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Taylor Swift- We Are Never Getting Back Together

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Mise en scene:

When looking at the concept of clothing in mise en scene we can see the artist (Taylor Swift) is in bright coloured pyjamas this gives out the impression that she is happy because bright colour’s give out a positive connotation which goes with narrative of song that it is a positive thing that they are ‘never getting back together’ which makes it clear that she is happy about the fact that it is over this good because it makes it clear to the target audience on Taylor Swifts emotions. When looking at the fact that Taylor Swift is wearing pyjamas brings about the idea that she is feeling relaxed and comfortable which is the purpose of pyjamas in general, this links to the idea that Taylor Swift is feeling relaxed and comfortable with the idea that they are never getting back together. When looking at the boy she was with who wants her back he is in dark clothing which shows he is unhappy has dark colour choice gives out negative connotations so this shows that he is unhappy about the fact that they are not getting back together. When looking at the locations we can look at Taylor Swift in her bedroom which is brightly coloured which gives out positive connotations as I have said previously that bright colours bring about the feeling of happiness, the fact that it is in her bedroom links with the audience as her audience is teenage girls who are linked to being in their bedrooms on their phones likes Taylor Swift does at one point of the video this has the effect of making the target audience clear as well as making the target audience relate to the video and maybe feel as if they have relation with a celebrity in which they idol. We can also look at the scene where there is a party within a room this also links to the audience and it shows that she is having fun without him as parties link with the idea of celebration which shows that she is celebrating the fact that there relationship is over which shows that they are always linking it back to the narrative. When she is talking about the fact that she thought they would last forever her partner gives her his scarf and then she takes it off and chucks it at him which gives out the idea that he was going to give her everything and she thought that the love was genuine and was going to last, but when she gives it him back it shows the realisation that it isn't what it seems and that she doesn’t want to be with him. The lighting is mainly bright and all the objects used are brightly coloured this links with song as she is happy to say that they ‘are never getting back together’ the fact that it is very bright will also make the audience feel happy which will make them more attached to the song as well as the video and it will instantly make it a feel good song and video. When looking at the end and the beginning of the music video we can see buildings which gives out the idea that she is in a city, this gives out the idea that everywhere is so busy and life is full of different situations yet she is in her room celebrating the idea that she is no longer with the man who we can supposedly hurt her. When looking at one scene with in the video we can see that she is a dark gloomy forest with the man who she never wants to get back together with, this gives out the idea that she was stuck in a dark place when she was with the man and she was lost and trapped we can get this idea from the idea of movies being set in forests and the characters get lost and they are scared, so when looking at the idea that she is in a forest with him and then she runs away this gives the idea that she was trapped with him and then she realised that she could escape which you can within a forest, she escapes by running away which exaggerates how much she doesn’t want to be with him, we can also look at the fact that he is left in the forest by himself which shows that he is left in a negative place because he hasn’t got her and he is lost without her. However Taylor is happy that it over and feels that she has escaped from the negativity of being with him. When looking at when it gets to chorus of the song we see people dressed up as animals with instruments dancing about and having fun this gives out the idea that being without someone can make you go crazy and wild in a good way and you can do what you want, I think the idea that they are dressed up also shocks the target audience as it’s out of there expectations and brings entertainment to the video and also comedy as people will find it amusing because of the fact that it is unusual for people to dress up as animals and starting dancing around and playing instruments. When looking at when Taylor is at the table with the man that she no longer wants to be with we can see that he is dressed in red this connotes the idea that he is dangerous to Taylor and she needs to escape from him as quickly as possible and this also gives out understanding to the audience as to why she never wants to get back with him, when looking at this scene we can also look at the fact that he has his headphones in and is reading a magazine this shows that he has little concentration for Taylor and is rather ignorant to her existence this may be the main reason as to why she no longer be with him which will make the audience understand also. As well as looking at the elements I have already looked at with in the scene we can look at the fact that they are around a tables with cups of tea which gives the idea that Taylor was planning on nice time socialising and drinking tea but he doesn’t meet her expectations as he isn't socialising what so ever. When looking at this music video it shows me that mise en scene plays such an important part in creating a narrative and making it all link together to make a clear understanding for the target audience. This has made me realise how important it is to concentrate on the mise en scene of my video in order to create a narrative and make it successful.

