournamentIt was a splendid 4th of July for tennis. 28 mixed doubles teams came out to pay tribute to Rich Wheeler and celebrate the friendships and fun that the game of tennis brought to Rich for so many years. Rich’s daughter Suzanne, son-in-law Dario and partner Gladi joined us as well and after match play we met on the “bar deck” to toast Rich’s life and reminisce. Great stories were told - reminding us of Rich’s generosity, friendship, and wonderful sense of humor.  Rich would have been delighted and honored by the generous donations ($1070) you gave to TCTP in his memory! Rich’s family and friends are thrilled that you will continue to keep his memory alive by participating in this annual tournament.

What the Kids are Telling You“Nothing has been this much fun in a long time and I thank you for that.”

“I learned that sportsmanship was more important than competing.”

“Teamwork was a big part because if you don’t work as a team things go wrong.”

“You guys are the most fun coaches in the whole world and I just want to be the best student.”

“To conclude, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

Page 4: TEAM 111 Advanced NONPROFIT ORG TUCSON COMMUNITY … · Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015. . TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children

Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015

TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children in 11 TUSD Schools and our volunteers contributed in excess of 1040 hours. You, our supporters, enabled us to finish the year with a balanced budget. THANK YOU!

A key change in our Program came last spring when we moved the advanced players and our junior development program to Pueblo High School. This location change further aligned us with our mission – “To provide neighborhood opportunities for Tucson’s under-served children to learn and play the game of tennis throughout their youth and into adulthood” and significantly increased our weekly attendance from 10 kids to

an average of 25. We are happy to report that all 10 of Pueblo’s courts were utilized when the program started up again on October 3. Nelson Payne is heading up the program, and Hilda Cortez is our beginning/intermediate head instructor.

This past year TCTP said thank you and good bye to long-term board member and Volunteer Coordinator Marsha Rianda. We also thanked ex-board members Steve Gall and Mark Swenson for sharing their expertise and support; we wish them well. And lastly, TCTP is thrilled to welcome two new board members: Nancy Ferguson and Bill Wallin.

Be sure to check our website at for more information regarding up-coming events and on-going

programs. Please use the “Donate” button to encourage and support the dreams of our young tennis players.

With great appreciation;John Davis

President’s Message


TCTP’s Second Serve Superstore

USTA SAZ and FCT Fund the Magic Graduation Bus!Fun was had by both volunteers and kids thanks to the USTA SAZ and the Foothills Club of Tucson who funded our graduation day field trips to the Jim Reffkin Tennis Center!

2014-2015 – TCTP’s Adult Goings-On…… • Team 111 Cycling in El Tour de Tucson - raising money for tennis scholarships.

• Thanksgiving Adult Tournament fundraiser at Tucson Racquet Club (TRC).

• Susan Grunebaum’s December Pottery Sale fundraiser.

• Adult/Child Fundraising Tournament at Reffkin Tennis Center.

• TCTP’s May Shirt Sale fundraiser at TRC.

• Rich Wheeler’s July 4th Memorial Tournament to benefit TCTP’s kids.

• Margy and Jan’s “Sip and Swap” which benefited TCTP’s “Second Serve Superstore”.

• FOE – Friends of Eddie Yueh Memorial Gathering fundraiser at La Paloma.

Tennis for every kid…. Last January TCTP’s Board decided to move our Saturday program to Pueblo High School from Himmel Park so our clinics would be more accessible to the children we teach in South Tucson. The “move” paid off. Attendance on Saturday’s increased greatly. Instead of 10 – 12 kids we now regularly see 20 – 30 kids at our Saturday clinics and we expect that number to grow thanks to your generous support.

