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Name: _____________________________________

Class: ___________________


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Homework 1

Homework 2

Homework 3



Teacher’s Comments


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1. The World (A Geographer’s Perspective)

Today I Will:





The following tasks require you to use the A3 map. Remember to complete the tasks neatly and

to the best of your ability.

[Task One]: With your partner, neatly mark the seven continents and five oceans onto the map.

[Task Two]: With your partner, mark on the Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer,

Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle.

[Task Three]: With your partner, write down the names of places which you have visited (or

would like to visit) into the space below. Once you are finished find and plot these (as a red dot)

on the map as accurately as you can.

[Task Four]: Shade in the map - colour the water in blue and the continents different colours.


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Homework 1: Website Review

[Task One] Search online for a website which contains information about Antarctica. Write a review paragraph on what the website is about.

1. URL of the website: __________________________________________________________

2. Who was it written by? ___________________________________

3. When was it last updated? __________________________

4. Review paragraph:






















[Extension Task]

Bring in some pictures of the places which you have visited which could be glued onto the edge of your world map. These can be holiday photos, images from online or hand drawings of places.


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2. Map of Antarctica

Today I Will:





[Task One] Copy the paragraph into the space provided











[Task Two] Complete the map on the following page

[Task Three] Answer the questions below:1. What is the nearest continent to Antarctica? ________________________________________________________________

2. Approximately how far is it from the South Pole to: a) The Cape of Good Hope? ________________________________________________________________

b) Cape Horn? ________________________________________________________________

3. In which compass direction do you move from Antarctica to:

a) South America? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Australia? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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[Extension] Copy the cross section from the atlas into the space below:


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3. Facts about Antarctica

Today I Will:





[Task One] Use the space below to take notes on the presentation:






















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[Task Two] Design your mind map of facts on Antarctica in the space provided below. Make sure it is neat and colourful.


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4. How Cold is the Antarctic and why?

Today I Will:





[Task One] On the following page:

1. Draw a vertical line 20cm in length

2. At 8cm from the top make a small mark and label this point 0°C - Each 1mm represents 1°C

3. Now mark onto the line the following temperatures:

- Scotland’s highest temperature ever recorded (2003) at Greycrook 32.9°C

- Scotland and the UK’s lowest temperature at Braemar -27.2°C

- The UK’s highest ever temperature at Brogdale (2003) 38.5°C

- The highest temperature at the South Pole -15°C

- The world’s highest temperature at Al’azizyah, Libya 58.0°C

- The world’s lowest temperature at Vostok, Antarctica -89.6°C

4. Work out the difference in temperature between the world’s highest and lowest temperatures. (This can be described as the range in temperature Put the word range into your glossary).


5. Work out the range of temperature found at Antarctica.


6. Work out the range of temperature in Scotland.


7. Colour everything above the 0°C line in red and everything below in blue.


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[Task Two] Cut out the sheet provided and glue it with the information that it matches with in the space provided.


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5. Presenting Data for the Antarctic Climate

Today I Will:





[Task One] Fill in the blanks

The average annual temperature in _____________ are between ________ in

winter and around 14-16 °C in _____________. At the South Pole the summer

temperatures are about _________ and in winter _________. The lowest

temperature on the _________________ was recorded in Antarctica at ___________

- a record -88.6 °C.

Planet -28 °C Scotland 3-5 °C

Vostok -59 °C summer


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[Task Two] Complete the climate graph

Title: __________________________________

Helpful Hints- Label the X and Y axis- Fill in the Months of the year along the bottom- The right hand scale is for rainfall (bar graph)- The left hand scale is for temperature (line graph)


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[Extension] Complete another climate graph using the data provided.


Temp. -15 -20 -18 -10 -5 2 6 5 2 0 -8 -10

Rainfall 2 5 10 2 5 9 8 6 7 5 4 6


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Homework 2: Word Search and Paragraph

[Task One] Complete the word search

[Task Two] Scott and Amundsen were explorers. Find out more information about them and write what you have found in the space below:



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6 and 7. The Journey to the South Pole

Today I Will:





[Task One] Adjectives to describe the conditions in Antarctica

[Task Two] Read the information below

Scott’s Journey: Information Sheet

The Norwegian Captain Roald Amundsen was already a celebrated explorer. He had sailed through the North West Passage (1903-6) and was one of the first men to winter south of the Antarctic Circle, on board the Belgica in 1898. His dream as a boy was to be the first man to set foot at the North Pole, but in 1909 there were two American claims to have reached it. The rival explorers bitterly contested each other's claims, but for Amundsen, his dream was shattered. He turned the focus of his Fram expedition (1910-12) to the South Pole, refusing to share his ideas in case people stopped him from making his attempt.