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When looking at cinematography we can see that the main shots used with in the video are long shots, medium close ups, close ups and two shots we can look at the use of close ups, close ups have the effect of showing the emotions that one has, when looking at this video we can see that Taylor Swift’s emotions when looking at the close up’s are both sad and happy at the beginning when we look at the close up’s used we can see that Taylor looks rather upset this has the effect of creating sympathy from the audience and a sense of sadness they also may relate to her situation about falling in love with a boy and it not working out which is a common situation with in teenage girls as when you are a teenage girl which is the target audience as they have the dream of falling in love with a man and being happy, when getting further into the video we can see that the close ups of Taylor show that she is happy that they have broke up which links to the lyrics of the song and also brings happiness to audience and makes them feel happy that she is happy and they also might relate to the idea of being with someone who wasn’t what you expected and getting out of the relationship and feeling happy about the situation it will also reassure people that it is okay to have a break up and eventually you will feel good about it which will have the effect of making the audience feel happy. When looking at the long shots used these can be seen to establish location which is important to let the audience see the situations in which Taylor Swift is in and see if they can relate to the locations in which Taylor Swift is in when looking at some of the long shots that have been used we can see that the end shot and the beginning shot are long shots which establish the location of a city this has been done to show where Taylor is located and also gives out the idea that the world is so busy and there is so many people with so many problems yet everyone has there individual problems like Taylor does with the boy. When looking at the long shots used we can look at the shots of her bedroom which proves the fact that long shots establish location, but the bedroom shot is an important one to look at as it allows the target audience to relate the target audience is teenage girls and teenage girls are related to spending time in there bedrooms so this has the effect of making the target audience automatically relate through the long shot used and will make them have this idea that it is normal to spend time in there bedroom and will feel that it is okay to do so because Taylor does which will also have the effect of making them feel as if they are a like to Taylor. When looking at long shots we can also look at the idea that it establishes location again this can be seen when looking at the forest scene it is important that a long shot was used at this point for the fact that it shows clearly that it is in a forest the idea that it is in a forest is important because it gives out the idea that Taylor swift was trapped and lost when she was with the man like when we see a film where the character is in a forest and cant get out but then the long shot shows her escaping the forest which I also important as it gives out the idea that she has escaped from the man and left him behind also when looking at the long shots used in this scene we can see that he is left in the forest by himself which shows that he is in a negative place since she left him but she is not. When also looking at this scene we can see that a two shot has been used this two shot is important for the reason that she has his scarf and then takes it of this is gives out the idea that he was willing to give her everything but his everything wasn’t what she expected so she gives it him back like she gives the scarf back the fact that the two shot gives out all of these ideas shows the extent of importance that cinematography has. We can also look at the two shots used to portray her and the guys relationship and every two shot goes from a two shot to a one shot of Taylor which shows that she was with him and now she isn’t which backs up the narrative and shows she is independent and doesn’t need him in her life. When looking at another two shot that is used with in this video we can look at the one where taylor and him are around a table this two shot is important as it shows the idea that she was expecting a good time with him but he is not interested this was clearly shown through the fact that he has multiple objects in which he is putting before taylor such as the music and his magazine this is such an important two shot as it explains to the audience why taylor doesn’t want to be with him which creates knowledge and understanding and it also might have the effect of making the audience relate as they might of had a man who didn’t pay concentration to them or it might have the effect of bringing relief from the audience as they may think they are glad that they don’t have a man like that. When looking at long shots that help establish location we can also look at the scene where there is a party where there is people dressed up as animals and they are playing instruments and dancing around with taylor when looking at this long shot it is important as it with out it being a long shot it would be unlikely that everything would have been able to be shown this is an important long shot as it shows clearly that it is a celebration that they are never getting back together this will have the effect of making the audience feel happy for taylor or happy for themselves or just happy in general and makes it a feel good video. When looking at cinematography with in this video it has made me realise how important cinematography is when creating an effective music video and also making the music video having meaning and a narrative.

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In relation to editing there is not much used this may be because the narrative speaks for itself and doesn’t need any editing in order to make it effective and also maybe because editing would make the narrative confusing and would distract the audience from the narrative. The editing in terms of shots per second on the other hand is relatively fast, which is conventional for the style of music video, as it is keeping in time with the music as switching from different locations to develop a sense of narrative this is effective as it makes it all link together and if the shots per second were different to the beat of the music it would look weird and it would make the audience automatically view the music video in a negative way as it would make it look unprofessional. The editing also speeds up when the lyrics within the song speed up, however when a slower verse is sang; the editing is much slower to represent her emotions this is effective as it will create extra sympathy towards her emotions. When looking at the fact that this music video doesn’ t use much editing makes it a little boring but then I think the fact that not much editing has been used as made it simple but effective. When making my video I hope to use a bit more editing just for the fact that it will show that I have skill when it comes to editing however I will bare in mind the fact that this video is effective with a lack of editing.