Saturday Clinics move to Pueblo High School

P.O Box 65916 Tucson, Arizona 85728-5916



Jean Aboud Lyn Ashton Nancy Atherton Julian Baliani Patrick Baliani Phyllis Capp Angela Chakraborty Betty Coleman Joe Conour Robert Cota Jessica Curley John Davis Dean Drawbaugh Margy Eller Judy Elliott Maureen Enos Jill & Britt Feldhausen April Fenton Marc Fereres Nancy Ferguson Jeanne Foley Steve Gall Susan Grunebaum Mei Hand

Meghan Houk Ricardo Harding Katy Hoeft Nancy Hosford Lynne Hudson Peggy Ingraham Dian Jazynka Noelle Karp Karen Kiburz Sharon Koenig Gina Lloyd Jean Lorch Mary Anne Marquez Ann Micha Jon Miller Anna & Rigo Nava Janet Nelson Laurie Nitido Peter Packard Phil Parks Nelson Payne Laura Pendleton-Miller Tim & Laurel Pennick Pima CC Women’s Team

Dana Pineda Annabel & Griffin Ratley Margie Ray Mireya Reyes Nancy Richmond Tom Romance Samantha Ruth Tom Ryan Frank Ross Gretchen Schantz Karen Shevin Gene Siegel Val Smith Dorothy Steele Nancy & Peter Strong Diane & Ian Stuart Gavin Stuart Matt Stuart Eileen Taxe-Levine UA Men’s Tennis Team Rudy Vershen Holly Yamato-Smith Jeebee Yim

To our volunteers ... Thank you!

Interested in volunteering? Email Dian Jazynka at [email protected]


Last year 60% of our budget was funded by YOU, our caring supporters, and this year is no different. We truly appreciate your past support and hope you will make a gift this Holiday Season to support the youth in our programs. Your contribution enables Tucson’s children to develop confidence, build positive adult/child relationships, and learn a lifelong, athletic skill that will provide them with many hours of fun on the tennis court. Secure credit card contributions may be made on our website, or send your check to:TCTPPO Box 65916

Tucson, AZ 85728

Next Year…Email your newsletter?If so, please send an email with the subject line “Newsletter” to [email protected].

Support TCTP ... NOW you canuse your Credit Card!

Volunteer Training SessionOn September 13th, volunteers and coaches gathered for this year’s TCTP Training Session at TRC. John Davis led the group by examining and executing the key elements in the In-School Lesson Plans. Many of our participating volunteers were new and met coaches and other seasoned volunteers for the first time. All agreed that this is a fabulous way to begin the 2015-16 program year!!! Interested in volunteering? Email Dian Jazynka at [email protected]

Volunteers learning new skills!

TEAM 111 Advanced Player Scholarship Support

Team 111 continues to get the rubber on the ground with both bike tires and tennis balls. This diverse group of eight tennis playing friends started their tennis careers at the Smith-Perry Tennis Academy (SPTA) here in Tucson and have now expanded their activities to include cycling. Five years ago this gang of eight decided to participate in the El Tour de Tucson. News of the team’s spirit traveled and now the team has morphed into a group of 48 members from 10 different states who participated in over 50 races last year. In 2014 the El Tour de Tucson awarded the team the Corporate and Community Award for “Fast Team”. To date they have raised nearly $7k which has been used to send TCTP’s advanced players to tennis camp at the SPTA.

This past summer these scholarship funds sent eleven of TCTP’s players to a total of 26 weeks of SPTA summer camp. These scholarships put within reach the ability for these young players to see themselves as tennis players both physically and mentally. We want to thank Team 111 for helping to ingrain tennis into the psyche of these young athletes.

TCTP’s Pathway to Becoming a Tennis Player The key to getting more children on the court has proven to be a series of steps on a path which TCTP fulfills within our three programs.

• Step 1 (In-School Program) - Expose young children to tennis in a school setting;

• Step 2 (Saturday and Summer Camp Programs) – Offer opportunities within the children’s community that includes consistent quality coaching for them to play and develop their skills;

• Step 3 (SPTA and SAZ Scholarship Programs) – Send advanced players to tennis clinics that allow them to play and receive coaching with other young players;

• Step 4 – Encourage them to play on their high school teams and/or in local tournaments.

Page 5: TEAM 111 Advanced NONPROFIT ORG TUCSON COMMUNITY … · Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015. . TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children

Tucson Community Tennis Program: Where Kids, Fun, and Tennis Meet

The USTA Southwest Supports TCTP!

