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Teaching in the Target Language:

The Key to Linguistic and Cultural Proficiency

Maggie Chen

Iman Hashem

Brandon Zaslow

Mandarin in Schools Conference

Los Angeles, November 1, 2014

California World Language


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Lets Learn Arabic

Meeting and Greeting

in the Arab World

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Objectives • By the end of this session, you will be able to

– Recognize that there are 22 Arab countries whose Arabic is the main language. Those countries have some similarities and differences in traditions, beliefs, and practices.

– recognize cultural practices (protocols and manners for greeting people the same and across genders) and products (various types of clothes) of the Arabic-speaking world

– You will recognize how Arabic is written from write to left.

– Listen to the video and state what type of greetings is used by each person in the video and how the man greeted the women and women greeted women.

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What do you know about the Arabs?

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Are the Arab the Same of different?

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Guess the country where this picture is taken.

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أعرف ماذا ماذا أريد أن أعرف ماذا تعلمت

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تعالوا نتعلم التحية باللغة العربية

Let’s learn greeting in Arabic

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Ahlan wa sahlan


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Your Turn

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Ahlan wa sahlan


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• أهال وسهالً : دارين

• أهال وسهالً موال

• أهال وردة


• أهال وسهال نورتي الدار فيروز يا مرحبا بزوارنا يامرحبا مرحبا يا حبايب مرحبا أروى السالم عليكم بالسوداني حكيم

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؟َمن َأنِت

... َأنا اأُلستاذة ِإميان

...... َأنا

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؟َمن َأنَت

... نإميا َأنا اأُلستاذة



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! َتَشرَّفنا

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Greeting Salaam سالم

Go around the class and greet at least 4 of your classmates

• Start by using any type of greetings we have learned

• Say I “name” who are you

• Answer “I name”

• Say tasharrafna to each other

• Say goodbye and meet another classmate

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أعرف ماذا ماذا أريد أن أعرف ماذا تعلمت

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