Download ppt - Tb.session5.ahds

  • 1. Leadership perspective on planning and tackling bureaucracy. AHDS March 2014

2. Challenges and tensions for school leaders Gate Keeping Meeting Learning Needs Ensuring the Entitlements are met Providing evidence and confidence in the system to and for all stakeholders Ensuring professional trust is embedded Moving from a written to a dialogue led approach 3. Gate Keeping Leaders need to ensure they make a well considered judgement on any initiative, asking "will this have a positive impact on the children in the school?" If not say no! Ensuring you remain firm on your school priorities and that you are prepared to negotiate more realistic timescales and formats for returns etc. 4. Meeting Learner Needs Ensuring IEP/ASPs are in place and up dated- making sure these are evaluated and that teachers are able to discuss and evidence the progress and the planning. This should remain a priority to meet legislative requirements. Ensure responsibilities are understood by all, if necessary revisiting during CPD. Ensuring that all learning is based on the core Learning Intention and that there is progress planned from these. Ensuring that there are high quality learning experiences in all classes. Tailor feedback to a more manageable and focused discussion with a short minute for example. Focus and targeted use of resources, including deployment of support staff. 5. Meeting the entitlements and providing evidence which creates confidence for all stakeholders Leaders need to be confident they are providing a coherent curriculum which is broad, progressive, planned in partnership with others involved in learning and builds on prior learning. What do you already have and what can you do to support? Increasing opportunity for dialogue will be key to teachers having the confidence to articulate their plans and the children being able to describe their learning to others. Capturing this learning in sharing sessions for parents/carers, for example, and having a focus on discussion with external and internal evaluators, rather than paper based evidence. Creating an environment for dialogue, for example stage partners having NCCT together. Meaningful transitions need to be focused on discussion about learners and their needs and by using smart evidence- using everything which is already in place. 6. Ensuring professional trust is embedded Working time agreements need to allow leaders to participate in discussions during moderated planning and evaluation sessions. Children should be able to articulate their learning, and learning conversations in classes should also provide the teachers with the evidence they need to build their own confidence in learning and teaching. Leaders should take information from teachers and build their understanding and knowledge about learning from this. Agreeing a focus for learning conversations for example. 7. Learning how to have effective dialogue Children- self and peer evaluation of learning based on good learning intentions, feedback from teachers, support staff, SMT, understanding their personal targets, a clear value placed on pupil voice and participation embedded in the school. Staff- understanding the learning within the Es and Os, learning conversations within classes, ongoing assessment and evaluation of tasks and pupil's work, discussion with colleagues and partner agencies around standards and targets, feedback and professional discussions with SMT, self reflection. Parents/Carers - flexible approaches to giving parents information, open discussions with teachers formally and informally, awareness of expectations and planned learning, creative engagement around learning outcomes for example children leading social events where they share learning. External Evaluation - based on the schools information, understanding the context of the school can affect capacity to gather written evidence , accepting evidence in a flexible/ varied format, seeking a holistic view of the school from a wide range of audience,set the minority view in a realistic context. 8. ......and finally! Know the rationale for your own school improvement is about improving outcomes for the children, and ensure it is not overtaken by other agendas. Engage with others and ensure all partners take responsibility, delegate when necessary. Retain a sense of humour and develop some key phrases to help you. "Thank you for your request, we have considered this and will get back to you at a time when we would find this useful." " I have added this request to my priority list, you will appreciate the school must focus on its own agreed priorities." Talk regularly to other leaders- know you are not alone in trying to make this work.