Tennis accessories, instructor costs for our Saturday and Summer Camp programs, UA Campus Day, and lots of encouragement from staff are the ways the USTA Southwest supports TCTP. From our kids to you – Thank you USTA Southwest!

UA DayFree associations filled the air as seventy-

five of TCTP’s Mission View Elementary students devised metaphors for the Stevie Eller Dance Theatre: a caterpillar; no, a praying mantis; no, a snake in the grass. The clear sky above was the limit as students stretched their imaginations, answered questions, and raised some of their own. A scavenger hunt in the renowned Meinel Optics Building followed, with students exploring optical illusions displayed in the foyer. Green architecture, landscaping, and design concepts were discussed before the students crossed the Mall to consider the gigantic Student Union Building, modeled after the U.S.S. Arizona. The guided tour concluded between the “old” and the “new” Chemistry Buildings, where the students compared and contrasted the two

structures. Then a race across the Mall for part two of the outing: tennis instruction and meeting the formidable tennis stars of the UA Men’s Tennis Team.All the athletes of the UA Men’s Tennis Team

engaged the students in a series of exercises, information, more questions and answers, and signed posters, racquets, and clothing. The kids were enthralled and asked many questions: “How long have you been playing tennis?” “How hard is it to make it on the team?” “Is it difficult to play on the team and go to school at the same time?”The students were engaged and inspired.

The promise of a University education seemed well within their reach. As Carlos got onto the school bus, he turned to me and said, “I’m coming here!” So I ask you – what more do you need for your

money? Donate today to enable more of our children the opportunity to create dreams and set goals. We thank the UA Men’s Team, Professor Baliani, and our TCTP volunteers for making this event a huge success. We thank you for making it possible.

Students take in the wonders of a prism at the UA Optics Building

The 2014-2015 Accomplishments of our Supporters!• 1044 Volunteer Hours; 

• 1000 plus children participated in our 3 programs - In-School, Saturday Clinics, and Summer Camp;

• 11 Field trips to the Reffkin Tennis Center were provided to children from 11 TUSD elementary schools;• 273 new tennis racquets were given away to children/siblings who attended school “Family Nights”; 

• 2 UA Field Trips for nearly 100 students, teachers, and families to see the UA Men’s Team play;

• 31 weeks of free two hour Saturday Clinics – not just for athletic kids but every kid;

• 4 Weeks of Summer Camp for 80 children at Pueblo High School;

• 4 TCTP Second Serve Superstore “Days” where summer camp children spent their TCTP Reward Tickets;

• 26 Weeks of Smith Perry Tennis Camp Scholarships were given to 11 TCTP kids;

• $38,000 raised - This year TCTP held 6 fundraisers, was awarded 5 grants and received funding from one corporate sponsor. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all our supporters!

Annual Thanksgiving Tournament 2014Last November 48 teams played tennis and 125 people ate BBQ while grooving to the band “Rey” at the Tucson Racquet Club! Not only did everyone have fun but we were able to raise just under $4,000. With a generous matching donation of $5,000 from the Knisely Foundation our total funds raised were nearly $9,000. Many many thanks to all who participated and supported this fun tournament.

To Our Donors ... Thank you for helping us continue our mission!

A Jean Aboud Sally Allison AMSAGreg Anderson Rita Anderson Apartment Source Natalie Ashburn Lyn Ashton Nancy Bacso Robert Baker Patricia Barey Donna Berger Thomas Bergin & Anne Graham-Bergin Herb Bevans Jerry & Suzanne Bouwens Marco Bravo Sr. Marco Bravo Dalice Bromfeld Erin Bronner Buzz & Ann Bruner George & Chris Bubany Donald & Gloria Burgdorfer John & Phyllis Capp (Sunstreet Mortgage) Pierre & Gayle Carasso John Carroll Don & Helen Carson Mia Cheeseman Cheryl Chestnut Roger & Jeanette Clifton Nicholas Coldwell Jim Concidine Robert Condiotty Joe & Ronni Conour Robert Crone, MD Maryanne Curry Dolores Davenport John & Bunny Davis Art & Judy Davis Sheryl DeConcini Lou Demer Peggy DeWald Hugh & Bernice Donahue Tim & Marti Donovan, MD Vicki Drinnon