When looking at this video I like the idea that it has a narrative and also like the fact that it has very positive energy which goes with the song beat and the idea that the song is portraying. When looking at sound the only type they have used is non diegetic which is very conventional when looking at any type of song however I may consider trying to use diegetic sound when making my music video.

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LanguageI have already analysed the way technical elements are used to create images, so I will summarise this analysis

-the mise en scene reflects the emotion of the artist used in the music video is clearly shown through location, lighting and colours.

-the video includes narrative which is conventional to a music video in order to make it interesting and watchable and also creates diegesis of the worlds

-the video also contains performance alongside the narrative, which is conventional for a music video as it can allow us to see the artist within this video it is lip syncing rather than live performance this is mainly because of the theme of the song and to not disrupt the diegesis.

-close-ups are conventional as it can be used to focus on the singer and it also emphasis the peoples emotion within the music video

-long shots are conventional to establish the location and to create a theme through the setting which allows the audience to understand and create relation.

-the editing link to the beat of the song which is another convention to a music video

-the sound used is non diegetic sound this is conventional especially for this type of music video

-the artist is seen within the music video which is very conventional

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The ideology shown within this music video is not that serious one it is about the idea of breaking up with a guy and never wanting to get back together with them and feeling happy about the idea of never getting back with them. This gives out a negative image on men that they are not worth your time and are that bad when you are with them that you will never want to be with them again. It stereotypes all men into being negative people that you don’t want to with. This music video creates a negative ideology on men. This video creates a positive ideology on women and gives out the idea that they can be independent and that they don’t need no man to be happy. The negative ideology of men can be seen through the two shot around the table where he showing no concentration to his girlfriend as he has his music on and is reading a magazine this gives out the idea that men don’t care about girls and would rather concentrate on other things which is obviously negative and isn’t always the case obviously. We can also see the negative ideology of men when looking at the fact that Taylor runs away from the man this gives out the idea that men are that bad that girls feel the need to run to escape from them it also give out this negative ideology of men through the close ups of Taylor looking so happy without him in her life. When looking at this video we can see that there is a positive ideology of women, this can be seen with the idea that they can be independent this is seen through the close ups of taylor swift looking happy without him and when she is on her own and it is obviously shown through the lyrics ‘we are never getting back together’ it is also brings around the ideology that women don’t need men this can be seen when looking at the long shot with people dressed up playing instruments with taylor dancing bringing about this idea that it is a case of celebrating when you don’t have a man and that girls happier without them which is always true.

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Taylor Swift is an American singer-songwriter. She has been in the industry for a long time but has had a higher fan base in recent years after creating songs in which have made the top charts. This video creates her as a brand and an institution it creates the idea of her being light-hearted, fun, understanding and independent through the media language used particularly through mise en scene. Taylor Swift is signed to big machine records.

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The audience mainly seems to be teenage girls which is very usual with this kind of music and also with Taylor Swift as an artist in general. We can see that it is for teenage girls purely because it is about theme of love and heartbreak which can be associated with teenage girls as they have this dream of falling love and being happy but they know that, that doesn’t always happen. The audience can be seen through the use of close ups as they show the emotion of the people with in the video this can associate it with girls as it is normally girls who get emotional and can relate with emotion and also have sympathy. The audience can also be seen for the fact that the video gives boys a negative ideology as girls are happier without boys this will make the audience less likely to be boys as it is stereotyping boys in a negative way. For the fact that the theme is love it is the teenage dream whether as adults they already have it or are too old to dream of it which takes them out of the audience. When looking at this video we can also say that it is for girls when looking at the fact that person singing it is a girl and most scenes are related to girls for example a girly room, girl pyjamas and dancing around your room which makes it easy for girls to relate but difficult for boys to relate. However we cant just say that it is for girls for the fact that a boy may have been in situation where they were in a relationship and it ended which made them feel happy and made them realise that they never want to get back together with them.


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When looking at this music video it represents the idea of women being better and happier without men. It gives out the representation that women are independent and don’t need any one. It also gives out the idea that women getting treated badly by men to the extent that they feel like they need to escape. It creates the representation that women are the innocent ones and that they never hurt men, men just hurt them. It gives out the idea that they are always in there room or on the phone.


When looking at this video we can see that it gives out this idea that men treat girls badly and are mean to them and don’t give them any attention. It gives out the representation that men cant be independent like women can and they need women to keep them satisfied. It gives out the representation that it is better to have nobody than have a man and they are not to good people to be around.