Meanwhile Scott continued with his public plans, organising equipment and provisions and recruiting men. In addition to seamen and scientists, Scott decided to take paying guests, among


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them one Captain Lawrence Oates, an army officer, who agreed to take responsibility for the ponies. The Terra Nova eventually left Cardiff in June 1910. Scott stopped off in Australia and it was here that he received a perplexing telegram from Amundsen, who had sailed the Fram to the island of Madeira in the Atlantic.

Scott’s Journey

On 17 January 1912, Scott arrived at the Pole - 33 days after Amundsen. It was Bowers who first caught sight of a camp in the distance and concrete evidence of a Norwegian victory. As well as the Norwegians' black marker flag, they also left a tent containing surplus equipment. Amundsen had even left Scott a note to deliver to the King of Norway in case he did not return. The temperature had dropped to -30°C, eight degrees lower than for the Norwegians. The dispirited men took pictures and left quickly.

All the men were suffering from slow starvation, hypothermia and almost certainly scurvy (a debilitating condition caused by a vitamin C deficiency). Petty Officer Evans was the first man to die on 17 February - he had stumbled behind the group until he slipped into a coma. A month later on 17 March, Captain Oates, crippled with frostbite, walked out of the party's tent; it was his 32nd birthday. Scott immortalised the courageous army officer in his diary, writing that as he left he said:

I am just going outside and may be some time... We knew that Oates was walking to his death... it was the act of a brave man and an English gentleman.

A few days later, the three remaining men were lying in their tent waiting for death. A swirling blizzard confined them to their sleeping bags, while One Ton depot lay only 11 miles away. Scott was the only one keeping his diary:

We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker, of course, and the end cannot be far. It seems a pity but I do not think I can write more - R Scott.

The race to the Pole was over.


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8. Living in Antarctica Today

Today I Will:





[Read and highlight/underline the relevant information] Antarctica has no native human population, but each year around 4,000 people from over 27 countries live and work on research stations on the continent. Of about 50 permanent stations, about three quarters operate right through the year.

Each research station is like a small, self-contained community where science projects are carried out. As well as living and working space, each one has a kitchen with large food stores, workshops and medical facilities. Nowadays, they also have satellite links to the outside world. The American research station, McMurdo, is the largest. McMurdo is home to 250 people during the winter, and 1,000 during the summer.

To keep a research station running all year, considerable planning is required. Ships and aircraft that supply the research stations with everything they need can only reach them during the summer. During the winter, darkness, severe weather and thickening sea ice mean that the research stations are basically cut off from the outside world.

[Task One] Imagine you are going to work on a research station in Antarctica for at least six months. You are not allowed to take any plants and animals with you. What ten items would you make sure were in your suitcase?

1. __________________________________ 6. ______________________________

2. __________________________________ 7. ______________________________

3. __________________________________ 8. ______________________________

4. __________________________________ 9. ______________________________

5. __________________________________ 10. ______________________________

[Read] Antarctica can be a very dangerous place . All staff working for the British Antarctic Survey have to undergo lengthy medical tests before they can work in one of the research stations. Nevertheless, people based in Antarctica still have to take care to avoid some of the risks to their health as evacuation out of there is often impossible.

[Task Two] Match the cures to the ailments.


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[Task Three] Select three ailments and explain how they can be treated in the space below. Remember to use your own words.

Ailment 1:








Ailment 2:








Ailment 3:









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9. What Animals Live in Antarctica?

Today I Will:





[Task One] Fill in the information as you are listening to the presentation.


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[Task Two] Add the labels to your penguin diagram

[Task Three] Neatly shade in the diagram above.


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[Task Four] Draw in the web of life in Antarctica in the space provided:


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10: Making Money in Antarctica

Today I Will:





[Task One] Name and describe the resources which can be found in Antarctica


























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Microscopic Animals and Plants:






[Read] Small-scale tourism began in Antarctica in the 1950s, with commercial tour operators providing passenger ships for intrepid travellers. The first specially designed, ice-strengthened cruise ship — the Lindblad Explorer — visited the continent in 1969. Since then the industry has grown considerably, particularly since the early 1990s, with numbers of tourists increasing from under 9,000 in 1992/93 to over 46,000 in 2007/08.

[Task Two] Design a leaflet advertising Antarctica as a tourist destination. You should come up with a company name and itinerary of what people can see when they come on your trip. An example from “” is shown below.


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11. Conflict and the Antarctic Treaty

Today I Will:





[Task One] Without an international agreement like the Antarctic Treaty there would be a free-for-all in Antarctica – anybody could do or take what they want.

In groups, come up with a list of five rules that you agree are the bare minimum for any Treaty that decides what goes on in Antarctica.

Use this word bank for useful words to include in your five rules:Ban | Quota | Limit | Introduce | Prohibit | Prevent | Protect | Reduce | Improve | Enhance |


Write them in the space below:


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