Jack & Rosemary Dunn Charlie Edelman Maureen Enos Kynn Escalante Patricia Ferrer Irma Ficzeri Sharon Flowers Benjamin Gabrys Michael Gajewski John & Katherine Galgiani Kinlen & Vivian Gee Gerald & Barbara Goldberg Martin Goldman Lola Grabb Karen Griffith Susan Grunebaum Arthur & Dorothy Grunebaum Bud Guion Don Hammonds John & Paige Hamner Suzanne Hawkins George Henderson David Hendricks Robert Hensler Richard & Helen Herrnstadt Greg Hill Jakob & Annemarie Hohl Ruth Hoshaw Judith HughesDebra Webster Irons Brian & Lisa Jackson John & Linda Jensen Dian Jazynka & Patrick Baliani Jessica Johnson Marci Josselyn Linda Karl Henry & Carol Karrle Nancy Lee Kay Nancy Kaye Ed Kerschen Christopher & Elizabeth Keys Al & Janice Kivel

John Paul Koczan Roland Kotwica Oscar Lai Brice Leonard Irv Levine & Eileen Taxe-Levine Phil & Lynn Lilienthal Dana Lim Gina Graves Lloyd Jean Lorch Karen Lunda Penny Maag Boyd & Ottilie Rose Matchett Rich & Fran Maust Courtney McEniry Robin & Linda McGeorge Jim & Patricia Mentz Amber Michael Laura Pendleton-Miller Jon & Sandy Miller Aimee Minkin Lindy Mullinax & Ray Moldow Craig Molloy Barbara Mondrus Loyal Moore Molly Morris Margaret Morton Minna Moskowitz Rigo & Anna Nava Marie Nemerguth Vincent & Laura Nitido Sean Oseran Lawrence & Edith Pangaro Robert Pearlman Michael & Kathy Pensinger Clyde Perlee Nancy Pitt Bobby Present Stacey Pretzel Serena Quarelli Janet RanneyGriffin & Annabel Ratley John Ratzan Reffkin Tennis Center Gary & Colleen Reeve

Gale Reich Julia Robbins Vicki Pedratti Rohe Matthew & Mary Rohne Leo Roop Lawrence & Margery Ross Phyllis Russell Timothy & Jill Russell Seymour M Sabesin Robb & Tanis Salant Nancy Saul Terry Scallon Martin Schiff, Jr, MD Lital Shahar Richard & Jane Shaine Wayne Showalter Don & Virginia Shuman Lisa Langer & Dan Siegel Bruce Simon Robert & Linda Slaven Tom Smith & Holly Yamato-Smith Valerie Harris Smith Charles Smith Jr Gail Spear Ronald Staub Dorothy Steele Harry Stinespring Ian & Diane Stuart Steven Taylor Christopher & Ann Teras Nancy Tyson David Tzou Tom Unger Charley Upton Stephen Vakil Brett & Stephanie Waldo Bill & Caryl Wallin Colin & Shelley Watson Steven Weintraub Stephen & Barbara Wilkinson Lisa Wolfe Ann Wolff Richard & Joan Wolff Kristina Wulf Richard Yettner

Corporate ContributionsFoothills Club of TucsonJim Reffkin Tennis CenterKnisely Family FoundationLa SalsaSunstreet MortgageTeam 111Tucson Conquistadores FoundationTucson Racquet ClubUSTA Southwest SectionUSTA Southern ArizonaWaddell Reed

In Memory ofGeorge Bacso Sr.Judy GautschLeonard GriffithGraeme HuyckeLinda LemmeJesus & Maria NavaEdie PangaroJudith SkrillLouise RobbinsRichard SaulRich WheelerCindy Present Wool

In Honor ofAimee W. Minkin

TCTP Board Members President John DavisSecretary Meghan HoukTreasurer Jon Miller Founder Britt Feldhausen Nancy Ferguson Susan Grunebaum Dian Jazynka Phil Parks Annabel Ratley Diane Stuart Bill Wallin

Professional StaffProgram Coordinator Diane [email protected] Coordinator Dian [email protected] Coaches Nelson Payne Enrique Zarate Luis Luna Hilda Cortez Marc Fereres Mireya Reyes Robert Cota John Davis Susan Grunebaum Noelle Karp Samantha Ruth Julian Baliani Ivy Ubarco

Rich Wheeler July 4th Memorial TournamentIt was a splendid 4th of July for tennis. 28 mixed doubles teams came out to pay tribute to Rich Wheeler and celebrate the friendships and fun that the game of tennis brought to Rich for so many years. Rich’s daughter Suzanne, son-in-law Dario and partner Gladi joined us as well and after match play we met on the “bar deck” to toast Rich’s life and reminisce. Great stories were told - reminding us of Rich’s generosity, friendship, and wonderful sense of humor.  Rich would have been delighted and honored by the generous donations ($1070) you gave to TCTP in his memory! Rich’s family and friends are thrilled that you will continue to keep his memory alive by participating in this annual tournament.

What the Kids are Telling You“Nothing has been this much fun in a long time and I thank you for that.”

“I learned that sportsmanship was more important than competing.”

“Teamwork was a big part because if you don’t work as a team things go wrong.”

“You guys are the most fun coaches in the whole world and I just want to be the best student.”

“To conclude, it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

Page 6: TEAM 111 Advanced NONPROFIT ORG TUCSON COMMUNITY … · Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015. . TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children

Program Year: August 2014 - August 2015

TCTP had a very special 2014-2015 program year. We worked with over 1000 children in 11 TUSD Schools and our volunteers contributed in excess of 1040 hours. You, our supporters, enabled us to finish the year with a balanced budget. THANK YOU!

A key change in our Program came last spring when we moved the advanced players and our junior development program to Pueblo High School. This location change further aligned us with our mission – “To provide neighborhood opportunities for Tucson’s under-served children to learn and play the game of tennis throughout their youth and into adulthood” and significantly increased our weekly attendance from 10 kids to

an average of 25. We are happy to report that all 10 of Pueblo’s courts were utilized when the program started up again on October 3. Nelson Payne is heading up the program, and Hilda Cortez is our beginning/intermediate head instructor.

This past year TCTP said thank you and good bye to long-term board member and Volunteer Coordinator Marsha Rianda. We also thanked ex-board members Steve Gall and Mark Swenson for sharing their expertise and support; we wish them well. And lastly, TCTP is thrilled to welcome two new board members: Nancy Ferguson and Bill Wallin.

Be sure to check our website at for more information regarding up-coming events and on-going

programs. Please use the “Donate” button to encourage and support the dreams of our young tennis players.

With great appreciation;John Davis

President’s Message


TCTP’s Second Serve Superstore

USTA SAZ and FCT Fund the Magic Graduation Bus!Fun was had by both volunteers and kids thanks to the USTA SAZ and the Foothills Club of Tucson who funded our graduation day field trips to the Jim Reffkin Tennis Center!

2014-2015 – TCTP’s Adult Goings-On…… • Team 111 Cycling in El Tour de Tucson - raising money for tennis scholarships.

• Thanksgiving Adult Tournament fundraiser at Tucson Racquet Club (TRC).

• Susan Grunebaum’s December Pottery Sale fundraiser.

• Adult/Child Fundraising Tournament at Reffkin Tennis Center.

• TCTP’s May Shirt Sale fundraiser at TRC.

• Rich Wheeler’s July 4th Memorial Tournament to benefit TCTP’s kids.

• Margy and Jan’s “Sip and Swap” which benefited TCTP’s “Second Serve Superstore”.

• FOE – Friends of Eddie Yueh Memorial Gathering fundraiser at La Paloma.

Tennis for every kid…. Last January TCTP’s Board decided to move our Saturday program to Pueblo High School from Himmel Park so our clinics would be more accessible to the children we teach in South Tucson. The “move” paid off. Attendance on Saturday’s increased greatly. Instead of 10 – 12 kids we now regularly see 20 – 30 kids at our Saturday clinics and we expect that number to grow thanks to your generous support.

Saturday Clinics move to Pueblo High School

P.O Box 65916 Tucson, Arizona 85728-5916



Jean Aboud Lyn Ashton Nancy Atherton Julian Baliani Patrick Baliani Phyllis Capp Angela Chakraborty Betty Coleman Joe Conour Robert Cota Jessica Curley John Davis Dean Drawbaugh Margy Eller Judy Elliott Maureen Enos Jill & Britt Feldhausen April Fenton Marc Fereres Nancy Ferguson Jeanne Foley Steve Gall Susan Grunebaum Mei Hand

Meghan Houk Ricardo Harding Katy Hoeft Nancy Hosford Lynne Hudson Peggy Ingraham Dian Jazynka Noelle Karp Karen Kiburz Sharon Koenig Gina Lloyd Jean Lorch Mary Anne Marquez Ann Micha Jon Miller Anna & Rigo Nava Janet Nelson Laurie Nitido Peter Packard Phil Parks Nelson Payne Laura Pendleton-Miller Tim & Laurel Pennick Pima CC Women’s Team

Dana Pineda Annabel & Griffin Ratley Margie Ray Mireya Reyes Nancy Richmond Tom Romance Samantha Ruth Tom Ryan Frank Ross Gretchen Schantz Karen Shevin Gene Siegel Val Smith Dorothy Steele Nancy & Peter Strong Diane & Ian Stuart Gavin Stuart Matt Stuart Eileen Taxe-Levine UA Men’s Tennis Team Rudy Vershen Holly Yamato-Smith Jeebee Yim

To our volunteers ... Thank you!

Interested in volunteering? Email Dian Jazynka at [email protected]


Last year 60% of our budget was funded by YOU, our caring supporters, and this year is no different. We truly appreciate your past support and hope you will make a gift this Holiday Season to support the youth in our programs. Your contribution enables Tucson’s children to develop confidence, build positive adult/child relationships, and learn a lifelong, athletic skill that will provide them with many hours of fun on the tennis court. Secure credit card contributions may be made on our website, or send your check to:TCTPPO Box 65916

Tucson, AZ 85728

Next Year…Email your newsletter?If so, please send an email with the subject line “Newsletter” to [email protected].

Support TCTP ... NOW you canuse your Credit Card!

Volunteer Training SessionOn September 13th, volunteers and coaches gathered for this year’s TCTP Training Session at TRC. John Davis led the group by examining and executing the key elements in the In-School Lesson Plans. Many of our participating volunteers were new and met coaches and other seasoned volunteers for the first time. All agreed that this is a fabulous way to begin the 2015-16 program year!!! Interested in volunteering? Email Dian Jazynka at [email protected]

Volunteers learning new skills!

TEAM 111 Advanced Player Scholarship Support

Team 111 continues to get the rubber on the ground with both bike tires and tennis balls. This diverse group of eight tennis playing friends started their tennis careers at the Smith-Perry Tennis Academy (SPTA) here in Tucson and have now expanded their activities to include cycling. Five years ago this gang of eight decided to participate in the El Tour de Tucson. News of the team’s spirit traveled and now the team has morphed into a group of 48 members from 10 different states who participated in over 50 races last year. In 2014 the El Tour de Tucson awarded the team the Corporate and Community Award for “Fast Team”. To date they have raised nearly $7k which has been used to send TCTP’s advanced players to tennis camp at the SPTA.

This past summer these scholarship funds sent eleven of TCTP’s players to a total of 26 weeks of SPTA summer camp. These scholarships put within reach the ability for these young players to see themselves as tennis players both physically and mentally. We want to thank Team 111 for helping to ingrain tennis into the psyche of these young athletes.

TCTP’s Pathway to Becoming a Tennis Player The key to getting more children on the court has proven to be a series of steps on a path which TCTP fulfills within our three programs.

• Step 1 (In-School Program) - Expose young children to tennis in a school setting;

• Step 2 (Saturday and Summer Camp Programs) – Offer opportunities within the children’s community that includes consistent quality coaching for them to play and develop their skills;

• Step 3 (SPTA and SAZ Scholarship Programs) – Send advanced players to tennis clinics that allow them to play and receive coaching with other young players;

• Step 4 – Encourage them to play on their high school teams and/or in local tournaments.
